SAM Modellers Datafile 07 - The English Electric Lightning

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THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC a A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR THE MODELLER by Richard J. Caru: ee Son al THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC LIGHTNING A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR THE MODELLER Richard J. Caruana SAM Publications “ra cover rok, eit ‘aE. hing othe Ral Ai ore mas era ‘excl far is pubeaton ‘yc Marsan. Fi SAM PUBLICATIONS Modellers Datatile No.7 ‘The English Electric Lightning by Richard} Cammana, Fis pushed in 209 by Sa Paleatons Media ease, 21 Kingery, Beled M2 9B), Units Kingdom © Riche Carus 2008 (Chaps 1197.1 sppendins 8 DD (© Rich Eanks 208 ll emaiing Capos Appendices) (© Richard) Caruana Colour Ara & Sal ns © cok Jckicwin-Mano Arvo ‘8 canon Copyeth wed wth he periasian of Her Majesty Scaonary ie (MSO) ‘he ih Nib Fos ob eid a ator chapter eo Ian Appice, V0 VL an has se set in acne withseio 77 aod 78a he Cpyrgi sgn ond Bate A 858 ‘Mls Datla Compre Guile he Modi ete copeightot Richa Alar ranks nd are use in ths pbation hy SAM Pubs ith he perro fhe pig hlder Allrighs eer Nop of hipabisson may e epedacertansmitedin ay Zrm o= bya easel iano mechani nla isc. escng or any ther information sorage a eral ss. oot perzsson in wring rm he ulcers rsaxo9ssi5 79 "ypeset by SAS Publis Mia Howe, 21 King Belo NK? Sf, United Kings Serie Er Wiad A Fars Designo by Sinan Sore ead page snake wy Jonathan Pips Printed an bound in the ited Kingdor hy Pica, Soe Close, Mouton Pk, Nortarpion, RNS ‘Tha Modelers Datatie Series: Nal =e lad seus Oo Pee ‘nd — Hawker urcane” ‘Na — Supermarine Spire Pct] Meee Powered) Nad ~ Aro Lancaster (in Manchester & inn) + Ao ~ Superman Spire (Par Grife-Towered) * ‘Nog ~ rsd Beufgher* 7 - Eels ler Lighting" “Nod Goer Sateor “tae Acknowlodgments ‘rdf hanks mats gy othe allowing peopl andeganisatons, witout whose el nd encouragement thistle world nee uve happens ‘Th Depart f Bear fermi Series, Rogal ae Frce seu, Henden aber Farle Gren, ohn Tiga ies Non Wat Heaps Geo, Weta ‘oa lag vee dank oh alli onganisins cd is that edly supple pat archon oes ‘ex.s Steed Wena Neigh, NOLS +0) 57064 Fa 44 1856199 it anil ae Sr abi AUS 4 (614270191 Fe O42 (sive) Dn. Satin Ran Shy Sel Ye Milos 850 9UF 4012741786 et lh iow ah ain: Cv Fob 2D P (upon riage Lancing Soe BTS 2 R85 759 (ISLA Contents Pretace 5 Glossary 6 The English Hectric Lightning - A Concise History 1 Creating a Supersonic Fighter 8 Theft slagesin he Fighting ie ros PA through to F Mk Design Concept 11 rept fn Jools a the construction af the Lightning 3 Into Production and Service 14 cao ‘The arcival of the F Mk 1, A and 2 in service Lightning to the Forefront 17 The Mk 3 and in squadron service om 5 Two-Seaters and Exports 20 Grape The development othe two-seat T Scand 5 swells thr export versions 6 Lightnings at Work 24 The Lighringat he Atmament Practice Capt Mts 7 Squadron Histories 27 crap ‘A more detailed look atthe Lightning with each of its RAP squadrons Chapter Modelling the Lightning Colour Side-views 33 Cockpit Interior Photographs 50 8 The Basics 47 cog Alokat the stting pit fr modeling he Lightning i 12nd and 1/480 sales 9 Understanding the Subject 52 Centr A detailed analysis of all the different versions of the Lightning, and how to model them 1 0 Detailing 59 Chapter An extensive look in and around the Short $.B.5 and Lightning, Contents owl 1 Appeniix 1 Appendix Hl Appendix HI Appendix IV Appendix V Appendix WI Appendix WIT Appendix VIM Appentiix IX Appendix X Camouflage & Markings 103 A modellers’ guide tothe colour and markings applied to the Lightning throughout ils career Kit Listing 111 4 complet isting fall the Lightning constrctian kits Accessories & Conversions 112 A complete listing of accessories and conversions produced for the Lightning Decals 114 A coneise listing of all Lightning decal sheets Lightning Powerplants and Armament 115 Dewils of the Rolls-Royce Avon engine and Red Top and Pirestreak missiles used by the Lightning Lightning Variants 116 ‘A complete listing of the technical specifications of all the different Lightning variants Lightning Genealogy 118 ‘The genealogy of the Lightning Lightning Squadrons 119 A complete isting of Tghtning squadrons Foreign Operators 120 A concise list ofall foreign operators of the Lightning Lightning Production 121 ‘A complete list of Lightning production Lightning ography 124 ‘A concise list of books, journals and periodicals Index 126 Fold-out Plans - 1/72nd scale Preface withleova from servic, during which ine ithss Uscottea el sbjet with aviation ets, especialy hose wns ereniber seeing this mighty interepor tale ta the ae The roar of Avon, 9s Lightings best up Lagann uns, barely hala mie away fers ‘where liv sil eserberats i ey eas. fst contac with the Lightings nothing shoe oF awesome Ses itrtte ‘takeofsap inthe main underage ike a Mash, and ‘hens omits ta and go ina vertical dmb inc the dep bine ‘bevel within afew seeanés. During the final years ofthe Royal ic Force (RAE) in Mala, ad the opportu to see the Lightningchse-up co mary ccesons, ak the pls whe levitate exes whe ep itn ying wim. Nonsttstanding its complex nature asa service acraft was loved by all those who woul o it any Ligh ilo wel gre tat theo secuting tae in fp the arraft wes a unigue sense of exten Wihout doubt vas pl’ cra in the casi sens, though it ‘wld so be unrgving if ot properly haadled FE ourteen yeacs have pessed since the Lightning has been ‘Photographs _____ 2 great umber of the photographs used in hist have nme from the North West Heritage Gecups (Warton) extensive clleson. We weld Hike oestend our thanks co the group without whose hep this ile would never ave been posible ‘nits inaduction int service, Ropl Ai Force (RAB) squadrons ace a leap of several generations in echnology, ‘rom the cannon- armed sshsonie Hunter and ela tthe amd Tightring alse immestitly ese tel wth he genera publi specially she RAP ‘eas moe than willing to display its capabilities to she ila fe months after its service debut. ‘Gite apart rm ts publ image the ighing was designed to undertake a specific and deisire olin the eee sncreasing tension between East and Wests mage ask was she dence of Brita airspace, whe or many years it tc the ee ilerepta in RAF Germany operating fro abs estan 100 miles vay rom the on Cut, shchighly illaised border between Eastern and Westeca Buco, forme ila alncss