Bhre 7a Place

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Place is a theme of geography, that tells us what a location is like,
the features, the landscape and more. Place has 2 characteristics,
human and physical. For example, Global Jaya is an International
school, that has students from different countries and have
different religions. Human characteristics of a GJS are places or
buildings that are made by humans. For example, the human
characteristics of Global Jaya includes the gym, cafeteria, the
classes, basketball field, tennis court. ETC. Every single one of
them are made by us, humans. Physical characteristics of a place
are places that are made by nature. In GJS, there are loads of
beautiful things that are made by nature. For example, we have
hundreds of plants here, we have mango tree, rambutan tree, and
even a durian tree. Without nature, those things wont be here.
Place tells us where it is. I discovered that, without place we
wouldnt know what our school even looks like.

Jakarta climate graph


Classification system


Understanding of the

Place means what is a

location like. For example,
the location is Global Jaya
school, but we want to
know what does this
school looks like. Place is
the answer. Place tells us
what Global Jaya looks
like, what is it, what does
it have. This theme of
geography is divided in to
2 parts. Physical and
human characteristics.
Physical meaning every
made by nature, while
human meaning, every
property that are made
by humans.

The models that I used

are pictures and graphs. I
took pictures areas of
Global Jaya, then I
observe the Physical and
human characteristics. I
also used a graph
showing the climate of

Place helps geographers

to understand the world
by telling them what is a
certain place like. For
example, a geographer
wants to go to Africa, but
he wants to know what
Africa looks like.
Therefore, he uses
pictures and graphs.
Pictures of Africas
environment, graphs of
Africas climate. By using
these models,
geographers can observe
the human and physical
characteristics from the
pictures or he/she could
predict whats going to be

the temperature in a
certain month. With
place, not only
geographers can discover
what a country looks like,
place can also tell us
every area around the
world. Could be a small
area, an infamous, maybe
even your house.

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