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1E GoDDEss wNcED vcToRY

She as tire guardlan of the leglons through tho centurles. or

destruction 6y 'te Chrlstlan Eperor Theodos1us ln .D. 385llmpr.
|ara1lel1ed te defet of the 1egion nd the fall of the

This is a po1emic about the superiority of elenism over

Being a Christian,you wi1J, at once think that this
st.rtelnent is absurb, even evi. Now here, should mentioir that
you }r;,c ncvcr been a tc].lcne, but once ras a Chris-ian. ou
pro};abv don't even know {hat a le]-}enist is, so now shal]_
en1ighten you. lje1lenist is someone ho beIieves in he cuure
and roraIity of the ancient Grec:ks. Note here hat t did not Say
their gods, said their cr li']re and ino::a1i'ty. ,[e have no hard
.e ot:ly
and f as ideas about the unjvlrs;e and the af ter-life.
beieve that it is wise for L}lc individua1 to de,elop his isdcrn
and intelect,
because it is cln1y if he becomes jke the gods, that
he lil be able to join th:ln. 'he alternative f-o tbis is that }te
rej.ncarnates again and agai.n, because he will not be able tc st-and
the shock of separation f r:nl lli s body. I]is spirit bj'iniy gropes
in the dark rniverse until l'rc l inds a new body, then he proceeds
to ,rastrj the ncw 1ife, 1ikc t}r: l rst. o:r1y if his eyes are opened
in this life, iil1. he recognisc oiylnpia when he faces it}iovl perhaps 1,ou think that our ide.]S'are qurint and lrave been super-

Ponhcon. mlo lllc d

to lo sev lallll ,lt;
bul by adan c l26 O

arsotli sts.
This ras one of the f er tenp1e s to 8urv1ve the Christlan
t }ras gutted of its delties and mutilated into a Catholic Chureh.

seded alrd incrporated j.nto thc revc l ation :f christianitir.
you think that am real1y part christian.
ere you have your
first mistake: I am not part chistian,
but ),ou are part lellene.
our rcIigion is not the fulfilment o:f mine, it is a degeneration
of mine. l']hat is gooc abort your religion, is what }ou $o_u f::on us.
My path to llellenism .ras a 1ong and hard one. t began',,hen ty
reasol) revo1ted against the absrdities of Catholicjsm, then
noved ilrto the spiritua1 desert of atheism, but disi1lusioned
with tre baseness of materialism, kept on vandering untj1, at
last, returned to the religin of my ancestors, ellen.ism. f
you asked n',e !'hy I am a le}lene, ou}d answer that if you
comparcd tlre philosophies of our sages, sr:c}' as Aristotle,
and Socrates with },our Jesus, you wou1d quickly see :hat ors are
wiser. o", a11 three sages have assured s that they
a].'e no gods, so why shou1d we beiee in the divinity
of jesls.
Were Jesus ever just considered a an and co:npared vrith other men,
he vrould not last very 1onq at a}l. Jess was a preacher f doom
and masochj-sm, he preached that the end of the orlc was at hand,
"this gene::ation 'iil see". We have no been waitirlg to thousand
years qnd sti the sn slrj.nes as bri-htIy as before. do not
be].ieve jn Jesus, do rot even believe that he :as ise,
unfortunately, do believe that hc has ed astay many of ny
brchers for many ong centuries.
have written -.}ris, in or,ler
to show you the way back to reasn and enlightenment

The Ereatest gifE that we gave to Civilisation

\das scientific
rational thcght.. This is the process of clearing cne's min of
preconceptions and e..].linj-ng a problem from the Ioqic of thc e'/ir_j"Jnce.
Sirce yc;t a;-e a chi.ic of r !lo\{ \erveted e11nist-ic cu1tl:_e,
yo a]:e abe'.o 1o l-}ii-s \]t}i ]aeria thinqs. nor as}:;;9 19
t),'to d this ith spi::itra thinqs. Try to unt.ang].. 'ourse1f
from tlre tii::a1-].dom f Chrrstianit,v ard co} at tile universe al]elf.
i] l a-enp to e:ip1ain to i,6 ttrc rea r'iqins an cf f ecs c,l:


1'he christian

We have a saying in Greece which the Chistians

have stolen,
"judge a ville b1'the fruit it procuces". n our case,let us
judge Christianity
by its effect on his:c,ry. Christianity
history quite su<lden), when it was made the state reigion of the
Roman :npj_re by the emperor constantine in 325 .D. 1t im:ed'iateliz
began persecuting pagans and.Arian christ:,ans. The Arians were
the other major sect besides Catholicism, they beljeved tl:at the
trinity was a group of gods and that jesus the Son ^Jas not the
egua1 of the Father and oly Ghost. Ridicu1ous as the argument
seems to us today, it had far reaching historica implications.
The Arians were the major Christian sect and their belief that
Jesus became a god is very similar to paganism. Christianity
'as assimi1atab1e within pagan pantheism. [ad Arian Christianity
triumphed,the empire would probably have survived, but it didn't
and fom the moment of Catho1ic Christianity's
triul:ph unti1 the
present day, l{estern spirituality
'as been put into tlle S Lra ight
jacket of the Nicean Creed. Beginning wit-h the rians and Pa9anS,
every reigion that Christianity
has. encountered has been savagel),
suppressed. The gospe1s are the fina1 ord of God, any iissent
can onJ'y be heresy or satanism. The situation reminds nle stron9.y
of the monpo1istic, tholght lmperialism of communisn. Jst as
Free-Enterprise witir its open conpetition to the hi9hest 1iving
standards and highest degree of political
freedorn, pantheism leads
to a free market of spiritual
ideas and the discovery of the t.rue
meaning of 1ife and the universe.
The bloody history of Chrj'stianiy
aIone should reveal that it is nt the vrord of God.
The fact.that its gospels don't provide the answers to the prob1es
of the ages, has forced many Christians to look else'wlrere ove the
n the 5th Century, there were the Pelagialrs, in the
14th Century, the Albigensians, in the 15t-h Century, the llussites,
and in the 16th century, the LuLherans. The answer lccording to
Catho1icism was always the same: f j-re and sJrd an1 tlre s }atght--e
of tni1].ions. ts great inventions were the ndex, the r,quisiticn,
and the l,litchhunt. t persecuted such grea}- scientists as Gai1eo,
Copernicus, and Darwin and has consistenty Lreen in t]"le way of ai
free<]om and prgress.
By any rr:ckoning, it is a ttalitarian
t boldly States that ''no-one concs to the fath:r 'cept t}rrcug}r ne".
The fact that today it is deepy involved with arxistn slrould come
as n suprise,
Simpy ookj_ng at the frlit of Christianity,
should have revealed that it was evi1 ng ago.
'he C]rristian who oposes the ilrflux of cifferent ;lces intc lris
count]:y is actually being a bad Christian.
nen are equaly
slaves before Jehovalr and his Jewish favurites.
t iS prec1sely
because our society is so deep1y ilpregnatec ith Christian
absurditie ..that it iS so' vulnera'ble.. The s<rme rfgid aQ}tere'1ce

