Cornerstone November 2016

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30 No.1 ann Ui Charest Soc 0 den. 1683 November 2076 imate pss a Ee 2 3 4 2 sur See -980 ie | ict | okt. | it emp 1099 ae — Fetom-100 oe ae ors 6 Sane “shu ii Charate Guero 73 ge ig elie |e 10 seesuaeynonintin | sno co oe. | ame Coe: Ct Rererg—] os ey ‘Users Daw Sper, Carat Gee) om —— 20 Bi fag loa (ase 25 oe Sage Samene wee "ator rey a — m (Gai De Fs a) HAPPY (Gemeente wedoehisweok)) —Thankeabia Dr a7 mae 29 130 stun ot Ada oan aoaance (Tieton — | Mame | our ‘en, 16-89 ee 00.75.50 Caras (iuister’s Musings ‘More than likely when you are reading this letter it be days before the end of the world as we know it, Election Day will be anly days away so eat, drink and be merry because for ¥2 of the voting, public the world will end on Nov. oth. With that in mind I felt I needed to name for you who 1 ‘endorse for President...oh wh» am I kidding you don't care who I'm voting for. Obviously I'm using hyperbole because I do not believe the world will end on Nov. 9%. What does worry me a litle isthe irereasing vitriol put forth and the increasing sense of powerlessness Deople seem to express, I geta sense that people are increasingly resigned to the way things are and don't want to work at continuing to make the world a better place. Frankly, ' like the world to be a better place for my children to grow up in. put a video from a pastor on our church Facebook page a couple weeks ago and also played it ‘during a sermon sometime inearly October. Tis basic message stated we need to remember who is ultimately in charge and to quit acting as if the world is heading into the garbage pit. He extolled both ‘young and old to not grow weary and to continue to focus on Jesus instead of the outside world. It ‘was a 2 minute video that summed up how we are to live in these times perfectly. Check out our church Facebook page to see the video. ‘Too often I lose sight of the fact that ultimately I serve someone who is in complete control. 1 may not understand everything that is going on around me, but when I start to feel weary I need to remember that itis my calling as a Christian to try and further God's Kingdom here on earth. [don’t put my ultimate trust in a political party, in the economy, or anything else but God. Remembering that God is in ultimate contrel helps keep me from feeling overwhelmed when I watch the news. So how do we makea difference? If we think we are going to solve the country’s problems, ‘whatever they might be, on oar own then of course we're going to grow weary. Our little community here in SW Iowa probably is't going to change America or the world overnight. We aren't called to hange the world all at once. What we are called to do as Christians is to live our own lives as best we ‘ean, We are called to reach oat to and help/love our neighbors. Our neighbors include those who have lawn signs we may want to tear down. Our neighbors include people who we think are using the system. Our neighbors even nelude people who don't believe in the same God we do, If we want to make any difference at all we need to start in our own community and family. ‘What are we teaching our kids? Are we teaching them it’s better to argue and fight instead of reach ‘out and love and help? Are we teaching our kids there is no real hope for change so make sure you get yours while you can? Are weteaching our kids that looking out for our neighbors and sharing the love ‘of Christ with all of God's children isthe best medicine for a sick world? Are we teaching our kids to ‘respect different opinions and not just right them off as wrong and dumb? Hopefully we are teaching our kids that it is good to be involved in the political system, that its sg00d to be active in our communities, and that we need to see that all people are children of God and deserving of our respect. Remembering that we serve a God who loves us, and isin ultimate control, ‘ll help keep us from feeling like giving up. Remembering that we serve a God who has a special place for the least of God's cildren will also remind us that every person isa child of God and eserves a chance to experience God's love in their lives. Are we willing to show that love? Are we ‘willing to work on making sure our families and communities are places that reflect God's love? I sure hope so because then we will truly see a change, maybe even a miraele, right here in our own backyards. God Is Calling You to Serve ‘The Nominating Committee announces that the following positions and their terms are up forthe following offices as of January 2017. ‘Three Church Board postions for a three year term which will include one ‘Trustee and tovo Deacons neod te filled ‘A one year term on the Church Board of Clerk, Treasurer, Financial Recording ‘Secretary, Pastor/Parish Committee and Youth Board Member need o be filled ‘There is one position open on the Nominating Committee (three yea term) All other committee members will be contacted to see if they will continue serving on their committees, ‘We would also like to thank the many people who gave of ther time and talents this past year! We realize that jour time is valuable and we appreciate all that you dol! THANKS, AGAIN! ‘We really are in need of volunteers forthe Board Member positions, so