Fairclough Language and Power

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LANGUAGE IN SOCIAL LIFE SERIES (he Bj dt Linge Dyn Ens (ne Bg Lange Bi Cane Rr ny Urey of Hg, Hig Kg Language and Power ‘Second edition Norman Fairclough (se f “Thug of Nara Facog be ed ano hie ace es Cone Bap tiga ad st of hi pin may be earn iva pnccoy mening tebe tle ober eee ‘men emus tn ores pring ree ‘Spe he Ute gon Snel ye Copy cg gy ERS Tom On Ran Lao WIT Besa Lewy Coun Puloon Das ‘Act sdf hook ie a Bt ey bay of Canon Caging nPulse ctl ed hak ie am Ley of Cong Sen peony ‘ie sp PP LANGUAGE IN SOCIAL LIFE SERIES (har Pfr yi re Der Ege Ce Bgs Lane atin & Caiman Rn yf Kg Hg Rng amin Legg, Man ay Soe W crs Lead age Ct Fie a Se Te Cl aif Bye vrai ana nae Fee iy Pa: iy omy ut Cts Me ean it Di A te il Sind of ange Nome Fach ors ik: Langa Sl Prat Fae Moyo i aie py rin Tey Icy hreca keV ea iy Rei ee rng Baa Car Mant Dis ‘ncn gil Cpl od Cabo Nien) er ad a Leing GsBiniy d il g te Cd) Tory ml pa rl The orf el Pee ef a Bry Sete Sl Gre Gi od ane Mey Bir ni Nena ed oe Pa of Lane Sey Contents Avr’ Price the Send tion ‘acrosome eduction: cite lngunge sty Dscouee ae socal pace Discourse and power Decourse common sense aod ieolgy Ciel decourse anal in pace: cescption Cia dscouse anal in practice: ereaton, ‘explanation, andthe poston ofthe aahst (Glestty ad srugpe n dscouse: the dicouse of “hatherem Discourse in soc change Ctl language study sd socal emancipation: Tangunge eduction in the shoo {Language and power 2000 Biborany ale ni 36 ea 3 wo 165 195 ap as Author's Preface to the Second Edition Lange oP i abe how ngvge fos in ining and gt poe cons omengran ose sb ys fing Jkngige wich can eel the prerans sd sbost how poe cn be oi tore aoa of seo, nd sare ew som and uae hem ‘The big sped teal ele ih 0 res ance wl isl: th Pec othe send eo cons an pp0- [it place wep epciy to hose whose more fala wth he {ld why Te proerings cond elton, bw cfs fom th fis ae ‘he eats of Langage and Poe ooops. “The can ln guage Per pbs aoe» Seale fs the i, which pened 189 Apr fom sping ii ‘ei retcences sl mings smb fino changes te Ss ge Scans ee et ey a ‘es clap, Clap 0 The gun of guage an pee ss 8 ‘Ingram ad jt wget ow mit nO, tue te hve bes suman changer nwo ie ding the pa ede which ae some ‘st changed the ue of equal powers, ab thre the “and fo el sn of lngege Spel, power relsoons on = Jneratonl nd evel! eelfoes shape wha appene maton ‘ys lea ge ex a ey ee ye og. Chape, 10 cuss wp hte chang, sd the ingle forthe sustion of loge and power es ot thee cng net he once ofthe fi efin or make hea abot ieee ta wea we ‘rch eats of anguge opt aoa or al i, ‘eax epee songs abs pent by ces ‘aos aan tran ie of pose conebt sapg te. “here ze ros ober shang ich ate en plas over he at dead which eee wt uae of lngoge poe Le me jistmention one wih as reseed of atenton = the develop Jaen o hte The nee itr new median whe as ea kL rite to new forms of communication cas edt # ceria opis shout power inequalities, bacase sis realy socamile o hice who have he esata technology (hough the dvsion been technological “ave? and “tave-aas’ both within and bewreen counties major problem nil), itis rdaselyeglrian form of commurication alow ors of et Working which promize new poses for social and politcal mobiles Soo, and fr Ieee tht ommanicadon on the Ine ay amet tring imporane changes in wha I al in Chapter 2 the sce “onder of iscouse'~ though wo eximate thor changer we muse look a he plac of the Ineret inthe oval economy” of he order of dsoarse, ot ast ok iin wala, ‘The publication ofthe fist elton of Language and Peer comesponded wide ate in he development of wha in Chapter | eieal ngage Sd’ theemerpenc of Crea Discourse Anlst Ctl Discourse Ipishas auracel an neesing number of researchers dig the pst deat Ther was aeady signieane work pong on before he book wa pblhed| (womb in ‘ta ngs, and in French dicorse tala and the fd has continued vo develop since. My own subeoent work hs ened resarch on discourse as prt of wider rocemer of soi change (ich i Sddresedparsclry in Chapters 7 and 8) and to sewer degre ‘rte language avarenes' (ee Chapter 9). More vecealy Thave plished etd- ics speialy on matia discourse aad the plies! scours ofthe ‘New [abou Goverment ia Besn. One heme in reviews of Longue nd Ps ‘ms tha the cherzaton of dco and relation vo oer elements of Social life was undrdetloped alin some ways untied T have alo been concerned w Uy to Femedy tha Another theme in reviews Of “Lua an Pose ws ht Cite Discourse Anal shold be wed ‘ombinaon with ther methods sch a ethnopay and that fas been taken up by« number of researchers. Many scolats hve beta ial in the deopment and sppietion of Cea Disoare Any std bat ‘now become quite a sghean ld of language research My hope is that Langage and Proe wil congue wo serve a+ rately accel rode ‘onto the Bl. (See the reference atthe end of th Preface) ‘Creal Discourse Anais hat atracted considerable interest outside Lingisis and langage studies. T have aad refered o work i real language avarecs, which as een wily taken up by teacher ia soo snd efcational insuins at other level. Crea Dcurse Aas a tls been wed in various socal scenes and humane for pasos of {esearch and reaching ~ Sociology, Caltural Sealey Meta Stes Gender Saal, Plies History, and oo forth, Le ne stnton one espe he Deparinent of Urban Stes a the University of Glasgow organi wo cress conferences in 1998 and 199 around the themes of Douce tnd Urbun Change nd Discourse and Policy Change, both of which dew ‘resively on Catal Discourse Ana a wel ar oterappreuches 10 ] te itl a ihe a ee ie set er Sie Bane fee oe he Done Ar