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Title no.


Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Small

Openings under Combined Loading
by M. A. Mansur
.-i. 1netliod zs presented for strength deszgn ef reuifbrced concrete
bearns that contain a srnall opening and are subjected to con1bi11ed
torszon. bending, and shfar. The proposed rnethod recognizes t'wo

different types offailure:' tabeted as beam-type and Jri1me-~)'pe jail11res. 'I'he design for the." beam-type failure zs accol!l/>lis!ied on tile
baszs ef tile fanziliar skew-bending theo1y far torslon zn concrete
beanis. Us1.11g the Australian approach, the problen1. ef conzbined
Loading zs reduced to the usual jlezuraL and shear de~-1g11 procedures.
F'or frame-f)t)e failure, recoinmendatzons are gzven on t/ze basis of
a"(}ailable ll!forrnatzon to achieve a satzifactory deszgn. The 1netllod is
illustrated by a numerical eJ:ampLe.
Keywords: beams; bent.ling; Jes1gn;


concrete>; sllt'ar; small

opelll11g"S; strengtll; torsion.



Tran.sverse openings are often provided through beains tOr

tl1e passage of service ducts and pipes to better use tile other\\'TSe dead space above the bean1 sof1it. This type of bearn has
been the subject of considerable research over tile last t\\'O decades. 1~he tJ1eones that evolved inay be broadly divided into
t\YO categories-one related to s1nall open1ngs 1- 6 and the other
to large openings. - 10 AltJ1ough no clear-cut line of de1narcat1on
bet\\'een large and snrnll openings 1s available, this classification
tacitly irnplics that the 1nen1ber beha\'es either as a bea1n or as a
fran1e due to the presence of openings. When the opening is
sn1all enough to retain the bearn-type behavior, or, u1 other
\\'ords, if the usual bea1n theory applies, then the opening 111ay
be tenneJ as a s1nall opening. rfhe opening JS large \\'hen the
bcan1-type behavior 1s tal\en O\'er by a fia1ne-type response.
ln case of a bea1n \\'ith sn1all (circular, square, or nearly
square) openings subjected to predo1111nant torsion, test observations su;;est~_,, that the h1ilure occurs, sunilar to a soli<l
beain, by bending about a ske\v axis. Therefore, the fruniliar
slH:\v-bendin; theory 11 tOr torsion 111 concrete beains should be
applicable to bean1s \Vith a t:in1all opening. 1~he validity of such
an analysis, \\'itJJ 1ninor n1o<lificat1ons tor the stirrups intercepted
by the opening, has been confinned by experin1ents conducted
under pure torsron,:i,:i torsion plus bending,'" and cC>1nbined torsion, bending, and shear.!! l-Io\\e,er, no 1nethod is available fOr
direct design of a bea1n under such a loading condition.
ln this paper, tl1e strength equations developed by Hasnat
and .-\khtaruzza1nan!! fOr con1bined torsion, bendil}g, and shear
lHt\'e been sunplifled by neglecting 'the nunor tenns a'ncl recast
111 a fOrn1 suitable fOr direct design. In addition to the typical
sl\L'\\-bending failure, labeled here as bean1-type failure, an additional fi.;<une-type failure is recognized and accounted for in
design. The 1netho<l is illustrated by a nu1nerical exainple using
SI units.

experimental observations and related intOnnatlon available in

the literature, the problem of cornbined torsion, bending, and
shear is reduced to tile usual bending and shear design procedures. The 1nethod thus proposed to obtain a direct design solution is simple and conforms to the current code prov1s1ons. lt
will therefOre provide a useful tool to the designers.


To con1prehend the denvat1on of design equations and the
relevant srmpliflcations, consider the strength analysis of a
bea1n using the \Vell-ln10\vn ske\v-bending theory. 11 The theory considers tllree,basic failure rnodes, classified as .\16cle J,
Mode 2, and Modes according to the location of the concrete
con1press1on zone near the top, side, and botto111 of the bea1n,
respectively. Aspect ratio of the bean1, relative proportion of
top and bottom longitudinal steel, and the ratio of applied
torque to bending mon1ent \Vtth or \Vlthout trans\'erse shear
generally go\'ern the fa"ilure rnodes.
When a sn1all opening is intro<luced througll the \\eb, and
the bean1 is subjected to predo1n1nant torsion, a\ailable
evi<lence'.!-5 suggests that the bas1c n1odes of failure re1na1n the
sa1ne. 'fherefore, an analysis s1n1ilar to that of a solid bearn
should apply to bea111s conta1n1n; a s1nall opening. I~Io\\'CYer,
since the opening- represents a source of \\eakness, the failure
surface 1s assuined to tra\'erse tJ1rougl1 the opening center. In
de\'eloping strength equations for such bea111s, several other
assu1npt1ons typical of the usual sl\e\Y-bending theory 1 1 are
also 1nade.