known a NATO and he Wars Pact respecte: Further fa Lightning squadrons werebased inGyprusaad Singapoe For ap attaft whose development el itn toile pola doctrines atthe ine os beth eas more than indicated its exsterce. Unfortunately circumstances severely ated father developmen ofthe Lighnieg, both fo: RAP se in fr enprt. Hd its cutting charactenstcs een fulyexplaied te Lighting’ ory would have been uch chee With te rtremen rr eric, he lng RAY tradition of single-seat interceptor came ton end, and the Lightning wasto be seen no mare. Tat doesnt mean hee that it wil ever be frgaten. Richar 9. Carman Malta March 2008, ‘Tee Latnieg naming carry perarmed by Sir Dermot Soy, Marsal tbe RAF 23/1058 lavas res] 27, fe st 28, being Glossary ARAEE ... Aeroplane & Armament Experimental stable AM... into hr Mise ACM... ir Chie Marshal (RAR) ARC... Air Foce Coss (RAI ARDS .... Az Fighting Development Squadron al ‘Aiborne Ineception (ra) Air Ge ...Air Commodore (RAF) Air Mish. ir Mersbal (RAP) AIRPASS.. Aico Interception Radar Plt Atak Sight Siem APC... Armament Practice Camp ASC... ur Support Conta ASR. res Rese AVM +... ,AirVice-Marsal (RAP) vin... Lsopropyinitrate (starter fuel) BAC... iti Aieraft Corporation Bae 6... Aorospuce le BS... Brits Standard Capt... Caplan (CEE .......Cntel Figher Establishment (CEL... Chief Fig Instructor c (Chit Instructor ine... Commencerin-Chief co Commading Ocee CoA... .Coriete of air Warthiness DEC...» Distinguished Fying ross DM... Distinguished ying Meal DSO... Distinguished Service Order DID... Directorate of Febnical Develop EB, ......nglsh Eetric id ROTC Fier Command Til Vit FeOH ying cer (RAF) FSR... light Sergeant Lt. Blight iestenane 8 Feral Standard TS... lying Trsining Scheel 5 Acceleration nf re fal ue wo gravity GCA .....Ground Contelled pprosch (GCL os ssa Conte tmerception ao HM IF Maj Mi sve MPC MU ATO mm neo oc ou Pra art ona wi RAE RAF. RSAE SAC sac SACEUR SAR soc Set sp sqntdr T. TACAN TACEVAL, Te uk USAF uss . we ig Cae wo Gp capt Ground Liaison OFfcee Group Captain (RAF) Hisier Majesty Ship Headquarters Ldeifcation Friend or Foe Instrument Landing Sytem dancing ac Kilgran Unit of speed of Iam per hour (appr 1.15mph or 188k) Leading Airerfsman Liquid Oxygen Pound Litre System nf speed measurement - Mach 1 is approx 77Omph (223k) a ea Level and 5e0raph (_,0#2kanib)ataltude Major Mark + Missle Practice Camp Maintenance Unit (RAF) [Nos Matic Teaty Oeganisation Number ‘Non commissioned Oficer Officer Commanging Operational Coaverson Unit Pilot cer (RAF) Quali Fving Iestractor (Quick Reaction Alert Quali eapos lstructor Royal irra Establishment Royal Air Force Royal Saud Ar Fowwe SenioeAireraftsman (RAF) + Stategic Air Cramand (USAF) Supreme Allied Commander Europe Seach 8 Resene Stvek OF Charge Sergeant Squadron Ssquadhon Leader (RAF) Rainer Taetical is Navigation Tactical Bralation ‘ages Facity Hight United Kingdom United States Ai Force + Unied Sates Ship Vitoria Cass {Wing Commander (RAF) ‘WazeantOcer (Categories of accident - military crs The airrat damages considered tobe beyond uit resources but may he rpaiahle on siteby a serv working party ora contractors woking party. he aircraft damage needs special acilties or equipment for repair whichis not valle ca sit The srrait is coasidezed tobe beyond FOR BUILT-IN SAFETY AND ECONOMY... ‘The ENGLISH ELECTRIC Lightning has the basie safety acter ofall ewin-engined aircraft, In addition, all les powered control systems, and ‘their power supplies, are dupliested. Ieean, if required, extend its range by cruising on one ‘engine alone, for It poses no ssymmetrical fying problems. And it can go supersonic in level ight without re-heat, 2 «LIGHTNING “1S INCOMPARABLE NCHA BAHN CU aircraft reating a upersonic Fighter ‘completely forget present ay aviation tactics nd requiem and go back the thinking ofthe evi andi ities. s Dvn bear its constuction period afer the Second Worl Wr. vas eny natural hat lessons learnt fom that colt would be on he aged for future efence systems that had to he cet. The de Kavill ‘apie adaptability fx further decapment was seriously coralled by the narur ofits on design Faring sigh better vos the Gloster Mato, but thaw ete ade ofthe ~avkor Hunter hat provided th RAF wha quantum eap ‘oxwacd je propulsion was progressing ata fest pace and sae le speed aad more speed, began. Te fighter concert hd nays been wetenaxound the ability ofan icra hit ast ad rn, and comemperaryszrft designers agreed that a fighter depended soley on its spend and agli for sursea oll hiking, however, as ging coven 2 Arent pat, tothe extent of playing can the nee for manned high-speed Aight. Too uch ath as being put on unmanned mise syste and soe st decisions kent that ine esuled in rearsragic consequences for the Bris vation nds. The infamous 1957 White Paper induced the Lightings predecessor the, as pose tage of theists xe: "ih RAP ac unlely tobe a regan for ghar eftypes mor sdanced than he sper Plsund worker soc pps ll case. The tke was soon reas andan ert as nad to ea as sound T: review the history ofthe Lighting, one must Birth of the Lightning Specification £R103, sue in May 1947 called fora manned supersonic research steal Paieyrgpened wit ts Dek 2 (ED.2) intended solely a an experimental project with soley no military thinking invobed although heavily commited nthe Canberra programe wth ie ist scheduled fightin Nay 145, English Bete submit! « more ambitoas ijt the BA. Design had been ensusted to WEW. Tey ater predasing wt could aca by externally ientible [o_o wih he Lighrning later years. ts extensively set wings wore not based solely on Peter's concton, bt also on those of Roly Beaman EI cio est pill who wad iyi his experenceonfyingthe B86 Sere. Design performance tages bad been set a a mana spend of Mad | at 3,008 (9,50), se to math hat ofthe Miles M52 then under contrction. The intensive and Aeciated work at Warton was reve with an order on 1 April 1950, fr tue aca under Air Ministry Speseton E2348, ‘hat nce a very important change t the requirements of ER .103-~ithad ro embody fture wiltary capable. inital, tbe RosalAircaftFstablshment(RAE ating as adviser for the Ministry of Sapp Moenpressed concer rezrding the ‘unorthodox configuration, especialy he high-mountel"T' ta, ‘whl athe same time it as impressed enough to designate projects £284. Gunarmaracat and ight haveing eb then requested as fare ations Tsay tha the twas unorthodox ison understatement one cof the st radial ideas was o place to engines stacked on Lupof