SAM Modellers Datafile 05 - The Supermarine Spitfire Partt2 Griffon-Powered

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SUC LON eee eee SPITEFIRE A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR THE MODELLER Part 2: Griffon-Powered by Robert Humphrey eae Sry eas) DATAFILE THE SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE ‘A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR THE MODELLER Part 2: Griffon-Powered Robert Humphreys SAM Publications The cnet ator dein a Site Phx S82 ot No. 81 Suan ant was ‘ee excuse or his ater te Ea sé) comsam ‘Modelers Datafile No.5 ‘The Supermarine Spttie (Part 2: Griffon-Powered) by Robert Humphreys stg in 20) by SAM Pulictons 4 Pinan Cou, ily Teil Drive, sn, DK 70, ted gto inCente ‘© Ruben Humphreys & Richard , Fas, ke 20 © Roy ino Chapter) ‘cle Maran Inror ata etches ‘© Rion Carvan- Coloorare (© fuk alewicr- Se plans & mono arr Alig serve No part this publeation ay bern or tans in ay by ay mans etn or mechani incang photocopy ong or ny other farationstorageand eal te, wthaet permis in ying othe pulse. Isms 44 Typeset by CONAN Princeton Court, iri Cen Set NA 7 ited Kirn Seis itor Richard rks Designed by Simon Segara’ Primed and bud in the ited King y rita, 2 North ory Ch, Norham NN RQ ‘The Modelers Datafle Series. N= De ol wont N= Hawker Horse” ‘in ~ Supe Spsae (ar | Metin-tovered) ‘No Aveo Lancaster ne Manchest Lins) * +5 Supermarine pte (ar 2 Gein Powel) * 8 vil git Samer 200)) * Avi Acknowledgments Avon of hanks mnt tthe illowing peop: and oransatns thor whose ean encurgemere hit wenl neve are pred The Department of Records Infrmation Services yal Ai Froese Hendon ‘The Aiea & Exhibits Doar, Roa ir Force Nase Hendon "The Pompei Deptt, Roa Ai Frc Bsc, Hendon Ro RogeHeiage Trust Dey The Fighter oletnn, Dist itil Cabrige “The Southampton lf aio, ‘The fat of rain Meri Fight AF Canin dy nen Bil ian, Dana Bel Chass jean Har ay Satie ‘al wef aks tevin pins Se tt aly gps ni hile A Sve ae Nigh, ISH TE (D154 Tae (0 i td i a, Ne ai HP 142 MH 8 ( (is 2 nl 64S Rl Shey es i OP SLP TH 4 gale Mo rile Che, Sgn et MEGA TL (TVS Ed 4952 Oc Cb Ral AB SSF 095 Tao 4.7812 (iy mean Cm ating Yt Sa ISTE 4) 0 Fa 40)8 785178 "aga sg. 9 Ca Lane Seri DNR STH (0160 7S Fa HHA aS "yon 80x55 it aed Cte abe Ra ehh ri Si SH 475 a 4D? Contents Preface 5 Glossary 6 The Griffon Spitfire & Seafire - A Concise History Enter the Griffon 7 The first Spitfire to receive the Griffon engine, the Mc XIL chapter “) Super Spitfire 9 crap The Mk XIV and Mk XVII “) The Spitfire in Belgium by Rudy Binneman 15 2 rapier") The Mk XIV in Belgian A.F service ig Spy 21 reconnaissance Spitfire, the PR Mk XIX AL High-f1 cxaper Last of the Spitfires 25 GwapteWS The MK XX through to the F Mk 24 (& The First Griffon-Seafires 31 cnopter GD The Seatire Mk XV and XVI The F Mk 21 at Sea 35 crapter A The development of the late-series Spitfire as the Safire F Mk-45 to F/ER Mk 4 © Spiteful & Seafang - Last of the Line 39 comer QD The nal development versions of the Spite and Seafre Modelling the Spitfire Colour Side-views 49 Colour Interior Artwork 59 Q The Basics 42 thaper © A look atthe starting point for modelling the Spitfire & Sear in 1/72nd, 148th and 1/32nd scales the Subject 65 he different versions of the Spitfire & Seafre, and how to model them chapter Contents Detailing 77 An extensive look in and around the Spitfire & Seafire 4) Building the Spitfire & Seatire 125 craper ME: A look ata large number of Spitfire & Seafire variants in 72nd & 1/48th scales 2 Camouflage & Markings 141 i + WD A mocelers guideto the colour and markings applied to the Spite &Seafre throughout its career Kit Listing 153 A complete listing of all the Spite, Seafire, Spiteful & Scafang construction kits six IH Accessories & Conversions 154 A complete listing of accessories produced forthe Spitfire, Sear, Spiteful & Seafang Decals 157 A-concise listing of all Sptfite & Seafire decal sheets Aopensix WV Powerplants 159 Tecnica specifications of all Rolls Royce Griffon engines use inthe Spite, Seite, Stefan Seakang e and Seafire Variants 160 al specifications of al the dflerent Griffon-powered Spitire ire, Seafire, Spiteful and Seafang Genealogy 163 The genealogy ofthe (Griffon) Spitfire from Mk XI to F Mk 24 &ineluding Seafire Mk XV to F/FR Mk 47 aosentix VIL Spitfire and Seafire Squadrons 164 A complete listing of Spitfire & Seatire squadrons Foreign Operators 166 ‘A.concise list ofall foreign operators of the Griffon-powered Spitfires & Seafires Spitfire, Seafire, Spiteful and Seafang Production 167 complete list of Spitfire, Sear, Spiteful & Seafang production Bibliography 172 A concise list of books, journals and periodicals Index 174 Fold-out scale plans — 1/72nd scale Preface cme sen Modes ae whine Vp sessteesitet ea those variants which were powered by the mighty tal toy Call ng ng vi eee tec Dep a eile tine cr sine an ea peas Sey dentsnm cp te snes bet pened sc rel ep Stes ‘rwhp oad or Usa lth cl yoda san ‘nnd sce Then cal nthe a an Photographs, Ape Bebe ee pty wed ints eb coe te aloe Mean (RAP) nese colton ach pcan bein fo he RAP, tigi? pete mer soma death edt caiarind Terme wp re can. Psogrhic Deuteatot the RAF ‘(0 20815 26 ‘word ton Far ewer injection-moulded kis ofthe Grifon ‘ptfies are avaliable, while the Merlin series aircraft ae much ‘more prolific All moans aside though, where there will there's way, so if you intend to adda Grifion-engined Spitfire ‘or Safire to your collection, yout sue to finda way What this volume does isillstrate the route that took, and fit merely serves asa guide 10 would-be modell, then it will have achieved its purpose. Happy modelling Robert Humphreys yr 2000 The BBMF at BAF Coisshy ‘erate vo PR MKS, an Wi ora fhe i | anger fer winter servicing. [B_ Grey i itera Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment Ant sineraft Co-operation Unit Alc Coramodore (RAF) Ai Chie Marsal (RAF) Ae Force Cross (RAF) Ai Fighting Development Unit jeborme Inereptan (ada) Ale Ms... ie Marsal (RAE) ASC se sanAi Suptt Coata AYMo soni Vice Marsal (RAB) BAFO..sonoritish Air Forces of Ocupation BEF noBrtsh Expeditionary atce BSconaitish Standard Capea (OME soon Cental Nditertanean Force CO nn mmanding Oise Do, Deciee DEC vn nonDistingaised Flying Coss DEM -Distinguised ying Medal SO.-.