Constantinople II and III

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Decrees of the

Ecumenical Councils
Volume One

Nicaea I to Lateran V

Norman P Tanner S.].


G. Alberigo, j A. Dosseui , p.-P j oannou,

C. Leona rd i, and P Prodi ,
in consultation with H . j edin

Sheed & Ward

Georgetown University Press

Constantinople II

Th e emperor Ju stini an and Pope Vigilius dec ided to summon this co unci l after

the latter with drew hi s "Ju dgment" condem nin g th e "Three C hapters" of
Theodo re ofMops ucstia, Theodore t and lbas. This "Jud gmen t" had been issued
o n t 1 April 548 but the bi shops of the west and es pecially of Africa unanimo usly
op posed it. The co un cil was summo ned by Ju stinian to Consta ntin ople,
altho ugh Vigiliu s would have preferred to conve ne it in Sicil y or Ita ly so that
western bisho ps might be prese nt. It assembled o n 5 May 553 in the great hall
anlchcd to H agia Sop hi a cathedral.
Sin ce the Roma n pont iff refu sed to take pan in th e co uncil, because Justini an
had summoned bis ho ps in equ al numbers fr o m each of the five patriarchal sees,
so that there wou ld be many more eastern t han western bishops prescnt 1,
Eutychi us, patriarch o f Constantinople, presid ed. The decrees of the council
wcrc signed by 160 bishops, of whom 8 were Africans.
O n 14 May 553 Pope Vigil iu s issued his "Cons titut ion", which was signed by
16 bisho ps (9 fro m Ita ly, 2 from Africa, 2 from Ill yricum and 3 from Asia
Mi nor). Thi s rejected sixty proposi tions of T heodore of Mopsues tia, but spared
hi s pe rsonal memory2 and refu sed to conde mn either Theodoret or (bas sin cc,
o n the testimon y of the co uncil of C halcedo n, all suspic io n of heresy against
thcm had been removed. Neverthel ess, th e co un cil in its 8th session o n 2 June
553 agai n con demn ed the " Three C hapters", for th e same reasons as Ju stini an
had done so, in a judgment which conclud es wi th 14 anathemas).
Afte r carefull y cons iderin g thc matter for six months , Vigiliu s, wcighing up
th e pcrsecutio ns of Ju stinian agai nst his clcrgy and having sent a lettcr to
Eutychi us of Co nstant ino ple\ ap proved the council , thus changi ng his mind
" aftcr t he examp le of Augustinc". Furth ermo re he anathematized T heodorc and
condemn ed hi s wr itin gs and those of Theodo ret and Ibas. On 23 Februa ry 554,
in a seco nd "Consti tutio n", he tried to reco ncile th e recen t con dem nati on w ith
what had been decreed at the counci l of C halcedo n 5 .
The counci l did not debate ecclesiastica l disciplin e nor did it issue di sciplinary
canons. Our edition does not includ e th e tex t of th e anat hemas again st O rigen

Sec L. Duchesne, L't:gii$e (lU vr sihie, Paris 1925,210.

Sec synod of Constantino ple in 394: " It seems unjust to harm a dl'ad person " , H L 2, 99
3 The tex t given below has been taken from Man si 9, 368- 388. As regards the acts of the
council, th ere arc a few fragments in Greek bu t otherwise only the Latin text survives (the first
crit ical edition was made by S. Balutius, Nov a col/celio conciliorum, Paris 1683, 14 75- 1581).
4 Msi 9, 41 3- 432.
~ Msi 9, 457- 488.


Second COlina'! of Constantinople _

j jJ

sin ce recent studies have shown that these anathemas can nOt be attributed to this
co unci l6 .
For th e 14 anathemas (pp. 114-122) t he translation is from t he Greek text,
since t hi s is the more authoritative version.
B I B LI OG RAP H Y: H- L J. 1-156; Percival 297-323; RE 5 (1898) 2 1-23; DThC J (1 908)
123 1- 1259,15 (1950) 1880-1884; DHGE 3 (1956) 757-760: LThK 6 (' 1961) 49>-497; NeE 4
(1967) 238-240; He 2 ( 1980) 450-457; H . Noris, Dissertatio historica de $)Inotlo quinta,
Opera, cd. Ballcrini, I Verona 1729, 550-820: id., De/ensio. ibid. IV, 385 ff.; J. Garnier,
Dinerttllio de synoda V, PC 84, 455--548 ; R. Dcvreesse, Le \fr condIe et " ....cl4menicite byzantine, Miscdlanca Giov. Mcrcati. III Rome 1946, 1-15; C. Moeller, Le V"" coneile <l'Cumenique et
Ie magisterl! ortiinttire au V[~ sieete, Rev. des Sciences phil. el theol. 34 ( 1951 ) 413-423; L. Stan ,
Imp;iratu/lustillian, sinodu/lli V ecumenic ji papaJitatea, Stud ii Teologicc 215 (1953) 347-364;
lo G. Com:an, Problemel" dogmatice all.' sinOl/ului VeCllmenic, ibid. 3 12-346: M. Sesan. Le yr
conale ~cumelliqlll' Byzantinosl:avica 15 (1954) 240-255; H .M. Diepen, Douu: dialogues de
christ%gie tm cinme, Rome 1960, 127- 133 and 181- 204; W. de Vries, Das zweite Korl zil VOll
K01lSttwtillopel (55J) lind das Lehramt VO ll Papst uml Kirche. Orient. C hrist. Per. 38 (1 972)
331-366: F.X. Murphy and P. Sherwood, Constantinople /I 'l Constalltinople /1 [, Hisloire
des conci les 3, Paris 1974.

(> C rume! 245; F. Diekamp, Die origenistischell Strt'itigkeiten im 6. Jahrhulldert und das 5.
allgemeine KOflzi/, Munster 1899, 90: DThC 11 (1932) 1576-1588: F.X. Murphy and P.
Sherwood , Constantinople /I et Constaminop/e III . Paris 1974, 108- 109: sec D 203-21 I.




Second Council of C01l5talllinople -

Concilium ConstantinQPolitanum 11 - JjJ

j jJ


lSententia adversu s " tria Capitula Ul ]

[Sentence against the "Three Ch apters,11

Magno Deo et salvatOre nostra lcs u Christo, secundum parabolam in

evan geliis dictam, pro uniuscuiusque viribus tal enta distribueme, et
o peram eorum o pportuno tempore exigeme. si is qui creditum sibi unum
talentu m sine d imi nutio ne servavit, eo qu od no n operatu s est , et amplificavit hoc quod sibi crcditurn est, condemnatur2 , quanta ma iori et horrihili iudicio subiaceat , qui no n solum de ipso neglexerit. sed edam ali is
scandali et perturbationis causam praebuerit? cum sit o mnibus fidelibus
manifestum. quod quando de fide ratio moveatur, non solum impius
condc mnatur, sed etiam illc qui potest quidem pcohibere impietatem,

Our great God and savio ur Jes us C hrist, as we are tOld in th e parable in the
gospel, gives talents to cac h one according to his ability, and at the proper time
asks fo r an acco un t of what has been done by eac h one. If rh e person to whom
on ly one talent has been given is conde mn ed because he has nO t worked and
increased it, but has on ly prese rved it wi thout dim inishment2 , how much morc
seriou s and more fr ightenin g mu st bc th e condemnation to whi ch the pcrson is
subj ec ted wh o nOt o nl y fails to look after him self but scand ali zes othcrs and is a
ca USe of offence to them? It is clear to all believers that when a probl em about the
faith comes up it is not on ly the he reti cal person who is co ndemned but al so th e
person who is in a position to correct the heresy of othe rs and fails to do so. To
th ose of us to whom rh e task has becn given of govern in g the church of thc
Lo rd ), there comes a fear of thc co ndemnation wh ich threaten s th ose who
neglect to do the Lord 's work 4 . We hurry to take care of the good seed of fait h,
protec tin g it fro m the weeds of he resy which ha ve been planted by rhe enemy5.
We obse rved that the pupils of Nestorius were trying to brin g their heresy into
the church of God by mea ns of the heretical Th eodore, bisho p of Mo psuest ia,
and hi s books as also by the writings of the here tica l Th eodoret and the
di sgraceful letter whi ch is alleged to have becn se m by Ibas to Mari the Persian.
Ourobsc rvatio ns prompted us to correct what was happeni ng. \V/e asscmbled in
this imperial city, summoned here by the will of God and the co mmand of th e
mOSl relig ious empero r.
The most religio us Vigili us happened to be prese nt in th is imperial city and
took part in all the criti cisms against the three chapters. He had freq ue ntl y
co nd cmn ed th em by word of mouth and in his wrilin gs. Later hc gave a written
agreemcnt to take part in our council and to stud y with us the three chapters so
that we could all iss ue an approp riate definit ion of the true fai th. The most pio us
cmperor, prompted by what was acceptable to us, encouraged a meeting be
twce n Vigiliu s and o urselves because it is propcr that the priesthood should
impose a common conclusion to matters of commo n concern . Consequentl y we
asked hi s reve rence to carry out his written und ertakin gs. It did nOt seem right
that the sca ndal over these three chap ters shoul d cont inue and that the church of
God should be further di sturbed. In ord er to pe rsuade him, we rcminded him of
th e great exa mple left us by the apostles and of th e trad iti ons o f th e fathers. Evcn

negli git yero aliorum corrept ionem. Et nos igitur, quibus regere ecclesiam
Domini cred itum est3 , timentes maledictionem, quae imminet his qui
negligenter opera Domini faciunt~, fest inamus bonum fidei semen purum
conservare ab impietatis zizaniis, quae ab inim ico inseminantur5 Quo
n iam igitur videbamus quod Nestorii sequaces conati sunt per Theodor um
impium, qui Mopsuestiae fui t episcopus, et impia eius conscripta, et
insuper per ea quae imp ie Theodoritus conscripsit, et per ep istolam
sceleratam, quae ab lba dicitur ad Marim Persam scripta esse, suam
impietatem Dei ecclesiae applicare, ideo ad eorum quae movebamur
correctionem surreximus, et pro Dei yoluntate, et iuss ione piissimi im
peratoris yocati ad hanc regiam urbem convenimus.
Et quia contingit Vigilium re1igiosiss imum, in hac regia urbe dcgcntem,
omnibus interesse quae his tribus capitulis annotata suot, et tam si ne
scriptis, quam in scripturis ea saepius condcmnasse. postea tamen et
conse nsit in scrip lis in concilio convenire, et di sceptare una nob iscum
de his tr ibus capitul is. ur definitio commun iter ab o mni bus nob is prac
beatur fidei rectae conveniens; piiss imus imperator secundum quod inter
nos placui t, tam ipsum quam nos hortatus est com muniter con venire , co
quod sacerdotes decet communi bus quaesti onibus finem com munem
imponere . Unde necessario pctiv imus ipsiu s revereot iam scriptas suas
promissioncs adimplere; nee eoim iustum esse amplius scandalum pro
tribus istis capit ulis crescere, et Dei ecclesiam conturbari. Et pro his ad
memoriam eius perduximus magna ilia apostol orum exempla, et patrum
Huius sententiae principium tantum graece exaratum nobis extat (Msi 9, 368), quod
sequitur :







T ou IJ.&Y!XAOU acou X(lL OW'T~POt; 1!ILWV T 'loOU X "HO 'TOU, X(l1"O: 1"1\v tv 1"0~ CU(ly y t'.tOIt;
Tl:ClP(I.!3o).;ljv, 'ltP~ 1"1\v txtiO'TOU 8Uv(l.."tv 1"a 1"oiA(l.V'T(I. 8t(l.vctlAo(l.v'T0<; x(l.1 1"1\v tpY(l.o{av 1"(Xlhl'lv
tv X(xIPW 'TW 8tov 'n a'lt(Xt1"ouv1"o.:;, d 0 mo'l'tu6d.;: ":'0 Iv 'T!XA(l.v,,:,ov x(XL O;>UAti~(Xt; alLt1w":ov,
tq;.41 oux dpytioa1"o, x (l. L t'ltAtOv(l.Ot 'TO mo'l't uO!v Ka1"(l.8IKoiCn(l.l , n: 0041 ."ct~ovL Ka L q;.o(3(o;W
Xp{,,(I.':'L Un:OKC\'T(l.L 0


":' wv KaOt(Xu 'TOV a"CA1!O(lt;, ci).)..d: x(Xl t TtPQt, ox(Xv8oiAOU K(l.i


paXT!t; ycvo."cvo.;: (X t1"Lo.:;, 'ltP081!AOU nam ,,:,oi, t,joc (Um K(l.OCO-CW":Ot;, W.;: llv(Ka 'ltcpl nhncw"
o A6yo.;: KLvci1:(l.L, ou ."Ovov w.;: tiOE(3l'j" xa'Taxptvnal, o::lUd: xal Wt; 8uva."cvo.;: \.ltv xWAooal
1"1\v tiOt!3Cl(1.V, d."cA1!Oat; at 'ltC,,! 1"7)v ":'wv htp wv 8LOpOWOIV. K(I.{ ij" cl, -coLvov n OLIJ.(X tvC\V
mouuOtv", 'M\v tXxA1l0t(lv '1:(lij Kup tou, cu).a!3oulAocvol 'M\v )(I.,:,<I.p(l.'V 1"1\v aItClAOU\.ltVl)v ':'oi,;
ci"CAW';: ':' Q: (pya K up (ou n OLoool, on:o~l'jv nOLou"cO(X 'TO XaAOV n;.; n (onw.;: oni.p."a &(1. t;luAd~aL

xa61Xl)Ov tino 'TWV -coli b;&pou tmo nc Lpo lAotvwv rl,.; doclkl~ CICavtwv.

cr. Mt 25, 14-30.

cr. Ac 20, 28.

' Cf. Ir 48, 10.


cr. M.t


I Onl y the begi nning o f this "Sentence" survives in Greek (Msi 9. 368). The translation is the
same as for the Lati n: "Our great God ... planted by the enemy" (l ine 14).
1 Sec Mt 25, 14- 30.
} See Ac 20, 28.
4 See Jer 48. 10.
~ See Mt IJ, 36- 43.





traditioncs. Licet coim saneri Spiritus gratia ct circa singulos aposto!os

abundarct, ut non indigcrent alieno consilio ad ca quae agenda cram; non
tamen aliter voluetunt de eo quod movcbatur, si oporrerct gentes circumcidi, deflnire, priusquam cammuniter congregati divinarum scriprurarum
tcstimoniis unusquisquc sua dicta conNrmaverum.
Uncle cammuniter de co sentcntiam protulerunt, ad gentes scribentes :
VimllJ ut Spiritlfi Ianclo elnobi!, nihil alil(d illJponerr /Jobi! oneriI, praelerqllom
neceuaria, II/ abllinealiI ab immolalis Iimu/acrOrlllJl, el JQngtiine, el sulfoea/o,
et lomica/jone l
Sed et saneti partes, qui per [cmpora in sane tis quaruor coneiliis coo-

vcoetum, amiquis cxcmplis utentes, communi ler de exortis haercsibus cr

quacstionibus disposuerunt, cerro constituto, quod in communi bus discep~
tationibus cum proponuntur quae ex utraque parte discutienda sum,
veri tat is lumen tenebras expellit mendacii.
Nee enim potest in communi bus de fide disceptationibus aliter veritas
manifestari, cum unusquisque proximi adiutorio indigct, sicut in provcrbiis dicit Salomon: Fraler jralri adiUlorium praesltJlIs: exallahil/{r simi
civilas IJlllnila: valel vero simI regllum jllndalum 2 Et iterum in Ecclesiastc
dicit: 0plimi duo quam IIIlIU, quihus est merc('.{ bOlla in labore ipsorum 3. Sed
etiam ipse Dominus dicit: AlIlen dico t'obis, si duo ex l'obis Wllt'eJll'rinl mper
lerram, de o"lIIi re quamCI(INqlle pelierilll, conlil/gel illiJ a Patre ",eo qui in cadis
est. Ubimmque enim jllerint duo aut Ires wlleel; ill nomillt: m('o, ;:go Oil" cis
SUIll ill medio ipsomm f Cum autem sacpius et a nobis omnibus invitatus,





et insuper g loriosissimis iudicibus missis ad ipsum a piissimo impcratorc,

promisir per se ipsum de iisdem tribus capitulis sententiam prolerre:
huiusmodi responso audita, Apostoli nos admonitioncs in cordc habcntcs,
quod unllsqllisqllt pro Sf rationem reddel Deo::', timentes autem ct iudicium
imminens cis qui vel unum ex minimis scandalizant6 , quanta magis im~
peratorem ita christianissimum, et populos et ecelesias totas; et quod
dictum a Deo ad Paulum: Ne Jimeas, sed loquere, et nt lauas, quoniam eJ!,o
SlIm tecum, (I mmo polerit noun libJ7: congregati ante omnia compendiose
confessi sumus fidem illam tenere, quam dominus noster Iesus Christus
verus Deus tradidit sanctis suis apostolis, et per cos sanctis ccelesiis, et
qui post illos fuerunt sancti pat res et doctores ecelesiae creditis sibi
populis tradiderum. Tenere autem er servare et praedicare sanctis ccelesiis
confessi sumus hanc fidei confessionem, quam latlus exposuerunt trecenti
decem et octo sanct i patres Nicaeae congregati, qui sanctum mathcma
sive symbol urn tradiderunt: insuper autem et centl\m quinquaginta in
Constantinopoli collecti exposuerunt, qui eamdem fidei confessionem
secuti sunt, et earn explanaverunt: et ducentorum sanctorum patrum
prius Ephesi collecrorum pro eadem fidem consensum: et quae a sexcemis
triginta Chalcedone congregatis defin ita sunt pro una eademque fide quam
et ipsi secuti praedicaverunt ..Eos autem qui pro tempore condcmnati vel
anathematizati a catholica ecelesia et praedictis quatuor conciliis sunt,

Ac 15,28-29 ..
Rm 14.12.

Second Council of Constantinople -

Conalium Constantinopolitanum 1/ - 553

Pro 18, 19.

cr. Mt 18, 6.

&: 4, 9.
Ac 18.9-10.

Mt 18,19.20.



though the grace of the holy Spirit was abundant in each of the apostles, so that
none of them required the advice of another in order to do his work, nevertheless they were loathe to come to a decision on the issue of the circumcision of
gentiles until they had met together to test their various opinions against the
witness of the holy scriptures.
In this way they unanimously reached the conclusion which they wrote to the
gentiles: It has seemed good to the holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater
burden than these necessary things; that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what is strangled and from unchastityl.
The holy fathers, who have gathered at intervals in the four holy councils,
have foJlowed the examp les of antiquity. They dealt with heresies and current
problems by debate in common, since it was established as certain that when the
disputed question is set out by each side in comm unal discussions, the light of
truth drives out the shadows of lying.
The truth cannot be made clear in any other way when there are debates about
questions of faith, since everyone requires the ass istance of his neighbour. As
Solomon says in his proverbs: A brother who helps a brother shall be exalted like
a strong city; he shall be as strong as a well-established kingdom!. Again in
Ecclesiastes he says: Two are better than one, for they have a good reward for
their toiP. And the Lord himself says: Amen I say to you, If two of you agree on
earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of
them~. Vigilius was frequently invited by us all, and most distinguished judges
were sent to him by the most pious emperor. Eventually he promised to give
judgment personally on the three chapters. When we heard this promise, we
remembered the warning of the Apostle that each of us shall give an account of
himself to GodS. We were afraid of the condemnation which threatens those
who scandalize one of the least important6 , and of the much more serious one
which threatens those who scandali ze so very christian an emperor, the people
and aJl the churches. We also remembered what was sa id by God to Paul: Do not
be afraid, but speak, and do not be silent;for I am with yo II, and nobody shall be
able to harm you 7 When we met wgether, therefore, we first of all briefly made
a confession of the faith which our lord Jesus Christ, true God, handed down to
his holy apostles and by means of them to the holy churches, the same faith
which those who afterwards were holy fathers and doctors handed down to the
people entrusted to them. We confessed that we believe, protect and preach to
the holy churches that confession of faith which was set out at greater length by
the 318 holy fathers who met in council at Nicaea and handed down the holy
doctrine or creed. The 150 who met in council at Constant in ople also set out the
same faith and made a confession of it and explained it. The 200 holy fathers who
met in the first council of Ephesus agreed to the same faith . We follow also the
definitions of the 630 who met in council at Chalccdon, regarding the same faith
which they both followed and preached. We confessed that we held to be
condemned and anathematized all those who had been previously condemned


~ Rm 14, 12.

Pro 18, 19.

(, SeeMtI8,6.


Ec 4 9


Mt 18, \9-20.


