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Logic Test


In 1998, the age of Tom was same as the year of his birth. What was his age then?
[2 Marks]


Every station in a railroad network issues every other stations ticket. Some stations were
added. Now they issue 46 more tickets. Give the number of stations before and after the stations
were added.
[3 Marks]
Alex asks Martha for a date with him. Martha replies Of Course but only if you can figure
out my house number giving him the following three clues:
a) If my house number is a multiple of 5 it is a number between 1 and 19.
b) If it is not a multiple of 8 it is a number between 20 and 29.
c) If it is not a multiple of 10 it is a number between 30 and 39.
What is Marthas house number?
[4 Marks]

Ravi, Vikas and Mahesh are three dacoits traveling by a train. As soon as they realize that
police is searching them in the train, they started jumping out of the train one after the other.
Following additional information is also available about their jumps:
a) Ravi jumped out of the train before or after Mahesh and Vikas.
b) Mahesh landed before Ravi.
c) Before Mahesh, more persons jumped out of the train as landed before Ravi.
Who was the person to jump second?
[4 Marks]


A solid cube is painted on three adjacent faces and cut into 125 cubes of equal size. How
many cubes have:
a) 3 sides colored
b) 2 sides colored
c) 1 side colored
d) No side colored
[5 Marks]


A train after traveling for one hour developed some fault and thereafter ran with 3/5 th of its
original speed and reached the destination two hours late. If the fault had developed after it had
covered 50 more miles it would have reached the destination 40 minutes earlier. Determine the
total distance traveled.
[5 Marks]


A young girl Tutu leaves her home with x flowers, goes to the bank of a nearby river. On the
bank of the river, there are four places of worship, standing in a row. She dips all the x flowers
into the river. The number of flowers doubles. Then she enters the first place of worship and
offers y flowers to the deity. She dips the remaining flowers into the river again and again the

number of flowers doubles. Then she enters the second place of worship offers y flowers to the
deity. She repeats the same process up till the fourth temple where after offering she is left with
no flower. What can be the minimum number of flowers offered to each deity?
[6 Marks]
When Banke had his back turned a dog ran into his butcher shop, snatched a piece of meat
off the counter and ran out. Banke was mad when he realized what had happened. He asked three
other shopkeepers who had seen the dog to describe it. The shopkeepers really did not want to
help him. So each of them made following statements which contained a fact right and the other
Shopkeeper 1 said: - The dog had black hair and a long tail.
Shopkeeper 2 said: - The dog had a short tail and a collar.
Shopkeeper 3 said: - The dog had while hair and is collar.
What were the features of the dog?

[6 Marks]
A king has an unflinching loyalty from eight of his ministers M 1 to M8 but he has to
select only 4 such that each selected person shares a liking with at least one of the other three
selected. The selected person must also hate at least one of the likings of any of the other three
persons selected.
M1 likes fishing and smoking but hates gambling
M2 likes smoking and drinking but hates fishing
M3 likes gambling but hates smoking
M4 likes mountaineering but hates drinking
M5 likes drinking but hates smoking and mountaineering
M6 likes fishing but hates smoking and mountaineering
M7 likes gambling and mountaineering but hates fishing
M8 likes smoking and gambling but hates mountaineering
Who are the four people selected by the king?


[7 Marks]
In a league of four soccer teams each team played the other three teams. Two points
were awarded for a win and one point for a tie. After all six games were played. A final league
table was prepared as shown below:














What was the score in each of the six games?

[8 Marks]

Logic Test

Q.1) Mr. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. Blue attended a golf session. They wore blue, green and red caps
not necessarily in this order. Mr. Green said to the person wearing the red cap, Did you notice
that the three of us are wearing caps having colors not corresponding to our names. Which
person was wearing which cap?
[3 Marks]

Q.2) A train without stoppages travels at 60 km per hour and with stoppages at 40 km per hour. What
is the average stoppage time per hour?
[3 Marks]

Q.3) Two travelers, one with 64 barrels of wine and the other with 20 barrels of wine are stuck on a
Check post. They dont have enough money to pay duty for the same. Both of them figure a way
out. The first traveler pays 40 francs and gives five of his barrels. The second traveler gives two
of his barrels but gets 40 francs in exchange. What is the value of each barrel and the duty on
each barrel?
[4 Marks]

Q.4) Four teams Bulls, Pacers, Lakers and Jaggers compete in a contest. Anup, John, and Sujit made
the following statements regarding the results:
a) Anup said either bulls or Jaggers will definitely win.
b) Sujit said he is confident that bulls will not win.
c) John said he is confident that neither Jaggers nor Lakers will win.
When the results came out it was found that only one of the above three had made a correct
Who won the contest?
[4 Marks]

Q.5) A, B, C and D are four athletes who shared among themselves the top four positions in 100mtrs,
200mtrs, 400mtrs & 1000mtrs races not necessarily in this order. No athlete bagged the same
position in any two races. It is known that A is at the first position in the 100mtrs race, B is at the
second position in the 200mtrs race, C is at the 3rd position in the 400mtrs race & D is at the 4th
Position in the 1000mtrs race. Further it is known that the first position holder in the 400mtrs
race is the 4th position holder in the 100mtrs race. Who is the first position holder in the
1000mtrs race?
[5 Marks]

Q.6) In Pune, there are ten cinema halls and some pubs. A group of touring students spent a few days
at Pune and visited cinema halls and the pubs during their tour. At the end of their tour it turned
out that in all each cinema hall was visited exactly by four students and that each pub was visited
exactly by 6 students. Given that each student visited exactly five cinema halls and three pubs,
find the number of pubs?
[5 Marks]


Reconstruct the above multiplication using the digits 2, 3, 5 and 7 only.

[6 Marks]

Q.8) Imagine 4 persons A, B, C, and D contesting in a strength determining game. A Found it hard but
could pull C & D to his side. AC & BD pairs on opposite sides found themselves equally
balanced. When A & B exchanged their positions to form pairs AD & BC, BC pair could win &
pull AD to their side. Arrange the four persons in ascending order of their strengths.
[6 Marks]

Q.9) Eight people carrying food baskets are going for a picnic on motorcycles. Their names are A, B,
C, D, E, F, G, and H. They have 4 motorcycles M 1, M2, M3 and M4 among them. They also have
4 food baskets O, P, Q and R of different sizes and shapes and each can be carried only on
motorcycles M1, M2, M3 and M4 respectively. No more than 2 persons can travel on a motorcycle
and no more than one basket can be carried on a motorcycle. There are 2 husband wife pairs in
this group of 8 people and each pair will ride on a motorcycle together. C cannot travel with A or
B. E cannot travel with B or F. G cannot travel with F, or H, or D. The husband wife pairs must
carry baskets O and P. Q is with A and P is with D. F travels on M 1 and E travels on M 2
motorcycles. G is with Q, and B cannot go with R. Who is traveling with H?
[6 Marks]

Q.10) A, B, C, D, E, F and G are brothers. Two brothers had an argument and A said to B You are as
old as C was when I was twice as old as D, and will be as old as E was when he was as old as C
is now. B said to A You may be older than F but G is as old as I was when you were as old as
G is, and D will be as old as F was when F will be as old as G is,
a) Who is the eldest brother?
b) Who is the youngest brother?
c) Which two are probably twins?
[8 Marks]

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