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District 30 Democrats: Minutes June 5, 2010 [Draft: to be approved at August 2010 LD 30 meeting]

Agenda Item: Assigned To: Summary of Information//Points of View: Decision/Action Taken:

Welcome and Pledge Suzanne Newton, Pledge of allegiance recited by members of audience. Marla Daugherty led
of Allegiance Chair LD30 in pledge
(10 a.m. start time)
Introductions Suzanne Newton, • New PCs were introduced
Minutes from the April 2010 meeting were posted on Motion to approve
Minutes Jen Prileson, (thanks to Pat Canady – Volunteer Temporary minutes made and
secretary Secretary! – and Mark Kerr). To post comments on the blogspot, send to passed.
Treasurer’s Report Alex Mich, Treasurer Current balance (as of June 4, 2010) is $772.72; donations of $410 each to Motion to accept
Todd Camenisch’s and Andrea Dalessandro campaigns for LD 30 Treasurer’s report by
legislative seats. Laura Hogan and
Suzanne Newton mentioned we have already paid all of our quarterly passed.
donations to Pima County headquarters.
Annual Fundraiser Don Kret • Second annual Octoberfest will be on Sunday October 3, 3-6 pm at Committee meeting dates
Reid Park, at Ramada #7. $20 per ticket. Children will be will be determined after
admitted free. Planning will occur twice before the event. Signup the August LD30 meeting
sheet at August meeting. Possible menu items and food donations once we have signup
listed. Music, candidate speeches also mentioned. Funds raised
will go towards the GOTV effort.
Chair’s Report Suzanne Newton • PCDP Executive Committee: deferred to Jeff Rogers who will be Laura Hogan moved that
speaking later. Mentioned the significant drop in PCs county-wide; LD 30 support Soperi
suggested we encourage write-in candidates. School and bring supplies
in August. Motion passed.
• District Business: Leroy Dyson emphasized getting more PCs as
well, that LD30 really needs them. Don Kret reminded us that the
number of state committee reps is determined by the number of
PCs we have. Suzanne led discussion of support for the Amado
school which is always in desperate need of school supplies to be
collected for the start of school. Mary Jane Dyson spoke in favor;
Katie Maas suggested we encourage tax credit donations as well;
Laura Hogan asked when school starts; Marla Daugherty asked if
we could donate funds for others to use for shopping; Don Kret
suggested we use this as an opportunity for positive PR.
Speaker Suzanne Newton • David Olvera: $10 for 10 David Olvera absent.
No report.
Guest Suzanne Newton • Jeff Rogers, PCDP Chair – “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” --
presented proposed city charter changes by Southern Arizona
Leadership Council (group of local business leaders). Some
options are OK and some not. City of Tucson has a manager
format of government; 5 proposed changes. (1) Eliminate
staggered elections; change elections to even numbered years to
save money (2) Give Mayor an equal vote with City Council
members; allow Mayor’s vote to count towards meeting a quorum
requirement; require a majority to fire city manager, city attorney,
city clerk, finance director, police and fire chiefs (3) Increase the
number of wards from 6 to 8. (4) Increase salaries for Mayor and
City Council (full-time jobs should pay full time salaries) – index
salaries to some constant figure such as County Board of
Supervisors, salaries set by State Legislature. Pay for it by
eliminating an office staff person or possibly by the savings from
eliminating the staggered elections (5) Eliminate Civil Service
protection (a form of tenure) for department heads and deputies.
Who will have the power to hire and fire still being debated.
Roger White asked about ward-only rather than at-large; Jeff
replied this would probably increase costs.

• Luis Heredia, Exec. Director, ADP [late from event with Canceled; may re-
Goddard] schedule at later date.
Old Business Suzanne Newton • None
New Business & Suzanne Newton • None
Committee Business
Campaign Reports & Suzanne Newton,
Announcements Chair • Dougherty – running for US Senate; investigative journalist who
exposed polygamist sect’s activities that led to Warren Jeffs’
conviction; exposed Keating 5 scandal; ‘government’s not the
problem – thoroughly corrupt government is the problem’.
Described several critiques of McCain and other AZ Republicans.
• Camenisch – Officially on ballot for Senate Legislature;
recognized Santa Rita club for arranging teleforum [interactive
town hall with Sherriff Clarence Dupnik and Lynn Skelton, Mayor
of Sahuarita] – called all 16, 038 households, 5,000 picked up, and
about 1600 stayed online including Republicans; safety one issue
that came up – shared data - the reality of border security.
• Dalessandro – Candidate for Legislature (House); kids’ thank-you
notes; thanked all for assistance with petitions, walks, etc.; filed
with over the maximum needed; thanked LD30 for our donation;
overwhelmed by support – two national endorsements; AZ List.
Bunco games organized as fundraisers.
• Goddard (Vera Berkman) – Have bumper stickers & buttons;
clarified Terry’s position on SB 1070 – opposes it: as written, the
law does not accomplish anything; difficult for him to defend it
but constitutionally he must defend it unless there is a personal
conflict or if it’s constitutional; feels it invites abuse of power on
part of police; is not Brewer’s personal lawyer but does have to
defend the law as his constitutional duty.
• Cherny (Vera Berkman) – We need to spread the word so more
PCs and voters know him.
• Glassman (volunteer spokesperson) - grand opening of campaign
office from 1-4 pm on 2900 E. Broadway Ste 134
Announcements Suzanne Newton,
Chair • Friends of LD28 – Picnic fundraiser in Reid Park on June 25 at 6
pm with optional Toros baseball game followed by fireworks.
Tickets ($15 in advance, $20 after June 23; ballgame tickets an
extra $5) available at PCDP headquarters.
• Democratic Club of Santa Ritas – Fundraiser on June 26 in
Green Valley
• Corona de Tucson – (Andre Mixon) Fiesta being planned; details
to come
• Meet Corporation Commission Candidates ––Forum at Leroy Dyson moved
Viscount Suites – 5-7 pm, June 10 that we donate these to
• License plate holders still available – need to decide what to do PCDP; motion passed.
• Alex Mich – notified everyone we have an updated list if you need
to check whether you’ve paid dues or not. Motion to adjourn
made by Frank Bergen,
Adjourn passed.
REMINDER(S): Suzanne Newton, Next Meeting: Aug. 7, Bear Canyon Library (No July Meeting)
** Note to Clubs: Please send updates and announcements to post on the

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