---Distinguised Service Oder DID son Directorate af Technical Development FRA conaflet Air Aron FEAF sour East Air Force Fg Off Flying Ofcer (RAF FL Sgt Flight Sergeant FULL. ight Lieutenant FRU onnnblet Requirements Unit 55. Federal Standard FT. ing Tening School 610 oon Ground Liaison Ofer 6p Cap... Group Capa (RAP) HAL Hatha Aircraft i, uF High-Aitiude Fighter TMS lis Tler Majesty’ Ship HQ. nnn eadgquarters TR von datifcation Briand o¢ Foe ky kilagrm KG ‘ampigescwader (Lutte) Jagdgeschwader (Lltwae) Poured Low-Aliude Fighter Landing Girvan Lite Lieutenant Commander (Royal Navy) Lea nnn Lieutenant Colon MAC... -uhedierrancan Air Command Mijn Major MAP ois o Air Production Me, on Messerschit (ls Bf) Mk ccnebatk MM Aviation Led MU niente Unit (RAF) NE ight Fighter No Number NCO onnden-commissioned Oficer NEAP our East ir Force 07 U nn perational Tsing Unit PEP non atid Fore PR Of no fice (RAP) PR Photographic reconnaisnce PRU......Phot-reconnaissance Unit RAAF... Royal Australian Air Prce RAE sooonnyal Aiea Establishenent RAF sonennfyal Ai Force RATO-eondocket Assist Take OM Royal Canadian Ar Farce Royal Canadian Navy Royal Naval Ae Station Sergeant Squadron Squadron Leader (RAF) 1 Tanet Indicate “Anite Kingdom nied States Arye Corps USAAF sone States Army ie Foe USS. States Ship icra Coss YE-Da...Vitryin Earope Day YrDay sn Victryin pan Day Wg Caro ing Commander (RAF) WO. neharant Officer 6 Sulit ler add to scat serial mur dentin ‘haar pci einen ws be guarded tins Enter the Griffon ans hie eee as pe BB isiscsernntcrcted none fee beard ipl de orig tla wen ah eared Uamatr asec al nen 9p oth ie Dvn fmol Hee nel ae tare Matinee pln ns fe ope ie erty afer rear nseombe 28 Into npn elomentf ep ws tecnica te cise io be eve Abeta cect ply 36 Heath ‘route i (20) eal hchyovered teehee). Xanpnch ang ela nse Tver nels begat es teh thle eg a ac tay Oe geaeandis nga) phe an tht in Ths man te suc Sp ‘tandem hee ng pet he Ssgne mung we teh on ea rk rosune an hc asc bh he iti iy cel ecm and dcp se Tain Bie iM plceam ob Si tir ees ihe itd Tv MA scour DPS koto tipo Zhen aes ‘pret al heating inte nd ari ‘rod ninety hn, ih rund sneer nine De spd rms iy etn 3 cp ced digest pope uh epee cue rte pps eagle Se sat wel rdw operas Fomvaly hes egies Trac Gln ee need tsi nh S063 bt sag noma ‘pening te yd i 2 sp a and 4s 0.303in (7.7mm) machine-guns. steel longeon ran back from the engine mountings along bath sides ofthe fuselage and a retractable tawee! was ited, ‘a the Mk IV heen placed in production, thatthe variant could be fited with variety of armament consisting of ether 2x 20mm cannon and 4x 0.303n (7.7mm) ‘machine-guns, or 4x 20mm cannon, or even a devastatingly powerful 6x 2omm cannon Indeed, DPS was atone time fied with mock-up ofthe 6x 20mm cannon armament, butt later reverted to standard aemament. The second Mk N,DP83, made her maiden fight on 8th August 1942, and confirmed that the type was ideally suited for operations at low alitade. In uly ‘of that year DPSS had been used at Farnborough in comparative speed trials at low altitude with a Hawker Typhoon anda captured Focke-Wulf Ew 1908, Despite allthe ‘expectations, the Griflon-powered Spitfire easly outpaced the 190A. Tis result would later lead to the development of a dedicated low-alitude intercept to dea with the Focke-Walf Fw 190‘hit and ru raiders which wer causing such havoc along the South coast. By the time of DPSS fst ight (Aesignatedas 2 Mk V), the stem by which Spitfie variants wee identified was beginning to cause confusion and misunderstanding In order to lari th situation the Mk IV was redesignated shortly afte the frst fight, and became the Mk XX. The second ata, DPSS, appears to have been referred to a8 a Mk XX frm te outset ‘The MRIV designation was then issued tothe PR was intended Chapter | RAS at Bszambe Down in 1942-by his se ne ‘ecient hs | Mca, 8873, seo er at escombe Down n 188, sae for ls 2 ‘sub (27h) boro ‘tei ack exec 7] ‘Spire cx (OPBS) «Second ‘Stage wih mockup fi eanon amaran This ML shows just bow iad steed wi of et uaereat (Photo-reconnaissance) version of the Spitfire, previously refered tos the PR Type D-To confuse matters even further, ‘the Mk XX then became the prototype fo the Mk XI ‘The Mk Xi ‘The frst operational variant ofthe Spitfire tobe powered by the newy-devlopes Griffon engine was the MX But in limited mre the Mk XI was powered bythe .720p(1.282kW) Griffon lb engin, which was designed for optimum performance tlw alitude. One ofthe main recognition features ofthe new Spitfire variant was is longer nose and mach large spinner. The type was intended purely as an interim version approximately half the Mk Xs were based on Mk Vcairframes and had fixed tailheels while the remainder were ased onthe Mk IT siefram, and featured retractable taehel Whatever the fuselage ancestryeach and every operational Mk XI wasted with the Mk Ve wing witht asyrumettic radiator and ol cooler layout clipped wingtips. and an armament of one 20mm canon and 00.03 (7.7mm) machine guns per wing. Te Griffon ‘engine inthis variant was brought tlie by a Cofman cartridge starter ater than by an external battery, which the majority of Spitfire variants had employed up uni this ime. Upon take-off, the Mk XI ike allothe Gif powered variants, hada tendency to swing to starboard det the fact thatthe new engine’ propeller rotated in the oppose direction to that of the Meelin. The Mk Xs plot needed to have his wits about him whe taking of,and to eas is workload somewhat, he pressure ‘of ene ogo leg would be kept higher than the other, in an attempt to counter the effect ofthe engine’ torque. The engine's 3 Spitfire PR Mk XIX \. ‘wo wetland one obtiue ameristar tae Tyo £52 retical camera ‘tatuon Some C TWO 652 36" cannas Spitfire F Mk 21° 1 Spitfire F Mk 21 + 2 \ ‘Wing it pana Botan nan controls and Taste FM 2 fas 2) Che 1, Pasi Wot a oh pean cont and equipment -F Mk Z2 Seca Feces ler tans +2 Spitfire F Mk 22/24 ev To 64 ume coos sno Eur 2 yTones wnsceuaycos tres ‘leetaneos sont and pment - Fk 22 omer Tr A ‘aoa uncon Sentai Een rome hho ason ews Eine cots ad nsunents Fk 24 pero ofr Spitfire F Mk 22/24 + 3 eyo 2 yay commas a inser 1 Pes ai oon 2 Pani 2 Bierom ny ete 4 Camas 5. Siam sh kr 5 pear aesee 2 Iyengar Goto oi pine x meh 16 cons ener Eva 9 merce comTOLs 2 chen evra acs cous ‘owt owe mC 20) ‘Spitfire Fk 22248 7. ecg tov vt pO) casgu tai va ‘Saran Dies tr se 29. Phes ane an si rane, avn ‘ped ex! Wi 2 cr Taster tr SP sm 1a ome 19. se cou en 15 acter 2 wap aed tea 2), 18 ume cians 1 rk nt! that 16ST ms ato eqipmest insta aera ‘trot ear tak mane aim 10 hit vk ‘femme cre 1 Paci 1 ve cn 13 sent 2 arp et Mee 2.1 ou crea ne 15 acon cet 18 Spy 18 08 ado equpmentnstoaten eat ‘ut ear oct projec staan FM 24 oom one Seafire Mk XV + 1 Seafire Mk XV + 2 miRRR B 5 sae Be coerees We eras ‘ ounemens Tew p Zh 2 Date acters gs ‘vt sour 4. Dane fap ‘peta ar eore ‘eg as ta 4 Discenet ne gesing pe ates fewer duct pay 6 Doorn be coca ees 7. Dscarectin ope 8 discreet cet ee 9. Dacormet ne borg cae 10, pout te ait nd ‘er over tng Seatire Mk XV + 3 : rcroge Te Seafire Mk XV + 4 \ Seafire Mk Seafire F/FR Mk XVII > 1 ‘SCR.82aniteroaher Remonlot SCA szzteiter ey png asa eee ten ewer iho uteca pst ‘Obata pveript ———& Lito ay y t ane an cone Wetton ne 2 crc eit adi rr race va mowg re Te Pe 2.Okeont te at cmectr ‘eo ached otto om Sy nerevoa sew matrg 4. Reease te vowmieecsner WS aN fers ote ty. 1 ca Coo onpoare 0. Pa, Seafire F/FR Mk XVII + 2 \ AAnAS6r9 conta EWOWMLOFARLSETD Texoma ns court one Atta ao xows 5 Ure a ot REMOVRLOFARLSIT 4 Dace rn He Steet tate. * Boa tect even our pero ‘With the picts seat and G.Disengage the four spring ‘crn oF te and muyareregand —° canes heme fy concn acia ‘sect cet oy Signet, Seam tam be 2. Disconnect the pilot's switch aan +. Disconnect he supply Senet creme ty bce on Src be nase Ltr {Lowen coors SID ase 2 tcc at onion seme 0 comet ns 2 Deere arte fewory OFAN. G8 5 Osta fetevth Sate et fg Wintopetssmtant 6 Daze erg pol Seon So pit oben, om iThitaeeomad Bowie 2 Duce ort 8 Leben — riya 2 doer pectin SERB A eaten Laas 4 Oscmed te see 7" Seafire F Mk 45 ° 1 \ NstRUMENT “PANEL COcKPIT= PORT SIDE Seafire F Mk 45 + 2 Spitfire Mk XIV + +9 ovr view oft 60 Spitfire Mk XVIII * 2 \ le At Spitfire PR Mk XIX * 1 5 behind te art's [102 cra Spitfire PR Mk XIX + 2 \. 