exch odes wth the upper engiue mounted iy {ors tle lone enn to the reoe Th mane innovative and complex exaiynemics that emerged during development af this desigo project involedthe canst ofthe first ritish ‘wansonic wind tunnel. These tests investigating the P's aout, ‘partcullyits low-speed characterises, indicated the need m0 replece the" tail wit wth a more convensoal fn an Tow rounted heizota til surfaces. To do this the poston ofthe ‘engines had tobe reversed the upper engine going the rear while thease engine was placed further orwars. Anober major change was to ave the wing fom #mil-uslage position tohighr up. ‘Although Sud-Es in ance had lead success flown its Grogean with alow-pastion tlplane upto speeds of Mach (9, as elt thatthe Bl project was so advanced by contemporary stands that there was to be no room for uesork A dow sped tral aircraft was considered necessary to investigate mere extensively the banding of such a ayut at Chapter 310 the fou ivslopert arcrat tes ‘eth Me sad tp tn for Uh ta al AOA lle ight attuds, Short Brother of Ballast were entrusted ly the Mo with che construction of such an eteraf. This uigu2 machine was designed in such away thal tal and eng ‘configurations could be changed, enabling fight resting of bet "Till and low-mounted tlplane. Wing sveep could ako be adjusted on the ground to 50", 6? o 6 wo deze tae best. possible angle. Since speed was no ofthe eseneeafsed undecasiage was fed wich, howevey could be adjusted contin t hits inthe stra centr af gravity. Design $2.5, theatcraft eve forthe rst time on 2nd December 1952, th Tom Broke. Smitha the cena, rns weed by a3 3 theust Rolls Rogee Derwent. seheequen fans sors wing drop was experienced, though this ves ater atibuted to the eet of manualy-operated allerons. ‘he problem of esynmetrc ow break-down associated wit highly swept wings could have ban slved with ouentional wig ences; unser, another solution was found in te frm of swingnoteh or'saw-cut proving simpler and without the pvaky of extra weight or dra. Leung edge swe was found lobe optinusn at 6 wih $2 traing edges. This gave the aileron ang edge and nngelin ero sweep. ‘With Pet's move o Folland, the project was aken over by Frederic W Pag, who managed ta inject great deal of ‘enthuses into is programme So much so, tha while the SS was still undergoing is test Highs, he convinced the MoS to approve further research and initiate construction of the ist PLA, W760 (cln 93001), After taxing tials in uly 194, twas teunporte by road rem Preston to Boscombe Down under intensive security to the Aireraft & Actuzient pesimental Establishment (ARAEE), where Wg Cdr Ruland 'Raly’ Beamoat performed the Gest igi on th August 1954 During those 30 minutes, the PLA reached 15,06 (4.575m), and attained a speed of Mach 0.85, landing back safy ct a speed of 160 knots A weok iterson 1th August, W1G76) ent tansonic ons ‘hed Might 30,000 (9,15) tae enaring the fist supersonic ight of British arraftin level fight an evenc that set unrecorded the ransonic pero ef the flight 2s too short The following day Reamont tok te aircraft upto 38,00 (11,56) eeneding a speed of Mach 1.02. The narsiton was so moet shart went unnoticed, while the inca contnued te respond with ro apparent dificut. A second airzame (la 95002 - WG7K5) was retained by the manufacturers for static tests wile the thd alrrat (ein 59008 ~ WG768) joined the flight est programme om 18h fly 1955 as the second PLA protarype. Kas fitted witha ventral 250 mp Gall fuel tauk (946 ites) und (wo 20mm Aden ‘anv. Bolh protulypes provided valuable iatosmation Ieading to a nunber of modifications and additions. arnongst vihich was the revision of alleoa and tlplane gearing, 1N4G760 was fit For sore time with leacng edge sas on the ‘anes wing cection, these being later sbandoned in vou of extensions tothe lating ges, improving ake and landing performance aswell as increesing endurance Sich cxieasions, however, were only o appear onthe inal versions ofthe Lightning Beamon lew W763 for its public debut at the SBAC show at Fazobacough i September 1955, where it sous uch oss and varied conuments regarding its snuswol appeerance and especialy the unvrthodax rangement of is pai of Sappite engines sacked one above the oe Fight testing ons ct witht its hiccup, ane oF the ‘nar problems enenrter was the oss ofthe eokpit canopy tn several occasions. The mast airising incident iovaied de ilies, to lost his canopy at supersoic speed, ths becoming the atest open-cockpit plot fy upto that ine ‘Natwtisanding the 1A conception of a pure trials sircrat designed fora speed of Mach 1.2,muck higher speeds were recorded aching upto Mach 1.53, Manoeuvabiiy and handling were considered exxptional for sucha power sirrft. Today W760 preserved atthe Aerospace Museum, RAF Cosford, while WG763 sal the Malester Mascum of Science ant Technology Operational Prototypes ‘Transformation ofthe PLAS ino the Lighting had passed into the hands of. Page ater Sir Page, Chairenan of Bish Aerospoce).As chief enginerof Engh Hlecticy he headed formidable team tat included Creasey Elis and Crow, Wok at ‘Warten conse at «hectic pace to incorporste the numerous modifications deemed necessary to bth airframe and instrumentation. These changes were evenly incorporated im thre operatenal prowlypes, XASK7, AEDS and XAB96 (cin 950046 respectively) under te Cesigoation PLB (thought lll sed on F23/49) coveted by the xigival Ait Mistry specification. They wee tobe fll acsned with wo canon, fary-ight two-inch rockets and to mises 447 ling ot ate teuthébn tte ates ard rab ta seamed, 2aasr | 87, he et P18 cari | resreak misses curr ‘ogeter 1957 cemmascasioninee 9) 1A, WOT, oa sat tst Aig Ciac-u fpr i at ose The pt (Chet Test a) RP Beare TODS 74, S760, caring a ery ‘est it and shoving te ete fo ed abaniage ‘tase ‘The major change ere was intcodvced by absndoning the ‘tiga Sapphises and replacing em wih Rolls-Royce Avons nue 70 perce in tras This also enabled English Fletric to abandon its original plan to ft Double ‘Scomplon coc inthe wear of Ue PLBS buy tak Externally the aircraft dered in having circular nse inte neal of the previous pear shaped one, and the sition of «centre-body shock-cone for hgh presracedctng that would leo double as Fnmising foe the Ferran AIRPASS (4123) fre contr radaz The ilo sear was eased eo provide bete view fom the cockpit Thus the canopy was fated ino a pine that was addon top ofthe useage ering atthe hae ofan enlarges fn This spine ‘was ot justa ensmetic