Mode 1 failure
1"'he assu1ned failure sur[1ce tOr I'v1ode 1 1s sho\\'ll 1n Fig. 1.
The slte\\'ed co1npress1on zone at tl1e top 111;1!\es an angle 8, to
the norn1ai cross section and is .101ned by a tension crack spiraling at a constant angle around tl1e bean1.~ The resultant of the
forces deYeloped 111 the longitudinal bars intercepted by the
tension zone 1s F 0 and the force 111 the botto1n Jegs of stirrups
that cross tile failure surface is F,"'1 Si1nilarJy, F'.. ~, and F:;.. are
the forces 111 the vertical legs of the long.and short Rttrrups, respect1\'ely. Let the fOrces F, and F,('}1 be located respectnely u.t
Ys and )\l'h belo\v the center of co1npress1on C.
Taking 1110111ents about the axis A-A, \Vhich passes througll
the center of cornpress1on, Hasnat and .A. khtaruzzan1an .: obtained the follo\Ylng. eq uilibntnn equation
ACJ Srnu:I11ral Journal, V. 96, No. 5,'Septcmbcr-October 1999.

rfhi.s paper deals \\"Ith reinforced Concrete beall1S \\"lt/1 SlnaJl
openings subjected to predonllnant torsion. On tile basis of

AC! Structural Journal/September-October 1999

Received J:.i\y 16, 1997, and reviewed under Jnslltute publicatrnn policies. Copyright 1999, American Concrete 1nsututc. All rights reserved. rncJucling the making
of copies unl;:ss pennissmn is obrnmed from the copyright proonctors. Pcrunent discussion will be published in the Juh-August 2000 AC/ S1r11c//ira/ Juunwl if received
bv l'Vforcl1 J, 2000.



PfiCI, 1s an associate Professor

111 t111!

Department of Civil Eugmeermg,

'" I r;11 ;. frsilY of Singapore. 1-le received his e11g111eermg degrees from Bangfadesll
.\ ~twr..i

Cr.rrcrsitr ofEilgwW:i-11ga11d Tec/1110/0/Jf, _Dfiaf,;a, and !11s Pl1Dfrom the Umvers1ty of1'. ew
Sou:Ji lfilftf, ii11stral1a. 1-le was a co-rec1/mmt eft/1e .-/Cl ~\faur1ce P. l'Ofl Buren, St~ctu~al
E.:_~mNrlllglft!'ard in 198~ and 199!2. lie IS a member cg AC! Committee 5-t.9, Tli~1z Rem-.
tfir((l (~mrnt. P~odticls. His research J//leresls mc/ude topics related to reu!forced J'lrllCturat
,,,,:,rde.Jiber -rn1if_orce111e11t m co11crete, andftrrote/1/e11t.

I lop

b tnn B1






x ;





Fig. 2-Geo111elr} ofboundar)'faillfre sraface.

tan0 1

btan8 1

+ 2D

tan8 1

(I + 2a)


vvhere a= Dlb and hand Dare the overall \Vidth and c!eptl1 of
solid cross sect:on of the bea1n. If /fwllenotes the area of one leg
of the stirrups, andfi.:1.1s its yield strength, then

AH. fvw
'.; ;: : __._x 1 tan1


rfhe tenn FsJ., 1n Eq. ('2) represents approxiinately tile pure

pos1t1ve bending strengtl1 of t11e section M<) 1 IfJwli is taken approxi1nately equal to -1't the di1nens1on oftJ1e Jong stirrups parallel to D. then upon substitution of tan 8, fron1 Eq. (1) and Ftdi
fio1n Eq. (D), Eq. (~) becoznes

,_.~1/;. 1-AfOde ,1jailure suiface}'or beanls with sniall openzng.

( 1I

(T+ Vu)(! +2a)tan61 +M=


Aw fv\\'
M 01 + - - - x 1y 1 ( l + 2a)tan !-'!

in \Vhich Al, 'f,: and v are the bending mo1nent, torsion, and
transverse s!l<!ar applied at n1idsect1on of the opening.
The three etp._ress1ons
on the right-hand side ofEq. (1) represent the,'jbut1ons from longitudinal steel, the bottom
legs of st1rrUp$/:,-~nd the vertical legs of stirrups, respectively.
~J\Vever, forc~S!,ln tile vertical legs of the stirrups have a lever
a:rin about A-A',',So small that their contributions to the resisting mo1nentfOi'.~_Mode 1 failure may be neglected .. Thus, dropping the third ~~Xbress1on on the right-hand side, and dividing
the resulting eQ\1._?tion by cos8 1 , Eq. (I) reduces to

Ttan9 1 +' ,fi:.t + Vtan8 1 == FsYs t F whYwh tan 8 1



b + bD



Instead of 1n1nnn1z1ng 1' in Eq. (2) with respect to tan81, as

"''as done by J-Iasnat and .Ah:htaruzzainan, 2 in11111n1zation of T
rn Eq. {G) w1tl1 respect to tan~ 1 Jeads to equations that are suitable for obtaining direct design solution. Differentiating Tin
Eq. (G) \\-'1th respect to tan~,, and equating the resulting expres~1on for dTld (tan~ 1 ) to zero, thus yields

T+ Vu= 2Aw f,.wx,y,


tan~ 1


Subst1tut1on ofEq. (7) into Eq. (6) gives

T+ V(I + 2o:)tan0 1 +M


Eq. (_7) and (8) are useful for direct design. For example, if
suitable values (as grven In the subsequent article) are selected
for tanB 1 and a, the requ1red quant1t1es of stirrup and longitudinal re1nforce1nent can be calculated from Eq. (_8) and (7), respectively. The strength equation, similar to that obtained by
Hasnat and ..-\khtaruzzarnan, 2 may be obtained by eliminating
tan~, from Eq. (7) and (8).


