Temple of Set Power Members 1998 Satanists

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Roman numerals are used to identify Setian ranks, I have taken the
liberty to abbreviate these roman numerals into our everyday numbers,
such as VI = 6. Here is the PAST AND RECENT SECRET
MEMBERSHIP IN THE TEMPLE OF SET (a spin-off of the Church of
Satan, and recently reconstructed as the Temple of Power.):
Alex, Frank R.--Setian 1, Illinois
Alle, John D.--Adept 2, Mass., editor of satanic newsletter
Brimstone. Frank Sinatra fan.
Anderson, Yolanda--Adept 2, Calif. Adept at Black Magic. Satanic
Aquino, Lilith Sinclair--Magistra Templi 40 Treasurer, she founded the
Lilith Groto which was the largest and longest-functioning Grotto of the
LaVeys Church of Satan. On the T of Ss Council of nine, Of the Sinclair
Aquino, Michael--The vain Ipsissimus 6 of the Temple of Set, Missouri,
Lt. Col. U.S. Army with high level security clearance, in Military
Intelligence and armys Psychic warfare battalion, Green Beret,
member ACLU, Defense Intelligence College, and prominent teacher
of how to create Monarch slaves.
Austen, David--Priest of Set 3, London, England, Black Magician
who studies Crowley
Barrett, Ronald L., Jr.--Priest of Set 3, Colorado, ex-Airborne Ranger,
interested in alchemistry
Bennett, Clifton B.--Setian 1, Colorado, studies Crowley, medieval
Satanism and Kenneth Anger
Berkey, C. Joseph, 3rd--Adept 2, Virginia, does occult art and
practices Enochian Magic
Blood, Linda--Wrote a book about her time with Michael Aquino
and the Temple of Set
Blount, Larry D.--Setian 1, Texas, studies Friedrich Nietzche and
black magic
Bozeman, Clayton C.--Adept 2, Oregon, Bradley, Curtis A.-Setian
1, Colorado, Freemason, reads everything on vampires
Browning, Willie--USAR officer in Ml
Buckman, Samuel-Setian 1, Accra, Ghana, West Africa, wants to
spread black magic in West Africa
Butch, William T.--Priest of Set 3, Penn., Lt Commander of Navy
SEALs, studies ancient Egyptian Satanism
Campbell, Adam N-Adept 2, Melbourne, Victoria, Aust., satanist
interested in politics
Chandler, Kendal T.--Setian 1, Penn.. a musician into heavy metal
Clark, Julian R.-Priest of Set 3. England, practicing hypnotherapist in
London, has snakes for pets
Cruse, Roger D. 2nd-Setian 1 , Georgia, interested has studied
Clinical Psychology
DeCecco, R. Amn-Magistrer Templi 4, Maine, on T of Ss Council of
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DiCicco, Carman J., Jr.-Setian 1. New Jersey, studies Bruce Lee,