fr equality and je leis more dificalt to pin Sateen the offer are more frequently taken up in politics and the public ge a Fe es def ogo Gna aly pes eae pe sh sun of la ares the newer ae ear Cann, whch (0h ecialy upon questions of n- Om ee Cor gt be da pies ke Lagu nd Se me woos Ree pra ot ri a oe snr el ia oe cea tr i eh tar te arin al Gch ec, aah ee ere FN en at CON tg os CDA ak eee Ce any a Se st 8 ae cnn oe nl On Seo a di Chg el Sy oat el pcan COA Rc Cr a elicadwn D H t iene ent ho ie Acknowledgements We are grcfal w the following for permison to reproduce copyright ae: “Te 34 Som The Para ew lesder in the Daly Mat Jane 1982, © Aa Sydicason Parner Text 1 Advertement of the Micke Washing Machine, © Mice Company Led, NB. Adversement produced 198 (0 longer eaten; Tens 82, 85, 84 fom Deparment of Health ad Socal ‘Seer Com copegh is eprodacad with he pension ofthe Cale fie Majesty SuoneryOffex Adin Sendon Parner for Heine fd tex fom Dai Mail 3 May 198, the Eatoe~ Be Joos for extrac irom le Jens No. 48,24 May 1986; The autho, Michal Bretheron for sexta fom ‘Emplayment Cnsling in Opis gia trons by [BBC Radio 4.7 December 1986, Consabe/Foglton Millis Company for an exact fom Os Basing Peron by Cart Rogers, US Copiht (© 1961 Houghton Min & Co, Deakin Unversity for information dawn from G Kes ‘Linguisie Proce in sacocltual practice’ publ. Den University Press Visors, Austals; Granada TV fran ext fom ‘The Bs fro Horry Ra, Granada TV 1980; he sur Ted) Kapehck for an exact fom The Healing vs; BBC 2, 8 Anse 1986, 8 W Heap (Publishing) Company Lid for a enact ram Gi ser okt Gud Eg ‘The Language of Sones, © RW Hsp Publishing Co Led 1986, Lanter sd Morecambe Newspapers Lid for heidines ani shor ales rn [Lona Guardian 12 September and 7 October, 186; New York Ties ‘Shite Foran enac rom an interewin New York Tine 1973 512; the sntog Shi Shah spd Oueeite fr headline and rice text ‘Mngt ‘nse unleashed over Moleword rape’ in Omarie No. 52, Novenber 1965; "The Rt. Hon. The Baroness Thatcher and the BBG foram exret. from interview between Michael Clason and Margare Thatcher, HBC adi 3,17 December 1985; Thrsons Publishing for at Jose 23 wal tp vw acc? fromm Tent Tie Sp Suse an Acetone, Lode 10845 Times Newspapest Lid for hedne and an exact Grom the atic ‘The ll all vee ofr nT Tes 20 Bay 1982, © Times News ‘pes Lud 20582, ‘While erry fort as een made ote the umes of copyright materi, in few carer his has proved imprile and we take dir oppor ‘fr oer apologies eo any copyright holders whose vip we may have saving nog Introduction: critical language study "odo we cog the sac tht con os poe pan 139 Fr fw con rcoize ham, wae a ae beak er” ‘This Bok i about language and power, o more preity about eonnee- tions between language ase and unequal reasons of power, pari in Inodeen Britain Ihave wzten it foro mai purporee The fs is mote theoretical: to hep ceca widesprsi underezumation of he signee tf language inthe prodocdon, maintenance, nd change of soc retone ff power The second is more pci to elp crete conatouses of how language contr to the domination of some people by ote because consousnes isthe Ses ep towards emancipation, Theor deol ebjecve tums rm my own academic sckgroand, which in linguists. Linguist, and especialy thre working in soli fics Gehich offen said to dei with ngage in ssc coates) ave Fad ui = lotto sy about language and power, but dey have not ny opinion done jars to he ich and comple cersitonsipr of guage fd povee. There ar for example my is of ind and ‘nna tra sci lees, and of how the amount of prenige hich staces 10 Sac dialects depends on the power oftheir ware There have lo been ‘rads ofthe waye in which power i eerie in conversation and thet forms fale beeen people though pepe supiigly few These sd ies uve generally set oo to dre prevsing sotelinguitie convention in terms af how they debate power oneal they have not mt oot 10 ‘pli these convene a the prodot of elavons of power and suggee for poser The point dat socilingunse conventions have dl feltion| to power onthe one hand they incorporate diferenes of power, onthe ‘ther hand thy are ou of —and give sto parr relations of power. ‘My main foes in his book wil be on the second ofthese ~on ying ‘xylan exiting conventions athe ootcome of power tltons sd power UU ee cr gues rn ot on om ope ee eigen eter pected eee eo eee en ec Se re ee fate pereer crete ert ray ce Sion eee ae ae Fi pene bernie eee rete ence eet er ag dw cy Bint pom oe eee see heat et 2 a along eng scl fom and ites of poe ea eee arenes eee cee tals tpares become os Se ee eee een ee Sn ner ae en ng me mm in ce Sele crn ere te ine oe eee eee ee cee ore ee ie cee re ae ee eer se ee faeag ees ari eke mcm Se eee ete acces eee so oe See oe Seana aren aan eee ee ee ee eee ene sae pe ae erry ee he tae esa ere ar ae Se eee See ae ee ESlaere eeroea eminem cree ea eens aires interes in mone socey, and cerily nobody who hasan inter in ‘etonship of power in maders soe, cn aot ieee hngesge ‘That to some degree or other, teas everyone. Nevers, many Pople wth pecialy such inten fave belied they cond sey ignore laagoge ‘This pebaps not sures, fo the gee ere ofan and seer ig to langonge hasbeen wosflyinadegut, sd in parcels the eaching cf language tn schools hast a remalable etent conned to ignore tnos dese oc funetons Ths cannot be tamed the caer ‘ecne the same is eof os ofthe academic work on Inguae ach the teachers have ben offered ss nodes. Ths gap bormeen the lee of ‘ensconsnes which he contemporsy peston of ngage dermandy, aad Se ee sel acc ater eon fer my cae of a impr a emphases Chat a noe suggesting that power jt « smate of Langage. There