DDS 582 1 Calculations For Mooring Systems 1 PDF

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DDS 582-1 CALCULATIONS FOR MOORING SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON, DC 20362-5101 DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO DOD AND DOD CONTRACTORS ONLY; (CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY) (16 JAN 1987). OTHER REQUESTS SHALL BE REFERRED TO NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (SEA 0982). DESIGN DATA SHEET DDS 582-1 AVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON, DC 20362 16 JANUARY 1987 DDS 582-1 DESIGN DATA SHEET - CALCULATIONS FOR MOORING SYSTEMS Paragraph Contents Page 582-1-a INTRODUCTION. 00... eee eeeeeeeeeees a 582-1-b SYMBOLS FOR FORMULAS; ABBREVIATIONS... ceceeeeeeeeeeeee 5 582-1-¢ MOORING DESIGN CONDITIONS......... 10 582-1-4 MOORING LOADS....2.600.5+ 10 §82-1-d(1) Wind forces... ut 582-1-d(2) Current forces... ...seeseeeee un 582-1-d(3) Calculation procedure for wind and current forees..cesseeceeeereeeees 582-1-e CALCULATION OF MOORING LINE FORCES... 582-1-e( 1) ‘Step-oy-step calculation procedure mooring Line forces. .s.ceeeeessertoneeee al HOORING EQUI PME cess -. 26 (Layout of mooring Lines - + 26 982-1-0(2) Mooring lines..... 30 582-1-7(3) Mooring chocks... 3 5a2-1-1(4) Mooring birts.- 3 382-1-1(5) Hauser reels....... 34 582-1-£(6) Rope storage bins. .3 $82-1-F(7) Capstan heads... 136 582-1-£(8) Fairleagers...... - 36 §82-1-3 ” CAPSTAN POWER REQUIREMENT... . 36 582-1-h BERTHING PIER BOLLARD SPACINGS..... ceceeeee eee 3B 582-1-4 EXAMPLE. MOORING ANALYSIS USING THE CALCULATION PROCEDURE... ses eveeeveeeree teseteeerees WO BIBLTOGRAPHY.. ceteteene seve 82 ADDITIONAL REFERENCE MATERIAL... ceseeeeseeee ees 5B APPENDIX A = LISTS OF SYNTHETIC ROPES AND THEIR BREAKING STRENGTH... 53 60 582-1-n APPENDIX 1 = CONVERSION TABLE FOR METRIC UNITS..... 582-1-n 582-1-0 Caleulation Sheet - 1 -1 -2 -3 Table I. 1, ut. wv. y Figure 1, 2. 3. a. 5. 6. 1 8 9 10. APPENDIX C - MINIMUM NUMBER OF LINES USED IN PRELIMINARY MOORING ANALYSIS... APPENDIX D = BLANK CALCULATION SHEETS.........45 Wind and current forces, foot-pound units Wind and current forces, metric units Mooring line forces Capstan design ‘TABLES Chocks for nylon rope... Bitts for nylon rope seeeee 32 sevens BB Vertical hawser reels +34 Horizontal hawser reels..... +38 Capstan head sizes for nylon ropes “37 FIGURES Longitudinal current skin friction coefficient Cyga)s based on reference (T).......+ se 2 Lateral current force coefficient (Co), teased on reference (1)... : sees 3B Current yaw moment coefficient (Cyye)s based on reference (1)..... cee TH Longitudinal wind force coefficient (C,,,), based on*reference (i)...ccessccssesertersrersaceres 16 Lateral wind force coefficient (C,,,). based on reference (1). Wind yaw monent coefficient (Cy, based on reference (1}..0+---+ J Diagram of mooring system with tuo degrees of freedom... teense 22 Elastic moduli of mooring Topes..+..+++ : 224 Typical mooring arrangement on ship's forecastle.....s.00++ 27 Typical mooring arrangement on ship's quacter...- - 28 " 12. 13. We 15 16. " 20. FIGURES (continued) Page Mooring Line layouts for normal and heavy weather conditions... veseeeeeee 29 Example of wind and current force calculations for heavy weather condition....... veteeeeeee ene WB Example of wind and current force calculations for heavy Weather condition (continued}.....+ 4H Example of mooring Line force calculations for normal weather condition..... : cee cesses AS: Example of mooring line force calculations for normal weather condition (continued)... Example of mooring line force caleulations for normal weather conditica (eontinued).. ealeulations Example of mooring Line fore: for heavy weather sondition. Example of mooring line foree calculations for heavy weather condition (continued)... . cee WS Example of mooring line force calculations for heavy weather condition {continued).....-+.++ - 50 Prample of caloulation of required capstan power... INTRODUCTION 4 fixed mooring system provided on Navy ships should permit ‘the ship to remain safely moored to a pier under specified design loading conditions. The purpose of this design data sheet is to provide guidance and uniform standards for design calculations for mooring of Navy ships. The design procedure presented in the DDS applies to mooring lines of different materials, including manila, synthetic fiber, and wire. ‘The data sheet contains three main parts: Part I (DDS 582-!-d) presents a recommended procedure for calculating wind and current forces, Part 17 (D0S 582-1-e) describes a calculation procedure for determining mooring line tension forces based on a system that has two degrees of freedom, and Part 11T (DDS 582-1-f) provides information on mooring equipment such as ropes, mooring checks, Ditts, hawser reels, and capstans. Calculation sheets and tables are prepared for use in both metric and inch- pound units. Only Calculation Sheet-1 is presented in two versions, one for {nch-pound units and the other for metric units. The two other calculation sheets are presented in one version each. To illustrate the design procedure, an example is included in DDS 582-1-i. A bibliography of referenced documents cited in the text is provided in DDS 582-1-}. Additional references of related material are listed In bps $82-1-K. DDs-582: SYMBOLS FOR FORMULAS; ABBREVIATIONS DDS-582-1-b. SYMBOLS FOR FORMULAS: ABBREVIATIONS Symbol or abbreviation Quantity or meaning n a pa if b End projected area below the waterline Longitudinal projected wind area model a Cross-sectional area of mooring Line Ay Lateral (side) projected wind area of vessel i b ke at B Bean BS Breaking strength of line as, Breaking strength of rope ; 2 e oy + Ry Pra) c Chrounference of rope Ceea (+ Longitudinal current skin friction coefficient Cxeb