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Module 1.

1 Connecting to an SIUE Oracle Server Using


This document is designed to assist you in getting started with using Oracle
software provided by the Department of Computer Management and Information
Systems. Topics covered:

Basic Information on Oracle software and the department servers.

Using PuTTY to create a secure telnet session.
Using WinSCP to create a secure copy (FTP) session.
Special information for CMIS 565 students.

Departmental Databases

The Department of Computer Management and Information Systems uses different

Oracle databases to teach students about the use of Oracle software located on two
database servers. These servers are named and

Both servers run the LINUX operating system.

The IP addresses are (sobora1) and (sobora2).

The primary databases for student use on the sobora1 server are:

ORACLE this database supports students using the Oracle Developer

Repository and Oracle Enterprise Manager.

EMCMIS this database stores the Enterprise Manager Repository. This

repository can be used to manage databases such as those created by students in the
CMIS565 course.

The primary databases for student use on the sobora2 server are:

DBORCL this is a general purpose database used by CMIS565 students. It also

supports students learning the Structured Query Language (SQL). These classes
are primarily CMIS450, 460, 470, 563, 564, and 570.

Student Databases each student group in CMIS565 will build their own Oracle
database(s) on this server.

EMCMIS this database stores a second copy of the Enterprise Manager


Student accounts for your use in your course of enrollment will be distributed to
you by your instructor in class.

Using PuTTY for a Secure Login Connection

Both On and Off Campus

Secure Login

In the past you may have connected remotely to a server or database through the
use of Telnet. Unfortunately, Telnet does not provide a secure connection
information is transmitted in plain text and a computer hacker can steal a
login/password combination. Additionally, to provide proper security, the Telnet
software on CMIS departmental database servers is not enabled.

In order to connect to the operating system level on the one of our database
servers, you must connect with a secure login session (termed SSH). You can use
any SSH client to make your connection if you dont have one, we recommend a
freeware product named PuTTY that is available by free download from the
Internet. PuTTY is installed in the computer classrooms and laboratories in
Founders Hall.

To connect to a departmental database using PuTTY you need two login accounts
one will enable you to connect to the computer at the operating system level. The
second will enable you to connect to the actual database.

Operating System User Account

Both the sobora1 and sobora2 servers have been set up so that you can use your
SIUE EID (your email account) to access the server, but ONLY during the term in
which you are enrolled in a CMIS course requiring access to one of the databases.
If you dont remember your EID and password, you will need to go to the student
services center at the Office of Information and Technology in the basement of the
Communications Building to obtain information about your account. Alternatively,
you can update your EID and password through the following online link:

Database Login User Name and Password

Your instructor will distribute a database login user name and password in class.
These login accounts are named USER001, USER002, USER003, etc (or some

similar name). The database login user name is only active for the term in which
you are enrolled.

Obtaining a Copy of PuTTY

PuTTY is a freeware package that was developed Simon Tatham and is supported
by Simon and a small team based in Cambridge, England. The URL for a free
download is:
This site display looks similar to the figure given below. Of the binaries listed, you
only need the putty.exe file for this class. I recommend you download the latest
release version, not the latest development version.

After the Download

Depending on how much of the PuTTY product you download, you may find that
several products have been added to your system like the ones shown in the figure
below. If you downloaded more than just the PuTTY.Exe file, or if you saved the
file to a location other than the desktop, then you may wish to create a desktop
shortcut to enable you to access PuTTY

Configuring PuTTY to Connect to a Server

The next figure shows you how to configure PuTTY to connect to the sobora2
server. This same approach applies to the sobora1 server.

Double-click the PuTTY.EXE file to open the PuTTY Configuration

window shown below the Session category window should be selected.

Host name enter: or the IP address

If you fail to connect with one of these, you may try

Port 22.

Protocol select the SSH option.

Saved Sessions use this textbox to enter a name for the session. Click the
Save button to save the session information. The next time you use PuTTY,
you can simply double-click the session name in order to complete your
connection to the server. In the figure shown below the session has been
saved with the name SOBORA2. Saving the session name is optional you
do not have to save it.

Click the Open button to complete the connection.

If you explore the various links under the Category list box youll discover that
you can modify the appearance and other features to suit your personal

If you enter the IP address to make the connection, you will probably see an alert
like the one shown in the next figure. Click the Yes button to confirm that you
trust the sobora2 server as a host.

Logging in to the Operating System

When PuTTY begins to execute, you are provided a resizable window like the one
shown below. Here is where you will initially enter your SIUE EID user name and
password in order to connect to the LINUX operating system. If your login is a
success, you will normally see a $ (dollar sign) as the LINUX prompt indicating
the operating system is ready for you to type a command. This has been modified
on the sobora2 server shown in this figure to display your SIUE EID plus the @
symbol plus the full server name.