Mode 2 failure


The failure surface for this rno<le rs illustrated in Fig. 3. In

this fltilure Inode, the cornpress1on zone is located along a lateral
side of the bea1n, n1aking an angle 8 2 \Vi th the norrnal cross section. It is assun1ed that the longitudinal steel is concentrated at
the corners and the lever arm of the foice in this steel is x!
Taking 1non;ents about the axis B-B, neglecting the contribution of Fwii and following an approach s11nilar to tJ1at of
Moc.le 1, the fi>llow1ng equilibrium equation 1nay be derived


AC/ Structural Journal/September-October 1999

. - --


Fig. 2 sho\\'S u,developed diagram of the line PQRS (Fig. 1)

of the failure s.tirfiiCe, \VherePo is the zone of compression, and
QI{, RS, and SP. ;:fre the cracks on the other three faces. The
nuinber ofsti1;,ru1:> legs intersected at tll~ botto1n oftJ1e bea1n by
tlie cracli. 1s af)proX.1I11ateJy (x 1 tanS 1/sJ, where x 1 1s the width
(horizontal length) of stirrups, sis the stirrup spacing, and Pr
is the 1nclination of the failure crack for Mode i. Referring to
Fig-. 1, Jt can be s/iO\Y!l that Si JS related toe, by




,..,,.,,.,,., ""--~.:::SO::'o-=-'--.-

,,.-; .,.,,._,.,"~'""" -







Mo2 + A-,-s~
w f vw x y' ( 1 +
1 \

a2) tan "



111 \Yhich:l\f&~ rs the strength of the bea1n in lateral bending at

the opehing: section,
is the total length of vertical legs of
short stu:rUps at the throat section on one face of the bean1 per
surrup sphCti1g, and ~ 2 is. the inclination of the failure crack tor
1vio<le 2 and)s given by


tanS 2
Min1n~1z~ion of

tan0 2

= Dtan8 2

( 10)


Tin Eq. (9) with respect to tanp 2 yields

(' T+ V x,)


fyw , tan 2



2}Qilure suifacefor beams with s1nall openzng.

( 11)

Substitution ofEq. ( 11) into Eq. (9) gives

( 12)

The strength equation for Mode 2 may be obtained by eli1n1nat1ng tan~~ fro1n Eq. (11_) and. (12).

Fig. 4--Frame-typefailure of beam with s1nall openz?Jg under torsion.

Mode 3 f.ailure
The an.3i)rs1s _for Modes is snnilar to that for Mode

i. In this
case, the skewed compression zone is at the bottom instead of
at the top;:The equations for Mode 1 can be used to denve the
equations :Cor Mode 3 by turning the beam upside do\Vn and
taking Af:::. ..:...1Vf, V= -V, and~,= ~:i Eq. (7) and (8) thus respecnvely becoipe

check:ed in a single step by 1ntroduc1ng an equivalent shear

( Veq)s, as given by


Akhtaruzza1nan~ to evaluate the shear co111pression strength,







(l7n 1) 0 of beams \vith s1nall openings. It

= M o3


rfhc tcrn1_:JYf0 .~ IS the pure flexural Strength In negative benJSi1ni1Uf _to Modes 1 and 2. the strength equat1on fOr Mode
.'3 ffiilure 1lutybe obtained by elinunat1ng tan~:> from Eq. (IS)


and ( l '1'),






( 15)






given as

( V eq ) o::; V11+-;

( 16)

1~he shear con1press1on strength of the bean1 can then be

evaluated by 1neans of the shear strength equation of the section as a _.whole, us1ng Ve17 1nstead of V11 to account for torsional
effects. 1'his procedure has been found to g1Ye results \vell on
the conservative side.

Shearcdtnpresslon mode of failure

The thi~~ ~nodes of failure as described previously 111ay be

Ienncd as:::fj'exural type of torsional failure. Although the failure surfi1c:C:i.s ske\ved and \Varped, 1t has the general characteristics of the. failure surface -In pure flexure. As a result, tlie
analysis 1S 'very s1n1ilar to that for bending. These n1odes of failure usually occur \Vhen the bea1n contains adequate stirrups
such that .the n1a1n steel yields and the full flexural strength of
the bea1n i~ attained \Vll"en loaded to failure.
\Vhcn the bean1 contains inadequate st1rrups. the concrete
coinprcssiqn zone n1ay shear through prior to yielding of the
nwin stcet"fhis \Vill prec1p1tate failure at a load belo\v the corresponding tl~xural failure load and is tern1ed asshear-coinpression
in ode of failure. According to Collins et a!., 12 the possibility of a
shl'ar-typc(failure in a bea1n \Vithout any opening could be