to larxist principles that are fo1o,ed by sociaist moveiment's,

are done by Christians io christian principies.
Tle tragedy of
the Christian is that he can't recognise their simi1arity.
he ccnsciotlS1y workS for Christ1 lr UCoSciousy lorks for Marx,
however, he is too close to ,larxisni to recognise this, JuSt as a
s1ave nlentaly canl t inderSta]d or cope f reelnl , and a
oropo1ist car't unc']erStand .ree-enterprisel th,: ]rristian c;.n't
unde::stand He].1enism. ina11y an1 tragica11y jsL as C;nlnisln
ri1 never eac to the mi11enium, chistiarlity 'i1l r]cver 1cad to

is caugrt in tre c1assic ono')oi9L's trap,

realising that material,ism is false and that.God
does exist, he natura1y looks for a path to spirituality,
now, he is confronted by a monolithic block of closely related
Christiair religions.
Thcse have so fimited his culture and
thought that to a Christian: JesJjis Cod and God is Jesus, no
other aternative exists for him. tle has a sj_milar choice to an
elector in a Corrunist state who tas to choose between two
candidates both of whom are comrnunists. The real difference between
most Christian sects' is really very s:ngll.
Thus knowing that Gd
exists, but believing ihat there is only one path to the ivine,
the truth seeker is ensnared into Christian s1a,ery. is Christianity
teaches hin to lock and index his mind onto the Bibe, he is ta:ght
to dismiss the doubts that Christianity's
internal contradictions
raise in hin as the temptations of the devil.
rorse of a11, he is
taught to "ratch over his felIow Christians, 1ess they stray from
the path. By teaching a doctrine of heaven and hel-l as the ultimate
carrot and stick, Christianity
has created the perfect slave system.
The Christian actually ois his ovn chains. is mind has become so
emaciated by wearing.{yoke, that relief of the burden would break
his back. e is fundamentally ditorted.
n case that you can lct
yet . ee how intrinsica1y
tota1iLarian Christj'anity is, consider
tlre folowing substitutjons:
DaS Kapita is the Bible, (arl }tarx
is Jesis, and Lenin j.s St au. You no havc Conmunism! The ony
difference is that now Jehovahs kingdom and the milenium are on
Earttr, instead of Heaven. JuSt as a1l men are eqra11y s1aves
before Jehovah, so to Coununism teaches that a1l men and races
are created equa, even though the inte1ectual and physical
differences between men are as grea as that between eages and
1'o a,

1ife is an endtess search for truth, to a Christian,

life is but memorising and living by the Bible.
Thus, these t,ro
religions are poles apart. The Christian thinks ony in tei:ns of
the Bible:
the e].enist thinks in terms of the Universe. The
Christian i6 eaciated into being a believer, a fo1ower, a save,
while the tellene is a thinker, a doer, and the maste of his fate.
To the e1ene, and eason are the elementary virtues, to
the Christian, they are t.he root of all sin, As the Aryan, prince
Gautaa, the Founcer of Buddhism, which is a syste of spirituaJ.
exercises, said, 'E 9o BELEvs ,l,L vER B ,]ISE, FoR w}ic)
s s Has rvin
i til
Great ,as not able to make this the religion of the sirple pel:pe
of the West. The cardina1 pri:rciple of ellenistic phiJ.osophy is
that there is nothing i the hman universe which is indrsputble,
thus to believe in the way, the truth, and the light is the
elemenary c::ime agai-nst' en1ightenment. ^Je do not be1ieve that
any man can see the whole, our sages based their reasoning on this
fact. Our-gods are but manifestations of the divine.
Oui legends
ae studj_ed for their figurative not their 1iteral nreaning. The
simple e1ene, in error, adores his favourite gocis, but ihe sae
on1y honours anc ulates them. is. aim is to be as the go1s by
growing i-n his understanding of ther:l.' This seaching pura1ity
is the basis of al nraterial and spi::itual progress. ihe ;uaeChristian god is he antitlesis of al1 this.
e iS the mollp,olist
tyrant, his worl is lavl, his lay is }le only v:ay, where he triumphs,
the ight of civi1isation
collapses into darkness and despai.

Surprising as Christian vli11 find this, vJe equate Christianity
with Atheism. To uS, the atheist is bu a more logica1 Christian.
god is real1y
,fe equate gods with creation, thus a self-destructive
an anti-god. An anti-god would not have created anything. To us,
the creativity and nobi1ity of man are buE ro'anj_festations f the
the devil.
The negative of these is the ani:i-divine:
Simiar1y, if we equate culture with art then the creators of
They :hun the human figure
Jehovah, the Jews, have no culture.
They do not realise
which is the manifestation of the human ideal.
this, bt when they shun the human figure, they shun 1ife itself.
t-radj.tion, the chriStian icbr
Compared to tlre Grco-Roman artistic
is an en.aciated figure, an infinite degencration on his proud, free
is to us The ind of the
ancestors. This is vlhat Christianity
Christian is the mind of a 9a11ey s1ave. Most Christians will not
even understand what v,re are tatking about-. They arc like fish in
l3eing gilled
the sea being told that there is an ocean of air.
creatures, fish would regard this as a destructive absurdity.
They and the christians being both locked into an excptiona11y
Few people have ever heard of Nichoa
narro}, betief structure.
system that could be sent
Tessla. He invented an electricity
through the ethcr like radio waves. 'The oltly CcaSon wlly wc dor't
because then the monopolists w<-luld rrot be a}:c
use his system
to ta us. Sii1ar1y, our cities coud easi1), be based on e1aborate
train-tram gids, instead of on 'Jasteful cars. owever, mst peopJ_e
could not imagine their cities being any different.
the Christian mind is incapable of thinking outsicie the st.raight
jacket of the Bible. This is the 'iestls central tragedy.
f an atoi bomb went off over my city, there ould be signs of the
exp1osion deectab].e for thousands of years afterards. Christians
see the life and birth of Christ as the cj_max of hurnar history,
hoever, when we go back and examine Roman records, we find no
references to him at al. The gospels rich a1leged)-y record his
life and teachings, were based on oral traditions and were written
6 to 90 years after the al1eged events took place. n ther words,
they were written by people vlho had never even seer iim arlci thus
the possibi1.ity for eaggerations and legends being bui1t onto tim
in a 60 to 90 year period are astronomicaly high. Tre erod vrho
is supposed to have murdered a1 children under tworiied in 4 B.C.
The fact that there is no reference to him in Romar accounts,
particuary if he rea1y did such things as: feed 5000. be
proclained a messiah, start a riot in the tenple, .ppear to thousands
of peopl.e after he had been crucified, and have his birth marked by
a star in the East is quite absurd. The Romans kept Cetailed records
and were a deeply superstit.ious people. ad these things realy
happened, they vould at east have noted then and the later Christj_an
historians of the dying empire, would have gladJ-y passed them on
to us.
!l-Sl-.!! c coc,UDE-oN-T!S-y--DENq"jL', 1'T TE
GOSE,S RE ,GE)S. They were wrj"tten by men io advance a cause
and as a resut, they are loaded with absurdities and contradj-ctions.
The sory of Christ is typical cf the Greek, hercic, iteratr-lre and
These cortradictions caused christian scholars inrmense
problems right throughout tlre Dark ges. Tlre absurdities of their
answers wourd fi11 a book in trenselves. {ever, being rcigious
men, they .rere never ab]-e to face the most ogical possibility:
that this was not the ord of God at. a11.

