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SB SPOON WA eaU eee SPIT EFIRE ‘A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR THE MODELLER Part 1: Merlin Powered Draenei) AT cy IDATA THE SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE ‘A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR THE MODELLER Part 1: Merlin Powered Robert Humphreys SAM Publications Mouelters Datafile No.3 ‘The Supermarine Spitfire Part 1: Morlin Poworod Ip-Fobert Hunley ist published in 2000 by SAB Putctiens Prince Csr. Pier Cente Init Debord INKS TP, tied Kingdon ‘© 200 Sie Pubcaons Rab Humgheys& Riche ranks, 00) © Rad Boner (Chapter 7) ‘© Michele Nara: Atwork and Sketches ‘© Bihard Caren Colour Artwork © fel iki See Pas Mono Arter (asin) Moti Dalle SAM Publications Alsighs serve No part ofthis publication maybe rpedacd er warsited in um erm or yay means ecto ot mehanical incladngphatecopstesoling er anyotkerinkrmaton nage adsl ye, without orion i iting fe the pues saw a9seat6s28 “yoesetigané repre b DMZee Marti Lint Priteton Cou, ricki rive, Ber MKAl7PZ Unite Kgl ‘Ser eo Ricard Fen Desay ios Sugano iste ard bound inthe Unie Kngom by The ear Grup Limited ‘The Motollrs Datafo Seriee *Ne1 De Hand Mesgui Ned Hner Harscmne /Ne3 Swpemarne spire (Put: Metin Powe) Nod dro Last lnc Marsh Due Same 2006] NOS Sapearie Spi (a 2 Gif Power [Duc Winker 2000] Jeknouledpements ‘A wdof tans st > he owing pape aa oqgusaoes witout vse ip acdemnrageen inti woud cere Jnppeed Tie Deparment feck ration Series Reval Ar Fe Museum, lendn The Arca & Exits Daten, uy isa Macun Hendon, The Metogrph: Depart Rel Ai For: Meum, lender Bal Rye Hartge Tet, Deb, The Fie aetn, Duke Ae, Canbrige; The Southampton Hal oan Th Bate tan Menu igh, RAF Cony, id Bosra il Crs Dena Bl os lpr eerie spl pds isso nse ‘er shen ne, vee Nan NST (01890 HP (B97 S| ‘ae rs Aros Man ora SL, SA° SSeS A ‘i Lahr Yt adr 9 SVE (014250191 (1 a0 ‘Sor 2 eset nl Sil WN DLE» (0748 239298 eae turd Os ea neuf, ESIC SESH x: HES large tng Core pany sts, NS TET 4 (0090 268-009 78 Par St 15 eT 909627294 F833 ‘ne ie Naan a 0 gh St He Hee ert PAD I Aa3672 Fo WAG hur 182 CeO Coch 6688 Fe HS ‘ek es neal Come, br leet es GSA SDT ft iD ‘Sainte De one eh rk NB OAR SS) ar A HA? et ny hi le a Agha ede ee a(S Fa 402 {HR ak ny, AL 6D (OH DS sw (07 {ini Rd e245 202 44 2070 Fae ON 06 Contents Glossary 5 Preface 6 The Spitfire - A Concise History wal wil awd ow ont) on 6 | a) The Beginning 7 The birth of the Hurricane design K5054 10 The first igh: and testing ofthe protorype The Early Spitfires 13 The Spitfire Mk I arivesin RAF service Photo-Reconnaissance Spitfires 17 The Spitfire proves ideal in the PR role Mk Ilto VI 21 The development and evolution ofthe design from Mk I to Mk VI Mk VII to XI & Mk XVI 27 The fra stages in the development ofthe Merlin-powored Spitfire including the wo-seot Mk IX The Spitfire in Belgium 31 xd MKXV1 by the Belgium Armed Forces & Advanced Flying School The use ofthe Nl Seatire 37 The development and service use ofa cacrier-borne Spitire Modelling the Spitfire aad ow 10 Colour Side-views 49 Colour Interior Views 59 The Basics 41 The starting point for modelling the Spite in 1/144th, U/72nd, 18th, 32nd & 124th scales Understanding the Subject 65 A detailed anlysis of ll the diferent versicns ofthe Spitfire, and how to model them Contents aw IT om 12 om Id Appendix B Appendix Mt Appendix 1 Appendix IW Appendix V Appendix VI Appendix VI Appendix VIII ‘Appendix IX Appendix X Detailing 75 ‘Aa extensive lookin and around the Spitfire Building the Spitfire 121 look at alarge number of Spitfire variants in 1/72nd scale Colour and Markings 131 [A modellers gid tothe colour and markings applied t the Spitfire throughout its career Spitfire Kit Listing 143 A.camplete listing of al Spitfire constsuction kits Spitfire Accessories & Conversions 144 A complete listing of accessories produced forthe Spitfire & Seaire Spitfire Decals 148 A concise isting of all Spittire& Seafire decal sheets Spitfire Powerplants 152 Technical specications ofall Ros Royce Merlin engines used in the Spite & Seti, including Fackaré-but versions Spitfire Variants 154 A complete listing ofthe technical specifications ofall the diferent Merlin powered fre & Seaice variants Spitfire Genealogy 159 “The genealogy of the (Merlin) Spitfire fiom protctype to Mk XVI (inc Sefires) Spitfire Squadrons 160 A complete listing of Sptie Squackons Spitfire Operators 167 A concise fist fall foreign operators ofthe Nerln powered Spires & Seatizes Spitfire Production 170 A complete Isting of Spire & Seafre production Spitfire Bibliography 172 ist of books, journals and periodicals Aconcis Index 174 Fold-out scale plans Preface Spain 6223, 2 Squadron eae the i Moers ri Wes Teens om eet wie fete ed trina peedesrenet pple vi mule rd ated ikaw cntulaand eran Te des Dash erst es gete ater be er retin ch ib even alight srr feet hep ames nd imuwtcchbteyosuh it sisnaalicwinadek the ageless he TR Eenan, hich oe alg of pie feeble ope dl tae aig aceite ave ef he ewer anole edn te apy athe sk Richard A. Fnnks ~ en i ae dew heth la estle W sre hh the Met era se tes Teseandpti el aero vidal hs Sis one bye Me eso, ‘etal “gmetad tery ie dere be Mt pwd pes att ibe oped i rere sae ol ere ds, Tofra th lng ern be eg vat nce inthis ohms parc modelers Sines yg tel own dee alge Wee ined a we inprat tng t e enoye proc inline sly ed npr eva be Tp moi Rebert Huspheey, rotue 6] Spire mi Ho. 288 San Reig sored al [6 coon Glossary al AirMail ae ava BAO BEF Bs BDU capt CHP co Do eC eM Dio. prp TA Fear FOF Fug. PRL Gp capt HAL HF ns HQ LaF uF Ant-Arralt Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment AniarcrattCr-eperation Unit ‘A Commodore [RAF] ‘Ag-Chie Mats (RAF) Air Force Cross (RAP) ‘it Fighting Development Unit ‘AithorneInereption (edt) ‘Ar Marshal (RAF) ‘Ait Suppert Control Ai Vice Marskal (RAB) Bits Ae Forces of Occupation Bits Expaditionary Force Bitch Senda Borner Support Developmen Uni Captain etal Mesiterancan Fore Commanding Ofcer Dornier istingulibe ying ross Distingiched Flying Medal Distingitbed Service Oder Direstoraeof Techical Development lst Ai Arm Far East AirFerce Flying ce RAFI Fight Sergeant Fight Lietenant let Requirements Unit Federal Sanat ying Tsing School ‘Ground Laon Offer (Group Captain (RAF) kr Arf Lid igh-Altiude Fitter HisHer Maes’ Ship Headquastes Issel Ait Force Iertiation Friend or Toe vRY NF Xa Noo NEAF aw ree Pow Ailegram ‘Kampigeschwader[Laftwafe) ugoshvian ic Foxe Jicpschader ound Low -Alude Fighter Landing Ground Lite Tieatenant Commander (yal Nay Leutenant Corel ‘Mediterranean AirComman Major Minis of le Prout Messerschmit (also Bf Mark ML Aviation It, Maintenance nit (RAP) ight fighter Number INon-conanissioned Office Near Has air Force Operational Ting Unit Pathfinder Force Pil ice (RAP) Photographic reconnaissance !hoto-reconnassance Unit Royal Australian Ai Force ‘oyal Art Esablishment yal Air Foe Boks Asse Take-O Royal Canadian Ai Force Royal Noval Ai ton South Atrican Ait Force South Fest Asa Command Sergeant Squadron ‘Suadron Leader (RAF) rane Taget Inicator United Kingdom United Sates Army Ae Comps United Sats Aemy Air Force United States Shp Nicola Cross Nicory in Ewope Day icory in pan Day Wing Commender (RAT) Warranties Sfieloor adds crf serial mare denoting Wait atid special equipment and seas tobe guarded at alltimes The Beginning Foginald Joseph Mitchell Ry Nid. he desigerof the Spt was born on May 2189 in the igo Te nes tce-onTent Yeung gall was the edt of re hon of chooser ert itched The young Mitchel id not ws fates Svcs int the esching peste, ais ntrests rom an cay age in he thew innovative fel of aviation, Av he devoted his sure time to fying medal icra ‘ic bac designed pd bu himself Levin school atthe age of 1, Mitchell cook up an gpsniceship wth the stars locometive building teginecing em of Kcr Swat and Oo. in Stoke On Treat ‘hoo completion of his apprenticeship. he began working in hecompanys drawing office but on August 4 1914 the Geat Yr erupted which cas shadows and left reverbertions hic emai with us to thi cay Axi always the case dusing ines of watgteat advancerients were made inthe Fels of sence and engineering. As might be expected, aviation was bens exception In196, tel, now ape 21 lt KereStuare and. to tae wp employment with the ell aera feof Pemberton Ding Le stated 2 Woolston, ede Souttamnpson, Despie being sl im, mainly underiakingsircraft pair work on Teal of the Aciniralty twas here hot Mitchel found is [fessional niche wth what became the company with whch evil fr ever be asosiated,Shetly before the guns fl lent intsinand the cembaiars took shorcrest before embarking nthe second round ofthe Twentieth Century's Glob Caos, Pennberton Billing Lid, was renamed Supermarine viaon Works, The stage was se Jn 1919Michol was promoted ote pst ef Chief Designer Ae ime he was oly 28 years! In 1928, Vickers iviaian) acquired a major sharchlding inthe company reakig in yt another change of ‘Semaine Whilst erplysl at Vikers Supermarine, ns this tme to Vickers Mitchell designed no les than 2 types of scr of which the ‘pte was his penultimate design and the cnefor which he wil probably awry be best remembered However, the bilan genius ofthe design ofthe Spine can be dearly taced back to {he superb series of 6 racing monoplane doatplanes which Mitchell designed and dereioped, and whose successin the Schneider Trophy speed competitions won the trophy outright for Retain in 193 During the same yet an § similar so the ‘one dat had secured the up tase the Wr Air Speed Record t0.407 mph. hich was a phenomenal feed at thetime. Michel's sucess with the Schneider Trophy competition, nd the series of aircraft which he hal designed and devdoped for the even brought Supermarine, Mitchell and te iets 0 the tention of both the British public nd Government 90 0 ‘mension frciga governments ad srcraft manafactares Heveever, fame di not translate nto work,and at the time the couniry wasin the grip ofthe Gret Depression, When the Air jalan 7/30 in 193 fora new fight ristl Bulldog. Vickers Supermarine vas one of Minitry ssued Spe toreplace the ‘he maa companies that put forward a tender in the form of the Type 224, Chapter a et Sipemarine £73 2390 Seis | re ze ‘Type 300 Following thir experience withthe Type 224 approachee the Air Ministry with anew design th Type 300, | which was basicaly an improved and cleaned up development ofthe Type 224, but which retained the shank engin, Despite offering an improgement in Smaapsete te earmanc oe tf the Tp 24 the Ait Mistry wre are Retention pista deepen, Unde, Mitchell continued to work on ring hi desig. Iwas at thi stage thatthe Hoard of Vickers played their hand, During their Board Meeting of Neen 6, 19% the ‘Chairman, Si Rober McLee, instigated the desion wore engine the Type 30 wi anew engine then berg desloped by Rolls Reyes, known a the PY 12,lator tobe named the Men, ‘hs ime the Ar Ministry were interested in Michel's work and on December 1, 1984, contrict AM 36114032 as sue forthe construction of«prowiype fighter aia. The ‘tract was formalised cn january 3, 1935 and such was the Air Minstrys intrest in he now areal design that Specfetion E7434 was writen around it Inthe arr ws tobe armed with far machine guns, boas ve progressed qo Le Raph Sole made strong, recommendationsthata Battery of eight machine puns be fit to teow generation of monoplane ighter rca which vere ‘hen being designed and developed for Fighter Camnmané. Sqn dt Sor fought long and hurd for he RAPro take heed of and sdapthis ecorumendations ar nally succeded. Wen the Supermarine 86, 248 urine and Spline entered service, they were both armed sitheight Browning machine guns adaptel to acept standard Is Ary 0308 il cle alles Work en theType 300 0 F37134 pomtype as the aircraft ‘asst now, war underaken atthe Woolton fatory. Due 2 te then modem consruction techniques demanded by the sewfighterit wea very cha hand bulk aa ut gradually te dec elpticl winged ighter tack shape By February 944 thenew fighter was complete, and was rensperted tothe tilda Eastigh in preparation for hee msdn igh. pt the at thatthe new aircraft had been allocated the seri KS, a ame aa yt to be decided upon, (a March 5,1936 Vickers Supermarine’ Chit Test Plat, (pain |) Mut? Summers Hite the le new fighter of for ‘er naien light and flew he an to becomea legend, tested by the aterat Chet Designer, Reginald Joseph Mishel, shorty afterwards, the sleek K5054 wis named pti? and ithas been sugested that Michell was ot 0 hea by the navel Sadly tchells health woe decline In August 1933 he badbeendigosed as sufering frm cancer Following suger and remission, he rtuened to work despite the fact athelal ec warned that dere was always ie heat of the ‘acer returning Sich waste genius of RJ Mitchel that it sasurder these conditions hat he worked to cance the Stir well kxowing the thea posed by &rapaly rearing Cermany Mitchel vas an extremely hard worker who devoted ‘aud tention ode whist de same tie sriving to sinpiy ell concepts and techniques, and also to adopta ‘mmo sense approach to any task, In ache atached the (pees importance to cermmon pritepilohimsel, holding Koonce number 