change as it house! the Plesey starter tanks and paps. itbrakes onthe fuselage sides were moved further ferward and redesigned ne Ue spit fap of the 1A wore eplaced by simplified units, The nosewhesl was ow made to zelratfoewacds without swiveling taxoogh 90° as betoc eamant tock the fist IB up ants maid fight on ath Apri 1957. During the wnevectfl igh the sieeafe behaved marvelously passing trough the transonie stage and Mach 1.2 with ase Aerodynamic and reat rials were wndertaken at AMAR, and on 25th Noveminer,X A847 became the ist Heitsh sd Mach 2 ovhich was weached using minimum 1 Sigh with ight intrementaron and ie ylons installed Together with the ether te PBS ‘wont dhrough along sris of tests and evaluations including the addition in 1963 of a fingdorsal spine le. The change of engines oma Sapphise to Aves did aot care all the P's problems, and for a whe plots had wo bate eth an vunrelibleGre-warning stem. Through mon uf esting (se gine fie warnings were frequen accurrences until sotion ‘vas ally found, wilh an ineease Pre-Production Batch ‘An oder placed in Novernber 1936 covered 50 examples vwhich 20 (SG307-XG315, NG323-46397) had to be bull as & pre-production batch, These were ited with Airpass radar, pair of Sram canon in dh noe, abuve the as intake and ‘nisi pylons on the fusslage sides or Fiestas. Tae were powered by « pair of Rolls-Royce Avon 201 (RA.2AR) preduci 1 fthvust, The aeeouraer on ths engine was ‘contolled by a for position Iver. Fut Toad consisted of 0b (3.4004). meaning thot i could take off on maximum thst. eo 30.000 (9,]4Sm} and eee single pass ‘nterception at Mact 1.3 belore returning to base with 1 60016 (725kg) af fue onboard, enough tallow for an emergency cetour toa diffrent airfield. thirty percent increase infin area appeared on the fourth mzehine to compensate for instability created by the Fiesta arto-air misiles (AAS). Each ascraft was earmarked forapatticular waek nthe evelopment prog: ame, ad by the tine thelasttaree aircraft appeared, internal fal tankoge had been increased, reaching nearly fill production standards, ‘XG3O7 was own for che est tue from Saalesbury by B2. [eamont on id April 1958. The others ellowed initially ata of near ene per manth, ith ather est plas jining the programme including D de Villiers, Hillwood] ¥.C, Squier, IK, Isherwoed and TIM. Ferguson OF particular interes samong this est batch vat XG22, on which most Fisesresk tnd Red lop trials were undertaken by British Aireraft Corporation (BAC) and de Haviland, and XC333 that was shipped cari ints life to Khormaksar, in Aden, for hot weather ‘uals between July and October 1961. By that vine nic awn a's Squadron id boon established st dhe ARABE, incorporating mot ofthese ircrafl XG334, 335 and 336 (coded A, Band cespectively), dha Dew for de fst ime ‘betieen July and August 1958, were allocaed ty the Ai Fting Developrent Squadon (AFDS) ot Calishall owardls the end ofthat year fr service trial Teday. Waen one or two prototypes of anew military sirerals ae considered a lary, it might be difcelt vo understand how a series of three prototypes and 20 pre-production machines were necessary a that time, One has te remember, however thac these aircraft were not only perfecting and developing anew design, but laying the foundation for a complerly new system (On 23rd October 1958 the name’ Lighting’ as ofcially estowed upon the PB by dhe Chie of Air Sa, ir Dermot Bop together with Eugs let Caiuan, Sir Georg Nelson Design Concept he ‘experimental? appellation give tthe birth ofthe Lightaing was ed with te intended cle aso fighting bck to te late fortis, one has to understand Peter dilemma in being asked to produce a supersonic airraft with engines then avalable, The most promising of these wi flaw -Armslcong-Withworth Sapphire and Rolls-Royce Avon which though possessing a ow Srontl area compared to ireeaiese Freeza pet brit ance oh +. Oye Aw oar 2 Reso embed uy Nivew gudeh oe" 1. RinDapesldeee rar "6. ets Pr ah ‘immense: op ana #18 toascare tig oy _ 68) Lightning F Mk 3 tctncen casa ins, ‘ ; = * Bp ema i elo Peet ag Be com (Gray use e ‘Stag care ae ter Sess ay ames ba ome Dips meets iad rng See ee 8) tr os ace See 31 fg oem me 8 Fonds ke racy nee seesceerat d heay ‘ guys Sah 1 ae cede a a ‘ae in aaah abe 6 Bi ay Se Bic frees nc. agp ah ‘po ae cae ee Beans, eet UN SE 2 Siena me Sieg ech Stn MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS 3 Beng am feat bee 29, Cucgh enwe Sy eso ink cae ot 5 remuret i 2 eek am Sensor 3 Suaguiscan @ Gosanee 5 recs San ‘2. Sine pt eS Bis tr Lg ey See mason 8. tan 7 Stiga at sa on AngeSniecy canteen 3 Gulati Ses (Sch pr arcane \ en [4 omer Lightning F Mk 3 & 6 entero ty _65| Lightning F Mk 3 & 6 \ raster noo sem st M07 Fionn ‘OVERWING TANK INSTALLATION wocaeg em ugntng + Duatmy _ 67 | Lightning F Mk 3 & 6 Lightning F Mk 3 & 6 act antes Hiner Engin ah tank pack ‘ete Sao Lightning F Mk 3 & 6 las pack Fiesteak 70 cane 10 Lightning F Mk 6 ee Engine contols and insures FH 8 1. Tce sea ane Sintandh dao ruen 8 rer ace core, 5. Teetoeenpeay Sue ot Eg tare rs ratte Ee) Fein so Ssumlts 15 Foto aera 1 Racine 1 dete he Foner naan HEE i 1 tft cage Reem 1 fe So nao a) 1 fe cons Gas Sch Fragole Sec ies Snes tre 2 esi Sets i 2S ad 1 fico satan) na tg i te ‘Ste bet a he “get 278 Be al Py a Pa Sisters fommar wisely 27. Cpe Sates Sgres toe amma ane ct ‘Blige ts Piva oon -tases 71) Lightning F Mk 6 Operator canals nd Insane Fe 6, Peg 2 eee ree ce pe ovat, are SS Sewer Iscsancous sols at Incrarent=F MS * agate ean Cet ara 14 Bate se tn Pn ock 15 mmr Lae 1 Puro cet rama terpenes harm crt ea eth ‘Sie 5 Sen Wma ate Om Bh rane Wi Say me / Lightning T Mk 4 — (Fon Contant Irsument) 1 Spsceawe Gheehydas>tatla Frpsaen asst ch Sips ere 6 Fake Cavett 4 Bae ae Scr so ve inte tas ows at ae sei ar teaSarsceans en Fa i I ae Posen I pn sows op eto rea a tb cl (rave Contls ont teers) arse ei ic Ste Ne tabrcenio 2 Dietign Gattrrde Satin eckson 8 Dar toneigurmeo' eee atin dae es Feroratessara a ae, eterno cost Riarcwmeténraneoeaes ssn oh ah aging contol nines ‘einen inverse fae te SIESRNER a caineee ” EREMEAREEEnn Betton 1 imal a Fe cea CREE ccnitapant Sibi: SRE a trate en sae uta» sm B Hs % ft i i % au 5 Fs i f 2 (Operational Conta: an siemens) EERIE ait pola St cova Ur coma Ut Sam Grae {EFS ‘eater Ft Fat Seni Sena es nas suareneerteant tie Rent ARLE Tele tan nce toe Seer nae at 6 US terme Pep eco Pooh Pts al Fa Cou ps7 Fosstansne shih Re sat Scr Sn Grae CP Gar ot RS RoorCere Su Pots