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1. In the classroom. Good morning teacher!

2. Nice to meet you!
3. Family:
2.1 Closed relatives
2.2 Cousins and uncles
4. The Human Body
4.1. Fingers
4.2. Parts of body (general) +head and face
4.3. Parts of body (detailed)
5. Colours
6. We love toys!
7. Vegetables
8. Fruits
9. Numbers
10. Domestic animals
11.Wild animals
12. Means of transport
13. Be polite, say please and thank you!
14. Seasons
15.My house
16. Buildings in town
17.Fairy tales. Characters
19. Clothes
21. How can we play in winter
22. What`s your hobby?
23. My town
24.Where are you going?

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