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aT ed a Tr The ete Ts Bf 109E on the Western Front - 1940 arr RO ta eeu Masserachit BY 1096-4 (VUNE1247) of I). 186, which cashlanded onto De Kooy ails, Holland, on 10th May 1940, the fest day ofthe German invasion ofthe Low Counties and France. Plot Ob. Dich Robitzsch(Staekaptan) wes captured uninjured. This machine was shot down by @ Dutch For B00, flown by Lt dan van Overvest iy a a The objective of this book is to document the colour schemes carried by the Luftwatfe’s Messerschmitt Bf 109E feet con the ‘Wester Front’ throughout 1940. This period encompassed the ‘Phoney War’ (Sitzkrieg’); the assaults on Denmark and Norway; the offensive on France and the Low Countries; and the Battle of Britain. Many other works have covered Luftwaffe colour schemes in detail, so by way of an introduction, 1 would like to explain how the colour schemes of the following profiles were established. This Preamble therefore takes a slightly different perspective from previous works. The aircraft During the time period under review, the E subtype of the Messerschmitt 109 was the current derivative of a single-engined fighter design that had first flown in 1935. The various subtypes were denoted by an alphabetic suffix, which related to progressive power plant and armament Improvements. The type was already combat proven, fortyfive or so examples having been deployed in its C and D Variants as part of Germany's ‘Condor Legion’, during the Spanish Civil War. ‘Although generally referred to as the Me 109, particulary within the Royal Air Force, the aircraft is more correctly Heading: Werner Machold’s ‘yellow 5° of 9./3G 2, almost certainly at’ Cherbourg Guerau twenty three abschussbaiken (kil rudder and overpainted white areas on the fuselage cross. (MW Payne Collection) there appear fuselage cross to signify I Gruppe, only ‘the badge below the cockpit. (MW Payne} MIA er defined as Bf 109. This is an abbreviation of Bayerische Flugzeugwerk AG, its original manufacturers. The company was fenamed as Messerschmitt AG in 1938. Examination of wrecked aircraft during the course of the research for this book, confirmed the Bf 109 format, since the aircraft type was always stamped onto the ‘manufacturers’ plate During the period —_under consideration, the earier variants, Bf 1098s and 'Ds, had generally been relegated to training and secondiine duties and the predominant frontline service type was the Bf 109E. During 1940, the Luftwaffe operated the E41, E3 and E4 subtypes, with deliveries of the E7 entering service by the lend of the year. Early deliveries of pre production Bf 109F0 subtypes were also made in late 1940 and although these were flown under combat conditions over southem England in the autumn, they fal outside the specific scope of this book ‘Subtype differences From the point of view of interpreting photographs from the period, the distinctive physical features of the various operational sub-types were: Written and illustrated by Peter Scott * E41 - two 7.92mm calibre MG 17 machine guns mounted in the upper engine cowling, with two more in the wings. It would appear that many Ets were up-gunned, either at unit level or back at the factory and/or maintenance units, when undergoing major servicing work, with MG FF 20mm cannon in the wings + E3 - two MG 17 machine guns mounted in the upper engine cowiing with two MG FF 20mm cannon in the wings. There was a bulged fairing on the under surfaces of each wing, to ‘accommadate the drum magazine’ and ‘ammunition feed mechanism. Technically, there was also provision for one MG FF/M cannon firing through the engine block, but it is very doubtful if any operational aircraft were fitted with this weapon. */E4 - two MG 17 machine guns mounted in the upper engine cowiing, with two MG F/M 20mm cannon in the wings, with the associated wing bulges. The provision for the unreliable engine ‘mounted MG FF/M cannon was deleted. The E-4 was the first subtype to be fitted with the heavilyframed flatsided ‘square’ canopy and associated windscreen. This improvement was frequently retrofitted to earlier aircraft, so it does not provide a consistent recognition feature, as will be seen from ‘examination of some of the later profiles. During the course of the Battle of Britain, armour plating was attached to the canopies of all sub-types, in order to provide head protection for the pilot. The aircraft were also capable of being fitted with a bomb rack under the fuselage. These racks were elther the ETC 500 - capable of carrying one SC 250 or SD 250 (250kg) bomb, oF the ETC 50 - capable of carrying four SC 50 (6Okg) bombs. During the course of the Battle of Britain, Reichmarschall Hermann Goering ordered that one Staffel from each Gruppe should have fighter-bomber (Jagdbomber or Jabo) capability and, when these racks were fitted, the aircraft gained an additional suffix, ie '/B', eg Bt 109E-1/8. The aircraft gained another suffix if powered by the DB GOIN engine, rather than the normal DB 601A - eg Bf 109E: 4/N._ Although several aircraft have been illustrated as /N variants in the profile section, the improved engine remains unidentifiable from an external ‘examination of the aircraft. Luftwaffe unit structure At this stage, it might be appropriate to consider the ‘structure of the Luftwaffe single-engine fighter force, Jagdverbande, at operational level, because the colour schemes that were carried hinge upon this area. The basic Luftwaffe tactical operational unit was the Geschwader broadly equivalent to an RAF Group. The Fighter Geschwader, le Jagdgeschwader, abbreviated to JG, consisted of three Gruppen (Wings), which in turn was made Up of three Staffeln (Squadrons). Some Geschwadern, especially towards the end of the Battle of Britain, added a fourth Staffel to some of its’ Gruppen, which caused some re-adjustments in the ‘Staffel numbering procedure, (as might be deduced from the accompanying table) Each Gruppe had a Stabsschwarm (Staff Flight), ostensibly of four aircraft which included the Gruppen Fig 2 GESCHWADERSTAB 1GRUPPENSTAB 1 STAFFEL ne wit 72 STAFFEL ‘edo black __ red orb 3 STAFFEL Selon <#! Kommandeur, and usually the unit ‘Adjutant and Technical Officer, who were generally pilots. However, not all members of the Gruppe staff were necessarily pilots, and often nonstaff rank pilots, including experienced NCOs flew with the Stabsschwarm. The Geschwader also had Stabsschwarm - the Geschwaderstab led by the Geschwader Kommodore, and ‘again consisting of four aircraft’ and generally including the Geschwader Adjutant and Geschwader Technical Officer, plus experienced pilots, again that could be drawn from any of the Staffeln within the Geschwader. With some twelve to sixteen aircraft in a fully uptostrength Staffel, the total strength of an average Jagdgeschwader a +T ‘Finger Four’ Luftwaffe Jagdgeschwader Fighter Schwarm NGRUPPENSTAB. 