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Metro RESA Gifted Endorsement Self Reflection Assessment for Identification & Assessment

of the Gifted Learner (Erryn Walker)

The goal of this endorsement is to equip Candidates to identify and teach gifted students from a variety of
cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. We hope that you become advocates for gifted children, are
empowered to exert positive leadership in your school and come to be more effective teachers of ALL students.
This exercise is intended to provide an opportunity for you to reflect upon your growth towards those objectives.

I. Answer 1 of the following questions in a reflective written response with at least one paragraph per
A. How would your new understanding of the qualification process for gifted placement affect your explanations
to fellow faculty members (a) about the ways diverse groups of students can be placed and (b) about how
these students can be served in the gifted program? How will that new knowledge affect your explanations to
parents and students about eligibility and placement?
My new understanding of the qualification process for gifted placement would affect
my explanations to fellow faculty members about the ways diverse groups of students can be
placed by providing them with the basic criteria of what is needed in order for a student to
be screened. With my new understanding, I can explain that students need to score in the
90th percentile or better in motivation, creativity, achievement, and/or mental ability in
order to be eligible for TAG placement. In addition, with my new understanding, I can
explain to the teachers that TAG services consist of not only teaching the common core
standards but also enriching the students learning through various teaching and learning
styles and TAG strategies. Moreover, with my new understanding of the qualification
process, I can explain to both parents and students alike that each student is screened for
TAG testing twice a year and that if the student scores in the 90 th percentile or better than
(s)he may be eligible for TAG services.
B. What have you learned about yourself as a teacher as you have analyzed your implemented lessons and
worked on your performance task and rubric assignment? What have you learned your students as a result of
their responses to your assessments and lessons? What is working and is most effective? What do you plan to
I have learned that I already use TAG strategies and performance tasks naturally.
When having to implement and reflect on lesson plans, I have learned that creating
performance tasks, especially for Language Arts, can be complicated and difficult; however,
as I talked to my mentor about performance tasks, or showing what you know, I realized
that any type of writing product is a performance task. I have learned that my students are
very resourceful in terms of completing a task to their fullest academic potential. My
students are natural advocates and are neither afraid nor intimidated to ask a question and
to ask for help when needed. The Windows Notes and New American Lecture seem to work
best for my students because it allows them to fully analyze and to relate to a text even
though they may not see the relevancy. I plan on changing up my usage of TAG strategies. I
am looking forward to implementing the Creative Problem Solving or Mystery Lesson

January 2014

Metro RESA Gifted Endorsement Self Reflection Assessment for Identification & Assessment
of the Gifted Learner (Erryn Walker)

strategy after Milestones testing is complete. I feel that after testing, I have more liberty/
freedom to explore and try new strategies.
II. Of the selected essential questions listed below, what would you say are two strengths of your understanding
of the identification and assessment process for gifted/advanced learners and what is one area of weakness on
which you need more information Explain each choice in detail.

What is the process for referral and eligibility in my district?

I feel that this is a strength for me because I know that the referral process is either standardized
test based (ITBS), parental request, student request, or teacher recommendation through the
CISS process. I also know that students are screened twice a year (Fall and Winter) for the
possibility of TAG testing. I also know that a student must score in the 90 th percentile in three of
the four categories (mental ability, achievement, motivation, and creativity). I also know that
further achievement testing can be done if a student is close to achieving the 90 th percentile.
How do we evaluate Mental Ability, Achievement, Motivation, and Creativity for
I feel that this is a strength for me because I know that each test is normed. From the norm, the
raw score is calculated to a composite percentile. With those percentiles, students who score in
the 90th percentile receive a yes for that category. If the student receives three yeses out of
four, then (s)he is eligible for TAG services.
What are the issues concerning appropriate development and use of assessment in
my classroom?
What are appropriate formative assessments to use with high ability learners?
What are the unique aspects of some evaluation instruments for special populations?
I feel that this area is one of my weaker areas because I am still confused about all of the testing
options for non-English speakers. I know that they can receive a different achievement test that
does not necessarily include English; however, I am still unclear of what other achievement tests
are available to them.
How does one create analytic and holistic rubrics?
III. As a concluding synthesis, please answer the crucial question below in one of four ways:

Write your response including anecdotal evidence

Chart or draw your response
Write a story or parable or poem or song in response
Design your own creative way to answer this question.

January 2014

Metro RESA Gifted Endorsement Self Reflection Assessment for Identification & Assessment
of the Gifted Learner (Erryn Walker)

QUESTION: How is my new understanding of assessments, and lesson analysis impacting my

Understanding assessments is a good way to show
How intelligent students are so I can help them grow.
Learning to know their strengths and their weaknesses
Help the students succeed and not redress their grievances.
Lesson analysis is an important tool
So that students can present knowledge in ways that are cool.
This will impact how the students will retain information
So that they can become a successful generation.

January 2014

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