Remember that the LINUX operating system is case sensitive so your

computer account user name and password must be typed exactly in order
to successfully connect.

Oracle System Identifier (Database Identifier)

When you login, the operating system prompts you to enter a value for the Oracle
System Identifier (also called the Oracle SID). This is ABSOLUTELY
CRITICAL! If you want to connect to the database named DBORCL, then
you must type the word DBORCL as requested at the operating system
prompt (all capital letters). The default value displayed for the
ORACLE_SID is your SIUE EID, but you may need to change this in order
to connect to the database desired. Think of it this way you are
specifying the name of the database to which you wish to connect can

you connect to a database named with your user name if that database
doesnt actually exist??? The answer is NO so remember to type
DBORCL some other value depending on the database identifier to which
you need connection.

Theres a good reason for asking you the database name to which you
need to connect CMIS 565 students build their own database. They will
name the database following guidelines distributed in the CMIS 565 class
none of their databases will be named DBORCL. If you are a CMIS 565
student desiring to connect to your database, then you must enter the
name of YOUR database, not DBORCL.

Using SQL*Plus with PuTTY

The SQL*Plus software provided with the Oracle relational database management
system is an extension of the ISO/ANSI standard structured query language.
SQL*Plus enables you to work with an oracle database to write queries that
retrieve information, statements that modify the structure of a database, and
execute scripts that contain a series of SQL*Plus commands.

Starting SQL*Plus
Oracles SQL*Plus software is used primarily to write database queries. To start
using SQL*Plus you issue the name of the program at the LINUX operating
system prompt. Note that SQL*Plus is entered in lower case (sqlplus) as shown
in the series of commands shown below.


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed May 27

15:27:14 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

Enter user-name: dbock

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application
Testing options

login.sql loaded.

Enter your Oracle login user name and Oracle password (remember that these
accounts will be distributed by your instructor in class). A successful login results
in the display of the SQL> prompt. You have just successfully connected to the
database and are now ready to use Oracles SQL*Plus software to type SQL

If you are unable to connect to a specific database and receive a system message
that Oracle is not available there are two possibilities: (1) the value for the
Oracle_SID is not correct go back to the above section and logout then login in
again and type the correct name for ORACLE_SID, or (2) the database has been
shutdown either inadvertently, the server is down, or the database is offline for
system backup. You may send an email to your instructor to check the status of the
database and server.

Setting the Number of Lines of Output from SQL*Plus

When you issue a command in SQL*Plus, such as a SELECT command,
the database may return more lines of output than will fit onto the computer
monitor screen. This will cause scrolling. One way to limit the output is to
set the pagesize variable within SQL*Plus. You will probably want to
automate this so that the page size is automatically set each time you
connect to SQL*Plus, but how do you accomplish this?

Did you notice the message login.sql loaded in the above output listing?
Each time you connect to SQL*Plus, Oracle checks to determine if you
have a login.sql file in the current working directory (the current directory
when you connect is your home directory unless youve changed it). If the
file exists, then SQL*Plus processes the commands stored in this file
during the load process.

There are two ways to create the file. You can create it with Windows Notepad
(the file must be a plain text file so using Microsoft Word or Wordpad WILL NOT
work), or you can use the LINUX vi editor to create the file. The file must be
named login.sql, not login.sql.txt or some other name. The exact name must
match or else SQL*Plus will not process the file. If you use Windows Notepad to
create the file, you will need to transfer the file from your client computer to your
assigned user directory on the server (either sobora1 or sobora2 depending on the
server assigned for your class work) the steps on using file transfer protocol
(FTP) to transfer files to the server are covered later in this document.

The login.sql file needs to contain the following commands at a minimum. You
may wish to experiment with the pagesize because your client computer
may display more than 23 lines depending on the size font that you have
set as your default within PuTTY.

prompt login.sql loaded.

set pause 'More . . .'
set pagesize 23
set pause on
define_editor = "vi"
Changing Your Database Login User Name
You cannot change your SIUE EID except as required by SIUE for CMIS
databases, your SIUE EID is your LINUX login user name and password.
However, you can change your database login password and you should do this
when you first connect to a database such as DBORCL when using SQL*Plus in
order to prevent other students from connecting to your account.

While connected to SQL*Plus, use the Alter User command to change your
password within the database. A sample command is shown here. Replace
USER001 with your assigned login name and new_password with the new
password that you wish to use.

ALTER USER user001 IDENTIFIED BY new_password;


ALTER USER user061 IDENTIFIED BY my_secret_word1576;

Quitting SQL*Plus and the Database Server

Type the EXIT command to quit SQL*Plus. Type the EXIT command again to
quit the database server and to close your PuTTY session.

Transferring Files (File Transfer Protocol FTP) To/From a

Database Server

You will often need to transfer files from your client computer to your assigned
working directory on the sobora1 or sobora2 server. An example is the login.sql
file described in the previous section. Another example might be a script file that
you create that contains SQL code as a series of SQL*Plus statements. It is much
easier to work with Windows Notepad to write SQL code than it is to use the vi
editor provided with LINUX.

