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Bangladesh, with population of 160 million people, is one of the potential

developing countries in the world. The reason behind being called potential is
because of having a very decent GDP growth rate in this competitive situation.
The nation is understood for its fare part. Among the traded items are RMG,
ocean depths, tea and some more. A critical segment of GDP is originating from
this area.
Bangladesh's journey so far is exceptionally intriguing. Beginning from East
Pakistan to a free nation, the economy has managed numerous changes. At first,
the economy put stock in communism as the financial where open area inclusion
is energized. Yet, later the economy is rebuilt the business sector as private
segment situated business sector.
For the development of the genuine GDP, Export segment contribute the most
and the slightest include is found the Government. The government ought to
assume a basic part as to genuine GDP development and in addition increment
in way of life will be guaranteed.
We gathered the data and information for this project from optional sources. We
have experienced different books and sites to gather data to complete this
project. Other than that we have likewise utilized a decent number of
measurable statistical tools and microsoft excel likeMulti-variable regression.
HP Filter for calculating trend and cycle component .
We have line, pattern and cyclic diagrams and graphs from various sources.

Limitations of the project:

Trend and Growth Analysis:

After breaking down the Real GDP pattern from the year 1959-2009, we can
express that Real GDP has an expanding pattern. At first, the curve was
compliment which implies toward the starting, from the year 1959-1975, just
about for a long time, Real GDP change very little. At that point the curve got to
be stripper, implies it began expanding all of a sudden. Be that as it may, after
1990s the pattern expanded at a recognizable rate in light of quickens economic

It happened on the grounds that administration part has begun developing in

Bangladesh after 1980s. So economy began doing admirably consequently and
real GDP has begun expanding. One reason behind the flatter curve was the
freedom war. In the day and age of freedom war, the economic situation was
poor in Bangladesh. Another reason can be agrarian based economy. In light of
horticultural based economy amid that day and age, the extent of economic
growth was lower.

The above chart demonstrates the development rate of Real GDP. Extending
administration division after 1980s is the primary motivation behind why
economy has begun doing admirably.

Consumption trend and Growth Analysis:

Like the countrys real GDP, Consumption trend is likewise having an expanding
pattern. In any case, contrast with the countrys real GDP pattern curve, the
consumption pattern is much slower than that of countrys real GDP. Between
mid 60s to mid 70s, countrys consumption was expanding a bit yet then we can
the utilization is falling. The falling began from mid 70s and the purpose for this
was the Liberation war in Bangladesh. After the Liberation war, the GDP of
Bangladesh fell radically and this fall in utilization is only impression of that.

After the 70s, the utilization pattern was again begun to increment until 1988. In
1988-1989, this expanding pattern was being hindered because of regular
calamity happened amid that time. This disaster has moderate down the
expanding pattern as the nation utilization was diminished essentially amid that
time. Another backing off of the expanding pattern happened amid 1998-1999
because of the same.
Despite the fact that the economy is having an expanding utilization pattern, yet
expanding pattern is went down by gigantic level of inflation. Amid the day and
age of 1998-1999, the nation's inflation rate was come to as much high as 7%.
Alongside the inflation, the consistent cheapening of the local money additionally
had influence in exaggerating the utilization level.

Investment Trend and Growth Analysis:

We will likewise watch an expanding pattern for investment sector of
Bangladesh. Here, we can see that from mid 90s, the economy has experience
an immense increment in investment sectors. In the underlying time frame, the
economy was chiefly engaged agribusiness part. Because of less prospect and
unfavourable business environment, investment on different segments was not
that much to add to the GDP. Be that as it may, in the mid 90s the investment
segments begin developing as the private area developed.

One of the primary explanations behind not having low development in

investment sectors at first is a direct result of low support of the public sector
investment. Bangladesh economy has dependably been commanded by the part.
Furthermore huge numbers of general society associations have additionally
been privatized because of making immense losses.

Development of countrys investment of an economy is exceptionally subject to

the loan cost level of the economy. The explanation for that is loan cost really
swallow bit of expense of capital and rate of return of the economy. Amid 20032004 to 2004-2005, the development of the private area was not huge as the
loan fee was high.
Furthermore another variable that decreases the development of countrys
investment is the measure of funds. In the event that the measure of saving
exceeds the measure of investment, it means that the economy can't use its
savings appropriately. There are additionally different variables that decide the
development of economy. For instance, amid the 1998 flood of Bangladesh, the
development in investment segments got stuck the same number of the
important resources were harmed and the condition was not ideal for making any
new investment.

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