707, along with se, An acomplisied ering background ensued that he Kaew what was expected of al thse involved in each and every step of airframe’ prodction. Ile would oftenand unexpectedly ase those aeund him for thet views regarding a particular problem, eich meas tha all those in hie company soon Jearned w be constaiy alr and vigilant However it was deinitey no acase ofall wok and no play Mitchell ad «keen sense of humour and exjoped sport in the form of crcket, go, rowing, shooting, snooker and teams. He alsobred dogs. family man, Michell was married to Florence Dayco, and had one 0, Gorden, who wen onto bexote « doctor ‘itches revisson from cancer didnot ast long, nd in 1937 was diagnosed as having returned. This ime ll, attempts at treatment were nsiccessfil and he ded on fume 11,1987, aged42, The role of leading the spitfi's design team ‘ow passed onto ose Smith, who di fl justceto the legicy which he had been bequeathed, A thetimeot his death, Mitchll was workingon the design lof abember whose performance hasbeen calaulted ty have been sich that would hare ben superi hadi ewered service Unortuately this project was a0: developed s the fselages which had been uit were destroyed ina bombing aid in 1910 and the project vas ‘ancelle, listo be hoped that Reginald Joseph Micell would have ben knighted bya grateful nation had he lived. as vas ir Sydney Camm, the designer of the Hurricane othe Lancaster Spire pomtype xS05¢ Superman S 4248 Song ‘Stone ssf re ‘60248 being moved ws trtsbrachg alley K5054 ison moni dt ene te SES et Herat desman pst i Bente wesc Mat Sones he et tT Ie iit ek date ro Sanne camentopn ng are ant ig ha ecard) mieaspenr anda: ote Ses opt sapien ec aan Mgt ws lif ch bbl ode pets ere ss creditor pons estar Grace urge wea ile weet ais tne ie errr erage lao fect ws bil tvs re i tare male fig dine sel whee wise by rig hh [10 chars Subsequently, K5034 wis tes own and put through her ces hy other tet pots. As might he expected of «prototype tira, many soil and other obvious caanges were made to [K5054 daring her care. Her fine pith propeller was rep bys coarse pitch propeller which would increase the crcralt's ‘acimum speed. An engine change was effected There born balnce was fund to he to large and mackie. ngahly om the mos significant change othe profatype's appearance care in pri wen She was pained for teste. The scheme chosen was an overall ght lue-grey fins, whose ‘exact shud eoninues tobe the subject of debate te tis day. he prototype sil ffl uncristened returned to theair proudly sporting ber new firih on May 1, .eth fey Quill atthecontob, Ie vason or dbcut this time that ¢ name was bestowed cr the nev fighter, Vickers gesting naming he aircatt Spit’ and the Air Ministry acepted the suggestion. This was nota noel suggestion, and itright be read that Spies pomp x54 st reno Pi eran Sottn woe st osctells previous, uncceseal design the Type 224, had aa been christened Spite, Whatever the imentian or motive ihn the estosing of the name, whether rel or perv ‘yiirie was, and never was such an evocative namo apt {ors graceful airfare Fuether moclficaton continued asa resslf the tes fying rdertaken tthe time the Spite was at dhe cutting edge tobuolgy- the perotype was and bul, -andit was «seep ing curve. On May 26 the protetype Spite ws delivered todartshany Heath by Mutt Surarers in onder that Service tvs caalé commence Therials began immediately withthe fight being undertaker ow the very same dey asthe Spite arave. mere eight cays Iter. en june 3th 1936 the Ae Ministry ordered 310 Spires, The ew Spite was displayed to the Press at Eesteigh on Jue 6th, bile te general public goe heir fiat glimpse of Inv althe Royal Air Force Pageant at Henson on fune27%h, {allowed by another demionsrtion ths hme at he SBAC ipl et Hatfld on une 29. The public fel ia lve with the Sofie at fst ht However, the work had to continue, and chu, KS054 returned to Marsha Patho resume her service ras During he illowing weeks, K5054 was ited with guns, a sted th thee- and four blade propllers tose eit efi fara the airrat's performance. [he condition of theesernal paintwork alo sms te have deteriorated and encase or cocern, bur the testing continued, usr at tinesurcensentona methods, Split peas were attached tothe flowing herpoblic tifa silat dome-headed vets in place of the ‘agersive and dificult oft fusheveing, The esis rewaled that dome headed iret could be wsed on certin area ofthe fuel and consequently simpli the canstrucin process ‘omentat, Flash rats were found te prefeablean the ing aac These lings wer opted and sed on Praduction Spits Shelly belove Christmas (936 radio, mast and eral were fed to K30s4, ne new year the al kid was replaced by various styles of taiwhedsthe Dunlop sngl-whee! type later ‘eing sloped as standard, Miche was very much against ftv «alvhee! from the beginning. a i would add othe dnagand reduce the crf’ top speed. Whet be dd not know ‘vas thatthe Ai Ministy was planning to build concrete rues a the RAF front ine sis where the new Spires vould be bused. Consequently, production spies ‘would have tobe ied with atalsheel aher than ask Thanks to Syn Lar Sorley'sherd work and initiative the Spite was obefte with abank of four 0.3 inch Rrowniag machine guns in each wing, and the armament configuration bad, of cours, be tested, I was disonvered thatthe guns wer affected by the bw temperatures at atte ‘which impaired thei performance Until the problem of gu stoppages at aitude could be resolved, was decided n01 to undertake any Further air fiig tet. A forced landingon March 22nd brought a temporary halt to fight trials. this date Fg Of Sam MeKenva succeeded in king skilful forced landing with minor damage the airframe following wht rune ou tebe engine falar due to averbeting s¢.a reslt of od file, Repaire were son eflecied andthe opportunity was taken ofa gun heating stem 0 steppages would not ozcurin Right. Te pratype emerged Site potas 054 Spite prety W054 Spite probe KS0S¢ Spe poste x505¢ fom ber repairs sporting ser undersuraces wth a lsruptive camouflage scheme of dark green and dark earthen the uppersutaces. Those mundels which appeared om verticaly matted F24 cameras were carted one wih in Jens and dheother witha Linkers twas no considered tht ‘combination of guns and cameras woul ive the PR Mk VI the Aexibilayit mowed to operat ust helow the base of whatever «ld cover there might be Again te PR cI sported the (Mc fighter style of oer intake ‘Among the photagraphs stituted tothe PR IA VI is one of the Geman cruiser Admiral Hipper taken when sbe was hid up indry dock in Brest January 141,48 well as those of the bate cruisers Scharnborst and Gelsenau aso takenat Brestin ‘March and Apel 194 respectively ‘he ultimate PR Spies tobe based on the MK ghter sinframe wore the PR Mk Xie that were prodced all at ‘oaversions fom ether MK I an V fighter or PR MR VIL ainfraes The Mk XT] was again intend for lo alltude work ‘nd eaved wo vertical and one obliquely moustd camera, Lew altace work increased the rsk to both ple and ara and to offi this the PR Mk XI retain fu machine guns in Spite PR Ma BOOB, Nay 883 Spite Pam, 206 Nays04e raotcersona nes 18) ‘pie aM PLT No Sete gh Spice Pa, $06, Nay te [20 ows order to mount some form defence, bullet proc windscreen vas ited, with the PR style siding canopy. Te srr’ fuel load was the sareas the fighter verso, which alheugh limiting the variant’ range did nt precede her irom plying vial olen phetogrphing the Normand bates while the preparations forthe invasion of Baope were being made. The nsalation ofthe Meri 60 series engines sued inshe Spite having longer nose and it was notlorg befor Tong, ‘sed spies ppeared cathe scene. The ist ofthese appeared latin 1942 when teen Mk IX fighters had ther gurs ema vr chins deepened to accommodate the larger il ak neceasaryand «PR style windscrceafted. Teo vertical cameras ver: carted in thereat fuselage, andaninerease in ange ws achieved by using a slipper tank, Like alealy Mle IX these conversions were fted withthe sheet style carburettor air intake In this guise the variant was known asthe Spitfire PR MIX, and was onlyimended as another shoctsem, sop gap measure ‘Another camera-equipped verse of the Mk IX was the PRINKIX which again was praduced in srl numbers and wat ‘used fr low to medium alte work The FR Mk (X carried the fight’ standard armament ad nzera ful ond but had 8 single clique camera tein he fseage facing to port. As far as numerical seuency gest logical to assume that the PR Mi X would hare entered service before the PR. MX ‘Unfortunately we can never take anything for ranted with the Spt, ae th PR. lc X speared inthe peng of 194, by i ime the Pk X! was wel estalshe in sudan service. Cn sixteen PR Mk Xs were but andthe type was practically idem eserally tothe PR Mk XI, wth the only apparent iferenc being an ar ntake on the starboard sie of the engine cowlig for the prveried cnet. was net patel to kexpa type f suc limited aurbers operation and ony two squadrons were eqaippe withthe PR MKX which ‘as used inthe high tide “Thedfiniive PR version of the Merlin engined Spite mast uty bethe PR Mh XI which est apoesred in the Summer of 1943, the arr’ standard camera ilation was af we vertical faselage mounted cameras. att was not unastal frat bque camera ob ited Som FR ML XIs are recerdedas having downward facing 8 cameras with Sn fa ength lens fied in sll Mister fitingscutbosrd of the wheel wall, These cameras wee del for atic reconnaissance Cum tow to medium ates, The PR MX" carted ational fe in the ningleaing edges and ax external ligper tank coud alo bye ft. In fatit sa PR MK XT wich holds the cod for the lenges fight schieved ina Spe, ‘total of net 300 PR MIs was podued and te ype svassupplied ta sveral feign sr rces Prurton came toa cendlate a 1984 when yc anther PR Site version appeared ‘on the scene, This was th Grion powered PR MIc XX, tha as they seit enatber story Spitfire Mk Il to VI Mil silly. the MT was IK airframe witha mare powefil ‘Mi ng, (Use Metin XI) - ence the nced fer anew ena in onder tdifrentate betwen bth vacant eertall borh types wore vitally ental with the Ml ‘wnporacingal the medications and developments wih se bik int the Ut Lagat Fo the eacrop shaped ister vtidhhe Mk had onthe starboard sie of the rose iteneliey behind thespinserand wich ener the Cottman ttre: The MI ould be ite with ether thede Havilland sper with narrow Dural metal Eades, a were the Ms oF wd th bt style Rotel spinner with Brad, compressed wood, jlo propel bles Desi aly difcutes with production ofthe Mk Ia the fie actory st Cate Bronscch the new type we soon ern fom the comple in increasing sumbes. The fest ‘auc to receve che Mk I as No 611 at Digby who received nisin August IMO. Therate,deliveies were eect © ‘N97 and 256 Sons Limite numbers of the Mk saw taba ia thelater stages ofthe Batte of Britain. The Bk vas ingructon fora rete short time, but ng enought for the pls bul over nie hunched examples. Mos of teve were is which socant cat they were ited witha batery of gu 0.303in machine guns 4 small mumber wee ails Nib wih two cannon and faurmachne guns. The iter Pasion asalvays proved to bea very €usive bid with ew strep ofthe tyeever appearingin pint nf the Spies shurtomsings rem the very cutset was isreltively sort range det theliite aman of fuel eich ‘tend cary Stenuou lors were made throughout the airraft’s carer toincrease is ange tothe absolute maxima, ‘nd while some PR varantshad » phenomena angi was not possiblto increase the rang f the fighter versions accordingly Aue ta the constraints imposedby operatinral equipment Aseatly as KO791, the ith production pire, attempts had been made to increase the crafts range. This partiealar sina was retsined by Supermarine fr wslsand ted witha mock up instalton of faed underwing ful unks of _appreximately 30 gaons capacity each. Ancther Mk Iti time 79565 was tested with singe ie excerma fuetank under the pot wing, The fied externa uel tanks, whether in symmetrical Site ats regs 2-22 ‘of OT nth | he spine nx 3297, 1 int fer wn appt ng. ay 180. Sooemien 2 Ste ave wa”, ater 19, ‘Spe ave otk ‘tne! Sauron Spo va waar, [22_ ows cr asymetiial rm, were Found wo have dewinental affect on the aircraft’ performance. Howeres, the ques continued.onda small nurnber of Mk Tae were ted with a fixed uel tank of 30 gallons capacity under the port wing ‘These irraft were designated Mics LR, and issed > No. 66,118 and 152 Squadrons. It appears that his variant ofthe Sptfie was pottoo populie wits he pilosa she tank affected the speed and handling, However, range was increased which meant ht the Spitfire sould new eon erbmber charges deeper into enemy held teritar than was previously posible Longrange Spits «sorted tiebumiers which tasked the German bate cruiser CGisenau on te 24th uy 191 when she was docked Trost harbour. The long ange Spt Wks remained in service wai March 191 when the surviving siterat were withawn, nd ‘hee wing tanks eraoved pre woken forwarded tothe Central Gunnery Schoo or use inthe training role Aurthervariantofthe MkII we theIl, and its important ‘ostes than this case te sui Cd not reer tothe sirens armament This variant came cn the