ovement eal pte Copa ure Sa vir Sie open santby ue es Ee ed fiona: siongeterate (Get aes ng cans Gage naar then mace [Enargoncy Cots ane rstumens) shee SEE es Seeeretoe isreer ean ea Fr cis aes Sieger sori fa ee esis Sra ens ty Bee vee ‘nie Place mle wean eceeneonis Se nnemeniere =e Eelseeetararts fre Rept mast ae Be santtr reas Son ra ne? Eon Ferrara 2c Rie re hfesugrek ps aks ‘pesnu en ace Sinttes eee sae easter Firtomn tg sc 0 Fm) feanengnacia mm) ‘ik Fe nig akan bie Pann here cae iti cet rade Cnc ae ay au 1 sg saa pat rspane ‘© tag's genera ang panty ope ‘gon cd Ne Suh nn a ar on aimee uaa ge FE dP at {3 ent penn ta Parra RIS revue 3 en reene 5 nF psc — 2 SS, OH ow Eager erm") ema 25 Aemon ui oro aay ER Tmt, Eapms eure 2 ery Compas 2. gy are Fa Sisso blir ut te Gavin Rages 32 aoa tary 31. eons easier nos Ere fen Sega Eom 8 9s 3%, era ae eon 36 fru arvana ren” 3 fa! ean yer ac 3 orga or van ge eg Vhs fe tab meh) (ateisi ee eemaay See Gem ent ee 40 Sry 2a Operational cota an intents ‘Seu ur 9. Data rae 1 nana men e380 05s St Soe na (nso pune cor cu had 4 rnin fo uth tren vir “ieunen 5. scars rp 2. ers AS. Cate tenors ape ir _Erugaey cont ane equprest tetas ser tno 2. en ae rca gay pertains se inate entra teases 22 eran a wg 8 Yair Fei ee ny ris Pca Fa $2 detache hea tena a tare ance «5 Sey men sin Sipe Om SERGE raeallyarean, ean Gl reece ten ch inure ozonanen 18 neers Gon Sy Stet 2 amu Ae et Fg istemerco adeedion 19 tyre seven ee TEP aie tsa, A ome (Lightning T Mk 4 \ Lightning T Mk 4 ‘Cost acm ate ( Lightning T Mk 4 \ De-miie, ating ant rain ‘dsr tems raueg parece aprleatie ‘mal mei cosas maa Lng + Uewien TP Lightning T Mk 5 \ Parl dts Epa aetrzo 18 te stints ee) eran i «Batiste 7 Fein faci ho mana 9 eect al +22 Ud DC. pu oaeh-sabows E 1 mmeospe coining) Gus esate yun bail a ane cow pieimrumieiewer Gebel sacar! oe Buti? Seas beets ee i Een negm 2 tea ee areand oe ant ng coma 82 099%) 7 ye al gh a 6 mse 20a sas ge 2: Engr scar oan 78 ute a ightning T Mk 5 1 er 2 anisms tk 5 Fie tower fap azahdorce Sera 5. Prem ae sine & Sets eb 7 Bet UNnananms# aS oe non se atraene aes Acc Eig tee v3 Un ewe ms Sena - a - all i wv a ‘peratieal canto and instruments 8 et Sto indice ® ¥ — tery ete $$ trp Sometime Aecrommamsa, ance Se anes a et een Steen fae nae 5 creer as febrero ects ane Te iennamonen 4 Sone : See nee rrr myeicaresen i murarpereamri oh a ae sean Sraeee Rrmcramangage crewman fee cchniceaues, Mmvhitene Foc c 2 Shetaien ed ran gamete 5 Recemere Sar io ee creat seman SERENE v Gorter nan {atest corse Soot f Ss sett a 7 wba — este rsg = Demy 78) * gaat rad sede 3. unlsorenaoy oe ha eye ee Wifeeacinnese ecg Ero orgm Aatrgoon ore aby ort rake es Aa (Se ma pr SB de prensa as acl tamigrnrenlin 5 pethene Teer mr ga tke in ered skin ear gus 11 Fane ong agp ume oe ‘Chee Steve womg ptt PB ireenguae neces 01 2 Freeper ido eto? 2 eantg nace a ecbegh cn agreb sien 2 ag Rea aa emt 2% Roker ete Pine! SB ee reo 8 Sateen tom fr tl tl i ak sre ea $3. 8 ate Uae wenn see 2 compte iy 25. Came ean _Emergercy eons anéecipment ‘em ‘Sse sea deieges yaar varie 2 Daa) enlarger wna etree) 1 Ralnnesievar ec at ‘eat faa adc ares 26 Glew erg a 9 20.) 4. Romoreye cone cect ee ESE tha tras senetcy 4 Felsen tes o2 4 Meurxonesutndenr Lightning T Mk 5 \ 1 encanta oo) 4 sappy emia 48 free a wns te 4. yeaa gue tue wn ser eda Fant etre naar 2 beware ferme 46 BDC ly te EC Fane iro fae 5 Cato wid vari cer Eeulpmest on ne rear pressure ules naman |s0_ amare (Short $.B.5 * 1 \ start 585, +1 vee ve of gee aa iene Fg ase 23 cht leakat he al ge ae ack of ‘he cacae #4 Therednuneeaog restos oat ne par, 20 ae +7 oo vow rere Sackat te pa wig The ‘eno og of ea a0 8 foal st be fet xt at ural Bo De otal Inge! 19 A uo tte bao te verica 110 Ts vw of verte 11 Ocseap othe cea ‘aero pastored Frac touary aboet «13 Theis tecanen using an he esi of evel + 14 tor cao ‘etere er of be sexe at (eevee vars (eynent fe rakes ue +15 Lotkstalte rane lier ti sted eer +16 feat ee aged te sess sae #17 Ts eof te font ral Se ay 2 fe sung how re BL a be sted (Short $.B.5 + 3 28 dit ras oe Sloe? estat sie levis vat at vert above Is anacecs panel an gang by Dove sureureng ‘ud sspears tenn) Syst (9 anne 8 roe wate te uty sm pot 8 6 ese ve ts daar feet 2 ferwarderthe ear Inst, ty lng ars +20 Acearveu othe ‘aise ec he Saree +21 Theis te wx dekp forte unrearige gon We Sarton 80 +22 Thesatned Tear i vlad trot rot Mee Te tmobile ees 23 Meso Uezreariage i vened om ‘eerearae uct gua canbe Chay sn + 24 Ove ew of ho very Simp noes eg th oat ves — ( Short $.B.5 » 4 23 Dies do “ Sarre sve Spon shut ue a facta fe fae ba ttecradel (Lightning PAA (WG760)+1 = \ Lignin Pra (80: Ean RAF Meum, (os 1 1 The cok coney of Prag is we lem 12 Thee tne "aking Sth ae te ‘hatte tng ism ns no oes fre +8 The non inake viewed for ing sn ant ‘he os oko 2 Soetoro Insecta Falg I tee comecadto teats ssnscttnen ath _ 86) Lightning RAA(WG760)*200 | +9 THe starboard nin oo a aed or vee Fomine | ‘ise: cares +40 The op oth por Unceteariage a shore a Sty dae ery at eles +11 The portman Inseam tre bay ae +12 vel shot of he man ‘ie Te sol aay Se $eeampeson iat has tala se at he face ol te ose +18 The‘ap of tha mn ole oun acto nage 114 These creme tp ele. ide fe mle tee etn = 16 Thi to etre a vein oh} aetna ie ungeearlge vate loan Neots +16 Ths ean ce Ge man eae eco rl Oe ngrack sv { Lightning P.1A (WG760) - 3 217 Cesgep o tainge ‘due ho ma serra oar Visple wer suet Hat be ba ct 419 Ove sit he oper Seeton ce de sowng tre este ck sn a6 wwelas ate pea + 20 The ier eo te me nese fhe fois ne py + 22 Trelar of ap ‘nite pon wig Noe tn Prete Cnso.sp omc ne fete moe ae igs secangoeteny-2eany _ BT) (lightning P.1A (WG760) - 4 24 The cnt euthooon Ee has a al ae ge cour wet ines 28 Th smog ta Duran she of ag ash 2 casclhnaa noe, | Stperpoamin | 28 The bake parsoh 29 This do nse etic, beow a cookoten | ine port sea, ety shows Ie bows of Den) ahs po, 30 Ovealew oft (ea. ra ues b hese) sem one podicon ANOPY (re cxcuo a 3 S = = a 2 £ = = > \S Lightning P1A (WG763)+2 (Lightning P.1A {WG763) + 3 " Pas 2 7 : zs 8 2 5 = < oo 2 z = 2 (Lightning P.1A (WG763) * 5 +28 Cas. ote canopy Jace ei ane ie vera yo et anny ok and ar + 38 look down sig hand st ct sec Lightning P.1A (WG763) - 6 238 A wpviow othe rit sceseneae + 37 Cura vw ft act and dete cocks + 41 therpitti sof heeft ex vewad iam [24 oro n (Lightning P.1A (WG763) Lignin a> 118) (G37) Ent RAF Maseum, Costar + 18 Oirlshet of therase i + 17 The ose obo Weed fonnargtsde 16 view pe nse ‘so