n merica today is a faith called the Church cf the L',rtcr Day

Saints or Mormons. They be1ieve that a farter named Joseph Smith
was visited by the AngeJ. Cabrie1 and given thcl Book of 'lormon.
The fact that Smith w.-rs convicted numerous imes of forgery and
libel, and even that the original adventure story that he
plagiar.ised his book from sti11 exists, desn't dissuadc his
fo]lowers. lere, it mus be understood that RELIGoS AE 'oT
EEDS AND FT. A charismatic rndividual comes a1on9 ] a
message that he plagiarised from escwhere, some peop1e find that,
his message matches their needs, they place their faith in him,
and, voila, we have a reIigion.
This all sonds quite innocent
until we reaise what is involved in faith:
the REJCT o At,L
EVDENCE AD LoGIc To T coTGRY. The book burning of the nonn the 4th Century, the persecution
of pagans and heret.ics, and the thought control of monastic learning
were just its corollary.
The Commr-rnjsts in the 20th Cencurl/ are
just continuing this tradition.
t is precisely because the triunph
of monopolistic Catholicism was bound to lead to this, tliat we cal.1
the period of its triumph. thc Dark Ages. Had they not been so
dark, we coud long ago have told yol that Krishna was born under
a star in the EaSt, that he rcgulary rises from the dead and orks
miracles, whi1e Bu]dha al1eg:d].y f ed 5000 too. Further, t}reSe
events are aleged to have happened huncreds of years before Jesus
hras even thought c;f .
able to treat the gospels as any other instruction,
they would ong ago have seen their absurdit1es.
Look again at the
story of Jesus feeding 5000.. cw, if somecjne fed 5000 people with
a fe loaves and fishes, we wuld be deepy impressed, however,
,JesusI diciples think nothing of i't. We have here either an
interpolation by a later Christian author, or a massive exaggeration.
l{e can say this with certainty because TE ACToliS F'1'}E DScLEs
DO oT M'(-'{ T Locc oF TE EvrTS. Tlre author of this legend
doesn't ;c1erstand even basic 1ie b.?rniques. tle should have
changed the actions of the disciples to the astonishmen necesSary
to match the event. t is likely that Jesus did scmething far 1ess
spectacuar 1ike persading tl'e crot d to share, and that 1ater
authors combined it with the Buddhist legend not reaJ-j-sing that
they had no made the story situationally
absurd. Simi1arly, .the
site of Jesus' transfiguration
is an ancient pagan site where
numerous other pagatr heroes have become one ith the gods. There
were many magicians, faith healers, and preachers f doom in Jesus'
day' There was nothing special about Jesus at al.
This is why
there are no historic references to hirn. The gospes are just
"The Greatest Story (legend} Ever Told''. l'e suspect that the
Jewish producers of this film were .havi-ng a private joke on
Christians when they chose this tit1e.
Were Christians


Precisely becausc the historic case for Jesus is so weal<. we can

genuinely ask did Jesus exist at all.
The answer is that rost
1ike1y some heretica rabbi did exist, stripped, of cou'se, of a11
his legendary miraces. The evidence for this is tota1y neative.
The Talmud qoes to a lot of troube to damn hm as the heretic
who 1ed mary aStay, whiJ.e Jesus' sayings, teaclrin9s, anci practices
are so typicaJ.y Essene. The Ta1mud would not go to suctr trouble
if Jesus never exj.sted, it would just pcint this out. The very
ESSeneneSs of ear1y Chrisr-'i.anity makes it extremey 1ikely to have
begun broadly in tbe fashion described irr the gospe1s. 'hus,
strippcd of the legends, tlris is what ererges.


expect if the gospel 'messiahi storics were rcaly true. Aowever,

shortly aitcr his death, a cult started up around t.he iCca that,
like Krishna, he hacl risen from the dead. The cu1t prba:J_y
started because sote unknown group had stolen his body. ere, j_t
must be noted tha the gospe1s themsc1es are contradictory over
lhether or not the tornb as guarded. .ot knoving lerltat h.:rl i:ccarle
of his body, his folowers nistakeny believed that hc tac risen
from the dead. This sort of betief is qu.i-te comon amongst fanatica,
cu]_ts. THE NEED 1.UACTURS TE EV]NT. We don,t kriow who stoe
it or w
that it asnit his fo]_1wers
and it wasn't the Pharrissees.
t $Jas probaby stoen by some
unknown revo1utionary 9roup ho w.rIrted to embarrass tlre Pharrissees.
Refercnces to "rha really happened can Sill be seen in the gospels

n the First Centry B.c., a.}estine was; an occupied 1and. l'he

tensions Causcd by the occupation, plus deep internal disputes
about the interpretation of the Torah, had 1ed to Judaism becomj_ng
deeply dividecl and to being in a state of fu. l'he three tnajor
groups were the conservative saclducees, tte worldly Pharrisecs,
and the lithdran sSencs. The Essenes are the sect tlrat concerns
us rnost. They were founded about 70 B.C. by a mysterious Teache::
of Righteousness ho has also been idertified as a possible Cl'rist
They resigned themselves frm the viorld, rejected a11
worldly possessj.ons, didn't marry, qrere obsessed with purification
ceremonies, a:id devoLed themse1vcs to stuc1ying the Torh ancl waiting'*
the end of the world. Most christian practices such as Baptis
Confession, Abstinence, Mortificaion
of 1esh (nasochism), and' the
Washing of the Feet are Essene practices.
Left on their own, the
Essenes wouLd have achieved their aim of self destruction and been v
litte more than a historic oddity of masochism gone too far.
Hovrever, before they disappeared, they produced Jo1n the Baptist
and wrote the Dead Sea Scrol1s.

The first to the tonb is lary, she discovers there a young man who
she 1ater realises is an angel. (ote that there is no reference
to guards). He says that he is gone. (tJote:. not risen).
We witt
suggest the obvios that he was just a young man and probaby one
of those vrho had just taken the body. Later Mary neets a gardener
whom she }ater is the risen'Christ.
We ril again suggest
the obvious that he was onJ.y a gardener and that it is terribly
damming to the Christian c.:se that it took so'eone, wlro krrew Jesus
for years, so long to recognise him. A similar thing happens vrith
his disciples on the road to Capernaum and while fj,shing in the
Sea of Galilea.
Again people who have known Jesus for yca):s,
dont recognise him and thirk that he is a stranger. We arJain
suggest that t.hese were just stralgers. Thus, vre see thc gcnesis
of the Christian myth. charismatic aal.hers a sma1]. foc,wing.
liis followers ae shattered by his death and puzuied by lis bo1y,s
<lisappear'alce. Being deeply in need of h:-m, they project him
ono eople they meet. t is significant that the first projection
is done by a hysterical woman. After a ile, the process becomes
se1f perpetuating and even doubting Thomall is von ovcr.
-wEt, KNo{ sYcro,ocCAL pE1ia.- S8l:1}]Q]' 1]o1'L, -iS-S
MUc To'r,]jJ r
,T y
This begins a snowball effect, the ve:ag g-up eefirea pe:Son
is easiIy persuaded by the ob, if a hundrec peop1e believe then
they must be right.
wouli have enCed here as smallJe,ish cult, had it not been then for three ajor evelrts. Thase
made it into a world re1igion.
Christ.ianit:,,s success was nc
the result of j.ts merit, but of its luck.

