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Network analysis

The superposition theorem

Superposition is one of those strokes of genius
that takes a complex subject and simplifies it in a
way that makes a perfect sense.

Superposition Theorem
In any network made up of linear resistances and
containing more than one source of e.m.f., the
resultant current flowing in any branch is the
algebraic sum of the currents that would flow in
that branch if each source was considered
separately, all other sources being replaced at that
time by their respective internal resistances.

Using the superposition theorem

Redraw the original network with one of the

sources, say E2, removed and replaced by r2 only
as shown in the figure below

The current which flows in any branch of a network
is the same as that which would flow in the branch if
it were connected across a source of electrical
energy, the e.m.f. of which is equal to the potential
difference which would appear across the branch if
it were open-circuited, and the internal impedance of
which is equal to the impedance which appears
across the open-circuited branch terminals when all
sources are replaced by their internal impedances.

The following four-step procedure can be

adopted when determining, by means of
Thevenins theorem, the current flowing in a
branch containing impedance ZL of an active

1. Remove from that branch

2. Determine the open circuit voltage E across the
3. Remove each source of e.m.f and replace it by its
internal impedance (If it has a zero internal
impedance then replace it by short circuit) and
then determine the internal impedance z looking
in at the break

4. Determine the current from Thevenin equivalent

circuit =


2. Open Circuit Voltage

5 + 0 + (2 + 4)
1 =
3 + 4 + (2 5)
(7 + 4)
(5 )
= 1.581 < 41.05
= 1 1
= 5 + 0
1.58 < 41.05 3 + 4
= 9.656 < 54.73


(3 + 4)(2 5)
3 + 4 + (2 5)
= 5.281 < 3.76

9.657 < 54.73
6 + 8 + (5.281 < 3.76)
= 0.71 < 88.912

Nortons theorem
The current that flows in any branch of a network
is the same as that which would flow in the branch
if it were connected across a source of electrical
energy, the short-circuit current of which is equal
to the current that would flow in a short-circuit
across the branch, and the internal impedance of
which is equal to the impedance which appears
across the open-circuited branch terminals.

1. Short circuit branch AB

2. Determine the short circuit current
3. Remove each source of e.m.f and replace it by its
internal impedance (If current source exists
replace it with an open circuit) and then
determine the internal impedance z looking in at
the break made between A and B

4. Determine the value of the current flowing in

impedance from Norton equivalent circuit


= 1 + 2
5 + 0
( 2 + 4 )
(3 + 4)
(2 5)
= 1.829 < 50.97
(3 + 4)(2 5)
3 + 4 + (2 5)
= 5.281 < 3.76

= 0.71 < 88.91

Maximum power transfer theorem

The maximum power is transferred to the load
impedance when the load impedance is equal to the
conjugate of an equivalent impedance of a given

Maximum power transfer theorem

A network that contains linear impedances and
one or more voltage or current sources can be
reduced to a Thevenin equivalent.
When a load is connected to the terminals of this
equivalent circuit, power is transferred from the
source to the load.

Maximum power transfer theorem

The maximum power transferred from the source to
the load depends on the following four conditions.
1. Let the load consist of a pure variable resistance R


( + ) + ()

Maximum power transfer theorem

( + ) + ()

( + )2 + 2
= 2
( + )2 + 2

Maximum power transfer theorem

To determine the value of R for maximum power
transferred to the load, P is differentiated with
respect to R and then equated to zero (this being the
normal procedure for finding maximum or minimum
values using calculus.
2 + 2 = 2

Maximum power transfer theorem

2. Let both load and the source impedance be purely
From this 2 + 2 = 2

It can be seen that R=r

3. Let the load z have both variable resistance R and
variable reactance X

Maximum power transfer theorem

( + ) + ( + )

( + )2 +( + )2
The active power P delivered to the load is given by
= 2
since it can only be dissipated through resistance
( + )2 +( + )2

Maximum power transfer theorem

If X is adjusted such that X=-x then the value of power
is a maximum if X-x
then =


P is differentiated with respect to R and then equated

to zero.
2 2 = 0

Maximum power transfer theorem

Hence maximum power is delivered to the load
when the load impedance is the complex conjugate
of the source impedance.
4. Let the load impedance Z have variable resistance
R and fixed reactance

( + ) + ( + )

( + )2 +( + )2

Maximum power transfer theorem

( + )2 +( + )2
P is differentiated with respect to R and then equated
to zero.
2 = 2 + ( + )2

When the load is purely resistive and adjustable,
maximum power transfer is achieved when =
When both the load and the source impedance are
purely resistive maximum power transfer is achieved
when R = r
When the load resistance R and reactance X are
both independently adjustable, maximum power
transfer is achieved when X = x and R = r

When the load resistance R is adjustable with
reactance X fixed, maximum power transfer is
achieved when
2 = 2 + ( + )2

For the circuit shown in Figure the load impedance
Z is a pure resistance. Determine
a) the value of R for maximum power to be
transferred from the source to the
b) the value of the maximum power delivered to R.

From condition 1, maximum power transfer occurs
when =
= + =25
Get the current and the power

Determine the value of the load resistance R shown
in Figure 35.5 that gives maximum power dissipation
and calculate the value of this power.

Thank You.

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