Longitudinal current foree drag coefficient Cy Longitudinal wind force coefficient Cayo Current yaw moment coefficient Coy Wind yaw moment coefficient fe Lateral current force coefficient ¢ Lateral wind force coefficient us. st inch-pound units units wn arte re ee? en? in? w re u Qe ® ft ‘a wb a a vem fe-ab im in (Dinensiontess) do. do. do. do. do. do. ws. Symbol or st Inch-pound abbreviation Quantity or meaning units units Young's modulus of rope material kN? Abs in? Factor of safety of mooring line (Dimensionless) r, Total external longitudinal fore: N 1b Fae Longitutional current force x wb Fay Logitutional wind foree ® Wb fy Total external lateral force N a Pye Lateral current force Q a Fy; Mooring Line force N aw Fv lateral wind foree ¥ 1b ke Capstan power ki np 4 Line number (often tn subseript) yy Line spring constant component in Y-direction wm reste x Line spring constant wm levte im Line Length from chock to bollard om fe y Line length from bitts to chock a fe L Lengths of rope o ft uy Line length from bollards to aitts = ft uw Waterline length of the ship m ft Me Current yaw monent fin ft-lb ¥ Overall yaw moment Xa fer ™ Wind yaw moment, Na fel Pep capstan Line pull N de Symbol or abbreviation Quantity or meaning Wetted surface Draft Line tension Volume Lateral berthing speed Current speed Capstan line speed Wind speed Water depth Bollard coordinates Mooring chock coordinates Ship rotation about vertical axis Displacement of ship Ship translation i Y-direction Efficiency of gears and bearings Efficiency of hydraulic pump ‘and motor Efficiency of capstan head Mooring line angle in horizontal plane v.S. st snch“pound units units 2 2 a re wt 1 3 £03 ke ke ke ke m/min 1) ft/min ke kt » ft a re ® fe rad vad t uw fe (Dimensionless) do. éo. my © us symbol or st Ameh~pound abbreviation Quantity or meaning units units 6, Relative bearing of approaching ery ©) current (also called angle of current attack) 8 Relative bearing of approaching ev «7 wind (also called angle of wind attack) P, Mass density of water 2 ® Kj bes? a, Mass density of air e Saal 2 co ft ¢ Wooring Line angle in vertical ey ©) piane ce Center of gravity deg Degree do. Ditto FS Factor of safety ft Foot g Cram hp Horsepower in Inch x Kilo (prefix, as in KH). kt Knot (1852 meters per hour) db Pound (force unless otherwise indicated) n Meter m Mi2LE (prefix, as in am) min Minute (of time) uN Newton ws Symbol or st inch~pound abbreviation Quantity or meaning units unics. vad Radian rev Revolution s Second (of time) sl International System of Units SWAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers t Metric ton 3/ ur Long ton W watt i/ The minute (of time) and the degree (of arc) are not strictly part of ST, but are usable with it, and each has the same meaning in both systems of units. 2 27 wunit of one HEE is also known as the slug, which is equivalent to 32.174 pounds mass, approximately. 3/. The metric ton, common in commerce, is not an SI unit, but is identi- cally equal to 1000 kg. When used'as a unit of force the metric ton is taken as 9.806 65 kiloneutons. pDS-582--c. MOORING DESIGN CONDITIONS: General The design of a system for mooring to a pier shall be in accordance with the methods and criteria described herein. ‘The mooring equipment on Navy ships is intended to permit the ship to remain moored under the conditions of wind and current prevalent at its usual berthing sites, except for extreme conditions such as those caused oy hurricanes or typhoons. In this DDS the ship is assumed to be moored at conventional pier facilities where the environmental forces imposed on it are those of wind and currrnt. In the calculations, the wind and current forces are considered to be steady state in nature and accordingly are treated as static loads. To allow for dynamie forces, conservative assumptions are made in establishing wind and current velocities for design purposes. The equipment for mooring systens {s designed for tuo Weather conditions: (1) Normal weather condition. Wind of 25 knots and current of 1 knot acting simultaneously and at right angles to the ship's centerline, beth tending to push the ship away from the pier. (2) Heavy weather condition. Wind of 80 knots and current of 3 knots acting simultaneously and at right angles to the ship's centerline, both tending to push the ship away from the pier. To determine the: worst-case stresses on the ship, wind and current forces should be calculated for the ship lightly loaded (shallow draft) and fully loaded (deepest draft), for each weather condition. Factors of Safety of Mooring Lines To provide factors of safety based on a doubled up line under the foregoing conditions, the caleulated tension forces in mooring lines should be not tess Chan the fetlowing 9 Normal weather condition, FS = 9.D for design applied loads Heavy weather condition, FS = 3.0 for Limit applied icads DS-582. d. MOORING LOADS ‘The mooring arrangement is designed to accormodate static steady state wind and current forces. Owing to their complexity, the dynamic forces caused by surge, wind gusts, waves, and passing ship effects are not considered in the calculations. Instead, conservatively established design loading conditions specified in DDS 582-1-c provide sufficient reserve strength in the mooring 10 arrangement to allow for these transient dynamic stresses. Both wind and current are applied at the ship's center of gravity (CG). (1) DQS-582-1-D(1) WIND FORCES ‘The magnitude of the wind force on the ship is influenced by the wind velocity (speed and relative direction) and by the projected wind area of the ship. Generally, the moored ship is exposed to the highest wind forces when the wind strikes the ship from abeam with the ship in its light condition. ‘The resultant wind forces and yaw moment acting through the ship's center are expressed by the following equations: Longitudinal wind force Fray 2 Cy Ay VPs he oO) Lateral wind foree 2 Fy t V2. Cys Oy WP. Ay ( Wind yaw moment Hye V2 Oy Ay a) DDS-$82-1-d(2) CURRENT FORCES Longitudinal currest force Fyg 2 72. Ay. Ue? UC, xe a S . BYLKL + Cygy «A ») 7) Kea where 8215.5 afwe. A (re?) s= 2.588 Yui. A int) Lateral current force or Fyg 2 V2 + Cg) Aye Vee LHL. T (5) ye ye * Current_yaw moment 2 m2 My #2. yy Aye Mee + bl! YC (6 where: Crogr Cygr ANd Cyyg are Longitudinal, Lateral, and yaw current ‘xea? ye coefficients determined from the diagrams on figures i, 2, and 3. 