6) 103 ( Spitfire PR Mk XIX + 3 + 18 Mec cines “andar fe Pra Spitfire PR Mk XIX + 4 (Spittire F Mk 21+ 1 eng 107 Spitfire F Mk 22/24 + 1 [108 once jemi aDalo) TN Spitfire F Mk 22/24 + 2 Spitfire F Mk 22/24 + 4 72 fsb a be st + 28 Tefomaton apt he + 24 Over treabon his pot +28 on ne staan lea re sai ard ina baarcounnied vous 26 Orr vw of pat ‘rine ee ie te dlcaton of vas gos on ne ert 277 closeup oe can tenga + i, 111 | Spitfire F Mk 22/24 + 5 \ a (Seafire Mk XV + 1 \ JACK HERE 9 13 Seafire Mk XV + 2 (Seatire Mk XV + 3 \ ee wea 15 (Seatire F/FR Mk XVII * 1 JACK HERE Seafire F/FR Mk XVII ° 2 ning 117) Seafire F/FR Mk XVII + 3 —_______. Seafire F/FR Mk XVII > 4 At photogs © RA. Franks tries eerie sae no 119) auscommo.s ww vena ets lero ‘imomorsacta) yan C7 fugimtot oor ‘ae © hase nn 3 fg, nove pret 1 ae en ‘nee (ORATOR ttn stare [20 oeess Seafire FR Mk 46/47 » 2 Ac inst asembiy ey tet 121) Seafire FR Mk 46/47 - 3 i panama onion four Sate perineal and 11 Gawslaenevase Ye Pb ach ‘gupment Fi 6 ‘cnt ” * Soom amare RRs eh aap ro (@ cetcawamasy cn fa (9 Gyepnsgmam 19 teenie ge erg mige 2 breve prune 1 Syma msc) 21 ean as up rordsmnod AE Ren oes satel 2 nit to. vie oan oree Or ergtoeriny Smet 25 iy ri 9 Gymproprase 26 bert oh 2 GE-P wt sae 2 Santas ed 08 a ee okams ‘i 1 Row mt nen 1 RP RE SA8D 1 Goma 28 Mergers une 4 Binbdna amy fins co mscHLMMEDUSCOMRDS 15 vnkiwn te m Axoeavenen ta) Sie O° dopirketaees 1 ae nn-mt (2 ivy rp seh en ack hake Ris ‘race np iho: ota me Seay © Symes aster 2 Haney coon tints See eng 2 ap teh & 22s %Stgettons 2 yon ot 2 Seg ne > otgthoaeonn —™ Ber Baan fea vi ‘Doontnoaee 3 gli 1 Uecrning eee theese ame / gamers ge Y ses se ste GE cOMTHDLS aD MSTRIMENT. aE SRTOKDS WARNES ra ge conta an 0 nasa pes 1s gnomes inset” 1 rasa 1 gn itetai © Thmeteromncarmm Joa ou a ‘7 12pm gine ny pears ua 19 tamer ine 2 Sephora secon MAROC 2 Oper chante OF etek A-O-0 fa 2 tomo BESO REO secrominsn a tome sense Samo 12 lea eco en pst, ime [ee tire incase aromas tam ‘sme 1 hen AS we una Reeemeenie Sa ah se swoon symone Rate somone tris mein tra [122 shows mat 1 ru thas Asem 12 karte span men 15 anes kx tee 16 SAR aaron 17 RADE hon “SREP om 1 a test vo 1 eee a Satine 12 Urey Ee ae ition 15 is 04 om Ah amerainctataton eon sia ow jan gar 88 sangre St oxina 128) ‘ime pean contol and 1 Reta ea 12 Grouse Imecumenscomese Satins tree ee eee 28 fot gn Peen 01 ne was vr ey a te unas 7 Wag twse tort Ftp ka oe 2 Hegde xe cat arn Fi ree AE 0 hata Mublege nig oate rete [124 owe Building the Spitfire and Seafire Uh ff flows isa selection of ud ona numberof Y/Y sisi tonta cup of mai Risin 17nd and 18th sale aswel a loca couple of easy conversions hse covered here therefore ae slo alae nscale unless terse state ° 1/72nd Scale Spitfire Mik XH by Robert Humphreys Only RAF Sado were supp wh the MGT and of therm No.At appears to be the best scumeted in phar rm. As there sn several erst of MBP 0 be found the coe forme was abo far the MkIiseoncerned rea though tight betaritom orga However M794 ‘rasene ofthe first Mic XIl tobe buh and feaeared a ied talc! une the retactable sr ofthe ater Mi Xs slight litrence vob marginally kss work are vas an ada factor which helped me to desde poe Mi Tas my cnversin on he vacformed Spite Me XI pice by eros prising ni both fuselage Bae ca thir bucking sheet tien idly sited o thse mele wh have nt pesca had «go ata vacformed subj ike me end to ned such items ie he lage whenere sl Serious though separate oth fuselage has fo tei backing shes was simple enough. The steps iavaed when ‘orkig with avac-forred subject have been dat wth in cept in ther blcations.and need note repented ere Safe tos cannot ephasi eogh the cto dey ithe parse beught gether t egal inevals inorder to checkor t-te to d thither an tohe ‘oer zeous andhove ale remelation ter ony Gling ps wth bd pity. Remereralg ove the model in ath aman prof forms. an yt gan teling gs sich 5 the rdrin this ase as bar as pease eis dng all *his my sound your ad work willbe rear later ef the fsclge halves were xmentd tgetes, the ashe over cdi an wingarea wos opened up by usinga sharp rtf as ry plese with he Aerocu isle hes nce ot them tegthe hic made me wood why Is scat vc fas ine fst place tmpaience i enact iat here Isppose Wie the fosoge cured, cari elsewhere. Far ‘beimain part, [used te opt furnishings as spied hy Fejimi but sedan Airfisea Whatever ational deal yon say caret incorporates. aheysa mote for he nid Modelling the Spitfire 12 With so many items ovale from aftermarket supplies Finance and imagination ae the wtimate boundaries ike depict iv alrrft wih their carapies in the closed positon this dacs serious lint what des canbe sce, whic in orn nvoles es work for me "had decide ous the wings ofthe Flin Spite Mk XIV fo this conversion. Other variants ofthe Spits portraying he C wig aresament, ould be usd rebut had a numberof these isla doen in the at I decided ows hist Now came the mrent of rath with Ye wing bing offre ty the seg to check the A small ama af plastic rom the uselge bel section ad tobe reeved inden to f sccommodate the underwig section which | incomportes the distinctive gl wing featur and ha oremeve a tiny amour fren the font sure of te wing section sl The wings and fescege then came together quite nicely, 1 Spies 0794 e264 ‘alte Squten “nl were checked fell angles before commited erent to ‘laste While the cement was curing. Trigg the madelin ai ‘der o maintain the corte! hc for the wings, and lft everything wellaione or 24 hourshefore any further wrk was undertaken ‘When cverything hd serie and couldbe say handle set | boating in the adiator wll breath the port wing and ‘sanded the aes smooth. The Mc XII carted cular crass sectan ol cola nak in this poston, ne had coe fan Some time go dscered tht 90 ol cooler air inakos cove um an Aix Spire Mand cement together, could be cunningly persuaded to become circa in cross section. 