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TEACHING NOTES Activity 1 Self exploration

Introduction to
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1. Learning Resources and recommended readings


Blank paper and pens, if needed.

Reading Pack
Reference books

Australian Alps

2. Logistical Considerations

Activity can be facilitated in most location and almost whenever.

Idea locations on a summit or historically significant place e.g. Hut.
Weather permitting

3. Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Gain knowledge and understanding of the conditions, activities and life styles early European
explorers experienced in the Australian Alps.
2. For participants to appreciate and connect with the journeys, hardships and success experienced
by Early European Explorers
3. Acknowledge and appreciate their personal journey current purpose, intentions, barrios/obstacles
and achievements / goals

AIM & PURPOSE: To engage participants in the experience of exploration like that of early European explorers. On Long
Walk and throughout life everyone is on their own journey and continually exploring, by highlighting experiences and
conditions of pervious explorers I intend to create a space where individuals can engage with personal exploration and
reflect and envision that of the first Europeans in this area (Mt Kosciusko).
ACTIVITY: After discussion of topic, participants are to go off by themselves and write/sketch a poem, diary entry,
landscape, map, letter, or equivalent as if they were an early explorer to the area.
Return and as a group share and discuss ideas, emotions and outcomes from the activity
ENVIRONMENT: Inclusive of the entire environment around us and acknowledgement of our position in the scale of the
STAFF ROLE: Foster an environment supportive and encouraging of the activities purpose and ILO. Introduce activity and
provide assistance when required (examples or inspiration).

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Lesson notes

Introduce topic and activity story and/or through leading day theme
Discuss themes and ideals of the early European era: Exploration, utilisation, romanticism,
conquer, etc.
Time to go off and explore and current location

Individuals to go off and find a place to write their piece and think

Discuss activity, questions and comments
Share personal piece (optional)

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