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APT2023- HRM

Journal Review (Group -30%) Form a small group among yourself around 4-5 people

The purpose of this assignment is to expose students to the evolution and development of human resource
management (HRM) field that discussed by academicians and practitioners worldwide. Find 3 journal
related to HRM field in any local or international journals.

Target length is 30 pages (minimum-25 pages, maximum-30 pages) for 3 journal review, Each journal
around 10 pages. Times New Roman (Font: 12, 1.5 line spacing, justify. List the sources of references by
using APA style.
The report need to be submitted in:i) Hard copy and attach together with selected journal
ii) Soft copy of report and journal need to be burn in Copy Disc.

The submission date: 7th November October 2016, before 5.00pm

Prepare the report based on the format given (Outline):

(Demonstrate a clear and deep understanding of your topic)
-Identify the issues/problem
(Connections between the issue/problem and the theory)

-Findings from the journal

Discussions & Recommendations
-Identify two main points from the journal that can be applied or relate to the Malaysian
-Identify one main weakness of the journal and suggest the way to improve it.
(Makes realistic, appropriate and insightful recommendations clearly supported by the
information presented and theory)

Conclusion is clearly stated and connections to the HRM field.

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