ACI Structurai Journal/September-October 1999


In the preceding discuss1on, the failure surface for a particular n1ode is assun1ed to pass through the center of an opening
encroaching the solid part of the beam. Observed in 111any torsion tests,!?--'-' these failure n1odes are basically iclent1cal to those
of a bea1n \v1thout an opening, and hence n1ay be tenued as
bea1n-type failure. A careful examination of the equations derived reveals that only the reinforcen1cnt 111 the soli<l section
outside the opening participates in carrying the external load.
\Vhen sulfic1ent re1nforcen1ent is used to prevent failure fro1n occurring in these modes. then there is a possibility that the fiiilure
1nay prec1p1tate in the 1ne111bers above and belO\\' tile opening .
This type of failure, as observed by the author in an unpublished
study, 1s sho\,n 1n Fig. 4 and is labeled as fnune-type failure. In



.. ,,.. 1'- c.Jft.U'ilure

the entire
applied act101.1s are resisted, ind. e'
1~,,, of tile solid part of the bea1n, by the n1e111bers fran11ng
pent L
-dit' opening. c~nd hence require a separate treat1nent in design.

The transverse reinforcen1ent is obtained fro1n Eq. (I 8). Introducing a capacity reduction factor <j>, the follo,v1ng equation
is obtained

oesign forpeam-type failure ./

The foul'



of failure considered in the ske\\-bending

theorY are alI:l:!efined as bea1n-type_ f~ih~re. These failure 1nodes

lorni ~he b<' of the torSio-n-pro\-is1on 111 tJ1e Australian Code,
.-\.:-;, 15 in \rhich the effect of torsion has essentially
lll'\.:ll reduced .to usual flexural and shear design procedures.
..\.ccording tothe code, the cross section is first proportioned on
tile ba.-:1~ of a 1\tfocle 1 failure. Checks are then rnade, and, ifnccL:'~a1-y, 1nodi,(!~at1ons introciuced to insure that the beain \\'ill
not fail in P.1odes 2, S, or the shear-co1npress1on 1node. Steel
pl'rccntages ~ire also lin11ted to guard against a prunary crushing f'otilurc. S\1~,4e the strength equations for different 1nodes re111a1n s11nilar;,rith the introduction of a sn1all opening, and as
they agree -v~fy \Yell \\'Ith reported t,est c!ata,~-,; the san1e approach \\'ith htlhor n1odificat1ons for the inclusion of tile opening 1nay be t)S',Cd for designing such bea1ns. The design steps
in\oJ\Td to a(t\buntfor the various failure 1nodes are described
Jll ~l'qUCllCC as';llO\\'S .
.\lode 1 ji1il11/e--Equat1ons s1n1ilar to those given 111 the Australi<tll Code.1\S I180-197'1 1il can l1e obtained directly fro1n Eq.
()and (8). t\cC(lrdingto the code, the value of tan~, 1s chosen as

tanP, =


Sub;.;t1tut1on ofthi9 \'alue rnto Eq. (7) and (8) gives

( 18)

( 19)

in a design siJuat1on, the fltctored bending n10111ent, torsional

1nonient, and ttl.e shear force at the center of the opening are
h:no\YJL Thus,: 4\f
11111 , T =: T 11 , and V = !r11 , des1gnat1ng the
first tenn of Ee\: (19) as M 1.q(i) the equivalent 1noment due to
torsion and ~dlef!r in Mode 1 failure, that is

Assun11ng a +5 deg tension cracl\ for Mode 1 f~1ilure (Fig. 1),

it n1ay be sho\,.Jl that this spacing 1nay be continued at least up
to <l distance (D -do)/'2 + b, on either side of the opcn1ng 1 \Yhcre
d 0 is the clianieter/ depth of opening.
JVfodeSfiu'/ure---Taking tan0:! =tan~!' \Yhic!11s gnen by Eq.
(17), then u1)on sub;.;t1tut1on, Eq. (I+) reduces to



1s the equ1\'tdcnt inonient clue to torsion and shear rn Mode ;l

~fhus, if the nun1encal \aJLlC of /l.!11 is gTcater than 1111..l'l)
there is no possibility of a i\:lodc s fi1ilurc. Physic<Jlly, 1t 1neans
that any tcn:-;ilc stress at the top of the bca1n induced by ]1,f,.,~:i)
is canceled by the con1pre.-;s1on due to J\!11 No top steel is requircd. l-Io\Yever, nonunal steel co1upns1ng at le.ast one bar at
each of the top t\\'O corners llHJSt be provided fOr anchorage of
Ifl\t/11 < ,w;.(tl_:i) there \\'ill be residual tension at the top oftlle
bean1, and top steel should be introduced to \\'Ithstand a negative bending (i.e., one of opposite sign to lvl11 ) of 1nagnitude
[.i\.Jn,(~i) - A111] by follo\\'1ng tile usual flexural theory.
J'i,Jode 2 failure-In the A.ustralian Code,!!.! the design equations for this inodc ofE1ilure \\ere derived by assu111ing tan~~ as