2Fthis desi ype you ami ell your own Grom Miliput or ht-sttch some spre and then dl both ends out, The ar end shouldbe cut at an angle of aur 45° a simulate the vigil Another course of eon wid be wus theo nce ram the Ai Spifie Bk Vin kit whichis exacytheatylewe'e ooking, | fer. Forte raditor onthe starboard wing undersurfice used eg Spe «taking Sue a ote 125) spe Aaoxve m6, the Fuji part having fest reued its depth by sanding. The [MI was ites wit the short-syle carburetor ain, This style sone of the tw provide by Mateo in ee Spire ‘ME IXAVL it which kindly dood the roguied par ln the meanei had repaed ad pind da wite-metal propeller and spinner fom the Aemola range. Mah larger than its Metin counterpart, the Griffon engne-sries spinners ite teal even in this scale, despite the ecompanying end fails oar propelr bade. n this instance the spines was aime Sk with the lads in black with in wide ele tips The talbee was obained fom an Altix Spite Mt ssl the main undewarrige came fom the Fuji kt. appears ‘har many MXIT retin te disk er thele min wheel hubs, but omit this earare from my model s Thad no ernie prs one way or the ot ‘The Mk Xl ws often to be seo with ong eange fe tank slung beneath shila the Ej hit provid his iter, while th aerial at one tiene belong to a Matchbox Mi IX/XVI The canopy was va-femed item Which was caeflly rimmed and offered ryt its pasion several sis here comaited nyse to thous of ge ‘he sbjot of my mex, M74, 6H fp. Squadron ‘sas camoutaged Dack Gren and Osan Grey on ks ppersurfaces, wt Medkam Sea Grey undersufacs. As previously mentioned the spinner was Sy. slong witha rear ‘usage band ile ell wing leading edge identifi lines ‘wercalso cased. National markings were lain al Positions, along wth an in high black serial and 24in high cies sn Skyallof which came fom the Medeldecal range. M94 peas fom the photos tohsxe been well maintained icra, 0 efianed fm weathering the ommplted model Academy Mk XIVe by Robert Humphreys Only one variant, namely the'C wing vara of highback ‘MB XIV canbe bul fom te Academy kt Asa results tong is quite Sraghtforward and makes or an casy kt to construct. Tio sprues make up the model witha separate sprue fr the sransparencies. The prominent bugs or the Grin engine, shove the evs manilds are moulded separate, il the lower wing sustice comprises single fullspan ten which incorporates the charters gull wing sxe section, The upper wings comeas normal span es, "Turing to thecokpit sdeel dels mould the > ier fuselage while separate pts compris os, separate ruaer pea seat conta column gunsigh instrament pel, and Dh pat armeured bulkhead to cmplete the ace. To ‘ply al this deta an entry dis roid forthe pot side, Towcanopiesare supplied The fist isa one-pice, cose canopy, sil the second isa two-piece item and depicts the canopy inthe open postin, The whe! wal inch ri detail while te rain ndercartiage ys have separate compression inks,andthe main whorls arc lg and have ead detainee doors re iniuded in onder to dict the tractable version of the original Ate toa end, the spinner and backplate are separate tens, slong wth the five propel blades. Contraction was quick simple and trouble but deca ‘omit te or rocket projectiles which were consigned for nog, ‘othe spares box. The panting guide depicts an ETO (Eompean Theatre of Operations) camoufague scheme, specify RBIS, ‘ded DID, tom No. 610 Sauron as itppeared in September 194. Personally speaking Yound ths iis tbe someeht -ainsitng bat with so many dal sheets abe othe marks ferent and intresting somes can eal be pore ‘Mavng said that finishes my rode in the same churn, and «odes aured on the origi Fg kt, namely RMS, APD ‘of No. 19 (Punjab) Sous. tapped while based in Bagium dung December 1944, However Topas al the decals sith ites om my spares bx Conclusion With my Bk XIV complete, personally sped very happy ‘with thelook and sito the amped mace. as fe the ase ia matir of personal preference Fujimi Spitfire Mk XIVe by Robert Humphreys ‘Compared tthe Acad kit, Pj’ ofering a more complex ‘it andin some ways his comphxity does tend to make the cansruction tha ite bit morediicul Dependig on which Fujii MX varanfboxingis purchased the modell syne the pton of building [MkxXIVe,MkXIVeor PR Mk XIX. As regards theighter versions the options of biking the usual high-back tla the later a wn ear faselage syle are ls given. Whichever versions patched the pos fusslage feats an inegaly moulded peessurised cin iimake stated dinstly below where the exhaust, ‘manila laid, This feature iscolyappicablet the PR MK XIX swrsion,and shouldbe ened for eich a every fier version bul. he PRM XIX variant offered by Fini fetus the Tepe C fighter wing. and this wil have be ltr if true PR vara is tbe depicted, The upper fuselage decking also comes a a choise of sdtherigh-bak or cut-down sts, Consequence wil have tobe taken to imino joie ine along the useage sides. As gars the F wing varia, a basi Mk XIVe ‘cannot dept an crf fied with an wing without recourse some major wr. Most aspects ofthe Fujimi kit fited wal togehes, but the two-part upper cotingessembly vas found ty bea rather dlcatiter which nonded great care during assembyn onder o avoid any unsih joint ines which would have to be deat with ater on To nit-pcks ast wer the enki assembly arprs to repeesent alice applicable to bth 2 highback, and a curewn rea fuselage arian, ie the ralleel dors wilhave tobe fabricated fom plastic car whichever boxing i purcased.Ohn th pus id,each an every decal sheet sate germ depicting unaual or interesting markings Fujimi score highly here. Conclusion Sothere you hare it Baskally you pay your money and you take your choice. Neither Kt can am tobe te lite Nk XIV in U7ind scale and inthe end ital bolls doen toa matter of pernal prfrence Fujimi Spitfire Mk Xie by Robert Humphreys ‘gsi the sme bas olings are sod far te McAIVe asthe Mk ANVe. Fuji ride separate cannon bars stubs, and cannon breeh-blck lier, sats. rater of popping hes items into heir respecte hoes according to which aunamentis tobe depicted, Boweveal'E wing aicraft based on this kit willhave have the wings two outer machine gu ports inte wing leading age, the maine un aces panels on the wing uppesurice, and he spent ‘anride ejctor chutes onthe wing undersurtaces al Sein an sanded sth I 72nd scale this ves an acequate representation ofthe rea tig Also bea in mind that the Integrally-moulde ai inl fo the pressurised cabin should be removed. thisis oly apliable tothe PRNUkXEX version. The kt fies choice af eter clipped or ullspan wings. depending on which sir isto be modeled regards eat build isl the same comments apply as those forthe Fj Mk: XIVEit reviewed previously Ventura Spitfire Mk XIVe by Robert Humphreys ‘entra is do not seem o be exactly eenecally avai and are weal imita-run kits with tr partsattacke tthe sprue by rather thick heary runners whic meansthat they wil ave tbe crf removed with race saw perhaps beng the order ofthe dy. entra is require eel preparation and the use of some extra items ran thespares x maybe nee other improve ono pace an exiting item, or simian when sucha te snot provided inthe kt the tiwhesl doors being casein pint ee Some filer wil abo quite probably be nesded. However dort et hat pu you fas the Veta tk Xe s argubly one of Ue best kis ofthis variant pronto dati this scale asa as acuracy of tne ana eta ges. Some white-mtal parts ae provide, suchas the propel bas the exhausts. the underarig. Apiearof ine metal gauze so supplied for hose adrenuces nought pen ot bas front and ear endl ofthe underwing rats This tas would be easier achieve the radios came asseparate ites instead of ing integaly mule as they are, The wingenmes one-piece single-span wingith standard wingtips. Two vac orn canopisare spi, justin case you sip upon one. The nish suggested this modest sia rom the Bln Air Force, Sc! MN. Rudls snd the serial are provid on the deca het, butte codes must De lene fam dsevhere Conclusion This