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Written by Sam Lawrence

The opening sequence of the film is set in a deserted field,
surrounded by woods. It is fairly dark. Evening. 1961 appears
on the screen, showing the audience what year it is. There are
many short shots of the field and woods, showing how deserted
it is. The camera shows the woods, and in the woods, in a little
den, is a scientist, Clive Johnson; he is surrounded by scientific
equipment. In his hand is a microphone, which he speaks into,
so that he can record his data. WHENEVER CLIVE JOHNSON
Clive: (into his hand-held microphone) This is Clive Johnson
reporting from lookout base 9. This observation post gives me a
clear view of the field.
He gets up and walks over to a seismic activity detector. He
examines it.
Clive: There is lots of seismic activity coming from this field.
He gets up, and walks back to where he previously was. The
seismic detector begins to bleep. He rushes over to it.
Clive: (not into microphone) JESUS CHRIST! (into microphone)
The seismic activity.its increasing a t a rapid pace.
The ground begins to rumble, he lies on the ground with his
hands over his head. Soil and his equipment are moving and
jolting around. This lasts for a few seconds. When it is finished,
he gets back up.
Clive: Its happening now! I repeat, its happening NOW!
Floor rumbles again, soil is going everywhere.
Clive: Im heading for the field.
He charges onto the field and looks into the sky.

Clive: Its defently going to happen. (surprised) I was right, my

calculations are correctthe meteorite is coming.
The ground violently shudders and Clive crashes to the ground.
He covers his head with his hands. The meteor crashes, there
are big bright lights and explosions going off near him. He is
getting covered in debris.its a huge disaster. After a while,
everything settles down; Clive gets up and looks around.
Clive: The meteorite has crashed. The crater is in the woods;
presumably, that is where I will get my data and evidence to
prove my theory.
He holds a scanner and points it at the woods. He then
examines his results.
Clive: There are surprisingly low amounts of seismic activity.
(surprised) There are also little amounts of radiation. It is safe
to proceed without a radiation suit.
He heads into the woods again, and arrives a t the crater.
Clive: This crater is not as large as I expected, considering how
ferocious the landing was.
He walks into the centre of the crater. He picks up two green
Clive: (surprised) This is very can these two
small rocks create such a large crater and cause all those
violent explosions.
He puts the rocks into a plastic container.
Clive: If my calculations are correct. (camera zooms in on
Clives face) we now have the ability to bounce through time!
Screen fades to black. STUCK IN TIME (title) appears on the
screen. Title fades off the screen and 52 years later appears.
Cut to a teenager skateboarding down the road. He walks to the
door of his house. As he walks into the house, he finds his mum
in the kitchen.

Child (Chris Johnson): Hi

Mum: Hello Chris. (pause) Guess whos here?
Chris: Who?
Mum: Youre Granddad Clive. They let him come home from the
Chris: (happy) Really! I havent seen him in ages.
Mum: I know, its been one year.
Chris: Wait.I thought he had to stay in the home.
Mum: Wellhe stopped going on about the meteorite and the
time-travelling watch.
Chris: Wow.he stopped. When I used to be with him, he never
stopped talking about his lab and the meteor stuff.
Mum: Wellanyway..hes home now; hes in the living room,
go and see him.
Chris begins to walk into the living room. His mum quickly says
something to him from the opposite end of the kitchen.
Mum: (sad) Chris, he doesnt have much time left, make the
most of it.
Chris: (long pause) I will.
He carries on walking into the living room. He arrives in the
living room.
Chris: (happy) Granddad Clive! I cant believe youre here. Its
been a year since I last saw you.
Granddad Clive: Well.They finally released me from that
Chris: I thought you liked the home.
Clive: No. I hated every second of it. I was longing for the
opportunity to get my watch and bounce through time again.