Condlium Comtantlnopolitanum 11 _ H)
Second Council of Constantinople -

~on fess i s ~mus con.d~ ~natos ~t anathematiz:n os habe re. Cumque haec
Ita conf~ss l s um,us, mmum fe clmus examinatio n is tc ium capitulo rum . et
pro posUl m us ~r1U S de, ~h eo~oro Mopsuesteno: et cum in medi o pro latae
s unt b l asph~n:-lae .CO~IC l b~ s msertae, mirati Sllmus D ei in his patien tiam,
q ~od no n d iv ino Ig m s ta~l m inccnsa est li ng ua et m ens quae haec eructa. 5
V I~ : et nunquam co n ccSS L .m~ s proce~e re lecto rc m praed ictarum blasphcffilarum, pro sola m~ mona ,!'a rum tndig nati onem D ei timem es. (urpo te
unaquaque ~I as~hem,a m~gmtudine impietatis antecedentem s upcran te, et
men~em a ud',to n bus fu~d l ~us pccmovente) n is i cos qui talibu s blasp hemiis
g.lo~ l antu[ vide remu s md lgere confusione, per manifestat ionem earum 10

els I ~ feren~a : ~ t nos .omnes zelo blasphem iarum contra Deum IOcenSI et In med lo lectionis et post ipsa m inclamationes et ana thematI.smos co~tra T.heodorum ut viventem et praese ntem facere mus. Propi tius
SIS, !?omlne, .d l cen~es, nec. daemones ausi sunt .talia contra te loqui.
a Intolenhllcm hng uam lilam to pravitatem viri r 0 altam illam manum
quam extendi~ c.ontra creatorem suum. Scri pturas ;;cire mi ser ilJe pollici ~
tus, non ~em l~lt Oseae prophetae d icentis : V ae iI/is, qlloniam exiliemnl a


me: jamosl j acll sun/,. quia impii Jmrlllll in me, iniqua loculi Stlnl adversum me,
~' adve~sum m~ excogllanles, lOCUli StInt p eu ima. Ideo cadmt in j ramea p ropler
ImprobJlalem linguae Jlille. Hic conlemplus eorum in sinu eorum: quia Iransierunt 20
~esla.mtnlum meum, et adversus legem meam impie egerlln/ l. Istis Theodorus

Impl us merito subi icitur. Prophetias enim , quae de Christo sunt reiic iens
festinavit ?ispensationis pro nostra salute magnum mys terium: quanc u ~
a.d se p~r.tlne t. rep~obare: .fabulas. tantu mmodo ad risum propositas gent1J:' us dlvma e.loqul a, mul tls modis conat us ostendere, et contempsit tam 2&
a l. l a~ prophetlcas pronunt iationes contra impios factas, et quod dixit
d.I~lOus ~abacuc de his qui mendac iter docent : V ae qui adaqual p roximllm
IIbl everslone lurbata, e/ inebrianl ellhl, ul impiciat speluncas eorum'l.: id est,
tenebrosas et o mnino a luce ali enas doctr inas eorum.
Et qui~ opocte~ multa dicere? Liceat volenti bus codices impi i T heodori 30
pra~ ~a~ l bus acc l pere ~ vel. quae ~x imp iis codic ibus cius, gesris aplld nos
habit IS Insecta suot, Im pl a capitula, er in veni re nimia m insan iam et
nefa nda ilia quae. dixit. Ulter ius enim proced ere, et iterum mem~ria
repe.tere nefanda .llla veremur. Recitata nobis sunt et quaedam a sanctis
patnbus cootra Ili um, et omnes haereticos superantem cius insaniam 35
~o.n.scrip ta. et insuper his~orjae , et leges imperia les, ill ius impietatem ab
~n~tI~ .d lvulgaotes et quomam pos t haec omnia imp ietatis ill ius defensores.
Imums cont ra creatorem s u~m dic~is gloriantes, dicebant non oporte re
~ un: .pos t ~~rtem anathematlzare, hcet cognosceremus ecclesiasticam de
Implls rradmonem, quod et pos t mortem haeretici anathemat izantur' .0
tamen neces.sariu.m puta~ i~us et de hoc pe rscrutar i, et fertu r in gestis:
q uomodo ~hversl haeretiCI et pos t mortem anathematizati sum : et pee ~a01 fes ta t um . est apud nos, quod qui haec dicunt, nu llam cura m
Del ludlcat~r.u m faclu~t, nec apostolicarum pronuotiationum, nec pate rna rum tradltlOnum. Llbe nter ut ique interrogemus eos, quid dicant de 45

Os 7, 13-16; 8, 1.

Hab 2, 15.

j jJ

* 109

an d anathema tized by the catholic churc h and by the afo resa id fo ur councils.
W hen we had made ch is co nfession in th is way, we made a start o n the exam in atio n of the three chap te rs. First, we considered Th eodo re of Mopsuestia. When
all the bl as phemi es in his works were ex posed , we we re asto ni shed at God 's
patience, that the to ngue and mind whi ch had fo rm ed such b lasph emies were
nOt strai ghtaway burn ed up by di vine fire. We would not even have all owed th e
official reader of these blasph emies to con tinue, such was o ur fea r of the anger of
G od at even a rehearsal of them (s ince each blasphemy was worse than the o ne
befo re in the ex tent of its heresy and shook to their foundatio n the mi nds of their
li steners), if it had nor been the case that th ose who revelled in th ese b lasphemies
seemed to us to require the humi li at ion wh ich their exposure would bring upo n
them. All of us, angered by th e blasph emies aga in st God, b urst into att acks and
an athemas against Th eodore, during and after the reading, as if he had been li vin g
and p resent there. We said : Lord, be fa vourabl e to us; not even the demo ns
th emselves have dared to speak such thi ngs agai nst yo u.
hi s intol erable tongue ! 0 die wickedn ess o f the ma n! 0 the pro ud hand he
rai sed agai nst his creatOr! This disgraceful man , who had made a promi se to
understand the scriptu res, did not remember the wo rd s of the prophet H osea:
\tIoe to them, for they hav e strayed fro m me! They hav e become notoriolls
because of their impiety towards me. They spoke ev il things about me, and after
they had considered th em , they spoke ev en w orse things against m e. Th ey will
f all into a trap because of the deprav ity of their tongues. Their contempt w ill be
tllrned inwards on themselv es, because they have broken my cov enant and acted
impiously aga inst my law l Th e impious T heodore dese rves to come under these
curses. H e dismissed the p rophecies abou t C hri st and he vili fi ed , as fa r as he
co ul d , the great mystery o f the arra ngements that have been made fo r o ur
salvati on. In many ways he tried to demonstrate that the di vin e word was
nothin g but fables co mposed for the am usement of the gent iles. H e ridiculed the
o ther condemnat ions of the imp io us made by the prophets, especiall y th e one in
which hol y H abakk uk says of those who teac h fa lse doctrines: \Voe to him who
mak es his neighbours drink of the cup of his wra th, and makes them drunk, to
gaze on their caverns2 Th is refers to their teachin gs whic h are full of darkness
and q uite separate fro m the light.
Why o ught we to add anythin g mo re? An yone who wishes can consult the
vo lumes of the heretica l Theodo re or the heretical chapters fro m his hereti ca l
boo ks which have been incl uded in our acts. Anyone can see hi s unbel ievable
fo ll y and the disgraceful utte rances made by hi m . We fear to conti nue and to
rehea rse again those shameful thin gs. Th e wri ti ngs of the ho ly fat hers agai nst
him were also read out to us. We heard what had been written against his fo ll y,
whi ch was more than all th e other heretics, and the histo rical records and
imperial laws whic h set o ut his heresy from its beg inni ng. Despite all th is, those
who defended his heresy, deli ghtin g in th e in sults offered b y him to hi s creatO r,
decla red that it was improper to anathematize him afte r his death . Although we
were aware of the eccles iastical tradition con ce rn ing heretics, that they are
anathematized even after death , we deemed it necessary to go into thi s matter as
well and it can be found in the acts how seve ral heretics were anathemati zed after
they were dead . In many ways it has beco me cl ea r to us that those who put
forward this argument have no concern for God's judgmen ts, no r fo r th e
prono un cements of the apos tl es, nor fo r the traditions of the fa th ers. We wo uld

Hos 7, 13- 16 ; 8, \.

I-lab 2, 15.


D o ~in? ?icente ,d e Qui crtdidtril in tum, non iudiea/ur: qui au/em non
crt~ldtrJl In tum, lam lutiIColuJ til, quia non credideril in nomine unigtnili Filii
Dtl l , Et Apostolo . c1~mante : Lict~ nor ~ut angtlUf de cotlo tvongeliZQveril, pratItt:quo.m q~od acetpI,SltS, ~nalhtma fll. S,cul pratdiximUf, tl nunc iltrum dieD:
~ S'1uIJ voblJ tv,:ngeit,ZQ":rJ/, p raelerquam quod aUlph/is, ana/hema Jit 2 Domino

cmm, quo d lam IUdl catus est, dicente. et Apostolo etiam angelos s i
docerent prae~er quo~ evan~elizati sumus, anathematizante, quom~do
prae s umun~ dicere. qUI 0a:nma audent. de vivis tantummodo haec dicta
~SS~ ? Aut 19norant~ m~~lg ~utem scie.ntes ignorare confingunt. quod

l~dIC1Um anathemaus nihil ahud est nisi separatio a Deo? Quod impius
hcet non ~e r~o ab aliquo s ~ scep isset, tamen anathema re ipsa sibi infect,
per suam Impletat ~ m seme~lpsum a vera vita separans, Quid autem dicunt
et ad Apos,tolum I~erum dlcemem: HatTelicum homintm poll unam tl Juun


~I t~1

Second Council of COnJraminople -

CQncilium Constantinopolitanum 11 - 5JJ

co rru'lO~tm

tVlla; ICitnJ quoniam p trvtrJuJ til huiuJmodi homo, t l pucal,

a, Itmt llpJo damnalus3? Quibus consonantia sanctae memoriae Cyrillus

hbns ~u<:s com~a Th~od orum ~cri~ s it i~a, dicit: "Evitandi sunt illi, qui
pesslmls cui piS detlnentur, stve In VIVIS sunt, sive non, A nocente
enlm sempe r refugere necessarium est, et non ad personam magis respicere, ~ed ad ~oc quod Deo placet. " 4. Et iterum idem sanctae memoriae
20 Cynllus, scnbens ad Ioannem episcopum Antiochiae, et congregatam ibi
s~n,odum, de , ~heod oro utpote una cum Nestorio anathematizato, ita
diCit: "Erat Igltur , necessarium, claram propterea ducere festivitatem,
expulsa c~rte o mnl ~oce .a quocumque dicta, quae consonat Nestorii
blasphemlls,. Processlt enlm adversus omnes qui eadem sapiunt, vel
u sap~erunt a~ lqu and?, ~uod absolute nos et vestra sanctitas dixit: "Ana the~auzamus tllos q~1 dlcunt filios duos, et duos Christos, Unus enim ut
dlC,tum, est, praedlcatur a nobis et vobis Christus et Filius et Domi~us
~nlge,nltus ut homo, secundum vocem sapientissimi Pauli~",' Sed etia~
In eplst.ola ad Alexandrum et Mactinianum, et Ioanoem, et Paregorium
:so et MaxlI~u~ pres? yteros et patres monachor um, et eos qui cum i si~
vitam exercentes,
ita dicit
. " lam q uI'd em et sancta syno us . ph~sl secundu~ ,Dei voluneatem congregata, contra nestorianam
perfidlam lusta et subuh prolata sententia, et aliorum vaniloqu ia qui vel
po~tea futuri ~un~, vel iam fuerunt, eadem illi sapiences, et di~ere vel
3~ scnbere tal~ ahqUid. p~aes umences, una cum ipso condemnavit, aequalem
co~demnauonem, els Imponens. Consequens eoim erat uno semel pro
SU IS. tam profa,nls ."aniloquiis condemnato, non contr~ unum tantum
ventre, sed (ut Ita dlca~) contra omnem eoru m haeres im, sive calumniam
quam f~ce ~u~lt comra pia ecclesiae dogmata, duos colentes filios, et divi4.0 ~entes tnd~vlduu":" et' anthropolatriae crimen inferentes caelo et terrae.
do~at entm n o b, s c~m sU ~,e rn o rum spirituum sancta multitudo unum
dO~lOum Ie~um Chn~tum, 7 Sed etiam Augustini religiosae memoriae
q.ul '.nter Afncanos eplscopos splenduit, diversae epistolae recitatae sunts'
Significances quod oportet haereticos et pos t mortem anathematizari:


110 3,18.

PC 77,334,

I Tt3,1 0-1I ,
PG 76, 1442.
a, 1 Cor 8,6; I Tm2,S.
PG 77, 29....295.
In co lluione V. cf. Msi 9, 260-261.

S G2~ 1,8.



willingly questio n th em concerning what the y would say about the Lord, who
said of himself: He who believ es in him is not condemned; he w ho does not
believe in him is condemned already, because he ha s not believed i,lthe name of
the only-begotten Son of God l , And about that claim of the Apostle: Even If we,
or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to w hat yo u have
receiv ed, let him be accursed. A s we sa id earlier, I repeat once more: If anyone
preaches to you a gosepl contrary to w hat you have received, let him be accursed
Since the Lo rd declares that the person is judged already, and the Apostl e curses
cven the angels if they in struct in anything different from what we have
preached , how is it possible even fo r the most presumptuou s to assert that these
co nd emnations apply only to those who are still alive? Are the y un awa re, or
rather pretending to be unaware, that to be jud ged anathematized is just th e
same as to be separated from God ? The heretic, even tho ugh he has not been
co ndem ned formally by an y individual, in reality brings anathema on himself,
havin g cut himself o ff from the way of truth by his heresy, What reply can such
people make to the Apostle whe n he writes : A sfor someone who isfactiotls, after
admonishing him once or tw ice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that
Stich a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-con demned ).
It was in the spirit of thi s text that Cy ril of hol y memory, in the books which
he wrote against Theodore, declared as follows: " Whether or not they are ali ve ,
we ought to keep clear of those who arc in the gri p of such dreadful errors, I t is
necessary always to avoid what is harmful, and not to be worried about public
opinion but rather to consider what is pleasing to God"." The same Cyril of holy
memory, writing to bishop John of Antioch and to the sy nod which met there ,
about Theodo re who was co ndemned with Nestorius, says, " It was necessary
that a brilliant festival should be kept since all those who had expressed opini ons
in acco rdance with Nestoriu s had been rejected, whoever they were, Action was
taken agai nst all those who believed , or had at any time believed, in these
mistaken view s, This is exactly what we and your hol iness pronounced: ' We
anathematize those who assert that there exist twO sons and twO C hri sts, H e
who is preached by you and us is, as was said, the single Christ, both Son and
Lord, the only-bcgotten as man, as learned PaulS says,,,.6 Moreover in hi s lettcr
to th e priests and fathers of monks, Al exander, Martinian, John , Paregorious
and Maximus, and to those who were living as solitaries along with them, he
says: " The holy synod of Ephesus, meeting in accordance with the will of God,
has pronounced sentence aga in st th e heresy of Nestor iu s and has condemned
according to justice and with accuracy both Nestorius him self and all th ose who
mi ght later, in inane fashion , adopt the same opinions as he held, and those who
had previously adhered to the same opinio ns and who were bold enough to put
them in writing, placing upon them all an equal condemnation, It was quite
logical that when a condemnation was iss ued against one person for such
stupidity in what he said, then that condemnation should app ly no t onl y to that
person alone but also , so to speak, against all th ose who spread the heresies and
untruths. They express these falsehoods against the true dogmas of the church,
offe rin g worship to twO sons, trying to divide what cannot be di vided, and
introducing to both heaven and earth the offence of the worship of man, But the
sacred band of heavenl y spirits worship along with us on ly one lo rd Jesus
C hrist", 7 Moreover, several letters of Augustin e of sac red memory, who was
particul arly outstanding among the Afri can bishops, were readS in which he

In 3, 18. 2 Gall , 8. 3 Tt 3, 10- 11. 4 PG 76, 144 2. ~ See 1 Cor 8, 6; I Tm 2, 5,

PG 77, 334,
7 PG 77, 294- 295.
8 In the 5th session, see Ms i 9, 260- 261.


Concilium Comrami"opolita"um 1/ -



T~lc:m ~utem

ecclesiasticam traditionem, et alii Africani revecendissimi

eplscopl servaverunt: sed e~ R~ma~a sancta ecclesia quosdam episcopos
et post, mortem anathematlzavlt, hcet pro fide in vita sua non essent
ac~usatl.: ~t utru~que a,pud nos hahira gesta significant. Sed quoniam
eVI~entlsslme veCitatern Impugnantes Theodori et ipsius impietatis discipuh,.quaedam verba sanct,ae memoriae Cyrilli et Procli proferre conantur,
quasI pro ~heo?oro sCripta, opportunum est propositis aptare verba
proph~tae dlce,ntl~: t;2ui~ {telae funt v~at. Domini, el iusli ambulant in tis: impii
aulem mftrmabunltl~ '~ t,l! . Nam ct 15tl male excipientes ea quae bene et

?pportun,e 22 sanctls IStiS patribus scripta sunt, et excusantes excusationes

In peccatls , haec ve rba proferunt. Apparent enim patres non liberantes
anat~emate Theodo rum, sed dispensative tali bus quibusdam utentes
verbis propter defensores Nestorii et dus impietatis, ut ab huiusmodi
e~rore eos abstrahentes, ad perfectum deducerent, et docerent non solum
dlsciputum impietatis Nestorium addicere, sed etiam doctorem eius
Theodorum. Itaque et in ipsis dispensationis verbis suam patres intentionem. ost~ndunt .de eo quod op~r!et anathematizari Theodorum, skut per
plunma. 10 gestls apud nos habltls demonstratum est ex his quae ad condemnat.lOnem. Theodori et eius impietacis Cyrillus et Proclus sanctae
~em~rJae scnpserunt. Et talem dispensationem in divina scriptura est
Inv en l ~e: ad hoc et Paulus apostolus in principio praedicationis fecisse
ostendltur. propter eos qui ex Hebraeis eram, Timotheum circumcidens
ut per hanc dispensationem et condescensionem ad perfectum eos dedu~
ceret 3 . Unde postea interdicens circumcisionem, ad Galatas ita scripsit:


PaulllI dieo


quod si tireumddamini, Chris/us tJQbis nihil.produJ4.

Inv.eOlmus autem et lHud quod solent haeretici facere, et a Theodori defensonb~s fact um. Quaedam enim ex his quae sancti patres scripserunt, circumcldente~, .quaedam vero falsa ex semetipsis componentes et conlingentes, Cynlh .sa ncta ~ m~moriae epistola conabantur, quasi ex testimonio
pat~u~, pra~dlctum Implum The o~oru~ anathemate liberare: in quibus
ex IpSIS . ventas d~monstrata est, ~ J S qUldem quae circumcisa erant, per
s~qu.entlam antenorum et postenorum perlectis, mendacio autem falsaau.s per collationem eorum quae vera erant, per om nia convicto. In
omn ibus autem .istis, qui talia vana loquuntu r, secundum quod scriptum
est, eonjidunJ Jahu, tJ loquunJur vana: quia (ondpiunJ dolortm, tJ pariunJ iniquiJ~ Jtm .. ~tlam arantat /t~tn/tr . .His. ita de Theodora et eius impietate
dlSCUSSIS, pauca et ex his quae Imple a Theodorito conscripta sunt contra
re~tam fidem. et duodecim capitula sanct i Cyrilli, et contra Ephesinam
pn~am synodum, nec non quaedam ad oefensionem Theodori et Nestorii
Im plorum a.b eo .co~scri ~ta, ~d satisfa.ctionem legentium in gestis apud
?o.s c~ n.fecus reclt2n et Inse~1 perspextmus; ut sc iant omnes, quod iuste
.ISt! e llc1Unt~r et anathem~tlz.antur. Tertio loco epistota, quam dicitur
I~as ad Manm Pe~sam scnpSlsse, ad examinationem proposita, necessa~IU~ esse t.>erspex lmu s. et earn. recita ri. Statim igitur ex ipsa lectione
lmpletas et Inserta ommbus maOifesta est. Et oporteret quidam. usque ad

Os 14, to.

Cf. Ps 140, 4.

, Cf. Ac16, 13.

, GalS, 2.

Is 59, 4-5.








Second Council of Com/amillople -


indica tes thar it is correct to condemn heretics even after thei r death. Other most
reverend bishops of Africa have also observed this church custom; moreover the
hol y church of Rom e has iss ued anathemas against ce rtain bishops even after
th ey were dead, altho ugh they had not been accused on maners of faith while
the y were ali ve; the ac ts of o ur deliberation s bear witness to both these cases.
Since th e followers of Theodore and hi s heresy, who arc plainl y opposed to the
truth, have tried to adduce some sections of the writin gs of Cyril and Procl us of
holy memory, as thou gh these were in favour of Theodore, it is appropriat e to
appl y to these attempts the observation of the prophet when he writes: The ways
of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them, bllt transgressors slllmble in
theml. These fo ll owers have wilfull y misunderstOod what the hol y fathers
wrote, even though it was true and appropriate; they have qu oted these writings,
dis semblin g excuses for th eir own iniquities 2 . It seems that the fathers did not lift
th e anathema agai nst Theodore but rather used the lan guage of concession in
orde r to lead awa y fr om thei r mi stake those who o ffered some defen ce of
NestOri us and his heresy; their aim was to lead them to perfection and to instru ct
them that not on ly was Nestorius, dle di sc iple of heresy, co ndemn ed but also his
teacher Th eodore. The fathers ind icate their intention in this matter despite the
con ciliatO ry forms used: Theodore was to be anathemati zed. This has been very
clearl y shown to be the case by us in our acts from the works of Cy ril and
Proclus of blessed memory in respect of the conde mn ation of Theodore and his
heresy. This conci liatory attirude is also to be found in the hol y scriptu res. The
apostle Paul em pl oyed thi s tact ic at the start of his ministry when he was dea lin g
with those who had been Jews; he circumcised Timoth y so th at by thi s co nciliation and concession he might lead them to perfectio nJ. Afterward s, however, he
ruled against circumcision, writi ng on the subject to the Galatia ns: Now I Pall!
say to you that Ifyolt receive circumcisimt, Christ w ill be of no advantage to y01l4.
We found that the defenders of Theodore have done exactl y what the heretics
were accustomed to do. They have tried to li ft the anathema on the sa id heretical
Theodore by omitting some of the thin gs whi ch the hol y fat hers had wri tten, by
includin g certain confu sing falsehood s of thei r own, and by quoting a letter of
Cy ril of b lessed memory, as if all thi s were th e evidence of the fathers. Th e
pass ages wh ich they quoted made the truth absolutely clear once the om itted
secti o ns were put back in their prop er place. The fal sehood s were quite appa rent
when the true wri tings were collated. In this matt er those who issued these
empty statements arc those who, in the words of sc ripture , rely 011 lies, the)'
make empty pleas; they conceive mischief and brirlg forth iniquity, they w eav e
the spider's w ebS.
After we had investigated in thi s way Theodore and his heresy, we took the
trouble to quote and include in our acts a few of Theodoret's hereti ca l writings
again st true faith, again st the twel ve chapters of hol y Cyril and against the first
synod of Ephesus. \VIc al so included some of Theodoret's \vritings on the sid e of
the heretical Theodore and Nestoriu s so that it would be made clear, to the
sati sfaction of anyone reading our acts, that these opinions had been properly
rejected and anathematized.
Thirdl y, the letter wh ich is alleged to have been written by Ibas to Mari the
Persian was brought under scrutin y and we di scovered that it toO ought to be
o fficiall y read out. When the letter was read out, its heretical character was

H os 14, 10.