scone in 1948 afer he Mk It had been replaced by the Mk Vas ir 0 ont line dues were concerned, The Mklc was powered by the Merlin XX engine and undertook datos inthe aie soa rescue roe, Survival and rescue gear were catied internal behind the pilot seat, and eld be released threagh theflne chutes onthe ‘uidesie being the cockpit The installation of ths exea ceqipment did net hae an adres eft on the ME Ie’ perfranc, although the srr tetsnedits us] aernament ln March 194, the MIU began tp be phased ou oF ‘at was intended tbe atop ‘gap version, but which became the seca mest umercus Sptine type toe produced exceeded only by the MK. The ‘MeV yas making er appearance paducton, obereplaced ‘Mic tH (3297) nly ose Spt 4h yas proce ely 027. te type veruly Tsing out to the Hurricane Mk I, ania the Sitfre Mk, Whereas he Mk lea -engined Mk the él was an attemptto impo the y's design and consequent its performance. The re-design meat tha he Mi would fern appetrances in cena pradsors, most notably inher wing span, which was ppd, ted shortened te 306i The undercarriage ws w-lsignd nan tempt toimpene thetppet grand sabi the Sires nar teack tulesatiage haviag proved nt so sual as havo the car's, Whenetrcted, the unercrriage was tobe sompely over by re-inteodacing he fap as bod bea ‘esged cn the protatype although the HIKII Hps were to be lool in a dren postion tathose ofthe prattype. The tue! was oe fly reta:tbleandenclosd when Mh The aici’ armur wis o be increased slighilyover that of frevius mark, pl the bulletproof windscreen or lainated thas pal was to be installed inside the pilet'sforward vision panccaher than on the outside as previous Fite ‘ ulls Royce Merlin XX engine ited wih a wo-stage agescharge would have powered the Mk il. Thisengine incened th Spt’ length to 3 An aad ws intended to inroveter performance at latins. slower tthe time, ibe of Brihn saeatitsheght aed the mite splice ibemerlin XX then avaiable neve earmarked far the Hurtin ML wbich had priority ofthe more pawerfil enire, Rolls Farsestepped up production of the Merlin XX,and nein 1940, snorcer wis placed fer a substantial quarts o Spire Mis. However Rol Reyes had underkenfuthor delopment of the Meri XX, ana alo produced it without ‘helow alitude blower Thine developed engine known as the Metin 45 could be fitedin essing MKI and Mk Airrames with the sinimam amount of modfatons and Aiscuption wo production ins and resulted inthe NK sees. Tewas raised that such acoure of action could ony bea sheet term stp gap measur: pending the intocton of «variant following further developmen ofthe design butasa resto the arrivalofthe MkV the decision was made net ogo ahesd nth eles produton ofthe Nk i Mk V Series: Developed from the Mk the MK was Rave been superseded in trn by the Mi bt, 8 reletd sow thie ‘vaiant never made i into production, However th new Sytem pote ee nt ot 130 Sadr spe ae ve P= sammie 2] Spi mk vo BLT WZ ‘ma of We 827 Squatran Spat me vo psec ABSTO no 130 Se Sor Mk January 1841 ‘Metin 43, which was basicaly «Merlin XX without lewritude supercharger, ws authorised for instillation imo [Ge Mk IST arrame in December 1940.Fartunatey ihe Spitfire Mk and MkUsthen in service could acarumodate the | pew engine witht the need fr extensive modificationsand the new engine could alo be ite to arfiames are onthe [assembly lines without ficting production, Thus was heen the ‘MK hich as itll od upon as purely an atria ‘ersionperlngthe arrival othe Mk and Wk VI;the ater with its pressurized cockpk would beableto courte the Jooming threat from high tude afta aia then expected When ths threat id not materi, the NK ‘comlied be produced asthe mala production yrson So | saccessfal was the type in fat a itbecame the second most Jy exportedta rumerous rasiant be prodced and was wi {oregn air forces both during and afer the war The fist squaron to receive he Ml was Ko, 92 which undertoa delivery o the est alicraftin bruary 1981 Intally the Mk Vs were converted Mk land Mk I aitfames ‘which had been stengtheted te cope with the new Metin 45 “engine These conversions were issued slengade preuction [Mk Vs exming fiom thefactres. The new MV aire fied ty Genial arraren of elght 0.300 machine guas,can be | iffcuto dentfyin photographs, butone distinguishing feature vas thei larger diameter i cooler which had czcalor intakeas opposed othe semi-circle, or D sty, which was feed othe Mk Ie ad Ml. Noto apparent, perhaps, buta feature vhch fst appeared onthe NY, was the use ef metal covered slr that further enhanced the Site's ying hacer, The first variant ofthe Mk V tobe produced wasthe Mk Va [hich carried an semarent of eight 003in machine guns. Atte izey-four examples had been produced, production hates As rman wasnt of aca eneugh aie to do the jb equied. Insiead,podcton as swith t the Nk Yb, vvhich arid an ermomientoftvo 10m Hispano cannon and four Browning .03in sche us, The ccs intially “encour withthe camnon emament had by now been resolre, but the wirg wouldonly accommodate ssty rounds per «a diet the drum feed units that were installed n October 1941 the Mk Vc came along with what became known asthe or urversal wing. Theinxemal structure of this wing ered somewhat to those fied to peviasvarans, and incorporated several features which were w have been usedin dhe NKIDL This stronger wing as capable of accommodating ithe eight (020din machine gus, four 20mm caren, ora combination of two 2mm cannon ane feur030bin machine guns. By the time the MkVe appear the cannon installation could accor lone hurdered end tweety reurds er gun, signa increase in ire folowing the introduction ofa redesigned belted system. Although Spf MB Ves were fied with four 20mm cannon. this armament seems to have been the exeption thet thanthe alas the two eta cannon imped a weight penalty hic feted the icra’ performance The more wsuel, ombinatin appear to have been two mm cannon wh our (0.300in machine guas.Ofea, but by no mcans ays stall stub zing could be seen where headin cannon coud be fied outbound of the one carved. The wnvesa wing was also capable of carrying wo 250 bows mounted cn wig shackles fora single St bomb mounted onthe aircraft's cente sete, this pdacinga fighter-bomber. The questto increase the Spitfire’ range continued bt 208 tier was focved on developing ajetinnabe sir fu tamkishich could bette tothe acatt centrelne tally these tanks hada capacity of 3 sd 45 gallos, ha 0 gallon jetlsonabie tank had boca develope by dheend of 1941 Despiteinceeaing the Spits rane ignificenty, these tanks continu oat the aircrafts sabi ui they had been rained or jetisoned, bucthey werea great improvement oer he previous design, anda such were judges sueces ‘vas whe dhe Spire MY was the even Fighter Genmmand's crow tha the Focke Wal Fw 190 vas fist cocotered, This resbein he balance of poser which had ven rere by he inmotion ofthe Atk, shifting agin in four cf the Luftwafe. Ths added farther stimulus tote pace development ann the shore erm sa several ‘mprovemenss end moiitcaticns beng introduced onthe Mk pisacton ines. These modifications incded imeering the ers perirmance and rate of al at ow ata, Siting of a nepaive-G carburetor This ater item regulated the fe fd tothe engine and prevered i from cating oat er the pilot applied negative Gas happened fr example, sina vdden dive wa initane ‘The MK vas a emarhaly sucessful varantespeially enone consters hit was intel yietended aa op-S1P reared something better came slong! Se scseafl was tte Mk tha by December '9¢1,most of Fighes Commands squadrne were equipped wth the type. The Nk was the ist Ager verse ofthe Spite wos operational se overseas, sad vas sep ovexerl fori ir forces. nde, the type sor service en evry font on whish he RAF and tho Allis were ‘opi. MV was fred with Goats and flown in that aanfiguatoe, In it serious consiertion was at ne time tie to procueng afleatplane Spitfire bt a chang i hecide ‘fer mean tha sucha requirement was no linger needed SS RS ‘Continaing the naval them the MV spine the Safe ie ‘which in tira toa whole host of variants which were imende to ope frm aircraft cries net a bud achievement fran aircraft designe orginally a land based, hort range interceptor, despite er weter borne ances, Mk vi Inxeaded o combat the threat posed by high fying enemy | Sate vs Rath sae ‘Spt Me Vo ARESS XR | Stic ty to, 308, ‘Sudo Horo iy 1942 Speee 28) Spe mv at | hen fo, 24 Suen ian ‘Spt Snug 164 yt meV Top cP829 26 ches srr he Spitfire Mle vatiat of de wos thefistprosarsd high ying version tbe prodacd Basically sMkV fuselage incomporating a Rolls Royce Merlin 47 engine which drove a four tade propel he Mk Valo featured a pressurised cochp forthe plot-and spate the distinctive fextended wing tps This fests extended the wing span fom 2of in 4412, ad was intended to give te areal automa ft when operating at higher abitud, Ill riety seven high-alitude Mk Vie wor bail although some the figural one hunded. The fis tue production NVI, asopposedto conversions wae milled ost in December 1%, vith production canning unt tober 198, Ina eight squadrons sereequipped withthe typ, all based in ‘the UKapan from Sve aircrafi which were sent the Mille ast elp counter the threat posed by hgh zu encry J 6 recononssance sire eich sources qu sina, purtclalyth ‘operated in thar thet, Sadly the ME VT cannat be lnked upon asa urquaifid sees andin act wasoutperiorned in de Nid East by locally mie and lightened Mic Vs. Inada this, is canopy. which was lacked dows cn the plot efecto off in onde vec pressursation, was aeatre which was Usk, lsptethe fc that ould be jetisones in an emergency Followiag thei witharaval fem squad service the MV ‘vas mainly emplyed inthe training rle with oth emamert an] soci pessrsation msoved. As thee hgh atte ale ‘vas no longer etd, thir pinted wing tips were alo rev and placed wih standard ps Mk Vil to Mk IX & Mk XVI Chapter MK ito date, La acts was nts, the KIX reaching the squadrons in advance ofthe Mb. VIL nA VL Intl the Mk IX intended as anethor stop ‘spaneasre with hich Fighter Commané would have to make iountlpressuriued Mk V1 and unpressried MI VIII became sable as ar ofthe mainstream deveoprent of the type Theft MF vasa Mk Vestas fied with a Metin 6 sag; with the partnership proving tobe s0 succesful at bisadapatiog, which was ato featae some of the designs iteaded forthe MK VI and Mk VI, wo suelo the squadrons, Ths versie soon proved its worth remarkably ‘ssl member af the Spitfire fail sa much so infact tute Wc IX ard basically entcal Mk XV, was bai in ger numbers than any othe variant ofthe Spitfire. Homewe, fe these of continuity itisbest to del withthe Mk) and hk VU nex eater than falling the spe ehreanogial ney inta service The MA VIL, Type No. 351, was designed asa high alte feheraa ss such would feature the exes wig ips lar to thws flataned onthe MV, bt with eluced span alleroes Ihewe Vit airframe was strengthened considerably when compared tthe Mk, and was fied with he Metin 6 and Isderivuives which had two-stage supercharge thas Jagheniagthe nose, Radiators now appeared under bath igs The port wing rdistor cong housed the rdintcr 6x the engine's new intercocer as wellas he il oo, which was ctgnllyhoused init vr itae under the pot wings. An intake forthe pressurised cokpit waslocted beneath the ‘haut rings unthe starboard sito the nose The elevators Jorn balances were exerded and while ealy Mk Vs had the titra standard rudder ater production arcratt coed othe roducion ines with an exendet-chord rudder ted with 2 pot up. he previous Fie talbwhcl was nove ally retractabe, the frst time this fare appeared en an operational | ‘ould be logical io assee thatthe Mk Vt fllewed Spits mk ce 25209, Meco 21902 | version ofthe Spite rternll the fuel capnety was increased, while the'C wing stmamet ws ited as standard ‘The first prodctcn Mk VIL led cutin August 1842, ith the typebeing kept in productian uti eel in 1948 by which ‘ume grand oul ofone hundred and forty aircraft Id been ‘it, Despite achieving some steresse, the Mk VIPS petoumance wes something ofa dsappeintment on the ‘eho, especially when lighten! Mk [Xs were proving equal to the tak of performing high alte ieterceptios. Ie intrestingto nte that some squadrons remored thei sires cannon in cede tolighten them andl consequently chance their performance, The MK VI was operated by No. 18, 126 131,154,312, 31, 483.612 and 616 Squadrons, wih No 134 Sqa being the astto The sole Siew wo Seat Hah sn wiomaemox _ 27] pee mK236 ZF tno ats Sqr, 134 ro Me Ho. 736 cron | [20 owes “pera thie particular Spitfire rar asthe wer cametoan end teen of ts operational fe the Mk VI bad ng forsaken ts intend role sa high-atitude fights and as ally wed inthe same meas standard Spite fighter. mk vill The Spitfire Mk VI ype No.339, was developed alongs the ‘MV. and can generally be cnsideed as sharing the same features spar from beng anpresarse Bay production ‘MVIls appeared in Noverer 162 and were ted wit he standard (cal) syle redder bt the majority were fit with thelaer stylebmnad- sxuipwih the Lk lees No. 807 Squadion, bur they did not achiev fll cuadron stergth unl Ma 1943, duet ashoriage tf Mestn 32 engines Bocas of problems asocsted withthe catapalt gots sutabilzy with some carrie catapult uit, not allcrrers con lau the type in thismanner Rocke-assisted Lake-ff(RATO) was theaeser ancl MBL aal MBO? were ‘se for vcios tral rating othe use of crite rocket packs forthis tsk, ils were undertsken nally at Farnborough, bat then moved to HMS Chaser. 