1) “Wooring Design Physical and Empirical Data, Design Manual 26.6, Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, March 1982. u 0.4 — 70.2 “0.3 — vosLoetLiirtirtirstirt io o 30? 60°80" 20°— 80" 80° ANGLE OF CURRENT APPROACH, 8 FIGURE 1. Longitudinal current skin friction coefficient Cyoa), based on reference (1). ©. . 2 o> 30° 60° 90° 120 = 150% 180° ANGLE OF CURRENT APPROACH, 8, FIGURE 2. Lateral current force coefficient (ye), based on reference (1). LEGEND: coated oe pot | 1 0 30° 60° 90% 120° 180° 180° ANGLE OF CURRENT APPROACH, & FIGURE 3. Current _yaw moment coefficient (Cxye), based on reference (1). The coefficients Cy, and Cy, are affected by the clearance betueen the ship's keel and the sea bottom. To facilitate computations, the underkeel clearance is expressed as the ratio of the water depth (WD) to the ship's draft (7). DPS-582-1-d(3) CALCULATION PROCEDURE FOR WIND AND CURRENT FORCES A step-by-step procedure is used in Calculation Sheet-1 (see appendix D) for determining wind and current loads. The procedure is general anc nay be used for wind and current velocities oriented at any angle to the siip’s centerline. ‘To meet the mooring design requirements for Navy ships, the wing snd current. Forces must be calculated for both normal weather and heavy weather conditions. Based on the definitions in DDS 582-1-d (1) and DDS 582-1-d (2), the wind and current calculation procedure consists of the following seas as numbered on Calculation Sheet-1. INPUT DATA Steps 1 - Specify ship particulars used for wind and current force calculations. Steps 5 anc & Determine end and side projected wind areas (Ag and Ag). Steps 7 - 10 Specify wind and current speed (V, Uq) and their attack angles CHE. HH). Step U0 Spectty water depth (id). winp Fox Step 12 Determine longitudinal wind force coefficient (C,,) from Figure 4. Step 13 Determine lateral wind force coefficient (C,,) from figure 5. % eh SRS | pitit of 3o®e0® 90% 120° 150° 180° ANGLE OF WIND APPROACH, 6, FIGURE 4, Longitudinal wind force coefficient (yu), based on reference (1). 03 02 o 30° 60° = 90° 120? 180% 180° ANGLE OF WINO APPROACH, 6y FIGURE 5. Lateral wind force coefficient(Cyw), based on reference (1). 7 Step 1 Determine wind yaw moment coefficient (C. Step 15 Calculate longitudinal wind force: ag Fi = 9200338» Say Pag Ob Fry = 0.1618. Oye WYP on Step 16 Calculate lateral wind force: oe OM? 0.00338 . Cy. Wo. Ag (1b Fy 2 ONGIB. Cy, yes hy OM) Step 17 Catenlate wind yaw moment My = 0.00338 . Cay e Myo Ag ERE Oa 8 0.1618. Ogg 2 ye = By HME CURRENT FORCE Step 18 Calculate the wetted surface: S155 Au ere) s = 2.588, YO. um in?) Step 19 Determine ratio of water depth to draft ‘Step 20 yw) Prom igure 6 ) (ftetp) (in) cubeT). (a) (1b) (2a) (2b) Gal (30) Determine longitudinal current skin friction coefficient (Cy) from figure 1. Step 2% petermine lateral current force coefficient (Cye) from figure 2. 18 0.08 0.06 r 0.04 0.02 0.00 b+ p44 0.0% \ = -0.12 +014 cong Li at | it io to 30°60? 90a” 180” 80" ANGLE OF WIND APPROACH, Ow FIGURE 6, Wind yaw moment coefficient ‘Cxyy), ased on reference (1). Step_22 calculate the longitudinal current force drag coefficient: Cee # Cye + 08" e, ‘Step 23 Determine current yaw monent coefficient (Cyye) from figure 3. step 2u Calculate the longitudinal current force: 12 ‘ Fy 2 20835. Ve? . B(Cggq SF ML = &, Bye £135.95 Ve? BUCyeg « SF LHL + yoy FH (M(B) yee TD CB) ad or Step 25 Calculate lateral current ferce: 2 oe ET 2,035 . Cyg = Vom. LL. T (1b) (5a) 2 7 Fye = 195.95 Cy Vers LiL TCD (5b) Step 26 Calculate current yaw moment: Hy = 2.835. Cyyq Yo?» LHL? T (rtd) iéa) or My = 135-95 - Cyyg © Vee LL? . T (in) (6b) TOTAL RESISTANCE AND YAW MOMENT Step 27 Determine total longitudinal force applied at intersection of ship's ares: Fee Fant Pre a Step 28 Determine total lateral force applied at intersection of ship's axes: Fy + Fy * Fye @ 20 Step 29 Determine total yaw moment: Me = My + My = 0-88. LL. Fy oO) Dos CALCULATION OF MOORING LINE FORCES 82-1. General One solution to the mooring problem uses a s:npilfied analysis that considers the moored ship as a system that has only two ccgrees of freedom. Figure 7 ibustrates the general mooring Layout and nonenclature used in the calculation procedure. Caleulation Sheet-2 (see appendix D} is used to calculate the line forces of a moored ship that is subjected to wind and current forces acting perpendicular to the ship's centerline at the CG. The catculations are based on the following assumptions: © Young's modulus of mooring Lines does not vary with line tension forces. (The line spring coefficients are constant.) Mooring line arrangement is symmetrical about the Y-axis. Yau moment M, and lateral force Fy are applied at the center of gravity of the ship at a fixed distance (X.,) from the forward perpendicular. DNS-S82-1-e( 1) STEP-BY-STEP CALCULATION PROCEDURE FOR MOORING LINE FORCES ‘The step-by-step procedure used in Calevlation Sheet-2 is as follows: Steps 1 - 6 Prepare a mooring arrangement shcwing locations of mooring Lines, camels, bollards, and mooring shocks: specify the coordinates of the chock (Kens Yons Zen) and dolard (ayy Foye line. (For preliminary analysis purposes the designer may concult appendix C to establish approximate