4 STAFFEL ‘SSTAFFEL 6 STAFFEL yalow BS <= 3 % otm © om 6 onset DP vestunpran — (B) EB) ssseo roe 9) Brmmenmemwe Age te Ce 13 ema = 4 15) WNT3S76 Pose 4G) EE Tepes |\@ = am, 18 race 19 20) Wee tects Noe 3 aa «nn (stent enarged to 124 sea. 28 1 Principal tactical identification markings Messerschmitt Bt 109.218 ot 2/162 crash‘anded in France wih operational damage on S1st August 1980 Messerschmitt 109-4 of 9/126, based at Catr, France, In August 1900. Messerschmit BY 1096-4 of 31G2, based at Cherbourg West, France In September 1940. Messerachmit BY 109E:9 of 1/151, based at Pin, France in September 1940, Plot Ot Heinz Bar @U Messerschmit BY 1096-5 of 11 G51, based at Wissan, France, in September 1040. 2 Messerschmit Bf 1096-4 of 4/653. Bad at Dinan, Channel Islands, in September 1940, Plot Lt Rudolf Lechner Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 of Stab |/LG2, based at Calas Marck, France, in Soptomber 1840, YU Messerachmit Bf 1096-11 o (Schlac)LG2, based at Calas Marc, France, in September 1980 Messerschmitt BY 1096-1 o 2(gd/L2, crashed at Calis Mack, France, in September 1940 Messerschmit BY 1096-4 (WNe 1261) of 110652, crashianded at Stuy Kent, (brane Seplomber 1940, Pict Fm Heinz Uringe was captired unhat “The RAF crash report fortis ara tated "12+ (white) Wing is antl ips pained whit, AR al f rudder also painted white. Conon fi Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WUNe3584) of 1/4653, crasanded a the Army fig ranges at Hythe, Kant on 2nd September 1940, Pilot Ut Werner Kart was captured unhurt. Messerschmitt Bf 1096-1 (WWN-3470) of 8. G54, 2 Cceshanded at Kingsnorth, Kenton 2nd September 1040, Pot Fa Helnrch Ebers was captured. © The RAF crash report or his aircraft stated"2+- (black) on fuselage jst ormard of windscreen. Camoufage op of fuselage dark aren, sides of fuselage ‘mote ight gen, ower surfaces ight Sue Wingips and tal tp painted whe. Spinner 34 whe, one quarter blac Top of rudder pained wie” 31 & Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 (WN¢1480) of Stab. 1163, which crashanded at Love's Farm, Marden, Ken, on Sth September 1940, dung the course of 8 Camoulage mated grey and bive with whe wings. Verbal broad redband round cowng, Spine: ha ed, half white” Messerschmit Bf 1096-4 (11N:2762) of 5 /JG27, crashed at Tonbridge, Kent (6h September 1940, Piot Fe Ech Braun baled out ‘Sally and was taken prone Messerschmitt 109€-1 of 71627, crashlanded at Blean, Kent ‘on Gh September 1940, Piot Ue Ernst Nttmann was captured unhurt “The RAF crash report forts acral stated “Engine cowling white, Whe 8 on grey rectangular background. Shield with St. Peers cross with 2 Me. 109n power dwn ole" 33 Mossorschmit Bt 1096-4 (WN 1500) of 711659, th Sent 180 Paste Hare Soy Sota ‘Deeated a a ut poet epee! Gosrags SStinumn beonoweperandbyie C The RAF crash report fortis acral statad:“S+1 (white) wht coming, spinner and rudder Camoviage mote ight anc dark green and grey Thick redband round cowling pated out Number #506. Condon fat Plot amour" Messerschmitt Bf 1096-478 (WN: 5567) of 6 (Schich LG2, crashlanded at RAF Hawhinge, Ken. on 6th September 1940 Plot Fw Werner Gotschax was captured unhurt “The RAF crash report for his ara stated: "+C black wang outined white, yellow C. Whi rudder wingns white having been painted on yellow spine, ‘ue and whe vertca iipes. Plate BF 109-48 number 5867. Camovage tao shades of grey on upper surface, standard duck ogg Bue ower suraces™ Mossorschmit Bf 1096-4 of 19677, crash landed a Rovenden, Kent ‘on th Septombor 1940, Piet Ow Gotha Gotzscho was taken ‘rsonee Sectons of wing paneling ow hold bythe Bato of Bran Museum ot Hawkinge frei RLM 70 and RLM 02. ‘The RAF cash report rhs arcraf stated: “11+ yellow coming rudder. spinner Camoutlage grey spectled ontop. Good condo. Mossorschmit Bf 1096-118 (WN-6516) of 7163, crash landed a Fmwel, Ken, on th September 1940, Pilot Uz. Mathias Massmann was captured unhurt Iwas pt posse to determine iran acre a el ‘The RAF crash report for his aircraft stated: *6+1 yolow spinner and rudder Good contion. Bomb rack. Plt armour. Messerschmitt BF 1096-4 (WN 1394) of Stab 44627 ‘cahianded at Mayet, Sunsex, on Bh. September 1940. Pilot Ob Gunther Bode (Gruppe Adjutant) was captured unhurt “The RAF crash report for his aera stated "+ yolow nose ard rudder Creston nose, yellow jaguar’ head wih smiing negress wearing whe eating [Number 1394 No'bamt rack no armou™ Mossorschmit Bf 1096-18 (WN:3488) of § 9627 - - Crachtanded at Storrngion, Sussex, on th, Soptmbr 140, Plot Ook Erwin Dag was captures unhurt Ww © ‘The RAF crash report forbs aca stated: “19- (ong red dash wth white edging) Cowing and udder yellow ETCSO bomb ack Messerschmitt Bt 1096-118 (WN6147) of 263 Ccashianded a sel, Sussex, on 15th. September 1940 ot Uz Andreas Walburger was captred unurt Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4/8 of 3/LG2_crashandod at Shelness, Ine of Sheppey Kent. on 158. Septembor 1040, Pot Ute August Klick was captured unhurt ‘The RAF cash epot or his scat statd: "2+ (rown wih white edge). Yolow nose cowing, spinner and rudder. Camoufage coy grey on useage Dateship grey uepersufaces and ight ive lower sutaces”. Messerschmitt 1096-1 (WIN: 629) of 7/0626, Crashvanded at Camber Sussex on 17h September 1040 Pot Ute Ka-Hei Bock was captured unhurt. The RAF crash report fortis icra stated: “Markings 2 (coloured white, ctined in black) Yelow nose. Number 6294, No ead shied. ‘Ataf generally appears standard Messerschmitt Bt 1096-1 (WNr2674) of 914627 shlandod at Roja St George's Gf Course. Sandwen, Kent, 09 ath September 1940, ot Get W Gloecknee war captured “The RAF cresh report for this irra stale: “Yellow nose wih igure 1 on costing (not on fuselage). Three concentric brown ings on spines ‘Area st on ee by plot afer good boty lan Messerschmitt 1096-116 (WWN:6321) of 9 G27, crashianded a Slindge, Ket fon 18tn September G40, Pict Fx Ernst Schultz was captured bt de later rom his mjunes “The RAF eras report fortis ara stated: "Markings yetow nose with large 7 ‘Thre concent brown ings on spinner Yolow rudder Bomb rack” Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 11G2,basod at Beaumontie Roget, France September 1940, The remain a the underwing ‘Stanmiennzechen wore stil present trom on cong (nat on fuselage Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 362, based at Cherbourg: Wes, France in September 1980. Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 of 7/JG2, based at Le Hove, France in Septomber 1940, Plot Ob. Werner Macho Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 7 G2, based at Beaumontie Roger France, in September 1940. Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of 9/62, based at Le Have, France In Septorter 1980. Messerschmit Bf 1096-4 of 1/163, based t Grandi, Franc, In September 1940 Pot pm. Hans von Han @ ox Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of 1/63, based at Grandes, France, in September 1940, Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 2163, based at Grandi, Franc, in September 1980 Messerschmit BY 1096-4 of 2/126, based al Audember, France, In Septorer 1940. Messerschmitt B 1096-4 of 7JG26,hased at Cars, Franc, n September 1940, Plot OB, Joachim Muncheberg,Saflehaptan. Messerachmit Bt 1096-4 of 71626, based at Catflers, France, in Soptemba 1040. Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 o 5 /JG3, based at Samer France, In September 1940 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4IN of Stab 1626, base at Audombrt Francs, in September 1940, Pt Majo Ada Galan. Geschwader Komodo. a7 Messerschmit Bt 1096-3 o 9626, based at Caters, France in September 1940 Messerschmitt Bf 1096-3 of Stab JG27, based at Cherbourg, France in September 1940. Pt Major Max bo, GeschwaderKommedore Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of Sib |/JG27, based at Plamett France in September 1040, Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of 1627, bated at Cepon, Franca, in September 1940. Pt Hptm. Wolgang Lipper. Messerschmitt BI 109-3 of Stab 1651, based at Pine, France, in September 1940, Plot Major Werner Mioksers, GeschwaerKommodere e Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of Sib |/JG5, based at Marquis, France, in Soptember 1940, Plot Hptm. Wotlgang Ewald. Messerschmitt Bf 1096-3 of 5 /JGS!, under epi at Verses, France, in September 1940, Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 o Sib JG52,hased at Calais Marck, France in Septomber 1940, Plo Major Hane Tuberbacn, Geschwader Kormoco. Messerschmitt BY 1096-718 of Stab /JG53, based at Le Tounuet France, In September 1940, Plot Hptm Hans Kad Mayer Messerschmitt BI 109E-4of Sia (JJLG2, based at Marquise, France, in September 1940, Plot OBt Herbert Isefld, Grupperkornandeue & ox Messerschmit Bf 109€-4 of 11) LG2, based at Calais Marck, France, In'September 1940, Plot Get Hane-oaciim Mase Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of 1/JG5, based at Brest, France, In September 1940, Plot ODE. Fredrien Kar Mur Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN 1190) of 4/4628, Pict Ute, Horst Perez was captired unt. Tis machine was exhibited in the USA and Duxford. Several nrge pieces of ‘ngial wing srt are on ‘Sopay af he Bato of Brain ‘Museum at Hawking ‘The RAF crash report for this acraf stated “Markings 4+. Marking had previously been <+ Crest tiger's headin natural colours on pot side of fuselage. White sveld wih black Fin ation. Yelow nose and fn Number 1190 100 octane marking in Wangle marked on fuselage Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WUNc4851) of 71427 crashanded at Windsor Great Park, Berkshire on 3th September 1940, Plot Ob Ket Fischer wes captured unhurt ‘The RAF crash report for this aitcraf stated "9 parted on yolow owing. Spinner white with black cle on tp. Old markings had been painted over viz PHLY Pot armour: RAF Dating, Kenton 308, September 940, Pot Ge Ench Mummert ‘rae captired unr. Tis machine wae sl eished i gna 1999, ‘ye colouechome, “The RAF crash report forthe acraf stated: “Markings 2+ (2in white). The markings had previously been 8+ butts was painted out. Yollow nose and rcdee Green sprner wth one secor whe, Creuar shel Messorschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN 1325) of 3/653, cash-anded at Langney. Sussex con 3h September 1940. Pt Fa Waller Schule was captured unhurt. The yolow pant around the edges of the fi ad rudder had evident peeled away ‘The RAF crash report forthe acraf stated “13+ (iguesn yotow). range nose, rudder and fi Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4 (W.N:5175) of 7/0653, (rashonded at Stood, Kent, on 30h. September 1940 Pat Ute Est Poschenveder was captured badly wounded The wg leacing edges were pated ant grey to breakup the end-on sheet “The RAF crash report ors aca stated “26 (allin white), Yelow nose and rudder Phot head armour Camouflage blue and green dappled yelow and gree on upper surface, shy tae bereat Messerschmitt Bf 1096-48 (WN-5814) of 1651 Crashed at Shaconnurst Kent on it October 1940, Pot Utz Eowars Garth baled ou and was captured. ‘The RAF crash report for his crf stated:“Ylow 9+ and yellow nose and udder Bomb rack 40 Messerschmitt Bf 1096-478 (WN560%) of 814653, trash landed a Addestoad Farm. East Peckham London, tn 2nd Occber 1940, Pict Li Wolter Fie was captired ‘The RAF crash report for this aircraft stated 741 lack eters citined white. Yellow nose wih re band, red spinner Head armout Cenresine bomb rack. Messeracht Bf 1096-4 (W.Ne 1804) of 110653, ‘gashrianded at Adington, Kent, on 5 October 19 ot Ut Wihelm Gehsla wes captured wounded. O« ‘The RAF crash report for this acraf stated: "10+ white, Nose and udder yellow. Number 1804. Camouflage grey, dappled black, carfuly done” Messerschmitt Bf 1096-48 (ViN:3725) of 6/LG2, ‘Gashvanded at Peasmarsh, Sussex, on Sth October 1840 Prot Fw. Emarot Pankrants was captured wounded The RAF crash report for this aircraft stated: “Markings M+\_ Min yellow 2. ann black: Nose and rudder yellow. Spinner pal lve wih wit ip. Crest back cat nepured boots heksng lantern. Allin a