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Abortion: Governor Bill Weld is a vocal defender of a womans right to choose since it is not

the governments right to decide peoples personal lives. Gary Johnson also believes that
individuals need to be able to make their own decisions and that abortion is a personal choice.
He does, however, have the utmost respect for both sides of the argument on abortion. Governor
Johnson does believe that all life is sacred and values the unborn. The law though is that women
have the right to choice whether or not they may have an abortion. He believes that the woman
must be able to make the decision for herself based on her own health and personal beliefs. He
also believes that women should not be prosecuted by exercising her right to choose. We as a
group agree with Bill Weld and Gary Johnson. Women in this country should have the right to
choose, just as they have the right to use birth control and other contraceptives.

Civil Rights: Gary Johnson believes that the founding fathers of the United States of America
developed the 4th Amendment to the constitution to prevent the government from intruding on
the lives of everyday citizens. In present day American, our national government spies on our
communications, tracks our finances, takes pictures of our license plates, and even monitors what
we do at the public library. These actions are done day after day with no warrant. They simply
spy on their own citizens. Gary Johnson and his running mate Bill Weld are working to push the
government out of our everyday lives. They want the government to quit spying on our cell
phones and restricting our freedoms. Gary Johnson was for marriage equality long before all the
other presidential candidates and party leaders. Not only is Gary Johnson pro marriage equality,
his running mate Bill Weld is as well. Weld was an advocate early on as the debate of gays and
lesbians rights was brought to the forefront. Weld even appointed the judge who established
marriage equality as a constitutional right. He is also the highest ranked official to decide that
the drug war needed to end and society needed to start treating drug abuse like a disease rather

than a crime. Gary Johnson and Bill Weld believe that people should make their own decisions,
including who they marry, if they want to arm themselves, and live their lives the way the
envisioned as long as they are not harming others. We agree with what Johnson and Weld stand
for as far as civil rights are concerned. They believe in individuals freedom which is extremely
important to everybody. We do not want the government to be making personal decisions for us,
that should be our job.

Defense: Gary Johnson that we as Americans have given up too much as a country due to war
and other conflicts. Many military analysts say that Isis had been formed due to the United
States involvement in the middle east. Because they are so powerful we need to enhance our
military power. We agree that military needs to improve in order to protect our nation and people
around the world.

Social Security: Ex-governor of New Mexico has an opinion on social security much different
than other candidates. He believes that social security, medicare, and Medicaid are all things that
never should have been the government's responsibility in the first place. Of course eliminating it
now would screw many people over but he would plan on reforming the current laws so that it
would be eventually be gone. The country Is trillions of dollars in debt and much of this is
because money that is not possessed continues to be spent. Retirement in his eyes should be the
individual's responsibility to prepare for.
Unemployment: Gary Johnson has admitted to not creating a single job. That is rightly so
because it is not his responsibility to create jobs. He knows that job growth stems from
entrepreneurs and economic growth. In his eyes, the best way to end unemployment is cut down
on the number of regulations and hardships that small businesses are put through. The way the

world works right now is setup to benefit the already large companies and corporations, but it
tends to shut down smaller entrepreneurs before they can really get a decent base. He believes
that many unnecessary laws and taxes take away the resources that businesses could use to
expand and create more job opportunities for other people. This is important to us, the American
people, because it could be a major deciding factor in our future. More and more people are born
every day and the only way for all of these people to make a living is if there are jobs out there
for them to find. Other candidates like Trump or Clinton have their solutions to this problem,
but Trump just claims he will make a bunch of jobs and he does not have any kind of plan and
Hillary has another plan for creating jobs but it will end up costing $10 billion. Johnson is the
only candidate who has a reasonable idea for creating jobs without putting our country billions of
dollars more into debt.

Crime: Gary Johnsons position on crime is that often times the crime taking place is not all that
criminal. He does not say that specifically but he says that we have far too many laws in our
country. Many of which are completely unnecessary. Because of this, it has been found that the
United states has the highest imprisonment rate in the world when our population is puny in
comparison to some other nations such as China or India. Johnson believes that the best course
of action when it comes to crime is to direct the law in direction where is is needed. Too many
people are out in prison for owning a drug that was more than like only meant for personal use.
This is not needed and the American people would be better off if they did not have the federal
government restricting their personal freedoms. A summary of his stance is that he wants to
redirect many pointless laws on drugs and the sort and redirect towards catching murderers and
rapists and real criminals.

Death Penalty: Johnson believes in an eye for an eye, and if you kill someone then you should
be put to death. This was a view he has had for a long time but at the same time, he realizes that
the court system is flawed. Maybe 99% of people who are given the death sentence deserve it but
it is not worth the 1% who actually end up dieing for no reason. So the actual answer is a definite
no. Many people think that killers deserve death and many people do not but the corruption
found in the legal system us all too real for either group to deny.

Environment: Gary Johnson believes that all nature is precious and deserves to be protected.
He believes that the future generations of America have the right to enjoy the environment as we
and our ancestors have. He says that the government is responsible for protecting the
environment and all of our national parks to keep the Earth healthy. Johnson and Weld both
share the opinion that the EPA plays a key role in keeping the environment safe. They also
believe that the government should not over tax businesses that do not follow regulations as they
are not cost efficient. We believe that this is a very important issue because the environment
needs to be protected.

Education: Gary believes that education is one of the most important things to this nation's
future. The difference between his position and other people is that he believes that education is
something that should be handled at local and state governments instead of the federal
government's. National education standards seem all good at first but there is the simple fact that
geography is something that factors into education. Some people learn better in certain ways than
others and rather than making everyone learn the same way, why not allow the more local
governments to evaluate their schools and decide how to best educate their students. Johnson

fails to see how the people in D.C. could possibly know how some kids living down in Texas
learn best.

Taxes: Gary Johnson says that taxes are used to collect funds for revenue, but they are also used
for penalizing competitors which is completely unfair. Johnson believes that tax loopholes need
to be eliminated altogether. Johnson wants to eliminate payroll and income tax with one tax that
would be a lot less. We agree with Johnson because we think taxes are too high and are costing
Americans too much.

Gun Control: Gary Johnsons belief when it comes to gun control is in full support of the 2nd
amendment. According to him, the simple concept of the everyday person possibly carrying a
firearm is a huge deterrent of crime. Many violent criminals obviously have some kind of mental
illness but at the same time many of them share a similar characteristic as everyone else basic
survival. The physical risk of hurting a defenseless person is considerably lower than attempting
to harm someone who is armed.
Works Cited
"Gary Johnson on Gun Control." Gary Johnson on Gun Control. Web. 31 Oct. 2016. "1st Presidential Debate." Gary Johnson. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.
"Sign to End the War on Drugs." Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.
"Sign to Protect Our Civil Liberties." Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.
"Sign to Support Common-Sense Criminal Justice Reform!" Gary Johnson for President. Web.
31 Oct. 2016.
"Sign to Support Fixing Our Broken Tax Code!" Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.

"Sign to Support Life AND a Woman's Right to Choose." Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31
Oct. 2016.
"Sign to Support Local Education Efforts!" Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.
"Sign to Support Reasonable Environmental Protections." Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31
Oct. 2016.
"Sign to Support a More Practical Foreign Policy." Gary Johnson for President. Web. 31 Oct.
Http:// "Gary Johnson's Surprising Stands On Social
Security And Health Care." Forbes. 23 Sept. 2016. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.

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