number of Lines, line sizes, and camel dimensions.) step 7 Determine horizontal projection (1) for each mooring Line as shown in figure 7. ,) for each mooring ay Bon y 1 22 Step 8 Determine vertical line projection along 2-axis. 2; Step 9 Zon ~ By Specify total cross-sectional area (a;) of mooring tine as a product of rope cross-section times number of parts per Line (normally three parts per line). Step 10 Using figure 8, specify Young's modulus (E,) for each line. Step 11 pevermine cos O = (Yy: = ch) ‘1; for each line (see Figure 7). Step 12 Determine angie ®, in vertical plane. PD, = tan Az Determine cos Step i Specify the length of the line between the chock and mooring oitts (1). Step 15 Determine total length of each mooring Line (bitts to bollard). by slg + yveosh, step 16 Specify total breaking strength (85), of each line (see appendix 4) (BS) = (BS), . (number of parts) (BS), = breaking strength of rose. Determine spring constant of eaen line in its principal direction. ay By Ly 23 ELASTIC MODULUS E (L4//in?) FACTOR OF SAFETY worse} 2 te ye Po == Steet wine 14 t |—_nrvon nore beep ee tasteo wee vel Hu 4. |__-com nore 10! t t 1 6 fo | toto oor aa LOAD AS PERCENT OF BREAKING STRENGTH FIGURE 8. Elastic moduli of mooring ropes. 24 Step 18 Determine spring component (kyj) of a line in ¥-direction. K, cos 6, cos, Determine term (ky; . Xj) where X= Xoys Step 20 Cn 2 Determine term (ky; » ¥;2). Step 21 Perform the following summations: yt kys + Xen « 2 Kye» Xen As a check, notice that the restoring force f=)" Fy, must be equal in magnitude to the total external lateral foree (fy). Step 22 Apply total external lateral force (Fy) and total yaw moment (M,) to intersection of the ship's axes at Xog (see 005-582-1-3). Step 23 Caleulate translation of ship's CC in ¥-direction 2. 8, = ley oe Fy. Meg) BEY fae = B®) (10) Step 24 Caloulate rotation of ship about vertical axis 2 y+ Mog) al f(b? = ae) 1) where Keg 18 the abscissa of the ship's co. Ys thy b= M+ F, 25 . step 25 For each Line calculate its foree component in Yadireetion. by (By + hay YD step 26 Ovtain line tension Forces. ee ee) Step 27 Determine factor of sa! y for each mooring line. FS = (88) / 7; If the factor of safety of one or more Lines is less than 9,0 (for normal weather condition) or 3.0 (for heavy weather condition} one or more of the Following actions must be taken to obtain adequate mooring arrangemen:+ (a) Slacking of the overstressed line(s) (reducing spring constants}. (b) Shifting of mooring lines to different botlards or mooring chocks. (e) Increasing the number of lines. (d) Increasing the rope sizes. DDS-582-1-f. MOORING EQUIPMENT Gener: The size of mooring equipment selected is primarily a function of the size, breaking strength, and length of the mooring Lines. Figures 9 and 10 illugtrate a typical layout of mooring equipment used on Navy surface ships Dps-582. (1) LAYOUT OF MOORING LINES Figure 11 presents to basic mooring arrangements, one for normal weather conditions and the other for heavy weather conditions. Mooring lines that tend forward (or aft) are called forward (or after) spring lines; those that tend abeam are called breast lines. Mooring lines are also referred to as bow, stern, or quarter lines depending on their location on the ship. & breast line amidships is called a waist breast. ‘The overall mooring Line pattern affects the load distribution to individual Lines. The effectiveness of a mooring Line is influenced by its slope (that is, the vertical angie (Qj) formed by the line with the pier deck), and by 26 “SySWaISy ST TTGS WO FuSUBTIEIIE Fut Toow TESTE, “6 aUNOTA poss.) oe oF 3O0HD MOR (WwaidA1) Siti JO iva: SNvLSavO: “or gunDIa Waa wOOHD ZA ony Tar nvisdvo 28 ti wasmvk cy (TyordAL) $1118 30 Ulvd MOHD NBBLS -SaoparpuSs TeUTeSR FAGAY HUE [ELIOT Joy SRORET SUT BUTIOGH “41 guNdId — FOV Is N_SaNT ONHOON IWNOTLIOGY NOWMGNOS UINIVIM AAVSH WOF GISN INSWZONVERY ONTHOON suowwo © Om | } : shone e+ anauano, NOMIGNGS USHIvaM TwRUON HO? O3SN INSWSONVERY ONBOOW S3Wr7 omaas, ‘S2Nr7 onnass awa 4 Za uae sion? + om J oN 1 + ANBNUND, : ant sone aN iseaue 29 vne horizontal angle (4) formes oy 2he Line with che contertine of the ship. The steeper the orientation of a line, the less effective it is in eetacang herlseneal loess. The principal guidelines for design of mooring arrangements are as follows: © Mooring lines should be arranged as symmetrically as possible about the transverse centerline of the ship (Y-axis) te ensure a balanced ioad distribution acong them. © Breast lines should be oriented perpendicular to the ship's centerline and as far aft and forward as possipie. © Spring lines should be oriented as nearly parallel as possible to the longitudinal centerline of the ship. © Slope of mooring lines should be Kept as slight as possible. 9 Since the elasticity of a line is proportional to its Length. the shorter lines will assume greater loads. © Synthetic mooring Lines should not be used together with lines of wire rope. © Individual mooring chocks, bitts, or bollards should not accommodate more than one mooring line at a time, either for the same ship or for different ships. pbs-582. £(2) MOORING LINES In selecting mooring equipment, rope must be selected that is of size suitable for mooring and easy handling and that has sufficient Length to allow doubling up of lines. li fiber rope that has 8-inch or greater circumference is handled by means of capstans or warping winches, Synthetic ropes, especially those made of nylon, are used for mooring and warping operations chiefly because of their ease of handling and low maintenance requirments. Nylon rope ig manufactured in three principal constructions (see appendix A). (2) (a) Taree-strand or twisted rope - consists of three strands, twisted Together. ‘The rope is suitable for mooring and warping applications. (>) Plaited rope - is made up of eight rope strands. Piaited rope is torque Free and is widely used in mooring and towing applications Tt does not require special hand! ing procedures (c) Double-braided rope - has one hollow braided rope within another. This rope construction is also torque free. Double-braided rope is stronger than either three-strand or plaited construction. TE) Fiver Ropes: Natural and Synthetic, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 9280, NAVSHIPS, 0901-280-0001, 1967. 