black cle, Number 1723. Plot head armour. Messerschmitt Bf 1096-48 (W/N-1108) of 2/4651, crashlanded at Goesting,Sureer, on 75 October 1940, Plot Obit. Vice Molders, ‘Staffekaptan (and trotier of Werner Melders) was captured e EZ “The RAF crash report for his ecraf stated: "Nose and rudder yellow Large bomb ack ite Mossorschmit Bf 1096-46 (WN 5586) of 4 (S)LG2, ‘rached ono the Tuntisge Wels Goff Cource, Ket (on 7th October 1940, Pt UilzG. Morschell was captred “The RAF crash report fr this icra stale” +F Burt ou. Tange = back utine in white. An old making was visible KBSIE Nose ad rueryetow [No head armour Large bomb rack ta Messerschmitt BF 1096-1 (WUN:3865) of 4682. Crashlanded a Ute Grange Farm, Woodham Mortimer Essex, on th. October 140, Plot Fm Paul Boche wae captured wounded, me tb —_ Sido ony The RAF cash report or is aircraft stated: "2+ (hie) Crest red ca in lage fie ce. Yellow nose and rudder Spinner yellow win whit segment. Number 3465, Ding miro xed to enable plot ose to he rear 44 Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 (W/Ne4860) of Stab ILUIGSS,crah-iandod at Chapel Hoisng, Smal Hythe, Tontorden Ker. on T2th October 1940, Pot Ob. Sermard Malschowe was captured unhurt ‘The RAF crash report for his ara stated: “Markings <+ the harzonta wee and vert bar consist of aternate black and white stripes of diferent thicknesses" Messerschmitt Bt 109E-4/8 (WNe0860) of 7163, crash landed at Cuckold Coombe, Wye, Ken. on 12h. October 1940, Pot Got Hubert Rungen The RAF crash report fortis ral stated: “701 the figures and 7 ae we with lack edging, Number B60. Bomb rack ited Mosserschmit BY 1096-4 (WNe 1586) of 3.62, ‘raianded at Bowcombe Down, le of Wight, ‘on 15th October 1940, Plot Fa Horst Heliag! wth red cutie. On opposie side of fuselage, "Mickey Mouse” in singlet. shorts and boxing loves Number 1588" Messerschmit Bf 1096-418 (WINe06)t 2.0653, ‘ahandad at RAF Manstn, Kent, on 17 October 1940, Pot Ob Wate Rupp (Staflekaptan) was captured unhurt To wnt vctry markings eigeszechor) wore pated ‘on the port side of re tan, The RAF crash port fortis arf staled "t+ (yw). Nose and tall orange. Spiner yellow. Large bom ack tid Messerachmit Bt 1096-4 (WN¢2780) of 64652 {zashed at Weng, Ken, on 20% Octaber 1940, Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN-3546) of 70651, crash ionded ‘'Stonewal Farm, Hunton, Kent, on 25 October 1940. Pot Fa Lenhart Brg was captured unhurt @ “The RAF crash report for is aca stated: “Markings 4+ green and white sinner. Number 3548. No head armour. 42 Messerschmitt BI 1096-4 (WNc5104) of 3.UG77, whch crashanded at Harvey's Cross, Telscombe, Sussx, on 25th October 1840, Plot Ge Karl Rasinger tes captred uninjured. The fuselage cfs ara had apparent been orginal patted wth green upporsrfaces and then had been oversprayed in FRLM 65 probably in spang 1940 By the te tal ths machine came down in Sussex, the ht tue pit hed ered n ars to show the undering Greens. ‘The number 13 had been apped oer a previous number 8. k waud appear hat the safes "boot mal wes painted onthe starboard side of the cowing ‘The RAP crash report slated “Marge 13s ed, Cowang i ylow don ane side f writen fred "Rocha. Works ruber S108, Head armou”. The aera ‘home was nol opparentin ay of he photographs examsned os assimed to have been gute smal. This machine was subsequently splayed a Roc ‘Gar Showrooms in Maidstone, Kent where eniookers woe alowed io pear int the coop, n ern fora donation of sbpence tothe local “Spite Fund 43 Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN 1988) of 54654. Cech landed at Broom, Kenton 25th. Octber 1940, Pot Ot Joachim Schypek was captured unhurt. “The RAF crash report forthe arf stated: "Markings:7+ (an old marking of 3+ was ust decipherable). Number 198, Cowling and tp of rudder yon pier green wih wat Rashad ed" Messerschmitt 1096-3 (W.Nr3578) of 714654, {cash landed a Lys, Kenton 27P October 1340, ot Ute Arno Zimmermann was captured unhurt ‘The RAF crash report or this aca statc: “Markings 13+ (13 in white, outined back the 13 being applied onthe useage in front of te windscreen and the hawoy dwn the Kaelage. Rudder and nose yelom spinner white. Cres whte Ouch cog, edged in black, wih wings. Number 3576, The camouflage Of he upper surace ofthe wings dark grey except fora tangle formed om wing root at valing geo @ pon hal way along leading edge. This tangle t ‘wards haelage isa drt ight Bue. Fuselage is also ty Kght ue dappled with gry" Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 (WN5153) of 9163, ‘rash landed at Sheperdawel, Kent, on 20! October 1940, Pilot Ob. Egon Troha (Statehaptan) was captured unhurt mi ‘The RAF crash report fortis acraf stated. “Markings 5 (igure yellow, outines blak) Crest: at side of cockpit ed seahorse on bive ground. On port side of comting, a doube headed bate in back on white ground. On sarboard sie, nado obatleaxe the word Enka” Number 5199. Head ermou": Mossorschmit BY 1096-48 (WN25505) of 4/62, crasmlanded at Langenhoe Wick, Essex, on 2th October 1940, Pot Ofe Jose! Harmelng was captred wih sight wound. ‘The RAF cash report for ths aircraft stale: "Markings / +N (uangl lack wih white edge, N white with back edge). Crest: black and white Mickey Mouse hoking axe in one hand, psa inthe al on yellow sc. Od markings ae sil dacernabe were DHE. Cowing and rudder yelow. gigs nad been yl but are now covered with green paint. Spinner wht ip and ue an white bands Bomb ack ited” ‘Messerschmitt Bt 1096-118 of 8463, base at Le Touquet, France, Octber 1940 Mossorschmit BY 1096-4 (WNe 1559) of 71627 based at Samer France, Octaber 1940, Pot Hp. Waheim Banazar Messerschmitt Bt 109-48 of 91627, bated at Neques, France, Messerschmitt BY 1096-9 (WN 1057) of 6.651, based at Mardyck. Belgium, in October 1940. Plot Obt Jose Priter Statfekaptan Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of 1682, ‘aso at Catfors, France, 9 October 1940 Pot Ob Heimt Bennemann Messerschmit BY 1096-3 of 31682, based at Coquols, France in October 1940 ight grey wing leading edges. Plot Utz. Wot Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of Stab JG, based at Guernsey. Channel Islands, in October 1940, Pot Ob Walter Rack Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 7/JG53, based at Brest, France, in October 1940. Plot Fw Herbert Schamm 25 Messerschmitt Bf 1096-3 o 4/JG54, based at Hermatinghon, Franco, fn October 1540, Plot Obit. Hans Php. Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 o 865%, based at Guines, Franco, in October 1940, Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 81658, based at Gunes, France, in October 1940, Pt Lt Esl Loykau & © Messerschmit Bf 1096-4 of 91654, based at de Kooy Holand fn October 1940, Plot Lt. dose! Eber. Messerschmitt BY 1096-3 (W.N-0820) of 4 JG77, based in Norway in October 1940. Pilot Ute Ludwig Fobe crahionded tue machine onthe racecourse at Kata, ‘Sweden. on 24th, October 1940, SS Mossorschmit Bf 1096-48 of 3/56 210 ‘ood at Calne Mare, Franc, Ortaber 1940, Pot Ob Oto Hine Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 0 1/JG2, crash ‘anda at Mapsor'e Far, Siddlesham, Sussex, on Tet November 1940 Pint Ost Hermann Reiorechest (Stafekaptan) was akan prisoner ‘The RAF crash report for this aircraft state: "Markings 9. Nose and fi ofthis acral ll orange, Red"R surrounded by red outined shield on each side of fuselage. The whole ofthe useage scamouaged ver dark moted ove gree. Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 of 8/62, based at Le Howe, France, in iovember 1940, Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 of 9/62, based at Le Have, France in November 1940, Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 of Stab |/JG26, based at Audembert France in november 1840. Pict Holm. Rl! Pingel, Gropperkorandeut ‘The Stamerkennzeichen (Selvery code) partly showed I4OUD. a TT Messerschmitt Bt 1096-3 of 2/1625, based at Audomber, France, in November 1940, Messerschmitt BY 1096-3 of 2/626, based at Audembert, France, in November 1940, Plot Obes Losighet a7 ‘Messerschmit Bt 1096-4 of Stab JGS3, based at Le Touquet, France Phot Major Gunther Freer von Malzahn. Gescrmader Kommodor, ano was the auosesor of von ramon — Taubadel Re-nstatement of the "Phk-Ae™ 3 raring flowed von Matzaha's appartment Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4/8 of 5. (Schlseh) LG2. aaod at Cala Marck im November 1940 Fite with an ETC 50 bomb ack and four SCS0 bombs og Mossorschmit Bf 1096-1 (WN: 1853) of 31451, crashiandos at Horton Park Monks Horton, Kenton 27% November 1940, Pot Fue Wineim Erdnise was captured unhuat. This area was ‘hipped to New Zealand n erly 194, in oder “The RAF crash report for this irra stated "Markings 5+ (S yellow outined in back). Head rou. The orginal cowing from this machine was ted to ‘Teumars machine (black 12 0n the flowing page) at RAF SU Ahan, order to make tye. “Brown of 3.1G5t, formar flown by Wineln Erinss, on play 0 Wellngton New Zealand late May 1941. thas been confirmed by Hee tyeutiness rept rom New Zealand that ts machine wae camouflaged in two-tone grey motte finish ad thatthe numeral was actualy brown 5. Over the year, thas been suggested thatthe ara had whe wngips ané aeons, anough these features are not apparent hare Photo by kind permission of "The Dominion”. Welington. Now Zealand 43 Messerschmitt Bf 1096-38 (WNr4101) of 2JG5', crashed at RAF Manston, Kent cn 27 November 1940, Piet L Wotgang Teumer was captured and immediately gen & srt by his conqueror F/L. GPChste who landed alongs. This aera wos recovered and est own 8 06200 by both the RAF and Ralls Royce. Black 12 has been restored and now on payin the Bate of Brean Hal at the RAF Museum at Hendon, though the nt signa current cried was The RAF crash report for this ara stated: “Markings 12+ (the 12 ovtined white). Cowling and rudder yellow spinner green with one whi Number 410" We segment. No crest, Messerschmitt BI 1096-9 (WNr 1280) of 210626, ‘aevandad at Udmore, Sussex, on 26th November 1940. Pet Ute. Hoe Wo was captured. The retention (ofthe “stammaeichen" on operational arcraf wat ‘reportedly gute common, athough thse one Curent on display at the Saxonwcid ‘Museum in Johannesburg. South Aca. The RAF crash report for his sca satd: “Markings 2+ (2in Back). An old marking hed been painted on hs acraf. tho lst wo eters of which appear to be FA\ Crest a devs ace with red mouth and geen let eye, Ako a black Goth S on whe shiek Nese and rudder yalow Spinner red. Number 1289. No amour Messerschmitt Bt 1096-178 WNc#900) of 4.0053, crashranded at Old Roney, Kenton 30 November 1940, The RAF crash repr for hs aca sta Markings 116: (markings in white). Crest: Ace of Spades in white diamond shield. Number 4900 Large bomb rack” Messerschmitt 8f 1096-118 (WNc6313) oF 4.62 Crashlandes at Woodhyde Farm, Code Caste, Drse, ‘on 30th November 1940, Plot Ute Paul Wecker was captured ‘The RAF crash report for this acral erroneously stated “A +E (al edged in white). Number 63137 Mossorschmitt Bt 1096-4 of 361, basodin Norway in ato 1840, Messerschmit BY 1096-4 of 6677, basod at Bros. Guipavas, France, in December 1040, Plot Obtt Heinrich Set 49 Because ofthe avabityof the RAF crash epots,was considered o be worthuhil o produce the folowing twelve roles of destroyed aera, despite lacking ‘hotographicevdence of heir undamaged conden. This decsion was reached onthe bas that these were eye-ness statements of markings andthe chosen ‘craft are unily to have been lustated beore. The primary selection ener for these arcraf was that they were, n some way diferent om those that had ‘ready been tasted fem photog-aphs. The salt features fom each report have been inched wih ypical parent unt markings and the camouflage which ‘ther machines were curenty weanng, Code size and sve were say select Messerschmitt BF 1096-4 (W.N-1452) of 4,062, shot down at ympne Caste, Kent ‘on 2nd Soptombar 1940, Plot Ut von Stein vas eaptored. The crash report stated {hat "Markings 12+ (white outind tack). Whe rude and wing tps, Rod shits with red letier Ron side of fuselage. Completely wrecked" Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN:4097) of 9,51, shot down a Litle acto, Essex, on Th Septombar 1940. Ut. Koch was capture. The crash report stated ‘Markings 11+ (yellow). Yelow rudder and coming and wnghps. Works number 4097. Completely rocked, No armour Messerschmitt Bt 1096-4 (W.N-1508) of 1.4659, shot down names naar the Ok dat nn, Bagge Hil, Ken on Sth September 1940, Fa Honach was captired. Anau Rea band round engine cowting. Totaly doatoyed. Two cannon in wreckage, ‘but M.G. Camoutoge standard, No white on wig ps. Spinner dark gre” Messerschmitt BY 1096-4 (W.N:S! 