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GCSE PE Health & Fitness Lesson 1

Lesson Objective
All will be able to explain the difference between health and fitness and how
to lead a healthy active lifestyle.
Most will be able to explain the 3 components of health giving examples and
how they are interlinked
Some will be able to explain the benefits of exercise on fitness and how
fitness means different things for different people
As a pair discuss the statement below
You have no colds, flu, aches or pains and can run a mile in 6
Does this mean you are fit, healthy, both, is there a difference
Main Body
From discussion above, students in small groups on mini white boards
come up with own definition of health and fitness feedback and
document official definitions on writing frame or books
In groups students given task to do and the feedback. As they
feedback add to notes/writing frame
o LA Brainstorm components of healthy lifestyle
o Mid ability Explain difference between 3 elements of health
giving examples and how they are interlinked
o MA Consider the benefits of exercise on fitness and group
them into social, physical and mental
Individually get students to write down their demands are they fit?
Repeat but for a club/regional or elite performer. Could they cope with
these demands? Discuss what this means.
Make over sheet
Do their own make over details of a typical day and evaluate how
they could change it for the better
Extension Folens page 11
NB - Power point and writing frame available to use as teacher resource
and student hand out if wanted
Key words into vocab book
Physical well being
Mental well being
Social well being
Design a poster which promotes the key features of a healthy lifestyle
and simple changes that could be made in order to improve lifestyle.

OR Extension task OR page 16 in workbook

Health and Fitness Make Over
Look at the habits of the person below and identify some simple changes
which would lead to him having a healthier lifestyle.
Mr. Unhealthy

Fried breakfast
Drives to work
Lift to 20th floor
Desk job
Eats lunch at desk
Microwave dinner
Bottle of wine
Plays on x box
Watches TV
Bed at 12pm

Health and Fitness


The 3 aspects of health are:

1) .
2) .
3) .

How are the areas interlinked? Write an example

Components of a healthy lifestyle

With a partner complete the spider diagram below


What are your demands?

Several people can be classed as fit yet their fitness levels could be very
different. Explain;

How does exercise link to both Health and fitness?

Benefits of exercise



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