please contact us if you are interested. If you are interesting in volunteering to serve on a committe or a board position or have suy questions conceming the committees or positions that are open, please contact Pam Danker 566-2427, Mara McDonald, or Doreen Koch. ‘Thank You, Nominating Committee November Scripture Readings [November 6 ~ Haggai 1:15b~2:9, Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 or Psalm 98 or Job 19:23-27a, Pralm 17:1-9, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17, Luke 2027-38 [November 13 — Isaiah 65:17-25, Isaiah 12 or Malachi 4:1-2a, Psalm 98, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19 November 20 ~ Jeremiah 23:1-6, Luke 1:68-79 or Jeremiah 23:1-6, Psalm 46, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43 ‘November 27 ah 2:1-5, Psalm 122, Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 RESIDENTS OF CARE CENTERS and RETIREMENT HOUSING and HOMEBOUND ‘The following is alist of names and address of the residents, friends, and members AVOCA, OAKLAND ‘Lois Kabler, Apt. 22 Gene Bintz Ady Nihsen | ‘Avoca Nursing & Rehab Center ‘Oakland Manor 610 East York Road, Box 578 ‘BTN. Highway St Avoca, fowa 51521 Oakland, Iowa $1560 ‘COUNCIL BLUFFS ‘Abe Van Rockel, Roam 212 Bethany Lutheran Eliot Steet Council Bluffs, owa $1503 Thank You to Jon Krohn from Scooby's Lawn Care for donating the grass seed and labor around — | our new parking lot. 4 BUDGET In an effort to simplify a snapshot of our finances we're presenting a look at the church loan this year compared to the past and also the surplus we started with each year. ‘The church has a line of eredit that is used each year to meet expenses and it's paid off swith the proceeds from the church sale. The sale brings in more than the loan so we begin each year with a hudget surplus. That surplus has been shrinking and now our loan is bigger than it's ever been, 2013 2014 2015 2016 ‘Surplusto start the next year $4376 $10,689 $9189 $6382 $2754 Submitted by Minden UCC Church Board, November Usher List Novembers,2016 Richard & Vivian Dau, ‘Tom & Michulle Neloon November 13,2106 David Storjohann, Carroll Olsen Novernber 20, 2016 Dave Fischer & Mona MeDonald November 27,2016 ‘Tim & Doresn Koch ‘Loan $8,200 $6,300 $8,800 $14,500 $17,200 December Usher List December 4, 2016 (Charles Leaders, Lyn Peterson, Karen “Huu, Sully Dea ‘December 11,2016 Sandra Price, Tracey Roane ‘December 18..2016 Dana & Meredith Martens ‘December 25, 2016 Judy Martens, Paula Schnack Events in our Church Life November 2 ~ Group 3:16, Minden, 6-7:30 November 8 MOPS, 6-7:30 November 9 — Good News Club, 45:00 - Budget Setting Meeting 6:00 November 13 ~ Church Directory Photos 12:00— 00 November 14 ~ Church Directory Photos 2:00-9:00 November 16 — Group 3:16, Neola, 6-7:30 November 20 —Chureh Dinner (11-1) and Auction (12:30) ‘The Food Pantry has NO shampoo and only a few motel-sized bars of soap. ‘A challenge to everyone — please bring one (or both!) of these items. Please place these items (and any others) in the red wagon at the back of the sanctuary. ‘Thank You! November 20, 2016 Minden United Church of Christ Dinner & Sale at the Minden Community Hall Dinner 11:00 - 1:00 Auction 12:30 Everyone Welcome! Scalloped Potatoes & Ham, Rolls, Green Beans, Desseres’ y To Go Orders call Ph, 712-483-2903 91 712-483-2109 congregational; Budget Setting, Meetings, Budget Setting Meeting Everyone Welcome November 9, 2016 6:00 p.m. Congregational Budget Meetin; December 11, 2016 Following Worship annual Reports Officers who have than December 1, 2016. The = Treasurer's Reports f probably will not be available until the Annual Meeting. d "Chi temin 2016 Poimsettim Order Forw Minden United Church of Christ Orders must Be received at the church office no later than noon ie E (Re Si ‘ate Si Sot Site Sis Say Sit tab ttt Saat Stat Sa Sy a Sst ity ate Sa Price Color Dedication (if any) ‘S700 par pousetia| Red, wie, IE | Inbonor of Ton Sai ($15.00 neh pot) | or marble In memory of Mary Janes, ts Total payment due with order. |Checks may be made payable to Minden U,C.C. 2 5 g 5 3 _. donot____ wish to have myfour name/s included in the bulletin. Poinsettias will be on display in the sanctuary during Advent and may be picked up following the December 18 | worship service or Christmas Eve service. Please be sure to take home the size (6” or 8” pot) and color you ordered. St a ao a rae Nanlastaabelankeplaadslastaadastaataaiaatandastanteteateotees Christmas Eve Services unday achodl Christmas Program be pecrre Ay a: i 8th a ee O peRsantis fanSonr com New Je fi (07°. www.NewsletterNewsl« BLESSINGS = JAR (isto Ga. Cant ats ‘Hirt ong wih ea Blessings from the Lorg Throughout Ga ess is hose ‘people How cane recive hese ies? acs: nr each, find ate wernt bo Ten te te rite caret adr an thls camp he we. me jou ese Lim Blea yen Destreany Alon You ey wil So Yor ie “bon ‘sess ao Sikes of paper V3 (ater es ssa (3 tye: 1 Mssureand cut eoag Sten tow scund Ghejarenck below he I Gein placeand ia 2: Fld ach pice of paper inl themes ting neg angles pecshee Cat along Bidtnes andy ae Drege Eachdayin November tn Tank ric ‘domnone bing om God Then place tae pect ut vu Lv Fo sk ey oR DB KD TI xc 8x yy OK au BCeRON<—SrrN-EN =pdress=e-scun]es Och Ermoox

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