wel oder awa 10 Thorne wre sl Signed rem Wt bekig a * 20 The ose wheel dor ter (90 ee (Lightning F Mk 4 [PB] (X6337) « + 22 Theprtmain Ineo oe +28 dlosap ofthe et face te man wea pert +24 Thopormin whet nude care da vot ‘rommersce +25 Oneal vow ott por incre tt +28 testator rae ‘we tl > cl ate Morea oetonang «vaste _ 99 Lightning F Mk 1 [P.1B] (XG337) + 5\ a yo a + 20 Te lung ode bop thermal (ee secon ote pruners wal he dey af emanudreatage co at 2 on he tating Gee ofthe anurans aero * 88 Aloo yp ater 100. disie0 shine T mks 4 Tsconal oun 5 Oral view othe ‘nscuner pa 7 The oaneostehoate Forvepeton sea etn eu ty 10 Lightning Camouflage and Markings Modelling the Lightning 11 © Royal Air Force ‘The Lightning has gone through ite of change in camouege and markings which is prbably why itmakes such a popular modeling subject. Although at the time ofits debut most hes font tine airrft inservice withthe RAF vere generally hed in Dak Sea Grey and Dar Green on their uppersrfaces snd Light Aircraft Grey underneath te Lighting was born in a bare metal finish and remained so for many yeas. The natura ‘metal as highly polished andthe only pied areas consisted of lint cone ina grenis-gcy colour an an at-dazale panel Jn fat ack aes ofthe cockpit This black extended to cove the whole windscreen and canopy fates 1s no smal wonder, therefore that soon aftr its emty into 02 oeyer sn units operating the Lightning were daubing their ‘waiional colours over lege ares ofthe sirfraune, especialy along the fuselage ping fin and unde National markings were also kept very simple with Stn diameter (Mem) roundel abore the wings Ain darter (122m) ound underneath the wings and 58in dizmete (em) rund on ether side ofthe aselag, nndernesth the cockpit Colours were the standard bright ‘elitr. Fn flashes ofthe same colors (reading) ‘ginal came into main versions: 2n (cra) high ‘incorporating thee qual hands, positiened atthe hase ofthe fir, ‘withthe ear ofthe Hue seca cuching the rade hinge line, and raed atts angle and) fash of the sare eight positioned along the font in panel ine and raed st its angle, ‘that was much sharper than that the frre, LighingT mk, 827-78, tho st Kal A Farce areal Clery stag a ‘eal nia as wa a ‘tenes in Engh ane rable The yellow bands dnaing a Arig ara ar clay ‘ile on ssh | Ung T 1 5 ss008 (ne Siac Bin (2m) high ei numbers in lack sppeared on therca fusciage, wit igs made up of in (24cm) strokes, The sei was repented underneathe weg. 24m (lem) igh igtsin bac, reading ro he engage under the starboard vag and redig fea th wang odgeundemmech the port. Generally 16 high (AD) ntdal iret eter appeared cathe fn ahoug soa (or colours as some cane a erent colored outine) anda varied For one quadeon tnoreier Apart from anunber of stnclled warnings ak otf the cefta, the mosensiceable markings consis of ack wey boundary tps on up he wing and sir stipsaraand the bly aks. squadron markings arial widely. sober ouking colo burs axound Le fselage ound to Hemibepot ack and ye ihn shes covering mest te it fuselage os cet by No.1 Squadon. Mast f thes orinatd vingthe yeas when he RAF anual chose an operatinalsqudon as sof isp team bef the formation ofthe Rd Arr Introduction of Camouflage ‘Mostf ths came te an end when camoufage began tobe ayaa ‘a numaber af Lightings in an efoeto rare dew the highly sistleare metal finish Fist to don camoullge were the F Mk2s Jn Germany, eingFinished in Dark Green (48 381 C641) onal ‘the upper sufices and well owe the fiselage sides upto i horianatalto the aiplane. ll ur dersrfaces remained in bare ‘etait irra to restve this sce was XN786 of N19 ‘Suan, May 1972 Ang wit this change care the elimination of white from all rational markings While roundels above he wings rained the same sivas previously, bose onthe fuselage wee seduced in ‘Sze Squacon colour bars were reaned but als ina reduced {ora Individual code laters on the fin-were fied tern white oe yllowalthough serial nombers remained in black at times making very dificult ead. Undersing eras remained unwaed, “Meanie UK-based squadtons operating the Lighaing abu began to cemoutaze thir acraft, Tis consisted of two top colours - Dark Sen Grey (BS 361 C638) unl Dark Green (BS 361 6) applied wa standard disruptive patra. These colours caver the same ares as described above. Ia both instances nose cone inte lps ud exhaust eeu rraaned unpeined Although the yeatral fins on the FMk 24 and Mi: Sere sinated below the fuselage camoutage line, thelr ae surices were usualy ned iste sme camoutlage colours. Fr shor hile, atonal markings retsined heir white segment although these were eventually seplatd in blue an eed only- The ony tree colour roundel to ress change fr a considerably lrg time were these postaned under the wing although eventually mast ofthese were alse changed nthe new aye There ts Grey...and Grey era sonsdrable narberf es, he way t-te scheme emai standard or all ghing wits, Thats uta Me B). Biey devised aspx rey colour (bearing inane) atthe Fusborough Defnce Resch EsalshmenLighnings were Sinise nnn coing of ig ical Gey nea (BS 341 C677), okerpantng all udev ris A is Barley ee (85 460.18 1:21) ee applied ote Fin nd useless, forte Souths of the Fiatlge dey, Tis colour conse of [ERTERNAL NARHINGS FRONT FLSILAGE-SERUIERNG sesargeeupeng-coaaug vines 103) ghnog Fa 6, x60, a5 sme by Be showing he {onda and tarsi of ‘maring onthe noe ‘Standard Identification Characters the sane Light ira Grey wth an sition of 535 Mack Seen fiom certain args the dvidinglineberseen he to cours wat sls indice, Not longafter ts intodction this cera was sia rode nthe Barley Grey exec eh onthe fuselage Natioel markings were rluced instore ure vile thei colours were also ted down. Rounds in errr MetHO” OF | 1 (306m) diameter were introduced in all six positions, consisting samme oneuntuser | ofa Pale Men hese place ofthe andar Reundel lu and | Pale dent Red subatiing Roonde Red, These olous began ie as special mises under RDMEKA bet eventual seceed BSC arabes Pale Ment Red being BS 381 C454 while Fle den Blue ‘became 35381 172. Hin as sie was alo reduced on (00.5) in igh in he ple colours ad repositioned at about ‘mid-eithin the nitand hen a change came about unis responded | O00 een. On ® a | wihina shor period of me, Te sae canot esi rth seins tang, | RES as oes in serv sa Scion 9 Mgirmidewtes spnted aminelany of cour schemes was ini geys wraronse | shan lef and re wasn the ole: eyhgesn 3 in (2tem dover scheme AB and AS wanes standard ight ge chee win (0 38 