PKSR1 2016 Penulisan

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Section A

[10 marks]
Use the notes given to fill in the blanks.

Name: Iggy an iguana

Colour: brown and black
What it has: scales, a long tail and four

What it can do: crawl and climb trees

What it eats: vegetables
Where it lives: cage

My pet is an ___________________. Its name is Iggy. It is brown and

_________________. It has __________________, a long tail and four legs. It can
crawl and _____________________________. Iggy eats ________________. It lives
in a cage

Section B
[15 marks]
Study the pictures and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Fill in the circle map below.


1. _____________


2. ____________

3. ______________

[3 marks]

(ii) Rearrange the sentences based on the pictures given. Write your answers in the
space provided.
He goes to the sea very early in the morning.
When he goes back, he puts the boxes on the lorry.
He casts a big net and catches a lot of fish.
Pak Jamian is a fisherman.
The lorry takes the boxes to the market.
He puts the fish in ice boxes.

[12 marks]

Section C
[25 marks]
Complete the story with the correct phrases. Write your answers in the space
went shooting
a leaf from a tree
an ant fall into the river
the leaf near the ant

he could climb
the ant
missed the bird
he bit

One day, a bird saw __________________________________. The ant could

_____________________. The bird quickly picked ___________________________.
He dropped _____________________________ so ___________________________
onto the leaf. ____________ was saved.
A few days later, a hunter ___________________. He aimed _____________
________________. The ant saw him. _______________ the hunter's leg. The hunter
felt the pain. He moved his body. The shot ________________________. The bird
flew away.
[25 marks]

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