One Spirit One Mind: Are We On The Same Page?

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Are We On The Same Page?

Torah “is” The Mind of OSWHY Messiah

And When One Turns

To The Master,
The Veil is Taken Away.

Now HWHY is The Spirit,

And Where The Spirit of HWHY is,
There is FREEDOM.
And We All,
As With Unveiled Face We See As In A Mirror
The Esteem of HWHY ,
Are Being Transformed
Into The Same Likeness
From Esteem to Esteem,
As from HW HY , The Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17 Page 1226 The BESORAH

For ‘Who Has Known

The Mind of HW HY ?
Who Shall Instruct Him?’
But We Have
The Mind of Messiah.
1 Corinthians 2:16 Page 1210 The BESORAH

Be Renewed In the Spirit of Your Mind

Ephesians 4:23 Page 1243 The BESORAH
Stand Fast
In One Spirit
With One Mind
Striving Together
The Belief
Philippians 1:27 Page 1246 The BESORAH

Be Eager to Guard
The Unity of the Spirit
In the Bond of Peace,
One Body
One Spirit,
As You Also Were Called
In One Expectation
Of Your Callings,
One Master,
One Belief,
One Immersion,
One Elohim and Father of All,
Who is Above All
Through All
In You All.
Ephesians 4:1-6 Page 1242 The BESORAH
True Worshippers
Worship The Father
In Spirit and Truth…
HWHY is Spirit
And Those Who Worship Him
Need to Worship
In Spirit and Truth.
Yohanan 4:23-24 Page 1127 The BESORAH

“If You Stay in My Word,

You Are Truly My Taught Ones,
You Shall Know the Truth
The Truth Shall Set You Free.”
Yohanan 8:31-32 Page 1135 The BESORAH

HWHY is Near to All who Call Upon Him,

To All who Call Upon Him in TRUTH.
He Does the Desire of Those who Fear Him;
And He Hears Their Cry and Saves Them.
HWHY Preserves All Those Loving Him,
But All the Wrong Ones He Destroys.
Tehillim 145:18-19 Page 807 The BESORAH

For the Wages of Sin is Death,

But the Favourable Gift of HWHY
Is Everlasting Life
In Messiah OSWHY Our Master.
Romans 6:23 Page 1198 The BESORAH
Those Perishing Did Not Receive
The Love of the Truth,
In Order
For Them To Be Saved.
And for This Reason,
HWHY Sends Them
A Working of Delusion,
For Them to Believe The Falsehood,
In Order
That All Should Be Judged
Who Did Not
Believe the Truth,
But Have Delighted
In Unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Pages 1258-1259 The BESORAH

Has Not Given Us
A Spirit of Cowardice,
But of Power
And of Love
And of Self-Control.
2 Timothy 1:7 Page 1264 The BESORAH

And We Have Received,

Not the Spirit of the World,
But The Spirit that is From HWHY ,
What HWHY Has
Favourably Given Us,
Which We Also Speak,
Not in Words
Which Man’s Wisdom Teaches
But Which
The Set-Apart Spirit Teaches,
Comparing Spiritual Matters
With Spiritual Matters.
1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Page 1210 The BESORAH

The Way D The Truth D The Life.
No One Comes
To The Father
Except Through Me.”
Yohanan 14:6 Page 1144 The BESORAH

Set them apart in Your truth—Your Word is Truth.

Yohanan 17:17 Page 1147 The BESORAH

Every good gift and every perfect gift

Is from above,
Coming down from
The Father of Lights,
With whom there is no change,
Nor shadow of turning.
Having purposed it,
He brought us forth
By the Word of Truth,
For us to be a kind of first-fruits
Of His Creatures.
Yaáqob 1:17-18 Page 1282 The BESORAH

“If You Knew the Gift of HWHY

And Who It Is Who Says To You,
‘Give Me to Drink,’
You Would Have Asked Him
He Would Have Given You
Living Water.’’
Yohanan 4:10 Page 1127 The BESORAH

And the Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”

And he who hears let him say, “Come!”
And he who thirsts, come!
And he who desires it,
Take the Water of Life
Without Paying!
Revelation 22:17 Page 1319 The BESORAH

…You Have
Without Paying,
Without Being Paid.
Mattithyahu 10:8 Page 1031 The BESORAH

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