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Adrian Herrera

Exam Day: Summative Assessment

8th Grade US History
Goal: Standard 1: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their
understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the
history of the United States and New York.
Materials Needed: Test booklet
Detailed Lesson:

Due to the fact that there are some students who arent great test takers and at a
lower learning level, the whole class will be used to take the test.

Exam #1
Part 1:
1) Who was NOT competing for the land in North America in the 1700s?
A. England
B. France
C. China
D. Spain
2) Who won the French and Indian War?
A. The French
B. The Indians
C. The Americans
D. The British
3) Which mountains did the colonists not cross out of fear of Native American attacks?
A. The Rocky Mountains
B. The Appalachian Mountains
C. The Green Mountains
D. The Himalayas
4) No __________ without representation was the slogan used by the colonist after the
Stamp Act was issued.

5) What costumes were used during the Boston Tea Party?

A. Clowns
B. Horses
C. Red Coats
D. Native Americans
6) What was the nickname of the colonial militia?
A. Second hand men
B. Minutemen
C. Split second men
D. Minute raid men
7) The shot heard round the world occurred in which two cities?
A. Lexington and Concord
B. Boston and New York City
C. Philadelphia and Valley Forge

D. Yorktown and Charleston

8) Who was the author of Common Sense?
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Thomas Paine
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. King George
9) The people that wanted to break away from the British were called
A. Patriots
B. Fence sitters
C. Loyalists
D. Hessians
10) Which was the most important battle for the Americans?
A. Valley Forge
B. Brandywine
C. Saratoga
D. Lexington
11) Which countries did NOT assist the Americans in the Revolution?
A. France
B. Spain
C. Poland
D. Germany
12) Which general was considered a traitor to the patriots?
A. Benedict Arnold
B. Marquis de La Fayette
C. John Adams
D. Benjamin Franklin
13) What year did the American Revolution end?
A. 1763
B. 1773
C. 1776
D. 1783

14) Whose strategy was it to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies?
A. Britain
B. France
C. America
15) Which of these cities was not occupied by the British?
A. Boston
B. New York City
C. Plymouth
D. Philadelphia
16) Who won the battle of Concord?
A. Britain

B. America
C. Spain
D. France
17) True or False- The Americans had an abundant amount of supplies.
A. True
B. False
18) What was the first battle of the war?
A. Lexington and Concord
B. Saratoga
C. Bunker Hill
D. Valley Forge

19) Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

A. Britain
B. America
C. France
D. Spain
20) What was Paul Revere known for?
A. A rider to let the Americans know the British were coming
B. A general in Washingtons army
C. A general in Cornwallis army
For the following part of the test, create sentences using the ten vocabulary words listed below:
Minutemen, loyalists, patriots, fence sitters, slave codes, enlightenment, overseers,
plantation slave, house slave, rider.

Essay: For this part of the test, you must choose a side and argue why Americans should
stay loyal to the crown or fight for independence.

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