30 ‘The modulus of elasticity (known as Young's modulus) for synthetic rope is a tension dependent function and is highly nonlinear, as shown on figure 8. Nevertheless, in calculation of mooring Line forces, a single, typical value of Young's modulus is selected for each set of calculations. In securing a Navy ship, the mooring lines are normally doubled up, that is, an extra bight of line is passed to the pier, giving three parts of line between ship and pier instead of only one part, for each mooring line. DDS-582-1-£(3) MOORING CHOCKS ‘The selection of mooring chocks for synthetic and natural fiber ropes is based on the rope breaking strength. The chock size is determined from table T. Open or closed chocks are generally welded to the edge of the deck. On ships that have bulwarks, the chocks consist of heavy rings welded into the bulwark, Mooring chocks used for Panama Canal operation are designed in accordance with Canal specifications. (3) DS-582-1-F(4)_ MOORING BITTS Mooring bitts are used for securing the inboard ends of mooring lines, warping lines, and tow lines. Bitts must be not less than 8 feet from chocks to allow proper drift for Line handling. ‘The mooring ditt size is based on the design moment, which is equal to the product of the breaking strength of the rope times half the height of the bit barrel above the base plate, as shown in table IT. pps-582-1-f(5) HAWSER REELS Vertical and horizonta} hauser reels for storing mooring lines and towing hausers are selected by type according to rope size and rope length as shown fn tables III and IV. Hauser reels are designated as vertical or horizontal according to the orientation of their reel shafts. DDS-582-1-£(6) ROPE STORAGE BINS Rope storage bins are used for storing fiber rope. The bin capacity (V) headed to contain rope that has mot been carefully placed in che bin to conserve storage space is estimated from the following form ve c® xt ako (603) where C= circumference of rope in inches L = lengtn of rope in feet TH) Parana TaMaT Comnission, 9, Marine Direstor's Notice to Shipping Ho 9-81, March 6, 1981. 34 sadoa vothu Jos S009 ‘E9EENGL-Goe BuHEAG SatHsAYN (ny -qurodpiw say ye patidde spunod oo0'0S Jo peor puendn Ue pueIsUITH OSTE TTEUS YOU ‘Bus “yooyo aua Jo eufTsaqUad aya BACGE WUT ua portdde ado uoydu JO 9218 paysyooas aug go saied z Jo uafuans Buyyeosa umuyuTe bug atanop 03 Tenbe [ind astmpua fequoztsoy fp pueqsujim TTeUs Hooug “aTqed aT UsOUS ge adoa uotku wath asn Jos pauBTsep ST AOOUD “Z suoyaoaaTp age pue ‘aou0j v] says MOTOS TTeUS PUB sdiusaseMUae ‘aur taseq 07 TarTesed ys oq TIeYs HOU] “I Hl “T BTaeT OF S570N 6nz | OSS 908 mw ez | m/l 6 069 900002, 90S Oe a €i2 | Oln tee St gz | aie ast 000*OLt Slt et for | 09 OSE th tor | web 605 00° LEL 90h o OL | O82 s0f a Lp we 9 6en 00H 9S fh ze tog | se; tb jer] 9 oze | ono'ne | S06 | zt nS oe whz el | vl S ene oon HS. Se ol 9€ | 08 oz wt | 2th 49 odstue | €oz | 8 £2 05 Sol 26 as & 6 000" 22 2st 9 oa aT “0 Co rut NA ar ir or yazan 3 a ¥ dou Jo azts 4901) uatuarys suryeesg | 2009 (n) ‘BdSr WOTRE TOT SHoUy 1 AISNE ados uorfu soy s73%a ‘29EEh@L-nO8 Fu: HHeId SALHSAYN (SP squawow ummyxem ay3 UO Pasea 2U5/AT 000' HZ go ssaaas ptath & Joy pauBysep due 63378 sayerd aseq aya edoge Tasseq a43 JO IUAYay au grey sauta edos ayy jo 473ue.s ‘BuyyEasG Sin Jo enpoad ay7 Sf qewow unoTKEa auL “FOES OF SEIN see | org | nis | wit oz | oss] nt sn | ces | tz | meee ) orovne | nse oO soe | zt fez | 09s | gen | we zu | 266 | wi GE | cen | 4 | SEr@9L | OvObM | Bee 6 nse cm [| oze | one | as er | oee | gvsoe | coe) om | oe | ooze | elt 4 soz | 8 so | oz | coe} onus | erg | er ne | occ | et | sens} ovlgh | 2st 9 es | 9 ge | oa | use | zn e | oom] erat [nse fo: fou | sem | oe | ee | 20 h wa pe Tay] ar GF wa ur ae | (000) ye “a aa] “Or anu autem 4 a a uauon doa uot hu azts 319 aqeatxouddy ataeHorte: go azts unuyxey | TeUTwON emu KH (6) ‘SdorVoTae Tor FG rr FIV. 3B sodoa ettue L0J s{aas sasney TeOTII9A *ZHLZ6-hO9eS SuLNeIO SALHSAVN (9) us | vsiz | vez | ors | ores | oe | over] os oz nz | or | a ote B6L1 602 09h. 9191 99 Ente St 004 Se ob AL £39 Onkt tab 00n gist | 99 596 Bt og Hoe Ob £19 ese tah 00n gi9t | 99 996 Be et £02 a zis | ga| io | oon | avo: | 99 | soe | af | on | 02} 0 neh St6 tht ‘Gee gt9t | 99 099 ne 08 02 8 tt 0S0t 2h See. gtgh 99. noo ne 02) ght L i we | oe | 62 | soz | cee | ev | eq. | of on | eu | & £96 ele 621 sae 6281 2k 2oL Of oz zsh 9 1 nez_| aro_| 621 | sez | 2g | zu | zou | ot co | za | 9 ef 81g be ap eco soa or guaran austen a ’ Aatoedey ars | o0ta adou xouddy Asse xoaddy adog yaaa (9) “Bidar TeewOy TSAI “11L STVL 36 sodoa efjuw sop staed aasmey TequozIsoH ‘1ngiZ6-hogzs Buiesd SATHSAUN (L) 35 ees sth 002 Onn alg ne | been 2S | S96 00 foe g a L6E ste Zu ge O19 he | $66 6E | $96 001 get Le we | sta | zr | ov | org} nz] ree | 6¢ | $96 oor 2) 9 | 8 022 Set 051 oft ges $96 ge | tte 001 beh s oz | sar | ost | oct | tes soo | of | €18 19h zu} | ¥ gee |_son | ost_| oss | es soe_| of | tie -oot | os | _€ =a at Bop ata oo —[ Forfa smBIEy | awe quaTes quires 2 a || v azys ody ados xoaddy, Asse xouddy Aaroedes adow 38d (i) “STeSTTasRay YHTUOTTION “AT STAVE DDS-582-1-f(7) _CAPSTAN HEADS ‘The barrel diameter and barrel height of capstan heads for nylon ropes are determined from table V. bS-582-1-1(6) FAIRLEADERS Fairleaders are used to lead