SeePs 140, 4.

SeeAc 16, 1- 3.

Gal S, 2.

Is 59, 4- 5.


Conal;um CQnstaminopolitallum I J -


h ~ quaes,tio ne facta. condemnationern et anathematismurn praedictorum

tnum capltulor
um facere:
sed quia Theodor,>e tN I:stom lrnplorum

d efen1"

so[e~ a


m?do m.ach l. naban~uc connrmare corum personas et impietatem

:~ ~~~~a~t Istam Imp lam. epl~tolam. quae laudat et defendit Theodorum

. o n~r:n . ct eoru~ Implt:ta~em. susceptam esse a sanC(Q Chalcedonensl canclho; necessarium esse putavimus per omnia ostendere li beram
esse sa"r'~'d'
-':lm synod urn a bImplctate
quae In e pisto la continetur eo qu od
'-lut ta la

ICU,nt ~on fa voce sancti concilii hoc fadum, sed u; per eius

nom~n ~~am Irnplctatcm conflrmarent. Et ostendebatur in ges tis quo d et

10 1.m.:non. us te~porjbus a,ccusatus est Ibas propter eamdem impietatem
'juae c~ In epistola connnetur, primo ql.Oidem apud Prod

urn sanctae
,C Pl sco p~m, onstantlOopolitanul"l, postea vcro apud Theodosllurm plae rcc<:>rdatlonl s, et Flavianum, qui post Proclum episcopus ordi1 ~ ~~ r~s e~st, qUI e~ cau,sac examinationem ,d~kgaverunt PhOlio cpiscopo
' l b Eu~ath,lo epi scop~ Berytorum cIvitatis. P0stea vcro inculpatus
I em
as.a ,epI~cOpa tu dClectus est. His ita subsecutis quomodo prae
' tam lmplam
' "
' esse a sanctoChalced ahqui. dicere, , IS
epistolam suscc ptam
oncnS I ~~ncdlO, eamque per omnia secutum esse sanctu m Chalc!.: onensc c<:>nc IlJu~ ? Tamen ne quaccumque rcmancret occas io eis ui
20 t~lcs caiumnlas applicant s!:ncto Chalcedonensi concilio rcci rar,> persqpe
Xlmus ea q u,ae a~u d sa ner....
synod us, EpheslOam
primam ' ct Cha lcedoncn-sen~ , p~o ,episrohs sanctae mcmori::.e Cyrilli, et reJ igiosae memoriae papae
an t1qu~oC1 s Romac Leonis mota sunt. Et cum ex hi~ acce issemus
non aliter oportet suscipi quae ab aliquo scribu~tur, nisi :riuS rect~e~~~
u sanctor~ ':l patrum consonare demonstrentur ; interlocuti sumus recitari
et defi~ltlonem, quae,de fi~c exposita a sancto Chalcedonensi concilio
~t co~ erant ur quae 10 eplstola, et =lLl ae ~n definitione cont inentur Qu~
acto. ,e monst ratum et contr~.iam per omnia e.pistolam esse h ' '
definltJonc conti nentur. Nam definitio quidem consonat his qual; i~~~~a:~
30 sunt pro una eade~que fi~e fam a treccntis decem et octo sanctis patribus
qu am a C~ntu~ qUlOquagl nta, er his qui prius Ephesi convene runt' im i~
autcm epistola ilia cO,l1tiner quae Thcodorus et Nestorius haerctici biasp~e
~aver,unt, et defendl~ eos, er doctores sibi adscribit; sanctos autem patres
aeretl~os vocat" Et lHud a,utem omnibus facimus manifestum uod n
35 parres .I,nterioCu ti onum U~IUS vel secundi, quibus utuntur Th~odori :~
~estoCll ~eq~aces. praetenre sustinuimus, sed ~t istis, et aliis omnibu
IOt~rlc:cutlo,nlbus In medio pr,olatis, et his quae eis conti . enrur conside~
ra~ls, IOveOimus. quod non ahter passi sunt praedictum Iban. suscipere
pr~usqua~ e~eglssent cu m Nestorium et irnpia eius dogmata
uae i~
40 ep~stola. vlOdl~an,tu r, anathematizare. Et hoc fecerunt tam alit :!:Ii in i
epl,~opl pr~edlctl sancti concilii~ quam illi duo, qu orum interlocution~b~s
qUI am ut! conanrur. H?c eOim er in Theodorito observaverunt, et
exege~~nt eu; anat~emanzar: ea. pro quibus accusabatur. 5i igitur lbam
non ,a 10 mo 0 susclpere susnnUlSsent. nisi impietatem quae in e istoi
o conunetu r, ,~ondemnasset, et subscripsisset definiti on i' quae pro Pfide :
sa~ct~ conclllO data est. qu omodo conantur dicere. susceptam esse impia
eplsto am ab eodem sancto concilio? Quae enim, ut vere dicamu s,parlic;p:



Second Council o{Constantinoplf' - 'sH


immediately apparem (Q eve ryone. Unti l this time there had been some dispute
as to whether the aforesa id three chap ters ought to be co ndemned and
anathematized. Since the supporters of the heretics Theodore and NestOriu s
we re conspiring to strengthen in another way the case of these men and their
heresy, and were all egi ng that this heretical letter, which approves and defends
Th eodore and Nesto rius, had been accep ted by the holy council of Chalcedo n, it
was therefore necessary for us to demonst rate that that holy synod was unaffected by the heresy whi ch is present in that letter, and that clearly those who
make such allegat ions are doing so not with the ass ista nce of the holy co uncil but
so as to give some suppOrt to th eir own heresy by associating it with the name of
C halcedo n. It was demonst rated in our acts th at Ibas was previo usly accused of
the same heresy which is contained in this letter. This accusa tio n was level led
first by Procl us of hol y memory, bishop of Co nsta ntinop le, and afte rward s by
Theodosi us of blessed memory and Flavian, the bishop there after Procl us, both
of whom gave the task of ex aminin g the whole matter to Phot iu s, bishop of
T yre, and [Q Eusta thiu s, bishop of the city of Beirut. When Ibas was later fou nd
to be blameworthy, he was deposed from the episcopate. This being the state of
affa irs, how could anyo ne be so bold as to allege that that heretical letter was
accepted by the holy council of C halcedon or that the holy counc il of Chalcedo n
agreed with it in its entirety? So as to prevent those who mi sre present the holy
counc il of C halcedon in thi s way from havi ng any fur ther opportuni ty to do so,
we instructed that there should be a formal readi ng of the official pronouncements of the ho ly synods, namely the first of Ephesus and that of Chalcedo n, on
the subjen of the letters of Cyril of holy memo ry and of Leo of blessed memory,
formerly pope of o lder Rome. We gathered from these auth orities that nothing
which has been written by anyo ne ought to be accep ted unless it has been show n
conclus ively that it is in acco rd with the tru e faith of th e holy fathers, Therefore
we broke off fro m o ur deliberations so as to reite rate in a fo rm al declaration the
definiti on of faith which was promulgated by the hol y co un ci l of C hal cedon.
We co mpared what was written in the letter with this official statement. When
this co mp ariso n was mad e, it was quite apparent that the co ntents of the letter
were qui te cont radicwry to those of the definiti on of faith. Th e definition was in
accord with th e unique, perman ent faith set out by th e 318 hol y fathers, and by
the ISO, and by those who gathered for th e first co uncil at Ephesus. Th e heretical
letter. on the othe r hand, included the blasphemies of the here tical Th eodo re and
Nestorius and even gave su pport to them and describes thelll as doctors, while it
condemns the holy fathers as heretics. \Vle make it quite clea r to everyone that
we do not inte nd to om it what the fathers had to say in the first and seco nd
invest igat ions. which arc adduced by the supporters of Theodore and estorius
in support of their case, Rath er these statemen ts and all the others were fo rmall y
read ou t and what they conta in ed was submitted to official scru tiny, and we
found that they had not allowed the said Ibas to be accepted unti l they had
obliged him to anathematize Nesto rius and hi s heretical doctrines which were
affirmed in that letter. Th is was th e view not only of the twO bishops whose
interventio ns some have tried to mi sa pply but also of the Other re li gio us bishops
of that holy co un cil. They also acted thus in th e case of Theodoret an d insisted
that he anathemati ze those opi ni ons about which he was acc used. If they would
permit the acce ptance of lbas only if he condemned the heresy which was to be
found in his letter, and on cond itio n that he subsc ribed to a definiti on of faith set
out by the counc il , how can an attempt be mad e to allege that this hereti call en er
was accepted by the sa me holy council? We are ri ghtl y told: What parwership


Second Council of COIlsl<lnlinople - 5jJ

tio til iUJJilioe et iniquilalis? et quae locie/as til Iud cum tenthri!? quat au/em
cOlllJenlio est Chri!ti cum Belial? aut quat pars ul fideli (um infidel;? quae aultlfJ
esl commixtio lemplo D ei cum idolis?l
_ Repetitis igitur omnibus quae apud nos acta sum, itcrum confitemur,
quod suscipimus sanctas quatuor synodos, id est, Nicaenam, Cons tan- :;
tinopolitanam. Ephesinam primam. et Chalcedonensem. ec quae pro
una eademque fide den.nierunt. praedicavimus et praedicamus. Eos autem
qui haec non suscipiunt. alienos catholicae eccles iae iudicamus. Condemoamus autem et anathematizamus una cum omnibus aliis haercticis qui
condemnati et anathematizati sune a praedictis sanctis quatuor conciliis, 10
et a sancta catholica et apostolica ecc1esia, et Theodorum qui Mopsuestiae episcopus fuie, et impia eius conscripta, et quae irnpie Tneodoritus
conscripsit contra rectam fidem, et contra duodecim capitula sancti
Cyrilli, ct contra Ephesinarn primam synodum, et quae ad defensionem
Theodori et Nestorii ab eo scripta suot. Super haec anathematizarnus et 15
impiam epistolam, quam dicitur lbas ad Marim Persam scripsisse, quae
denegat Deum Verbum de sancta Dei genitrice et semper virgine Maria
incarnatum, hominem factum esse; et sanctaememoriae Cyrillum, qui
recte docuit, tamquam haereticum, et similiter Apollinario scribentem,
criminatur; et inculpat quidem Ephesinam primam synodum, tamquam 20
sine examinatione et quaestione Nestorio ab ea deposito, ct duodecim
sancti Cyrilli capitula impia et contra ria rectae fide i vocat; defend it autem
Theodorum et Nestorium, et impia eorum dogmata et conscripta. Praedicta igitur tria capitula anathematizamus, id est, Theodorum impium
Mopsuestenum cum nefandis eius conscriptis, et quae impie Theodoritus 25
conscripsit, et impiam epistolam, quae dicitur Ibae, et defensores corum,
et qui scripseruot vel scribunt ad defeosiooem corum, vel recta ea dicere
praesumunt, vel omnino impietatem eorum nomine sancrorum patrum,
aut sancti Chalcedonensis cooci1ii defenderunr, aut defendere co namur.
His ita cum o mni subtilitate dispositis, in memoria tenentes promissio- 30
nes de sancta ecc1esia factas, et qui dixit, quod porlat inft ri non pratvaltbunt advtrfllJ tam'l, id est, haereticorurn mortiferae linguae; recordantes
autem et quae per Oseam de ea prophetata sunt, in quibus dicit: Et sponsabo It mihi in fidt, t l fognosfu D ominum 3 : haereticorum quidem effrenatas
linguas, et eorum impiissima conscripta, et eosdem ipsos haereticos, qui 35
usque ad mortem in sua irnpietate permat:lserunt, patri mendacii diabolo'
connumerantes, i11is dicemus : Eat omntJ vos igntm aatndiJis, tl fonvaltsctrt
fafilis flammam igniJ: ambulabitis in lumint ignis vulri, tt ptr flammam aatnditisli. Nos autem mandatum habentes, per doctrinam rectam exhortari
populum', et loqui in cor Ierusalem', id est, Dei ecc1esiam, merito seminare .0
quidem in iustitia8 festinamus, vindemiantes fructum vitae, et illuminantes
nobis ips is lumen scientiae, ex divinis scripturis. et patrum doctrina, necessarium esse putavimus capitulis comprehendcre et praedicationern
veritatis, et haereticorum, necnon eorum impietatis condemnationem.
2 Cor 6, 14-1 6.
2 Mt 16, 18.
I Os 2,20.
' 1550,11.
Cf. Ttl, 9.
7 Cf.h40.2.

* 113

Cono"lium Comt"'lIinopolilanUm 11- 5jJ

Cf. Os 10, 12.

. . . . 'Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
has nghteold"hnessCw,.lf~ Im.qthI/IBt~iiaP Or what has a believer in common with an
What aceor as JYl5l WI
d " . h 'd I )1
unbeliever? What parti~ipatiot hdH t~~e tetP~e tO~~oco~~~illh~ss~chieved. we
Now that we have glve.n t le et:'ll soc ~ ~~e four holy sy nods, that is, of
repeat our formal c~)OfeislOh tr w :c~e~us and of Chalcedon. Our teachin g

~~c:d~;~i ~~~S:~,~\::~~,~yth~v~,d~rinej fonc~rningt~':ec~~::,~~t~h:;~:O;~~~~:

those who do not respect thes t lln~s as ~relgn .tt~ all other heretics who have
ermore, we condemn and anat ~~atlbe, ~ O~~:el four holy co un cil s :md b y the
been condemned and anat~ematlzedT{ t deor~ formerly bishop of Mop suestia,
hol y, .catholi~ aid ap?stohc ~lulrch~halte~heoJoret hereti call y wrote against th e
and hfl~ I;eretl~a Whtl~g~'I~~ c~a~~ers of hol y Cy ril and ag:'linst the first sy nod of
true alt 1, :'Igamst t e w n also what he wrote defending Theodore ~nd Nestor~pheAsdusd'. a.nd c~:~:1thematizc the heretica l letter which Ibas IS alleged dto
Itlona y. .
., .
\ . I . rd eniesthatGodtheWordwasma e
hav e wrinen to Man the I erslan. T ll shet,te
f'God and that he was made
. . M Y th e 0 y mot ler 0
f ,
Incarnate 0 t le ever virgin I ar .' C ril of holy memory, who taught the truth,
man. It also co nd emns as a lerCtlC y . .
A \1 ' .
Th e letter conand suggests. that he held th,e same opLnd;so~~n P~e~I:~~:~:. without proper
demns the ~Irst sy no.d of Ep:le~h~ t~~~lve ~hapt~rs of holy Cyril heretical and
tS Theodore and Nestorius and
process and IIlvcsugatlon. /l .c s h.1 .
con trar y to the orrho.dox alt ,w . I.e It suppor uend we anathematize the
their heret ica l teachmgs and .wrJun ys. C.ontiheod:re o f Mopsuestia along
aforesaid three chapte~s.' that ISd,
Ileret~Ca I writings of Theodoret, and the
with ~is detestable. wnt gs . an 11 ~ ;d ,:~e~~~e w ritten. We anathe matize the
hereti cal letter which I kas IS a hegse who writc or have written in defence of



~~~~(;~~r:~~r:~~s~~~;~~i~:~~:~O:~~:i;~ :~:~:'~:~~: ~r'~:~~;f:;h~~s,~~oo~~h~

holy council of C halcedon.
. h
h oin exactness we bear in
.T hese matters havi~g.~ebn tr~~~~dh:II~I~hu~:~l~~d-~im ~h'~ said d;at tbe ga.tes
mmd what was proml~e a ?U .2
und erstand the death -dealm g
of hell will not prevail agamst It. (b y ~lesh we
0 hesied abo ut the chu rch
tongu es ofh,retihs);
a~ohblibl~~~~ Y:II ~: \~:; ~~ /ajthfllln~ss ami Y.OI! shall
b y H osea w le n) e sal , s a nt alon with th e dev il, the father of ILes\ rhe


:~~~,;;~\I~d:~~g~~~ o'ff,:r~~ics and ;heir he~~:~ch'e::iti~~~nt~~ed~~:,~~i~~ ~~~

~~~f:~~St~~f:~~e'~~h~~;~I?~~ ~P:;~II~Z ['he. ~:h,~::~ ~~,7Ii::;i;g;::c~V~; ::c


the light of your fIre, and y t

ra:~ sl~w~~h ~rthodox teachin gb and to speak
under command to enco~rage t. e p . p
h f God we very properly hurry to
to th~ h~art o f J erusa~em th at IS t~h~7~~~t of life. I ~ doing this we arc lighting
fow m n g,~etsCOt~:r::p ~ft~~\~~:~ge fro m rhe sc riptures an~ the te~chings of the
up III certalll statements
o r ourse \
fbath,ers. Itdh as, the~eforefsethe~ter~;he~~sJ:~/~ounsd~~l~I~~ions of heretics and the ir
Ot lour ec aratlons 0

heret ica l teachings.


Mt 16, 18.
3 H os 2, 20.
2 Cor 6, 14 - 16.
1 See Is 40, 2.
.. Sec Tt 1, 9.

~ Is SO, II.

4 See In 4, 44 .
See Hos 10, 12.


Second Council ofCon5lantinopie -

Concilium Comtalltillopolitanum 11 - HJ

AVClOefLGt't"lC'jJ.ot XCl't'a TWV 't'PlWV


* 114


Ana themas agaimt the " Three Chapters "

Anathemalt's",i aJ",rJNI "tria CapiIN/a"


E( n<;; oux 0fL0).,oyd 7tCl't'pOC; xed uleu Si quis non conntetur Patris et Filii
x<xl ar(ol..l 1tVEU!LG(TOC; \-L(IXV <pucrw, l)'TOl et Spiritus sancti unam naturam sive
li 0,)0(0:'.1, jJ.(a.v 't"t SUVGlfHV xI11 e;ouata.v, substantiam, et unam virtutem et
Tpt&.8cx 01-L00UalOv, /-L(a,v OeOT1)T!X \1 potestatem, trinitatem consubstanTptcrlv U1tOO"tclOECftV, l1yolJv npoO'w tialem, unam deitatem in {ribus sub1tO~C;. n:poaxuvou(J.bnj'll, 6 TOlOU't'OC; sistentiis sive perso nis adorandam,
cX\I&.6qLIX ~o"TW.
talis a. s.
EYe; ya.p eeoc;; xlXl 1tIXTTjp, e; au 'fa:
Unus enim Deus et Pater, ex quo
1tcX\I't'IX, xed de; XUPLOC; 'I'7)O'ouc; Xpt omnia, et unus dominus Jesus Chrio-roc;, Ot' au Ta. rra.vTCl, XIXl tv 7t\IEUI-LIX Stus, per quem omnia, et unus Spiritus sanctus; in quo omnia 1
YLaV, tv ~ 'fa: n<XVTcx 1,

E( nc; oUX olloAoyEi: 't"OU 600 A6you Si quis non confitetur Dei Verbi duHi


as esse nativitates, unam quidem

ante saecula ex Patre sine tempore
incorporaliter, alteram vero in uhimis diebus z eiusdem ipsius qui de
TWV OUPIX'JWV xed 0'lXpxw6brroc; ex pte; caelis descendit, et incarnatus de
a.y(a.c; bJo6;ou ' 6eoToxou xlXl cXt1tIXP- sancta g loriosa Dei geni trice et sem6",ou MaptlXC;, xexl YEW"t)6tvTOC; t; per virgine Maria, natus est ex ipsa,
talis a. s.
ClurijC;. 6 't"oLoihoe; ava6fLlX lct"t"w.

e!vat Tae; SUo YEW7jOUC;. TT)v 't' npo

cdwvw\I h TOU 1tIXTPOC;, eXXp6vwc; xat
cXO(ll!-lclnuc;. -rljv u bt' tOXcX'rtuv TWV
1JIlEPW\l2 TOU ClU-rOU xct."t")..60\lTOC; ex



Et ne; :Ay~ IIJJ.,.ov

E!vlX~ TOU 6ou TOV

6auilaToUpnoavTa, xal &')..).ov TOV
2:; Xp~OTOV TOV 1ta66vTa, -?j TOV 6eov
A6yov ouviva~ )..y~ Ti;l XPLO"t"c!l
yevollEv~ tx yuva~x6e;, -?j tv aUTi;l
dva~ we; &')..).0',1 tv &.)..)..~. Ii)..)..' oux !va
xat TOV aUTov XUPLOV 1)llwv 'IYjoouv
30 Xp~oT6v, TOV TOU 6eou :A6yov, oapxw 6EVt"a xal kva.v6pwrrf)oavTa, xal TOU
aUTou Ta Te 6au/lTa xal Ta 1t&:Ehj,
linep Exouotwe; U1tEIllV oapx(, b TO~
OUTOe; av&:6jUlloTW.