14 was Jstalong with spilt, faring acrah ning on Chaser’ deck onthe st test ight, 0 MUBO7 vas read to consis the work: This concluded aera ‘umber of mishaps, ncaing ting ire othe runvar and ta ring the Farnborough stig and goat carckad tobe taken 10 ensue the ockets were never iied ciety over the hanger dace of a carnerin ear ofthe whole hing igniting. The lst Mc vtsen Wa the LR Mk which was. a low-leve photo econnaissance aicraftfited with one E24 20in foc mgt) camera in verti positon and one F24 (Vin focal ength) camerain an ote postion. The st cmversion of enh an aifam,MRIOS sss undertaken by Heston Area Sati ty Mant sate 99] Seat LF MUNI, are 1968 oyna oat and they wers also responite forall the remaining conversions ofthis type The inal Mcte produced was L R764, wich milled off the suri ine in Oxtober 153 and lthoughit was rot tose service,it was use fra vary of trial nung those onthe tal unit ofthe nex Scare vain, he MB Mic ttt The MII was tobe the first Scare with wing fk though « fokting wingrthe Spitfire had been desgned by Joseph Smut wey back nate 1939 eld of eval Spite aifames at that ie, and Chere’ insstance hat the ypenet Le used on carters rested n some our ears passing eon a Seafirewih wing fold capacity saw servceon a Navy carte, ‘MASTO the ist production Mk Ic was fown to Worthy Down en the 2nd October 1942 and weed toundertake camersion w a feding wing his wing fla cansisted ofa beak ‘outboard ofthe undereariage bays and anther at the pint ete the tis wera, The fre hinged inward, while the later wet cutwandand ling took ive men forty-five seconds toachieve, Rowercd wing folding wes considered but the weight penalty was too peat and was thercore abandoned. nial the ‘Admiralty had wanted the four-canaon wing on ths machine but hei weight coupe with he new folding wings mae this impractical, sothe cuter cannon were deleted and Martin Baker feel mechanism instal remove the need forthe large Distr onthe upper wing surfaces that was required in the od ram fed system, Power came fom the Merlin SSengine and the Ml vasalloted Supermarine Type No.358 Production ‘sasonce again undertaken by Westland. wah asssance from Cunite-Oven but delays in geting the wing jigs eu in the festthiry-two airfares being delered without ling wings (these werlatr redesignated as Ml Is). Both the fist (L958) and second (L796) production machines were ound o be unstable, soar seme research twas feard hat thee ballast ‘veg ade atthe font of thealrcraft moved the Coton ofthe datum (in was the mt. Bech MASTO (the converted 1K 1) id LR756 underent ia with the CC he maximum Lit of Sinaf othe data, and although A870 preformed vel, LR766 wasstl unstable The case this was thought t be deal un, anid Cuslife-Owen boi [Mk lf wes ako fundta be unstable ia thesame mare. Inthe fel the fal ss and oii iro ve he wing fod jens and modifications wer instigated wo overcome the problem Othe: problems expriencedindnsed wver-bectng of ‘he guasand though anumber of udiiations were undertaken the problem ws never ful resolred. Praduction Mk Els worescon being ted with the ne lige Hispato Ml V cantor, whichresuled ina shorter bare andthe ‘sing vasalioadapedto accep four 21h o 0 Sin rocketsor tvo 25 (akg) Gesera Purpose (GP) bombs as wellasa S50 (227k) bem on thecntelne By the 9h production machine dhe large pic flter was dopped andthe stealing Aer-Ye uit was installed, resulting a onger carburettor jatae,and bythe Oth machine veld fuel tank capably ‘under the wings was incued as tndard Trouble wail being experienced with therynes undercaige as wllas mage nfictedo the aol the sneat the atesoreoked bounced ff the deck during nding Ibe fomer wis overcome by the we efink-style wits oupled withthe adoption ofa ‘modification which reduced the ietiond ofthe wit cllapsing _duetolarge side los bing spi © ia in alaning wth Tue emoun of yao when the ship rele during touch dows The ter as ele bythe installation fa camper to prevent thehonk bouncing A poo-reconissance version ofthe MK aiame was iso produces was the case with the MR The prototype ot ‘his version (FR of PR Wk i was MBL94, wih had one ‘ertcl and one oblique F24 camera insale as pe the Nk Ik ‘ersion an then 129 Mel iframes produced by slit Oven were abo crenpleed inthis mannet.A Tow akitade MT vas ln produced (L MKTe or LP Me an the type was ite wi the Merlin 358 engine fr all prodution versio “The istuitto reseive « Mill as No 894 Squadron and this was ollowed by celiteries to Nos OL, 87, 185.850 Squadrons. The iy contin nerve uni March 19465, sehen Nes 857 ancl 894 Squackos were the st ow o epee the type prior tothe disbandment. ‘Onc cf th inl chaper inthe Merin-powered Seafes history was the placing ofan order for tele Sete MTs by te rsh Az Corpein Angst 1946 These machines Wee stripped of al their naval equipment lieu they cetained ‘heir four-lade proper and essetaly reverted to Ske standards, Delivers were made between ary and September 1947 and the type was sed unt 1935 The Basics beer ange rumber of its produced othe Spitfire Most, of tere ween 72nd wale, bt thee wer alo afew in 1,14 (an stale, V2 andeven 124. nthe past Feyeas these hae heen supplemented by agosing number of te odings eka in both U/72ndand L/h ales, AZ expt with uch a famous type, ther has SS Revell: Mik 1 his kitwasorighally sued. in 1973 andi nt curendy ssl, Unorenately ve did not kave an example ofthis tachec, 9 we cannot offer an fart: omments about cones and accuracy Grown: Mk V ‘hs kits orginally eased inthe mi 197Ds and kas sac beenressied by aH Academy and Revell. the ime of wing (200), this its ave i the Minicraft rane The decal tions the (Sinica) amp: wehad wes 1 MV, W392, WXET of No302Squadion Wert Thisisa very simple kt The paneinesare al raged and it fesures no cnc del of any Kitd Surprisingly the cckpit canopy ot solid and it depicts the external bult-proof ‘us windsereen, The span aa fuselage length are aout 2am stort The stern sre mach to deep and he talwheelegisa mis-shapen blo. the undercarriage ean be posed up or ho, lou there 9 bub deail andthe cleos are moulded othe underuriage doo. The serial fin and rudder are much too «cevid but the propellers the caret diameterand style ‘Ther aaltnct lack any pane lines onthe wings forthe armament, and the bulges for cannon are much ton sal, svi yoa follow the insruction,it would have you fi the ‘adit unde the nase an the carburetor intake under the weg Unfortunately ia theexarple we ha there were yo mis-feemed pars. The tlanes were one sh areaand the wings another ‘This kit has ssn a bt of action ovr the yere ands ute is bginningto show. The curent version i etaily not hat sped. so maybe people wanting to use this it would bebeter tolosk for itunder the onginl Crea Lbel nis sales the only kit ofthe MK there, so you have itd choc, but a loc of work willbe needed t» make this one passable, Modelling the Spittire Chapter PoE | Airfix: Mk ta Thiski vas ongialy sted in 1978.1 was anew oo pchicedat the time to replace the artiquated MKT which had ‘ben around singe 1953, before being medic into a Mk IX. Thiskitiscurely realy avaiable “Thecurrent version (401071 fers the allowing colour ‘option #1 N3297, AH of No. 234 Squadron. RAF Middle Wall, August 1980, Verdict “Thisisa lov litle MI ita stl thebex on ofr The it features raised panel line and the cockpit consists ofjust a plee Figure satan for with no insrument pane lthoagh there 4 gunsgtiacaded It scales out ere in span and length ard the tlglanes are also sccurate-The raised pael ines ‘corre depict the ight gun wing armament, The propeller ‘depts the de Haviland unit and the usecarnage bas the faarspoke syle of bub itd, The only are of concern isthe radu, which adhough correct engl wo Mat an xe’ inoverll shape Th canopy is asingl-pieseand depicts the coternl bulet proof sy windscren with the Mase sliding canopy This stil she best Mc Tout there ar current Heller boxing ef aa a wil ao prove w be tisk. The Hasegawa kis a good source of bis Uke the Watts prop and easier style of canopy but betrathl youcen cb these from Acrodub | furaboutthe sme price asaccessores anyway A lovey kit and the basis many aconversin! | Airfix: Mik Vb | hist was reas in 1975 andi carry red avaible. ‘The curent version (0206) fers the lowing colour options 1 BML, RF-D of No. 303 (Folst) Squad, RAR +) BNIS| NXsDofth Sst Fete Group USAAF. ‘verdict Thisket is very simiarin many ways othe Mika kit features sited pane ine: anda hited codeit inter of just plot, scaubulkvead and door. Once again a gunsgit is so included. A three bade Roto propeller is incaded but {Ue ites net ature any option partslie proper, fies, wing tps et. The sngle piece canopy features the sternal tye of bullet prof ls, bt ite thik The wings featuremos’ ofthe correct panellins fr the B wing but the canon hart ae io eng and the hes ore the wheel wells | are oobig, There ave no vets under the wings towards the tips citer The upper wing panesalso havea pronounced"king’ | towards the wing rot il that should not be ther, No Fabris eft hasbeen added othe conte surfices which will suit | [12 creer some) athe rudder trim ais dewid of any actuator The silzons ae alo devoid of any siblines. he aileron hinge line on the wing upper surfaces wrongly pasoned which meansit hastobefiled in andre seribe. Te whee entre four poke Ibs an the adi unit alnough comet in overall s,s sila bitton square, "This was he hest avaiable unt recent and though tl ‘worth considering it curently mow expensive than the new aleriki, whichis betes One for thecllectors naw fae Airfixe Mk 1X This it started utlife 5 « Mk in 1953 andin 1960 twas converted int ths version. Thekit is curren stilawalableand ‘wasrecetl reissued ina Dogfight Double st along withthe equally antiquated 1100, Both versionsof this kitoflerthe sime decal optim “1 MRVb EN394, JE, own by Wing Coramaer HE. “ohnny’ Jenrsen, Canaan Wing RAF Kenley 1983, Verdi ‘What can yousay realy This is. 7 year ald, and itshows, The slid wings are the Ist of our worries. The fuselage is 2num to lng andthe aos comings doe en, The rear fuselage and adder ar alo incortet in «ois section, though thi is mal problem The ‘sxstuhextaas! stacks are moulded int each fuselage halfand are no on very rude bat oe big The wings ave comrect ia span but are slighly too narsow al de way ae their ength The propeller suppesed to depict Rotol uit bet {he blades are much to thin. Suprisingy the tailplane: ate ‘accurate and even include trim abs andacuaters athe radiates, abhough ltl undercile argue goad profile Surfce deal ass cf aiselines and over-danerivets, The ‘cannon bulges ot the upper wings ae OK, but the associated acces panel is way to big and under wing pal lines ete dent _mateh published plans. Te coc interior is crue, wie just @ plot and sestand the underariage ogee fom the sme ‘tude nh as they ae jst mbes moulded t te undercarriage actuators. The canopy is asingl piece. whichis share. hut both standard and clppod wing tipsarinchided The east Macs re well moulded bat sue trom deep sink marks on one Sk, and econ tower marke on the oer These are therfore ‘est replaced with Aerocab ata versions, Note as that he squaon codes ar fuselage band in thiskit are the wrong, ‘obur ther are supposed oe Sky, butar far toe geen 0 be scepiale frog FROG: Mk ta/lta/va ‘This kit was rt relented n 1959 nd it emaied under the ROG abe! unl 197. The kit was also sued by Bienengrader, DF. Tria, Hema, Fumo, Micali Mar Novo eis currently arable ony through secondhand dealers. Unortunately we could ne track dawn an example tis bok, so cannot make any comments with regsed to itscentns FROG: Mk VIIVIK Tit was leased in 1974 and remained a the range unt 106, The Lit was alee iesusd by MIR. Remus, Korpak and was Planeé for lease by Nvo.ahough this never happened twas aso fre asa premium by Mars Confectionery ane utkers (ats nits original er itis only alle chrough secondard ‘dedersalthough the Krpak versions curtently ead sealable ‘We were rable oobi an original Frog ki for this book, bute did hare anexarple currently being prods under the Rorpak abl This tis the Frog tooling dors the fling ‘olouroptions, Mk 1S, EHSI2, 2X5, No. 15 Squadion 2 MIX, P7564, EBZ,.No.4 Squadron Vordiet, Surprisingly you would expect tisk be naccurae, considering its geet, but to Frog’ eet, the kit sales our perfec length, spanand detailtopublishod plan, The kt Includes no real cockpit intern jus he usual (rth era)'plot ana see Separate standard and pointed sys of rudder are included, along with 230 gal slipper tank Some confsion exists with the Korpak kit instructions a theyae direct ‘piss rm the el Frog it which vas for the Mk Vil and Mk IK. Therefore they dw the Fimen’ of ether the iced or retractable tech the formers of ‘course apliable tothe te ealour options offered inthis kit though Al panel ines are raed and all deta i fir poor Fash and shrinkage aeall visible inthe example we ad and to ‘De