soca shake the box a hey reso Kt. neds tobe bt, and with patience Howeves, the end ests realy pleasing, Aeroclub Spitfire F Mk XIV by Robert Humphreys Aart supply a vara corsersion pack dpitng the bigh-nack arian of Ue Spine IV Also suppl ar waite metal rope exhaust maniflds and the underage The cockpit wil have tbe detailed with iter fom the spares bos, wth pars gleaned from aer-marke supplier The type wing wil Fane to come from anor kt, her a Mk VI, Mk IX or Mk XIV wld be used as a danor ete. Is intersting to te that Acros designate their conversion packs aC wing variant. but sony the fuselage suppliedit could perhaps be best described asi high-back Mk XI Tin omer to balla Mc XT that aeeds te daneis to use the Humbrol Spite Mk Vie which il ge you a bigh-back MI XIVe with lipped wings Stndard-span wings cold be used from ‘he Fujimi Mk XIV’ ki and gate onto the MXVE wings an fied in with our fxr bran of ile Spittire FR Mk XVIII by Robert Humphreys Externally the Mk XVI could at pane, pas fra ste ructon Mk XIV wat obi an FR Mk XVI, as ‘wate to depict 12233, code “I of No, 208 Squad, a8 it appear when operating fom Fay inthe SuezCanel Zone fey 1958 until eatin 195. started of by biking the Fujimi Fuselage with the cat down rer fasclag, with the camera port trarspaenes ited to both sides of te fuselage A ouch of filler ‘was peed along bat sides ofthe fuselage where the top decking ‘oes in contact wth the est An the to part UP coving required delicate hailing when being ited in place The ‘Me XVII wasted with ho" wing armarsem, consisting of 2mm xan located in the cuter cannon bay and a 0.5in Bowring machine gon inthe inner postion usual taken bya 2shmm cannen. The mains ofthis cemwesion centres around ‘he wing butts quite simple proces to pap in the cannon an the stab typeslevetamugh which the machine gun Fired, rte their respective positon, ememberig tole the canon Dlisterin the once postion in ine wth the cannon so Homever this workin ss enough to produce an‘ wing Filer bas tobe use oillin the machine gun por acess panels ‘on te wing upp succes ard the pent cartridge tes ‘on the wing undersusfaes The photograph | was working fom sugested that T2233 had thnee-spoked main whee hubs. Suitable items were sed fom Aeros eit metal range, ard alee! dors were fabricated fom plastic ear, Basically that wasall that ss involve inthe conversion, Thecamoulige scene wasalso quite aight, wit Medium Se Grey undersurces and a disruptive scheme of Dark ‘Green and Ocean Grey on the uppersurices Yellow leading oes tothe wings evened the chem. ano be abso sue, ‘bu ive thar de spinner as aso nse in Oesas Grey and [thereorfnste my model acoringy Al the devas came doings sata soan west 127] Ste fm xe SE, ‘lao. 28 Sqaden Spe Mt 72238, *Fot ha, 208 Squier fiom the Modckocl range and the decal bank. Type D rds ecard in six postions comprising 4in diameter upper wing oundels 3in diameter on the fuselage, and Sin diameter om the wing undersrfacesA24in wide fi ash adorned he fi ‘In normal ashion 12 high serial was worn onthe wing Uundersurfaces. presume thal the individual etee"T was ‘whiteand was carried below the canopy cm bth ides of ‘he ftselage he del hich us pred beater ‘stor igh and will ave w be replaced but tescally tot completad the FRM XVI, Spitfire PR Mk XIX The PR Mi XI was the uhimatedevlopment ofthe rac photo recoanassane variant the Spit and onb such ‘erson tobe poweebya Grif engine. Base on the Mk XIV aif the PRM XX oul rete asa MX bt thelack of armament and charatrsic PRU Bh camouage is somethingof giveaway: However the Bat of tain Merri Flight hae been kno masguerade hex BR Mk IKS as MCXIYsem oscars ove the ears. But wedges shoald retur othe question ofa to bulk a PR MIX in Und scale. Agun thereat seer options aval. Fujimi Spitfire PA Mk XIX by Robert Humphreys Je thishoxing, Fujin: hase tempi to produce an unarmet ‘PR ik XIX from what sil basicaly a Mic TV Fighter, ower they do alse that there are ferences tween bah ‘pes. and ther insirucion sheet does Craw arent tothe fact ‘hat ll traces of armament must be rem ation this, | PResyle canopy issurpied as wells lang rang tank nd blisters for the underwing forward ofthe whee weliehich beck up the expanse of ingle colour onthe uppesuracs, Agim the question of theirs ower fuselage and tunersuefce colour etuens to baurt us. Was it Sky wa it Canada Sk Gry? Ventura wenture to suggest the ter to repent the srry dele PRABS was fit with an aera fo the usslage spine an vas ished ith white pine. Feeling advertuous, ook the ally the horns. and oped to modal hisalterat. se alongs Seale finished in Sly undersarfarsit certainly rakes an interesting alternative ish. Plas bear in ming that snother Canadian Seaie was depicted ‘onthe colour gue ofthe ti hooked Safire MCV as kite by ‘Vertu and Dat this machine alo ad an A-frame fuselage ook. Aginthere was some debate as to thisairerats exact ower fuselage and wdersucface color Conclusion Sothere we athe Safire MEY, Perhaps th eases way toad such arnodet oar eallecton sto ui one of he Ventura ks, ane ald aditonal dell according taste: However these Ks maybe dif to obtain, whic ease you ray eve no akcrakive but tory yout hand at bit ef rose ktngimaring cng te ite but espe San 138 [134 cps re erocabs Spifie Mk XI useage, a Mk XI ce of wings and some extras ra te pons bx. Should you wish to produc a ltr Sefie Mk XV with an -Afame fuselage hook by zs Kiting en the Frame can be ‘Simulated bya pice of thin plastic ad, o very gn quality ‘wing puper-The hoc can be fashioned fom abit scrap plastic. As fara inishes wo ther ae plenty cole ad fo this ‘arian aod with o many asessory and specaistdeeashets on ‘he market at present simulating the markings should pose to rnc of apmobem, Seafire F Mk XVII by Robert Humphreys. Basically the Seatre Mk XVI was a much-devloped axcessor of the Seat KV with cu- down er fale bubble cap increase fuel oa and an extended obo -ey stoke -Aerolub have pmeuet a vicformes Fuselage oe the Sere Mk XVIL This was separated from is hacking shee. atl repre ‘inthe usu The srap plastic ering the cockit and the Tociion ofthe centre section ofthe wings was cat ra and he oct nero etal fom -andcrrath as previously described, ‘nce the fuselage halves hal ben gs together As the Sele Mk XVI was ited with the‘ wing, Lagan turmed omy never-ending stack of Fuji Spitfire Mk TV kits, ani assembled the wings locating the canon, and bec bk bites on the wing upper sfc in te inne position at iting the outer stub, When. this onverson kt fist peared it vas suggest thatthe iri Spitfire Uk la wing ws This ghite feasible, but coesideraby more work is volved The wheel ‘es wnald are ro be bod in he N wing’ ecto cakes and ‘machine gun por ile inthe armament access pals emoned, along with theo cooler ir inake Tw pew ators ‘would be eededas the Aifix reir isnt deep enough tobe sed ASI i used he Fujin wing alorg with ho white- meta items which come paz of Aer’ fering apt fom theearbaretoe ir intake which I represented with the Pain pats. Aero also includes net ith hook. The tiwhedl guard was made from fuse wie while plastic card took cre ofthe tilwhel