The Dead Sea scro1-ls have eiposive impicatio1s for botlr Christianj.t
ard Judaisn. The irrit j.a1 pub)-ication of the came to an .-rbrupt ha L
shorty after they ere discovcr:d.
t is believc<] that ttlcy prove
the ssene origin of Christianity
and thaL modern Judaism has nothing
to do with First Century Judaism. Precisely for these reasons, both
the Cathoics and the Jews have refused to release most of the

resuits of their reseaches into them during the past 3O years.

This is the oni.y possibility
that vre can conjecture of why they are
so totalJ_y restricted even today. This is also why b,'' the
Ctiolics and the Jews have gone to a 1ot of troub1e to keep Jle mere:
existence f the EEsenes a secret.. t woufd not ].ook good ior Jesus,
if Christian discovered that the Sermon on the Mount was of Essene
orig in .
John the Baptist was an Essene wh broke away and eventually formed
his own sect. He disagreed with ssene doctrine that their message
shoud only be fr the withdraln e1ite.
one of his followers \ras
a certain Gaiean named Yeshua (Jesus) . ReferenceS to JeuS being
a student of John are plain enor.lgh even in the gospels. The
reference to christ be1ng lst and then being founcl astounding the
great scholars, is believed to be a reference to Jesus himself
studying at an ssete moastery. There is sti]_, today, a remenant
of Johnrs sect who curse Jesus as the man who lec1 some of Johnrs
Follo'ers away. Eventual1-, Jesus and his brother James formed a
sect of their own. Jesus, }ike al Essenesl preached that ,,the
lngdorn of God" (the end of the wor1d) was at hand, Jes must purify
themselves and prepare for the end. Jesus oud cffer himsef
as the bood sa-rifice and usher in the Messianic 9e.
Like most' prphets of <loolo, Jesus gathered a srnal]- folJ-owing.
Possibly because of a rio he started at the teinple an his
denunciationS cf the Plrarrissees, the Pharrissees arranged to have
him crucified.
stounding as Christj_ans find this stoiy, there is
nothing unusual about it.
T}rere erb many dissent rabbis causing
problens for the authorities at this time. JeSuS seems to have
been drivelr by a sef-desructive
masochist wish, eventua1Y, he
anno},ed the harrissees sufficiert1
to have hj.s wish fufi1led.
ere, it must be noted, that neither the Jeish Sanhec1rin (re1igious
court') nor the Roman governor saw him as sj_gnificant enolglr to
record. They obviously regarded him as simply a minor heietic or
rabble rouser. Again,'this is completcly contrary to what one would



The first major even was the conversion of the enigmatic aul
(Saul) of Tarsus. Paul is really the co-f on ler of Christian.l',,y.
e codified the ora legends of Jesus into a r:oherent reiqj.cln
and dropped the proscriptions against non-Je, beconing Ctrrisi:ians.
Had h not done this, Christianity
would neve have eft astine,
and becone a wor]_d r1igion.
Pal may also c]:re this for
u1terior reasons. .re know that he i'as anEi-christian,
but as struck by lightning on the road t DarnscS. The lightning
may be f igurative, o then again au iiay have become menta]'1y
unbalanced. Pau rnay have realised hat the passivity and unworlciliness of C,ristianity
might be a va1:able eap,:n throv, against
thc enemy Romans. Destructive as tlese things t'e]:e to
comtemporary Judaism, by iL a Genti1e re]j-gion, aul could
ki1l two birds with the one stone. Once it oper..ecl its door to
Gentiles, Je{s would reject it, thus eErinating' the threat of
heresy. Meanvrhi].e amonqS he Romans, its idea]'s of passivity

at)d unwordiness oulc reek havoc with t}e Roman, martial i<]eal.
aul was proven right on both grounds. once Christj-anity became

a Gentie re'ligion, Jews ceased to be attracted to it in any

significant numbers. Judaism went on to survive such disasters
as the Ternple revolt, the Bar Koriba revolt, a]d the Diaspora.
}leanwhie, sevea tolerant Emperors came to see Christianity
a threa to the Empire and tried to wipe it out.

The second major event was the beginning of a disastious period

ir Roman history folloing the death f arcus Aurelius, the
last of the great Antonine emperors. Briefly, barbarian
j.n';asj-ons forced the Romans to massively increase their armies,
increasing taatioh, and causing rampart inf1ation and corrupion.
The Third Century was a time of enormous political
hich led to a collapse of the old va1ues of the Antonine Age.
n this period of colapse, christianity
grew from insignificance
in the Second Century, to being an important religion by the close
of the Thjrd Century. ther Eastern reigions, 1ike the cu]-t of
the Persi;-.n God "{j.thra", or the Egyptia.n cults of "sis'' ar'd
had the advantage
"Cybele", also made massive headway,. Christianity
of being able to utilise the prestigious Jewish Torah and of having
inherited the rigid, heirarchial discipine of the Rabbinate. ts
very totalj-tarianism gave it rnany advantages over its more tolerant
ts ideals v,rere recognised as being contrary to the
interests of the Empire, and it was thus shunred and spasmodical1y
persecuted 1ike other dangerous creeds. These ersecutions had
a positive effect on christianity
in that they kept its mebership
to a fanatica core, and made it a ralying point for at elements
'h wee against the Empire.
(Just as coununism iS today to the
West). }ioweve, by end of the Third centuy, chrj_stianity was
already in a state of disintegration,
and would have disappeared
like the major anichae religion had it not been for the poicies
of the mperor constantine
constantine was an innovating enperor. e be1ievcd that changes
were needed in Roman policy if the unity, peace, and prosperity
of the Antonine Age vJere o be restored. Thus, he did things
adica].y different from past emperors. e shifted the capital to
the more strategic sight of his nev city of constanLinope (now
stanbul) and he made christianity
the favoured eligin of the
state' e was probably inpressed by its rigid heirarchy and
tyrannicaI god before whom a1 were slaves. These dubt1essly
appealed to his deeply tyrannical nature. At the end of his
bloody reign, he used its formula of Baptism to absolve himself of
his numerous crimes. e did something for Christianity
hich i vgoud long ago have disa1>pcaied. He g;ve it le wealth,
power, and prestige withou}_ vrhich chistianity
oud have remaj.ned
just a reigion of slaves. Ie also saved the Christians from
thenrselves. e codified Christian teaching lnto the Catho]"ic
icean Creed and he then ruthlessy persecuted the dissent'i_ng,
Arian Christians.
Once in power, the Catholics acted like comnunists
and ruthless1y persecuted a11 non-Christian re1igions.
n fai:ness
to Constantrne, l he probab1y thoug'rt that theSe ruthless masures
woud give the em..ire the unity that it so desperateJ"'y needed.
le was traqica1ly prven tota1ly \/rong. Within less than a century
f his procaimillg the icean Creed in A.D.325, Rome was sacked by
the barbarians in 4.D.410. The Rome lrhich had lasted a thousand
years was no more.
is ner city constantinople had scked weath out of the Eastern
It also confused t.he focus f inperial strategy away from
the Roman west. Mean.;hile, tlre impositi of rigid mono]ithic
christj.anity hgd a shattering ef fect on t'e t.o]-erant pagan Romans.

