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Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number

of Cm Cn .
Michael Young
Iowa State University

joint work with

Chassidy Bozeman
Josh Carlson
Michael Dairyko
Derek Young

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination

Given a graph G , a weight function of G is a function

w : V (G ) V (G ) R.
For u, v V (G ), we say that u assigns weight w (u, v ) to v .
For a set S V (G ) we denote
w (S, v ) :=

w (s, v ).


The pair (D, w ) dominates G , if for all v V (G ), w (D, v ) 1.

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Types of Domination
1. Domination:

1 if v N(u)
0 otherwise.

1 if v N(u)
0 otherwise.

w (u, v ) =
2. Total Domination:
w (u, v ) =
3. k-Domination:

1/k if v N(u)
if v = u
w (u, v ) =


Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
An exponential dominating set of a graph G is a set D V (G ) such that
(D, w ) dominates G when w (u, v ) = ( 21 )dist(u,v )1 .
The exponential domination number of G , denoted by e (G ), is the
cardinality of a minimum exponential dominating set.

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
An exponential dominating set of a graph G is a set D V (G ) such that
(D, w ) dominates G when w (u, v ) = ( 21 )dist(u,v )1 .
The exponential domination number of G , denoted by e (G ), is the
cardinality of a minimum exponential dominating set.

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Cm x Cn

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Cm x Cn

Goal: Determine

e (Cm Cn )

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Naive Lower Bound:

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Naive Lower Bound:
Let v V (Cm Cn ).

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Naive Lower Bound:
Let v V (Cm Cn ).
There are at most 4d vertices that are distance d > 0 from v .

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Naive Lower Bound:
Let v V (Cm Cn ).
There are at most 4d vertices that are distance d > 0 from v .
So w (v , V (Cm Cn )) 2 +

4d21d = 18.


Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Naive Lower Bound:
Let v V (Cm Cn ).
There are at most 4d vertices that are distance d > 0 from v .
So w (v , V (Cm Cn )) 2 +

4d21d = 18.


Therefore, mn

w (v , V (Cm Cn )) 18e (Cm Cn ),

v D

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Naive Lower Bound:
Let v V (Cm Cn ).
There are at most 4d vertices that are distance d > 0 from v .
So w (v , V (Cm Cn )) 2 +

4d21d = 18.


Therefore, mn


w (v , V (Cm Cn )) 18e (Cm Cn ),

v D
e (Cm Cn )

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination

Conjecture (Anderson, Brigham, Carrington, Vitray, Yellen 2009)

For all m and n,
e (Cm Cn )


Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination

Theorem (Anderson, Brigham, Carrington, Vitray, Yellen 2009)

For all m, n 3,
e (G )

+ o(1)

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Upper bound:

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination
Proof of lower bound:

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination

Theorem (BCDYY)
For all m, n 13,
e (Cm Cn )

13.7619 + 
where  0 as m, n .

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination



x3 x4



Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination

Create the following LP:

min c T x
s.t. Ax 1
Ax b
x 0
where A is the r r matrix where the ijth entry is
x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xr 2 ]T .

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

1 dist(vi ,vj )


Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Exponential Domination

Theorem (BCDYY)
Let D be an exponential dominating set of Cm Cn and |D| be the
number of vertices in D that are not within a 7 7 grid of any other
vertex in D. Then
(Cm Cn )

13.7619 2.8218 
where  0 as m, n .

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Future Directions


13 .

Other values for p.

Other grids and graphs.

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

Thank You!

Michael Young (Iowa State University)

Lower Bounds for the Exponential Domination Number of Cm Cn .

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