Chis: (concerned) Granddad, you know that never happened,

you made it up.
Clive: AhThats what they all say. (seriously) Look, I know I
dont have much time left, butChris: (he doesnt allow Clive to finish the sentence) Granddad,
dont speak like that.
Clive: Well.its true. Anyway the reason I stopped blabbing
about the watch and the meteorite is so that they would send
me home so that I could give you a gift.
Chris: (eagerly) What is it?
Clive reaches down to floor and picks up and old box.
Clive: Take this box..inside this box are all the answers to the
questions that I have not been able to answer.
Chris: Okay, I will go and check it out. Thanks granddad.
Chris gets to the door of the living room, when his Granddad
tells him something.
Clive: Be careful and use it responsiblytrust me.
Chris: I will.
He goes into the kitchen, his mum is not there. He sits on a
chair and puts the box on the table in front of him. As he opens
the lid to the mysterious box, the lights begin to flicker on and
off. They keep flickering.
Chris: What the hell!
He begins to lay out all the objects inside the box. There are
newspaper clippings, and all sorts of other papers. When all the
papers and newspaper articles, he finds a mysterious watch at
the bottom of the box. As soon as he lifts the watch out of the
box, and all the light go out.
Chris: My god, its the watch that he talked about.

He peers into the box again to find a small slip of paper, he

unfolds it, and it says: Instructions. He reads out the
Chris: (reading out the instructions) When you choose the year
you would like to travel too, turn the dial to the correct year.
Always make sure that it is charged with the green stones,
however, you must be careful as there are very few stones left.
(pause) And be careful.
He charges up to his room and grabs his backpack. He throws
in the box and a bottle of water. He runs downstairs to the front
door. His mum stops him at the bottom of the stairs.
Mum: Where are you off to?
Chris: You wouldnt believe me if I told you.
Mum: CHRIS! Where are you going?
Chris: Fine, Im going to the woods, to the crater.
Mum: Goodness heavens, did he start going on about it again.
Chris runs to the door.
Chris: Goodbye!
He runs onto the road.
Chris: Lets see what this road looked like in the20s.
He got the watch and turned the dial on it so that it was to set
to go to the 1920s. He reads a few of the instructions.
Chris: Hit the top of the watch when you want to travel and
jump into the air.
Chris hit the top of the watch and jumps into the air and
disappears. Cuts to a field, Chris bounces onto the field. He is in
the 1920s
Chris: OH MY GOD! It worked! Granddad, youre a genius!

A man in old farming clothes approaches Chris.

Farmer: Oi! Get the hello of my farm! Ill set my dogs on you!
Chris begins to run in the opposite direction of the farmer.
Chris: Ahhhhh!
Chris begins to put 2013 into his watch. He hits his watch and
bounces into the air, and disappears. He arrives back on his
road, in 2013.
Chris: Thank god!
Chris puts 2020 into his watch. He hits it and bounces, and
disappears. He appears in a dumping ground.
Chris: No way! My road turns into a dumping ground.
He walks around and explores the area. He finds nothing, apart
from a huge dumping bin.
Chris: Im going back.
He puts 2013 into his watch, hits it and bounces into the air,
and disappears. He appears back in 2013, or so we think. He
walks down his driveway and knocks on the door. Nobody
Chris: Come on, open up.
Still, nobody opens up. He opens the letterbox.
Chris: Hello, is anybody in..let me in, come on!
He runs out onto the road to find a child scooting around on a
Chris: Hey, kid.
The child scoots over to Chris.
Child: I have a name!
Chris: Sorry, Im Chris.

Child: Im John.
Chris: Anyway..did you see anyone leave this house within
the last half hour.
John: Ive been out here for an hour and I havent seen anyone
come out of the house. Wait, you went on holiday yesterday.
Chris: (confused) What! How can I have gone on holiday
John: You came out of the house with a suitcase with your mum
and dad. I asked where you were going, youre dad said you
were going to Port Isaac in Cornwall.
Chris: (extremely confused) What year is this?
John: Are you serious?
Chris: (angry and confused) Tell me!
John: 2014.
John scoots away, leaving Chris in a confused state.
Chris: What the hell is going on! My god!
He re-types 2013 into his watch, hits it and bounces away; he
re-appears in the exact same place. He looks up and down the
road and still sees John on his scooter.
Chris: Holy shiThe watch starts bleeping manically, and out of energy
appears on it.
He runs down his driveway, takes off his backpack and sits
Chris: There must be something I can do.

