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Mr President, honourable members of the Board, distinguished

guests and fellow delegates my name is Daniel Whitham and I

would like to present to you a solution to one of the most pressing
monetary concerns that faces our generation.
As the European Union has furthered financial integration over
the years, a web of taxation law has grown over the continent,
becoming more and more complex over time. Now we have such
a confusing system that allows individuals and businesses to both
evade and avoid paying the taxes that they owe. The cost is
remarkable. Every year, the EU loses out on 1000 billion euros
because of this problem. To put this into context, the deficit of all
European countries adds up to just over 500 billion euros. And
who pays for this? Each and every one of us in this room, as well
as the hard-working people and businesses that form the heart
and soul of our economy. Because we are the ones who have the
fill the tax gap. Because we are the ones who are responsible and
decent enough to pay the taxes that we owe. It is essential to the
prosperity of our continent that we begin the process of taking
back that money that is rightly ours.
Much of the problem exists simply because taxation law is so
very complicated. Only a few individuals have the experience and
knowledge required to understand this law. Thus, we propose
concentrating this expertise in a newly-established European
board, which will have the power to support Members in their
investigation of tax evasion. This alone will help tremendously.
Furthermore, we want to invite the European Commissioner for
Economic and financial affairs, Taxation and Customs to analyse,
gather and share the OECD-recommended country-by-country
reports across Member States tax regulatory bodies. By cooperating with our European partners like this, well be able to
attack the weaknesses in our legal system that have been
exploited until now.
But taxation is not simply about numbers on a page. Taxation
represents a commitment to help and support the community
that we all benefit from. For that reason, we want to establish a
European Social Responsibility Charter with an award system that
recognises those companies that are willing to support the
community by paying their taxes, much like the Free Trade award
system that has worked so well so far.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the taxation web is only getting more and
more confusing. This resolution will help to break it down. The
result? Justice and Prosperity. Thank you for listening.

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