mooring lines around obstructions and provide proper alignment with winches or capstans. Fairleaders are lecated to aceonmodate lines from both sides of the ship. DDS-582-1-g. CAPSTAN POWER REQUIREVENT ‘ne tuo commonly used powering systems for capstans are (a) direct-connected electric motor drives (also called electromechanical drives) .and (b) clectrohydraulic crives. The advantage of electrohydraulic systems is tnat they permit finer control of warping speed. For preiiminary design purposes, a step-by-step procedure presented in Calculation Sheet-3 18 used to determine berthing line force and required capstan power, The procedure consists of the first 12 of the folloving steps for all capstans, plus steps 13 and 1 for electromechanical capstans or steps 43, 15, and 16 for electrehydraulic capstans. Step t Specify the ship's waterline length (LWL). Step 2 Specify draft (1) step 3 Calculate lateral projected wind area (A,). Step Specify lateral wind speed (Vy) in knots perpendicular to ship’s centerline (for wind not specified assune 15 knots). Step 3 Specify capstan low Line-warping speed {Vop) in a/min or ft/min. step 6 Caiculate lateral berthing speed (Vy) in knots. step 1 Specify number of capstans used during the berthing operation. 36 -epeay kodk2 9 uvrsdeo “EOEO9e-LOIZS BuEKeAG SaTHSAWN (i vee | ovst | ttn oot | sz | 28) gree | te | oe see 6 gee | vee | ene ist | 29 | 019} ovne | e9t | OF £02 8 eo am | 9's | ons | ortz | 999 | 22 aut L naz | ovr | mz | eo | tar | os | pan | 26 | og) ne | NST ar | 29-9 goz | wre | cee | wo fate | wn | tan | ose) tes | be om - aa] es-s oor | st | goz | ve fe | tre | 996 | wnt | Lon ) ab hit zn cat | oro | ou | ue foe | ve | Soe poet | tae) St zor- 6g | b-2ee ra er | ns [ng | sz | mz | ove | sof | 2 9b £ ot He a a a qusyay dean qudtau i (aeq9ue TP ‘aouasagunosto ‘dou woTAN jeased yesueg) ¥ doa wor AN Step 8 Caloulate wind force perpendicular to ship's: centerline. step 9 pases on 8, = 90 degrees, determine lateral current force coefficient. Step 10 Calcubate lateral current foree (Fy,} from the folloning expression: 2 Fyg =O. Vpe WL T where © C= 1.8 for destroyers; C = 15.6 for auxiliaries. Step 11 Determine operating line pull per capstan, and round to the nearest 500-pound multiple. Pop = (Eyy + Fye) / (number of eapstans) ep 12 Specify capstan head efficiency (%,) (if not available, assune 0.95) ELECTROMECHAMICAL DRIVE CAPSTAN (Steps | through 14) ‘Step 13 Specify overall bearing and gear efficiency (1,). If not available use O'8s fer spur or helical gear drive and 0.75 fof worm gear drive. Step Caleulate the required power. ELECTROHYDRAULIC CAPSTAN (Steps 1 through 13 plus steps 15 and 16) Step 15 Specity combined hydraulic pump ano motor efficiency (%,). If not available use 0.80. step 16 Caleulate the required power of electrohydraulic capstan. 38 DDS-582-1-h. BERTHING PIER BOLLARD SPACINGS ‘Tne mooring arrangement must be optimized to fit the expected berthing facility. Bollard spacings for three different berthing piers are as follows: (a) Berthing pier for destroyer (9) Low bitts alternate with bollards at 22-meter (72-foot) intervals, and intermediate cleats are at 7.3-meter (24-foot) distances so that two cleats are between each bitt and its neighboring bollard. (b) Berthing pier for cruiser and auxiliary (10) Standard bollards alternate with intermediate cleats at 15.2-meter (50-foot} intervals. (c) Berthing pier for carrier (11) Intermediate bollards alternate with cleats at 18.3-meter (60-foot) intervals. Toy werthing Pier for Dostroyer, NAVFAC Drawing 80091-1293318 (io) Berthing Pier for Cruiser and Auxiliary, NAVEAC Drawing 800$1-1293320 (11) Berthing Pier for Carrier, NAVEAC Drawing 80091~ 1293319 DDS-582-1-1. EXAMPLE, MOORING ANALYSIS USING THE CALCULATION PROCEDURE Required: To check the mooring equipment for a destroyer class ship that {s subjected to normal and heavy weather loading conditions. The ship is restrained in 45-foot water depth to a destroyer berthing pier with 9 or 6 doubled-up noting Lines, as shown in figure 11. Each doubled-up line consists of three parts of 5-inch double braided nylon rope. Determine the required power for electrohydraulic capstans, and establish the sizes lof mooring chocks and bitts and hawser reels. Ship particulars for the destroyer in the fully loaded condition are as listed. (See also figures 8 through 11, and 12 through 20 at the end of this example.) Displacement, 6 3,350 long tons UWL = 383 ft Bean = unt ft Drart 2h ft Caleulated projected lateral wind area, A, = 9,100 ft? Ship CG abscissa, Keg - = 190 ft ro establish mooring arrangement, additional ata are used (see Figure 7) Pier level (above #iD) 28 ft Mean water depth (MWD) = a5 ft camel width rare solution: Using the calculation procedure (system with 2 degrees fof freedom) two mooring arrangements are investigated: (a) Nine doubied-up mooring lines used for heavy weather condition (b) Six doubled-up mooring lines used for normal weather condition ‘The mooring analysis is based on the following assunptlons: 9 Both mooring arrangements are elastically symmetrical about the Y-axis. The ayerage Young's modulus of the given nylon rope £8 200,000 Abin’ and does not vary with line tension, The breaking strength of the rope is 73,000 pounds (appendix A) or 219,000 pounds per line. (continued) 40 TR) wind and current forces (a) Heavy weather condition (50-kt wind and 3-kt current) By Calculation Sheet-1 (see figures 12 and 13) the wind and current forces and moments for the heavy weather condition are found to be as follows: Fyy = 76,895 1b Py =O Fye + 153,230 1b Fyg 2 8 My = -971,880 ft-1b My = -1,0N8,000 f-Lb Total external forces are: 230,120 fe-1b ° ~2,019,900 ft-1b (>) Normal weather condition (25-kt wind and i-kt current} Tee vind and current forces and moments for the normal weather