ranp 2




Subst1tut1ng this value for tan~<J in q. (12) yields



1n \vhich 11lrg(.'1.)' the equivalent n1oment due to shear and torsion for Mode 2 failure, 1s given by

the require<.! st.r,~.ngth in positive bending becornes


'"fhe des1gnel':t~hooses a Yalue of a(.= Dlb) if the sectional di1nens1ons ar~ riO~ given or l\110\Vn rn advailce, evaluates Mfq{l)'
and then finds the Yalue of /l.!01 The section and the 1ong1tudinaJ re1nf(lrcon1ent inust be designed for this 1no1nent usrng the
norinal flexu1a1 ',d.es1gn procedure. It 1nay be easily sho\Yl1 that
the flexural des~gn procedure for a bea1n \\'lth an opening re1na1ns essen t111lls:the san1e as that of a solid beain, provided tl1e
opening does n()'t :reduce tbe concrete area necessary fOr the de\eJop1nent oi:theco1npress1ve stress block at ulti1nate. Ho\\'ever,
if the open11ig c:ti.ts 1natenal ti"Olll the co1npression zone and.
thereb)', redUl,"(~S 'the concrete area required fOr tl1e de\'elop1nent of tile c.tfr1'11lress1ve stress block at ultnnate, then tile reduced are.a ofcohCrete in con1press1on should be accounted for
111 de.sign.


M,qt 2 , =



AS 1480-1974 12 suggests that if M 11 < 0.5Meq(e) the cross

section of the beam and the area oflong1n1dinal reinforcement
sl1ould be such that the bea1n can \Y1tJ1stand an equ1Yalent bending 11101nent, J.ll,.lj,,'2) as given abo\e in lateral bending. Also, the
area of\veb steel should not be less than that grven by


Shear-co111press1on 1node--Sirnilar to the Autitralian Code 1'1

approach, Eq. (I G) 111ay be used to preclude shear-con1press1on
frti1ure ofa be;1111 \\11th a s111all opening. 1-Io\vevcr, this equation
1s based on a part1cul<ir size of opening, tlu1t is, 40 percent of the

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999

bea1n depth. For a bca1n \.Vithout an opening, Eq. (16) applie.s.

ft hasahigher coeffiGient fOr Tll/b.. --rherefi)re, tor an intennediat~~size of opening, a linear 1nterpolat1on !Jet,,een Eq. (_15)
and ('.Io)is suggested. It is given by


\vhich d1/ D::; 0.-1' or. 111 other ,,ords. for the present design
proposci/, the deptJ1/ dian1eter d,, of opening is restricted to 0.4
tunes t11e overall depth of beam D.
l\no\V,lhg the equivalent shear for the shear co1npress1on
n1ode, st.irrups can be designed on the basis of the nonnal shear
design prov1s1ons. If the steel_ area Aw thus detennined is greater
than that already found dunng the previous design steps, the
larger, q4ant1ty should be adOpted.
Prifna'Q.1 co1npresszonfailure-The design fOr the three flexural
1nodcS of.failure, 1.e., Mode 1, 2, ands, rs carried out by follo\.v1ng th~ normal flexural design procedure. \.Vhich involves a li1nJtat10n 011 the area of longitudinal steel for ductility reasons. It
is conSit.lered that this lim1tat1on will insure that the bean1 is
under-reihtOrced with respect to tt1e longitudinal steel.
rn ca~e of a prrsn1at1c beam under torsion, the Australian
Coch: 1 ~. ~Uggests that the primary compress1on failure by
crushin:g:.of concrete diagonals rnay be avoided by 1nsur1ng that


Fig 5-ldealized free-bod)' diagratn at ope11u1g .sectzon

un'"der combined loading.

ef bea1n

and that at least one longitudinal bar be placed at each corner

of the stirrup. Also, to' prevent spalling of the concrete due to
bending of the longitudinal re1nforc1ng bars 111 bet\.veen stirrup-supports (Mitchell and Collins 15 ), spacing of stirrups
should be restricted to the follo,.v1ng

x, + Y1
s<--or s::;.300 inm


whichr~ver JS

\\here.. t,he quant1t1es are expressed in newton and 1nillimeter

units. ~rhis -equation is identical to tl1at proposed in the A. CI
Code. 1-1 FOr bea1ns \Vltl1 s1nall openings, a sitnilar equation :nay

be suggested by considering the area of concrete re1noved by

tile opening as

Design for frame-type failure

A. tian1e-type failure occurs \Yhen the cross 1ne1nbers above
and beh)\Ythe opening are not adequately reinforced for the ac-



through thenl.


find these actions, Nasser

...:r al.~' ha\'C suggested that tJ1e applied transverse shear be <lisoibuteJ bet\veen the cross 1nen1bers- in proportion to their
(ross-sectional areas. Si1nilarly, the applied torque 1nay be as~11111ed to be res1steJ by the couple tOr1ned by the resultant of
lateral slldHi stresses in the cross 1ne1nbers, as justified in the
\\ork of'I\iansur et al.i'l Thus, referring to Fig. 5. the lateral
shear r~::-_iS.given by



in \\-hict1 f.ts the distance fio1n the longitudinal axis of the bean1
tu the plastic centroid ofa chord, and the subscripts tand b re\~r

to thu top and botton1 chords, respectively.