isa danger, nfeesng upon one pet of 4 social sation or proces, of bing tempted to rece ito that mp tlon, especially if 8 ths exe esa nepected sper. Power easy in various modaie,inuding the conc and ease medal oF scl force. Kei fc if sa ac chat power salem enough xcs through depriving peopl oftheir ther homes, td aces, ent events in for example South Aes are emindel It pra pal to ike broad dsanton beeen the eee of power tar cn of ‘sous sor inding pial wee, andthe exerci of power ough the manufcnre of comme tor at list stuerenee towards fe Pons ‘laos deen on bt hugh nang openly the ee meats of manaacring crs “Themre prc objective ston n the opening paragraph isto hlp ‘nce costosnesoffngnge a poner nd prune langage sceas edstorena bond sense who nay be tle to draw upon books sack {ths inorder to proce appropiate nformasve or teaching materials Sted to she parce nea ad rcumeances of parse groupings of rope This would inode, most obvioud, sadens, teachers and teacher ‘iner, nd those who ae valved a ous forms of petit cron for profesional ning of hath workers or soc workers for ietanc) ‘Butcher ny be oter, such spied and ae union acs, orate ‘st inthe peace, fens black, or oder mc movements, par of hove \ock is eleatonal in ths boader sense “Tihve red co make this book a accesible and a pracy ube st pose, bac no mater ow peacclyoxaniaed «bok ofthis sore yb, ‘tir clerly no enough ons own for reaching the monty of he people ‘ho coud make good ae of vome form of etc lnguage analysand {hae ar Thave sd realy ices eveyone [ened tobe complemented by pugley, ete and other type of meri (video, cartoons) which ‘any people fd sare dipeie than book. My hope i hat tong the ‘readers ofthis bok there wil be eduestors who wl beable o ae thi work forward 1 am cre tat readers wil ave ales fred some impresion of che ‘pail eson fom which Iam writing this book Tes widely understood Ret peope rocarching nd wetng shou socal mater are nevily infor ‘nce inthe wy they prc thr wel ain thal cic of topes and the way they approach them, by ther own socal experince and ave and Pole commitments cs imporanc noon 9 slaowledge ase Feleocs rather dan fling a spurious neatly abou Soi Sars, but kot be open nth one eer about where one mand sal spel oot in| ome des my ew ofthe sce T eng tn Chapter forthe momen Ieee say dat wre socal with gneral low opinion f the social ‘elon ia iy sey and a comitmeat to the emancipation of the people who ae oppresed by then, This doer no, hope, mean da at ‘rng polit propaganda The sense inverpcon of socal mates perf compacble wth commited and opinsonaed investor her Feo others, and beng commited doer nor exes you om arging "cna or producing evdnee fr your sutanens "Theappronch o language which wl be adopted hare wil be lle rita Ange stay o¢ CLS for shor. Cra wed nthe spec sense of ning to Show up connections which maybe hidden rom people soc 5 the cone eons beweennge poe nd delogy refered ey shoe, CLS anaes ‘ail ncrctions away whi ose pom tinge leet, nd hich sou show pte goer hidden drains the rer of {oc eaonhip ss well den floc they may bave wpa tha stem Approaches to language study “There are many existing apposches to the sty of langage, co why do we read CLS? Bees, wl cach ofthe approaches which [ree blow os Something to eontbate to CLS, they all have major lntatonr from 2 ‘teal pint of view: Just 3 imporant the relationship which i tandardly SSsumed to had benrcen these aroas branches of language sty tell Unssfctory ins eal perspec, «point which I develop at the ed of ‘his sedan. The approaches to langage sey which T stall eiew ae those of lingisicy sailings paps, copntve prchology and tifcalintligence, conversion and dacoue analyse Isl ao sty ‘omething sbout views of language in ecent social teary. My am sony 0 tires bnet characterization of these compen areas of ad from 3 ei Pesspectve, nd sal refer most wo "mainsteean’ work, alchough mos of {hem include oeher wor which iin conenon with the mainstream, and Sometimes closer to» eral perspective than the mises Linguists “The em lng is wed mbigcly within the mainseam: i some times ees all he Branches of language suo wich ae inside the ao dkmic dpe of lings Game are bo), bu peti ees as to he branch wich hs the mow peed saa nga proper as Dopl ocsorally say T am fering hereto lings prope which the stuly of rammar ins bond sar she sod sent of ngege {phonology te pransoncal sree of worde (morphology) and ef Sentences (aya), and ore formal spc of mening (ean). Ln {uti las won widpreadacepance ithe aman ences and beyond {oc the cently of angugeatong hunsn phenomena, and of language Study smog the man recs ei done by denlping sgt array of spa techni fo he deepen of ngage wh are ice widely drown upon st model in other human seni and wich ony tmodernapronch language say Gactoing CLS) cn beat fom However the achieves of nul are been bought atthe pice of 1 nao coneepion of ngage ty Tes parade et tinge tas gen relly ile ateaton to acta pec or ming eh hr acer language otc,» system, ah sb competence, rater than anenpeing to det acd langage practice In he om Fevdmand de Stare founder of moter ings Singhs cn cernod wh the sly of lege, "ange ater thn poe "pea Mainen inguin two etal serps Sut lng rom Smaart he langue of «paral coms confor all pci spo be rgided variant os hat command that he stay of langue oagh so be “nero! eeher chan orc = tought vo be Froid a+ sade ayer a given point inte, oot dyamically 8 it ‘anges throng ine: These ssunpeons ad the neglect of language pac ce elena elzod vw of tngange,wbich oa i ftom the sca ‘deve mix ouside of which camo scaly es. Maines lingua anil ay of saying