Ticket in The Door - Week 6

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Candidates Name _______________________________

DATE _____________________

Ticket in the Door

Reflect on your classroom this week:

Remember that good teaching requires

constant use of multiple strategies. The "big" projects and lessons that are required through
the course are important, but showing that you are implementing small things throughout
your daily teaching shows your growth as a professional.

1. This week I tried (any strategy or idea discussed in class) . . .

This week, I tried grouping my students in homogenous
learning groups.
2. The results were (briefly describe what happened, how students reacted, and your comfort level ) . . .
I had the students working in groups based on their STAR
Reading data and had my higher achieving students working with
their contemporaries, and I had my struggling students working
with their contemporaries. They were working on a group project
in which they were creating informational booklets about the
different types of sentences (e.g. simple, compound, complex,
and compound-complex). The both groups worked well together;
however, some of the students who took leadership roles in their
groups complained that some of their classmates either did not
speak or did not help in creating the final product. Some of the
students were upset because they did not get to work with their
friends which, I feel, was their reasoning for not participating in
their respective groups. I felt fairly comfortable with using this
strategy because I grouped the students based on their STAR
Reading data.

3. In reflection (briefly describe how you will use this strategy in the future; will you modify, adapt it, or improve it to
suit your teaching style?) . . .

Candidates Name _______________________________

DATE _____________________

In the future, I will continue to use this strategy. In the

future, I will make smaller groups so that each group member will
have the opportunity to participate and collaborate on creating
the final product. I also feel that if I had the students working in
smaller groups, then I can remediate and extend the learning of
each group.

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