doors. The lulplanes were Fuji and Finally the rice, cle ‘unopy-came as pt of the Seale t Final, twoadeitiona avials were added an the sarboand wings undersuefice, pastic ro king car of these. iad ales decid to fnish my Sealie Mk XVI as SNL ‘whichis preserved and displayed tse Flet Air rat Mase, ot | Yoorlion. Thesirrat is fishin Uhestractie Shy andere scheme, wits high demarcation line along the fuselage spinner ise with arr blak ne long the tect Al dea came frm the Mosel range and ‘oxised on ‘Royal Navy an serial numbrs on the rest fuselage, 2tn underwing serials, Win fuselage Type D rounds, and 36 upp and lower wing rounds, ga Type Dk kesping ‘sith Naval dion nosh ws carried om the aid eather my made) as 1 wacted o portray the aera as Preserved. Easy war on? Seatire F Mk 45 by Robert Humphreys oan itvery feat find pgp this warn hich is hardly surprising when ane considers the vey snl umber bait venualy ame snes poo of LAA, wich ered wih Nia.71 Squadto, Heer. La Slet daring the late 140 Athi time A889 cars the lenersL oa be a, ate cubes 368 on is cage Unde seri wee ls cared Two comeas a sur wlth hat pa kits or oer arts forthe Sse Aes ose again Thad to prc theprt bic node or mpc based my onersionom he Czch Master sin it othe pte F Mle, ‘hich was lt xcs scribed previo porto ne ot ‘wo akitons and modicaton. Ree ataching he tales. sit lower portion fhe ace in an tempo prtay thing type tal ok | dl sb lowing se ose astloaadpted fr the Seatie Mc XV emerson. The evened eho as shone ra agi of Mlipatand fis we The Mlipot washed into the ud and shina othe shape Iwas after cfr hardened The tal ua was sain made or Fite wir ‘Wie woking this ans simula’ Modif ston 2, hich ws ced on his variant, by sorng hava along the rer a, and ang lve of thin pati card above there trim a. Thisitem caused nea tof worry as could ind posh Sete Mk th is past aloo any pts shoving he udder nd Moston 492 Finale alt of eed manag achieve what was ater guess what can handy be seo! Wes ital worth ask mysel se he is main udetcariag, uta asa triangle shaped prin of th leading geo a faring o mult wat ws den actus machine in créer incase te dearanr verareserwies when desk landings werebeing made Thisin twa smeanttha the cuter dorshad tn be eolrged according plastic cand vas ase ty fects th hei eter doors are most! nin undcatnge ng being used as templates ddsse the proper and spinner asi Though they pest acetal nse us the pars fora Flin Spite MX it which had key dna swings ance conversion fara the modeling prt fhe buss concede wrk Ws rand it veastine ost painting Lucy Sor me L889 nha the Sky and tra Dark Sea Gy scheme with igh asda desmareation ine which 1a so fn of Theda cre fromthe Nodeiec ra bat mst act tha he diameter an pam fhe ate respective on my paras could ind erences fr this fra his erenis conc Hove based my uesima en phoraph of ‘aber Seis showing these an postion ft sounds cate bythe zo the ndering rial. Pacing une serasof this size n place was aap of ith on my parti ia surfaces withthe demarcation tne following te sme pater as tum dttd the size an postion ofthe oad ‘hediersion woud be on camoutged itera The undrsurces,and th pine were Sk eesti LASOL Conclusion carted 8 ype nde on ts upper wings, Type onthe Soar wasi.a Safire Mk 45 to ato ‘ay cllction. reserve the ight © ‘era a rebul of this version inh, utc it further information or photographs ara up to waran such couse of action. Whats the bet hat ats of photos, and some conversion parts turn up nos that ve nish ray moda Seafire FR Mk 46 by Robert Humphreys Dyk akg neha en tomo ee he Seater aed int ol ea in Sees ‘ene dese thee pfs and Seles (Sine) Teac hc hain minds LOL of Ne RIN lS whch as re he Poa Ko lee Reser Fe si As ser nate NAS ay in 9 ‘Tislnf reesei in eat lag Tia etme a Tahapin i ylon oe Tie ener LASead tothe ae ant CF one ve oe provid us with sufficient information to “These could be rather difficult to find in this colour, so the answer Tpempte nM Assad bu LASIfralng. — gulfbeto sees o out ee and oye and then Chl pentviat Asher me mii syebt/8 ptt thn The comes pron bth ashe {SLinsh ghesdieand mtn eichene ie fas eae ees the uber andeodeod tle diceay cent Tot hp ogi eterbc ried our and nce sma byes on Int als owe cf hear xin Ser ted epropran dnc Mnghter be e=n nhot iha earneral as lite! Tb dak the Ral Nov nde ere bo cardia ak Teruypicatenping isbn U2 sdesheCanh _ontefucp Tes fish ppb qe incon cee tymrastats Thetierbebllos gdeterpevpes oa distin ge lb pled btw he pop sndopane aed Tasha ovbeet fol Sod eet Me -contra-rotating item, which if you have ‘Seafire FR Mk 47, mocivibeethstustoddnorte Mh Sie AAT ws thers art othe adem ot nga ptt Stites isl asta he ‘The ower portion ofthe rudder 3 FRMK-47 could be considered as 2 nvalis Spitfire oud ciberoad weep ke lg dng pty Ths teas ‘the'Sting type hook. As the : ‘only intoduced after production of the P M47 ad poet et en cer Lae? Soniye dated tes tbe ree ig ‘Seed fon fm tee Wher es ogee, AS he ce ped cassie buptae ardathowuannie soh ore purer ne uranic et on Flt The pope acct emugh sree gad also agen tion Sal leg ptt cu tebe ted ata snk pcg es algo ore Wi ding vi he Cleric LAS bl porn ete cary mit aes (29) and ein te Hees couric eet ‘tact lal er nel ah ee Hoge wi ld arg q ei rece gy ogg ithe ' ere ier rocket projecting igh ahead Fseary comeras and as soch was designated faselaye ype Con the wing wnersurfas outboard of ‘he serial and afin flash Te externa ful tank appears tobe na lighter sade of grey when compared tthe srr uppersurfces, so jeu could algays mix your own if ouside to ftcne. The 10 ofa caer ons Are Het ee TE orn vic veep genoa E einste ‘Mesa Gate he Spite Fk he See FRM ast Theshene LAS] isBaraDukSeaGeyceteupper Sve shrtscrbutr ane ist cra wing eso ey ost ane 138] Seale FR A, VOR Nt Saute (196, Jong, shallower mounted beneath the engin, and extending to just behind the spinner present there arto kits ofthe Sear [FRMK7 in 72nd sale, namely the one by Pegasis an the other by Vantaa. Pegasus Seafire FR Mk 47 by Robert Humphreys Some modellers may haveone ofthese re sal for anny des set’ se what needs o be done. By tod’ standards his linied-ran kts somevhat bas. The sprucgates are very hes and the pars shoul ellybe removed with thea fa rzor st present ony unnecessary damage. The ars thernsles have a chunky appearance totem which ten rns that the a and rudder’ trailing edges need be ‘sanded don fora more scale- ke appearance. Many of the paler parts will nad tn be modelled fom plastic ca, or salvaged from the spars bax. These inl dhe uundecarage dors, hearst tatobed des and pet tae. The bok tale! guard must agsin he made fru the ever nan fuse wit. As supplied the eck nero is ery spartan so Tadd ew basi items rom the sare box, The cannon wer replace with more suitable ems, again ram the pares boo which vere eshoped and fit as own om the drsings ‘whi scopy the ki White-meta main undercariage us replaced those provided by thet The radios are rather heh moukied. a] woul ene ors having the is ofthe eading and zaling edges thinned dove. The Pgssus propeller and spinner were used considerable work wa neded to achive a scale ik