E ed to disi1lusionment, rebe11ior, and fina11y resigration

as the Roman people ratched their ovln government tear theii cultl1re
to shreds. n the final stages of the co]"lapse under Christian
Enperor Theodosius after 385 .D., Christian mobs burnt c]own the
ancient temples forcing the pagan Romans into pen rebe1ion. To
crush them, the Christian emperors ca1led in the barbaric but Goths. These were the f ina1 exterminators of .pagani sIn.
The n1y 1i9ht ilr this period of aturing chaos was the last pagan
Emperor Julian (4.D.361 to A.D.363). Had he not been assassinated
by a Christian, th wh1e history of the wor1d would have beer
It is important that you realise
that just as supposedly
conservative governments are se1ing us out to communism toda},,
the Roman Empire, the greates achievement of western man, was Sld
out by Christian emperors into barbarianism. Your ancestors did
not give up their gods, they had them brutaly snatched away.
They were b1udgeoned j"nt Christianity
the same way that the East
Europeans were bludgeoned into Communism. This is not the way that
a moray superior religior qrows. western peoplF were not
converted to christianity
by suddeny being overawed by its mesSage
as the Christian myth caims, they were converted at the point of
the sword. Tre F'rankish Emperor char1emagne actually eterminated
one quater of the pagan saxons in the process of converting the
to Chr:stianity.
Thus began the Christian Dark Ages, a time of ignorancer poverty,
petty vrarring states, and the monolithic thought control of the
cath1ic Chuich. istory waS rewriten tci 91rify Christiani:y
much of the learning of the ancients was dlestroyed. Art assured a
rigidity cf fonn for a thousand years. The structure of society
became conpletely distorted; the bishp bui1t his cathedra ':hi].e
the serf puilt his mud hut. Yet, emeshed in the thought control
of cathor"icism, fqw dared t say what had happened. iurope on1y
recovered fron this disaster because of two things. The first
was that the barbarins were also Aryans ard wouid thus, oae day
appreciate and emulate the cuture of the lontans, whie seccrdy.
the Catholic Church never quite succeeded in imposing its political
control onto Europe. An element of politiial
and spirituaJplura1ity stil1 survived. one day, men lik Bruneleschi ard
Da Vinci would 1ook again at the wonders of the ancients and enu]_ate
them. The result was the Renaissance and ghen the Reformat.ion
and the rebirth of urope. A new age of en1ightenment and ildust::ialisn began where the Antolline Age teft ff. o/ever,
Christiani-ty is sti11 with us, opposing all rprogress and plotting
to return us to the Dark Ages. t has spawned a new malignant
cancer ca1'led MarxiSm. This has the same jerish origins and salne
tot'alit'ar jan belief strucure.
ow. the Kinclom of God is on Erl-h
the only way tc it is by explicitly
fblowing the Gospel of
Marx. very lellenist Iives j.n mortal fear tlrat his deuded
Christian_ brothers may yet emesh hi in a ne} dark age.

TE EvL ATUR oF', Tja cR:sTAN

Perhaps you now have some idea of vhy .,e regard TEE '1oST-Q'9


deaing_with other absurdiies,

we wi]1 first look at the tyrannical
nature of the Christiqn Godue introduces h:-mselr- to the mythical
Moses dsi, " am the Lord thy god, thou shalt not have siange gods
before rne". lplicit in this statement is the recognition of the
existence of other gods showing through tLe thin disguise of
Christian mo_notheism. We have irere the. typicaL statement of the
tyrant, " am number one, am a jealous tyranti, you shall obey
no-one ese but me". Then follows a lis of his likes and dislik:s


Jehovah, then in the egend,
in the form of a litany of don'ts.
goes on t-o prove his moral superiority over other gods by massacring
the wcrshippers of the golden caf (an innocent sort of god) , and
1ater the elltire inhabitants of Canaan because "they know him nt".
lowever, assure me that their god is different,
The christians,
(whichever one of their triniy
they mean) , they tel me that
They obviously
thej.r's j.s a god of love and forgiveness.
haven't thought Lhis one through in re].ation to heir doctrines
of origina sin, sin, and eternal danation
f gave a group of citdren

a tuntber of toys incu<ling a phosphorus

bomb, !'roud be considered guilty of murder by our courts.
the Christian god creates billions of people all with original sin,
knowinq that many will die with this original sin, and suffer
n t}e cathoic variant, you are
torture in }rell for a1l eternity.
given a fj-ghting chance vrith the sacraments (which they have a
monopoly on ispensing), while in the Ca1vinist variant, a caE,ricious
gd has already chosen his favourj-tes and damned the rest.
vlay, this gd is completely. evi1. Belief in this god, reduces

one to an aclject slae desperately trying to win his favour. 'lhen

you real_ise the fl1 evi of the Jdeo-christian god, who cr:eates
bil}ions to suffer j.r everlasting agony, you are just revolted by
has produced so many
his evj.}. Is it any ,fonder that christianity
The Chris'Lian answer to this is that things went. wrong,
a mysterious satan r:vo1ted againSt Jeho'.rahs empire , and Adam wasnIt
a good litt]'e save. This presumes that (a) God is an idiot who
does knoc what his uliderlings are up to and (b) it is possible to
revot. against this 'on-omnipoteni, god. Thus, stripped of. hi.s.
superstiflous garmen:S, Jehovah is eii1, capricios, and stupid'
Tte christir., i."g" ,lf Jevohah can not possib1y be that of the'rea1

As you would expect from a reIigion based on an evil god, Christials

have n concePE of ,hat morality really is. A Christian thinl<s
t-hat morality is dong vihat j.s p}easing to trj_s evi1 god. This
and mass murder in the cusades.
includes tortue in the inquisition
We define good as that which makes our spirit
free and evil as that destroys our spirit.
The Christian mora1 universe is
based on beliefs ol reward and punishment. This reduces ccd to
the eve1 of the k:eper f'a bankers ledger. one does the right
thing because one lrets a reward in the currency of grace or one
gets a subtraction for a wrong deed, (right and vtrong being of
course, defined by the evil, capricious Jehovah). n order to
reduce this t a hl;man equivalent, consider the following situation.
pass a persn drcwning in a rj'ver, so stop and ask mysef this
question; wi]l this person give me much money if save him. If
the answer is yes,i puj.ed him out, but if it is no, wa1k on by.
St peolJe, becase they have a remnant of our morality in them,
would say that las evi1 vlhether saved the person or not. Yet,
this is exactly w]!a cLristian actions are supposed to be based on:
pleasir,g coc1 and hus earning points on his ledger and t1S avoidlng
being th].own intc t'he pit of f {n a simiar situation, if the
on1y reason that a chic studies at school is to get lollies
Daddy and avoid:yetting thc strap, we say that his education has
The sami} is true of people. ERSo MUST Do TE RGT
by the
+.\-D ])JSJ'ITS.i f a person hasn't acquired ths instinct
tie he reaches ]adulthod, then he has rasted his life.

istorcat1r, v',henever a Christ-iair f aces a ne}, situation, he f reezes,

being a slave, he cannot make up his own mind. While I-e stays
mora1ly frozer., his leaders desperate1y search Jehovahs ruling.
nvariably'Jehovah, beinq a stupid god, has not foreseen this
a ruing hich prtects the
eventuaIity,so with; difflcu1ty
interess of tlie church'is ade, he Clrristian zombie 9etS his
A good example
and all is wei ti1 the next crisis.
of this phenomena is the Catholic church's anti-birth control
This protect,s the interests of the church at the expense
of the word. The poverty of Catholic South America is directy its ppulation explosion, yet, the church c1aims to be
the friend of poor. With friends like these rho needs eremies.