\\'ith the uslwl bending 1nechan1s1n, the problem of co1n-

bined to1;s;on, bending, and sl1ear for fi<une-type failure tl1us

reduces tb 'des1gn1ng each cross 1ne1nber at the opening for
shear in t\',o directions, as shO\\'n In Fig. 5.


Jn a so!i'.d bean1 under predoininant torsion, the usual detaUing 1\:qui'1fr2~nent is that the stirrups must be closed 111 shape,
with tht: .ends sufficiently anchored inside the concrete core,

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999

The sa1ne detailing requ1ren1ents for stirrups s!1ould apply to
a bea1n \V1th s1nall openings tOr the section through anJ beyond
the opening.
Here. design tOr the bearn-type failure \\'ill fix the top and
botton1 Jong1tudinal re1nforce1nent for the overall section and
tile requ1re1nents of .stirrups for the solid section outside the
opening. 'Design fOr ih1n1e-type failure will gtve the a111ount ot
vertical and horizontal lcg.s of stirrups 111 each croHs 111cn1ber
tOr vertical and lateral shear, respectively. Tile larger a111ount
should be adopted in the tOnn of closed stirrups subject to the
spacing li1111t ofEq. (_SO) .-\, nonunal longitudinal bars 111ust
be used at the top and botto1n of the opening for anchorage of
these short stirrups. --ro contain the gro\\"th of cracli.S, nonunal
diagonal bars should also be added next to the edges of tile
opening norn1ai to the direction of potential craching due to applied loading. These bars should be arranged in such <1 \Vay to
avoid any possible contl1s1on and construction error.

A S00-1nm-dian1eter opening is to be proYided througll a reinforced concrete bean1 of rectangular cross section, l00-1nrn
\\'ide and soo-1n1n deep. The beain 1s subjected to co1nbined
torsion, bending, and shear. rrhe opening is located at lnidclepth of the bean1, and tl1e 11101nents anct shear at the section
through tl1e center of opening due to factored load.'> are T 11 =
120 kNn1, J/11 :::;:; 250 ld\1 rn, and !7;, = 100 kN. Design the rc1nforce1nent for the opening region of the bcan1, using}; ~ SO
MPa,J,. J,,. J,," ->20 MPa.

= = =

Design for beam-type failure
Check adequacy of the section:
Equivalent shear [Eq. (29)]

300) 120
V,q(,cJ = 100 + (L6 - SOQ Q.4

467.5 kN


:\s:;uniing" T25 (25-1n1n clianieter,fi.:::: '120 MP a) longitudinal

bar:;, -r10 bo1rsfor stirrups, :and '25-nnn clear concrete cover

1 ~
d = 800-(25-r10 + 12.5) = 752.5 mm

be continued at least up to a distance (D - d0 )!2 + b, on either

side of the opening, \\'hich 111 this case 1s 650 inm.
Fo1- sllear--Us1ng a 45-deg truss. neglecting the contribution of the concrete and noting that for t\vo-legged stirrups
Av :::: 2 Aw, the foll0\\'1ng IS obtained

'fhcrcfore, Eq. (SI) gives

Aw _ 1[

= (0.85)(0.83)J3(i(400)(752.5 -300)(10-

-S- - {ji


2f,.w(d, - d 0 )

in \Vhich d~., the distance bet1\'een the top and botto111 longitudinal re1nforc1ng bars is "" 71 1.5 nun. "fherefore

= 698 kN
Since [ r~,J ,;;,r~ 6 !'" the cross section IS adequate.
IJcsign. 6f ina1n 1ong1tudinal steel:
f'pr the p,;hen cross section, a= 2, and= 120 nun [by Eq.
(:>)j. Eq. {~l)tl,lus gives


= (!20+!00x0.!2)J(l


= 545


'fhc longitudinal tensile re111forcen1ent should therefore be

proportiont:d to provide a no1n1nal resistance of 11111 = 11101 =
.~1-lS kN1n. Fiexliral design of the section through the opening
leads to .4,:::::. :1:SGG n11n 2 . Therefore, use fOur 25-mn1 dian1eter
bars giving .'i::;;: 1963 1n1n~ and p = 0.0066. 'fhis re1nforce1nent
ratio u1ay be ~h0\\'11 to be less than 0.75 tnncs the balanced ratio. J-:t.'.nce, dt~c',tllity of the section 1s insured. t\lso, 1t has been
finuHi tl1at tlw opening does not intercept tJ1e con1press1on
stress blocli.
l)es1~11 of.longitudinal top steel:
"rhe equ1Va]eJJt 11101nent due to shear and torsion fOr Modes
fiilure 1.s given by Eq. (_21) as

