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October 31, 2016

Dear LTM 611/612 student,

Welcome to the first step in what is probably your next big adventure. At times, you will
find this program overwhelming, but remember that you chose it because you feel it is the best
option for you. It may have been some time since you were last in a formal education setting
therefore there may be some adjusting as you enter into the educational world again. I found
Alverno to be a very different educational institute compared to where I got my undergrad
degree. There was not a class that I did not find engaging and rewarding. The readings,
discussions, and projects all felt relevant and practical helping me to develop the knowledge and
skills needed to be a classroom teacher.
As I started out on this journey I brought with me the experience and knowledge that I
acquired as a non-formal educator. I felt very comfortable working with students and creating
lesson plans that were engaging. I knew how to coordinate with my co-teachers and the
classroom teachers to plan field trips. I could facilitate discussions with my students by asking
thoughtful questions that varied in the depth of knowledge. I understood that each student had
strength in the way they learned and that a good lesson should have a variety of activities that
would benefit the most students. However I was still surprised how often I would bring back
ideas to my co-worker on ways we could improve our teaching.
One area I found myself really growing was with WTS #1 and AEA Conceptualization.
The classes in literacy and math increased my understanding on how students learn best in the
field. As an environmental educator I have been given numerous student letters that seemed to

have a number of grammatical errors. After taking the middle childhood literacy class I began to
realize that spelling errors in student letters were normal and they could be analyzed to determine
where a student was developmentally in writing. Through planning and teaching math lessons
to my 1st grade field placement I was able to really explore the common core math standards and
learned a lot about creating age appropriate lessons for first graders.
Through the courses I have taken and field work I have done I have really grown to better
understand WTS #3, WTS #4, WTS #7, WTS #8 and AEA Diagnosis. As I looked back over the
lessons I planned from the first year to my second year I am amazed in the growth I have had in
really understanding assessments. Not just what is an assessment and why is it important but
also in how to write an assessment. I remember in LTM 621 I planned and taught a lesson for
which I created an assessment. After I taught the lesson I realized that my assessment was not
quite right. Through practice and the assessment class I learned to refine how I analyzed my
objectives to determine what to look for in the students work. This process of better
understanding assessments has also facilitated my growth in determining instructional techniques
and creating learning experiences that best support my students. I look forward to continuing to
improve in this area over my time in student teaching. I always found it difficult to really make
the right connections with diagnosis in my field work.
My time at Alverno has also enhanced my appreciation for the students in my classroom.
Back during my first semester I took an educational theory class that increased my knowledge of
WTS #2, which was beneficial as I planned my field placement lessons. In the educations
classes at Alverno we discussed the importance of cultural competencies in the classroom. The
students who will make up my classroom will have had life experiences that are different then
my own. These discussions furthered my understanding of WTS #9, WTS #10 and AEA

Integrated Interactions. So that I aim to have my classroom be a safe and challenging

environment that creates a community of learners. To do this best I want to ensure that I reflect
on the choices I make and engage the greater community.
There is lot to learn to prepare to work with your future students. Good luck on your
journey. I am positive that your time in this education program will be rewarding and worth it.

Emily Michi

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