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Luz Castilla

HUM 314
21 April 2016
Creative Project of Cleopatra VII
Social media has become an important part of our everyday lives, we can not live without
it. No matter the age, race, economic status, or gender we all spend time sharing our thoughts,
pictures, quotes, videos, and many other things that are important to us. Celebrities in particular,
such as Kim Kardashian, are known for sharing these type of things in social medias such as
Instagram. Looking at Kim Kardashians huge influence in social media, one can wonder what
the fabulous Cleopatra would share on her Instagram account if she had one.
Cleopatra was such an icon to many people during her time period, she is often described
as the most famous woman in Roman history (Fantham, p. 136). So it certain to say that if
Cleopatra had an Instagram account, she would be one of the top people to be followed on it. On
her account I tried to create a time line of the major events that happened in her life. For
example, the time she was exiled by her 12-year-old brother Ptolemy, the birth of her three
children, and the romances she had with Caesar and Mark Antony. The reason behind this is
because if she did have an Instagram those life events had to be shared by her.
A second major thing to notice on creating her Instagram account was picking the right
name for her user account, Cleopatra_QueenOfKings. The user name speaks very clear of the
number one hobby Cleopatra had which was dating men with power such as, Julius Caesar and
Mark Antony. Because of this in Cleopatras Instagram account we can find many man crush
Monday post dedicated to her two most famous lovers. On her account Cleopatra shows more
love towards Marc Antony because as discussed in class, their relationship was deeper. Their

affair, their war together, their defeat, and finally their suicides show why Cleopatra
would post more pictures showing her affection towards Mark Antony.
A very important post on Cleopatras Instagram is a painting of when she met Marc
Antony at the Cydnus River. Plutarchs description of this extravagant entrance by Cleopatra
shows her extravagance and her big ego which was a big part of who Cleopatra was. Therefore,
she had to share this moment on her Instagram to show the world who the number one Queen is.
Other pictures Cleopatra shared to show her power are her jewelry, dresses, hairstyles, education,
and even her trips to places such as Rome.
The profile I created for her shows some of the main life events Cleopatra would share if
she indeed had an Instagram account. There is no doubt that Cleopatra would be the queen of
Instagram as many people during her time and even now admire her.

Works Cited
Fantham, Elaine. Women in the Classical World: Image and Text. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1994. Print. Pg. 136- 140.

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