ubfal hs Kt sony no suitable for dhe elector in its ign form) or asalow-cos'allematve tthe Hasegawa kits. Hasegawa: Mk la hist was lessen 1970 and scurry til evailabe The kt vasaboavulble under the Minit label wht hat rnanficnrer ctl asimporter inthe USA forthe Hasegawa ranges 1970. The kitis cute availabe The current version 2003) ofrs the olowing clout options +1 W2+I,No.19 Squadron, Duxford, 193 +2 KLIR,No St Suadron,fownby lt Lt Deere RAF Homdnurch 1920, Vert Thisis quitean old ktnewsard features raised pot ines and only ite deai'The cockpit itrio canst a flor, ‘eaublliead,canvol clues instrument pand (with decal and plo igure Bows tyes canepy ate iced with ‘sthoutexerir bullet proc sas. styes of propeller are do induded Wats two-lade or de Havilland three lade. The ‘sel wel are oper, so wll ee to be"boxed in th apper surfces include thet reifccing ris. The main shel ae nicely dese with our spoke babs (10a hu option is included forthe carice machine) Both the vil coer ind radar ie alo devo of sy irerior detail so wll ave tube boxed tostop you bing sb t see sight theoueh them, Dimensional the kc cocet in span an around tm shor in length Te talplanes an fsa alo cones andthe rly areasof ccncceaaethe ado ad ti cooler. he former Inks tow square fr the Myerson, while the aterisjut «tube when viewed iret om above, \hlleitstould expand then contrat slengits eng. lgecrsesecton are Hasegawa: Mk Vill « Thiskitwas read in W97 ard ie curenty stl ave, though stocks inthe UK aves init The ithas also bees prdiced ina number of special odour schemes and is curren ava RAAF markings and in SEAC markings witha pre-painted canopy lessi7i Wehad an eramgie ofthe ke in saber fom, and the decal optics ered i 1 Mk lll, MD280, GR of No, 13 Squadren, RA, 1945. Nite: Psion examples ofthe Standard kit alo iced MT6AB, QhQof Ns. 52 Squadron, RAP a the ceond colour cpion. Verdict ‘hic kitlaerwentan tw beccmea Mc D8 wel (soebeew). but initsinl frm cored the MR VI wich he'C wing aie arrow aye cannon bulges on the upper wing oth wtacable (comet) and non-tetacabe incor spe of tale ae inch in thst an itl fetes the point style free 4 aseperate component Panel Lines areal recessed although the ‘canopy is only offered asa singe (dosed) component Aa farasthe ssuricy of the kit goes its coret in bth span and eng are incues al he characteristic elerientsof (MkVit,incding that allir»pertan gull wing efit Hasegawa: Mk xc “This hit followed on foes the MK VI and surprisingly atthe ‘ime of wring it ot currenty walle ‘The color options in the mast recent ecample were 1 Mk 1Ke,EN398, E+] own by Wag Cdr J, ohason 2 MKIKAU'Y,No.421 Squadron Verdict This it basedon the cre Mk VIL kit produced by Fiasegis and i shares many cammon parts a areal The Upped wingsof the ape sre provide as separate pars the standard and broed-(pointed) chord rudder. Thekit also has thelower chin as atwo pat component and this inde the shor style carburettor a intake An early Mic IX catbeboult fiom thie kt hough, thot version had the broad-sye cannon lise on dhe upper wing and thiskithas dhe later (oarowes} type. Main wheal have the fou spoke hubs ited bat LE. Jshasons machine shoud have cones fed thes, 0 the ‘modeller will aveto ad these theres. Accuracy wie, this iti pert in span and length and spare from the ew points liste aboweisa perfect Mk IX ip this. (umrcuaax) ‘Matchbox: Mk IXKVE Originally the MX version [PI hamcver inthe 189 catalogue thiskit wasannounced as [MRIX/XV apd was renumbered FKSO,The Mk IX kit was inclade in the'lasic WW Fightr bot in 1988 and wae released the USA by AMT in 1979. The bth NIDVE version is | carerly available inthe Natchbox rngelhough this is naw ‘ome by Revell Note thatalllicence production of Machbex | kts by Reel wil cease in 2000, ‘Thecoloar opionsisted on theinstracionsof PRSO were: + LEME AV}, 1890, GEE, Na 319(Hegian) Squadron, sary Germany. 198. RIX, BSI88,US-K,Ne,306"Torta (Polish) Squad, AE Northolt, 1942, Unfortunatly we were anable to obiain one of there kits 10 ‘we cannot make any further comments about the kits coments or accuracy. ) as availble rom 1973, Heller: Mk L This kt was originally isuedby Heller currently avaible ‘Unfortunately ve were unable to obtin one of these ve cannet make any further comments about the kit contents or accuracy Heller: Mk Vb “This was fit relese in the carly 1970s, but im ure valle. the kthes also been released urder he esterslabel inthe USA and by SMER in Europe ands current aviee in the SMER range: eseng espe tm bats 43) ‘The colour optionin the cial eller version (#281) vas “1 MK Yb, BLAT9, SIX of No, 316 (Polish Squadron the same option offered Be current SMER edn. ‘This kit depicts a Mk Vb withthe external ballet-proof glass and theoler (at side) siding canopy section. Both standard or 1 Soittire Mk 1 Instrument pant tytn Fel ones gue 40 Pig pn 4 Faden 12 con £18 Ea aerpam 214 at am ner +18 rake ble presare + TB tin poston - ‘lect pton =i Ona was +19 enti anos 2B ips cot Hag 122 Decora compass, 2 clin and det lndeaor = nt 15 Dretora ayo 26 Tum tant ae too at © Were Msn Cockpit Interior Artwork + 2 Port sidewall of re ety: the Mk 1 + Pid cn ey tusraton =P te 2h Kime cae + Presse te tng 23 Aer teena b auth = 10 Mey case 27 torr nmmngat hes + Pa emote cotter 3 tht ata Starhoard sidewall of the Mk I ey nusxaon 19 Uniercrrage onto oT ook 1 agen sect 1 sigan seh tox Dara Mee rsin 68 coontinner Avot Cockpit Interior Artwork + 3 Spitfiro Mk V Instrument panel ey tration 1 efector gush 1 een gues ‘wich = otter 1 APN diate 15 Nemir cor 15 ual presse waning taht 12 Mavs ae stor £29 Flaps Cont faa 1 Dieconal compas 1 Climb aed eure 1m Diecna ye aw at Metabrsn Cockpit Interior Artwork » 4 ‘Starboard sidewall of the Mk V yw aust 5 oxygen mast ose sewage pare 2 Aate an th efector png ngs UE abun push 1 sina ctw buon . +3 resto evi “ontat +10 enemy rage ree “Ti rye sup exc Port sidewall of the Mik V ey itatin “Tina orim ao foutler + 2 Camera dai se rt + Sedge pate fr come fete near Calor rt © Wee Haran le Cockpit Interior Artwork + 5 Spitfire Mk Ik Instrument panel 2 eco it {2 Navgatan ons suit $2 lags conta 1 Nat ce Supercharger waniog ‘ano + Saprcage cand ‘eh 0 as ta ump $11 Boost gaue 112 Ob pressure gauge 113 Oltenperaure gouge 14 Raton tempeaue Fil essue warning 2 To comets suye Bost lpi buon 1 Coxttonpewtebes 5 San dn £2 Ths prtion 38 Diwctora ye Cou ft © MetaaNrsN 30 Tum bn neat at oct 6 Cockpit Interior Artwork » 6 Port sidewall of mee + 2 nae bce Figo tte 1 fi eat ant Sapte 0d ti conta 1 Batre Port sidewall of ‘the MKC IX amo pine Ht henghone een: sett 18 Colac ga +18 Oyen sup cock 17 Wao roe ts Ti Fado maser sw Cola rt Mie Mast [4 cao irre Understanding the Subject [Ofein) Spt snd Sete highlighting ciferences beeen each version as wells giving details of how to rode hem in 72nd, 148th 12nd and Dh cle, The illoing view hasbeen based on died seul of tours of photographs and clse reference toal the ofcial Itbzations foreach type This has bean backed up with the formation carrie na gest urbe ofthe tes stein AgpendicX of thie bo slang wth many a peasaet Hour in ‘ud round preserve examples bere in he O. ‘We appreciate tha there are many areas of the Spite whic ema highight ina ciferentmaner to that which hasbeen [* chapter we wil ake a lookateach version ofthe Prototype (K5054) ue vi ‘= Tama ne = Furagon Deg 114 omersoe {m= ranegawe m4 Wo FaraponCesgns 2430) conerson ‘an = are ee pete va Mk {ans = eval Kt (or Maognun Yo + somvesin) ‘m= As Modelling the Spittire 10 accepted sofa and we abo row that we will stl mss things, | sf anyone reading thishas pots they woud ke to rise and has evidence w back them up, we would love her fem you. Any reprinted examples of ths tide inthe future can thereore incoporste any new information that may be boughe to lig. Please note tht fr the MY series airframes, we have refrained from giving detain lation ta 12th scale version as most ofthe areas noted would hve wo be but from scratch using the Ait answay Note: items shown are to 1/72n¢ scale, 148th scale in brackets), 1/820d) | and 24k) ACM + Aros (097) conerson or Hssepawa + Paragon Designs 72048) Lane ee, a gmt pean crm | eursem || oanog We ie ranangeSee 65 Mk Ib i: 1/72 = Refi Mk (th MY wig satiy noted) {V4a0 = Tiya Moth Mik Vig sult aod ‘Vides = Reval th Hasegon NV wo) - sa wee 4 ‘yea = Arte (Mik tla (LR) es 1/72 = ic ke a ian = Taye 22nd ~ Reval | ‘at Ae Sane a Me a eg, if Wk ‘spar te an wa cotran baie ASR Mk tle ts /70a = hr ea u emt Xi Mc 12 = Arte Waa [s6_ conse Mk MH (Original form, clipped wings) he ae = i Mk a “ay ‘ang Hert ‘eth = sets ls soe Wt expen a ae pr ose leper hem Ve excent sido fe = eens s = uonsaany te Sayer _ OT | Mk Ve } he 17 ae Al em ay arn {ae acento i Apert excnt, ie Mifirteimaramerrcamacc ewe) 5 ve ‘dan Saige WV hop Haseena YS {13e0d = Masegena Mav [spore Ve ecept, st na | 0 wes HF Mk VI e178 = abe ave \ ‘dam = Weer HAV or WA Sra nt i 4 crave wk \ si \\ ‘hs pork exces: mi) \ [s8_ ome V7 = Heagona MVE ‘= ae Kee YE ‘itn = Hasan sapere ext AF mie VEL ind = Vena arom psc aman {i= Tanna Var Hasegava MVD eat ‘an = Hasogawa MV ber ‘spore ence: MV fin LF & HE kV) I: 72= aoga {in = Aras si ‘iad = Hasegawa Vt Asparit exept me vin znd rate wt mot ae camer asper te KW mi famvaevie, vi rerye oa {fan angen Mt Baran 208 xn aie lager i ocet “sa Pac 8 ncn n= se ct 08 Mk Iie (Ine LF & HF) {e1/72nd = Hasgee We Natt MD ‘iam = Taye MW + eve aecasiares (OT, YD, V8, 62 V7. VON & COS) ‘Vane ~ Hatogaa Mich Paragn (320385) coer ‘sper te titeonesions exe: Omsk aes (Mk Ife (Ine LF & HF) ts 17nd = Nase Ko HP KLE DK ‘Veon tage nk ws» evohhsrersaras (OT, Y10, 8H, ioe vi, VIO 8644) “Vent ~ game Mv + Pagan (200) corse ‘part teaver exes: remit LE Mk XVIc/e Ne 1/72 = Nason Mk Be ates DOH ‘tah Says Mi + eri aezosoes VOT, V0, 13. Vi82 VT, VIN 6 CO {Vath asogua MLW Paragon (3202 stand), 208 (ile) comes ‘Ac pre kteanersons except: yr eo Zf. ¥ ‘fron egy to eet ‘anon pe Photo-Reconnaissance PR Type A (PR la or PR Mk la) fet = ‘a = ta item “1nd = Revell Mkt al Yan Areca Ae pe Mt tun expt Sees ‘pera nants oe Heeb! 2 en ecient Leche 1 Snir sea or tr mee sh [ro ooo PR Type C (PR Ic or PR Mk s/724 = Arts & Apart 04) cwrson "yan = Tuma 4 rae (48037 884038) converse {end = fe sah = hc Ape wane Rezerene igi as : PR Tyne (PR do PR MV) Ara Me Apr (01) carvers ‘ee = Ar shennan ‘pb ratuctom exept ‘ain PR Type E (PR It or PR Mk V) 7g = i a super snot exe itty wencten onan a hese PA Type F (PR Mk IF of PR Mik Vi) (non = Aba & pars (04) conversion ‘an = Tama M8 Aree 4618) conversion ‘an = Revel ‘ah = Ac ‘pera msrcton excep: “wai are PR Type G (PR Mk 1G or PR Mk Vil) 72nd ~ Rif Me & Alport (047eanerson ‘vm = Tora WK 8 Aewnves 067 eooreron {2nd ~ Row WS ah = Aiea Fee e aN emeumennn emcees ong pee ee espe aceasta a se me FR Mk Ix 1/724 = vege YH, {4a = hk ve {VSind~ Nasqawa MKVE + Paragon Mk Vl (2091 omversen ‘aor nares oof ‘te oan te ote + rian pe See: TH PR Mk IX 10: 172n = Hosogewe Me ‘am = het VF, Toy ME Aaa errs o set MAX Awana (42001) conersion {ated Hasop Mk + argu MK (3208) conversion 17nd ~ vasopews BL ‘on feito VN, Tae | Aare ets oy sient MK rane (4080) ‘Theed = hasopia Mi + Pargpe Mh Vl 2031) ean esi nar in ta at 1:17 = sega ormiearnt ‘Veen Ait irony M18 Rowe azure sna MAD & Awan (8050 ai ‘itn Hasegawa ko + Pag MV 201 omen ma gy apr nun eat Ly 12 owe a Seafire Variants oz eta ae Seafire Mk tb Tieee ‘ae = rit avo = ea ce) comes ‘an = sages Wk a ‘epee imtutone eet eae rome ane Sn) tr ape anetanae arte ee aad aetna TN Z Tce a Y= Pg 303) mV coer ingen oe wort ho ang be ner et 78] TRMKS ‘Yfan = Hasegawa MX. {ath = Tana AV + Aca acexsres or ciel MLD, ‘vStnd= Hasegawa Mt Vo + Paragon (22096) Nk ones eto ee As prtinstrctns except Fleatplane (Mk Xb) ‘Yat — nie habs ple MOC C705) coms ‘Pint = Haogva i & Peron 2031) err. A ortintnetn exept [4 omero Detailing “on 1 ‘modeling prog isthatofineior (and exterior etal, we ae offering in thischaper isa concise (is!) section dealing What precisely iin the cockpit? What da the interior of thal hose areasof the subject thac ou wll be wanting to ie el wells look ike: are all questions which modellers knew about. sk tan be atime-consuning process gathering al the x ane ofthe mostcompler eres to deal within any {nfcrmation you need to attempt to dtl any subject, 0 what | 24 vt ar eign ‘amor stan Te neg oust camer the PRIME X seater “Dan _ 75] Photo Reconnaissance » 2 \ | we corera nmin RT| ig carer station oe PL XI [16 coer Photo Reconnaissance » 3 vay _ 77 somio sper+ te Wie LOOKING AFT ‘Ow FRAME! 