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Document Review Comment Sheet

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Reply Owner's comment for Letter No. VLCS(H)-CECO(H)-L-0224-1309 and 1398

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Nguyen Anh Duc / V. Ochrimenko

Dr. Eike Kaps

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Not accept CECO's explaination. Selection an equation for calculating friction loss must
base on scientific basis: Fluid properties, Flow regime, required precision
We have Darcy Equation, Colebrooks Equation, Serghides Equation,Chens Equation,
Swamee-Jain Equation, Churchill Equation... for calculating friction loss. So, why do you
choose Churchill Equation for calculating friction loss in this project?
We have two Churchill Equation, one in 1973 and one in 1977. So, why do you choose
equation in 1973?
in CE-A-MA-CAL-200-001, when using Churchil equation of CECO for calculating
pressure drop of PW ( section route A), the result is 4.437 bar difference with the result
of CECO is 1.75 bar. So, need CECO submit detail pressure loss calculation for review
and check.
Because the result of pressure loss will influence to choose total head of pump.

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