Si quis dicit ali urn esse Deum Verbum qui miracula fecit, et alium
Christum qui passus est, vel Deum
Verbum cum Christo esse nascente
de muliere, vel in ipso esse ut aIterum in altero, et non unum eundemque do minum nostrum Iesum
Christum, Dei Verbum incarnatum
et ho minem factum, et eiusdem ipsius miracula, et passiones quas voluntatie carne sustinui~ , tal is a. s.

If an yone will not confess that th e Father, Son and holy Spirit ~ave o ne bature ? l
substance that they have one power and authority, that there IS a co nsu ~t.ant~
Trinity, dne Deity to be adored in three subsi stences or persons: let 1m e

II h


1 Cor 8, 6.



before all ages from the Father, outside time and Without a body, and second~y
that nativity of these latter daysl when the WO.rd of God came dow~ go; t ~
heavens and was made flesh of holy and glOriOUS Mary, mother 0
ever-virgin, and was born from her: let him be anathema.

If anyone declares that the [\X'o rd ] of God who works miracles is.nht~d~~i~al
with the Christ who suffered, o r alleges that God the Word wbt . t e ~I St
who was born of woman, or was in him in the way that one mi ght e I~ anf~ e


but that our lo rd Jesus Christ was not one and the same , the
incarnate and made man, and that the miracles and the suffenn gs w~l~h
voluntarily underwent in the flesh were not of the sam e perso n: let tm


If anyone declares that it was only in respect of grac.e, orof principle of ~ction , of
of di gnity or in respect of equality of honour , or


Hcb 1,2.

La d

If anyone will not confess that the Word of God has. twO nativities, that wh ich is

3:; Et ne; :AiYEL xaTa Xapw -?j xaT' EVEP- Si quis dicit secundum g ratiam vel
YLIXV -?j xaT' laoTLlltav -?j xaTa au6ev- secundum ope ratio nem vel secun1

There is on ly o ne God and Father, from whom a t togs co~e! a~ o ne

Jesus Ch rist, through whom all things are, and one holy Spirit, to whom a
things are l .

, See I Cor 8, 6.

See H eb 1,2.


respect of authom y, or


Concilium Constantinopofitamml 11 -


'TL(lV 1) tXvaqmpll'J Yj O'Xi:ot'J 1) 8OvIX!.Hv,

T~V vwO't'J TOU OEOl) )..6you Tt'pOr; vOpwrrov ycyEVijaOcu"Yj xClTcl ooo)((a\l,
wr; apt06tvTor; TOU Otoi) Myou Tt;>
civOpw1t'~. ano TOU tu xed Xa.AWr;

dum dignitatem vel secundum aequalitatem honoris vel sec undum

auctoritatern aut ceiationem aut affectum aut virtutem. unitionem Dei
Verbi ad hominem factam esse, vel :;
06;(l~ ClUTi;'> m:pt ClUTOU, xaOwr; 0to- secundum bonam voluntatem, quaowpar; (.LClWOI-'EVOr; ).y~ ' 1) )(Cl:ta. si quod placuit Deo Verbo homo,
0fLW'JU!.dGlv. xaO' -9jv or Ne:oTopta.vol eo quod bene visum est ei de ipso,
't'ov OEl)V ),oyov 'IYJoouva: xal Xpta.ov sicut Theodorus dicit; vel secunXIXAouv'ter;, xal TO" Xa.TQ: livOpw1tov dum homonymiam per quam nesto- 10
XXWpUJfLtvwr; Xpto"rov xed u[O ... 0\10- ciani Deum Verbum Filium et Chri!lci~OVTr;. xed SUo 7t'POO'{tl1tIX rrpocplX- stum vocantes, et hominem separavwr; ).tYOVT<;, XClTcl !J.6v"1)\1 T"1)V 1tpO- tim Chris tum et Filium nominanO'7)yop(av xed 1"LI-'1]\I xa.l .x~((lV XlXl tes, et duas personas evidenrer di1t'poaxu\l'~at\l xed fv np6awTt'o\l xed centes, per solam nominationem et 1:;
tva Xptcn'ov U7tOXp(VOVTIXL MytlV' honorem et d ignitatem et adoratioci)")'" OUX 6j.LO).OYE~ TI)V VWO'lV -rou nem, unam personam, unum Filium
Oeao ).,crau npor; acipxa t!J.4JUXW(J.EV1)V et unum Christum connngunt dicetYuxfl )"0),0(11 XIXl vop~ xa:ra: aUv- re: sed non confitetur3 unitatem
OCO'lV, Y)Youv KaO' U1't"60'TClGLV yeyV7j- Dei Verbi ad carnem animatam ani- ~o
aOlXt, xaOwr; or aYLOL rr(lTp<; l8Oa.- rna rationabili et intellectuali, secun;a.\I' xa! Sla: tOO't'o /lla\l IXUTOO T1j\l dum compositionem sive secundum
U1t6aTaaW, 0 EaTL\I /) XUptO~ 'I1')aoo~ subs istemiam factam esse, sicu t sancti
XpuM'6~, d~ rii~ ciyla.~ Tpla80~, /) partes docucrum, et ideo unam eius
TOlOOTO~ l:X\laOE"/l1X ~aTw.
subsistemiam compositam, qui est u
dominus noster Iesus Christus, unus
de sancta Trinitate, talis a. s.
II OAUTp61tw~ yup \lOOU/lbnj~ rii~
Cum enim multis modis unitas
\lwaE"w~, ot /It\l -rii l:XaE"~dq:' A1tont\la- intelligitur, qui impietarem Apollip(ou xa! EUnlXoo~ axo).ouOOO\lTE~ Ti;l narii et Eutychetis sequuntur, 30
a<pOC\lla/l("i> TW\I aU\lEX06\1TW\I 1tpoxd- intcremptionem eorum quae con/lE\lolll ..1)\1 XOCTa: auyxuaw T1j\lY e\lwaw venerunt colen res, unitionem s.::1tpEa~EuOUat\l, ot 8 TeX 0E08wpou xocl cundum confusionem dicunt; TheoNEaTop(ou q:>pO\lOO\lTE~, -rii SloclpiaEl dori autem ct Nestorii sequaXOC(pO\lTE~, axETlX~\I TI)\I E\lWaW 1tElO- ces, divisione gaudentes, affectua- 3S
&'youal\l' i} !,U~\lTOl &.y(oc TOO OEOO lem unitatem introducunt. Sancta
ExXA1')a(a ExaTspa~ alpsaEw~ TI)\I &:as- Dei ecclesia, utriusque perfid iae
~EtOC\l l:X1to~ano/lbl'l), ..1)\1 \lwaw TOO impietatem reiiciens, unitionem Dei
OEOO Myou 1tpO~ T"1j\l ao:pxa xaTa: Verbi ad carnem secundum compoOU\lOEal\l OflOAOyd. Q1tEP oT1 xaO' sitionem conntetur, quod est secuo- 40
U1t60TaOt\l. H ya:p xaTeX oU\l6EOl\l dum subsistentiam, Unit io enim
o.JWOt<; t1tt 't'00 xaTa: XplaTO\l /lUOT'I)- per compositioncm in mysterio
p(ou, ou fl6\1o\l aoUyxuTa "t'a: GlJ\le:A06\1- Christi non solum inconfuse ea quae
Ta. Sta<puAa:TTEt, an' ouat Slatpe:Ot\l convene runt conscrvat, sed nec dibn8iXETal.
visionem suscipit.

utev II. I. AlIi

13 Itge npooxd\l.tvot

Y o",;lIt


a confitcntur AlIi

Second Council of COnJtantinople -



some relation, or of some affection or power that there wa~ ~ ,u nit y made
between the Word of Cod and the man; or if anyone alleges that It IS III respect of
good will, as if Cod the Word was pleased ,,:,ith ~he ~1an, because h~ was well and
properly di sposed to Cod, as Theodore cl~lms In hiS madn e~s; or If anyone says
that this union is only a so n of synonymity, as the Nestonans allege, who call
th~ Word of God Jesus(\' and Christ, and even designat ~ the human s?para tei y by
the names "Chri st" and "So n", discussing quite obViously twO d,lffcrent persons, and only pretending to sp~ak. of one per~o n a,~d on~ Chnst when th~
reference is to his title, honour, dignity or adoratl~n; flOally If anyone docs no
accept the teaching of the ,hol'y fathers that the u~lon occu,rred of the Word of
God with human flesh which IS possessed by a rat ional and IIltellectu~1 soul, and
that th is union is by synthesis or by person, and that therefore.t~c,re IS on ly onc
pcrson, namely the lord Jesus Christ, one member of the holy 1 nnlty: let Ilim be
The notion of "union" can be understood III many d l ercnt ways,
supporters of the wickedness of Apollinarius a,n.d Eutyches have asserted t,h:n
the union is produced by a confusing of thc unltmg el ement s, as they advocate
the di sa ppearance of the clements that unite. Thos~ who ~ollow "!"he?dore and
Nestorius, rejoicing in the division, have ~rought II~ a union WlliCh IS only by
affection. The holy church of God, rejectlllg the Wickedness of both so n s of
heresy, States her belief in ~ union b,etween the, \'(Iord of God and human fle~ h
which is by syn thesis, that IS by a umon of SU? slstcn cc. In t,he mystery of ~hnst
the union of synthes is not only conserves Without confus1l1g the clements that
come together but also allows no divi sio n.

" Son VilrIlm( relulmg




Spcond Council 0/ C01lJldnlinople - ijJ

Conalium Constant;nopoJitanum 1/- Jj)

Et ,~<; TY)\I /lLaV U1tOOTaOW TOU XUPlOU Si quis unam su bsiste ntiam domini
1)IlW\I ' J'1)OOU XptOTOU oihw~ h).afL nostri Ies u Christi sic intell ig it, tan~&.\lE L, WI.; im3eXOflev7)\I 1i.OMwV urro- quam suscipientem plurimarum subo'HioEWV O'T)!lIXOla V xat ala: TOUTOU sistentiarum sign in ca tionem, e t per
5 daa.YEtV bnXEtpEr bd TOU XIXTa: Xpt- hoc introducere conatur in m yste rio
a'tov [.LUG"lplOU Mo U1toO"T&'aEl<;, l1TOl Chris ti duas s ubsis tcntias, seu duas
300 r::p6aWl"t'Cl, xa:l TWV "etp' (ll.l"mU personas, et duarum persona rum
dO"(xy0fJ.vwv OUO 1i.poawrrw\I t'J rrp6- quas introduci t, una m personam
O'W1tO\l AtYE:l xaTa. a.~(a:" xed 'Ttf.l7}V xa.l d icit secundum dig nitatem et ho 10 rrp OGX lrVTjOW. xaO&'rrEp 0e:68wpo<; xed no rem ct adoratio nem, sicut Theo Ne:a.6pw<; f.Lawof./,.tvm auveyp-xi.}IX\IW, do ru s et Nes to rius insan ientes conXlXt O'uxaqlav,e r T7JV a:Yla:\I tv KaAXl')- scripserunt e t cal umniantur sanctam
80Vl aV\lOOO\l, w<; xaT&. Tau'O'jv T7'jV Chalcedo nensem synodu m tanquam
cb:re:~7j lwotl1V Xf:r1jaaIL'J'YIv'0 'tij<; !llCi.<; sccundum istum impium intellec15 tHtOa.&'aEW<; p1)!la''n' clU !J.l) 0(.1.0- tum, unius subsistentiae utentem
AOYEr ,0\1 .0U flE:ou )..6yo\l O'ctpxl xa:O' vocabulo, sed non conntetur Dei
U1toaTIXO'W Evw01j\l(U, xal Ol a. TOUTO Verbum carni secundum s ubsistenI-lLaV CXlJ"WU TT,V U1t60TClOW, 1/TOl E'J ti am unitum esse et propte r hoc
rrpoaw1tov' oihw<; T xal T"IJ\I aYlaV una m ei us subsistenti am seu unam
20 tv KaAX7JOOvl auvo8ov (LUxV U1t60TIXO' lV personam, e t s ic et sanctu m ChalceT OU xup(ou 1)IJ.WV ' I1Jaou XpLaTou OIJ.O- d one nse concilium unam subsisten~oy7jOClL, 0 TO LOUTO~ tXvtiOelJ.Cl taTw. tiam d omini nostri Iesu Chri st i confe ssum esse , ta lis a. s .
Nec enim adiecti one m personae
OUTe yap TL'p oaOY)i!o1)V TL'POO"W1t'OU,
7)YOUV \moa'!ti ae w~, tTL'e8t~ClTO 1) ciytCl vel s ubsistentiae suscepit sancta
T PLti~, XCl! a(lpXwO-":TO~ '!OU bo~ rij~ Trinitas ex incarnato uno de sancta
aytClI:; '!pLa8o~ Oeou AOyOU .
Trinitate Deo Verba .






a).)..' oux
tX~'10<7)~ Oeo.oxov AiyeL '!7jv aytClv
tv8o~ov a.emtXpOevov MClp(av, 1) xaTa
tXvaqloptXv, w~ livOpwTL'oU t':'IL~ OU yevV1jOeVTOe;, a.).)..' OUXt TOU OEOU AOYOU
aapxwOiv '!o~ XCll rij~ t~ ClUT7)~,
liVClqlepOf.Lev1)~ 8 XCl .' ixdvou ~ rij~
-:-OU liv6pwTL'oU YEv'f7JaeWe; ird TOV Oeov
~oyov, wl; auvovTCl '!<;> &.vOpW1t'(~ xed a uxoqlCl\ITd TI)V ayiGlv
tv KCl ~X1J86vL aovo8ov , w~ xCl't'a TClOT7)V ...-1jv &. ae ~l1 Emvo1)Oeioav TL'Clpa
0e:08wpou twoLav, OeOTOXOV 't'"1jv 1tClpOivov etr.ouaav1) d 'ne; tiVOPWTL'OTOXOV
aUTI)v xa~d ;; XPLO'TOTOXOV, we; TOU

Si qu is abusive et no n ve re D ei gen itrice m dicit sanctam glori osa m semp er virginem Mariam, vel secundum
rel atione m, quasi homi ne puro
nato, sed non Deo Verbo incarnato
et nato ex ipsa, refere nda autem,
s icut illi d icunt, h omini s nativitate
ad Deum Verbum, eo quo d cum
homine erat nascen te, et calumniatur sanctam Chalcedonen sem synadum , ta nquam secu ndum istum impium intellectum, quem Theodorus
exsecrandus ad invenit, Dei geoitricern Virg inem dicen tem, vel qui
hom inis gen itricem vocat, aut C hri-

11 6

the single subsistence of o ~r lord J es us ~hri s t ~hat it
covers the m eanin g o f m any subsiste nces, and by thi S argum ent tri es to mt~o
du ce into th e m yste ry of C hri st twO subsiste nces or tw~ p e rso ns, and ~
bro u ght in twO p e rson s the n talks of o ne perso n o~ly 10 respe~t o f ~l gnltr,
ho nour or ad o ration as both Theod o re and Nestonus have written 10 their
madness; if anyo ne faiscly re presents th e h o ly sy n od of Chalcedon.. making Out
that it accep ted thi s he re tical view b y its terminol~gy o.f "on~ subSistence", and
if he does not ac knowledge that th e Word of God IS uOited With hu man fle sh b y
subsist ence, a nd tha t o n acco unt of this th er e is on ly one subsistence or one
pe rso n , and that the ho ly sy n od of Chalcedon thu s m~de a for.mal st atement of
belief in the sin gle subs iste n ce of o ur lord J es u~ C hrist: let hml be ~n~thema.
There has bee n no addit io n of person or subS istence to the hol y Trinity even
after one of its members , God th e Word , becomin g human fl es h .

If anyone unde rstands b y

th at it can be o nl y in exac tl y and not truly said t~at th e ho ~y
and glo rio u s ever- virgin Mary is th e mother of God , o r says that sh e IS so on ly 10
some relative way , co nside rin g t hat she b ore a mere m an an d th at God th e Word
was not m ad e into hum an fles h in her, h o ldin g rath e r that the nat ivity of a man
from h er was referred, as they say , to God the Word as he was w ith the man ~ho
came into b eing; if anyone misrepresents the hol y sy n od of Ch alced~n, all egm g
that it claimed th at the virgin was the m o the r o f G od onl y accordmg to th ~t
heretical understandin g w hich the blasph emo us Theodo~e put forward;. or If
a nyo ne says th at she is th e mother of a m an o r the Ch rist- beare r, th at IS the
moth er o f Ch rist, s uggest ing that C hrist is not God; and does not formall y

If anyone d eclares


Concil/Um ConslalllmOpO/lt(l,mlnl fl - 55)

Second Council oJComtantinople - JJJ

I-L-i) O\lro~ Owu- ci)..),ti t17J XI)- stotocon, id CSt Chr isti genitricern,
xa.t X(l't"O: a.).1jOel!Xv 6tOTOXO\l tanquarn si Ch ri s tus Deus non esset,


auT"lj\l 0f.l0AOYEI, oSla. , 0 TO'V rrpo {l[w- ct non proprie et ve re Dei gen itriEx "!'OO 1':O:TpO~ yEv\J1j6\I't"a OEOV cern ipsam confitetur, eo quod ipse
).6yo\l he' EaXa.TW\I 'twv ~fle:pwv E:~ qui ante saecula ex Palre natus est
Glurijc; oa.pxw611vat, Ol)-rW 7 e:uO"e:~wC; Deus Verbum. in ultimis diebus ex
xed 't'lJ'J aYlO:'" tv KaAxy)8{',,n aUvo8o\l ipsa incarnatus et flatUS est, er sic
OtOTOXOV a.uri)\I O(Lo),oy7jm:n, 0 '70LOU- pic et sanctam Chalcedonensem
TOr:; civciOe:!J.ct ~(J'Hll.
synodum Dei genitrieem earn esse
confessam, talis :l. s.



tv SUo tpuam


H:ywv, fL-f)

we; tv

Oe:6nrn xat avOpwitO'f);t TO'll eva.

XUPLO\I T,I-LWV ' 11)000\1 Xpt(JTO\l yvwpt~e:O'O(lt 0f.1.0Aoytl, r\la: Sux TOtrWU
0YJf.lcr.:lvn TI)\I Ol!lCPOPa.V 't"W\I CPUOEWV,
t~ wv



a.cppaOTor:; [",WaLe;

ytyavEv, oun "!"ou ),Oyou de; ~\I -rijc;





tijr:; oa.pKat; npoc; 't'7j\l TOU )'6you <pUOt'll

(LETIXXWP1)CtXCT'I)C;. (fLtvtt yap hti:n:po\l
onEp tad Til tpt.lOEt X(ll ye:\lo(L\l1)r:; tijr:;
VWOEWr:; )(1%6' U1t'OaTIXO'tv) an' bd
)..Cl!-1\3a:VEL <YWV1)V ret TOU XIXTa X PLO,OV
0IL0).0YWV btl TOU IXUTOU vo,; xup(ou
iJILwv ' l ljoOU XPLOTOU TOU 6EOU ).oyou
OIXPXWOVTOr;. /-L1) .=n 6EWp(q. ILOV71 TIjv
8L<X~OpaV TO\JTWV )..<X/-L\3a:VEL, it; ltv xat
VWOLV, (dr; yap it; /-L~oi:v xat ~h'
voC; . a./-L~OTp<X) a.)..).' e7d TOUT~ xtXP1jTaL Tt;l a:PLO/-Lt;l, we; XEXWPLO/-1V<xe;
XIX!. 18LouTtoOTIlTouc; lXEL Tae; ~UOELe;,


E( TLe;


800 !puowv, O6T'l'jTOr; XIX!.

a.vOPWTtOTI)TOr; 0IL0).0YwV ...-i)v VWOLV
y yEVijaOcu, Tj IL(<XV cpuaLV 'OU OEOV
A6you oEaIXpXWILV1)V ).ywv.\-l1) oihwr;
aUTa ).aIL~a:vn, xaOIlTt? xal ol aYLoL'
1taTtpE~ t8t8a,;<xv, OTL ex -rile; Odac;
q:luaEw,; x<X!. Tiie; a:vOpWTt(VlJe; -rile;
vwawc; x<x6' UTtOa.aOLV YVOILtvJ,r;,



confess that she is properly and truly the mother of God, because he who before
all ages was born of the Father, God the Word, has been made into human flesh
in these latter days and has been born to her, and it was in this religious
understanding that the holy synod of Chalcedon formally stated its belief that
she was the mother of God: let him be anathema.

If anyone, when speaking abo ut the two natures, docs not confess a belief in our

Si qui s in duabus n:uuris diecns,
non ur in deirate c[ humanitate
unum dominum nostrum lesum
Christum eog nose i confitetur, ut
per hoc significe t diffcrcntiam natu- lC,
mrum, in quibus inconfusc ineffabilis unitio facta CSt, neque Oeo
Verbo in carn is nalUram transmutaro, ncque carne in verbi naturam
lransducla, (manet enim utrumque ~o
hoc quod CSt natur:t, ctiam facta
unitate secundum subsistent iam)
sed pro divisione per partem, talem
excipit vocem in mysterio Christi,
vel numerum naturarum confitenda 2"
in eadem domino nostro Iesu Christo Deo Verbo incarnato. non intellectu tantummodo differentiam
excipit carum ex quibus et compo:
situs CSt, non interemptam propter 30
unitatem, (unus enim ex urroque et
per unum utraque) sed in hoc numero utitur, ut separatim unaquaque natura suam habente subs istentiam, talis a. s.