langge, which has noting 4 shout reins bewatsInpuage td power and ideology Sociolinguistics Socilngics has develope, pany wader she infuence of disipins te gic (nti sncopolgy and sociology, ia reacon tthe ‘eles by Sings prope of scaly conioned vaacon in langage. ‘Sane prin ocengsts x onlementay onus pe the ater sascha language sem, whereas the oer is ‘ocilly variable language price Cue) Others see soso ‘Salenging socially arene specs of maine linguistic, Sool fists shown senate coeltns betwen raraoas in ingustc Fe (phoolgial merphologil, ye) ad socal varibles~ theca Saat whieh quae belong sc reli between porpans in lingise nro, diflerenos in scl sting or oceon eer cero opi, ad oo, Ie hanks to socilinguscs tthe scaly onsite nae of language pracce cam been a general penis ofcis. : Bot sciingsinis is hey infoenced by ‘pestis? concesons of socal strc! Foalingutievavaton in + pralar soit tent be Seen in terms afc ff to be obered and esribed xing metods “logs wo those of natural sence. Socigusss Seong on wha? ‘ees (wha the fs of vain?) bt weak 00 wy ad ‘bow? Gestion vy ae thes they ar how in term of the development ac reacoshpe of ower wos th eng eons ode broek ino ing; ow rt ssn ad how tight be changed othe aes ‘eof te who ae dominated by “The tnfeny toe rat fe we connected wih the weument of sca case The term ml de aed, bu of ted alr 0 Srht mig beer bs refered to ial sat’ ~ grouping of pope who Tesi eo an tagtn, cnn or an opie vats Soil cases te sel Mais seas a social fees ‘ich acopy diferent potions nessa produtio, wich have ile nt and antagonists and won gg whe determines the eure of scl istry Ines ofthis cooepton of ial cla, the sacor Tye fs cn be ota ote otome of chs rg snd represent 4 nar nacre res tereen ces, THs conception of oc as Fim eth vn and how? qusions Ano connected with the postive erentition to fits isthe genes] lnsenslvty of saan towards x cn retin to the so lings otders it sels to deere, When ane Fain onthe spe xs cence of fics widhoutstendig to the socal condone which made hem Sand the soil codions for thir potential change, the noon tt the Seciolinguis herself might somehow atfectthe facts hry seams w are Bei does arisen the aemativescearo Ihave serched out the fc of the exiting voiolingitc order are soe as lines of tension, eempor- 2 contpetion representing the aren balance ofl fore the the ‘Hf of socolingiie research might either been legitimize thee fice fd so indreay the power reasons which ner them, oft show the Centingency ofthese facts dete thar apprent lig, and vo inet Pt 1 a)s of changing them. For intanee soclinguincs bar fen sseibed songs cnvenios ints of wht are the ppp! Fagus fos for given socal stuaon whateer the neato, thse minology ily wo lend leptimacy wo the fc’ and thir underlying power relison Pragmatics Wie seed to dings broad continental European canespion of rg: tmatice a the scene of language te (acoring tothe fas re of the ‘Froral of Prognai) snd a ch narower Anglo-Acercan concgon of ragmatis aot one of «numberof edie which deal wth n= tage te inlading soiling and prycholinguscs There se tod rcs within prac in the former sese which amoant 1 what Tam fling CLS: However, I shall comment onthe Anglo-American uadion nl bese hatte one mort familar in the Englsk ngage erste ‘Anglo-American pases elslysuocited with ana pio soph parclaly wh the work of Astin and Season speech at The ry igh tat Inguage can be seen a form of sein: that spoken oF ‘wines uteranes const the performance of speech ac such a promis- Ing o sking or ase or warning: oo 3 diferent plane, refering people or things, presopposing the exsence of people or things o the wth ‘Sf propstions, and impliating meanings which are not overdy eps "The den of ering a ating san ingot one, and also cea 0 CLS inthe form ofthe aim, presented in Chapter 2, that dsm i social prstce “The main weaknes of progmascs Gow el pair of wew fix individeainn: “eon is hough of stomisticaly 36 eauzating wholly Som the invidoa, and i often caneepualizl in tems ofthe susteies adopted ‘bythe india speaker to achieve her ‘gol or “tenons. This under states the erent co which people ae caught up in, consuained by. ahd {ded dese thei indolent from saga enmensons, eves {he inglansble impression that convensonlzed ways of speaking or vr Ing reinvented” on each ooo oftheir se by the speaker generating ‘sible satgy rhe arr gol. And earespodingy overeat the eco a wlch people nile Inguge for Suse prposs. OF ure, people do act satel n ceri ceeunstanees and ws conren~ Sone rater han simply following thm; bt other crcumsances they do Spl low ten sodwhat ne nas theory of socal seen ~ soil fatice which acount for both the determining eer of eoavenons hd the ua cenny of ndvdal speakers, thou educiog practice te one or the oe. — ‘Theirs orale in pragmatics, moreover, ae geneally sun to be inclved in coopersve teractions whose ground rules they have ‘ul contol oer and to wich they ae ble wo eonerbae ual. Co- ‘Sherse inerasonbeswech eq s levee» proorype for socal teraction in neal eer than being en a2 fro nteracon whose teste mie ad sol onstraied. The resale 35 ezad and Urpin iage of srl inerscson which in srk comzase with the image fered by CLS ofa ocioinguinie order moulded in scl sugges ‘nd rve with inequliserof power Pragmatics often appears to desbe Uncoure a i might ben ber worl athe than dizourse tis ‘Prats isa ited in avin been msn developed with reference to sop invented iterances rater han rel ended scours, ad cea orion ke 'peech ae ave tumed on oe problemas when people ey to we dhe to ale real dsnare Finally Anglo-American prgmais tear the ses of the way in wh has developed in