Machiavelli, and Anton LaVey, likes Black Sabbath/Ozzy
DuNard-Phillips, Carolyne--Adept 2, Missouri, Egyptian &Enochian
Magic, heads an Egyptian magic Lodge
Egen, Shane M.-Setian 1, Wellington, New Zealand, interested in
Heavy Metal music, martial arts and mind control
Engels, Georges-Setian 1, Belgium, practices Black Magic
Evans, Larry--Priest of Set 3, Oklahoma, Sentinel of the Gates of Hell
Farnsler, William E-Adept 2, Texas,
Felczak, John J--Adept 2, Calif., has studied a wide variety of
occult systems
Ferguson, Rick A--Setian 1, Ohio,
Flowers, Nancy K-Magistra Templi 4, Texas, Editor of the Scroll of Set,
part of the Bull of Ombos Pylon in Austin, TX.
Flowers, Dr. Stephen E.-Magister Templi 4, Texas, Grand Master of
Order of the Trapezoid, expert of Runes and Germanic occultism
Fox, D. Pete-Setian 1, Illinois, interested in Nazisms occultism
Friedel. Peter--Priest of Set 3, West Ger. member of the Ordo Saturni
(holds a high degree), 30 in the Scottish Rite, member of the Quatuor
Coronati Lodge of London, generational satanist of the Illuminati,
promotes Satanisms growth in Europe.
Gallo. Walter J.-Setian 1, New York, former painter. interested in
Crowley and Nazism
Gibbs, Cynthia K.--Setian 1, Calif.,
Goff, Joseph A-Adept 2, Mich,
Grady, James S-Virginia
Gregoire, Raymond A-Priest of Set 3. Wash, state
Gris, Kevin M - Setian 1, hypnotherapist & rehab counselor
Guliaeff, Nickolai N, Jr-Adept 2, Calif.
Gyori, John G, Jr.--Adept 2, Texas
Hand, Eddie W--Setian 1. Louisiana (See previous art, in Oct. 15
newsletter on Wayne Cox within the list of witch covens,)
Hardee, Bryan C-Setian 1, Wyoming, was part of a guild of
magicians called the G.T.P,
Hardy, Patty A--Priestess of Set 3, Maine, likes to read Robert
Anton Wilson
Haywood, Michael T--Setian 1, Illinois, (now perhaps in Pittsburg PA)
Hearty, Marie L--Setian 1, Ontario, Can.,
Hinson, Eulit M-Adept 2, Black Magician who studies Crowley,
Aquino, the Golden Dawn, Nietzsche, vampirism, etc.
Jantschik, Walter--Adept 2, West Germany. Black Magician who
studies vampirism, demonology, fraternal orders
Johnson, James R, Jr.--Adept 2, Nevada.
Johnson, Lynn (later married W.T. Butch)--high Setian who left to
form the Temple of Nepthys
Joyner, James C-Sec, of the Order of Leviathan, Baxley. GA
Kalivoda, Kurt-Setian 1, Illinois, studied OTO black magic
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Keil, Jeffrey J-Setian 1, mmbr Rune-Gild,

King, Stephen P--Setian 1, So. Carolina,
Knowles, James L, Jr.--Setian 1, Minn., has studied Enochian Magic.
(The Knowles family is somewhat prominent.)
Laakso, Petri-Setian 1, Finland. joined T of S as a young man going
into the Finish armed forces
Lance, Rebecca C--Priestess of Set 3, Calif., member of The
Children which is a Satanic band
Lee, John--Setian 1, Queensland, Aust., interested in Nazism and SS
Lewis, James--ipsissimus 6, Council of Nine, Baxley, Georgia, was
formerly with the Church of Satan
Lilly, James H, Jr --Setian 1, Lima, Peter J.--Setian 1
Lynch, Scott C--Setian 1, Halifax, Nova Scotia, interested in NeoNazism and the KKK
Mahoney, Michael--Setian 1, Mass.
Mann, Dennis K-Priest of Set 3, Order of the Trapezoid, and Order of
the Vampire, New York, USAR in Ml. propaganda expert and an
Matthews, Lee J-Adept 2, Conn., studies the Yezidee Satanists
McGranahan, Timothy L.--Adept 2, Illinois
Mensohel, Robert--Magister Templi 4, Calif., Member of Mensa,
computer whiz kid, editor Ruby Tablet
Moffatt, Robert H--Magister Templi 4, Calif., co-fdr of T of S Council
of 9, editor SCROLL, operated Set-Amentet Pylon in LA. Moore, Patrick
R.--Setian 1, FL
Neilly, Robert W.-Magister Templi 4, Ontario, Canada, co-fdr T of 5,
Chrmn Council of Nine, ESP research
Nielsen, Ruth A.--Adept 2, WI, ex-Catholic nun, into magic, incl.
hermetic magic and computers
Nourse, Andrew--Setian 1, MA, amateur radio, computer
programmer, into massage magic, Osbourne, Amanda--Adept 2, CA,
likes Stephen King Novels and Star Trek, and love horror films
Page, Richard E--Setian 1, Ml, into runic and Enochian magic
Parkin, Antony--Adept 2, Lancashire, Eng.. likes Nazi SS things
Pridgen, William D.--Adept 20, So. Cara., likes the works of Crowley,
Lovecraft, Grant, R.A. Wilson, John Wheeler and others. Radtke,
Walter--Adept 2, CA. experimental artist, interested in Da
Vinci, Tesla, Velikovsky
Reichensperger, Peter--Setian 1, mathematician. Esoteric Order of
Dagon. works with computers
Reynolds, Linda--Magistra Templi 4, Tenn, co-leader of Seshen
Pylon, San Francisco
Rietze, Perry A.--Setian 1, FL, Satanist interested in Satanic Bible,
ritual magic, Egyptology, and demonology
Rigby, Michael S-Adept 2, TX
Rivera, Peter N--Adept 2, Calif., interested in the magical effects of
drums and music
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Robinson, Robert W-Priest of Set 3, UT. interested in snakes, studying