Si quis ex duabus naturis deitatis et
humanitatis confitens unitatem faetam esse, vel unam naturam Dei
Verbi inearnatam dieens, non sic ea
exeipit, sie ut palres doeuerunt. 40
quod ex divina natura et humana.
unitione secundum subsis tenriam
facta, unus Christus effeetus est,

one lord Jesus Christ, understood in both his divinity and hi s humanity, so as by
this to signify a difference of natures of which an ineffable union has been made,
without confusion, in which neither the nature of the Word was changed into
the nature of human fle sh, nor was [he nature of human flesh changed into that
of the Word (each remained what it was by nature, even after the union, as t his
had been made in respect of subsistence); and if anyone understands the twO
natures in the mystery of Christ in the sense of a division into parts, or if he
expresses his belief in the plural natures in the same lord Jes us Christ, God the
Word made fle sh, but does not consider the difference of those natures, of which
he is composed, to be only in the onlooker's mind, a difference which is not
compromised by the union (fo r he is one from bmh and the two exist throu gh
the one) but uses the plurality to s uggest that each nature is possessed separately
and has a subs istence of its own: let him be anathema.

If anyone confesses a belief that a union has been made out of the twO natures.
divinity and humanit y, or speaks about the one nature of God the Word made
nesh, but docs not understand these things according to what the fathers have
taught. namely that from the divine and human natures a union was made
accord ing to subs istence, and that one Christ was formed, and from these


Concilium Comtantinopolita"um 1/ - HJ

do:; Xpla't"Or; a.7tEttAEGfhr ci)')" h 't'wv

cpw\JW\I !l(OC\l CPUO'l\l, l1't"OL
ouo((lV, Ot6TlJ'ror; xat oa.P)(oo:; 'rOU
XplGTOU daciYElV irnXtlPEL. 0 TOW;:;
TOr; &:vci6tfJ.1X ~O'TW.



sed ex tali bus vocibus unam naturam sive substantiam deitatis et carnis Christi introducere conatur, talis a. s.

KIXO' u7t60''t'ocO'w YP Ai:yonEr; 't"OV

Secundum subsistentiam enim di1l0\loyev'ij A6yov 1jvwa6(1l, oux a:"clXU- centes unigenitum Deum Verbum
at.., .v"a: TI)V Etc; &,A).ijAOUC;1X TWV CP UCfEWV carni unitum esse, non confusioTCE7tpiiXOa:l cpGqLE\I, fJ.EVOUa1)C; Be: IJ4A- nem aliquam naturarum in se invi10 AO\l EKIXTEpa:C; 01t'E P 0",[", 1)vwa6a:t cern factam esse dicimus, sed mag is
O"lXpxl VOOUfJ.EV -rov Myo'J' 810 xed dc; perrnanente utraque hoc quod est,
tonv 6 XplO'.6r;, etOC; x(d cX\lOpc..moc;. unitum esse carni D eum Verbum
6 ClUTOC; 0!l0QuO"tOC; Tif) 7ta:rpl XClTa ~v intelligimus. Propter quod et unus
66Tl)TCl, Kat 0fLOOUGWC; TJI-LLV 6 IXUTO'; est Christus, Deus et ho mo, idem
U X<XTa: ri)\I civOpw7t6Tl'j't'oc. 'E1dlT1jc; yap ipse consubstantialis Patri secunxa.t TOOe; &...,&. !-lepar; 8LlXtPOUVTOCC;, jTOl dum deitatem , et consubstantialis
Tj,LV OVTIXC; , xed ..oue; OUnOVTIXC; 'to nobis idem ipse secundu m hurnaT'ijc; Odae; olxovof.Lla<; IlI)O"rT)plO\l 'tOU nitatern. Aequaliter eni m et cos qui
Xj:Ho'rou, ci7toO"TpecptTlXL x ed aVIXOI-lOt- per partern dividunt vel incidunt,
20 . r(~El ij TOU OEOU EXxA7jo!a.
et eos qui co nfundunt di v inae dispensationis m ysterium Christi, reiicit et anathematizat Dei ecclesia.

Et -no:; TIPOaxuvtLaOOCt tv 8uO"1


AiYE~ TO\l Xp~aT6\1, t~ ou BUo l't"pOCJXU25 \l1)aE~~ dO'(iYO\lTCX~, toLcx T0 OE0 A6Yt:>
xcxl taLa T0 chOplill't"W Y) d T~<; El't"l
Q;W,UpiaE~ 't"'ij~ acxpxo~ Yj tl't"~ auyx uaEL T1j<; OE6TljTO<; XCXl TIj~ Q;\lOpWl't"6TljTO~ , Yj (LtCX\l cpuaL\I, ijYOU\I oua(CX\l,
30 TC)\I au\lEA06\1TW\I TEpCXTEU6(LE\lO~ , ouTW l't"p O CJXWE~ 1'0\1 Xp~aT6\1' Q;U' OUXl
(LL~ l't"pOaxW1)aEL '-.()\I OEO\l A6yo\l acxpXWO\lTCX (LETa. T1j~ la[a~ CXUTOU a apxo<;
l't"pOCJXU\lEL, xaOtil't"Ep ." TOU OEOU lx35 x),Yja[a 1t'ap eACX~E\I t~ Q;pxlj~, b TOWU'ro~ Q;\ltiOEita laTW,

Si quis in duabus naturis adorari dicit Christum, ex quo duas adorationes introducunt, separatirn Deo
Verbo et separatim hornini; vei si
quis ad interemptionem earn is vel
ad confusionem deitatis et human italis unam naturam sive substantiam eorum quae convenerunt introducens, sic Christum adoral, sed
non una adoratione D eurn Verbum
incarnatum cum propria ipsius carne
adorat, sicu t ab initio Dei ecclesiae
traditum est, talis a. s.



OUX O(LOAOYE~ 1'0\1 eaTCXupW(Lt\lOV acxpxl xup wv 1J!J.wv IJy:aouv XPLaTO\l dWXL OEO\l Q;A1)OLVOV xcxl XUPLOV
TIj<; o6 ~7)e; xal tva TIje; ciy(lX~ '!pLtiooe;,
'!OLOUTO<; tivtiOE(LCX laTw,

T ~~

Si quis non confitetur dominum

nostrum Iesum Christum. qui crucifixus est ca rne, Deurn esse verum,
et D ominum gloriae. et unum de
sancta Trinitate, talis a. s.

If anyone says that Christ is to b.e worshipped in hi s tfO

Gat~r~~'ea~o~~ t;na~

wishes to introduce tW? adora~os:S~sat~efc:~t~e ~h: h~~anoflesh or to mix up

ahno'dh,e~ f?r the dili~ ~~~:~rt~n ~onstrousl y in vents one nature or sub st.anc,e
t e IVlmt y an
worshi s Chri st, but not by a sin g e
bdroug~t toGge'dh,ehr fWromor~~~ ~~'a~fle:~ along wfth hi s human flesh, as has been
a oration 0
. '
'h' b
the tradition of the church from the bcgm nm g: et tm e ana


Et 'He; (J-T) &:'Ja.eElLa:d~EL "APELO',l,

EUVOfLlOV, Ma.xd>O'Jwv, 'A1tOAAWa.ptO", NEO"t'6plOV, EUTUXEct xed ' Optyev7Jv, (J.eTa. TW\I &.(JE~W\l !Xl)T(';)\I ouyYPIX~.qJ.chwv, Xilt TOU/O (l:Uouc; 1tc(..ITIXC;

cdpE'nxovc;, TOUe; xlX'taxpl6EVTac; xa.t

&'vaOq1.Cl'TLo6tv.a:c; U1tO -rijc; &.y(exc; xa:60AU<7jC; xed ci1tOO"TOAlX1jC; XXA1)crtIXC;,




aa.pwv O"uvo8w\I, xcd TOUe; TO: O(J.OLIX

'rwv npOElP1JlLtVW\I aJpe:nxwv <JlpovljO"IXVTac; 11 <pPOVOUVTIXC;, Xa:L ~expl 'd.Aoue; -r7i otxdq: &.O"e:~d~ E!-ll-udvIXVTac;,
o TowihoC; civa6e:f.tCl ~(JTW.

Et nc;

5i quis non anathematizat Arium,

Eunomium, Macedonium, Apollinarium, Nestorium, Eutychen, Origenem cum impiis eorum conscriptis, et alios omnes haereticos, qui
condcmnati et anathematizati sunt
a sancta catholica et apostolica ecdesia et a praedictis sanctis quatuor
conciliis, et eos qui similia praedictis haereticis sapuerunt vel sapiunt, et usque ad mortem in sua
impietate permanserunt vel permanent, talis a. s.

ElEOOWPOIJ TOU 5i quis defendit impium Theodo'C"OU MO~OUE(I'T(a<;, 'roG elrc6v- rum Mopsuestenum, qui dixit

TOV 6e:ov A6yov xal alium esse Deum Verbum, et alium

urro Tta6wv ~ux7jc; Christum a passionibus ani mae ct
xIXl 't'W'J Tijc; aa:pxoc; ern6utLLw\I t\lO- desideriis carois molestias patienX)"OUfL\IOV KilL TWV XELPOVWV XIX't"cl tern, et a deterioribus paula tim re!J.LXPOV XWp~~6!J.EVOV, xed oihw~ ex cedentem et sic ex profectu ope rum
7tpoxorr1j~ ~pywv ~d:nw6v'ta xal melioratum et a conversatione imEX nOA~'tda~ 6t!J.WI-l0V xa'taa'ta.v'ta, macula tum factum et tanquam pu
w~ ~~AOV 6tv6pwnov ~an'na61jva~ d~ rum hominem baptizatum esse in
ovo!J.a na'tpo~ xat UlOU xal d:ytou nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus
1tVd)!J.IX'tO~, xlXl a~a 'tou ~lXn'tla!LaTO~ sancti, et per baptisma saneti Spiririjv Xa.p~v TOU &'YlOU 1tVEu!J.aTo~ Aa~dv tus gratiam aecepisse et filiationcm
x(Xl ulo6EO'(a~ cl~~W01jV(X~, xal xaT' ta6 meruisse et ad similitudinem impeT'Y)T(X ~aO'~Alx1j~ dx6vo~ d~ 7tpoaw7tov rialis imaginis in persona Dei Verb!'
'tou 6wu Myou npoO'xuvEia6al, xal adorari, et post resurrectionem im!J.ETa rijv clvaO''taO'Lv 6tTPE7tTOV Tai~ mutabilem cogitationibus et imtvvO(IX~~ xal aV(X!J.clpT'Y)TOV navTEAw~ peccabilem om nino factum fuisse.
YEvO'Oal. K(Xt nclALv dpYjx6TO~ TOU Et iterum dixit impius Theodorus,
aUTou aaE~ou~ 0EOaWpOU rijv ~vwaLv talem factam esse unitionem Dei
TOU OEOU Myou TtpO~ TOV XPLO''tOV Verbi ad Chris tum, qualem dixit
TO~aUTl)V yE"(EV7ja6aL, Olav I; a7tOaTo Apostolus de vito et muliere: Emnt
AO~ tTtt av8po~ xal )'Uva~xo~ 'EO'oV"t'aL duo ill carne una l .
ol Mo d~ a&.pxa !J.(av'l.
Kal TtpO~ Tai~ &.AAal~ avap~O!-L1)'tOL~
Et super alias innumerabiles blasaUTou ~AIXOt;>Yj!-L(CXl~ 'tOA!J.1)O(xVTO~ d phemias ausus est dicere, quos post
TtEiv (iTl !-LETa TYtV avaO'Tcxalv, [J.t;>ua1). resurrectioncm, cum insufAassct 00-


Nestorius, Eutyches and Origen, as well as their heretical books, and also all
other heretics who have already been condemned and anathematized by the
holy, catholic and aposto lic church and by the four holy synods which have
already been mentioned, and also all those who have thought or now think in the
same way as the aforesa id heretics and who persist in their error even to death:
let him be anathema.


If anyone defends the heretical Theodore of Mopsuestia, who said that God the


Word is one, while quite another is Christ, w ho was troubled by the passions of
the soul and the desires of human flesh, was graduall y separated from that which
is infe ri or, and became better by his progress in good works, and could not be
faul ted in his way of li fe, and as a mere man was baptized in the name of the
Father and the Son and the holy Spirit, and th rough this baptism received the
grace of the holy Spirit and came to deserve sonship and to be adored, in the way
that one adores a statue of the emperor, as if he were God the Word, and that he
became after his resurrection immutable in his thoughts and entirely without
sin. Furthermore this heretical Theodore claimed that the union of God the
Word to Christ is rather like that which, according to the teaching of the
Apostl e, is between a man and his wife: The two shall become one I,
Among innumerable other blasphemies he dared to allege that, when after his
resurrection the Lord breathed on his disciples and said, Receive the holy

'TOe; &).)..0\1 dVIXL

Eph 5, 31.



1j,).),QV TOV XPlO"TOV,

If anyone does not anathematize Arius, EUllomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius,


&'V'WtOlt:'r T!XL






Second Council of Comtant;lIQple -

Concilium Constanti'lOpolitanum 11 - 553








croce; 0

Concilium COn5ldmj'lOpO/itanum 11 - 553




flOCO'f)'t"a.1c; x(Xl minus disci pulis et dixisset: Accipile

&y~O\l'I, OU Spiri/uIJJ sane/um l , non dedit cis


8t3WXEV IXUTo1; meU!L(X &YW\I, tina. Spiritum sanc tum, sed figurat im
O"X~fL~n [1.6\10\1 ~veql\)O'1J('I"t:' o;'JToc; 8e tantummodo insufAavit . lste enim
5 XlXt T~V O[J.OAOY(,:XV 8Wflii, 't"-f)V

enl et confcssionem quam fcci t Thomas

cum palpassec manus et latus Domi1t"AwpiiC; TOU XUPLOU !lETa. T~V civcitr:a> ni post resurrectionem, dicens:
O"L'J, TO ' 0 xupt6c; [LOU XIXl6 Oe6c; !-LOU '2,
Dominus nUIIJ el Dna IJJfUJ2, inquit
11'':1:: f.LT] dp'ijoOcx~ rrtpl 't"ou XptCJTOU non esse dictam a Thoma de Christo,
10 n!Xpo:
0W!-1ii, .in: hi 't"ou (nee enim dicit Theodorus Deum
TIIXPIX86~ou tijc; tXvatrr&'aewc; e.Ot AIX- essc Chr istum) sed ad miraculum
yevTl:t. ,0\1 0w!-Liiv, UfJ.V~OCH 'rOV Oea ... resurrcctionis stupefactum Tho.0\1 iydp(Xv'T:X TOV Xpto'!ov' TO B mam glorificasse Deum qui ChriXdpov, xed tv 'tTI ,W\I 7rpa~w\l TWV stum resuscitavit . Et, quod peius est ,
15 a.rcOO"TO).(UV ytV0fJ,eVn rrap' IXUTOU edam in interpretatione, q uam in
EPIL'lJvd~, auyxp[\I(;) ... 6 Cltrt"oc; 8 e:68w- actus apostolorum scrips it Theopo; 't"O\l XptO'TOV TI),a.TwVt xed I\1 (XVt- d orus, sim ile m fec it Christurn Plazctlt::l xat 'Emxoupcp xed MIXPXLwVt, toni ct J\hn ichaco ct Epicuro et
).tyel on' W07ttp hdvwv EXIXOTOC;, Marcioni, dicens: Quod sicut illo20 EUpOC{1.EVOe; otxdov 86y[-LlX, TOUe; al~rn~ rum unusquisque ex dogmatc quod
fLa.01JTI!:U OIXVTac; 1t"E1t"obp< XO:AE'tO'OCH invenit suos discipulos fecit vocari
7tA(X"'t"tJ.\\ltKOUe; Ked (.I.CX\l~xatoue; Kat plato ni cos et manichaeos et cpibnxoupdoue; xal (.I.apK~{u\lLaTae;, TO\l cureos et marcionistas, simiJi modo
O[.lOW\I TP01t'O\l xcxl TOU XPLO'''C"OU et cum Christus d og ma inve nisse(,
2,', EUpCX(.l.E\lOU My[.lCt , ; a UTOU xplO'na- ex ipso ch ri stianos vocari.
Tjj ~"lJAa:tp~CJel TWV xttPW\I xat


\lOUe; xaAdO'OaL .
Et n.:; TOt\lU\I a\ITt7tOtdTal TOU dpl')[.It\lOU 1i00~EO'TaTOu 0EO~WPOU Kat
TW\I &.O'E~W\I aUTOU O'uyypCt[.l(.l.ciTW\I, \1
30 or.:; T&'.:; TE dp"'fj(.l.E\lac; xed &na.:; cl\la.PlO(.I.ijTOUC; ~AaO'(pl')[.l(a:.:; e;EXEt xad: TOU
[.lEyIiAOU OEOU X(lt O'wrljpo.:; "'ij[.lW\I
' fl')O'ou XPlO'TOU" clAM. [.l~ cl\l(lOqlIXTt~E L a UT-eN xa:l TOC clO'E~1j aUTOU
35 auyypa[.l[.lIXTa, xIXl mi\lTae; TOUe; 8EXO[.l\lOU':; ij xa:t h8LKOU\I't'(l':; alH6\1, "YJ
AEyO\lTa.C; bp0086~we; a:UTO\l xOtaeIXL,
xal TOU~ yp&.~IX\lTae; \ornep a:UTOU Kat
40 Kat TOU':; TOC O[.lOllX q>PO\lOU\lT(le; Yj
q>pO\lijO'IX\I't'IXe; m:mOTE KIXl [.lexpL TEAOU':;
(.I.[.ld\lIX\I't'IXe; ...-n TOLIXU-rn atpeO'El,
cl\laOE[.lIX lO'TW .

fo 20, 22.

Second Council of Comtantinople - .s.sJ


Spiritl, he was not trul y giving them the holy Spirit, but he ?reathed.on them
on ly as a sign . Sim ilarl y he claimed that Thomas's pr.ofesslOn of faith made
when aft er his resurrection, he tou ched the hands and Side of the Lord, namely
My L~rd and my God 2 , was not said ~bo ut Ch ri st, b~t th~t Thon~as was in this
way extolling God for raising up Chns t and expresssmg Ill S a~tol1lsh~ en~ at the
miracle of the resurrection . This Theodore makes a companson which IS even
wo rse than this when, writing abo ut the acts of the Apostl es, he says that C hri st
was like Plato, Manichaeus, Epicurus and Marcion, g that just as eac~ of
these men arrived at his own teaching and then had hIS disciples called afte r him,
Platonists, Manichaeans, Ep icureans and Marcionites, so Christ found his
teachi ng and then had disciples who were call~d C h rist ian s..
If anyone offers a defence for this more. heretical T~eod ore, and hiS h e ret l c~ 1
books in which he throws up the afo resaid blasphemies and man y other additiona l blasphemies aga in st our great God and saviour J es us C hri st, and if anyone
fails to anathematize him and hi s hereti cal boo ks as well as all th ose who offer
acceptance o r defence to him , or who a.llege th .at his int~rpretation is co rrect, or
who write on his behalf or on that of hiS hereti cal teachmgs, or who are or have
been of the same way of thinking and persist until death in this error: let h im be
anathema .

Si qu is igi(Ur dcfcndit pracdiclum

impium Theodorum et impia eills
consc ripta, in quibus tam pracdictas, quam alias innumerabiles blas'phemias effud it contra magnum
Deum ct sa lva tore m lesum Christum, et non anathcmatizat cum Ct
impia eius conscripta, et omnes qui
suscipiunt vel defcndunt cum et
dicun( orthodoxc cu m exposuisse,
ct qui scripserunt pro co ct eadem
illi sapue runt, vel scri bunt pro eo
vcl impiis eius consc riptis, vel cos
qui similia illi sapiunt vel aliquando
sapuerunt et usque ad mortem pcrmanse runt vel permanent in tali impictate, talis a . s .

1020,28 .

\ In

20, 22 .


20, 28.


Second Council of Cons Ian linD pie - HJ

Concilium Constaminopolitanum 11 _ JjJ


Et ne;,a.t TW\I aO"e:~wv O"oy- Si quis defendir impia Theodoriti
P'Xf1!lri.wv 0e:OOWP7j"roU, ,W\I XCl1"a: conscrip ta, quae contra rectam fi~<; ci):J)Oou<; 7i:(J"':EW~ xal ~<; tv dem et contra p ri mam Ephesinam
g<pa~ rrpw'"')l0 xed &:y(a.::; auv680tJ sy nodum el sa nctum Cyri llum et
xed 'tOU EV a.riOl::; KUp[),AOU xal 't"wv duodecim eius cap itul a exposuit, "
OWOEXCl a.oj,oG xe<pa},cxtwv, xed ittXV- e( omnia quae consc rips it pro TheoT(>lV, (-:-)\1 auvc:ypclt.a.":"O U l'!~p 0EOOWpr-U doro et Nes lo ri o impi is, et pro aliis
xed Ntarop[ou TW'J 8uaO'E~wv xed qui eadem praedicti s Theodoro et
Ul't'EP &.J,),wv TWV Ttl iXUt"a 'T Or::; 7:1'0- Nes torio sapue runr, ddendens cos
Elp1J(J.EVOt::; 0o8wp~ xcxl NEO''t" ct corum impielatem, et propter hoc 10
CPPOVOU\lt"W\I x ed oe:XO/llbW\llXtrroor; Kat impios vocans doc to res ecclcsiae
ri)v a.j,wv &'O't~e:la.v. Kat (it' IXllT<7w qui un itatem sec undum s ubs istcn~
&:ae:~d<; )(aAd '!'our; tijr; hX):I)OLClr; tiam Dei Ve rb i ael carnem confite nOlOrxOX&')'ou/O, .Qu::; XI);O' ur:oa't"(Xm\l tur, c( non anath emat izat ea ct cos
"t'ljv ~VWal\l Tau OE00 )..6you IPpO\lOU\I- ~ui similia sapuerunt vel sapiunt, l a
Tar;' xed ElrrEp OUX &.\lIXOqLClTI.~e:t 't'.i Insu per aut em et om nes qu i sc ripdfn'lfiE:VlX &.ae:~~ auyyp&'j.LfiaTIX xal serum contra rectam fidem et sancTOUr; .a OJ.LOllX TOUTOl:; cppov1)aav, a<; 'ij tu m Cy rillum Cl duodecim cius ca9povou'mr:::;, xed Tt'cl\/T/XC; 8 'rour; pitula, ct usque ad mo rtem in tali
yp xy:J.v":'lX::; xaTa. 'rij:; op07jc; drrr e:wc;, imp ietate permanserunt, tali s a. s.


