Universidad Técnica Del Norte: Facultad de Educación Ciencia Y Tecnología Licenciatura en Ingles Listening and Speaking I

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Facultad de Educacin Ciencia Y Tecnologa

Licenciatura en Ingles
Listening and Speaking I
Name: Fernando Patio
Course: First Level
Date: April, 11th 2016

Fluency Activities
Mary started the video talking about fluency activities and how
important they are then she shares with us her own experience. She
is from New York. When she was in high school she study French for 6
or 7 years but she was a good student in that subject but she never
spoke so good and for her doesnt have life about French, she thinks
that French never maker her alive and it was an another subject that
she just taking and passing and didnt feel passion for French.
She was an Unexchange for one year to a small island in Norway, She
lived with a family and went to a high school to learn Norwegian but
at the end of the year she took her finally test and she pass after that
she realized that language is something that she owns and have to
live then she became a language teacher because she want to teach
to the students how to live the language. She thinks the way that the
other teachers have is not good because dont help the students.
They spent six years and cant speak the language, she work with
many differents teachers and all the teachers think that influency
activities should be homework and for Mary is something that have to
do it in class.
She have many criteria ways to teach the students to live the
language and first is Participation, the students have to be interactive
with the teacher and the rest of the class, the second criteria is
relevancy this is about the meaning to the students because if they
dont find the meaning they wont do it, the third criteria is interaction
and for Mary this is the most important because she thinks that
students have to share opinions with each other but have to exits a
reason to talk and it has to be challenging because if it is too bored
they wont do it but if it is too hard also wont do it.
The objective of challenging is that students feel the motivation to do
something with their one hundred percent to feel successfully with
the activities, the last criteria is empowerment, this criteria is when


Facultad de Educacin Ciencia Y Tecnologa
Licenciatura en Ingles
Listening and Speaking I
every student is able to choose the language that they want and
dont matter when or how. The opposite of this is theres only answer
and have to be correct.

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