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Another Blatantly Obvious FEMA Camp Pops Up In Texas!

Dont take my word for it, or any of the countless articles Ive been posting for a year and a half.
See what a sitting Congressman says who just might know more than then media tells us
just maybe
Congressman Ron Paulwas askedin 2011 about HR 645 (the bill that authorizes FEMA Camps
AKA Concentration Camps for AMERICANS who will not comply with the new American
Agenda) and whether or not it could lead to Americans being incarcerated in detention camps
during a time of martial law.
He responded, Yeah, thats their goal, theyre setting up the stage for violence in this country,
no doubt about it.
Have you read my articles telling you EXACTLY what is coming?
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Corresponding Executive Orders!
U.S. Army Training Manual With Section on Internment Camps For Americans
Are You Already on The List of Americans to be Seized IMMEDIATELY?
ALERT: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move In United States
Homeland Security Drones Looking For Civilians Carrying Guns
Am I making myself clear yet?
Every time youre mocked and slapped with the label of conspiracy theorist for saying there are FEMA
(Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps in Amerika, just remind them of a fascinating4-page
KBR document,Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements, which is a solicitation for bids
fromsubcontractors to provide services and supplies for FEMA camps.
KBR, Inc., formerly called Kellogg Brown & Root,is a top U.S. federal contractor and the largest non-union
construction company in the United States. Formerly a subsidiary ofHalliburton, KBR is headquartered in
Houston. KBR and its predecessors have won many contracts with the U.S. military, including during World
War II, Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
According toProject Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements, services will be requiredin
each Statewithin each of the five regions of the continental United States. Each FEMA camp is
estimated to range in size from 301 to 2,000 persons for up to 30 days in length.
Heres a screen-shot of the map of the five regions, from page 1 ofProject Overview and Anticipated
Project Requirements:
Just such a FEMA camp has been found 35 miles east of Austin, outside the small town of Taylor, Texas.
Melissa Melton reports for Activist Post, June 26, 2013, that while getting footage for a mini-documentary,
she came across this FEMA camp near Taylor, which holds several hundreds, including illegal aliens,their
American family members, and children.
The camp is called theT. Don Hutto Residential Center, and is administered by the Department of
Homeland Securitys (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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May 04, 2015 10:52:37AM MDT

TheFEMA camp is designated for use under emergency rule, but

presently houses illegal immigrants and resident aliens caught in legal
limbo with ICE. At the same time, the camps FEMA designation also
places it under FEMA command for civilian detainment in the event of
an emergency, including civil unrest, economic collapse, stress from
migration, natural disaster or terrorist attack, etc.
This is what theICE Fact Sheetsays:

FEMA camp in Taylor, TX

The T. Don Hutto Residential Center (TDHRC) represents a unique

and pioneering setting, offering the least restrictive environment
permissible to manage persons in administrative U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody.

In keeping with the directors call for civil detention reform, TDHRC represents a clear departure from
historical detention settings. Residents experience expanded services that include free and open
movement, recreational and educational participation, food services and medical and mental health care.
TDHRCs person-centered philosophy guides every interaction with the residents by understanding the
often complex circumstances surrounding their detention. TDHRC continues to fulfill the mission of ICE
while at the same time recognizing and valuin]g the dignity of the individual.
Opened in Taylor, Texas (35 miles east of Austin), in May 2006, TDHRC has a capacity of up to 512
beds. The average length of stay is 31 days.
[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter have to go to Blog]
Tim Brown reports for Freedom Outpostthat on January 23, 2013, CongressmanAlcee Hastings (D-FL,
23rd District) introducedHR 390, theNational Emergency Centers Establishment Act, but there is
virtually no coverage of it.
If passed, HR 390 would authorize DHS to establish no less than six emergency centers on military
installations within the borders of the United States.
Democrat Congressman Alcee Hastings
A previous version of the bill was introduced in 2009 by the same Congressman Hastings asHR 645,
which died in committee. Congressman Ron Paulwas askedin 2011 about HR 645 and whether or not it
could lead to Americans being incarcerated in detention camps during a time of martial law. He responded,
Yeah, thats their goal, theyre setting up the stage for violence in this country, no doubt about it.
According toGovTrack, the new bill, HR 390, has a 3% chance of getting past the committee.

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May 04, 2015 10:52:37AM MDT

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