12 Urs 52 amar staan ‘to PRIM! [re mes Photo Reconnaissance * 5 Pam vt 82m eos nd apt eae Ze menaine neao ron Oxerd 7 B rov oreuting an rors) Baie" * cae sas Fy rons 2. sorte a Br hugron mores GE Atenow puters 2B Anerne habroues Dre a Satan fe ea ECONTROL. LEVER 33 RaaaTOR NDERSIOE VIEW ‘may ac:as ana Photo Reconnaissance + 6 73=amNTARE. CONTROL. IS-SiaRocaRD coMeRA "TCH 74> Oa GUTOR PUSH” BUTTON T-o3cKue CaMtRa” swrTen 77 SUPERCHARGER TEST PUBH-BITTON 6 -SUARBCARO “CAMERA NDCATOR LAMP 79 RAMGATION LAMPS. SHTCH 7-ORLOUE CAMERA. INOATER CaM NO-PRESSURE YEAD WEATER SWTCH 0-PORT CAWERA NOCATOR LIMP 4 RUCDER THB CONTROL Tip -OMLQUE CAMERA PUSHBUTTON 85 ELEVATOR” TAB. CONTROL Ri-aweree ‘Sxtmant erin pat ESS eels Ue BOSE Get ao anes Atpoug town fre oP MEIK, ree aa ia ‘is shat ear shows he bags Pram 0c ut sos ne vere ot gunpsin ewig loam ee tat war sc eae ne ‘ts rm Wx iki a [20 one Mkt 1 ThePetsdva fe Mk I Cockpit Interior \ al (pow bow 2 kn vwof he Insane. Nae te rector gna te ome <3. Wine set weve you insu ap un i 3 ‘Shatugs herr be pL | reitrtne 41h pr soma. Nee Siena ‘Suton th he ‘mp ei re ow ‘8 Tso oyamn Gfwues geane prs lop uae, tore bios ea 6 Th statoas wp Se re ear Rate te rey oe yard eto nde snarearhge cart 7 Fares dn be Sater sid Jousan oe ‘he pnw ‘te unaarags tol 8 funertca aon me SEanoat ou cn eee wisove dr oxl nd ‘uno wel ae 8 patric Suet te ena ‘Sac eps Soyer 10 atin nd ow ww raat postin, 1 nt mito, Sane wer (ot) 412 The fnove Duo ‘oaie yp eevee Fetitor a bal sonugon see-oey _61) Mk | Cockpit Interior * 2 13Te verre tte aml sun ut fu pa enna te lon eel esto Declan eas fou ts ane aaron 29 Ling denne tat pbs ume see ago x m iz Mk | Fuselage & Canopy - 1 \ Mkt +1 Te op of ado mas +2 Tmaben d tw ng ‘st rl om ars hte oe stage 23 Tha mp of orate, Sheng ae ata eet na Skiieg te ch msi fe thera Ae gah te ca os 26 pabeugh to na uit amet ie cow: sow theca ste ct nar fenfeso a te o be vt +7 Ont por sie st Sent ery aan 2 attests Si. Ta los uo Sut toga ystn Sncms dre Wy fe ‘gan oo bbe re arg +8 Tisoivs rua oe fa de bedi @ Be he forswtchng on bo en syn +9 Te tier poowok te fend’ he wissen, Ne ‘heexnal uoue pass ‘acne 19 dn inesbeat se, Ins te wns ‘hecho 611 ttre ety Sete pts san ich ‘they tat en reno Now be bt a ease Syste up a be opr ast tie +Oxaing 89) Mk I Engine & Propeller + 1 eave of be se fd oe a +2 vime-ypotne arty squomenan ote eure seyorste Vb: dn re uae you ease he ote barr as vel be Seta apes ne Th gear po steotteergre 5 cts an eh enoit Festa wayed od Sewmgne twa “amet sonst isch ro i ee 17 Lay denn oe ‘cut had hk "8 Lowe: cxgue ase ‘ved dey ton Fo. Tr re pinta 9 ‘beet baer of ‘allan 1 sans son wa ot ‘eerie 511 nat gore on “12 Te lssone ine fewer iba So. 19 ten eno te ‘tar ens poe nate Shr ht Court we the rn eS ( Mk Ila Fuselage + 1 Mk Ha +1 Tear ante +2 Tel ftecat ot» atlas +3 autonome rata ine tene nant bis. ‘ate wise pp re neal wt uy rue conten ss Tiesto nom any | Sueatearr ast | 7 ivi of a PIO har one apt 8 nar ar is ‘vd para wich ‘tons ‘oh cowel a 8 ont weg ono ‘ie ae wage pe, wtih ges ee oe a ‘ope shut 40 Te fad vt 18g sari, tn pa om he noha en sewn yout et ‘Sewage Saree Fervent to cos 112 vow ea 12 Tats oe, oot Aden 0 Sythe «Ding BS Mk tla Cockpit Interior + 1 Mk tla vn pe sist " ena came 4 Lovo’ sitar ‘ona eau ot ys ee ‘neameaeds Dirt vow ote 3 sano sha ton a +5 ovate bm tie ‘Sure {S.Upm prt ee "si [06 ower Mik tla +1 Tecan ott ety Ons se you ann emai te ete! yosboy, foe caepy Erte beste esoupotte cate te carey ome up ote cray ‘ase cae 6 Look Soun no saws Ue ——— | Mk Ila Undercarriage + 1 1 Yo yp ote wns Soo te ea a Fn he oo, te ste ero +2 Te BEM sas Tn wor fc aan smarter kV ad Flare ik le ae fo ‘samo yp cf) ite hearn-cbm aot etyeancta 1 buyer wes <2 Te sve amare bie 3 Aviad Iori bownrg mache fantasti reutng Frits 4 Misi telower access Gor fom ba pny fhrpar ng, ane Tepito te Poot hate cy fcr ce ‘ato oe be ‘Songung ara ‘era 2 6 Cose i ta ator fim awa can +1 Tedownwar ir amp Innate cee ss +4 Teerer ap setin 4 Tisstat ot ne Stepan 7906 ator ou {Bente a sia om ot row ine he twa og Gee Cty _ (Mk Ila Engine & Propeller oS [8 ome 1 eatin np ‘reba te ficient frente tence nce lowe ‘Ak foun on po ou poets ee Seco 1 Tisie ia conatspe as ‘ene sta ‘waa ee Mk V Cockpit + 1 (MkV Fuselage Mv +o ral by scones jah <2 To sectsshaehtorty ‘oral facts) me Pavano be stave 5.1 aol wn Ts rh sang state mat 6 The era Bont por sb, tape 7 Te npton Soeur 1 Ts rc in vad 9 The sre wo teh vowed tino “1€ Mis cearoaatove be fs aw ean sa ee ‘esos Binet 42 Taint pa ‘lara, so ‘chet 13 angen ne bre ear +14 Tispnelis neat ‘iy tft ad coer Fretted ot |20_ awe (Mk V Wings * 1 Wk V Undercarriage + 1 (Mk Vb (TFC) Cockpit + 1 i Tae OE) 4 cate Mk Vb (TFC) Fuselage + 1 [Mik vb (TFC) 1 Tn potarcs 0 2 Tm ald ages itd am ere ‘an, a Rea ey 3 Vaan an apa AT dar ett +8 Tn acaba Th esta otro sates 7 par src at ‘mein ts poston | 0 Te ea ravgion wp 9 Te tembor tw prt deat theeoiot Telus an Meal tag a ocr alt 1 Tetra hg smote ar atep ce ger ingne caving. 12 Te wots at of te 19 Anco hata core (yh ome nha sae 214 Toman ont sor ere cow og Spe -Onatig 85) (Mk Vb (TFC) Engine & Prop 1 Mk Vb (TFC) 14 Te arly gree +2 Me Maen, | ‘tent ao de +9 Chseuportne cola ‘ole trk +4 seyporne spr ‘art eet ga 6, Te cet a te “tmsdam sve FOU rae wean Mk Vb (TFC) 4 Te ancy ts :2 Me cao he «arog iy at +3. Sit ares us. ‘ele ree wa sch ‘te eon 4M coy reo ‘peaies fo upe cteonatne enone “5 wal vow oe ‘Soniye ery Sree Mk Vb (TFC) Wings, Undercarriage \ & Armament + 1 ‘Mk Vb (TFC) ees Bs 2 Alodup aot whet ‘el enough raga" ermal bg +2 Ott tw is ‘oho 4 The male ved fron er 2 Te co tor ura rine vn 26 Te amon cate ier rt at ot Be Sena woe 8 Te nears Foca ont nn st Award fe unseariage ae +8 meg sree pew arcu ‘oer 2 te etm Wwe at th ce es) (Sots denr sap te tm ron Gh 41 Im img ue nad oo n 422 Te sain n ise alba 28 Dean to ters ome + ong _ 87 Mk Ix(BBMF) | — Mk IX (TFC) Cockpit Interior » 1 Mk 1K (TFC) (Mik 1X (BBMF) Fuselage * 1 ‘ KIX (BMF) Mk 1x (TFC) 400, crap ee ( Mk IX (TEC) Fuselage + 1 ! Mik IX (TFC) © 7 wail “€ ne tar \ so ie 2 yun wngs of a8 ‘taney ea eae ‘roca up ats Stun coved eles 22, i of +4 Tw wera oon on he Ser sag a ew ‘ot et +5 nist sed ne ‘obec amy Ws pet jquiiiiGea-.1 4 { Mk IX (BBMF) Canopy - 1 1 Mik 1X (BBMF) shane ta 2 Oat iew ce sso wea dimou pase 3 Tcl ara vert on te sro segs soe 4-7 yr nt a eh sa a he racine (Mk 1X (BBMF) Wings & Undercarriage * 1 yest 3 ja 8 Thee Mk IX (BBMF) Engine & Propeller + 1 Mic IX (BBM) ‘Mk 1X (TFC) (Mk IX & XVI (Krakow) * 1 7 (Krakow) si teaa ero 2 De wnaenteta Mxoyee ig rn eft he (Psu 4 Te boat corte sieeve fo Shs +9 ne pe acres aes veri (or Se) 4 the chet ot wii fers 7 ton nek fun the ia oa Sas 8 Te Wnt ot te HK (ees) Thanks The aircraft featured in this ection were he Me Litemthe RAF Museum, Hendon Memcrisl Hight, RAF oningsy, the Mk vb and Ie of Te Fighter Colleton, Dunford ad theLF Mk XVle prover t Kraken ur thankstw lds cexgnisations fr lowing us acceso these ainfemes [108 creme (Mk Ila Radio Equipment + 1 \ Mk Hla Armament * 1 i The ma ndrearage nts coca Mk Ila Miscellaneous * 2 ‘Tha to auer ncn gue in ‘tee vig he dene sqipnart tovage meee insur “151 ( Mk Ila Miscellaneous » 3 \ Accesso iapecon pve ‘re canto satan ‘eth te 8M ym cono ‘mem ve top surface UNDERSIDE VIEW seis bi pe nn ge te We Mk Vb Miscellaneous * 1 mance eer The T9083 rt pment nation ‘een 108 ower Mk Vb Miscellaneous + 2 ‘The fags rhe wn cannon "sence ‘017 mp Gal analog ‘animate com lil i] ALLS Stand Cond Te ohetstgse gintotog —uoeard ‘yo stad te WK sus teste “See 109] ey sere flag sce Pals roun sales Top sriace Light Brag fur Itai hr Pe perels wc aff fron canon nsttiaion Srouning guns indalaton ‘me were. YNDERSDE VIEWS 110. oe HF Mk VI Miscellaneous * 1 \ “wg by ror SATB Lg ep ml Stace fo ey sow ee So ed pe Te wings atthe HEM ML "eens ‘The HEM ata, nthe ‘oesng ar gon he taplnes Mig me Gee + Ong 111 HF Mk VI Miscellaneous + 2 i ‘Th lppr tan eta fh HE Mk, sae ‘thagh ite pale a mace ‘NY y Cs woo a [112 oases Mk VIII Miscellaneous * 1 ‘The Te Ara eo te MRewntnne “The Mk wn dag shang te lnk intl int Anat tn eg 113) ‘The nrg ofthe invar [314 air {tomb oat combination othe ‘Tar an estate ee ‘nt sere ao easy te oe eg 118) (meen & Fond wating roadie G ‘bh wna acs [16 chosen yg cnt ting TO LOCK CONTROLS 1. MAISE SEAT TO MIGHEST POSITION. 2, CLAMP STRUT A 10 SPADE GRIP AND. INSERT OTHER ENO IN SLOT IN SIDE 3. mStRT Pi oF ARW Bm LUG. 4. WSHRT LONG PIN OF BAR C IN HOLE IW STARROARD. STAR WHEEL BEARING. B.nacnt SHORT fi of ean C iW €7EROLr (GH FUSELAGE FRAME. ‘The wen lth Sat ocean spect panes Wing dng ote Seat san Be Ste = Samy 117) ; AP ges x J vera SDS {shir dun ant sta ports eoemaere pera ¢! Deva 8° tesox rosin ‘Tho Atramo arrestor took ams ‘Tretia! seo RUT ao lustaaon cheno [118 omen Sates ‘SEAFIRE I soy on Say 110) yy a a F24sblg and otal zaners ston te Sate ‘eos (120, cer Building the Spitfire ot fllows is telection of buds on a number of vallable (znd a couple of ural) ki in Pde and Waith sal, wel 2s leok ata couple sfcayycornesion, Those eavered bere thesefore ae ws folows lllare W72nd scale anles otherwise stared) 1 Protrype (5098) 21 Speed Site Spice Mk ay Mb ee Spite Ma Spite MR Serie spite MVE Spite MI WIT Spite MI *1 Spitfire Prototype 1504 a spp on 11 My 1506 Iisa tha che lngest joucy ees wit the fet tp. Likes, a project schas this eas by asteming ou rst. lithic is the Aci Mk. To begin with cemented he fle ssings and aplanes gether as per he instrutons, Satomitng the gong aerial and preter and spinner. sta ea ate dhe pares bs ing done af constriction it vas ow tine o undertake ile destewcton, Wik harp blade ered the stb aril on he adder hong th he navigation ight on te fseage spin. Als ‘nmoved was the base the aerated ent athe savgation fg, The emg ole was Hed in an sanded snot tx onteneatine during the poet Nex, woke ‘yma lang tomas these whee ar amount fable ronk needs to be dre ile the cular spertare which is Use blow the ebauste an the starboard se This sae here the tcl staring bande wld have bee oa then | removed al there detilaruad the nose wih 4 pis of ery part ne theclengated deta onthe prt ‘ie ofthe nos, ai below the exhausts Te next step ined nreing the noe he kel tn plan rm tt ppm that i ave captred the ube utes, bles Graentofa beter wor, on dhe cling abe the exhas ‘Thi bulge wen ncenstyon prod irereft to accammodhte the wor poweslengines ten compare 0 thepottype Remember tht the pottype was very much 2 neo hand- bail af when campares to proeuction srr. To depict Kt accurately we ve tos tit eat ature, jdging how much plist to remove isa inate of exeptngyour model othe cleur hte in The Spite Stoyor whatever refence yo cose ood rm. 1 pple hea ook ight then is ight here. Dac ep ly he ear of sang then he plas sis tik ugh inhi ar, ‘While wa in the mood doa it of sang, uenedto the ing upperasfces ad remo the machine gum acest panel tebulges above the whee el ne dtl n the Modelling the Spitfire 12 silerons as wallacthe undercariage indicator andrectangur panel om the port wiag rot. The navigation Fgh werealso | removed as they were recessed on K3(54.The prototype had two undercareag incor om cach wing bat | decided tht they were small enough tobe ignored inthis sae. then ied. inthe machine gen port inthe leaing sages ofthe wings, 28 wal a the spent cartridge gector chutes ia the wing tudrsuefices and the location hole forthe plo tube, When it vas time forme to snd ll his ot dow Labo remeved ll the raised deta on the undersrlaes located a tthe main spar and outhoard ofthe cent secien. The proterype il ‘ook radar apa carbureer ar ntake also fred from ‘hose on production aircraft. Sartng with the ail cots, Aisi have correctly moulded the original, orD style verson. refer toitasa'Dbecans it resembles this eter when ‘views from head cn and the port wingtip | See Powe vertical The prototypes was sil otis sy but its lowerline was sherter than hat of predation arcalt To simulate this | made an enlarged uta both he front and rar of he oil cools co thatthe ower line shorter than the upper live when viewedin profile form. Theratistor was nextin ine fovatentin, This wislonger on the feotoype than on | ralcton sirerafhaing the oma aca ots housing running along the ine formedby the eg portion of tnemain ‘whoa wells depict tis I commented the kts raistr i gla and when the cement had cured,cemented another radiator head of the fist an head on, Oce bt parts had sete in Place I reroved the excess portion which now Bag over dhe ‘vkoewell witha razr sawand fil inthe aps hat were apparent between what used tobe two separsteradator, | Having then sandedthe ler davn, the end rsa gave the impression of keinga long, ane pese,raistor housing The ‘aubure se intake with which K3O54 was ited abo Uillered to what would laerappea.being shorter and | ppen ‘modify the Arxitem, which {eared and sanded une tvs mmm langind 2mm cep ait despest point, with is wee uvingavay in around, wing ine. Ths asher stall ane ugrecessed by comparison Hlowsvent is gute easy t0 ei ean ioe weil L122, ow Aificul tem was then cemented Irom behind the wings leading edge. Ite ie for me to tara my atettion to the undercarcige which agin has tobe modked, Howes, it’ quite easy od. Simply reshape the angled Tne on the doors seas to produce stright lie which gives the impression of running through the mid point of the wheels ‘xk, The whess themselves wont nto the spaces box and wil «come inbandy in another comersin aa ater date The proterype’ undeecarsiage ws fly enclosed when nigh. 0 ado produce a pairof doors rom thin plastic card whih «cemented at right angles the kif undercarriage doors, ence the nesd to may the Laer rie on, athe suprisingly K04 was ft witha sd rater than 4 tuilwhee on theoecasen I wanted t depict Several theories foc this hare been proposed, and thankflls none them are ‘elevantto us, as wee only concerned with modeling! How's that