relation ong: proper While tas pred pace for investing the imerdependence [llengage and sca contest which ws noe naib before een, ities sly contained spc, for pragma end tobe Sen 5 a a ional ee of langage sry which lei gaps lee by the more ore levels grammar and semantics Sol contents acknowledged bo keptin fe plc, which does en han jie. Cognitive psychelogy and artical inteligence ‘One of the concems of pragmatic: har been withthe discrepancies which standardly xis beeen what is sid apd what is mean, and with bow people work ont wha mene om whats said: bu the dele investi Yom of the proces of comprehension ivled, a well 5 of process of produc, bea undertaen by ogni cholo, end woskers i ei ilipene concerned withthe computer szastion of prodacson tnd comprehension. From the penpocive of CLS, dhe mos isporaacresle ‘of work on comprehension i the sess which bas been placed pon is ‘eve nar: you do not simply “decode” an urerance, you aie tan “nerpeaton oop an aie proces of matching ferret esance 1 various levels with repetentons you have stored in your longsem ‘memory. These epesenttons are proorypes for «very dies eallecon| of things ~ the shapes of words the gramme rm of sentence, the ‘opi structure ofa marae the proper of tp of ebjac and person, {he expated Sequence of events in paral station ype, abd so Fah Some of tes are linguist, and some of them ae aot. Ania ter scan, let us refer to these proses collecivey enh enue, ‘or MR for shor. The main pone she comprehension isthe outcome of Ineracion berween the uterine big interpreted nd MR "Nat aresngy, cope prychology and acl inelbgence have given lle auenon tothe tcl oops or Sicance of MII hall argo er ‘hat tenon ode processes Of roducion and comprehension sent to an understanding ofthe interrelations of language, power and ieslogy, And that hiss because MI are socly determined and ideologically ‘faped, hough their 'ommmon-seneand somatic career ply dis fer the face. Roane end nselenncons rear to MR inthe erinary Eine of dsoure Isl gery + power mechs for sain the relations of power hich alttmtely undo thom, Conversation anajsis and discourse anal Discourse analysis as recently been described as anew “rossi to ‘hich many eased dsplinesGingusics, sociology anchropoony, cog "tive phology among ote) have contbated. Tere re sandr win ‘dacnte analy in tis need sero which re lowe o what | am cling (CLS. Laball oncenrate on coverton nage, which one prominent approach within douse ana that has baen developed by = group of ‘eeiologiss iow ss ‘elnometbadoogis thnometbodolgiss invest the pdoction ad interpretation of rey scion asl accomplishment focal acts i hey ae er- ‘Gta sn conernton a one parsley pers nance of sled wa ‘econ, One ofthe ssegt of convertion analy ita it work with fenced simples of real conversation. Ie has demonstwel that conversation Is sjsemadaly sacted, and that there is evidence of the orenaon of Davipens to these states he ways in which they design their own {onvertdonl sn and esto tho of thers Thee svctres are socal Serucare: one of the min cnesrs ist show tht soe sacar sre Present and proceed in evciyy wton, and are nt fat propery of act socal macestoctarts ‘Bue conversation analyse has been resistant wo making connecsins becween sch tie” sucrurs of convertion snd he mae” sues sf scl ineitone and soit, Ara rely ies a rather imple Sage similar othe image {abated to pragmatic) of convertion 3 ‘Ele socal pracsce exis in 4 rol vacuum, a elle were generally «emg ajo fs om ae Thi age enforced speed ‘28 eid tool omen eres eg, eerily tehone Cc wee deme io et el ‘sucurs taps enon, thowgh sath ea I aor ‘Seid evan scm Sa sop of he cel ‘nw a rane coreponing ps in esas po thet pnesins, hich plement coven of ee Sy noes tee han deveined yan ‘Cero vr cal cc, Comreration sls open te ‘ici ee shore at ecg at tower wht guess can eeone Some recent soil theory Fall me tii mention cent consis social theory which have lve he oe of language in the exer, maintenance and change of por Tl er wf hee ch contin. The ets wrk on the thoy fiero which on tone han as pied to the nein ‘ane ngorne 6 elgy 23 mec of ower a moc sce # st teers of owes rough coerce mea, and on the eer ha ht ome o ee langage or nded he) major locus of iecogy. ands of major signee wih rerpet power The second she init ‘tal work of Mil Foca, whch fs scribed 9 cel role wo di foure in the dertopment of spect tod forms of owe. And the ‘hd the egy nena work of Tren Fakes, whose hor of ommanctie sen’ highs the way in which our cen distor ‘nmunictonneetes fehdows communication wow och cn Sin, The main nition of thee contro fom the perspec of CCLS's eae they rer theresa ~ hy ze ot operationalized in the soa of rile insane of dcure. Relationship of CLS to these approaches ‘Ui CLS is poly best understod aot 8 js another spac to langage soy whith vmlemens ose have fered to by highligh. ‘ues whch ty tend to ignore ot a alter onentaon to lane ge sy ic pes cent demaroion of language sty no {poste or ancy tent rane heme then, and ferent ‘hexaon within exh of then. To fly ear disci wold need foie book and sal ini melt gly Masuting wha are iain ‘Ore aspect of pore she egy to pore and mainai puter suri fe domino Se pra way fing Prof keeping thers dearest fom each ce, ad parce ceding of those putin terms of hierarchic slaons of domination and Sobordinaon. Mainstream linguistics es imposed such a suctring on Iingnage sry the approaches I fave been refering to are sme ofthe ‘part iferecites, and lngisics prope is peleged within this sue ‘tring of language sey. All of she oer approacer tend to be regarded Sr sb-dinspines which end che els of ingeiis proper