the Illuminati, built ritual sites in Death Valley, explores Aztec ruins.
Rowlett, Curtis A--Adept 2, GA, interested in Aleister
Rush, Jennifer--Adept 2, N.S.W. Australia, uses Tarot cards as a
Russell, Diane--Setian 1, FL, practices Black Magic Sandling. Frances
S.--Adept 2, Dorset, Eng.. interested in John Dee (Enochian
Magic). Crowley & LaVey. Does Black Magic rituals.
Sass, James D--Setian 1, P.O. Box 666, Daytona Beach, FL 32115,
Hard core black magician.
Saunders, Richard--Adept 2, England. interested in Black Magic
and Chaos Magic
Schumacher, Jeurgen--Setian 1, Germany, works Hatha Yoga, likes
Odinism, studies hypno-therapy
Scott, Eardley W--Setian 1, NJ, a drummer with a rock/jazz fusion,
like Enochian magic & its conversion to Setian symbolism
Shull, Robert W--Adept 2, VA,
Snow, Heather L--Adept 2, NM, artist
Sobolewski, R. Douglas--Setian 1, PA, Rosicrucian (AMORO) 8,
amateur astronomer
Spriet. Patrick--Adept 2, Belgium, interested in Nazism and Egypt,
multilingual in 5 languages
Stout, Julie--Adept 2, TX,
Taylor, Lucifer E--Setian 1, MA, Exec, Sec. of Brimstone, a journal of
the Anc. Brotherhd of Satan, 231 Kennedy Dr #130, Malden, MA 02148
Thompson, Elana--Setian 1, OR, interested in the occult, science
fiction and anthropology esp. the Middle East
Van Patten, William P--Setian 1, NY, likes Heavy Metal music like
Ozzy/Black Sabbath, reads Stephen King. studies Nazism
Watson, Amoid R--Setian 1, TX, interested in Egyptology, the Yezidi
Satanists, Enochian Magic, and other things.
Webb, Don--Adept 2, TX,
Weirich, Richard J--Setian 1
Wendall, Margaret A--Magistra Templi 4, CA, was a prominent
mmbr of Ch. of Satan, founded the Scroll of Set & has been its editor
Whitaker, Colleen G--Honorary Setian, OH, artist, interested in the
Tarot, Councillor & Ex, Dir, for Ch of Satan
Whitaker, Roger L--Honorary Setian, OH, a film maker, likes horror
Winkhart, Roland--Priest of Set 3, Germany, helps Peter Friedel
operate the Black Diamond Pylon in Germany for the T of S
Zajkowski, Marie M--Priestess of Set 3, CA. Zimmer, Brian E.-Adept 2,
DR. GREEN (Dr. Joseph Mengele)
The most significant programmer, perhaps one could give him the title
of the father of Monarch Programming was Joseph Mengele, an exDigitized by knowledgefiles.com


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