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Evacuation Procedures:

Fire: There will be extremely long fast beats of the school bell.
General Rules:
*Teachers will assume responsibility for students conduct during the
evacuation. Children are expected to be quiet and remain in an orderly
group. Upon hearing the bell, take your record book, explain to the
students whats going on and where to go (designated areas), stand in
the door away, as the students head out to take a head count. The
students will walk in a single line to the area where you tell them to go.
Appoint a responsible student to head the line.
*In case of blocked exits, use the nearest available exit.
* Upon arriving at the designated area, ensure that all your students sit
together in one area, and then take a roll call. If there is a student
missing, inform one of the administrators and stay with the rest of the
*Attend to the students especially the ones who show sign of anxiety.
*Maps of designated routes will be given out. Please post them next to
the door or a place where it can be read by the students.
*Once you are at the designated area, wait for the next set of
instruction for what to do next.
* Administrators and classified staff will make the last rounds for
students left behind. Make rounds to the bathrooms to see if any
students are there.
Ammonia leak:
Please follow the procedure above, evacuate to the open area in the
middle of the campus. Have your students away from the building into
the malae. Keep your students in one place and take roll as soon as
you get there. Stay with your students and wait for further instruction.
Do not leave your students by themselves.
Earthquake Drills:
The signal for an earthquake drill will be two loud rings of the bell and
ground tremors are being felt or, in the case of an actual quake, actual
tremors. Procedures will be posted in each classroom.
a. Stay inside, move away from windows, shelves, and heavy
objects and furniture that may fall. Take cover under the table or
desk, in a corner, or in a strong doorway.
b. In halls, stairways, or other areas where no cover is available,
move to the interior wall: place head close to knees; cover sides
of head with elbows and clasp hands firmly behind neck.

c. In library, immediately move away from where books and

bookshelves may fall, and take appropriate cover.
d. In laboratories, all burners should be extinguished (if possible)
before taking cover. Stay clear, of hazardous chemicals that may
spill. There are no uniform guidelines for protecting students in
other areas inside school buildings (e.g., gymnasiums and
auditoriums). If in one of these buildings when a tremor is felt,
move quickly & orderly to an outside exit & proceed to the
nearest safe-zone as designated in the fire drill data.

a. Move to an open space, away from buildings and overhead
power lines. Lie down or crouch low to the ground (legs will
not be steady). Keep looking around to be aware of dangers
that may demand movement.
b. On the school bus, stop the bus away from power lines,
bridges, overpasses, and buildings. If there are no objects on
overhead racks or other items that could fall on students,
students should remain in their seats and hold on. There
would be a Disaster Drill every monthfollow the above rules
for drills.

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