16) of 9.4654, shot down at Golden Green, Kent. ‘on 300 September 1940, Ute, Brea washed Incorrect othe yelow number to be ‘expected, the crash opt stated hat Markings wore large 6m tack, outine yolow: ‘Complete wre Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN3737) of Stab GS, explodes ovr Mardon, Kent, ‘on 25 Onaber 1640, Pao ptm. Hans Asmus baled ot wounded. Thi ira was ‘normally fown by Major Werner Moser and carted his Kommadore markings [large secon of he starboard fuselage son Sepia atthe Lashenden Ae Museum ‘ond ie RLM 02 overall. wth arge and crudely ‘Sprayed patches of RLM Gi. The RAF crash ‘eport stated Fotoning ighier acon, pst baled out aa great height and aca broke pin the at Wreckage was dsiibvied er very wide area. Thee were 49 so-eed ‘ory stipes on the ta acre blades wor covered wih ioe when the aera Cashes” Messerschmitt BY 1096-7 (WNc4124) of Stab NGS, shot down at West Wekham, Kent an 270 October 1940. Lt Busch (Gruppe Nach fe) baled out and was captured wounded The crash report stated tal "+ Back wih we outine. Works numba 4126, No pact head armove Compete wreck 50 Messerschmitt BY 1096-1 (V1Nc4828) of 4.454, shot down at Horsham, Sussex ‘on 2m Octobor 1940, Pit Ue Lenz ded of his injres. The erach report stated takings 5 (5 in white citined in red). yellow rudder: Creston a ight tue shield ‘wth the corer broken of 2 parrot ike Bed wth 2 Tana Beok wth ed umbrela under le we id ‘ying, Under the shied the words “Got safe Engiandn red, Completaly wrecked” Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WN¢5370) of 4UG54, shot down at Langton Groen, Kent ‘on 28th October 1940, Pt Lt Torow was hile. The crash report stated "Markings {@ in white outined nro). Creston tis acral is same as above. Nese yal Sprner ‘dark green, Completely wrecked" Tis area fad white 5 above wee shot down witin ‘inutes of each other and indicate how the Yotow tactical markings dere witin a unt The eye-waness report ofthe ight ue Unit, markings provides yet another variation. Messerachmit Bt 1096-1 (VN:6960) of 6.163, shot down at Meopham, Kent fon 30m October 1940 Plt Uf Fahrian Bed out sohy wounded. The RAF Crash report stated "Markings + (manus sign yellow outed tack) No mention Wwas made of the numeral 8 0 the assumpton here that the fuselage hd drergrated forwards of the fuselage oss. ‘The roport was mere terested in aera armament and recorded four MGs found ine wreckage. nceating hat hs aeat twas an Evan, rathr than the €-4 a8 Inde by the Work Numbor Messerschmitt Bt 109E-4/B (WiN:3740) of 91626, crashed at Witorsham, Kent en St November #940, Pict Lt. Heine Ebeing (Stffekaptan) beled out tnd was taken prisoner The RAF crash report stated” Markings Ie Thre is 8 further ter °faure not decipherate. The sin yolow outed in Back. Crest black winged demon enced in ed Complete wrack No plot armout Fite for cariage of 9 250Kg bom” Parts of is Scrat are het in the Bate of Beta Museum at Hawinge, ineksing the ruddec which painted in RLM 27 = ge ith the vier marks RLM 23100 == Messerschmitt Bt 109E-118 (W/N3250) of 9.1626, crashed at Witersham Kenton 5t November 1940. Pot Utz, Walter Braun baled out al about 13,000 feet and was akon prisoner The crash report Geary stated Markings 11 both gues n yw wih ne back oun. Engine couing anc fo yoann coision wh mache above Four MG17. Fite or carage of 2503 bom Yota photograph ofthe wreckage ofthis machine clear shows that bath 11 and the 3 gruppe be were cutined in Back, Messerschmitt Bf 1096-1 (W.N:4010) of 51653, attempted a crasvianing tt Smeeth Raiway Staton, Kent, on 23 November 1940, but ow trough ome trees and removed both wings. Pot LL Oto Zauner captured {The RAF crash report stated” Markings 12+ (129 be wih wht 000). Crest onside of coving is Ace of Spades on a white Samond oulined black Spinner red Four MGT. Struck woes whist landing and wreck 81 Above: Bf 1096-3, ‘white 7’ of 1./JG 2 ‘Richthofen’, being re-armed in the open. taffel badge can just be seen behind the intake fairing on the Cowling panel that has been moved is resting on the exhausts ied ‘stipple’” mottle common to this unit's aircraft identical even within the same units, and even varied in colour between aircraft. AS with the unit badges, some of the personal artwork had “history’, having been carried on aircraft active in Spain with the Condor Legion. In the case of JG 53 ‘Pik As’, the unit badge, the Ace of Spades, was painted out and replaced by {2 red band around the cowling on the orders of Goering, for reasons which are explained later. Like all Luftwaffe aircraft, Bf 109s were originally delivered from the factory bearing large letters on either side of the fuselage crosses. Known as. ‘stamkennzeichen these factory registration letters were generally overpainted or removed prior to the application of Staffel numerals, letters or Stab markings. Nevertheless, some continued to show through on some machines and aircraft are reported Above left: Bf 109E-4, ‘white 7" of 7.)JG 2 ichthofen’, dispersed in. the open at Beaumont-le-Roger. The rudder is perhaps fe, although yellow was far more The spinner tip was white. Left: Possibly a BY 1096-7, also of 7./JG 2, but fitted with a fuselage centro-line which Werner Machold was shot yor Swanage on 9 June 1941 (MW Payne Collection! to have flown operationally with these factory registration letters. stil visible, particularly on the machine flown by Uffz now on display in Wolf of 2./JG 26 South Attica Camouflage At the end of 1939, the predominant Luftwaffe fighter colour scheme was Schwarzgrun 70/Dunkelgrun 74 Uppersurfaces in a hard-edged splinter patter with Hellblau 65 undersurfaces, where the upper surfaces were well camouflaged against a woodland background. However, as the Luftwaffe confronted ‘French and British aircraft over a winter landscape, it was found that the dark upper surfaces actually compromised the aircraft. During the invasion of France and the Low Countries in the spring of 1940, it was noticed by allied aircrew that many Bf 109Es had adopted a revised colour scheme, which included the repainting of the blackgreen Schwarzgrun 70 areas with the greygreen Grau 02 colour. The pale greyblue Hellolau 65 undersurface colour was also extended up the fuselage Right: Bf 109E-1/8, ‘black 12" of 2()/LG 2, force-landed in. the Calais-Marck region. ‘The. numeral "1" appears to be 2 later addition to. make the number "12" Note the top hat” Staffel badge on a white dise fn the rear fuselage, (C Goss via MW Payne) SS: sides on to a line level with the canopy sill, or even higher to leave just the fuselage spine in the original colours, ‘and entirely covering the fin and rudder. Spinners generally remained in Schwarzgrun 70, of were partially of entirely, repainted in the Staffel or Gruppe colours). Both the original and the new styles, Continued in use until the fall of France in June 1940. However, by that stage, some units had found that the large ‘areas of light greyblue Hellblau 65 was too conspicuous and that they required @ On 5 September 1940, Messerschmitt BI109E-4,W.Nr.1096, which was white 6 of 1./4G 54, provided part of the fighter ‘escort for’ a bomber force operating over the Thames Estuary. Is pilot, Ue Fritz Hotzelmann, was flying swingman to the Gruppe Kommandeur, Hauptman von Bonin. ‘The Luftwaffe crews were engaged by the Spitfires of "19" Squadron. near Chatham and this sireraft was damaged by F/O LA Haines. its pilot flew inland at led our, falling alongside Fis aireraft-until his parachute partially ‘about 400 feet, to the cheers in Hardy ‘Street, Maidstone in Kent whore four occupants wore fortunately tting-out the raid in the colar. The pilot landed on the root of a house about 250 Yards aay and broke batho his egos fe'toppled into the street below, since his ‘partially deployed parachute hed Collapsed om his inital landing, ‘Aithough this isan intriguing cameo, why tsa scene of destruction, almost Bvistiontree apart from some toreckage, of interest in a discussion on raft markings ? ‘The answer les Set of tactical markings {s'an aside, this scene is within 60 yards of the perimeter wall of Maidstone son. The gable extension has. long since been rebuilt, but itis completely different to those of the other houses in the street. Photo courtesy of Kent Messenger. greater degree of camouflage and applied Soft mottling or rag-applied stippling over the fuselage sides. Some of the earlier applications of pale greyblue up the fuselage sides had also eroded sufficiently for the original two-tone dark greens to show through, which had a similar effect. Appreciating that further problems with camouflage would arise as their fighters flew across the English Channel, tunit applied mottle applications became the norm. Different units adopted different styles and it is understood that Above: Helmut Wick’s ‘yellow 2° (W.Nr 5344), of 3/JG 2 as it looked at the end of August 1940. He used this machine until his death on 28 November 1340, marked in turn with Gruppenkommandeur then Geschwader Kommodore Stab markings. Left: “Yellow 8° (W.Nr 1588), flown by nz Jaenisch, also of 3/G 2 sphed in June 1340. Below: White 5° of 7./JG 83, flown by Hane-Georg ‘Schulte, shot down on 8 September 1840. Note the fus fuselage crosses on aircraft MW Payne Collection) these styles were generally decided upon at Kommodore level. By the time of the opening stages of the Battle of Britain proper in late July/early August 1940, Schwarzgrun 70/Dunkelgrun 71. uppersurtaces were the exception, and the Dunkelgrun 71/Grau 02 uppersurface scheme was firmly established, albeit with minor variations including various uppersurface ‘camouflage patterns which weren't so splintered” or ‘hard-edged ‘As combats over the English Channel reached heights in excess of 20,000ft, a ‘more suitable ‘high altitude’ scheme was required, and it Is believed that the ‘application of the three ‘midwar’ fighter greys appear to have been introduced ‘much earlier than had previously been thought, in preference to the greens. The Farbton Dunkelgrau 74/ Mittelgrau 75/ Hellgrau 76 combination has frequently been asserted not to have been Introduced before the November 1941 edition of the Luftwaffes | Dv 521/1 paint chart was released, but personal examination of wreckage from the Battle of Britain has revealed that a Right: “Yellow 8° of 9./JG 2, almost certainly being flown by | Rudi Rothentelder, date uncertain, but before the yellow cowlings appeared at the end of August. (MW Payne Collection) 54 ‘combination of grey paint in shades very similar to the 74/75/76 Farbton colours, had been applied to many of the aircraft involved, ‘A plausible explanation for the lack of any Luftwaffe paint charts between 1939, ‘and November 1941, which may have identified the actual introduction dates of the 74/75/76 greys has been offered, in that on the acceptance of ultimate defeat in 1945, Goering ordered that all Luftwaffe documentation should be destroyed. Since more than enough manpower was available, document destruction was more complete (90-95%) within the Luftwaffe than the other Of course none of these changes were affected overnight, there being evidence to suggest that 71/02/65 finished Bf 109Es were operational shortly before the fighting in Poland had ceased, and certainly the scheme ‘appears to have been in widespread use before the 1940 ‘Blitzkrieg’ offensive, as contemporary photographs taken in the rather cold, early spring, show. A mixed assortment of colours from the original ‘green shades and the ‘new’ grey shades was not uncommon; wing and tailplane Uppersurfaces in 71/02 and the fuselage spine in 74/75, or just one of the grey colours being a frequently recorded variation. Even when the uppersurfaces were entirely overpainted in 74/75 over the 71/02, the ‘original’ Hellbiau 65 Uundersurfaces were often retained, and although the 71/02/65 scheme was stil the predominant scheme throughout the Battle of Britain period, as the summer passed in to autumn, and autumn in to winter, the percentage of 74/75/76 (or 65) finished Emils increased. National insignia had also gone through a change in late 1939/early 1940. The fuselage and underwing crosses (Balkenkreuze) received wider white borders, and the swastika (Hakenkreuz was repositioned fully on to the fin from its previous location centrally ‘across the fin and rudder hinge line. Tactical markings As an aid to rapid Identification of friend Right: Bf 1096-3, ‘black 3° of 8./JG_53, photographed in July or August 1940, Rote the red spinner and red band around the cowling. JG 53 were renowned for their imaginative use of camouflage colours, the fuselage of this particular ‘example being no exception. (MW