96arb arr the darker greys but withthe diving line at the wing root REE position, wine'AE Al" and'XG had the darker greys bi withthe omg ‘ow diving line! Definitely nota case of experimentation, but reyes canoe: prc erot conan she nda the agg dyn EQUn{ HER SENET PShe Fnt ine fthe RAB invent ole les. Sy tan dared fp Colour Equivalents eBay ober Gaipeoe Tight Aird Gey 85381827 reo H2enGian oh Neium Ses Grey BS381 C837 Baer niet peyote, | DatkSea Grey S381 C8 Fs36118 Sigieees bak en F536 famenationtes pases 4 Kansan) tighin ti | Batley Grey Eeelt ‘eat Red (Bright) FS31105, ewait hiForc. ‘Ment Blue (Bright) BS3B1G108/210 —FS.35056 —a* MeutYlow 35381 C356 Feassig fame MeweRed Bis) 35.381 C154 rs22386 cl a Went (Pl) 35381 153550 cate esters Hines Foreign . © Kuwait | There wereoniy wo Sig aces tha peated Ue Lighing, | bovhinthe Mile Eas Nether thm appl cawuflageto Allo the Kut ir Force eet were aso insta tal | thir et throughout service sees avery bi brakdien thnoghott hr eat short carers. Nationa insignia of te rationl ini and marking casted by each aon, comping 2m (R2em) ameter rude were apie above and below he wings and either side ofthe nose. italy ne [106 chsmr Modeller’s Cross-reference Colour Chart Dccen a) Rpitemr aa MAE Dak as ‘ere Ms ReVE "Deke for 0 ren an Feta on 8 oan ise re 0 tmvsarbre HX Bt or can cr oak en ae Me en an a i 9 Go AE Pops stra son poss sie onaae on Ps ere bacco oe “29 Fos und 309 an Be ft “1 ‘ese he ES) ton Neots a msener see Cah gtaee 8 worth at me aa U9 a ashe en pn eA CBs Wa neg AEC Fm oe aR. ee ee et elt tt set a om Fagan Sate SS Me Sy gta Shenk 5, 0a Fae 198 ly teers ase ecu ry eater oe 93 Rac tae ea RGA mPhase hte m4 Tiere OF Gy reer 09 aan Cort a can Fa WE a os can Fa as 36 Suma we (ws co eve No 89) em tase angoteye 18 cam tater 4 sca coe sta cera tb rn cen te et Mem ” rwspe anaes en Ub ed ay a 8 on en fay see 25 Sy ak coe Paps nie by Se Bey aan can Ae oo coat he 0 ee “em ‘es ray FS) » ‘nos fai Say GakSe HST Uartenows Ae ssa om sto 630 erthe kbdore 1 ons tS ot Fy eer «OE ak ne 2 tie Hoy is Gs tow Fa 723 cap 3 vee 8 riesone 50 DG ‘ar 199 Gn Boy tot ai y “carr Tee ‘cr are, iy Biro) =e 88 Owsleae a, ear 32s. saw ge 1 a tC 0 Bk i Cheese ey ce om cues yen cha en HB a 108. cucu i ii 1 a ey ei a1 Ky 7 Aniwikioare ange a1 praarayc a sa Ta es ora Ba cast hs Sa 8 Sym m8 Shae a ei ese C2 Ngan laste) ~0% aa Srongerete Hens Bea ~o ese ha Be Ta rer te ‘08 sane ceo oa sii C2 na Be laste: ~S56 Uthnons rch 05) nop lanai Oe Banaorie nme aia ‘we Irbitalede tes CiepabccTe Wi err uy Be tga He are tte 158 We er 128 rap ace M2 irae hm Tok 2 on Jt seen oe ess ats 0, oe ir war mitpee amr senor a oe 0 fe Sra kc Fo Ft tp 8 24 ie nt sen WSs ee a8 he SAL ae se ese 0,08 or cea peti 1 rao oe Posse ae = eer a So ops Pe Jone, oe Seok Fae Lpem woe auensobs cam, minim ia fe Tie stmieree Sav Waldo ci he Niece Mem uav te na arm ae ugh ay woxctano say enamine fiat T=TmR Sm” SA fo ocr Meanie th a re Teed Sea 56] ei comme tee se Ang teciorag. t= Ss 2= Sm goed =U Tieton test sng ny mba Rhee PE Co et ‘5 anc ember ee nant Bw eav: Upper win asf Lighining Fs into it Madi Sea ray, ‘arg clas sade Te ameter ‘aig DoE waluay takes te way a ate Above: Undorning tl, F 3 8929/86 No. 11 ‘Suan Top areags colar a ar Sa Grey and Dart Greer wrap and len rove, an arse, 2b wins, Ree abla Above: Upper aurices lou soko and ‘amaulage atom of Uptnr F tae 6 nD Saa Sry and Dari rea, im fa nee andr ‘oad ear fstage ena rp steve ngs net tm rounls;wlkway nes rena | Cour At ic. aa eg me aon = Comer ins 108 Close oft tl ea of Lig Fk, 62180, sowing he marigs Spin inthe ava oar ste F 33 (27-0, the tt Kat ie Force atl Tis sde-n ese shows he Toco the nant ins E Ravatai Force legends of any kind were applied tn these machines bt ter on ia ths caer hs cert ave ee aes in Arabic tet in grav wit pel ther side the mi-selge area abot i-poi in lation ok wing ing edge fir fash of Sin (Sen) x 17 (3S) was carted hese othe etal in. serial purer ws appidin lack Aabictest ona white ete sie of th sos un vert teriembnghelow te fin sch. This seal was bo appl in lack under each wing about -span aes characters sort he sre the 2m (ern) nen individual sical eter was appli lack races of varying izes and styles se ofthe versal Bin tomar the top. ¢ Saudi Arabia 1 [ot heRSAF fe wae instantly i | craton ing cnpeing (sc) ce [rau were opi hve te ort nd below suber tezgsnd ede che et Au RAP ein in (Ga) high aces as ape below het andthe Sabo ing rept A fin fahof an (123) ia (4am vaca eff he wert Roel St At fe nth eal mnber vat ape ink sem) characters on cithe sie ofthe mid and ft fuse respectively ‘The Royal Saud it Fore legend vas ls appli in Arabic xe sbove the English tex ona white panel and nthe same green as used forte nati insignis An individual arr lena was applied in Bac ain (36:0) high characters either side of the vertical fn below the fin fash, Please note that some Ts carved ‘heir individual eter above the fin Mash while ther ate lear shots ofa large numberof single-and win-set Lightings vsthout any eter stall applied! Note ‘lease note that both Sani and Kinsait Ar Force mechines seen tohavehad all the tenis in both Engi an abi. This aes see with the farmer as their machines were serviced by Airwork Lid crows, but we cas see the point fit wi the Kuvait Ai Foroe machines © General Camoullage and markings were changed aconding theca situation, aud Ueir min Func was conceal the aiteraft fam the enemy while making i easily wise to Gren aiceft atthe ‘same time. Consequenth; the subj of canoulge and marking: an be fraught wth dangers forthe prospective mole tis practically impossile tobe dogmatic about an sical finish at given date anless one is wacking fom firsthand cnternporary Roars (aur) photegraphic eidence. Operational aircraft “vere painted to comply with anders sand when time end orndece 035-48) EE Uphaeg ol -BAC EE, Laing Fk 6 [14 ses ne Lightning Powerplants and Armament ‘The Rolls-Royce Avon Rll Royce began developing its son cevies of Atorejesin the ate 1940 asa replacement forthe Nene. was a departure fr lls Roqce ora previous designs asthe Avon was it fst ei day turbojet. The Bist version ofc being fied a snether cf English Electrics designs to Canberra B M2 pavered bya pair of RA Atons Mk 101 in 1950, ‘venture Avon was o power 2 great number of {ames aircraft inching the Heer rte (Aro ‘Mk 107}, Supermarine Scnitar, Sea Vite, Vickers Valiant and eveeualy even the Swift (Mi 103). Originally chad been designed to meet a specication calling fora 6300 