for an excuse! Howeres its gute cary in I/72edscaleto fasion a skid ror the tawheel. simpy cutavay the whee Atel then apple ack af lero sep the tetand sve! atachment of thease, Then | Simply sanded what nud in the shape ofthe sk an cemented it in place For the next tp ried to Aewdub far hep. They upgly ah Sitting exhausts. main wheels, a one pce two- blade propeller and spinner alongwith wac-farmed transparency in pack AVDS7, used fusftng exhausts ist, whieh {secured in place witha spot of superglue. Theyrea god fi, but id pplya lite rt hide the joint lin. wes ow happy wth ‘herrain wheels and substituted ther er ¢puirof Natchbox Mle 1X whee from the spares ba which have the covet etl, domed bub overs fite@ K5054, Aetodub’s propeller ann spinner is litle beauty, needing only tobe ceaned up before bing soperlacd in places theres only one tranapsrency in the peck, tke extreme care. Ther’'sn room forerror ora sheky hand here. After several dry rans, the transparency was secured wih PVA adhesive ial, pened up a smallhee ia theleading eg of the port wing wher the outer machine gun vas prvioudy located, witha pin vice andbit of suitable iameter. Ths house 1 Ftc tube which I fasioned from steetched sprue With that, the model wae complete, anditsese tothe panting tage ‘ver the years there has ben a great dal of controversy, ‘nd ogra del writen sbout the actual colo in which 5054 was finished It not my intention to farther that chat in any way shape o frm, Consequently, atempted 10 ave a goat ising the cloar depicted in ‘The Spite Stary finally ative a what take tobe the correct ue by ising ‘te parl Mat Aireralt Ble (ambel65) with a spotof Medium Sea Grey (Humbrol 166) Dor'task me now much paineconstiates a spot, or even what PS colour, or whatever, closeto on achat | doit work ike ha, my rue being, it la ght.. ete. Remember that the application af hs darkens color 20 bea thi factor i mind ‘when mixing your versio of thecobout, | smleted the sbeath vuhich was ited tothe eading edges f the propeller with dork sey pant, wie 1 matched the colour in the pacing er the reddish brown with which the eae portion ofthe spinner was pained. A glosy surface finish was prepared for the decals which ‘ame from Tesman decal sheet V7204, which alan induder ter subject decid not apply the underwng serial as ave photo of KS084 without tery, though cen be sie cn what date that particular photo was taken find dite rcof sometime that underwing serials were carci on 11 May 1936, i be easier fr me to lip these pie than try to ‘mic another batch of colour to math my moet. Finaly, nother cont of gloss, ceJohasons Kleanthis case, eed the decal inplaceal gave the model nice glossy finish. And there ear, Ce madel down, many mare tog. «2 The Speed Spitfire Buildings mode the Speed Spite wed w ex rer empl tanith he aes par baring be haned fiom various sures. ecu hae 80 come to ov id wth F099 hich poids al the prt needed eect canvertn hated on th fic The esd pac amie are pice four bade popes and spinnet together wth langated rats both cast nh meta and a single ore piece vc-formed windscreen ad hood ‘sich eles the if item. stared of by essebing he Mc fseloge apr ins aton pat ro the propel spinner i, sigh tarsparenc and aril Taper for thelaer was filed in and sanded smooth. tthe sre tet emoved teased plas: wh sueound he seria Joction hol, Next. of cme the er stb ttc co fin andthe drs rmaton ight forer locaton areas ean wp witha pies of wei dey. Thering tthe wing,the cl coer wa carlson ana preserved. anda peo scrap platiccemened 05 te Jimer saat prev Tati. ex led inthe he Jef ty the cover and sande it snot, Ten Lean ‘he ypperandioer wings together and set he asembly ase tohurden TheSped Siti al avery aa wing i ab aero wrlag ot the greatest speed possible com te crf Tsui this etored he acext pel dion {he upp wings as waste tlges abe the whe! nel ‘het Lf in the machine gun ports inthe wns ender the hand aperture forthe ight ocd on {he cent sectors andesurtices sanding smoot trad hordned Now cmethe neo bred porto he comer mel recig the san bythe scale valent of 31m (Saft nin to sein), Fis of a Icared the win ps a seme semblance of thine shape, hn are the cerret ne shape by Hing and sanding, having sted several poo fe tating and having thee case hand ‘ole wok. In aan reducing te pao the ng tipsthe sneepo both the eaing a trang edges othe wings hat be ltr in oder that they begin thei ep {evan he tip sone tha hy otherwise would In ther words che cpp wingtip fh Spee Spire tally diferent w theo sy LF Mk Yb whose wing ang and tring edges emaine uated, despite th wing ips big, Alpe lok at the accorpaning plans hod make the pa: cater Returning he upper ures ofthe wigs, hee the hel wll bulge sed to bea sl edo Shaped bss apa as xtc, Ta sinulaefeset carefully floated a small piece of sexap plastic in place (having previous ark ts poston).Whea th gui poly bd Ae thowugy sanded the sero pls othe tape | ‘rate aia sot of primer and when his bd ee repented the process ut Iss happy wth teed res The ‘wings were then cerned the fseage and when the ive tated ‘Aaroclb suppy deeper and longer adi white mea inther pack dry fited thin pice andinmscatly av tha banking aes were necessary o peed La “seeahnongh eect. Tm were cut fon scrap pst fr fot sa ean sapetgied npc. fer checking Bt the Aeroclb adios vasitslsuperfued npc, sing the rated quae which ervestolocate the ite adinorn ple, asmy point of reerene THe new adarexends w te ‘wings train dg. fling be aps ines ede a new fan ine 2mm outwards of aed posal the new radiator ard ‘lee nthe redursant ines. Te Spee spite’ voles agpear similar to aMEV style il ouer, but longer and dips, extending from just bend the wheel well ast forward ofthe Maps, Aeroelu do not sup this iter in their seks vas eft to my en devi. fe that a Mk Vb ol anne vas to salto use, st made my ea Krom a piece of igre vb carved and sanded t shape. didnt have = pativulary cles pute of theo cooler to work rns falowe the general principles ofthe Mk Vb part, asbest as seul aectding ory interpretation of the photos avilable, To fs of, died out brh ers with pin eand bit of stale meter The al ski ws fashioned from the kits tales and alte Miliput Everything eSe eam fom the is eche echt manos ee lf ff rvilhe model hd beencomplted in orto minimise the problems of wppying the Bish, Aerob ony supply one vac-ormed canop 50.00 missks oceallowel eee Tm never hagpy working with these ins of canopes especially when der Ho Dac Up ‘hei it sas a easeo very frequent dry eans, withthe nisinunt of pastebin romain beticen each un. He ‘be raspreey ofl tlhe medal ad been given he frst ‘ei f Roya Bug illowing which it wae attached wth PYA, baie Asn colour photos ofthe Speed Spite ae known oes Vato work fo the cloar pains ofthe ira Aled Ieies "The Spire Sory’This excelent painting does paseproblems fr the mos dt the eis ue of shade and gt to depcl the aterafts carves and es tn ether ‘yrds, which hae colour depicts the one whic Chad to rach as osely as posible? ook tech my stock of it idea suitable match, sf nas tack where | suited, There was noting fr iebu te mtr oven Roy Ble fac Lote try and mated neural othe cour which would appcaron the sera on an aes someere beonten the shadow al dhecefloctligh Th arrive at this olor asa eres tril an ener but | eventually settled fu Iht,agun ror the Humbrol ange. coat glass vaeaish ae porte Bi, Numba) 28, ith ane pat German Light Adena he colour somewhat, snd resulted in match wth leh Las pleased. Leno work by dhe principe thav ii Jocks right, ten i srigh anéas a result canna provide any numbers for prospective modellers to elrto1 painted the ml Hoyal Blue overland after giving era coat ot Janson Klara gle wrnishi ype et he a sere days fr be paint wey chxaghly The lightning sh was massed ring to get both sides of th usclage symmetrical and painted sve Imagine my wi ven remove the mashing tape to ind that bath Hashes vee iymmeiricallTheundesurlaesof the wings and tuplanes we likewise paint slr. The reyisiation aunber ‘NPs painted on acoaple of days later Luckily 1 was rng ith taht lines ates than extres her 60 Twas abe to mask the characters agin taking cate that they appeared in Ln with ech ther whos the dl tas wewed inl form, Final, Acodhi's four blade white metal pepel and spinse, which I had abe primed was preted mate lack and ite The model was complete. Phew! Speed Spitfire Pt2 Due tn her unsitbity av a PR ier KOR was relegaed toihesileot high speed communications eck fr the renanderof the wa, an survive util une 146, hen she ‘ss sapped waned madel Ks he appeared a he time other demise as part abefre ara afew CConsracton ofthe fuselage allows the same sequence and ‘moficaion as thas already culned the any dition boing the tourdrepshaped firing onthe starboard nove Snnmediatey behind thespintet as per the Mk series. absceb the power ofthe Merlin XI engine, KORBA was ied with Roto propeller and spinner which Iteok from the Harticane Mk akt This time [use the thee! from he li, The wings liiewise received the same weatment asaleay Aescited part rom retaining the 0] acer ator and pitot ube as supplied. At this stage inher cares, KOXBE was fitod with a PR style windsoreen, As dda'thevea comme replacement in my spares box | had to esortto snag the kis transparency nemoved he kisbllet proc wiedscreee with able, and Gis off with we'dry toachieve the PR windscren since restored by rubbing the tested sca with toothpaste, follwing ‘whic butted it vigorously with piece of denn. A coat of varnish restored tsa an wis then secured in pace with PVA adhesive, Even witha PR windscreen, anv. slaty was i orginal racing tse Isimaoed hsb scibing | nm 1 itn pice withablade king my masurementsrommy model ofthe Speed spire By Ine 194, K9RM was looking mewhat the worse for wwe ina overall nat of chipped and faded PRU Bl, with ther fuselage ash in RAF Rouncel Red, Using potas as refernces, attempted ta simaltethe ewes finish long | ‘ares panel lineata the areas reste be scuted, sichasthe wing roots abo had @ goat mepracacingthe | ‘exhaust sais, The secet think, nol overdo, By Jane 16 thers no doubt that S834 Nore upper ng oundels in| the fem of Type Chih Hinerpreted a ing Ain in sdamett The uselage roundel vas a Type Band probably in in liametr sei the in sh was Tin wide with a arrow white cree. pres that no underwing roundel | were catred Loesely translated, that means tht did apply an but phtogropcevidence,one vay othe othe at | au at this momentin tim A ect of mat varish secentuated the srutf Too, which Ls afte +3 Spitfire Mk Il Series | ton, 7010 8 as Wa) Sway 1941 Duilding 2 Mkt is quiestaighforward and basically invobes bulking Airn it siraight rom the box Honeren | the particle acral chat wanted to model P75 was ited wha Roto propel and pnner wich tok frm an ia Hurricne kt Msome date nied to bud tusricane witb de Haviland ust which mean that amnibalsingan bk a ingle te isa as wasulas tape 125] sounds, Working fom ullished plans. then floated a tiny liver of sprue wthliquid ply to where the Coffin starter ‘bulge willbe, nen tis was securely n place, used as an ho fora tiny amount of BD. als le nthe small aperture on the sticboard costing, which was ao feature on Nik Before ited the serial removed the triangular shaped pennant at tap ‘wet vd. Basically that it Thecamanilage consisted of yes, youve puesed i, Dat and cleaned up with piso of| Green and Dack Earth uppersurfices finshed acconding othe || AScheme, witha Sky spinner and undersurfaes, in diameter Type B roundel were carried onthe upper wing surfaces, with 4in diameter Type A underneath 1 35in diameter Type A roundel was carted on the fuselage tanked by 24in high Shy coloured codes The serial was Hack and Bin igh, hile the fin fash was Iain wide, the cnlours being of equal width and displayed to the fll hight ofthe fin Al decals Spr wk mn, PES Pe Stmarar | came rom the Modekicea! range apart from the sqpadron ‘ich eppeate on bath ses beneath the cockpi. This item came fro rub doen decal which had for years in | my deca bank, Spitfire Mk la LR | Serial ukaown, ofA. Slee 194m This is another easy conversion toeffet with theuse of resin | ascessories fram the Ankit Enterprise range Firs: al bal a MEI exactly as previously oulined, gain witha otal propeller and spinner, and then poitioned the one-piece overload tank under ‘te wing. Thisfits say ‘etween the ner an the second speat Patge ceo chutes. thts ose rotdigslihly head of the wings leading eg Lark Green and Qceen Grey uppersriaces are used his time, long with Medium Sen Grey undersurface, spinner Sot We te, POTS No 216 Sticror andrea fuselage and which convenemly hides the serial, Again [used the decils from the Medeldeca range, -onsiting of 36n diareter Type B rounds onthe wpper Wings. and 3in diameter Type Al fuselage roundel. The underving roundel were Type A and I would estimate that (124, cnn «hey were S0in diameter. The code lters were stepped, or staggered in appearance onthe fuselage, and were Medium ‘ee Grey. They were more cha Uke 300 hgh. The fe ash ws ofthe equal width variety and extended co practically the fll eight of he fn Spitfire Mk 1th POE82 of Me, 228, Moy a For modelers workingn 1/72nd scale the external