'r, ";"ou \1 aYlOl::; KupO,).ou xed -:wv

TO~IXU"(j aos:(3d~ TE"At:U'rijOIXVTIXt;, {)
~OLOUTO t; aviOqu:x O'Teol.



Et -:tt; aV'nTtotehlXt TIjt; ETttOTOA1jt;

TIjt; AEYO(J.VYjt; TtIXP&. "1)30: yeypicpOlXt rrpot; Mtip1)v TOV fJ ipCf1Jv,
TIjt; ipvou(J.Vy/t; !-Lev TO'l (leov ).oyov
X T1jt; tiytlXt; OEo,6xou XlXl tXetl'to:pOivou MlXptat; oapxw(liv't'a , a.vOPWTtOV
YEYevijO'OIXL' AeYOU(1)1; ae 4~AOV a.vOPWTtOV e~ aU~1; YEW1)OijvaL , ov VIXOV
cll'tOXIXAer, W1; a.)'AOV elva~ TOV OEOV
AOyov XIXt a.AAOV TOV .xvOPWTtov xat
TOV V tiytOL1; KUPtAAOv n,v opOljv 'twv
xpLO'navwv TttO'Ttv x1)puE,IXnIX aLa.!3a:AAOUCf1J1; w1; IXlpe-:LXQV XIX! o(J.olWt;
'A 7ttlAAL\laptc{) T<;) ouO'O'e~d y ptir,JJlXv1'a'
XIXl (J.t(J.CPO!-Ltv1)C; T'ijv V 'E9EO'C{) TtPhl'nj\l ay[IXv O'U\looo\l, w1; ;(wpiC; XPlO'tW1;
xIX i C1)tT,O'ew1; NeO'1'opwv xa6e>.ou aav' xIXi ~&. awoexlX xecpiAIX~a 1'OU
\1 tiY[Ott; KUPlAAOU a.O't~7j XIXt eva\l-


S~ .qu is defcnd it epistola m, quam ::;

ellcltur lbas ad Mari n Persam haereticum scripsisse, quae ab ncgat quid~m Deum Verbum de sancta genitrice semper vi rgin e Maria incarnatum, hominem fac tum esse .10
dicit autem purum hominem ex ips~
nat um esse, quem templum vocal,
ut alius sit Deus Verb um et al ius
ho mo; et sa nctum Cyrillum, qui
rectam fidem christ iano rum prae- 35
dicavit , tanqua m haereticum et simil iter Apoll inario haeretico sc ripsissc criminatu r ; ct inculpat prim am
Ephesinam sa nctarn sy nodu m tanquam si ne examinatione et quaesti. to
one Nesto ri um conde mnamem; et
duodecim capitu la sanc ti Cyr illi impia et com raria rectae fidei vocat

... 121


If anyone defends the heretica l w ritin gs of T heodoret which we re composed

agai nst the true fai th, against the first ho ly synod of Ephesus and against ho ly
Cy ril and his Twel ve Chapters, and also defend s what Theodoret wrote to
suppon the here tical Theodo re and Nestorius and ot hers who thi nk in the same
way as the aforesa id Theodore and Nestoriu s and accep t them or their he resy;
and if anyone, because of them , shall accuse of being heretical the docto rs of the
church who have stated their belief in the unio n accordin g to subsistence of God
the Word; and if anyone does not anathematize these heretica l books and those
who have thought or now think in thi s way, and all those who have written
again st the true faith or aga in st hol y Cyril and hi s twelve chapters. and who
pe rsist in such heresy until they di e: let him be anathema.
If an yone defend s the letter which Ib as is sa id to have w ritten to Mari the
Persian, which denies that God th e Word, who becam e incarnate of Mary the
ho ly mot her of God and eve r virgi n, beca me man, but all eges that he was onl y a
man born to her, whom it desc ribes as a templ e. as if God th e Word was one and
the man someo ne quite diffe rent; whi ch co nd emns holy Cy ril as if he were a
he retic, when he gives the true teaching of C hri stians, and acc uses hol y Cy ril of
writin g opini ons like those of the hereti cal Apo llin arius; which rebukes the first
holy sy nod of Ephes us, all eg in g that it condem ned Nestorius without go ing into
the matter by a formal examination ; w hi ch clai ms that the twel ve chapters of
ho ly Cy ril are heretica l and opposed to the true faith ; and which defe nds


Concilium Constantinopolitanum 11 - JjJ


TdO'TE~ arcoxa).,d' 1) eadem impia epistola. et defend it
au'T'1) a:O't{3~c; rnO'To)..~, xed h8txd Theodorum er Nestorium et impia
068wpov xed NEO"'t'6p~ov xal 'reX corum dogmata et conscripta.
cXaE~'7) au't'wv 86YI-U.lTIX xed cnJnFlI:Xfl




't"o(vuv ~c; dp1)flbn)c; bn

xext Iii) &:v6&flCX'd~El a:uT1j\l xed TOUe; a.vTmolOu(J.tvOUC; au-rijc; xed "eyovTat; au't'7jv
10 op(1)\1 e!VIXl ~ IltpOC; IXu'tijC;, xIX1' yp&:tYClV't'ac; XIX! ypa.CPOVTIXt; U1tE? au'rijc; Tj
TWV 1tepLExo(J.E\lWV auTjj ,b,E{3ELwV,



Si quis igitur memoratam impiam

epistolam defendit et non anathematizat earn et defensores cius et cos
qui dicunt earn rectam esse vel
partern eius. et eos qui scripserunt
vel scribunt pro ea vel pro impietate quae in ea continetur, et praexeLl TOA(J.WVTIXC; TIXOTl')\I h8LXdv ~ sumunt earn defendere. vel insertam
Tae; 1teptex0f1.vac; IXU-rn cXO'E{3tta>:; ei impietatem nomine sanctorum
bv6!l(lTL TW\/ a.Y(W\I 7tCl't'epwv Tj Tijc; patrum vel . sancti Chalcedonensis
a.y(at; ',1 Kcr;).,Xl186vL cruv68ou, xed concilii. et in his usque ad mortem
TOUTOlC; fLeXFlt T).,OUC; S(J.!J.dVIXVTIXC;, permanent. t:llis a. s.
OTO),'7)<; aV"n 7tOleiTClt,




a\l&.6etJ.1X ~O"TW.



Ii xal 1tcxpeM{3ofolEV ex -rijc;

fJttar:; yplXCPljr:; xIXt Tije; TW\/ eXy(wv
1t'IX't'ep(")v 8l8/Xaxa)..[a:c; xlXt TW" opu,Oh
TWV 7tE:pl rijc; t.uliC; xal rijc; auT'ijc; TtlOe\lTWV.

OTEWo; 1t"(XPa. TWV TtpOE~Pl)f.dvwv a.y(WV

2$ TtO'O'&:pWV O'Uv68wv'; 8t XlXt
TtIXP' +U.J.wv Tljt; !Ttt TOro;;
xlXt Tljo; IXUTWV O'f3a.o;, Ttp60; Y XlXt
Tljo; TWV h8lX1j0'&'VTWV .:;, ex8lxouVTWV
Ta. dpl)tJ."'1X Tp(a: XEtp&:AIX!.lX, xlXl tv30 IXTt0tJ-LVtX:VTWV'fJ cXTt0tJ.V6VTWV Tjj otxd~
TtA&:Vll, XIXTIXXp(C1EWo;' tt TLo; emXlp~
C10~ ev<xvT(a: TOro; Tt<XP' 1)tJ.wv 8L<XTUTtWOdO'L Tt<xp<x80UV<XL 'fJ 8l8&:~<Xt .:;, YP&:~<Xl,
d eTtLO'xoTtor; ttl) .:;, ev XA~P~
3$ cXv<xtpEp6tJ.EVOt;, I'; TOWUTOo;, tXU6TPL<X
[Epewv x<xt Tljo; eXXAl)O'L<XC1TlX'iiC; X<XT<XaT&'O'EWt; rrpaTTWv,
Tljt; eTtu:rx.o~o; 'fJ TOU xA~pOU' d 8t
tJ-0V<XXOo; y) AIX'(x60;, &:V<xeEtJ-<XTLae~C1T<Xt.

Cum igitur haec ita recte confessi

sumus, quae (radita nobis sunt tam
a divinis scripturis. quam a sanctorum patrum doctrina, ct ab his quae
deflnita sunt de una eadernque fide a
praedictis sanctis quattuor conciliis.
facta autem a nobis et condemnatione contra haereticos et corum
impietatem. nec non etiam contra
eos qui defenderunt vel defendunt
praedicta impia tria capitula. et permanse runt in suo errore vel qui
permanent: si quis conatus fuerit
contra haec quae pie disposuimus.
vel tradere vel docere vel scriberc.
si quidem episcopus vel clcricus sit.
iste tanquam aliena a sacerdotibus
et statu ecclesiastico faciens. dcnudabitur episcopatu vel clericatu; si
autem monachus vellaicus sit, anathematizabitur.

Second Council of Constantin ople -



Theodore and NestOrius and their heretical teachings and books.

If anyone defends the said letter and does nOt anat~e~atize it and. all those
who offer a defence for it and allege that it or a part of It IS correct, or If anyone
defend s th ose who have written or sha ll write in support of it or the heresies
contained in it, or supports those who are bold eno ugh todcfend it or its he.res i ~s
in the name of the holy fathers of the hol y synod of Chalcedon, and persists In
these erro rs until his death: let him be anathema.
Such then are the assertions we confess. \Vc have received them from holy
Scripture. from the teaching of the holy fathers, and from the definitions about
the one and the same faith made by the aforesaid four holy synods. Moreover,
co nd emnation has been passed by us against the heretics and their impiety, and
also against those who have justified or s~all justify. th e s,?-e~lI ed '.'Three
Chapters", and against those who have perSisted or will persist 10 {heir own
error. If anyone should attempt to hand on, or t? tea~h br word or writing,
anything contrary to what we have regulated , then Ifhe IS a bishop or s?meb.ody
appointed to the clergy, in so far as he is acting cont rary to W~lat befits priests
and the ecclesiastical status, let him be stripped of the rank of pncst or clcrlc, and
if he is a monk or lay perso n, let him be anathema.

Constantinople I II

To m ake an end of the Mono rhcl itecon trovcrsy, Emperor Constantin e IV as ked
Po pe D o nu s in 678 to send (wei ve bi shops and fo ur wes tern Greek m o nasti c
supe rio rs to rep resent the po pe at an assem bly of eastern and western theologians. Pope Agatha, who meanwhile had succeeded Donu s, ordered consul tatio n in rh e west o n th is im po rtant man cr. Aro und Eas ter 680 a sy nod in Ro mcof
125 Italia n bishops, with Pope Agat ho pres id in g, assessed the repl ies of the
reg io nal sy nod s of th e wes t and composed a profess io n of fa ith in which
Mo nmh cli ri sm was co nd emned . Legates of the po pe took t his p rofess io n ro
Co nstant inopl e, arrivin g at th e beg in ning of September 680. 1
O n 10 Septe mber 680
emperor iss ued an edi ct to Patri arch G eo rge of
Co nstantino pl e, o rderi ng a counci l of bisho ps to be co nvo ked . The counc il
asse mb led o n 7 Nove mber in th e ha ll of th e im pe ria l palace in Consta ntin ople. It
immed iate ly called itself an ecu meni ca l counc il. T here we re 18 sess io ns, at the
first eleve n of whic h the empero r p res id ed.
In th e 8th sess io n, o n 7 Marc h 68 1, th e co un cil ado pted the teac hin g of Pope
Agatho in condemnation of Mo nOl hclitis m. Patriarch Maca rius of A ntioch was
one of t he few who refused his assent; he was deposed in the 12th sessio n.
Th e doc trinal co ncl us io ns of th e co unci l were defin ed in the 17th sess io n and
pro mul gated in t he 18th and las t session o n 16 Se ptembe r 68 1. Th e acts of th e
council , signed both by 174 fat hers and fin ally by the empero r him self, were se nt
to Po pe Leo II , who had succeeded Agat ho, and he, when he had appro ved
th em, ordered t hem to be tra nsla ted into Latin and to be signed by :til th e
bi sho ps of the wes t. Co nstantin e IV , howeve r, pro mul gated th e decrees of th e
counc il in :til pa rts of t he emp ire by impe ri al edict. Th e co un cil did no t debate
church di sc ipl ine and d id not es tab lish any di scip linary ca no ns.!
Th e Greek and Latin tex ts given below arc ta ken fro m Labbe (= LC) 6,
10 19-1 028. T he tra nslatio n is from th e G reek text, sin ce th is is the more
auth o ritati ve ve rsion .


B IB LI 0 G RA PH Y: H - L 3, 472-538; Perci\'al 325-353; RE 13 ( 1903) 409- 4 11; DThC 3

(1908) 1259- 1273,7 (1 922 ) 93- 132, 10 (1923) 2307-2323 ; D H G E ]J (19%) 760- 763; LThK 6
196 1) 496 - 497; NCE 4 ( 1967) 240- 241; H C 2 (1980) 462 - 463; L. Duchesne, L't.gli5e all VI'"
5iecle, Paris 1925,39 1- 485; F.X. Murphy and P. Sherwood, C01l5tanlinopie 1/ et COIISlll1llinopie II I, l-l islOi rt' des cone ill's 3, Paris 1974; p, Contt', II 5ig1lijicili0 d(i primMo Pllpale rlei patlri
del VI conciJio eCllm('1lico, Archivum H islOrial' Pontificiae, 15 (1977) 7-111.

I Msi 11, 286-3 15. O n whether POpl' H o norius shou ld be condemned, see CSP appendix II ,
ch. V 25.
! Mam'rs of chun:h discipl ine, which the counc ils of Constanti nople II and [[ [ did not louch,
were taken up by the council of Trullo (sometimes called "Quinisext" o r "Fifth-Sixth") wh ich
was summoned by Empt'ror J ustini an II in 692. This council issued 102 canons, which have
been regarded as dec rt'es of an ecumenical counci l in eastern canon law; thei r approval by the
pope is disputed. A critical ed ition of these canons is to be found in CCO 98-241.

Third Cou ncil o!Co1l5lantinoplt - 680- 681



Co ncilium Co ,u tall/inopolitanum 111 - 680- 681

Ex position of faith
" EXOEG tC; r.lO"t'EWC;

wu OEau r.a:rpoc; fJ.tNOY E\I~ C; ut6~

TE KiXt AbyoC;, 0
nrXvTct. 0fJ.OlOC;
T)/lL\lXCIlplC; afLap'(a.C; YV6j.LEVOC; ClVOpWn o.;, Xpm,oc; I; a:AljOtVOC; OEOC; YJ!-'wv,










Unigcnitus Dei Patris Filius ct Verbum qui per omnia similis nobis
absque solo pcccato factu s cst, ho
rno Christ us vcrus D eus noster, per
tv UClYY E).~XGtrC; ot127tpu a (wc; bt~pU~ E cvang clicas voces Aag ranter pracqlwvcdc;' 'tyw d [J. t 'to cpwc; '!ou xOO'- dicavit: E go JUI!I lux mundi. Q ui
fLou' 6 clX. O).')I)OW\I ( /Lo t au fL-Ij it'EFH- uqllilur IIle 11011 aU/btl/obil ill Imrbris,
TCaT1)an \1 Tf, axo,~~ , ).A' E~Et , 0 sed babtbi! /UlIJtII vitae I , Et iterum:
CPWC; TIjc; ~W~r:;'l xct.l 7trX h tV, 'd p1)\I'Jj'J Pare", ",calli relillqllo !lobi!, parem
't1)\1 fJ.+,v a.<pbjILt u !J.~\I , dpl)vl'J 'I T1)\I mea", do t1obi/.!, Hac pro inde divini~
EfL7)v O (OW fL ~ UfLlV ' 2, TIXurn 'rol 'in OEO ~. lOS edita pacis doctrina Dca in ~
).E XT~) -rijo:; dpl)v1jO:; oloIXaxIX).(q. OEO- struente, mansueti ssimus noster im~
aotpw::; 0 1tpq.O'UHOO:; T)IlWV ~IXa~AE u o:; perator institutus. propugnator qui68m'OU fLEVOO:;, (; -rijo:; fL V bpOooo~ lIX O:; clem rcctac fidei, cxpugnator vera
U1tEPfLa.ZOO:;, njo:; OE: xIXxooo;EIXO:; clV'rl- pra vae doctrinae, hoc sanctum uni ~
fLIXZ0O:; , T"/V XIXO' Y)fLoi::; &.y{a.v 'ta.UT1jV versaIe nostrum congrcgans call c~
XlXt O rXO U IlEV~X1) V OU',IIXOPOtOIXO:; OfLl)Yu- g ium, tatiu s ccclesiae adunav it
pw , TO T7i o:; b~XA7)O [XO:; a.itIXV llv{Uoe: ca mpagincm, Unde hoc sanctum
aUYXPlfLIX, "ODE'll 7j xa.O' YjfLoio:; tiY11X nastrum univcrsale conc ili um imxed (AXOU !LEV t x:~ o U',I0800:; , T"I',I a:l't'O -n- pi etatis crrarem qui nunc usqu e a
vwv XIXl WOE x~VWV T7io:; ouoaE~e:(IXO:; quibusdam te mpa ribus factus cst,
l't'Mv'l)v rrc. pp{UOe;v a:r.e:AaaIXaIX , xat 'tn procul abiiciens, sanctorum autem
TWV tiYLWV xed EyxP1TluV rrIXTi pwv 'ac prababilium patru,m inoffense
&:1tAIX',IWO:; e:uOdq. Tp [~ {~ xIXTaxo).ouOlj- recta tramite iter consecutum,
Gaaa , 'talO:; tiyllXlO:; xat oLxOUIlVlxcdo:; sanctis et universali)Jus quinque
rrE\IT O'UVOOoto:; '11 &'l't'IXatv u o ~ wo:; <.1UV- syna dis pie in o mnibus eonsonuit;
Etpwv1jGe;' tpIXfLEV (1) 'twV 'TPlClXOG1WV trecentorum, inquimus, decem et
8EXIX xIXl oxn:.> '11 N~xIX (q. <.1U',IE).OO V~ 'octo sanctarum patrum, qui in
TWV &'Y[{UV l't'IX't'EPWV XIXTa. 't01) fLIXVlW- Nicaeam canvencrunt adversus A001)0:; ' Apdol) , xat T'fl /..I-'T' IXUrijV tv rium furiosum: et ei, q uae a cento
KWVOTa:VTLVourcO).Et 'fWV b(a:TOV 1t'ev- et quinquaginta a Dea inspiratis
't"ijXO',l't'IX Ootpopwv clVOPWV XIX't'a: viris post hane apud ConstantinoMOIxoov{ou 't'ou rrve;l)/..I-a't'o!J.!lX01) xat polim adversus Maceclonium im' AttoAAtvlXPlou 'tOU ou O'O'~ouO:;' ofLol wo:; pugnatarem Spiritus, et Apalinarem
'11 'EtpEGe:> 'TO nponpov xa:'t'a impium: similiter et ei. quae in
Na't'op[ou 'tOU touocuotppO',loo:; auv- Epheso prius adversus Nestorium
aY1jYEPfLEV{UV olIXxoa[{Uv OEal't'a(wv liv- iudaicac intelligentiae, cangregata
8pwv, x~t ..y, '11 XIX).xl')06v~ 'tWV t~IX- est dueentorum venerabilium viXOOl{U',I Tp ~a)( OVTIX OEOl't'VEUOT{UV rraTi:- rorum : atque ei, quae in Chalcedone
PWV xa Ta: EUTUXOU<; xa.t .6.wax6p01) sexcentorum trig inta Deo inspira'fWV OEOg-ruyWV' rrpoo:; 'tIXu'talO:; xa.t 't'n torum patrum adversum Eutychem
u).I)'ta(q. 'tOUTWV rrEiJ.l't'T7} tiy(q. <.1Uv6- et Diascarum Dea odibiles: super
o~ .
iv'tlXuOa <.1Uva:OpoloOdcrn XIX:ra: has et ultimae harum quintae sanc-


The onl y Son and \'(ford of God the Father' ,who became,a man I,ikc us in al~
th ings but sin, Christ our true God, proclaimed clearly 10 the \\ord s of t1~e
ospel; I am the light of the w orld; anyone w h.o follo ws me shall not walk In
~arkness bit t shall hav e the light of life I, and agalO , My peace l l~ave to y,o f ' m~
eace I giv e y O/l 2 , Our most mild emperor.' champ ion ,of ng~t behe an
~dversary of wron g belief gui ded in godl y Wi sdom by thi S teachll1 g of peace,
~paken by God, has brau~ht together th is holy and uni versal assc n~bl y of ours
and set at o ne the who le judgment of the church: W,herefor~ thi S holy and
universal sy nod of ours, dri ving afar the error of Imp~ety w~lCh en~u red for
some time even till the present. following with o ut devlatl,o n 10 a ,stra l gl~t path
after th e holy and accepted fathers, ,has pio usl~ accorded 111 all thll1 gs With the
fi ve hol y and un iversal sy nods : that IS to say. w~th the synad of,31 8 haly fat~ers
who gathered at Ni caea aga inst the madman An us, and th~t which fo ll owed It at
Constan ti nople of ISO God ~ l ed, men , a~ainst Mace~onl u s, ?ppo n ~nt af the
Spirit and th e im pious Apo lhnanus; slm al arl y toa , With th e first at Ephesus of
200 g~d l y men brou ght together against NestOriu s. w~o thought as the
and that at Chalcedon of 630 God-inspired fat hers ,again st ~ u tych es and DJOscorus, hateful to God; also, in add iti on to these, with the fifth holy sy nod, the




108,1 2.

