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Spy Story

Twas the night August 13th. There was a silhouette of a man standing there in the
dark. He checked his watch, as if he was waiting for something or someone. Right as
the clock struck 11, another man appeared out of the shadows. He was thin, with but a
mask to cover his face. I got what you wanted sir, He said. Good, and finally the last
piece of the puzzle he needs can be locked safe away. He looked down sadly at the
glowing object in his hand. Then both of them disappeared. Little did the 2 men know, is
that they were being watched. Two glowing orbs blinked and the animal went away. The
thing was metal, and it had an ever-changing coat like a chameleon. The drone leaped
across many roofs until it reached a creek bed. It then slipped into the pipe that was
labeled Sewage. A light shone in the darkness and the animal drone slide into it with
cat-like movement. The room was dark but the it was full of computers. The drone
leaped up onto the lap of a hooded figure and he stroked it lightly. They think they're so
smart the man hissed. But I have eyes everywhere. The man lifted his hood and
revealed a gruesome half of his face was covered in machinery. His one good eye
glittering he laughedand laughedand laughed
A girl walked around a big dome-like building. It was normal, except the fact that
it was underground. It had white walls and silvery edges. The floor had a neat carpet
that one might find in a work building. She had long dark brown hair and pale skin she
was wearing a black suit with black 4-inch heels. Agent Zoey! a voice floated down the
hall. Please see me in my office, I have an assignment for you. Her face lit up in
excitement as she rushed towards the direction of the sound. A stout man was sitting in
a chair. This is a very serious case. He said. What is it She asked eagerly. Fifteen
years ago I was a spy tasked to hide away a powerful glow stone. To do this we broke it
into six pieces. A fire stone, water stone, earth stone, air stone, sunstone, and a
moonstone. We hid all of the pieces far away from each other so they can stay out of
reach of The Neckar organization. When all of the stones are together they give the
finder all of the power it holds. Even one gives lots of power over that element.
Sunstone is the most powerful. It can give life and regeneration. One person, whose
identity is secret, rules the Neckar organization. They have control over the firestone,
and its purpose is to destroy, and give light. You have to find if you find the sunstone
you can control all of the others. Okay Zoey replied. He whispered in the location of
the sun stone and she booked a flight to washington. She arrived and drove to a hotel.
Zoey opened her computer and signed up for a tour of the White House.
(3 hours later) She was walking on a path with five other people with big cameras
and hawaiian shirts. As they passed the garden, she took out a blueprint of the White
House, (how did she get that I wonder!?) She saw in the middle there was the previous
White House stone. It was located in the center of the building. She silently slipped
away from the group. Zoey looked around, confused. Where were all the secret service

guys? At Peet's coffee: Mmm these donuts are gooooood. How do you like it my fellow
secret service agent? Is it good? YEAH. Back at the White House. She sighed and
walked in. Walking down the large floors she followed the map. Suddenly she turned the
corner and saw the sun stone. It was AMAZING! But in between her and the stone was
a man in a cloak. You will NEVER get the stone, it is going to be MINE! He took out a
long double edge blade and said, let us dance. Zoey glared at him and unsheathed
her long mithril sword, (Where does she get this stuff from people!?) And sliced it
through the air. But he was gone. They ducked and rolled and his hood fell off. Taking
the advantage of this she swiped and his techno half of his face sparked and was
destroyed. AGHHHHHHHHH he cried. He then melted. Zoey broke the glass and
grabbed the sun stone. It connected with all other pieces and it absorbed into her
Foom! There was a blinding flash of light and she glowed many different colors. A
huge wave rolled across the earth, and sped up the Earth by a minute. The balance of
light and darkness must have noticed the change, and they both increased. The ocean
rippled and any boat on the sea was destroyed. The conversion was destroying the
world with the power that in held.
A six stared mark appeared on her chest. The light died down and she collapsed.
WHER WHER WHER, a siren started up. My new power must have triggered the
system. Her mind was trying to find ways to escape this place. Something in her must
have sent a signal to her and a strong gust of wind lifted her off the ground and out of
an open window. 2 seconds later a huge amount of Secret Service rushed into the room
(NOW THEY COME!!??) finding nothing, and the sunstone GONE.... "#!?%*" The head
man cursed with terrible words that can not be printed.
A man in an olive green suit, laden with metals of honor and praise, paced the
room. "Your going to wear a groove into my beautiful marble floor" Huffed an overweight
president. The man in green heaved a sigh and came to a stop. "Mr. President sir, with
all due respect, I don't think you realize how important this matter is." "Of course I do!"
he yawned. "It's about the Pudding Cup and Ginger Ale Disaster that happened last
week right?" Military Leader Scott Perale had no idea of why Mr. President was elected
last year for office. First, he was lazy and ignorant. Two, he insisted that people call him
Mr. President. And three, he had banished CARROTS. CARROTS of all things.
(Something to do with bringing back a carrot to life, what!??) Scott had decided that he
was off of his rocker.

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