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Cooper Tewksbury

Lesson 10: Summative assessment

Theme: War of 1812
Grade: 11th grade U.S. History
Goals: Standard 1: History of the United States and New York.
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding
of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of
the United States and New York.
Standard 3: Geography
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding
of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal,
and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and
environments over
Earths surface.
Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship, and Government.


Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding

of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the
United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic
values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and
responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

Objectives: Students will know the material and demonstrate their knowledge on the test.
Materials needed: Test for class
Detailed Lesson:
1) Give students five minutes to ask any questions they need to ask.
2) Administer the test.

War of 1812 Test

Name: _____________________

Class Period:________________


Read every question carefully, if you do not know the answer make your best guess and move
on. Circle the answer of your choice, circling two will result in a wrong answer. With the short
answer it is best if you have something written, no matter what it is. Do your best and manage
your time wisely.
1) What is one reason the U.S. entered into the War of 1812?
a. The U.S. was attacked by British forces.
b. U.S. ships were stopped from transporting goods to France.
c. The U.S. wanted to help France win their war with the British.
d. The U.S. wanted to take over Britain.
2) When was the official Declaration of War signed?
a. July 18th
b. June 18th
c. January 18th
d. July 25th
3) What majority of the senate must vote yes to give the President permission to go to war?
a. A 51% Majority
b. A complete 100% majority.
c. A 90% majority.
d. A 2/3rds (two thirds) majority.

4) How long does the President have to notify congress of his sending of troops to fight?
a. 1 hour.
b. 10 hours.
c. 48 hours.
d. 72 hours.
5) How long does the President have to get troops back if congress denies his sending of
a. 2 days.
b. 6 months.
c. 1 year.
d. 2 years.
6) What city did the U.S. give up after the FIRST loss to British Canadian forces in Ontario?
a. Ann Arbor.

b. Chicago.
c. Detroit.
d. Columbus
7) Where did British naval forces first enter the U.S. during the war of 1812?
a. The Chesapeake Bay.
b. The St. Lawrence River.
c. Cape Cod.
d. The Mississippi River.
8) Who was the NAVAL general the led the U.S. forces in the Battle of Plattsburgh?
a. Alexander Macomb.
b. Thomas Macdonough.
c. George Downie.
d. Andrew Jackson.
9) Who was the GROUND (land) general that led the U.S. forces in the Battle of
a. Alexander Macomb.
b. Thomas Macdonough.
c. George Downie.
d. Andrew Jackson.
10) The British army burned down the White House when they took Washington D.C.
a. True
b. False
11) What City did congress move to after the British took Washington D.C.?
a. Boston.
b. Philadelphia.
c. New York.
d. Baltimore.
12) What type of soldier were most men during the War of 1812?
a. Militia men.
b. Full time soldiers.
c. Mercenaries.
d. They fought for fun.
13) Who won the War?
a. The U.S.
b. The British.
c. The War never ended.
d. Both sides gave up on their ideas and signed a treaty to end the war.
14) Where was the last Battle of the war fought?
a. Miami.
b. New Orleans.
c. Dallas.
d. Louisville.
15) What was significant about the final battle?
a. The U.S. won.

b. It was after the war had ended.

c. It made the United States population feel like they won.
d. All of these.
16) Who led the U.S. forces in the final battle of the War?
a. Andrew Jackson.
b. James Maddison.
c. George Washington.
d. Napoleon Bonaparte.

17) What is the name of the Treaty that ended the war?
a. The Treaty of Versailles
b. The Treaty of 1814.
c. The U.S. Treaty.
d. The Treaty of Ghent.
Short Answer.
18) How did the role of women change during the Battle of Plattsburgh and the War of 1812
as a whole?

19) Please describe to the best of your ability what is meant by the British putting an
Embargo on U.S. goods being sent to France?

20) Please give three examples of a Primary source and three examples of a Secondary
source. Then describe one Pro and one Con of each.

21) Please describe how Thomas Macdonough organized his ships in the Battle of
Plattsburgh once he knew the British were coming. A diagram will work for this question.

22) Please describe why neither side won the war but why the U.S. came out feeling more
victorious than the British.

Bonus: What dorm did it live in during my junior year of college?

__________________________________ Hall

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