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ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

Fall 2015

First order Circuits

RL & RC Circuits
Lecture 28

M. Tahir Awan
Capital University of Science & Technology (CUST),

Final-Term Exam (Tentative)

Final-Term Date & Time

Date : January 18th , 2016 (Monday)

Time : 09:00 am
Finalterm Percentage
Finalterm will be Comprehensive


CSE2132:Computer Programming

M. Tahir Awan, MAJU

Source Free RL Circuit

In a Series R-L circuit , according to KVL

Integrating on both sides


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST

RL Circuit with a Source : Response

Current i(t) is a rising exponential with time
constant = L/R

i (t ) =
1 e Rt / L


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST

Natural Response , Forced Response

Complete Responce
With independent sources in RL & RC circuits
Forced Response
Part of the response depends on the input
source and is called forced response or steady
state response.
Natural Response
Part of the response depends on the circuit
elements, their size and type, and is called
natural response or transient response.
Complete Response of the circuit will be
described as sum of two


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST

RL Circuit with a Source : Example

If switch is opened at time t=0 , find current io(t)
for t > 0 . Also find energy stored in inductor at t
= 200 mSec


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST

Problem Solving strategy : RL Circuits

Steps :
Step-1: Assume circuit has reached steady state
before change of switch i.e. at t = 0- . Find current
iL(0-). As current through inductor cannot change
abruptly so iL(0-) = iL(0+)
Step-2: To find time constant () Make all sources
ZERO. Find Req of rest of the circuit connected in
series with inductor L.
Step-3: Assume circuit has reached steady state after
change of switch to find forced response i.e. K1
Step-4: Use initial conditions ( iL(0+) ) to find K2
Step-5: Complete response of circuit will be
i(t) = K1 + K2 e - (t / )

ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST

RC Circuits

Source Free RC Circuit

Initial voltage on capacitor v = Vo
Current that discharges capacitor

Replacing current I in first equation


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST

Source Free RC Circuit

Integrating on both sides


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


Source Free RC Circuit : Response

Waveform of voltage across capacitor
For RC circuit , Time constant = RC
Capacitor can be assumed fully discharged after

v(t ) = V0 e


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

t / RC

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


Source Free RC Circuit : Response

For RC circuit , Time constant = RC

v(t ) = V0 e

t / RC

For all practical purposes it is typically assumed that

capacitor will reache steady state values after 5


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


Source Free RC Circuit : Example

What will be the voltage on the capacitor at time
t = 0- , 0+ , infinity , 10 Sec , 200 Sec


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


Source Free RC Circuit : Example

If switch is moved at time t = 0 , find i(t) for t > 0
Capacitor was fully charged before switch was


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


Source Free RC Circuit : Example

Switch in the circuit has been closed for long
time. It is thrown open at t = 0.
(a) Obtain an expression for v(t) valid for t > 0. (b)
Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor 170
ms after the switch is opened


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


Source Free RC Circuit : Example

Find values of Vc and Vo in the circuit at t equal
to (a) 0, (b) 0+ , (c) 1.3 ms


ME2212:Circuit Analysis-I

M. Tahir Awan, CUST


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