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First conditional:
A first conditional describe a real or likely situation. Both clauses referto future.
Although the verb in the if clause in a present tense, will/wont are common in the
result clause.
If + S + V(present tense), S + will/may/can/shall + V
If + S + V( present simple), S + V(present simple)
you run, you will catch the train


If it rains, we cant go out.

If you written the letter, Ill post it for you.
Variation of first conditional:
If + S + V(present simple), an imperative sentence.
Eg: If you change your mind, please, phone me.

- It is used to express a truth

Eg: If you mix oil and water, oil floats.
If you heat ice, it turns into water.
- We can use should before the verb in the if clause of the first conditional
sentence. Often this weakens the possibility, implying by any chance...
Eg: If you should find yourself at a loose end over the holiday, youll always be
welcom at our house.

- In more formal and written contexts, we also somtimes use should in place
of if.
Eg: Should people complain about the quality of any goods, please refer them
directly to the custumer servicses department.

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