diflerence between a Syitite Mk hand w Mk Ib appears to be inna an confine co the inclusion ofthe teedtep-shaped blister ar the starboard noes immediately behind the pine. Ths of ‘course is theewence forthe fe! at Mk Hs were powered wef Merlin engine than their predecessors The conversion invelved exacily the sane tedhsiques and procedures as forthe MK with the aton of the teardnp brulgeon the starboard nose exsling, a8 per ll MET. variants, and the buges on the Wing uppersurtaces which | removed by sanding. Pacos of P8382 in Onto shew her ‘ohee! hb eovers in place, but Tne es without therm thinking that an eperatonal Squadron woud find maintenance ease that way The srcaft was fished in the standard camouflage and markings for the peri, which all me fee the Movedea range. Thelegead’'SOEBANG which {prsame appeared on ‘he ight hand side ofthe nose only: was pur together soo, with tin igh white eter fom the Ansek ange-Saave tine afte complete this model, ssoxe only main camplication involved ack of photos on this type aang came Murphy's Law wo glut oth Carper Exotic Spties Pre 2 and Acrobasters'Sptie MKY Collection give devas indaing note set fr Mk Tb, P8342 of No. 306 (ols) Sqp as se sappeate in Northolt daring August 19, i thethen new ‘lbursf Dark Gwen and cea Grey uppers with Medium Sea Grey undersrfaces ane buh dhe spinner ad rear fascia brandi Sy. Carpenssaggest tat the nose aa ative American with a bow and arrow should be on both sides of the nose, forward ofthe winds:ren, but AeroMster provide me dca othe pot side ony Personal | end to fel that Acrobaser ere more accurate as regards the eatin ofthe Dative America, and most definitly ead he cleurof ‘he code etter, which ar Sky, while Campenas ar ofthe Light Grey vate hiss colourful mace by the tana o the time, which seo caried the Pls signs cs the fuse wld teleer Co the exe ees. Spitfire Mk ite 34 ot 270 Sa, 189 Usslly eter allowing » Siti’ mare ube refer ttle versa anament nthe ese f the Mk tis snot cate, jhe designation referring othe steal, namely that tesa rescue (ner they were desigooted ASR Mi eh To depict the Mk HI decided to model P8131, 01 No 276 Sap coded AQ. Thisie 3 very cay conversion valving tinirum of work, Simply uid MB ta es previously detailed, but remove the small lion ep ofthe aerial ad the sung on op ofthe rudder Reps the is propel and spinner with Rol uit andthe envetsonis basal compet Bythe time P8131 wasemplyedin ai sea rescue dates, she wis camonfaged in Dar Green andl Ocean Grey pperurfces, with Median Sea Grey undersrlars long with Sky spinner and rea sel band. elow winging gest in vogue by this me a4 men of Metin To dnt Spires employed in the aisea rescue we, they cari fot wide bi stip which ran alr the who length ofthe underside. An aelitonal dentition Fate re thecodeeters shih were painted yellow The ldecal range was toe source forthe decals nce aga, Theyconss of 56n diamoter pe 8 upper wing roundel, Sin ameter ype Con the wing wadorsusfaces, and 36in diameter Type I fuselage roundel lnked by 24m hgh cade leer fculdnt ind any yellow codes, so simply wept adc of the ccerect ight and sty The seria va Hack and Ri igh, wile thefin fash vasthe style hat fouued the nasrow whitecente stipe +4 Spitfire Mk I The shit ofthis conversion was N3297 ss se appeared it bet vg guise in March 1940. used the fuselage along whe propeler asd spinner tom the Aix MVD it, stough you may nw wi to subsite the new ale Mk hitnstend The exhausts were deposited inthe spares bax an he sub aerial aad cn the uper pat of the sale senoved, While all he pars in the sels wer geting to know each other, trae to he wings. Thisime fed the Mk I it Prior t cementing the upper and ower babes together, cemented plese of scrap plastic cand axe the lower wing sce, anv teil caer’ position, and then rived the mould ei cover intake by carey and repeatey scoring along the lie whee ki meets the ving Iu through he plastic bang done ate amageto teal cooker self as pestle, which vas sori to the spares bo. Nex file it the heeft by theolcoulerand sanded t smooth, Wie had the filer vt file ia thermachine gun porsin the wing eding ey, as wl the sper caridgeosor poste Al the same let themnachine gun sess panels onthe upper surfaces atone. fev citar olirake was taken from a Site Mk Vb kt ila new adator which originally cave foe «Frog Spire Mk XIV kt was substituted forte kitsitem, To rereent the clipped wings, had the choice of using either « afer a ran sa while Linshed off with weedy co trv at he desired shape, Please note hath shape af the hs cipyed wing tips were nlite te ones of he Speed Spitfire but were te samen plan formas those ofl the other variants wish were it hipped wing Fveything ee wen acording tote ki’ plan, but usted the Mk senha far those nthe Mk Wb i Tie Mk I wastoavea compe enclosed unsanige vbich meant had t fishcn ne euter man underage ors an tabncel doors rom thin plastic card Seng petctype, the Mk I wasfinishd in what would inky be clad igh vist scheme ello oral her appesurfce,n some photos. ths appeats an a darkclou, bul this is beeause of th typeof which wasused The unesurses wer Hackand whi, with he division ransing longthe length ofthe sels ene ne presume tht {imeerretin soyngthat the ner wingdel were Ain aiamets wth the fuselage roudel bee 52 ameter They we however detiniey Tepes 8 and A respecively. and came from the Modeldeal ange. The serial was weed ait was from nek i's cl sheet and had its penultimate digit eps when tad std in place. Then its an easy mater pace the cocci ourubet,9, ere the had been Asprevously mentioned.the MkII never made itinto practi, being superseded as it wes by the MW ‘Nevetheles,the yellow Mk Il certainly does make a clonal dition to acoletion of eamouaged eel Spitfies +5 Supermarine Spitfire Mk V Pradacingthe Spitfire ME series in 2nd sae Simple ask by crossing sanufctuers cent reat offerings andr by purchasing various comesion parts which are provided by th cottage industry suppliers. In orderto prodce various spite inthe Mk ¥ sere, {decided wo coss it and use cotage industry offerings in oder comment on the qualities aod pital of cach process Far the projet, the basic kits used were the lsix Mk a ané Vb, along withthe jm Mk XIW When } embarked pen the NEV project, ether the Hasegawa 3k IX np led 4k Vb bad been releaze, ctherwise I would hase used these, The same could also he appli the Academy oc Hobbyeraf Mk XIV However, cannibalsng aki purely forts wingsis not aays cxiroragontand a times can sulin ocosomis Spitfire Mk Va RAF, 1941 Asal 94a were produce it's not so cay to Bind photographic references ofthis type as canbe imagined Fortunes Daas Bader New s Mk Va, W3185i uly 1941 shen he wasleading the Tangmere Wing, so thisatrat swell documented Rader reputed to have dled the cannon ‘manent of te Mh Ye, and wave insisted that he be allowed toeiain the Mk Ya variant was hist that he oy om Dh August 1941 hen he wa farcd o bale out ater an encounter with HE 1088 and sna a POW Brent his ‘ay thedebate continues aso herder ‘Wing Commanser Fader vs shot down, or whether he collide with an adverary. Likewise, theremsins of W3185, patinue to remain hidden beneath the sutace of French Feld desptestretucus efforts to locate and recover them ee tls conerson used the Air hI i as beh che land Ya were virtunlly identical external, gpart fom the exper rounde: spell cooler intake fited othe Mk Yo, cope wth ths types more powerful engine, pr the YD kit Cnversion floes the steps suggested inthe’ instenctions pin, before the upper and ewer wing surface were joined together thesemisctcr oi cone intake, aated usadeeneath the port wing was mowed and hia strip of olistc cad cemented inside the wing oer the bole lettby the intake, The hole en the undersurface wae ile in and oanded style ollconer cemented in place Spite Ve W3185 was Finished in the standard fighter seheme of Dak Green and Dark Earth upper surfaces, along sth Sky undetsuracs, Propeller blades were Hack, with in yellow tips. Once gain th decals cae cm the Modédecal range, and cansiged ofthe folowing Upper wing mundls, in Type B + Lower wing rundls, Ain Type A + Fuselage roundel, Sin Type Al Str Va W388, 194 svc sem utr msn 125| The codes hich in hi instance are also the pile’ initials, vere 2hin hgh and Grey, pig granted to Wing Commanders and senior fers The serial was in high and ack, while a 21in high, rfl in height ofl wid Meshes [eas also carried The Wing Leaes pennant locate below the bank windscreen on the port side,came fom the de Spitfire Mk Vb + Conversion 1 26, 30 Ee Potuquese A ares, 190 {ase at Renal Bee 2, Ot For this conversion, fused the Ainix¥ bit which fa neat lve hits oly fa being tein hing ine on the wing cewsich hasbeen wrongly ‘upper ear pestioned the newer Hale can therefore be used in is plac) This means thatthe sandr diameter 7 upper wing roundel wil postin core position unt this fant has ben rece. forrunate iis is ota difficae task but it ust be applied oall projects hick us the Airis Sitfre Wb wing Taking our measurements fom the simply esribea new lero hinge ne asinga ste [F-sraghtedge, anda suitably printed item or thetip of anew mocking blde to scribe th Une ite, Tae are thoagh fingertips ard sharp Hades havea tendency comeiaio Feequsnt contact despite fort tothe contrary Then, Filla the le ne aml san smooth The alr waned to model as fied with the peopel and spinner as nclded in the ki However some Mk Vs were Fed with ether de ompanying drowving avaland unis so check your references “Tedecals for this srcraf came fiom gm decal sheet No, 72-17, anc make for anatiactve and ‘unuiul finish, Another standard Nk Vb which pln to build inthe nae fatureis Wing Commander Bob Santer Tucks vera dec for whose aif coded RST. can be and on ‘the Tid Group Deval sheet 72-911, Sptrove, 15. «tse eral Eotan Spitfire Mk Vb + Conversion 2 ‘ASU No 224 Wing, swt A Fre, uns, 183 "The second Vb which bu was Wing Commander lan R Gee's Vb (Ieap) ABD, which Mevw while he was eave [126 oume 1Ko204 Wing n Tunis in 143, WingCommanderGleed vas ke i acton wile ying ths arzaft on Apri 16 196. but this model ex asper the fist Mk Vb, he cals Aitesene beng tt ABSD2 had clipped wings. simu ths, | used araoe sas tema che Alix wing ips and fished af by sanding to arrive atthe cert shape in plan form Ons spaces, The send noticeable ata on this [Akoukir ltr Fite to the carburetor ita (Part No 2), irk Emerpris pravisea benuiUl resin one piee Ren ioe the removel of te triangla trim tothe upper pro reference plans sadvised daring this ci was the ‘shih simply mplaseth it tem. Miner rile the aerial.ard the eemovl of he aerial post ote mat, Finan wel hu covers wore simalatel wth red ‘quality tracing pope, oF you woul simpy sin he habs et lliput ce your favousitebvand Thisairerat wasn io the dese seleme of Dac ath and Mille Sane per surfaces with Azme Blue indersarices.As ets tohave Bee corvon Rata on fighters in Nori Aiea the per was painted ee. The dec ame fro Superscal, fermenhy Microscale} shact. 2d the rouralls ad fin Mash areal andar fee hs sage of thea comprising Type C onthe wing underantaces. with FrpeC ‘on the fuselage The fia ash bas nave hte entre, The «cal sheet provides a Wing Commande’ pennastvhchons carved blow th part windscreen, asi! ember on the sarboard side, which was Gels personal marking, The ces [RG Glee inital, and this is whewe Lceme acres Sstme problem, The ded provide ead sods outlined in yellow she pos of A302 show the nse cour coe te be dark the sane ee the Bae of the fase roundel and dlrkee than the cere spot Atoer phwshows he cade io he such ighter than thebheit hue and ler perhaps Tighr| to the cen spo. However, 0 saris isiblein this particulrphot, Spe the Miory includes acdoat pl peinting cf AIS02 with dak Boe cakes, yellow usin ‘nd a sand cabured spinner! aD inal quite a wxeplex ste ofr hut pat of then of modeling, Duringmy restabhd came amiss arlene which stated that Ged Mle two Spite Vs, both of hich atid is inital a codes sit possible that ARSO2 hd derkecolonr codes, while he send machine had igh, ed codes! This would expan why m9 serial i vile nn te Spite with he Tighter des ele the dank cox pti’ etal AB302 ileal sisi. bis tue thet the only bone of contention isthe colo the spinner Wa iteedor wae # sand? The tna ference bets bith ealcurs ss ght shen working rom black ard tite reference photos asta ake impnssile to make adite le ‘ees 4 egat ctl coloue Fy model’ spinner shouldbe san rather tha red the ths itt fal easy red with kof pin. The cades would be dghtly mere troxblesoe ta ecty. Baving once ovexpalee ter wit ounce ve, do elsh having orenest hat litle exerci Perhaps iis point cau be resolved by enaaining covehsire eridence one way othe otbe at some te in the meat far Since this model was bur have elased their Me Yb ddspcung Gees ABSO Nuvphy strikes ein, Spitfire Ve - Conversion 1 195, othe Royal Eyton Ai Fre at 107 MU, Ks inwoy 97 ‘Ate time ot writing the Mk Ve rotted in 172 seat ew Spire types ae abs ing pended by the manulictess0 We might see one some din the meantime, Atk: Eoerpise are aay happy come tout that severe msthodsereposibe As et, assistance, which means

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