We He].lenists believe that a healthy body leads to a heathy rind.

We prize the ath1etic humap body as the equa crf the wise rationa1

mind. The Christians, however, think that' the body is evi.
is equated with sin and the human body is avays covered. The
n ccntrast,
Christian hero is the weak, anaemic, effeminate saint.
even our sages were ex-warriors.
lowever, the.Christian goes
much furlher than this as since the hunan body is evi, he punishes
The Christian is a masochist. The figure of Christ cn he
cross is an obvj-cus rnasochistic syo1. The aim f Christianity
is death: the aim of ellenism is life.
The fact that chistianity
at'tracts peop1e deterlnined to be iartyrs shou1d indicate how sick
it is. Martyrdom is the 1ogical conclusion of the masochists rish.
gain, the Chrj'stian martyr does rrot suffer to gain know1edge 1ike
the Buddha, he suffers to increase his score on the heavenly ledger.:
P.resr.q'bly, the evi1 Jehovah' likes to see people suffer.
To uS
su9h a person is coritting the primary crime against
e is destroying the tool
Je is comnitting slow sulcide.
by vrhich he may acquire a godJ.ike understanding of the universe.
n Greece,. we put such degenerates int asy1urns, however, the puts them on pedestas and adores t-hem.

The reverse of masochism is

We regard this as a
abncxious crime "rbi=^.
as once again it violates the sanctity
of the human body. Just as ac1]_e attracts fema1e, masochists
attract sadists.
Accompanying the Christian martyr who suffers
for Christ, is the irrquisitclr who tortures for Christ.
BoT PART oE' TE sA4E sc}iZo{REc DocTR. The same Christ who
loves \is sheep, casts the rest of them into the pit of fire.
ingis'itor believes .that by tort'uring the heretic s body, he is
saving the heretic's soul. Thus, he earns points on his ledger
and so does the repentan heretic.
In fact, the victim aught
to thank the trturer for the service he has done for him.
Fo1lowing this logic, thousands of heretics and itches died
agonising deaths in the Dark Ages. Where as some aspects of
ar:e absurd, we find this aspect hor;:ific.
defy anyone to
to me that this is ,'t sick.
Have christians
ever serios1y thought abou the implications of ''take up your cross
and f1lovl me". Presumab1y, Jehovah wants all people to cornftit
suic'ide. s the purpose of 1ife to suffer as much as possible?

The most irrational Christian idea is their doctrine of

forgiverress. n the case of original sin, we are epected to bcg
forgiveness for sonothing that we didn't even do. vlhat is most


is that they think that a person can
live a life of evil and then he is forgiven (a) because of a last
minute "'m'sorry" or (b) because he be]_ieves in Jesus. We Hellenes
think otherwise. Now, if someone does me wronr, then later comes
to the conclusion that it was wrong, and makes amends, wi'1
fo:get the incident and not hold it against him. This person who
makes the anrends. is not the sarne person ho did the wrong. Since,
LoGc. l'his is something that everyonc does.on the road to enlightenmen. The Christian is totaly different, precisely because he
believes tha his god is ritua1 bound and stupid, be believes
that he can fool him by these formula. How can a person change the
state of his spirit by a last minute repentance? What is merit
if you accept this? recisely because of this, Christians, from
their earliest days, were noted for their immoraity and hypocrisy.
(Not for the way they loved each other) . By grabbing a monopoly
on the forgj-veness formula, the Catholic Church became immensely
powerfu1. t held the "Keys of the Kingdom, whatever it boud on
Earth, as bound in eaven". Tlre se}}ing of j'ndu1gcnces (a Sort of
get-out-of-he11-free card) was Lhe 19ica1 conc1sion Lo this
ere, sha} conclude by saying that reject going
to a heaven ful1 of last-minute-repenters,
srnart immoral hypocrits,
co{ard1y he11-fearers,and ossified be1ievers.
Such a place roud
be Hel.I not eaven. The doctrine of revenge and reta1iation,
the philosophy of the accumul-ation of currencies in Heaven and on
Earth is not an Aryan one: it is Jewish.
amazng about christianity

Closey related o the doctrines of forgiveness is the doctrine of

Christ is said to feel infinite pity for the fate of all
those that he created. ;ike any good tortrer, he feeis sorry
for llrat he has to do. ere, Jchova} proves that aS weJ_ as being
an idiot (he couldn't foretell what woud happen), he is a psychotic
(he bIames his too]_s and noi himself) . Just s masochisln hs- a
re,erse side of sadism, Capricious evj-I has a reverse side of
caprious pity.
The stupid shepherd ].eaves his enire f1ock to
the wolves, while he goes looking for the lamb brain who got himself
1ost. Then he puts this lamb brain on hj-s shoulders and honours
hj.m over his more inte11igent brothe::s. Simi1ar1Y, the prodiga
son is honoured over his hardworking brother. Thus, again we s&t,
if you reduce this problem to human terns, Jeho,ah is a menta
We elenisS have an entirely different attitude.
f see a derelj.ct beg me for a dracllma, I ask mysef this question,
nwhat wi1l this derelict co v',ith my crachma?'' nsver, "he will
.Jaste it on ine". Thus,'this nan is dead, he j-s incapable of
improving his body or soul. ChrisE would put him on his slru]_ders:
vill walk on by, do not give noney to corPses, bury them.
owever, if a street urchin begs me for money for food. would
give him a11 that coud spae above my own needs, if was able,
oud even take him home and adopt him as my son. This boy has
the potential of life in hj.m. This is not unconditional pit1r,
this is a simpe act of civi rinteousness.


ica absur<iities: n-e is mentsai1y

dead. By ::e time he iS forty, he is a rotting corpse, he is a
threat to the mental and spiritual health of those around him, he
is approaghing his c]'imax: his deatl.