To 14,27.

In 8,


In 14, 27,


Cono/ium Constantinopolitanum 111 - 680- 681

t3to8wpov TOU l\'lo%uEO"'t"Lat;, 'Opty'. tae synodo, quae hie congregata

6touflOU 1"& xell. Euayp[ou, xed est adversus Theodorum M opsuTWV (Jl))'Ypa:/J.!..tt1TWV 0EOOWPl)'t'ou ,W\I estenum, Origenem,. Didymum et
XIXTtX TWV OWOE:x.a. XE!pIXACdwv TOG Evagrium, et scripta Theodoreli adci:ol8t!J.ou Kup()).ou, )(cx1 njo:; AeY0!; versus duo decim capitula laudabii is :>
"'I ('a: irnoToAijc; rrpoc; MciPl1v yeypa.q>- Cyr illi , et e pistoiam quae dicitur
Oell TO" n ipaYjv. ' AY.IXlVOTOlLljTa: !J.t\l I bae ad Marim Persam scriptam,
v niO'l Ta 't'"i)r:; E\jaE~da:c; clVaVEWGIX- immutilatas quidern in omn ibus
f.L tv1J 6e:0'l't"LGfLctTIX, 'fa ~tf3l')A(x 8E: TYjo:; pietatis reno va ns sanctio nes, pro8uCJae:~d(Xc; i)(8lW~(lalX 86YtJ.IXTIX, xed fanas vero irnpietatis expellens doc- 10
TO 7t'lXpo: TW" Tplcowa[alV 8txIX xed uinas: et id quod est a trecent is
OXTW 7tCXTtPW\I ixn:Oi:v, xa.t lXofhc; decem et octo patribus editum, et
7tlXpa: TW" xaTov rrEvTIjxoVTIX 6eo<ppo- dehinc a centum et quinquagi nta
"we;; f3tf3c.uwOev, 01fE? xed cd AomlXt Deo instituente confirmaturn est,
aytcu auvo8ol bt' eXV(UpeaEt rr&:<T1)r:; quod etiam ce tcrae sanctae synodi 1:>
~xo<p06pou a:tptaEwc; a:07tIX OLW C;; t8t- ad exting uendam ornnem pestife rarn
~IXV'tO xed El't"EXUpWGIXV crUf.L[30AOV, xal hae res im alac rite r susceperunt et
1) )(%0' 7); a.yLa. Ked ObWU/-LEVlXl) confirmaverunt syrnbolum, et h oc
OE01t'VEUOTWC;; t1t"EO'<ppa.YlGe aVvo8or;.
nostrum sa nctu m et universale a D eo
inspirarurn cons ignavit conc ilium.
n tGTtUO!J.EV de; t'JlX OEC)v ... 1
Credimus in unum Dcurn .. ,I
' J-I a.yla. xed olxou!J.tvlXlj aU\loSO~
Sanctum et uni\lersale concilium
dix it :
"11 pXEl !J.t\l d~ E\lTAl1 T'ijt; opeoSufficiebat quidem ad pcrfectam
S6~ou n:LOTWt; En:(~WOt\l TE xal orthodoxac fide i cogn itionem arque 2:>
~E~cdwOl\l TO EUOe: ~tt; xed op068o;o\l confi rmarionern pi urn arque o rrho,OUTO rijt; Oda:<; XaPlt"Ot; aU!J.~OAO\l doxum hoc di\linae gratiae syrnbo&:).).' End oux in:a:uoat"o &:px7iOtv T'ij<; lum. Sed q uo niam non destitir ab
xaXta<; (; iq:>EUPE't1Jt;, oU\Ipyo\l TO\l exordio adinventor m al itia e coopeOCPl\l e:upa!J.e:\lo<; xal 8l' a:u-rov ,0\1 ratore m sibi serpentem in ve nicns, 30
&:\lOpwn:dq. q:>UOt rrpooayo- et per e um venenosam humanae na!J.E\lOC; Oli\la-ro\l, ou-rw xat \lV\I opya\llX turae d eferen s mortem, ita ct nunc
7t'pOC; 'T'1)\I olxda\l aUt"ou ~ou).:'lo r'J organa ad propriam sui voluntatem
e:upl'lxwC; in:l...-1jSEla, 0EOSWPO\l q:>1X!J.\I apta repe ricn s, Th eod orum dicimus
,0\1 ye:\lo!J.e:\lo\l rij<; Cl>apO:\I E7t'(OX07t'OV, qui fuc rat episcopus Pharan, Sergi- 3:>
:!:epywv, n UppO\l, TIa:UAO\l, ITt-rPO\l, um, Pyrrhum . Paulum, Perrum, qui
TOU<; YEvojJ.evouc; 1tpoe8pout; 'tiit; ~aol fuerunt huius regiae urbi s am isrites,
Ae:UOUOl)<; ,au't1J<; 1t6Ae:WC;, l-rl 8t xat insuper et H o norium qui fuit papa
'O\lWPW\I , 0\1 ytv6/J.e:vov 1ta7t'lX\I T'ije; antiquae Romae 2 , et Cyrum qui
n:pe:o~uTepa<; pw/J.7je;2, Kupo\l TO\l Alexandriae tenuit ep iscopatum, 40
'AAe:~av8pdae; :7tlO'XOn1jOIXVTIX, MaxoX- Macarium quo q ue qui nuper fuerat
pl6\1 Tt .orO\l A\lTwxda<; n:pooxwc; Anti oc hiae praesul, et Stephanum
ytv6!J.cvo\l rcp6ESpOV xat :ETEq:>IX\lO\l TO\l eius discipulum, no n cessavit per

Third Council of Cm/5t,mtinople - 680- 68/

"* 125

latest of them, w hic h was gathered here against Theodore of M0p's ucstia .
Or igen, D id ym us and Evagri us, and the wri t ings of .Theodoret agamst. the
twelve c hapters of the renowned Cy~il. and t~ e.lette r sa id to ~ave. been wntten
by Ibas to Mari the Persian. Reaffirmmg t~e dl \llO~ te~ets of ~lety 10 all resl?e~ts
unahered, and bani shing the profane teachmgs of IlTI p lety, .thl s hol y a nd universal syn od of ours has a lso, in its turn , under God's in spiration, set.1tS s~al o n th e
creed wh ich was m ade o ut by th e 318 fat hers and confirmed aga1l1 with godly
prudence by the 1.50. an~ w hi ch the other hol nod s tOO accepted glad ly a nd
ratified for the cllI111nauon of all soul-corruptmg heresy.
We believe in one God ... 1
The holy and uni ve rsa l synod said:
Thi s piou s and orthodox cre~d o f the divine favour was e nough f?r a
knowledge of the orth odox faith ~nd.a co mp le te ~ssu.ra n ce therem. ~ut .5 111 ce,
from the fir st, the co ntri ver of evli did not rest, fmdln g a n acc? mpiLce In th e
serpent a nd through him brin.ging upon hu~an n the pOi so ned dart of
d eath , so toO now he h as found m strllmenlS s ~ltcd to IllS ow ~ pu rpose- namel y
Theodore, wh o was bishop of Pharan, SerglUs, Pyr~hus, I aul and Peter, who
werc bishops of thi s imperial city, a nd further H o n o nu s, who was pope of elder
Rome l , Cy ru s, who held thc see of Alexandria , and M acarius, w h ~ wa~ rec~n.d y
bis hop of A nti och , and his disciple Stephen - and has nOt bee n Id le 111 raISIng


Symholum Nicaenum e{ deindc symbolum ConSlaminopolilanum (v. lu pn pp. 5, 24).

Haec damnatio, cuius nt l ioncs actione decimalcrtia ' npressac cranl (Kirch 1082-1084),
n.a~ndm (am~m h~bui{ et mulus opposiliones suscilavil, cf. H -L 3/1, 502 CI 515-538.

L The N icene creed and then the creed of Constan tinople (see ~bove pp. 5 ~nd 24).
This condemnalion, the reasons for which were given i.n. the th lrteenlh seSSLon ( KIrch 10821084), achieved great notorielY and aroused much Opposition, see H -L 3/ 1. 502 and 515-538.


(la61)-ri)'J, oux




OL ' eos






xlX)(o8 o;(~

cruv4oouoav, xed
'TO 'TEAEtOY T'ijc; EVIX\lOpwrr7jCfewc; TOU


a.uwG tvOc; x up[ou 'll'lO'ou XptO'TOU

'fOU StQG 1)IJ.WV a:VIXlPELV 8uI 't'lVOC;
oOAepCic; lrrwotlXt; O'7tOU8ciOIXO'IXV, ,WtA1)TOV tV'tu6e:v xat a.VVP"(1/TOV TIjv



plenitudini ecclesiae erroris

7tAYJPW scanda la susc itare, unius voluntatis

(l.a:'n -rTjt; 7tA&.V7J~ 7ftydPEL\I TO: crx&:\1oaAa:, ",OC;; eE).~IJ.!XTOC;; xed l. uCic;;
:; \Ipydac; hd 'TWV ouo CPUo"EWV 'TOl)
EVO~ '!"ijc; Ylat; -qn&.8oc; X p~(JTOU .au
&:);1J6LVOU 6taG 1)1J.&v Tt;l 6pOoa6~tp
AIX<!> XIXWOCPW\lWC; vO'1!dpa.c; TIjv IXtpe(nv, -r7i Arro).)..wap(ou, }:E~+,pOU xat


et unius operationis in duabus naturis unius de sancta Trinitate, Christi veri Dei nostri, o nhodoxae plebi
novisone disseminando hae resim,
conscntaneam insanae ac malitiosae sectae impiorum ApoJlinaris,
Severi atque Themistii; quae et perfectionem human ita tis unius ciusdemque domini Iesu Christi Dei
nostri, molita est per quandam dolosam adinventionem peri mere, per
hoc involuntariam et inoperatriccm
carnem eius, quae intellectual iter
animata est, insaniter introducens.


8uacp1)[Lwc; etaciyou(J(l\l,
'E;7jyupe ,0(\1\)\1 Xpl(1't"OC; 6 6oc;;
Excitavit igitur Christus D eus
1)(.lW\l TO'll 1HO"rOV f3O:O'l).a , TO\l \10" noster fidelissimum imperatorem
8a.ut8, <&\l8pa. XClTcl T7jv ta.u"rou novum David, virum uCllIJdum cor
xo:p8tav'1 EUp1)XWe;' oe; OUX low"e, JUum 1 inveniens qui non dtdil, iuxta
XIXTa. TO yeYPIXf.LtJ-E:VOV, '67tVOV Tote; quod scriptum est, SOll11lUm omlis mil
6<pOIXAtJ-ote; IXUTOU, )tIXt Tote; ~Ae<papOLe; t l palptbris suis dormilaliontm 2, donec

25 IXUTOU vuaTIXYtJ-6v'2, Ewe; aTOU OLa. T'iie;

XIXO~ Y)tJ-ae; OeoauAAtx-roU -rlXUT1)e; XlXl
tepae; o!J.1)yupewe; TO ~e; bpOooo~l.a:e;
"'lope TAeLov xijpuy!J.lX XIXTa. ya.p
TIjv OeoAexTov <pwvijv, '()rmu dal 800
30 Yj Tpete; tnt Tii> t!J.ii> OVO!J.IXTL auV1)Y!-lEVOL , het dtJ-L tv !-lE:a~ IXUTWV'3.
"If TLe; nlXpoualX dtytIX )tlXt otxoutJ-eVLXlj aUvooo:; maTWe; oe;lXtJ-tv7J XlXl
unT(IXLe; xepatv &:anIXcrClfJ.V1) 't"i)v -re TOU
~e; npea~uTtplXe; PW !J.1)e; , A YetOwvoe; yeVO!J.EV7)V &.VlXqJOpa.V npoe; TOV
euae~EOTIXTOV )t1X1 maTOTIXTOV 1)!J.Wv
~lXaLAEIX KwvaTIXVTIvov, -rYjv &:no~lX40 AO!J.V1)V ovo!J.lXa-rl TOUI; X7)pU~IXVTlXe;
xlXt oL8cl~lXvTIXe;, we; 1tpOoeoijAw,IXL,
EV OA7J!J.IX XlXt /-LtIXV tvpyeLlXv Ent
T-tje; EVaetpXOu otxoV0tJ-(IXe; XpLaTOU TaU
a.A1)OWOU Oeou 7)!J.Wv waIXUTW:; M
4!'o npO(7)XIXf.LtV1) XlXt -rYjv h ~e; U7tO TOV

Third Council of Constanti/lople - 680- 68/

Concilium COTlStantir/opolitanum JI / - 680- 68/

Ac 13,22.

Ps 131, 4.

s Mt



through them ob stacles of error against the full body of th~ ch urcl~ , sowin g .with
novel speech among the orthodox peop le th e heresy of a slnglc wlil and ~
rinciple of action in th e twO natures of th e one mem~er o~ the h.ol y 1 nnlty,
thrist ou r true God, a heresy in harmony with t he e~,I.behef, rumo.u s to the
mind, of the impious Apo\linarius, S~verus and Themlstlu s, and one mtent <:>0
removing th e perfection of the becomll1~ man of .the same one lord Jesus C hnst
our God , through a certa in guileful ~evlcc, Icad~ng ~rom ther~ to thc bl~sp.he
mous conclusion that hi s rationally animate flcsh IS without a will and a pr lOCl plc
of act ion .
Therefore Chr ist our God has stirred up the faithful emperor, the new . aV I ,
finding in him a man after his own he~rtl" wh?, as the scripture say s, d,d not
allow his eyes sleep or his eyelids drowsmg- until thro ugh tillS ho ly ~ssembl r of
ours, brought together by God, he found ~he perfect proclamation of nght
belief; for according to the God-s~okcn .say,~g'JWlhere there are two or three
gathered in my name, there am / 11I then mzdst .
Thi s same holy and universal sy nod, here present, fa ithfull y acccpts and
welcomes with ope n hands the report of Agatho, IllOSt ho ly an~ most blessed
pope of elder Rome, that came to o ur most reverend an~ most fa ithful emperor
Co nstantine, which rejected by name thosc \~ho.procla1lne.d a,~d taug~t. as has
been already cxplained, o nc will and onc .pn n ~lp l.e of action 10 the 1l1carnatc
di spen sation of C hrist o ur true God; and hk ew lse It app roves as wel l the othc r

per hunc nostrum a Deo congregatum sacrumque convcntum ipsam

rectae fidei reperit perfectam prae'dicationcm ; secundum enim a D omino ed itam vocem, ubi duo lit l Irtf
futrinl congrtgali in nomint mto, ibi
mm in nltdio tOrllm 3
Quae praesens sancta et universal is sy nodu s fideliter susc ipiens et
expansis manibus amplectens. tam
sugges tionem quae a sa nctissimo ac
beatissimo Agathone papa antiquae
Romae facta CSt ad Constantinum
piissimum atque fidelissimum noStrum imperatorem, quae nominatim abiecit cos, qui docuerunt vel
praedicaverunt, sicut supe rius d ictum cst, unam voluntatem et unam
operationem in incarnationis dispensatione domini nostri Iesu Christi veri Dei nostri; adacquc amplcxa


Ac 13, 22.

Ps 131, 4.

} Mt 18, 20.


h:piiC; O'U\IaBot) TW\I ExClTOV Etxoal 7tVTC OCOeptAWV trncrx61t'hlV htpa.'J crvvOOtx1)v
OC\llXCPOpOC\l npoc; 'T"lJ" ClUTOU Oeoaocpov



YIXA'J')VOT7)"'tIX, ota: 'TE GUfL!pwvouaac; 't'fl

ay(q: tv Ka).Xl106vl C'U\l68~ xal "iii


'T6!J.~ 'tou

nIXvtpou x ed fLClxaptW'Tci'.ou

n,c; auTijc; 1tPEO' ~\Yt'tplXC; 'PWfL11C;

Atov'toC;, T~ OT<X1bJ't't Tt'p OC; cl>).IX~llX\lO\l

TO\l \1 ciY[Ol <; , 8\1 XIXt crrf)).,1jV 6p608o~[ctC; 1) 'tOlIX U'O'j aUvo8or:; cirrE)(ci).EO'~
En !-L1)v xed 'red'c; OU\lOOtxlXrc; e,noTo); TOCL'C; ypcupda!Xtc; Tt'IXpa. 'TOU !.uxxo:PLOt) K u p(Uou XctTa: NEO''tOp(OU TaU

ouaoEf3,oGc; xed npoc; TOOC; -rijc; OCVIXTO).'i)C;



r (cue; xed
C'Uv68olC;, xed
'fOLe; arEate; xed txxphotc; 7t'IXTpa.aL,
xal aufLql(~'J(O)C; op(~oualX O/lo).,oye'L
TO" xuptO\l 7J!lw'J 'I1joouv XptGTOV TO"
).7)OWQV OEOV i)~wv, 't'OV VIX 'rij~
a.yLx~ , o~oouo (ou xed
r;:lIlIXPX~xi) ~
't'p~,x8o~ 't'eAELOv tv OE O 'nJ't'~ xed 't'tAE~OV
't'ov ellJ't'ov tv civOp(U7to'nJ 't' ~' OEOV
ciAlJeW~ XIX! &'v6plIl7tov &.A1)OW~ 't'ov
IXt..,t'OV EX ~UXY)~ AOy~XYj~ xIXl aW!-lIX't'o~'
OILOOUO~ ov 't'i;> 7t1X't'Pl xiJ:*ta. -rT)'oI OEO'nJ't'1X
XIX! 6ILoouo~0'ol illLLV 't'0'ol IXU't'OV XIX't'Q:
~v &.\lOPlIl7tO'n)'t'IX ' XIX't'a. 7t&:\l1'1X OILOLO'oI
ilILL\I :Xlllp ! ~ a.fLCXP't'(IX~ l' 't'ov 1tpO
IX[W'oIlIl\l J.L\I ex 't'OU 1CIX't'pO~ YEwlJ6ev't'IX
XIX't'a. -rT)v 6EO'n)'t'IX, t7t' r.a:x,x't'lIl\l 8
1'W\I ilJ.LEpW\I 't'0'ol IXU't'OV 8L' ilJ.La.~ XIXt
8ta. ~'01 ilfJ.E't'epIX'oI Olll'n')ptIX'oI b, 7t'JEU
J.LIX't'O~ a.y (ou XIX! MlXp{lX~ T7jt; 7tIXp
Oevou, 'Tlj~ XUp(lIl ~ XIX! XIX't'eX ciAijOEllXV
OEOTOXOU, XIXTa. ~'01 &''oIOPlll7tO'n')TIX'
evlX xIXl TOV IXUTO'ol XPLO't'O'ol , utov,
XUPlO\l, J.L0voye:v7i, bJ 800 q;uOEOl'ol



otxOU j.LVlXa.i:C; nv'tC

ciau'YXUTlIl~, ciTpbtTW~, &.xwptaTw~,

&.8llXlphw~ j"VWptCOJ.LE'oIO'ol' oU8rxlLou
'Tlj~ TW'oI <puaEW'oI 8llX<POpa.~ a:vnPlJfJ.evYjt;
aLeX -rT)V f\lWOLV, O~r;:OJ.L&njt; 8t J.LCiUov

Th ird Co uncil of Com ranrinople - 680- 68 /

Concilium Co nstam;nopolitanlfm 111- 680- 68 1

cr, Heb 4, 15,

est et alteram synodalem suggestio.