in rout ‘erie ectins ~chowgh they someies fea uch sbortinaon ‘Fron ered perspective, ds i unesticory, both bene benches of Taaguage sty which belong csey together tend to be hep spare thi the ese for sosilingusies and pragiatic and for soilinguisics and fesholgial work an production and comprehension, fr example ~ end eee relies the soil nate of language to» s-desptne. CLS ‘onl place» road conception ofthe acl sea of anguae athe cre of Tanguage sad Ie would alo favour certain emgaes within the was branche of say: for insancy in the sul oF graminar 3 would God “Fmnonalt”apronces fact that ofthe yatenicnguistin naocited partcolrly with Michael Haliday) move helpfl than Tomalst approaches {uch a hat of Nou Chowsly and his sac). iso, however, within the scope ofthe preseac book to put frward 2 fuly-edgedatemacve eo minstea inguses. Readersinteteed in soch slernatves might wish looks wsroasexsing proposes which mow > foe extent inti dvs, and which amonine to «degree with CLS: {prac linge, conned papa, oF cr-dphinary wel Sloooune anal. Ae frat he preset books concerned, te fons s upon ong eral tales of discourse samples wil me some wse of al he approaches Tave fered o, but atenps wo go beyond them in providing {eyes of necessary theoretical conepe aod say framework fr oing excl anlss. Using this book “This hook can be wed a eoursebonk, fr infoemal group dcusion, or by Iniidal readers Tam assuming hatin all cabs readers wll wish tbe ciel involved in ding CLS, rather than jos reading shout ie This oi ‘nution co doing analysis bile into the book in evo main ways. Fay, readers are invited v9 comment upon texts or cary xt various ober short ‘rcs in mo ofthe chapters elo: In some eas ge my ovr anavers torendedlzected questions i others I do noe. These avers ar na tobe Fegured se igh they ae merely hereto give readers something pint Which to compare thar own answer, prtiulaly when the books beg Wed onde a css or group comtet Reales answers are Hly wo ier fom min, and dis should be regarded not as grounds fr ensteration, ‘cas wrth ring ini ay be rinse, ieee in ‘be MIC bogie the kof inert te te whch re jst as ‘print in Gexisng how ate erected 8 wht fin Uo teat ‘al Th cond pote eration to ana is the procoare for ‘tas whic spree in Chapters 5 and 6 (below) Heres sma of apr conta (Chapters 2,3 and 4 anchor the rest ofthe book theory They set ous vew of the inmltnsip of langage and soe, with the tps upan power and cloy. The tof my positon Sat langage connec wih the soa tough being the primary domain ficology and trough eiag bh site of nda sake in stage for power. Chyer 2 gies «gener pierre ofthe place of langage i ‘tty, Chutes 3 nd # foes respectvey pon power sn elegy. Chapters $and 6 pe + sytmtc pretation of «procedure for salma. Chaper das with he desripdan of tex and Chap- ‘er 6 fortes on proces of producing ad ierpeting texan the nai of ter ident nd ef. Soe Chapter? for hese ‘iinctons, Chapters 7 and 8 explore change in dicouse in ration wo change in me In Chap 7, the eps on india ety ad is socal condony with » ue stay on the poll score of ‘Thatcher, which ed for an een aplestion ofthe proelure of Chapter 3 and 6. Chapter 8 the foes sis large sale tee ‘isin eontemporary dou in relon fo msn econ of change in contemporary epti sociey, drawing lowly pon some recent soci theory pec Habermas sed Fossa) Chapter 9 rng nt fossa ise which i presea throughor che Sea how CLS cal cmt o sg sci canton he cher sla suggests how readers might devsog ther interes in a es jeht develop Caper 10 des withthe implore of loblitin’ and “no leas forthe gueson of langage and power Fully # note on syle. Tate write in the fis person, rater than gusty persinelviews ad iterpetion nthe mperonal ye which Jsinore rational seademe work And hae operated with an age of| the reader snot jas mean to whom Lam eling ting ough some ties Tam bt loa a pares collaborative vente. Ths why T lve seis wed the pono We inhiely oer oe reader od sje ota Tsggest i Cpe 5 this ws of we’ can be manipulate, ican chim» spare soln fo instance when pola ues ‘vine people tse ine of thea’. hope that readers wl no el Simlydagoond ince panei vic, some renders wll at set themicves a prmer in tia couse any btn view ofthe pe tical objectives of the bok, Ihave found it esier wo wt asi ey i Tas connects with a general skrun by witerson CLS; the erica appara islstl tobe applied other own wring, slmost cern with some uses, Tuc the impres of ower and ideology on langage not elcid td iis ot someshing that you can nets scape from in paral instances by virtwe of being aware of in general References (nm ely, ee Matin 1986 and Fapaon 199 ado he rein bres ‘ley, per wet hnguege we} Pen 18H Kea a 198 ‘ol of person ngage 2 power writen fom x pepe whch i ‘eet fom ie The owing we renmtve he ot spc langue sy ered wo: adr, Anon, Brit, Chie ad Spenc 1939 (nga: Coplnd ol ever 097 Gta Vester 199 ng ‘nae an Dian Kinch 983 cops ely Shien 1994 ana {apn Aion ed Hertoge 1984 (onvernon atl). The depen of ‘Score ands new re-cpie’ s Gom the ea icone fi vlone of vn DL 985. Mey 108 epesensin of cement raga Ty 1978 a 199 ae accuse ings, On views of lngee ‘cent sl hays] Twp 1944 ad Chola sad Felonge 199. (Ge poem, Jaen 196 a ey 198. 