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OF LTM 612 Field Student
Candidate: Katrina Roxas

Check One: 1st Observation _X__

Supervisor: Carol Dixon

Date: 9/28/15

Cooperating Teacher: Lois Fletcher

Number of Students: 16

School: Darrell L. Hines Academy

Grade: 8

Uses teaching resources and curriculum materials that are

appropriate in representing the ideas and concepts.
Plans instruction appropriate to students stages of development and
learning styles.
Links new ideas to familiar ideas and makes connections to students
Provides opportunities for active engagement, manipulation and
testing of ideas and materials.
Knows how to enhance learning through the use of a variety of materials.
Values flexibility in the teaching process by monitoring and adjusting plans
and adapting instruction when necessary and appropriate.
Chooses appropriate teaching strategies, learning experiences, and
materials to achieve different instructional purposes and to meet
student needs.
Varies his or her role in the instructional process in relation to the content
and purposes of instruction.
Plans motivational instruction by relating lessons to students
personal interest.
Seeks to find ways to meet the needs of diverse learners.


__X_ Emerging


Subject(s): Science
Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7DISP: Respect, Responsibility)

2nd Observation ___

Your knowledge base of Eighth Grade Science concepts is strong. You

chose important goals and objectives for this lesson. The teaching
strategies and learning experiences you selected were appropriate.
Unfortunately, your lesson plans were sketchy and not up-to date. They
lacked the depth and detail that would benefit both you as the teacher and
me as an observer. Also, providing the students with a study guide to fill in
would have been a good organizational tool for their note-taking.


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7DISP: Respect, Responsibility)
Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination/Integrative Interaction
WTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect, Responsibility )

Shows respect for the diverse talents of all learners.

Uses knowledge about human motivation and behavior to develop
strategies for organizing and supporting individual and group work.
Is committed to the expression and use of democratic values in the
Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space,
activities and attention to engage students in productive tasks.
Knows how to help students work productively and cooperatively with
each other.
Uses strategies of effective classroom management to promote positive
relationships, cooperation, and purposeful learning in the classroom.
Respects students as individuals with differing personal and family
background and various skills, talents and interests.


__X_ Emerging


Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You skillfully organized the resources of time and activities in this lesson.
You allocated an appropriate amount of minutes for each activity. The
note-taking, Q & A, and game you chose addressed visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic learning styles.
Your classroom management skills are still developing. You mindfully
reviewed the CHAMPS behavior objectives with students at the beginning
of class, but unfortunately you didnt consistently enforce them. You asked
for Eyes up here and stated, Im not going on until its quiet, but then
you didnt wait until there was silence before continuing. Instead, you tried
to talk over the noisy students.


Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis,

Integrative Interaction WTS 4,6,7DISP: Respect, Responsibility,

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

0210 ED

Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7DISP: Respect, Responsibility)

Uses different representations and explanations of concepts when

necessary to accommodate students who approach learning from different
conceptual frameworks.
Uses teaching approaches that address different learning styles and
performance modes.
Uses instructional strategies that promote student learning for a range of
student abilities.
Encourages discussion.
Elicits samples of student thinking orally and in writing.
Values the development of students critical thinking, independent
problem-solving, and performance capabilities by using varied teaching
and learning strategies to engage students in active learning.
Modifies explanations when necessary to assist students
Organizes, prepares students for, and monitors independent and group
Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication.
Is a thoughtful and responsive listener.
Communicates in ways that demonstrate sensitivity to cultural and
gender differences.
Models appropriate communication strategies in conveying ideas
and information.
Supports learner expression in speaking and writing, and other media.
Knows how to ask questions and stimulate discussion in different ways.

You modeled appropriate communication strategies in conveying ideas

and information. Your directions were clear and concise, When studying
the chart, youll need to know labels, descriptions, and one example. You
encouraged discussion with questions such as, What are some safety
precautions?... What is the difference between a physical property and a
chemical property? You affirmed student responses, You had it totally
right. I just shortened it up.
At the end of the period, you had the students signal thumbs up, down or
sideways to indicate how comfortable they were with the concepts taught.
This gave you a quick, informal assessment of your lessons success. To
further evaluate student understanding and strengthen class participation,
try other effective strategies such as asking for chorused and additional
signaled responses, circulating among the students to observe their work,
and making sure that all teammates take a turn.

____Inadequate __X_ Emerging _____Proficient ____Distinctive

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis/Integrative Interaction WTS: 8,9
DISP: Collaboration, Communication)

Knows how to select and construct assessment strategies and

Uses appropriate assessment techniques to enhance his or her
knowledge of learners, evaluate students progress and performances,
and modify teaching and learning strategies.
Solicits and uses information about students experiences, learning
behavior, needs and progress from cooperating teachers and the students
Evaluates the effect of class activities on both individuals and the
class as a whole, collecting information through observation of
classroom interactions, questioning, and analysis of student work.
Uses classroom observation and information about students as
sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and as a basis for
reflecting on and revising practice.

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

As you reflected on the effectiveness of your lesson, you stated, My
classroom management is not there yet. We discussed the importance of
waiting for quiet instead of trying to continue to teach while the students
were talking. We spoke about getting the attention of the whole class by
clapping, using proximity, and changing seating placements as well.
You were able to partially assess the effect of your instruction through
questioning. Unfortunately, a handful of students gave most of the
answers so it was difficult to evaluate the rest of the classs level of
understanding. Having the class signal how comfortable they were with
the material was a helpful strategy, but gave you limited assessment

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED


__X_ Emerging


Evidence (Candidate)

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication/Integrative

Interaction WTS: 10DISP: Responsibility, Collaboration,

Relates professionally and effectively with the cooperating teacher

and faculty.
Dresses professionally and consistently portrays a professional
Is enthusiastic about teaching.
Seeks out the cooperating teacher to support his/her development
as a learner and a teacher.



__X__ Proficient

Teaching with an emergency license is challenging. Because you have no

prep time during the day, you have not had the opportunity to observe other
educators in the classroom. Your principal/cooperating teacher has observed
and coached you twice. You have a positive relationship with her and other
faculty members. Perhaps your principal would teach a class for you so that
you could observe a teacher who has strong classroom management skills.
You are professional in your dress and demeanor. Your enthusiasm for
teaching is evident.


Summary Statement: Katrina, you have a strong desire to teach and a solid knowledge base. As you develop your classroom
management and engagement skills, your instruction will be more effective and enjoyable as well.

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate

__X_ Emerging



Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

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