M,." 131

= (120- 100 x 0.12)J(l + 2 x 2) = 241


Si1ll:e .1!11 ::::: !250 kNn1 > Me,fi.:l)> there IS no possibility of a

.\'lode .'3 fi1ilun.'. Therefore, use non11nal top steel, for example,
t\\'O I :!-n1n1-di,1l!"Tleter bars.
Checl\ fl>r' Mode 2 failure:
"fhc equ1vujCnt lateral bending n101nent due to shear and
torsion fOr i\1~de Q failure 1s given by Eq. (27). As x 1 = 340 mm

M," 12 i

.(.120 + 100 x 034) Jo+ 212) = 194 kNm

Thus, Jl11 :::: 250 kNm > 0.5Meq('J.) Hence, there IS no danger
of a Mode 2 failure for the section.
Design of.silrrups:
For torszon--Assu111ing that IO-zn1n-dia1neter bars are used
fOr stirrups with .a clear concrete cover of25 n11n, x 1 ::::: .'340 1nm:
Yi::::: 740 n11u;y{:'~S80m1n.Also.Melf(.i)::::: 545-250::::: 295 kNm,
and lvl,,9("1)::::: 194', kN1n. Eq. (2Q) and -(28) therefore respectively

I .[



J= 0.82

Design for frame-type failure

Design of botton1 cllorc.i:
l'erllcal shea1'--Sincc the n1e1nbers above and bclo\~' the
opening lla\'e idcnt1cal cross sections. they \\'ill equally share
the f~1ctored sJ1car of l 00 kN at the center of opening. 1,herefOre, rr11 ::::: 50 kN for the botton1 chord. Also, d::::: 202.5 nlln. Eci.
(BO) tJ1en gives

[V,,] max = (0.85)(0.83)J3(i(400)(202.5)10- = 314 kN

Since !7 11 < [V,J 11111.r> the section is adequate.
This men1bcr is subjected to axial tension due to global
bending. Neglecting the contributioll of concrete, and using
t\vo-legged stirrups ofT10 bars, yields

= 0.69 mm2/mm


This is larger than the minimum shear reinforcement prescribed in the code. 1+ Hence, s::::. 157/0.69::::: 227 1nm. As this
spacing 1s larger than d/2 = 101 1nm, uses::::: 100 1n1n for the
vertical legs.
Lateral slzea1'--The lateral shear 1s given by Eq. (S2) as

vu = 120/0.55 = 218


\\Tith b:::: :250 1nm, and d:::: 400- (_25 + 10 + 12.5)::::: 352.5 min

l VU] max = 342 kN and


= 68 kN



, . - i';[' (194)10. J
-; - iJ.85 (4)(340)(380)(420) =


l. 59 n1m-/n1n1

This 1s larger than tl1at required for torsion and needs to be

provided in the solid section adjacent to opening \\'ithin a distance (d,. -d0 )!2 on either side of the opening. f-Ience, spacing of
10-m1n-dia1neter, t\vo-lcgged stirrups required is s::::: .1,1.II.59
~ 78.5/ I.59:::: '1-9.G n11n, say 50 111111 \\'ithin (711.5 - :300)/2 ::::
205 n1111 on c1tJ1er side of the opening.



A,, = -'-[
0.85 2(711.5-300)(420)

218 .ooo
(0.85 )( 420 )(352.5)

mm /mm

~fhe latti qua.i~~ity governs. Assu1nu1g 10-111111-diaineter stirrups, s=- 18 ..~I l~O!l:::: 74.,7 nun, say 701nm.1~his spacing should


= 157/1.73

90.7 mm>d/4

= 88


Hence, uses""' 88 nnn for the horizontal legs. This. togetJier

vnth the spacing requ1ren1ent fOr vertical legs, will be satisfied

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999





9 spm;es


70 mm

g spum @ 70 mm

400 mm

21::0 -

~: : i:='.!'.l ~




la) Longitudinal secUon

lb) Section A-A

Fig. 6-ReznfOrcernent details cf beam ln deszgn e.xarnp!e (2T 12 1neans tivol 2-1n1n-dia1neter
bars with yield strength ef ~6'0 MPa).



if three closed stirrups are provided in bet\.veen the t\vo long

stirrups by the side of the opening.
DeS1gn of top ch Ord:
~fop.chord is subjected to axial compression due to bending.
Since it bas the same dimensions as those of the botto1n chord,
and as the 1nagn1tudes of both transverse and lateral shear are
the saqie; the use of the sa1ne stirrups for the top chord \vill be
on tJ1e cOnservatlve side.