2 Discourse as social practice “Tis taper ges» gener pcre ofthe ce of langage in soe cs erp in ee si tems inter apts Tis ox crely Tne wo Gap 3 und’ hich abort hs gener pict nem of ‘pete te rent btwee language abd pow, nd he reason {Rp beweta agape an elo Tage, thee thee chaps po- ‘eth main clases of th pon wach Tam adopting i hs bok on ‘he pce of gunge nce a anguag iene invled in power Ades fr pow and shat i 0 ive though ts idole ope “etme mare the majo themes of Chapter? under is main exon Ising * Language and scours: he conception of language me ned for CLS ‘alow lngune ool psctoe deine by soc cts + Discourse and rders of discourse aca couse dtrnined by ‘otal cose roof ne, eof omens sociated With esl scans + Gis and power in eptais socety onder of douse aides eal sage by pwr esto in soil ations and in sy 25 2 shal, + Dialectic of srr and practices: dco hes ffs pon scl svete, ls beg deteined by them nd so coats t ‘ol ernst nd scl ange An example [ALL sil shove, hs chapter wl be ican language and soci in ‘easel geerl tens whch wl be made more specie ater chapters. Te Soc not end el sly to teil seasons of pois 2 Chaps 3 DISCOURSE AS SOCIM PRACTICE 15 nd do, and iil therefore peas epi to have conzete example hich canbe wed to gives preliminary ksration of ome ofthe ain ‘hemes and which we een dre ack tr nthe cap “Ths tex par ofa nerve in pobeserdon, inven he witness to an armed cory (0) and polcetan (9, n wih bus information ‘chain ging on ho ether shake byte experienc, bing tsk what happens ecrding the information ced in witng (0) r Did you ges aa the oe in the x? ) we Tow i fe, yeah 6) re Whac sore of ge was be? (3) We Aboot 45. le wat weatig 6) me Andtow ol? (8 w Six for oe @) re Six fot one. Hai? (Fo Dark snd ery this gng ke long ve goto cll the Bs fom stool ae (©) r Noc mich og, no. Whit shot his ats? (00) He was bison, lve wose, ak (0 Jem (03 een aww you Cac ep eine nee ‘Nees tow eed ht a “The hn ae neal oe, wih he palin Glyn co th wy ee Sa vs tn yd ge ‘ke pa rome vos utc ec ame "pnp qo nr fr enn mig ave nas ape ee ht yy yr mg dak ee end SF ir rey ac a aed {ws mini pews lta and nr nn 7. Sach ‘cod gunn at pol oh oe pron ling in ar fo oe, ‘orisha war x nesing tte eae sine oi te noms oli I nor tt ee ‘stowage a il ena ihe enon pis Aer fee he nay which he nee hess wit 9. se fly bw oslo corbin rap We Sod ling ga woh sot ech lege he are ela, not cule her pel ae ‘lt qua techno wh pon = Would wee jie in ying tha these proper at rir? Tn one sens, the re, bss thy could be dierent In wctisseHowese hey tre anyhing but arbisay” they are determined by soil condos, ate ‘pectclly by the mane ofthe resdonipberwen the police and members ofthe pi’ in oar sce and indeed hey ae par of da elaoship. If thse reonsip were to undergo drmac anges ~if member of loa ‘emmunites were lated by these communis to act spb offices on # canal renevable bas, for instance ~ we canbe petty conden at Pollcepbl’ corse wold change to. Thisillstster ane jor conten= Hon ofthis chapter that soci condone deri proper ofcourse. “Anche that we ought to be concemed wth he proces of producing and interpreting txts and with how these cognitive procees ate socially ‘Shaped and tlaive to socal eonendons, not jose with texts chemseoes Coser for instance how w inerprets the absce of any aelnowledge- ‘ment bythe policeman ofthe informsion sheeple: IFsomeshingsimsar Fnppened in Friendly conerston, would be experienced by parpas travel esece ands protic, maybe an ndicatn ofdcbelt er eae {snc and ane word exect to God is problematical characte efleted {n frmal Fatars ofthe tet (uc a an emtarased slime” oF signs of sition). In the police imerview,adowledgement would think not _enerlly be expected 0 anence wold noe be experienced a problem for someone in tne with the conventions for such interviews. This dost indeed spper ene the cre fr W- The example darter that the way People ners Fares of tents depends upon which socal more spec $y dscoural~ conventions they ae asuming to bol inal in thi hope shall be highlighting not only dhe soil dete ination of language se, Du also the Hngusbe determination of sie “Ths for intance, ne wishes oko to wha xen the postone which re setup for members ofthe ‘publi inthe order of diconse of policing are Dee omuped by thom. In our example, wW doc indeed seu mo be 2 {ely compliant wines Ino fra neck poston are complinlyocmped, ‘he socal elaostps which dtemsine tem are sstanel bythe we of Jnnguege. Converse, in so fy as dominant cooveaons are resisted or ‘contest, languge tne can eonabute to changing soc relionshipe. “pic we ef ec yb ino dt ye Siping on wat stl oat pce ent wh te ont ‘fasion ote een Co ole» a ‘atte by rag oneness wate ‘en iw the psn eng cen ee ‘one peng wh ay ne dn Language and discourse “This scion deeops the argument cha, for CLS, the conception of an= ge we need het of dur, anguage a form of voip. The ser Jnguge has been wd in numberof deren ene, ncuding the two whch Inge hove sndardly dseshed lege and pr Ientoned in C.D). Nether of thee i equalnt to denane, bot lscwsion of thera stay bp to cat somne of the sous concopons of languege, and how discourse dirs fom oes, ‘Langue eed perole “The dincon beeen logue and parle was made famous inthe work of she Swiss nue Fernand de Saisre. What I sal rer to the ay Susur has generally been seerpeted; ideas are le clear and leo Simple ian this might sugges, prey becuse polished versions afi work ‘ere compiled posthumously by others ‘Srusue regarded lngu a 2 sytem or code which i psi w aad language ase, which isthe same fo ll embers ofa lnguse community, sd which rhe svi side of langage ax opponed to are, which i od id. For Saasre, pore what i acelly id or write, i determined Itely by individual ches, nce socially tall. Linge, neering fo ‘Stusture sconcerned pinay wid mgs, not pra. Tanguoge se (pl a8 Sassre was aware, cararized by eens ine linguistic varisoon, and ic the acoane of ths van given by ‘moder sosilinguinies which hot done motto undermine the Sausuean {once of parle. Socilingusies ha shown that this aiaion