He looks through all the papers and newspaper articles, until he

comes across a folded piece of paper; it says HELP. He unfolds
it and reads out the information.
Chris: (reading out the information) If out of energy appears on
the watch you need to unscrew the watch and refill it with the
green stones from the meteorite crash. If you are unable to get
hold of any green stones, you will be stuck in time.
Chris cuffs his head in his hands.
Chris: God dammit!
He looks over the paper again and sees something at the
bottom of the page and he reads it out immediately.
Chris: (reading out the information at the bottom of the page)
When the meteorite crashed, there were piles of green stones
surrounding the crater. I collected them all and sent most of
them to my lab to be tested on, however I kept some of them
and I dug a whole near the crater and put a few stones there,
just in case of an emergency. If you are stuck in time you go to
the crater, dig up the rocks, re-charge your watch and get the
hell out of there. Those are the only stones left, make sure that
nobody sees you with the stones; many people would kill you
for them. The exact coordinates are 426,957. Be careful.
Chris: Phew! Lets go and get those stones!
He throws everything in to his bag and darts up the driveway
and runs up the road, towards the crater in the woods.
He arrives at the crater and starts looking around, using a map
to try and find the rest of the stones. He doesnt realise that he
is being watched by a person hidden behind the bushes, he has
a gun!
Chris: Here. The stones are right here!
Chris gets a spade and starts digging. After digging for a while,
the person from behind the bushes jumps out and puts a gun
against the back of Chriss head.

Person: Step aside.

Chris: Please.dont.
Person: (demanding) MOVE!
Chris, still holding the spade, whacks the man in the stomach,
winding him. The person drops the gun. The person leaps up
and punches Chris in the face. They get into a huge fist fight.
They are punching and kicking each over. The person pins Chris
against the ground and begins to strangle him. Chris manages
to reach for the gun near his head. He picks the gun up and
whacks the person in the head, knocking him unconscious.
Chris gets up and kicks the person.
Chris: Bloody hell!
Chris picks up the spade again and carries on digging. After
long time of digging, he looks into the hole.
Chris: Where are the stones? Ive been digging forages.
He carries on digging and eventually comes across a little bag.
Chris: Yes! The stones!
He throws the spade to the side and sits down. He empties the
stones from the bag onto his hand. There are three tiny little
green stones.
Chris: Yes, I can go home!
He takes off the watch and begins to unscrew it. After
unscrewing the watch, he puts the green stones inside it. He
screws the watch back up again. He puts the watch back on his
wrist and throws everything into his backpack. He puts his
backpack on and gets up. He puts 2013 into his watch. He hits
his watch, bounces into the air, and disappears. He reappears
in the exact same spot.
Chris: Im home!
He charges to his house. He runs down the driveway.

Chris: (speaking to his Mum) Hello! Im back.

Mum: Youve been gone thirty minutes.
Chris: Really?
Mum: Yes.
Chris runs into the garden to find his granddad sitting at the
Clive: Did you have an adventure?
Chris: Oh yes. At one point, I didnt even think I would get home
Clive: I did say be careful.
Chris: Yeahanyway..Im going to destroy it.
Clive: I should have done the same thing years ago.
Chris: Why didnt you.
Clive: I could never do it; it is the biggest discovery mankind
has ever witnessed, I wasnt just going to destroy it.
Chris: How did you know that the stones were going to come
down in the meteorite crash?
Clive: Years and years of work.did it ever to occur to you
that there was a reason that those stones came down from the
Chris: No, I thought you said that it was luck.
Clive: Wellthe more I think about, the more I realise that
perhaps something, somewhere in space sent them to us.

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