condition are deduced from the calculated vaiues for the heavy weather condition by proportionation of squares: Fy. = 76,895 * (25/50)? = 19,228 Lb Fye = 1531230 (173)? = 17,026 2b M, = -971,880 (25/50) + ~22,970 fe-1b HH = -#,088,000 (1/3)? = -116,4NO E=1 ‘Total externa! forces are: Fy = 19,224 + 17,026 = 36,250 bb M, = -2U2,970 = 116,440 = -359,K10 Pe-2o (8) Line forces By Calevlation Sneet-2 (see figures 14 through 19) the Line forces for both Yoraal and heavy weather conditions are calculated. Results ipdicace Tet the factors of safety for mooring lines for the heavy and norma? raat ce conditions exceed 3 and 9 respectively, thus satisfying the requirements in DDS 582-1-<. (continued) 4 fa) (b) (e) (a) (C) Mooring Equipment Mooring Chocks ‘The 12-inch mooring chocks based on S-inch nylon rope (BS = 73,000 lb) were selected from table 1. Mooring bitts ‘The 6-inch mooring bitts were determined (see table IT) from the maximum bending moment, which is calculated as follows: v= 73,000 te x LLASEHES = 474,500 ina (Moment allowed = 481,000 in-1b.) Hawser_ Reels Type A horizontal hawser reels (table ITI) were selected to store 5einch nylon rope in lengths of 100 fathoms. capstan By Calculation Sheet-3, (figure 20) the Line pull and required power of-the electrohydraulic capstan are found to be as follows: © Line pull = 10,000 lb/eapstan © Capstan power = 20 horsepower at 40 ft/min Line speed. the capstan barrel diameter for S-ineh nylon rope was determined to be 21 inches (see table V). 42 CALCULATION SHEET—1 WIND AND CURRENT FORCES (inch—pound units) ‘Ship: DUNPLE (becw weuher candior) Ship particulars Value 1 Displacement, & LT 3350 2 fom tt 883 3 Draft, T ft 4 4 Beam, B ft 4nt 5 | End projected wind area, Ag 12 — 6 Side projected wind orea, Ag 12 9100 7 | Wing speed, Vy kt 50 8 | Current speed, Vo kt 3 9 | Wind ongie, Ay. degrees, 90 10 | Current ence, E, degrees! 90 11 | Woter depts, WO ~ — ~ te 435 Wind force 12 [Cy (see figure 4) 0 | 13 | Cyw (see figure 5) 1.0 14 | Gyyy (see figure 6) (-}0.038 15 |Fyw = 0.00338 x @ x (OP x © tb ° 16 | Fyy = 0.00338 » @ x (OF x © tb 76,895 17 |My = 0.00338 x @ x (@y x x@ ft-t |{- 971,880 From 00S 562-1 FIGURE 12. + foroe calculations fer 43 CALCULATION SHEET-1 (continued) WIND AND CURRENT FORCES (inch—pound units) Ship: Current force val flue 18 | Wetted surface, S = 18.5-() x @ 42 17,657 19 | Water depth /dratt, WD/T = @D/@ B24 20 | Cyeq (see figure 1) 0 2 | Cye (see figure 2) 192 22 | C.oy =@x cos? Ge o 23 | Cyye (see figure 3) (~J0.02 Frc = 2835 GP OG «Br bo 8 i i 28 | Frye = 2.835 x@O¥ «Ox®D b 153,230 26 [Me = 2.635 xQx@ex ©? x® feel |(~j.008000 an Total forces 27 | Total tongitucinal force, Fy = @ tb ° 26 | Total tateral force, Fy =@+Q tb 230,120 29 | Totet yow moment. My = D+@= 6.48 xOQx@ ttre [Rawat From ODS S82-1 FIGURE 13, Exampte of wind heavy weather condition Seana ziculations for 44 BNTT Wap Tose Fo ST MIPS Tes S “Worsipuos Tedtean eaION soy SUNT t-zes sag wos TO] ot : oT] 6 @ ooz | 9 st szeee 6 | ez [ree roe |e coz | 9 1 one. 6 | ze [ee ose | 9 oo | 8 $0 e166 6 | ce jose [so loz |e [5 ooz | 9 9 er Le @ | az fez [ssri% jos | ¥ ooz | 9 6 ree 6 | a le la ie fee | oo | 9 or coe az e | aio jo |s |# {ez $ _ “To t Gazal ec) [0 @) @) Pon Pan [an [Gn POD dont) | uw ws w fsa jew fw pow we Pd | te Jag ua, fear Mae a Sx) Ped Mz | | x | Pz Wr] Px [oon 5 Ry ©/O}/@;,O/O1oy™ ®|®; © © SSSA FT SOUOOT OS (ape PE) FAM 4S = Suen a= uUL SHUN S30404 JNM ONINOON @-LASHS NOLVINDWO ST Mar wee IT OER Gt aunts < (POMUT ATES) TOTS HUST HUTT TWIT Oy SUOTAPTHOTED SSIOT {ou 19d sys0d ados jo sequinu) ¥ edoxsa)=wbuens Suptoq a4 130} St (sa) « i-zag sag wold oF 6 @ voeee | Giz P2608 @ | sec6e" o6ske corer “ serse | 6H ear ab @ | 29666" ort eszve | 9 ezeor | biz Ooze 6z | 99666" eer spzoe | S Bes'z rz 299 @ | 69066 yeaz | eszez’ | asese | 612 oer ae | aece Zor Es geezer | . apres | bie 686 98 @ | scaeeo voroz | ezaoe'o | Z . | 1 (3/41 0001)! (41 coat) (a) (uy) "(s09x62p) w/ Nt Nt w wi C/O ® oN iso | at @="] 2 | oe ='6 800 |aur ane OO aI ueu “SuN $304NOI ANTI ONINOOW (panulyu02) Z—LASHS. NOLLWIND WO 2 51 72,009 93.80 eo 33 2 51 be 300 01-92-3175 2 51 “4a 180 91-025-5177 2k 87 18,000 66.70 600182 09-106-9403 2172 6h 18,400 81.80 600 “82 00+ 106-HOu 23/8 70 22,500 100.16 600 e2 00- 106-9405, 23/8 70 22,500 100,10 goo av 95025-5172 23 70 22,500 109,10 300 91 01-025-5173 238 70 22,500 100.10 200 91-025-5174 3 % 26,500, 17.90 600 1u0-47-9336 32 89 36,000 160.10 600 00-5 19-7915 33k 92 42,000 186.80 600 ‘09- 106-9806 ue ie 48,000 213.50 6002 00-10-3407 4108 48,000 213.50 goo 278 a 02 48,000 213.59 300 91 wre 1 60,000 266.90 oo x82 900-108-3408 5127 73,000 324,70 600182 0- 10€-a408 51/2 180 790,000 49.30 600 182 200-106-9490 sie tuo 90.006 400.36 goo 27H 611-025-5178 512 ik 90.000 406.30 300 ai 025-5 180 6 52 192,550 855.90 b00 82 80-106-9411 612 165 123.000 $47.10 600182 00-106 -94 12 7 18 v.00 622.20 eco 82 090-519-7846 Te 391 160,000 711.80 600182 90-86-6009 8 203 180,000 800.70 600182 00-003-6293 8 203 180,000 800.70 1200 366 091-025-5179 9 229 225,000 100,80 600 182 009-519-7951 10 25 273,000 1214.40 600 182 00-519-7960 MW 2t9 325,000 1445.70 600182 00-519-7980 12 305 305,000 1712.60 600182 090-519-7992 PLAITED CONTINUOUS POLYESTER FILAMENT WITH STAPLE WRAP MIL~R-24537 Circumference Breaking strength Standard length NSN inches mm Ib ‘ne feet om (4020-01-) ve 19 2,080 9.30 2250 685 029-2778 1 5 2,980 3.30 2250 685 028-3842 178 29 3,970 1620493 028-3825 tu 32 5,050 1200 365 028-3828 ve 38 6,400 400122 028-3826 1 38 28.50 B00 ut 028-3829 : 38 28.50 3200385 028-3830 1 38 28.50 200 a 028-383 1 a4 36.09 4200365 028-3835 51 kaloo 1200365 028-3831 eva s7 5200 365 029-B664 zve by 1200 365 928-3832 23h 70 1200 368 028-3833, 3 7 yoo 122 028-3834 3 76 600182 028-3835, 3 16 1200365 028-3841 Se BB 200 61 228-3836 Se 89 132.20 1200 365 028-3637 Bark 92 122.30 600 382 028-3840 W402 136.40 600182 028-3838 aye i $6460 soo 182 028-3827 THREE-STRAND POLYESTER MIL-R-30500 ‘ireumference Breaking strongth Standard Length 33H inches am Fes ke feet on canes 5818 500 3.6 2700-823 00-202-1385+ 5/516 00 3 50 5 00-659-8323 yy 19 1,200 5.30 2250 685 (00-536-3475" 1 25 2,500 11.10 24 7 00 180-6548 : 5 21500 11.10 2250 685 1-041~0789 ve 32 3,800 16.90 1200 365 00-085-428 ie 38 51000 22.20 1200365 090-630-4873 3 16 18,500 82.30 1200 365 00-12-6415 a 102 31,000 137.90 600182 00-630-4875 * An asterisk indicates an NSW for which an alternative (nonasterisked) NSN pertaining to the sane rope size may be substituted when the order is filled. 