isnot. a ‘Seusure tought, + profucr of idan choice, bit « prodact of sal Aierenistion = angoage wares zon to the rot entoes of people in ineractions, thelr sol defined purpses, scl seting, and 2 on So Sse’ individuals noon of pl uniter, ed in peter the ern dnsone Tam fis ofall commiting myself eo he vie at nage wei cll determine. ‘Boe what about Langu? Serre understood lage a something ni say and homogeneous throaghou + scene Bat i there sch «things Taguage’ nts unitary and homogeneous sense? Ie iscerainy the ae at 4 good many peopl land act asi hee were ~ we ae ll air wich ‘the English ngage or "Eogls,and cher san any of specials who teach Engh’ ve lecares about "Engi and wee grammars and ic ‘ona of Eaghsh.Similany for ‘German, Rissa, Pend te. “A lowguage ns ben jong define ar sleet witha ay sel ay, techs foe with «stun udereunent. Maser aris and nares ste feature of the ‘ation sate and so wo she lagi sicton or ‘andrdzaion’ of large poltillydeaed ertores which mater ele sf Engst” or ‘Germat meaning. When people alk sbout Engl ia stain for instance, they generally have in mind Drish endo Engh, lathe sandardied variety of Bish English. The spend of thie wsesy Int al de portane pie domaine sn high mast smog row of he ” —— ation ate achievements of emda ce Ch. 3) a6» par of the opel, poi and cll unicaton of modern Bein. From this ag oe: enue pa ee pas of rem eta sper bel ech Se seit eek she esa fing Sure oe Dope” ete etre sul Coad een nase of inp 9 wal ee Set epg Noe, Saas inst rene a ce cpl ss and conan fp sie a 228 ss nd conan of andr lenges re nee te Screen nei EnsopsLog lpn ieee wens se Et Te lec ey oooh Fh loin fac nope of one, ee oe eS ter Pe ph eros ft ye sg ass aca Win ee ci ut 8 se fsa gogo nl es lage sa cna fr cent ou tpn tae fe i ate sul oun tate mero le a acer als esa cen asa apg ae ce ten lbs pole Sent et lp ay Baal a ene ca neti ecard dig pele fae eng’ i tts ight - theta ofthe twentieth centr? eas wy cine open are Tl ot eae Tianna sacar on bape: ener bape 2 ee a Tne eas nan oa i spoke tn shal on sue et Ce cfc al decminc, w st Tea cane neo ew inguin bs feed ne es al coca al wale nd Wk ao eh era ep afren wrar(neecon) Horr nt Te et coven ey to nog ta a fe or dance by dry pee oo Spicy baaleed thas ar ne ef ini lar te i he pve he sealed teen fi wow couse as sacl practice ree ver ogo tng fr sya Roy pag oe cer sat hae fe pres. And thirdly, hat lnguage a socially condoned proces, cond Soned wa by othe (onlin) pan of soci I sal dics thee TT's noe uncommon for retools on language wo have sections on the relationship "betven' language and sera there were to independ fencer which ut hap o come ita contact occonaly My vow fs hac there nota exeralrestnship“eweenlngune and soc, Det ‘intra and desea reltnship. Language pr foie nine homens ae sci phesomene of speci sr, td sol phanomena are (Ga par) ings phenomena Tings phenomena ae soci nthe sense that whenever peopl peak cor tenor wte or ed they do 20 in way which ae deermine sally And have socal effects. Even when pope re mort consis ofthe ov Individeaiy and thnk dhamslvr vo be mos et off fom sci in ences ~ in the bosom a the i, fo ample hey sl wens in ‘ye hich are bjt to sci vention. And ue may in whch people {SE lnguage in ther mont intimate and private encounters ace at oly Socially determined by the soil relations ofthe fly they ls hare Social fac inthe ene of ping to sian (or indeed, shang) she ‘elonshis Socal phenomens ar inguin, onthe other han, nthe vn tht the gang sctrgy which goes on ia socialconents a ll guage acy sow) not metely a relecion of expression of soil proces and se ‘ey, i a gre of those process and patie. For example, sates ou he mesingof poll expressions are constant sd fir pet, lof pls. People somexmesexpcly arg abot the mening of words like demrany, natialition, nperitinn,sxion,Bertion oF teria. More oe, they ase the words in more or lese pried diferent and ‘compatible ways ~ examples are es ond in exchanges Bese leaders ‘of poll parses, or beeen, the Soviet Union andthe United Sates fof Amerie Soc dspoes are sometins seen 28 merely preliminaries © tr outgrowths fom the real proces snd pracicesof poiies What Lam Suggesting is that hey are noe they ae pole, Plies partly coi a he Aspe ad seuggls which orcr i langue nd orer langage Bot ies nota ater of «symm reasnsip“bemeen language and say es equl fet oft single whole. The wale ir society, and language one stand of the soci And wheres all Unguisie phenomena swe soca, no all scl phenomena are ngs - though eve hee that fe ot jst nguiie(coonomieprodacton, for fastans) ryvclly have ‘Subs, and often underrated, lngsage lement [Leta tn now othe second mpiton of epudinglangge a soi practice — th lnguage i social process ~and approach through ooking wine diferentites scours Gm et. sal be making exons eof ‘he erm seta sal us the tern the Unguit Michael aliday dos, fort writen tes and pn tex pen tet singly whats i ee fon dso bl ery eth trae wen ‘nips i wt an. Tees pcre han pros produ of he proces of txt peehtcnDt als he e dc efr othe hole rces a can of wht pare Tis pos clos a ete rf pci, of ich he ee a poo ie ferent ach he earn: Texans sa cy ya pt of cna sols, which ao incl + orl nd erp prose, The foal rope of a ee epuad fom fe apace of Saou also te ane Sta ofthe padre rom, anon he ee and tenia the hand eS epeon Ikan mporane popary of proce and re cam dt ey nee spay bean popes of sandal ring cf wt [freon Cape sete {ec (lich pol ave hr heds nd dw apn hen vc time ee nding ther know of Inge, (yon of tne snd oc word ey at vals ee, ‘Spend 000 et cone af te proces of profusion and ineretsion ieee hi ures the wy in which hey ae moc ee