1~he :arrange1nent

bending n1oinent

J/111 J.fO~> .'vf,,;)

of re1nforcernent 1n tl1e opening region 1s

:d10\vn. 11:i .Fig. 6. lt may be seen that nonunal longitudinal bars
are pro'vj.ded on the top an<l botto1n faces of the botto1n and top
chordsj 1~espect1veiy, to provide anchorage to short stirrups.
Also, no1n1nal diagonal bars are added for crack control. For
snnplic1ty, the .spacing of stirrups is kept at approxnnate!y the
san1e val tie. The higher stirrup requ1re1nent 111 the solid section
nl.'xt totJie opening is tal{en care of by 1u1np1ng t\\'O stirrups together ori each siJe as sho\Vn.




r\ n1cthoJ is pre.sente<l for the design and detailing of bea1ns

that co;1~.ta111 a s1nall opening and are subjected to con1bined








I Ill.


i ]>;;I

~J.-J !lllll

t.H.S kN
! ..'.3.5G k::-\111
6.S9.5 1-IPa


1orsion 1 ~;,1?ending, and shear. It 1s inainly based on the ske\\'bending!,':~heory for torsion 1n concrete beams. Ho\vever, the
possibil!tY of a fia1ne-type f~1ilure 1node has been recognized

and Pt'<)))Crly accounted for 111 design. Since the ske\v-ben<ling

theory .Jn1s been \Yell-tested fOr beazns \\'Ith a s1nall ope1:1ng,
and tlll'.-..i..>',x1sting code pro,is1ons are used, the 1nethod IS expected t9_;yield a sate design. As illustrated by <l nuinencal ex:nnpiL'. ::qie 1netllo<l therefOre provides the inuch-needed
f?;uiJeliqes for the designer in dealing \vi th bean1s containing a
sn1all opening.

force m bottom longitudinal steel

force in horizontal legs of stirrups
force in vertical legs of long stirrups
force 111 vertical legs of short _stirrups
cylinder co1npress1ve strength of concrete
yield strength oflong1tudinal steel and stirrups
overall depth of section

equinilent moments for J\:fode 1, 2, und .'3 failures,

non11nal bendiilg strength
nonunai ;;trengtll ofsectwn in po~itive, la(eral, and
negauve lien<ling:
factored bending 11101nent
;;pacmg ofsnrrups m dirccnon parallel to.longinidinal
torsional moment or tensile stress resuJta11l
nominal torswna] moment stren~tll
fal'tored torsional n1onwnt at section
sJ1ear force
ec1t11\aJ ent sl1ear for shear-compression mode of failure
nominal shear strength
norrnnal st1car strength provided by shear reinforcement
factorcl! shear force at :;ccr1on
rnax1nnm1 ;;hcur force allo\Yed ;it scC[lO!l
shorter center-to-center di1ncns1on of closed sorrup
longer center-to-center dimension of closed stirrup
total length of vertical leg.~ of short fitl!Tllps at throat
:;ectmll on one face of bean1
mclinanon of failure crack for Mode I, 'L, antl 3 failure,

angle between concrete compression zone and
transH!rsc plane for Mode i, ~,and :3 failure, respectl\'elv
see Eq. (:3)
capac1n n.duction factor

1. 1-h~nson,

J. IV!., "Square Openrngs in \Vebs of Continuous Joists,' PC.-1

Rt!searc// and Development B11lfetz11, HD 100.01D, Portland Cement Associaoon,Skokie, Ill., 19()9, pp. 1-1+.
2. Hasnat, _,\,,and Akhrnn1zzanian, A. A., "Beams with Small Hectangular Openmg under Torsion, Bending and Shear,'" Jo11r1111! of Struciuru1
E11gmeertng, ASCE, \~ ! 13, Xo. 10, Oct. 19s-;, pp.'l'l.'.d-'2'1iO.
3. !\fan;;ur, :\1. A., and Hasnat, A., "Concrete Bc1ims with Small Openmgs under 'forsion," Jo11ri1<1f of the Structural Dhision, ASCE, V 105, s-r l I.
i\o\. 1979, pp. 2-h'3.'3-2}+7.
" +. :\'fansur, :\J. A., and Paramas1vam, P., '"Heinforccd Concrete Bt:a1ns
with Small Opening lll Bending and Torsion," AC! Jot:H:-:AL, l-'rocadi1u;s
\'. 81, Yo. 2, J\Iar.-r\pr. 198+, pp. 180-185.
:.>. ::-.1ansu1~ J\'f. A.; P<iranrns1van1, P.; and Lee, S. L., "'Tors10D in Reinforced Concrete Beams Contammg Circul<lr Opening," l11ten111!101111! Journal ofStruct11rrs, V 2, No. S, July-Sept. 1982, pp. 89-98.
6. So111es, N. F., and Corley, \V. G., Circular Ope11111gs Ill l!'ebs qfC011i11w011s Bem11s, SP_-42, American Concrete Jnsotute, Farnungton HiJs, :Vfich.,
19-;+, pp. S59:__S98.
7. lvfonsur, I\'1. A.; Tan, I-\. H.; and Lee, S. L., "Collapse Loa(\s of RIC
Beams with Large Openings," Journal ef Structural E11gi11eer111g, ASCE, \'.
110, No. l l, Nov. 198-1, pp. 2602-!2618.
8. J\1ansur, :-J. A.; Ting, S. l-\.; and Lee, S. L.. "Ultimate 1'orqucs ofR/C


area of bottom Jongituclinal steel in sect10n

area oi stJJTuD;; per stirrup spacmg
area of one Jeg of stirrup
breadth of beam
efii.>cnve depth
<lianwter of circular openrng or deptl1 of rectangular
distance bet\\ een the top an cl bottom 1ong1tudinal
steel at


ACI Strui:;tural Journal/September-October 1999


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