thrust en unde he desiguation A] 65 (Axial et 65 hundred pai) nits deta ina service the Aso was Single-shaft urboet without eeeat he Lter cnming a later stage in its development ‘Thedvoa Mk 30) which developed 16,30 sla trust sited othe Ligning F M6 feared {aly-variable rebel and was highly apreciated by the plots who on several occasion were than for ts tolerant ature noowtnstanding tote ‘mishandling espeilly when ying in cornat ‘mode, Disturbed airflow thats usually generated during sharp manceuvees would aso do ilo lamer is proper functioning. ‘recurrent eaare of al Aone fe to Lightings ws their enormous hrs fr fol ‘nang some 200 (Uke) per mine when operating ath lve Afr take-off wich ull afterburner and climb, the Fk 6 ould onl ater (or 12 minutes befor returning to base ating is se to point defence when operating independently Wid tuakers ating above totep itp arts cli the Tightning onal of course undertake standing pols for much longer Gun Armament ‘he Lightning was bom witha pair of Aden ‘Om canaon in the aos, This description i a [st confusing actully. as only the gum ports were ross isle, a ied a FM 1, X0387 a ose ‘into oa on he Fons positioned ahead ofthe cockpit he actual cannon bat cubes being uated on citer side ofthe cockpit,and atual ing mechanism and ammunition tanks being situated aft f the cockpit In fact ther acces penel was the one oth the counded corners seen on either side of the fuselage, ast above the farvard point ofthe ‘ng 00% ‘Ahough the FM 1A was provide withthe pasa ofan exchangeable venta pice ‘ontining another pai of 30mm Adens this option ‘ves rarely used service. t became a standaed fit (arth Fatk2. Wid the appearance the PMS (together with the T Mk and T Mk 5), cannos suvannen yas emnoved rom the Lightning ony te be reinernduced as partof the versal fel tank on the FMk3A and FMR ‘Apart fur the mechanism, this pac include 20 und of aaununiton fo each cannon, eneugh fora cx second burst wisn fired at 12000 rounds [par mine! The design ofthe feng mectanism ‘was handed, meaning tht right and lt shel tanks ‘were noc interchangeabl ‘orginally tis slution had been studied and [developed forth export Fk 53 ordered by Sau ‘Arabia and Kuwait. Tir inteoductionon the FMk6 (and F M24) wasa sound move,as the sireraft would hae otherwise remained deferceess ces onl pir of offensive AAMs ha been fir. This also ment that the Lightning did rac have ro ‘ro iss sss at extreme rage, practically out of sual comact wit its target, but could venture clover wo idetify better is pre, ensuring a reat arg of sucess i | | vowel V Firestreak Air-to-Air Missile ne cold psy tht he Lightning was ovigialydesigaedas caer for is se Conemporary pose dictate thatthe a of the manned fighter were tuber, ad hat t best manned ater would he litle marethan a vei foe guide ses. [acta fa, not onli manned ting machin sil around, bit depends re ad mare nase pote guide t The lfa-Rel (18) honing Festa, Which wes the fist AA tobe carried by the ighning. vas dewey de avin Propels and had ready eet RAF servic with he atin. IR elsenpe had a ery nar eld fis, ited 13 tgether with 2 sere of sensors wicked on he targt an cored couse fer lcingve fed. The sexier el was housed na spent aspen nosean Sl prpelint motors hase jst ahead tthe contol ng The missle vas Sted tayo fring prof secoable ental pani Ts panier housed ns iris conc frig sequence and cooing a Sarvceexpesiznce wid the Frese Soe this AAM woe igh ellen though tao beri wihin very ars cone atthe eraesrear nif vaso suced i ecg the eat of 8 exbatsL i was eto tents ool alongside Red Tp ha cane ae led Top Ait-to-Air Missile ‘Based on the Firestreak, Red Top began its lifeas the Firestrcak Mk 1\lt all-aspect secking head meant that the Lightning pt did nor accesarly continue to positon himuelf behind Ue target, as it provided limited nead-on capability Exernlly twas completely cedesigned, with a rounded nose and revised contac suefaces. The warhead was also increased in sie and an advanced moto was fitted that cn take the rise to beyond Nach 3 Notistancing the improved all-aspect apebility this was ett oily guint aera fying fester thar Mach 15. So the tational di from astern rernained the bebe the Lighting pilot to make kil that could he efected froma far aay a cit rs{ 34m), ‘his weapon entered service in 1968 withthe appsarance ofthe Lightning Fk 3,on whichit was pletely dependent Since it cary service dys, fving a Red Tp fom Lightning had been Soited to subsonic speed, For some reson, the fins of Red “Top would shes of ified when the Lighting was Ayingat supersonic speed 2 worrying actor which remained throughout is. Sepa «Res sank 115 Listing of Lightning Variants _.....«. hing T Ms roliype XLAZE. 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Yan sam dpc Aa 06-75 Same team ah an Focuses Sehr ines tli per Lan am 10, Usaerctaat potase vuoes te Face Lene ct Wa Seaman Ca Ye ee Fn a FONG TTS ee ime Ee Chance ene [0.111 Sato rl Seem ten en Seem ar4 Biome Cams the Other Units which have used the Lightning ifieueoay y wanesze mca Siem mie roe ‘oO or Lmeh Fors ae Hinata | Grower noose 27 py Cnn ao Neen 8G Fanconi ‘Sra ea tree 3 Saray et re form Foulds 0 se te ‘Sexes i eros 273 FM es em onimuasvay “hie an 7 eta). vsapt com nator ee EEE enemas eee Scenes, Ee onactns Brea eemeemenem BESTE sacra SRR Aeros iinireuneeenar Eciialditireceaaed Serhan arin apes omenememeee Seieseaeeeees Sietensm Spat tee Berit netenmnonne 0 ‘Sl rar ur) -teeme mae ences E80 Pl Ut deren erokes meV II dies ne ‘iv smerny rapa -nidesnatn ‘ince ‘Sra tag em as ah fete pss YF te a VTE MA Tae ay veer ley an ese ‘Ma itn hs ornare (Spon crn De nso ety ae ain Saar oo FUT Wess age eh Ye ibd TEM Broun th [GPS ye eeasen as Week meteor ae ‘opm ks wa became ‘mom erence ete Mob Fico Co ‘onsen crs atonenten nn mes Unctase eatve aea ir Feng ey ‘em eeytik TA eae hte James aoa nt ey ETE micah Senin Uneceae Foreign Service poaewerateast reowesin Sane 119) Foreign Operators wan V IIT pining T Mk 5, 627-78, the et Kawa Free wane paces 120. Agen = ow cate Lightning Production some X LUphinng TW 20073, 1962 amet: mri ate | 2 HEI ER a Ee Ne Mico St ttn on wn Ic my formar 0s i at Sb ee Lh as roe oo Ct nt ila ae ee BE the ie shew IBC) CR or rennet earn A 7 Be ae, Eoce at ST se IER AB Tat afin ox aea ete cae Soe Be Soe tease conten Pa Sirs Ss ‘ifene 620 BEE cccesem omar Btn BES acansnomanananinins Sanne 2g SR a Ce naka Sekar sen Sit Stes |9494-Cha 3A G6A wat ys ux [RON

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