1he basic atitude behind the Bible can be detected in the Sto):y of
with the
Noah. Jehovah one day decides that he is dissatisfied
v'ay that his saves are carrying on, thus, natura1}y, he decides
to wipe them out. Again, we see the true mind of Jehovah, he is an
idiot, he can't forete the future, he is psychotic as he banes
people for just folowing their human nattre, the vey nature that
he is supposed to have given them, and finaly, he is an evil
tYran who beieves in mass murder. This is'only a legend, usefu]_
onl.y in that it reveals the type of god that we are dealing with.
lowevcr, it and the otter perversions of tre Bible have deeply
sickened the .estern mind. The Reformation on1y freed the scientific
haf of the Western mind from Christian thra]_ldom. The siritua
half is stilJ, '/ery, very sick. The free scientific
uninfluenced by true Western Hellenist morality, has forged ahead
to produce ar.resome weapons of destruct-ion which the sick sadomasochistic spirituat mind of vlestern man ccud easily unleash.
The Christian may yet well achieve his aim of total self-destruction.
(edger oriented.) merica.
The leader of the arms race is Capitaist
Beieving in such legends as Noah and the procalse, the Cl_riStian
ctlsciously ald unconsciousl.y et1courages these tlings to halpcn.
]_read}' ylornons are prep;ring bob sheters and are awaitir9 he
Day of Judgement. TE PsYCosS o CRSTATY coULD l'LL ,AD
unleashed the
US BACK TE sToNE AG. Just as christianity
Empire, i cou1d easi]y unleash a ntclear
are )ot juSt
holocaust onto u's. The absurditics of Christianity
an acadernic probJ_en: ey are a plobem of 1ife and deat:h.
n terms'of poiitica1 freedom and high 1j_ving standards, monopolistic Communisrn is far inferior to the plurality of Capiialism.
Both share the same Biblical origin in ideas of sIave'y, tyrany,
and sado-masochism, but one, at 1east, is able to buid tal1er skyscrapers. Realising that they are locke<i into their Cornmunist
systems, the peop1e of East Germany, cZechos]_avakia, and urgar1r
have made Communism work. Since they aren't cha1enging thei.r
tyrannical ruers, the tj/rants have gone eas!, on the whip. Thus,
the people enjoy higher living st.andards and l-ess repression,
whi1e he tyranS doi't need to worry abut revot. This j-s stil
slavery, but at 1east it is bearable. A somev:hat sii1ar thing
happened after the Christianisation
of the i.iest. TE AG\S MDE
cRsTIANTY WORK. llad they not done thj.s, a11 civi1isation
woul-Ee E_a-estroyed. ts absurdities were ignorec, ir-s saiomasochrs was minj_mised, and the basic elenents of pagan moralj_ty
lere injected into it.
cRsTAN, BLIT YoU ARE PF'T EL,N. The geast of 'lithra becane
christrnas, the east of EaSt]:e, Gocdess of Spring, became Easter.
sis becale disgu1sed as ary, Cupid as St. Va].ertine, the pagan
sacred sites and tempes became Ch:rches, and the bread of Mit-hra
bec.rrre the Eucharist.
The church +-Yrats acquiest ir this as par
of the terms oi surrender which left them in cont::ol. ovJever
much they ight condened the mcrrymaking of the Feast of Mithra
as unchristian, they are prepared to forgive it as p.rrt oi the teris
of surrender. ony when their tyranny is chaenged by e pagan
revival, do they react savagey. This situation has a1lowed us
tQ survive the sixteen dark Christi.rn cen|-uries, hever, it is
stil1 a very bad fcrm of slavery.
The simp1e peple, vho are
basicay hea1tIry and pagan are cut of f f rom true mlra1 leadcrshi;:.


a crisj.s such as in Viorld wars one and Two, they uere

guickly whipped back ino 1ine by their Christian task'mastes
againsl their ryan brothers'
and conmitted terribe actrcities
c1ear vJeaons present us vgit} the geatest crisis in human
history, only people who reject thc self-destructive
t is totally
wi1l be able to sove it.
of Christianity
insuff1cient to simply privateJy rejec it, the poison of
Christi.anity must be vomited out of western Civilisation
it complete its evi1 purpose of totat destruction.
In disaster people becme unhinged and
thrives on disaster.
to wecome bac}:
forsake their reason, then, there is Christianity
the repentant slave. This is why christians cnstantly predlct
t is Christianityls
and consciously work for disaster.
unconscious aim. ony vlhen the wor1d is destroyed, will the Sot
(Re-read revelations)
of God return.
The situation

today is similar

to that of the Byzantine Empire.

grhereas the Western Roman Empire did not survive the imposition

and the. barbarian invasions, the Eastern Roman

of Christianity
Empire, which las spared the invasions, did. Based on
Constaninople or Byzantium, it survived for another thousand
years. owever, the key word is survi'e for it never realy
prcsperecl. The Byzantines continled and even improved upon
Roman technology, but the Byzantines were nt Romans, they
v;ere ho]lw, thy lere fundamerltaJ-ly flawed. They tried to
suvive encased itin the strai9ht jacket of Christianity.
n the inth Century, their empire as torn apart in the conoclas
dispute over hethei'or not it'las sinful to paint re1igious icons
A ceep, underlying pessirnism undernined al1 of their actions.
They beJieved that u1timate1y Jeiovah would cestroy their
he did. Conscious1y beievin9 this. the Byzantine:
nconsciously errcouraged this to. happen. They gave us tte
to describe se1f-destructive p1itics.
Forbidden to shape the human form, they deveoped the icon.
owever, the icons are alays of he same subject and form:
the suffering Christ and sains. This sado-masochist tlreme
is totally abseilt from classical art, thus, it stands naked as
the Christian contribution to Westerr Culture.
t points to
the basic schizophrenia of Christian Civjlisation.
The good
half is the surviving Hellenist ha1f, the pessimist, sadonasoclristic haf is the Christian ha1f. Tlre dynamics of how
this happened can be seen in Africa today where a similar thing
is happening. n frica, Christianity
is steadily becomin9
Christ is painted black anC his teachings are
being steadily aclapted to fit the African mentality.
The sarle
thing happened originaly,
it was
to Judaic Christianity:
half Hellenised.
This is its surviving grace,
Our civilisation
in the West, today, is basically Byzantinet enjoys the fruits of el1enist reason in its technogy, butspiritua11y, it is fundamentaIlv flaed. t has produced atomic
weapons which threat,en the whoie planet with destruction white
at the sarne time, it has developed space trave1. ts aora1
scientists are just not thinking'.about the impications of la1:
they are doing. They seem to be folowj_ng se deep, unconscious,
death ish. Similar11z, Christianity
is just not able to
successfu11y oppose Marxism. The l]el1enistic haf is presen+_1y
not able to fo1o its natura1 instincts and sash them becaSc
holds it bac}. When it looks a 1arism, i Sees
its ovn ug1y chi1d. The Christians answer to comnut:ism is pray.
T}lis is eact)l ,Jhat the Byzantines. beieved unti]- their 1aSt
moments. The e1enist answer is ',ar, but before this war can


t f ha






w'i }hi


bc expirgect. Simiar] y, jl.l: as Byan j_l was dcs tro1'ed by
canonS of its ovln, t}lc l,cst, wlrich yeary xports high
t'cchno1qy wlJons tO 1e S()vict-S, co1rl clsily fincl itsc-1
destroyed by is own weapo'ls. Tlre choice is rea LJ y qri'e
slmp1e; eit-ier the vJe5t re-e>:1nines its soul and expurges the