nem, quae missa est a sacra concilia quod est sub ea dem sanctissirna papa centum viginti quinque
Deo amabilium episcoporum, ad I)
eius a Deo instructam tranquilli.
tatem, utpote consonantes sancto
Chalcedonensi concilio et torno
sanctlsstmi ac beatissimi papae
eiusdem antiquae Romae Leonis, 10
qui directus est ad sanctum Flavianum, quem et columnam rectae fidei
huiusmodi synodus appellavit; ad
haec et synodicis epistolis, quae
scriptae sunt a beato Cyrillo adver 15
sus impium Nestorium. et ad orientales episcopos,
Assecuti quoque sancta quinque
universalia concilia et sanctos atque
probabiles patres, consonanterque 20
definiens confitetur, dorninum no
strum legum Christum verum Deum
nostrum. unum de sancta et consubstantiali et vitae originem praebente
Trinitate, perfectum in deitate et u
perfectum eundem in humanitate.
Deum vere et hominem vere, eundem ex anima rationali et corpore; consubstantialem Patri secun
dum deitatem, et consubstantialem so
nobis secundum humanitatem, per
omnia similem nobis absque pecca
to 1 , ante saecula quidem ex Patre genitum secundum deitatem. in ultimis diebus autem eundem propter 35
nos et propter nos tram salutem de
Spiritu sancto et Maria virgine pro
prie et veraciter Dei genitrice se
cundum humanitatem, unum eundemque Chris tum Filium Dei uni 40
genitum. in duabus naturis inconfuse, inconvertibiliter, inseparabiliter, indivise cognoscendum, nus
quam extincta harum naturarum
differentia propter unitionem, salva- 45


s nodal repo rt to his God-taught se ren it y, from th e sy nod o~ 125 ~ishops dear
t~ God meetin g und er the same most hol y pope, as aceordlll g With th e hol y
s nod at Chalced on and with th e T ome o f the all -ho ly .and most,blessed Leo,
~pe of the same cid er Rome , whi ch was se nt to Flavlan , who IS among t,he
faints, and which that sy nod call ed a pillar of ri~ht b ~lief, an~ fur,th ennore w~th
the sy nodal letters written by the bl essed C ynl again st th e Impio us Nesto rlu s
and to the bisho ps of the cast.
Following th e five holy and uni versal sy nod s and the h~l y and accept ed
fathers, and definin g in uni son , it profcsses o ur,lo rd J e~us Chnst o ur tr,u e God ,
o nc of the holy Trinit y, which, is of on e ~ame bein g and IS the source of life. to be
erfect in di vinit y and perfect III humanit y, th e same truly God and tr~l y -:n~n.' of
~ rat ional soul and a body; co nsubstanti al with the F~th er as re~ard s, hiS dl v ~nlt y,
and th e sam e consubst antial with us as regard s hi S humanity; like us III a~1
respects exce pt for sin l ; begotten befor e th e ages from th e Fat,her as regard s hi S
divinit y, and in th e last days th e ~am e for us and for our sal vati on f~om the ho ly
Spirit and the virgin Mary, who IS properly and, tr uly call ed mother o f God ,.as
regard s his humanity ; o ne and th~ same C hri st, So n, L~rd, o nl y-begotten,
acknO\vled ged in twO natures which unde ~go no confUSion, no change, no
separation , no division; at no point was th e difference between the n~tures,tak,en
away throu gh th e uni on, but rather the pro pert y of both natures IS prcsc n ed

See Heb 4, 15,


Tii~ Sd)Tl')'tol; btIX't"tpa:<; <pUO'E(')~, KlXt

de; tv r.p6awr.ov XlXt fLlav uTtoa,lXatv

OUVTPEX.OUCT1JC;" oux de; 8uo r.p6aw7t1X
iJ.~pt~6!ltvO\l ~ 8llXtPOU!J.EVOV, a:ll.'
5 EVa. Xa.l TO... aUTO'll ulov (J.O'JO)'tvy),
Stau >..6)'0\1, XUPl OV 'I7)O"ou\I XPLOTO\l,
XaOal'tEp &"'wO\I at rcpOQI'1)TCU "Ept
au-rou, xed a u.Oc; l)(J.IiC; ' !YjoouC; (;
~E7ta[8E U O'E,


10 tiYLWV





lJ! ttlXpa,8i:8(UXE


Ka.t BUo <pumxQ:<; OEA~aElC; ~ TOL

OEAY)fUL't"Cl tv IXt,rtt;'>, Kat 8ua tpumxcb:;

vEpyda:c; &'8lcnpiTwc;, C
1S a!lEp[oTWO:;, aauyxuTtuC; XClTa. rijv


d:YlWV na:t'tpwv 8t8aGXCt).,l(Xv WO'ClUTCIlr:;


K ed





oux tHttvIXV't"[a., !J.1) yevOtTO,

xa6wc; at

Q.O'E\3ttC; 6p7)OClV CdpETlXO[,

20 Ii)..)..' hr6j.Ltvov .0 avOpw'lt"WOV IXUTOU

Oi:Al')fLa. xed Ily) civ'nr.LTt't'ov Yj Q:vTll'ta





Tbird Council of Conslanlirlople - 680- 681

Conci/ium COllStantinopolitanum I J1- 680- 68/

ActtO'l, !J.iiAAO'l !J.'1 OU'I x<xt 1~.1'ItOT<XO

o6!J.'1o'l T~ Od<tl <Xlhou x<xt 1t<X'Iaf.i'1L Od:1)!J.<X'n l8~ yap "to T"Tjr:; o<XPXor:;
6tAl')!J.a. XL'IlJ67i'l<XL, U1tOT<xyijV<XL 8 "t~
OE),1)!J.<XTL T~ edx~, x<XTa TOV 1tavoo!pOV 'AO<xvaowv 1. W01tP yap ij a.UTOU
oap~ oap~ TOU Oou A6you Aey't'(X~ X<xL
lOT~V, oih"w xa.t TO !puo~XOV -rijr:;
o<XPXor:; I1UTOU OtAl')[J.I1 (8LCV 'TOU OEOU
A6you )..tYTI1~ xaL lon, xaOa
IfYjOLV l1uT6r:; o.~ x<x.<x~t~l')x<x EX TOU
ouprxvou, OUX tva 1tOH~ TO Oe)..l')[J.I1 TO
E!J.6v, a)..)..a .0 6tAl')!J.<X .ou d!J.~cxV'T6r:;
!J. 1tcxTp6r:;'2. (8~ov )..ty w'l OtAl'j[J.l1
I1UTOU TO rijr:; oapi(6r:;, t1td i(rxt ij oap;
t8rx CXUTOU ytYOV\I 6v yap 't"p61tov 7J
1tcxv<xyErx i(cxt &!J.w!J.or:; E~UXW!J.t'll')
<XUTOU o<xp~ Ow6dolX oux GiV1lptOl'j,
Gi)")'" tv T~ t8<tl rxurijr:; Cip<tl 1' xcxt
A6Y<tl 8Lt!J.~Vt\I, o(hw xcxt TO avOpwmvov aUTOU Ot)..YJ!J.CX OWOEv OUi(
GiV7JptOl'j, oowa'IXL 8 !J.ii).,).,ov, XClTo:'
TOV OoA6yov rpl')y6pLov )..YOVTCX


magis proprietate ucriusque

nacurae, et in unam personam ec in
unam subsis tentiam concurrente,
non in duas personas pattitum vel
divisum, sed unum eundemque
unigenitum Filium De um Verbum
do minum Iesum Christum, iuxta
quod oli m prophetae de eo et ipse
nos dominus Iesus Christu s erudivit, et sanctorum patrum nobis tradidit symbolurr..
Et duas naturales vol untates in
eo, et duas naturales ope raciones
indivise, inconvertibiliter, inseparabiliter, inconfuse secundum sanctorum pat rum doctrinam adaeque
praedicamus; et duas naturales volumates non comrarias, absic, iu xta
quod impii asseruerum haeretici,
sed sequentem eius humanam voluntatem, et non resistentem vel reIUClantem, sed pot ius subiectam
div inae eius atque omnipotenti
voluntati. Oportebat enim carnis
volumatem moveri, subi ici vero
voluntati di vinae, iuxta sapiemiss imum Athanasium l ; sicut enim eius
caro, carc Dei Verbi dicitur et est,
ita et naturalis carnis e"ius voluntas
propria Dei Verbi dicitur e[ cst,
sicut ipse air: Quia descendi de caelo,
non ul faciam volunlalem Il/eall/ sed
tius qui misil me Palris 2 suam propriam dicens voluntatem, quae erac
camis eius. Quemadmodum en im
sanetissima atque immaculata animata eius carc deiflcata non est
perempta, sed in proprio sui statu et
ratione permansit, ita et humana eius
voluntas deifi cata, non est perempta,
salvata est autem magis secundum
deiloquum Gregor ium dicentem:
"Nam illius velIe, quod in Salvatore
imelligitur, non est comrarium D eo



and co mes together into a singl e subsistent bei ng; he is not parted or1 i d d !nt~
~wo ersons but is one and the samc on ly-begotten So n, \'(Iord 0 . 0 , or
cs ui Christ: just as th e proph ets tau ght fr om the beg inn ing about hm1 , and as
J es us th e C hri st him self in stru cted us, and as the creed o f the holy fathers handed
it down to us.
11 ' I
And we proclaim equally twO natural vo~it.i~ns or WI s 10 11m an( tW? .na ur.
rinci les of action which undcrgo no diVIsion , no change, no partition, no
~onfu~ion, in accordan ce with the te~chi~g of the ~oly ~athers. An~ the tw.o
natural wills not in oppos ition , as the L1npIOU S he.reflcs sa id,. far from I.t, but h~s
human will following, and not resisting or struggllll g, rather tn fact sub ject to hiS
f or rhe
will of th e flesh had. to behmoved,
yet. to.
. and
1 F
d"Ivtn e an d .all powerful will.
be sub ccted to the divine will, accordmg to the most wise At anaslus. or.l ust
as hi s Ilesh is sa id to be and is flesh of the \'(ford o f God, ~o toO the natur~1 Will of
hi s flesh is said to and docs belong to the \'(ford of God, Ju st as he.says l1Jm~cll: I
have come down from heaven, not to do my own w~ll, but. the will of the Fat ~r
who sent me!. calling his own will that of hi s flesh, Sill ee hi S f~esh tOO beca me hi S
own. For in the same way that hi s all hol ~ and. bl~mel ess ~ OI:nate flesh was not
'0 be'lo g made di vine but remamed mlts own Illmt and category, so
d estroye d I
d d"
hi s hum:m will as well was nOt destro yed by bem g ma e lVIO,~' ut ~at l c.r ~~s
preserved, according to th e th eologian Gregory, who says: For hi S wlllmg,

Alhanasius. in illud "Nunc 2nim2 mea IUfb2t2 cst" (tract2tus dc:pcrditus) cf. PG 25,

1 Athanasius on the text "now my spirit is troubled " (a lost tract), see PG 25, XXV II.
2 Jn6,38.


Third Council of ConsttHltinoplr - 680 - 68'

Concilium Constantlrlopolitamml 111 - 680-681

, ,0 yap ixElvol), Eli)..ElV TOU X(xTa. 'rev dei ficatum totum."1 Duas vera naO'w-rijpa: VOOUI-tVOU ou3~ urrEvllv'r(OV tural es operationes indi vise, inconEle:<';l, OtwOtv 0),.0\1.'1 .6.00 3 q>U(J lXQ:~ vertibiliter, inconfuse. inseparabi\lEpydlX<;
(iTpeJ't"TW';, liter in eadem domino nOstro Iesu
a!J.EpLO"TW':;, aauyXUT(.u~ EV tltrrt;l T'iJ ChristO vera Deo nostro asserimus,
)( Up(~ 1}!J.Wv ' I1)<10U XPlCl"t'<{> Tt;l hoc est divinam operatio nem ct huciAlj(h\li!> Ott;) 1)ILW\I So~ci~OIlV, T O\) - manam operationem. secundum di'~O:Tl Elda:v vepye:lIXv xat avOpwnhll'lv vinum praedicatorem Leo nem, aperEvepyuClv, XIXTa: TO" OEl'Jy6pov AiovTIX tissime asserentem: "Ag it enim utraTP(l\lE:OTIX"t'Cl. q>claXOVTGC 'bEpyd yap que forma cum alterius communiotxCl.tpa. !J.optplj (.LETa. Tl}~ aa'n~po\) ne quod proprium est, Verba sc iliXOl\lWVUx'; OTt"EP taw'll eO'X'Y)xe:, TaU !-lEV cet o perante quod Verbi est et carne
).6you )(a:Tpy(l~o!J.i\lou TOUTO, o-m:p exsequente quod carnis est, "'2 Nec
(OTt TOU AOYOU, TOU 8 aWIlTo,; enim profectq unam dabimus na(:X1')..OU"1'O'; &rrEp EO"tt TaU aWf.LClToc;.'2 turalem o peratio ncm Dei et crcaOu yap 8i)1t'OU f.L~IXV oWO' tpUOlX1)V turae , ut neque quod creatum est
T"1jv tvpyuav Oeou )((11 rrOdJfLClTOC;, in divina m educamu s cssentiam,
tva 1J.7JT TO 1t'OLYjOe\l de; 't'1)v OdlXv neque qu od ex imium est divinae
aVIXyaywfLEV QUOLaV, jJ:1)n: !J.l)V rij.; naturae ad competentem creaturae
ada.; q:lUOEWC; TO e;a[pe:Tov do; 1"0\1 locum deiiciamus. Unius enim eiusTOrC; Y EVV7J TOrC; rrptrtov,tx xtxTtxy"iyw- demque (am miracula. quamque
fLEV T01tOV' tvoe; yap xtxl TOU txuTOU passio:1es cognoscimu s secundum
Ta. 't"E Otxu fLtxTtx Xtxt Ta 1ta.01) yw,~ aliud et al iud earum ex quibu s est
GXOfJ.EV XtxT' aUo xtxl liUo Ti:W E:~ 6>V naturarum et in quibu s habet esse,
E:GT~ IPUGEWV Xtxt E:V txIe; TO dvtx~ XE~, 'Sicut admirabilis inquit Cyrillus,
we; 0 OEG1teCHOe; elP1)GE KUpLUOe;, n av - Undique ig itur inconfusum arque
TOOEV youv TO tXcruYXUTOV xtxl ci8~tPE indivisum c, msetvantes, brevi voce
TOV IPUAa.HOV':EC;, O'IJV T 6!-t~ IPwvn TO cuncta profetimus: unum sanctae
"av E:;txyyeAAO(.1.EV' tVtx -riic; &'y[txe; Trinitatis, ct pOSt inca rnatio nem
Tp~ci80c; xtxl fLETa T"i)v O"apxwo"L v "t'ov dominum nostrum iesum Chris tu m
XUPLOV 7JfLWV 'l7)Goiiv XPLO"TOV TOV verum D eum nostrum esse crcd entXA1)O~V OV Od)v ~f.1.WV E!VtxL itLO"TEUOVTEe;, tes, asserimus duas eius esse naturas
CPtxfLV Mo Cl.lITOU "t'ac; IPUO"ELC; V 't"ji in una eius radiantes subsistentia, in
I.H~ IXUTOU 8LIXA:xf.l.n:OUO"IXe; un:o aTaO'E~, qua tam miracula quamque pass ioV 1i 'ta 't"& OtxUfJ.Cl.Ttx xa.t "t'a n:a:07JfJ.IXTIX nes per omnem sui dispensativam
8 ~' OA1)C; a:UTOU rijc; otxOVOfJ.~Xlle; conversationem, non per phantatXva:O"TpOlPlle; ou xa:'t'a IP(xVTa.O"tIXV, siam, sed ve raciter demonstravit,
&:).),,01 ciA1)OWC; tn:8d~ct. T O, tijc; lPuO'~xllC; ob naturalem differentiam in eadem
tv lXu't"ji
fL~q. un:oO"TciaEL 8La:cpopac; un a ,mbsistentia
-(VWpL ~OfJ.eV1)C; 1'~ fLE't'a njc; Oct.1'epou dum cum alterius communio ne
xo~vwv tac; Exa't'pav IPUGLV OAEW "t'E utraque natura indivise et inconfuse
xa.i vEpydv Ta t8La:' xaO' ov 81) Myov propria vellet atque o peraretur ;
xa.l Mo <pua~xa OEA7JfLa."t"a 't"E XCl.t iuxta quam rationem et duas natuvEpyda:c; 8o~ci~0fJ.EV n:poe; O'WTl'JptlXv rales voluntates et operationes con-


whe n h e is consi dered as sav iour, is not in opposition to ,?O?, be in g m~de ~iv i ne
"I A 1d we hold there to be twO natural ptlnclples of action 111 the
d "
same J es us C hri st our lord and true God" \~ hich l~nd~rgo no 1 ~lSIon, no c l ~lI1 ge ,
, '
is a dlvlOe
pnnclpl e of :lct!on and a human
no partition,
n 0 eonfu s,'on , that
I I,
rin ciple of action, accordi ng to the g?dly-spcakLll g Leo, who say~ l~loSt c ~a r
P. For each form d ocs in a comlllUl110 n With t1~e o,the r that aC,tlvlty whlchdlt
ossesses as its own, the Word working that w}lIch IS the \Xfo rd s a~d the bo y
~ccol11plishing th e thin gs that arc the bod(s":- For of c~ urse we wlil not grant
the exis tence of o nl y a si ngle natural ptlnclple ?f, actlo,n of b? th God an~
reature lest we ra ise what is m:ldc t o the level of dl Vll1 e bell1g, o,r l~decd reduce
~h~t is ~lost specifica ll y proper t o the divine nature ,to a level befitting creatures;
fo r we acknow ledge that the miracl es and the suffetln gs ar~ of on~ and t~ e Sa.l~l e,
acco rd ing to one or the other of the tWO na~urcs out of which he ~s and 111 w~lch
he has his being, as the :tdmirable Cyril sa id , Therefo re , protccnn,g on all sld,e
we announce
btl e f
n an d ""0 d,'vision""
. ' the who' le III these
t I1e " no co n f
words: Believ in g our lord J es us C h rist, even after hi S II1carnatlOn, t~ ,e one 0
the hoi Trinity and our true God, we say that he has t~vO natures shll1l11 g f<:>rth
in his!ne subsistence in which he demonstrated the ~l lracles and the su,ffe tlngs
throughout hi s entire providential d welli ng here, !l0llil appearance bu~ 111, tr~t~l,
th e difference of the natures being made ~nown JI1 th e sam e on~ ~ubs ,ste n ce 111
that each nature wills and pe rform s thc thmgs that ~re proper to It 111 a commun ion w ith th e oth er; then in accord w ith this rcasol1lng we hold that twO nal ural









Grc:gorius Naz" Oralio XXX, 12 (PG 36, 117).

Leo I , TomllS ad Flarianll'" (Msi 5, 1375-1378),


Gregory of Nazianzen, Qmflo XXX (Qmt~on )0), ~: (PG 36, 117?,

Leo I Tomus ad FlaVId1l1lm (Tome to FI(/ v Ian ) (Msl ), 1375-\378, see abo p,79),


'TOU cXv6pw1t(vou ylvouc;



TOUTWV Tolvuv (.ltTa. 7tclCT'l')C; ltIXV

TlXX66EV &: xpl~dClC; 1" XlXl (.lflddac;

~ 1t<XP' ~f.LW\l OlCX't'U1tWOtv't'wv, bp(~OIJ.EV

hlpex" Tdo"'t'LV lLlJOEVt t~ei:V(ll 1tP0qltpEW, 'Vjyouv auyypa.!ptLV 1) O'uvnOb,l(u





Tj OtOaaxELv htpouc; ' 'roue;

Yj cruvnOtvcu ' dc1'tw

TO).!lW\l TClC;

heplXv y) lt POX0fJ.lCEW lJ Oloam<.EW ."

ltlXpaOL86v(lL cupov oUfLfjO)'O\l 'TOre;
iOt).ouatv bnoTpEtptLV dc; bd'(YWOW
Tile; a.A1')6dac; i; tAA1)VlO'(.lOU 1J t;
touOCX);OfLOU lJ you" t~ alpeoEwc;
otaGouv, 1) xcuVOtpWV(IXV, ))'t'Ot ).,e;Ewc;

htemu r, ad salutem hu mani generis

convenien ter in eo concurren tes.
H is igitur cum omni undique cautela atque d iligemia a nobis for matis, definimus alia'm fi dem nulli licere
p roferre aut conscribere, componereve au t sapere, vel etiam alite r docere. Qui vero praesumpserint fide m
alteram componere vel proferre vel
d oce re vel trad ere aliud symbolu m
volentibus converti ad agnitio nem
veritatis ex gentilitate vel Iud aismo
aut ex qu alibet haeresi; au t qui novitatem vocis vel dictionis adinvent ionem ad su bversionem corum

nobis determ inata sunt

\lUvl nap' YJfA.WV OLOptcrl)tvTWV' int rod ucere; hos si quidem episcopi
TOUTOUC;, d IJ.\I hdO'xo n o~ dEV "?j fuerint aut deri ci, alienos esse , ep iXAYjP~XOt, ti).).,OTp[OUe;; dVGlt TOUe;; t'TtL- scopos quidem ab episcopatu , de ri20 ax6nouc;; -njc;; tnlaxortijc;; XGll 't'oue;; XAYj- cos vero a clero; sin aute m monach i
ptXOue;; TOU XAl}pOU' d 8t !J.ova.~ovne;; fuerint, vel laici, et iam ana the ma ti
dEV 1) AGl"LXO(, tiVGlOE!LIX't't~E 0"6IXllX,hoijc;;. zari eos.
<pEUPEOW rrpoc; cl\lIX'Tp01rij\l d O&'YELV quae nunc a


Third Council of COIISlaTllill ople - 680-68/

CO/Iciliu m C01lSta nlinopoli('1II1I11I 111 - 680-681

* 130

wills and principles of acti on meet in correspondence for the sa lvation of th e

hu man race.
So now that these points have bee n for mul ated by u~ ~1th all preC ISion In
eve ry res pect and with a\1, we d.cfinitel ~ su te that It IS not all owa?le for
anyon e to produce anoth er faith, that IS, to wnte o r to compose o r to co nSider or
to teach others; those who dare to co mpose an other faith, or to support or to
[each or to ha nd on another creed to those who wish to turn to knowledge of the
truth whether from H ellenism or Judai sm or indeed from any heresy whatsoevto introduce novelty of speech , that is, invenrio? of te rms,. so as to
overturn what has now been defin ed by us, such persons, If they arc b ishops or
clerics, are deprived of th eir episcopacy or clerical rank, and if they arc monks o r
layfolk they arc excom mu nicated.


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