cross section tthe Dads, Seeing the itch and poston o each blade wasa chore rota problem, most probably Tecaus ef my ination. cangpy fom the Arica range of Iranspurencis replaced the tiem. Te carer pots in the fuselage are not depicted sol have robe dred cut and hazed, ‘or similated by a dis of appropriate colour. On te whol, found this kit oe quite enjopabe, but one which demanded ly attention. | hud to resort te use ar aroun of le along «he wing-t-faslge joint ine, and the faselag joint nerd at ‘of sttention from the wet‘ dry paper: The gullwings on the linger centre section was nt well defines caefally ‘sere and sandod the ofending tea unl go the oo that 1 ‘wos afer On the wing uppersuriaes, he bulges above the ‘aired wells appear e bes ess pronounced ha they should be: Thea intake now lested on xe cin bain he spinner, would look beter i twee opened up. This is nts ict sk ucts ralher tious, The panting guide depicts VRSES asi appeared when pert by Nn 800 Squadon FAA, aboard HMS "ump spat ‘ofthe [3th Cari Air Group daring the Koreas Wart hist, ‘he sireralt carried the mumber'177 in black on bath sides ofthe fuse, ih te Pain in black on bh sides ft The tarda Esra Dar Sea Gy and ky scheme was plc witha igh esate. Seri woe a cated on the ‘wingurdesurie ong with Type Droundesinal i positons Afr the Satie FRIK 7s wore cited tation ‘nthe Korean Canfi,theyworeadomed with blckand whe “keticton bands aroun hi wings and segs, ery Sima those atid by arf on D-Day. The colour guide Pinout at smal ck nt be peel su belated on the engine cmlng ime ahead othe Conclusion ‘Wenn considera hia lean ki, he things dt lack oo bad. These is aay needa llesometingw lp them ang 0 cbt expect ar Ease lily. this ltt mgs year oar then ve 4 goat bean in tat patience andar work wl ened Ventura Seafire FR Mk 47 by Robert Humphreys ‘eotora ave certainly pnt atetion, and lok afer the “small rnoele Thee model ofthe st member the SpttreSeatre family nicely and accurately depicts the real hing, The breakdown ofthe Kt pars seco {ose of sir previous sso athe previous commmens as regards contruction ar gualy pertinent inthis cas. Again | resorted tate spares box rate more deta ald othe cockpit ich appears rather empty ifleltas ts. The wing ces sn he pars namely singl-spe lower unit ad wo separate uppersurface wings. The ater depict accurately the prominent Distes ove the wheel walls which were so characteristic ofthe FRI 7. The wing o-fusdage joint on my model ws avery good fiand quite very Bitiein the ay of ile. The pot fuselage ales inaeporate the potion the rude hic wil dop down as part of dae hoak whe dephyed. A separate paris provide forthe starboard side which also has ‘he hook integrally molded, Nce one Vertue. The rato te empty and devoid af deta, but psec of sap plastic wilco st that one out smal piece of mesh provided which canbe usd to smulte the radiatr’ mari, Cannan are provide, bat any may prefer wo fshion ron fom paso ech fe slerratives inthe spares box. ge feature isthe inclusion of the wing mounted wetoad or combat tans, which can be used ested. Scale crawingsarepeoided to assist those who may ih ‘ould their nel st he wings dd The propeller and spinner comsrsenolesthan nine parts, namely six Hades and a Uhre par spinner Geet care wll have be ten when removing the lads from cher spr, aa they wil ae to be sane vs fra mare sele-tke appearance sna sks. Phe accompanying draengs also show the proper blades ant spimet and vere s great help in posing and aligning these items ove hat dill om location hoes to accept he rain undercaeag and fashion awheel doors ram piste The guard sagan made ros fuse wir, To nse, lea afore’ ‘amopies ar povided, so drt makea ms ofthe st and youl lbaea spre in sere far aaa time The camera ports wll ether have w he ils! out nd gave, or represent bya drop of pan. ‘Three clour schemes ar given, two with th higher style luseingedemaratco ln, with one just slightly highs than the “other andthe thd wt its demazaton ine os ona normaly camoulgel too colour upper surface steal Tesirra are denied as VPI aircraft rumber'178 of No, 800 Squadron, wth on its inasit peace hen ioe inthe Korean Confit and yeas idemcaton stripes. The seed aera withthe highest demarcation esa meat Extra Dak Se Grey and Sky iho VP474,with156 on the fuselage and"DR’ onthe fas operat by No, 183 Volunteer Reserve Squad at ramoct ntl mid-1955 Both hese aera carey Type D rue in sia pois. The inal aera with the earlier as, derazcstion ines PSO which was an carly pdt aia. and used for deck ann trials aboard HS Mustious. Type B roux were carried othe upper wings, Type C beneath the wings Type Cl on the fuselage, and ash othe inl three irl displayed heir serials underneath thee wings. The ‘acl itl deca sheet provides dienes of ounels for P61. dependingon whether its exit rir tor during, the Korean Conflict. Black stipes tobe applied ore a white ackground ar ako ined to ease the proces of deetngthe LUN identfcation ties Separate red ene ate provided. forthe Typed. reundalsin oer overcome any tet ples reeds register. A selection of senalsisaso prvi and a nice et of pans whi accompanies te instruction see wil bef grt help eating ‘he peoper homes for tose. [elected to model VP274 this time, s aad hada Seaice RM 47 in my collection wit the black and white ‘tentifcaton stipe. Conclusion With tha Fd completed the bst wd or my Spice and Seaie «aleton, Te el hing stayed in production for hirten years and served fe mut longer than that, wth over 22000 ef them being but Not bad for what wis at onetime tend 28 shor range and-based,daybig inererpto Asa mater of fact, he sory didnt quite end there Developed ‘er urbe the Sire an Sere were give aria ow wings long with ede improvements, an wn as Che Spit sn Safang respecte But the age ofthe piston engined gir ‘va coming an end becasse ofthe nwt poser fighters that were ow appearing Tet more developments anorker ember ofthe family arcs on the scene, namely the tack, 8 jecengined ail drgger th eve fo the Spine Sally ‘hiss nota success sits onebeas, bu it does have an intresting ale ote, awevetha as they sas another sory. © 1/48th Scale Academy Spitfire Mk XIVc by Richard A. Franks As in most kts, consteucton begins with Ue cockpit interior and the pilot’ seat assembly of feamewoek, bulkhead and sox. AGer painting the eat lneroe Gree, the seat harness car be inches byway of he dca shest. As this looks ery ‘unconvincing (resort ete exsples eam the WATT RAF set from Reheetoproidea suitable replacement. The instcument panel and rudder barscontol columa all ave cxcllent dtl aed once pained an dry brushed wih a litle luis they ell lok caneneing The rocker cori that reso caractersticafthe ‘ion Spies ace separate from the feselage are ee «agi pstioning beloe ging The exhaust stacks shoul go ona this pin bat fo ese of printing ef them of uri Sorte xe, Bs, ADD oto. 120 Sate afer pining and the sume oes forthe Biveladed propeller The | varwrcariage asthe weighed yes with sqparatccuterhub | insets and these certily imprene thet ofthe model. The ‘wings ave the eta det of open gun bays with expesed. «anon edhe, but these are depict the