Christian, death wish, or it il fa}]_ to Cmmunism, the S]_an

of the modern word.
Thus, we cal sum;narise what Christianity
real1y j_s. t is a
primitive master-s1ave re1igion.
t is note\dorth}, fr its
sado-masochism, capriciousncss, stupidity,
immraity, h1,pcris,
and se1f-ciestructivencss.
ts re1ated ugly sisters f 'udaism,
slan and Comurism are very simiar.
Thcse re1igions reduce
man to an adject slavc trying to find the formulae necessal'y
to foo this capricious, rituaJ--bound god. was impsed ont
Western man by tyrants and barbarians, and is maintained by the
ignorance of the peopLe alrd the sacraments of the priests.
ror}d is divided bet\^jeen those lro knw how to fool Jehovah:
the priests, capitalists,
coIllnissars, and rabbis, and thc rst
of malrkind. treop.e nlust st.]:t trinking ir a non master-s1ave
menta1ity. The1, must burn the Bbe
Uniess {estern man votits out the poson of Chris+'ianit-v, the
sado-masochj.stic nature of his religion v;i11 eventually Cestr:.:y

Thus, again we say, "think again". llave the courage to re-read

the gospels vrhile considering the possj-bitity that they are
t is on1y because C}rristians be1ieve that they are the
ord of God, that they have q,)}sious1y 'ignored bib1ica1
absurdities for so long. Ask yurse1f t'}iese simp1e qestions:

of te universe pcssib1y be s
capricj-ous, evi1 , and absul? (Re-rea1 oah j-n Eodus)

ow could.'the creatcr

ow could the supreme being possib1'1, i.oo=. morale standarr]s

(Re-read oses in
on nan which he does not obcy ilinself?


ow colld an. omnipot.ent, supreme being posslbl1, even suffer

a satanic revolt?


(This contraciicts

the very meanilg bf


low coud a benevoent Sprcme being pssiby creat.e





bi.l1ions of people, knowing that even one would suffer

eternal damnation?
could the soul of an evil person, 1:ossibly bc wipcd
(This nakes a mockery f
clean b1r a forgiveness ritual?
411 our human sense of justice) .
ow could the suprenle being pssitily

e ./er' Ss.iatd
that came to'power through the evil of
po1itica1 inposition, and ca on1y be maintarned in
power through cultj-vated is_L9-e_g and f ear?

' with a reigin

can the supreme being expect uS to forsake <>ur

reason, tl're very tlling t}at Inakes us human, iIr lrder
have " f aiLh" in hiI?

FinaJ.y, o1lce agaj_n, lrow could the supree beilg

many mistakes?


m.-rke s


Jehovah, the god revea].ed in the BiLe, rea11y does sound ]'ike
a primitive, evi, desert tyrant.
e is just the type of god
you woud expect Savage, deset tribes to i.nvent. This is
exactly what Je[ovah is! The imposition on us of the morality
(or: imnlog:,al*y) or primitivq., uncult'ured, deSert tribes waS an
Pa'ia1]c''ed.i'sater. .L directly caused he co].]apsc of he
ancient word and it3 sado-masochistj.c death wish is st1]_
p1agui-ng uS today. t is precisey bccause rany peple reaise
this, that the1l g1, tcl the spiritual desert f atheisln.
).:;Ll_l:tiv:.t:; t}rjs is;, jt is at ]cas-;t 1lr:ccl'tlll: to l:.vjllg in
Lhc lnor'l llc].l' of chris:ianity.
1'he atlis llily '1(]L disccver
t}e tr:uc gd :evea]-ed by the He1enist ph.iJ .l:;-lprcr:;. n
crtrds:, the Christiai, 1ocked into slavery lly i grtc,r-nc:c and
f ':;ir w.i'] a]va,s f ai1.
With 1uck, he ray L:,-'c;: .r llllli st
jlr tl'e nc ]jl'] but this is hj.s ony hope.
ng, the crcator of the universe, ll.t:; ll:t.h i ng to
do wj-th Ctlristianity
at .,1).. Rather than }lr irtiltJ )'(),i() c]ose::
to God, c:istianity actua1J-y sends them aw.r1,. Ktt.l.r l:9c of
God cannoL be revea].ed to nan, becausc mar i :; i Il:,r1l;lill e of
understallding it.
YqJ--e4[q!_ns--t!}i-9-!\!-ll!:,'- )d;']()\ j',
YoU ,jDY ,}1aJS K()\/ 1ll:l AS^jER. So l:w (;,ll GO( possj-bJ.y
revea himsef to man? 1'he answer is tlr.rL }l(} can'L, anri anyone
who claims otherwise is an imposter. !: i:; l o man to find
God within hirsef . s vre elenes sai-, "t.o becme aS the gods".
}e i:; nct going to f ind God ocked j t lr,' ;-tbslri doctrilles of
jvery person and re J--Jillr (lv-:l ClirisLianiLy}
has some truth in it.
t is up to }: ilr,lividua]. to dj.scover
this for: hjmse1f . The Christian tle'1 i,{',, ll,rL you 9et to heaven
through faith, forgivcnc:;:;, or i-;nl }l'ill<;:;1lcci.aI'1'1, choseIr
are insu] tS to the l Lhe )iviIl,.' :; j s-rch pcople
cou}d plsibly be as tlll g;1s. Ullil:.. }(] (:lt is;Liars, wc
e1enes cannot tel1 yl tl:tl allt (]l lr'tIr,;r1t.r
ifc at
ai}. Hovever, ^re caln tc] vll-at it- i:; lllt .lll w(] <:.Il tel1 you
hw yu may fird it.
,le have thc f j.rs1- I):(]l'(.(i:;l',.l: o
know1edge, w ]oI.i oUR G1oRAC]i' \e a ls;r ktr,lw LIl.tL yor wont
f ind it in Christi;nity,
and vou wol't geL t<l ll_:,v-'ll wi h a
1ast minute ritual after a ife of watclrir<; r_'il.,rri()L ]:ic]:j.
You lr;i1 get thee by searching, and bef:rc y()l c.] sea::ch,
yu wi1 have to clear your min:l of tle ev j.l s arl'l a;surcities
of Christianity.
There are no biShopS, railbs, or: chariot
races in heaven: this we can say for ccrta_in: but that is
a] l.
our science, the f ruit of the truJ.y f ree, rat-iona rnind
has produced the technology of odern v,/ord, freed of the
savery of Christianity,
it will shovl us the vray to the gods.
This is the ony beli'ef of we who are q..ise. Think again, my
deluded brother, ],ou are going the wrong way.
The su1lreInc

r'e j

i.l},.Ir(l G1bbon, TH DECL,E AD F.q,LL O TliE ROl/ }'iPlRE, l'1ethuen,
l,,,,llr 1 909.'rong. T{E CA11BRDcE l'STOR O LTER GREEK D l.RLY

lJlQsqL3Y, Canbridge Univeisity ress, Canbritge

.''. VJ11is l -Q.-L__Ql_9lL, ambridge Unlversity Press,



l,: .ll . I)odds,

PAG' D- cRST":}I N QE 0 NELY, Carubridg"
llliversity Pressr Canbridge 19b5.


l. Momig1iano,




, carend on re S S r 0xf rd 1963 .


J {FLoT tRST,Pe1ic&,London 1961

'TE EMPBF.0R" .JU,, Weidenfeld and Nicho1son,

Il..trand Russe}1,
li r, bc:


r t Brovrn in
rn 1975.



tlhn to}land Smi th, TE

(]l)ln&l, London 19'l6.


l,'r'l ed

ricti Nietzsche,

l):11uin, London

1'9'7a .

JET{ 0 _cjrss,


]f:!{nST &



Ge o




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