In order to transfer files you need to use client software that provides for secure
copying of documents to and from your assigned database server a secure form
of FTP.

While you can use any secure SCP (secure copy) software, we recommend the
WinSCP freeware product that is available from many different sites on the
Internet. You can simply search on WinSCP and download and install the product
to the client computer.

During installation of WinSCP you can select the user interface we recommend
a Norton Commander style of user interface as it is very easy to use.

Connecting to the SOBORA2 Server with WinSCP

When you first login with WinSCP, you will need to enter session information that
the software needs in order to complete the connection. The figure shown below
provides an example.

Host name:

Port number: 22

User name: Your SIUE EID account login user name

Password: Your SIUE EID account password.

Protocol: Select the SFTP (allow SCP fallback).

Save button: Click this to save the session entries.

Login button: Click this to complete your connection.

After you connect to the server, you will find that the user interface (if you selected
the Norton Commander interface) has two panels as shown in the next figure. The
left panel displays file information for the client computer while the right panel
displays file information for the server. You can explore the menus and shortcut
buttons in order to discover how to change directories (folders) on the client and
server computers.

Transferring Files
Files are transferred from the client to the server (or the other way around) by
simple drag-and-drop. Use the mouse to select a file to be transferred (copied) and
drag the file from one panel to the other. This will cause a Copy window like the
one shown below to display. The window has many options to enable you to
specify whether to rename the file, transfer text or binary I have had trouble
using Automatic to let the software decide whether the file is text or binaryit
doesn't seem to work consistently. So, when transferring plain text files that
contain script code you wish to execute, you should select Text as a Transfer mode
see the figure below. Clicking the Copy button completes the transfer.

CMIS 565 Students

The remainder of this document pertains to students enrolled in CMIS 565

Oracle Database Administration.

Your DBA Privileges and Responsibilities

As a student in the database administration course, you are granted special
privileges. Your login account is designated as a member of the dba
group. This means you have all of the privileges authorized to a database
administer as well as the responsibilities. You can create a database you

can also damage one. Each of you will be building a database and you
must act with professionalism.

Operating System Environment Variables

When you use the Oracle RDBMS software through a secure SSH PuTTY
connection, you will initially need to check that the operating system
environment variables listed below have been established for your computer
account. You will do this as part of one of your first graded lab assignments for the
CMIS 565 course. These environment variables link the operating system and
Oracle RDBMS software to the database that you will use (either DBORCL or a
database system identifier of your own creation). Generally, your account will
have these environment variables already set up, but you need to be familiar with
them in order to understand some of the requirements for using Oracle when you
leave the university environment.

You may check the environment variable settings by typing the UNIX env
command at the operating system command prompt. The particular
environment variables we are concerned with are:

ORACLE_HOME specifies the home subdirectory location of the Oracle

RDBMS software.

ORACLE_SID specifies the name of the database to which you will

connect. If you are connecting to the DBORCL database, then the
ORACLE_SID value will be set to this value (all capital letters).

ORACLE_TERM specifies the type of computer terminal you are logged

onto or which you are emulating from a PC.

PATH specifies the path for your account to various Oracle software
server subdirectories. Programs and files on these subdirectories can be
executed directly without specifying the subdirectory location as part of the
execution command.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies a path to the load library for your server

account. It enables you to run various Oracle programs such as SQL*Plus
without specifying the subdirectory location as part of the execution

ORACLE_BASE specifies the location of the base subdirectory for

Oracle RDBMS software. This variable is optional.

You may set values for environment variables by entering them directly at
the operating system command prompt. The commands shown below
provide examples that show you how to set values for environment
variables for the version of the LINUX shell that we are using. Do not type
the information shown in brackets.

ORACLE_SID= <Your specified Oracle Sid> [you will be assigned

this name in class]
ORACLE_TERM=vt100 [This sets the terminal emulation for the client
to vt100 emulation]

The listing shown below gives a typical display as output from the env command.
If you discover that an environment variable is wrong, then you can modify the
.profile file that is located on your home directory for your server account. This
can be accomplished by using a text editor such as vi to edit your .profile file, or
by FTPing the file to your client computer, using Notepad to edit the file, then
FTPing the file back to your Oracle home directory. ALWAYS MAKE A


SSH_CONNECTION=::ffff: 2884
::ffff: 22
SSH_CLIENT=::ffff: 2884 22

LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s


You can access your server home directory with the operating system command:
cd $HOME. Note that this command must be typed in caps as shown. All
environment variables are capitalized by convention. In order to refer to the
contents of the variable, you preface the variable name with the $ symbol.

You can confirm you have a .profile file by listing the files on your home
directory with the operating system command:
ls -al


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