wrung layout (being type instead ofthe C type used inthis variant), No problems were found in puting the wings together though one of ‘he wing ip joins reesei ling whe it joined the main section, The wing--faseige jit is gos akhough not pefet, ut ver litle filer wl be required to cornet this “ary on in the ist inspectio of this kit iebecame apparent thatthe als provided with ths kt were ging prove problematical Farsome ineplcablereasonAeademyhave | [ined he fuselage invasion stipes, oundels squadon codes sn serial number all as one deca To complicate mates furtber the emai lo] f the fuselage inesion strips is made up of he pars an the wing ones ae just as complex. This was clear ot going to work, so decided to paint the strpes ont my ‘noe. The yllow ofthe wingleading edge went. cn 2 an eatly stag, di he Sky fuselage bard Oe dey they were masked cof andthe standard RAE camouflage seme ws apc. “The raundels, codes ethac tobe carey ut fom the invasion ripe and this was quite a rie as The registration {sn good. ane in many waysit would are been eset replace alle doc fom the outset tee e-Business 137 Camouflage and Markings © Royal Air Force Fighters The fst Grilon-powered Spitfire variant tobe operational was ‘he MB XI the standard RAF day fighter camouflage scheme aphid. This consisted of Osean Grey and Dark Green over Medium Sea Grey. Roundel consisted ‘of Type Cl of in 915m) diameter onthe faselage, Type B of 56in (42cm) diameter onthe upper wings and Type 32 (Stem) diameter under the wings Serials were applied in back, Sin (20cm) characters on the aft ear fuselage anda in (6tem)x24in lem) TypeC fin ash was carried on ether side ‘ofthe verti, Codes were in Sky and the characters were 32in (Bem) high. 2in 6lem) wide Shy band was pied around the rear faselage andthe spinner was abo inthis colour The wing leading edges were yell the cern. When the Mk XIV and Mk XVI entered service the same scheme as that used on the Mk XI was applied. Squadron codes varied ie and brush stoke widths although most remained 32in (lcm) high, te character width rang (lcm) to in (15cm). Both Sky and Meum Sea Grey were used for these codes, but the ater soon became the standard colour for codes. For D-Day I8in 45.7) wide stripes of black, white blac, white were appli around the wings and rese useage These were soon almost etl deletes tha it was not uncommon to se these markings ony remaining onthe lower section ofthe er fuselage 1nd atthe time ofits arial ith aning 2in Sem) abow and below SEAC ‘The Mk XIVs and Mk XVII use in South-East Asia wer finished in ran Grey and Dark Earth over Medium Sea Grey White 3n (Bem) wide SEAC bands were apie a und the ‘wing and vertical fn although these did not usually extend back ‘over the ying contra surfaces, SEAC roundel of Rondel and ight Blue wer of 15in (38cm) dameter nd were carci six Pstons The same stye of fn fas (16n x 6 [em xem) veas applied tothe base of either side ofthe vertical fin, below the SAC white band. Squadron codes wer in white, and were just 16in (41cm) high- The serial numb was also api in white, baat the characters tended tobe Gin (15cm) high and were appli citer side ofthe vertical fin forward of the in ash. There area number of occasions when the serial was applied in 9in (22 8mm) white characters om th ft fasolage in the usual location, o check ur references. Squadron insignia were often atic ther side ofthe ower engine cowl to be carried om the fuselage sides ofthese machines (eg"Mary ‘of No.273 Squadron) Tewardthe ate stages of WWII the Dark Earth element ofthe camouilage on these machines was replaced by Dark Grey and the SEAC bands on the vertical fin and wings ere replaced witha 24in (tem) white band around thereat fuselage. The fin fash remained in the Rounde/ ight le format, ‘but was enlarged toa 32in (81m) x 32in (em) size. Fusdage and wing roundel remained inthe 15in (38m) format Modelling the Spitfire 13 S61 ecnh665), GEA No. 340 Scuaro,ft Wing {rec Inde othe et, Sepfember 1907 FRM xe, RIES No.2 ‘Sua, 2 TAF ine Mose Sue» Camo wa ngs 14 Although afew F Mk 21s saw squadron service before the end af ‘WWII these machines carted the same camoullage and ‘markings a the MkXIL, XIV and XVII described previously The immediate postwar period saw the retention of the vartime camouflage and markings although special operations broad often saw the adoption of revisions to the colours used Throughout the remainder ofthe Spite’ post-war use the type was sen in both camouflaged and ser schemes. Ther is to distinctive change-over fr the later scheme, 38 many photographs exist that show both eamoullaged and ser machines together Many ofthe wartime squadrons were «isbanded in peacetime, but this period did se the return of the Royal Ausilary Ar Force squadrons. These squads were allocated three-digit squadron codes in the RA? range from, ‘Serial Numbers L2001 MW339 _ HV6O8 Tre ere sve of Laight 2 en) S37 WSS. Soin (ace S28 (tem siya fe. 28 (630) bk net hot ein fe tea td fom eudren ‘encon Seauvectin 1950. Bn den useage serials 3005 (ex), vx 0 ‘ho Acai Susana 1946. These codes tended tobe 24n (61cm) characters tk eventhough they were longer than the two-charater system used before, they wee sil positioned forward ofthe Fuselage roundel on the port side and behind it onthe starboard, The individual aircraft code letter was applied af ofthe roundel and ‘was often seen in lightly bigger (26 [6:m])o smaller (22in [58cm] characters. t should also be noted that the width of the brush strokes forthe squadron codes also varied great, and therefore speci researh on your chosen subjects auvisable because there sem tobe a hard-and-ast eles for these markings. With the arvval ofthe last marks ofthe Spitfire ‘Squadron Code Letters AA 24).the RAusAF squadrons often adopted the overall saver scheme. seems quite cooumon fr these machines to have adopted the pro-war squadron colouts in retangles on «ther side ofthe fuselage roundel. Because these rectangles ‘covered the area usually take by the squadron codes, the three ligt RA? codes were delete from these machines and the aircraft eter was applied in black onthe top ofthe vertical fin lithe fll sto squadron codes was applied, it was often in black o red 24in (em) characters, Squaion crest were often «arviedand these varied in poston fom the tp ofthe ino citer side of the nose Aircraft within mainstream RAF service retained their standard wartime camouflage until soon after the cessation of ‘osties, hen many of them were repainted in silver overall ‘Standard Identification Characters i\ |/es\ [142 one 9 In 1947 the € series roundes and fin ashes were replaced by themew Type Din 36in (lcm) diameter inal six positions Underwing serials on these silver machines tended to be slightly larger than those seen on camouflaged aircraft being 2 (533em)-Squadron codes on these machines also «hanged from Medium Sea Grey to black, an thet brush strokes tended to be quite thin in comparison to the wartime style Once again squadron cress, ank pennants and personal insignia were common on these machines,

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