Week 5 Lesson 26

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By Garcia, Camille Jewel L.


Skills To Be Developed:
At the end of the 50-minute period, all pupils present should have noted details in a story
read with at least 80% success;
Noting Details
Lets Begin Reading in English pp. 193-196.
A. Sharing Period
1 Our News Today
2 Standards For Today
B. Drill
1 The teacher reads and shows picture of words with Short i.
2 The pupils read the words alone.




C. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-reading
The teacher asks the pupils about their younger brother or sister.
Do you have a younger brother or sister?
What do you do together?
The pupils answer in this form I am _____. I have a younger brother/sister.
His/her name is____. I like_____with him/her.
Vocabulary (Get Set)
The teacher reads the words. The pupils choose the correct answer by
matching the picture to the word.

watch over


Motive question
What did Mateo and Andrea feel when they met the new baby?
2. Reading Proper
A New Baby
Mang Paolo and Aling Sarah just came home from the
hospital today. They came home with a new baby. They
already have two children, Mateo and Andrea, who are very
excited to see the new member of the family.
Its so small! was the first thing Mateo said when he saw
the baby for the first time.
Were we that small when we were babies too, Mama?
Andrea asked while curiously checking out the small feet of
the baby.
Yes, anak, Aling Sarah answered, and in time, Baby Mika
will grow up just like you, too.
But we need to help Mama take care of the baby, Mang

Paolo said. She cannot do it alone.

I can watch over her while shes sleeping, Mateo started,
Mama can do other things while I watch over Mika.
I can help fold the clothes of Baby Mika after Manang Nelda
washes them, said Andrea. Mama said I am very good in
folding clothes.
Thats a very good start! Aling Sarah happily said. I know
I will not have a hard time when I have little helpers like
They are more than just little helpers, Mang Paolo said.
They are Big Brother Mateo and Big Sister Andrea.
3. Post-reading
The pupils answer the motive question.
The pupils answer the questions about the story.
1. Who came home from the hospital?
2. Who did they come home with?
3. Who saw the baby first time?
4. How did they feel when they saw the baby?
5. What did Mateo say?
6. Why do you think he said that?
7. What did Mang Paolo say about taking care of the baby?
8. Why do you think he said that?
9. How did Mateo want to help?
10.How did Andrea want to help?
11.Do you think they can do that?
12.Why is it important to help?
13.If you were the older brother /sister, how would you help Mother take care of the
4. Fixing Skills (Oral)
Tim has a bib. The bib has a rip. The rip is big so Mother put
a pin on Tims bib.
Who has a bib?
What has a rip?
What is big?
What was put on Tims bib?
Who put a pin on Tims bib?
5. Independent Practice (Written)
The man digs a pit. The pit is deep. The man was tired. He
sits and takes a sip of water.
Who digs a pit?
What did the man dig?
What is deep?
Who was tired and sits?
What did he sip?
6. Formative Assessment

The pig is big. The pig digs the ground. There is a pit.
The pig saw a tin. The tin is in the pit.

What is big?
What digs the ground?
What did the pig saw?
What is in the pit?
Where is the tin?

Answer We Can Do It pp. 200-201 in Lets Begin Reading in English on your notebook.

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