Payne) from foe, was the liberal use of yellow, ‘and to a somewhat lesser degree, white, paint or temporary distemper removeable by washing off with aviation fuel. Some of the air leaders had started to personalize their aircraft for Identification purposes as early as late July, eg Obit Bartels, and Oberstit Vick with a yellow rudder and white cowling respectively As the tempo of the Battle of Britain Increased, so did the need to find a solution to rapid identification of friendly aircraft. The initial Luftwaffe solution in the middle of August was to paint the tip of the rudder yellow, although a few units painted the entie rudder. By the end of ‘August, cowlings, rudders, wing tips and tailplane tips were commonly painted yellow or, less frequently, white, but by no means were all of these recognition features applied to every aircraft. Naturally, plenty of anomalies arose. Atthe end of September, GefrMummert of 4,/16 52 foroelanded his aircraft at RAF Detling, where it was found to be stil painted in its original 1939 colour scheme (of 70/71/65, and towards the end of the year, certain members of the Jagdfieger evidently believed that the yellow paintwork was. now too conspicuous and elected to overpaint or remove it, eg Obit Reiflerscheidt's ‘Emil’ of 1./G 2. The profiles The colours of the earlier aircraft were relatively easy to determine, since they Left: Bf 1096-1, ‘yellow 5" of 9./JG 2, based at Charleville, France in June 1940. Note how the fuselage cross has been covered ‘over with netting to provide a degree of camouflage whilst dispersed in the open. (MW Payne Collection) were not that far removed from their 1939 schemes, which are relatively well documented. As far as the mottled fuselage side camouflage is concerned, it is almost impossible to tell which colours were used. An examination of the samples of greens and greys, when reduced to monochrome, are practically Identical. The blue/greys, Farbton 65 and 76, are so close in monochrome teproduction anyway as to virtually defy Identification from a sixty yearold b&w photograph or, worse, a poorly reproduced copy’of a sixty year-old b&w photograph The colours of the profiles were therefore deduced by examination of photographs and personal records made in England by individuals at the time. These deductions were made in Conjunction with physical observations of wreckage at various museums and in the personal collections of individuals in Kent ‘and Sussex and by comparison with the relevant RAF crash repor. These crash reports were obtained from the Public Record Office at Kew, ‘specifically from Fle AIR 22/266, titled ‘AMWR Location of Enemy Aircraft Brought Down in the UK - Reports 1.124 ‘August to December 1940’, This file was evidently an amalgam of many reports ‘submitted by individual RAF Officers, who were specifically tasked to examine wreckage, with a view to obtaining technical information about additional ‘armour plate, engines, weapons etc. However, from the point of view of intelligence, they frequently recorded details of colour schemes and unit badges, or any other detail that they felt extraordinary and that they had found during the course of their examinations. These reports have been quoted whenever possible, immediately adjacent to each relevant profile. The files were Intended to be submitted on a daily basis, 55 Left: Autumn mists at Le Touquet, as 7.NG 83 taxi out for another sortie. Note the re-instated ‘Pik As’ (Ace of Spades) ‘Staffel badge, and the reduced style of fuselage baikenkreuz (cross) Below: November at Le Touquet with 715. 83. These. aircraft most probably hhad the swastikas painted over. The pointed-capped spinners. suggest that they might be Bt 103E-7s, im W Payne Collection) ‘almost inevitably errors which, where possib identified, he crash report resting areas ntain obvious have been also reveal some detail, such as fecording the use of ‘orange’ (sic) ‘olours and yellow codes issumption here is that the ye tactical nose colouration sistently Gelb 04 and the neral was, in certain cases, Ge They also recorded the aircrafts’ Werke his aeroplane’s cockpit. No real attempt has been made to portray any exhaust stains on the profiles, particularly on those aircraft that were recovered practically intact. In many ‘cases, they had sustained damage to the engine cooling systems, which had overheated and then emitted boiling oi from every engine aperture prior to crash landing. These stains are evident in many of the photographs captured machi As far as possible, the colour profiles have been arranged in date order, as a means of displaying the progressive applications mouflage, tactical markings and increased victory tallies. This progression is particularly evident on ‘2 couple of individual machines, which nave been deliberately ilustrated twice. Nummer, (works or construction numbers), any differences in unit markings | and the colour of the codes ein mary cases, especialy inolne AE those aircraft that had force-landed, what proved to be an insurmountable hurdle was in determining whether they had head armour or nat. The reason here was that, in the vast majority of cases, the nopy had understandably been jettisoned by the pilot prior to the force landing, in order to ease his escape from He later became the unit's Staffelkapitan. Right: The tail of Josef Prillers ‘yellow 1 (wor 5057), in Its. splitterbox at Pihen, when he was Staffelkapitan of 6 /JG 51 Note’ the twenty-one “kill” tabs painted over the swastika, (MW Payne Collection) 56 Messerschmitt Bf 1096-4 (WNc5544) of Stab JC2, based at Beaumonte Rage France, n October 1940 Plot Maer Helmut Wick, Geschwader Kone. Incommon wih many JG2 machines the fuselage ofthe ara was densely pared in small dark goen spots, probably applied by a sponge org. The nese ‘hd orignal boon painted whe asa ecogniton feature, but tha ater rceveda thin yellow overcoat. This machine was also ited wih an armoured windscreen. Major Wick consstndy ew this aeroplane and, when h was prmtd to GeschwaderKernmodore the erigna alow 2 was overated and he Kermode wikel was applied instead. He scored his 42nd vary on 211 Occber and was shot dow of the Ise of Wight on 28th November 140, DyFILL 4 C. Dundas DFC" of 609 Squadron, having st achieved is 6th Ce eat

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