37 ‘TARS2-STRAND POLYPROPYLENE MIL-R-24049 Circumference Breaking strength Standard length us inches em bb wi feet on (4020-00-} 31g 2250685 999-3894 1 8 goo 274 530-0658, 1 % 210 64 49-7529 ive 38 50 18 a74-7920 te 38 600? 968-5352 awk 37 200 é 6741-7921 2.u 57 600182 963-354 3 76 foo 182 968-7355 DOUBLE BRAIDED POLYESTER FILAMENT WITH STAPLE WRAP MIL-R-20536 (drourference Breaking strength Standard tength Nek inches am te kw cm Bre a9 4,700 600 18e 4 8 2,500 goo 82 148 3,600 60182 ata 4700 400182 12 38 6,000 600182 13h kk 7,900 600182 028-4527 2 51 210,000 600 182 028-1525 2a 57 12,200 600 182 028-6770 22 64 14,700 600 (182 029-2776 23/4 70 17,400 600182 928-331 3 16 20,900 350306 029-8665, 3 % 20,000 700213 028-3845, 318 BB 23,400 600382 029-2777 Bie 89 26,700 600182 028-3846 33/4 92 30,000 600182 028-3822 & 302 33,700 350 106 029-8663 B02 33,700 1200365 9026-11525 we 45,000 600182 028-529 5 RT $0,000 goo 182 028-4530 58 ‘THREE-STRAND DUAL FLBER MIL-R-U39h2 Circumference strength Standard length us inches nm 1b a fect ow (4020-01-) ag 1,330 5.00 2250 685 036-6819 + 8 4710 7.60 2250 685 036-6820 118 23 2130 10.80 100487 037-6290 12 38 3,980 17.60 1200365 036-6251 2 31 5,760 25.60 1200 365 037-6292 ai 57 7,560 (33.60 1200 365 037-6293 PLAITED DUAL FIBER MIL-R=83952 th usa inches nm bb a foes (4020-01-) 11/8 29 2,430 10.80 yoo 987 038-4897 ye 38 3,960 17.60, 1200 365 038-4898 202 6H 9,180 40.85 1200365 038-4899 DDS-582-2-m APPENDIX B CONVERSION TABLE FOR METRIC UNITS 60 APPENDIX B CONVERSION TABLE FOR METRIC UNITS To convert a quantity given in the units of the first column to the same quantity stated in the units of the third column, multiply by the factor Listed in the middte column, To convert from Degrees (of arc) Bo. Radians Fathoms Feet Inches Square feet Cubic feet, Pounds mass Long tons mass Slugs mass Pounds force Long tons force Pounds force per square inch Do. Do. Foot-pounds foree (energy) Foot-pounds force (torque or moment) Foot-tong tons force (rorque or moment} Horsepower Feet per minute Knots Do. Multiply by 0.017 453 ' 1 1.8288 * 9.3048 * 0.0254 * 9.092 903 0,028 317 0.53592 1,016 047 14.598 4 uNB 222 9.96W0 6.894 757 6,894 757 6.898 757 1.355 818 1,355 818 3.037 932 0.745 700 0.3048 * 1 152 * 3 ‘ ae x rove x 10-8 To obtain radians degrees radians meters aeters meters square meters cubic meters kilograms metric tons kilograms newtons kilonewtons kilopascats kilonentons pér square millimeter gigapascals joules newton-meters kilonenton-meters kilowatts meters per minute knots meters per hour Conversion factors equal to unity or marked by an asterisk are exact; others are approximate. 6 DDS 582-1-n APPERSIN C MINIKUM NUMBER OF LINES: USED IN PRELIMINARY MOORING ANALYS?S 6 APPENDIX ¢ MINIMUM NUMBER OF LINES USED IN PRELIMINARY MOORING ANALYSTS In the preliminary design stage the following table may be used to prepare a mooring line arrangement for analysis purposes, All lines are presumed to be doubled up, with three parts per Line. Number and size of Camel Displacement mooring Lines (heavy width Ship type (ong tons) weather condition) feet) + 2000 - ooo Eight. S-ineh 4 Destroyers 4000 - 6000 Eight 6-inch 4 6000 ~ 8000 Nine 6-Lnen 4 8000 - 12000 Two Beinch, eight 6 f-1/2ineh | 12000 - 16000 Four B-inch, eight 6 6-1/2-inch 1 { 15000 - 20000 Four S-inch, eight 6 Bet Qeanch ‘suxiiiaeies | 20009 - 25000 Four @-ineh, eight 6} . b-\/g-inen | 25000 - 30000 Four Q-inch, eight 6 Feimen Minesweepers Six 5-inch = Tugs Six 5-inch - 1} 63 DDS 582-1-0 APPENDIX D BLANK CALCULATION SHEETS ~ 1 Wind and current forces, foot-pound units = 1 Wind and current forees, metric units = 2 Mooring Line forces - 3 Capstan design 6H CALCULATION SHEET—1 WIND AND CURRENT FORCES (inch—pound units) Ship: ree. Oooo TIF Ship particulars Value + | Displacement, A LT 2) LW ft 3 | Droft, T ft 4 | Beom, 8 tt 5 | End projected wind area, Ag fe 6 | Side projected wind areo, Ag 2 7 | Wind speed, Vy kt 8 | Current speed, Vo kt 8 | Wind ongie, Gy degrees 10 | Current ongle, 8 degrees 11 | Water depth, WO ft Wind force {12 Cyy (see figure 4) 13 [c. (see figure 5) 14 | Cyyw (see figure 6) 15 | Fyy = 0.00338 x @ x(O@P «x © Ib 16 ly, = 0.00338 x @ x (DY x © tb 17 |My = 0.00338 x x(@¥ x ©@x@ ft-lb 65 From DDS 582-1 CALCULATION SHEET-1 (continued) WIND AND CURRENT FORCES (inch—pound units) Ship: | Current force Velue 18 | Wetted surface, S = 155) x@ 2 19 | Woter depth/draft, WO/T = (/@ 20 | Cyeq (see figure 1) 21 | Cye (see figure 2) 22 | Cycp =@x cos? 6, 23 Cyye (see figure 3) t 24 [Pre = 2.835 x)? x@[@x@/@+@«®] bd 25 | Fy, = 2.835 xQx@yrx@x® Ib | i : \ 26 |Me = 2.835 x@xOPx ©? xO ft-lb Total forces 27 | Total longitudinal force, F, = @+@ Ib 28 | Totei iateral force, Fy =@+@ ib 29 | Tote! yow moment, M, = @+@~ 0.48 x@x@ ft-ib From DDS 582-1 66 CALCULATION SHEET—1 WIND AND CURRENT FORCES (metric units) Shi ip: Shi i p particulars Value 1 | Displacement, A . metric tons, t 2 |e > m 3 | Draft, T m 4 | Beem, B m 5 | End projected wind orea, Ag me 6 | Side projected wind area, Ag m2 7 | Wind speed, Vy kt 8 | Current speed, Ve . kt 9, | Wind angle, Gy degrees 10 | Current angle, degrees 11 | Water depth, WD - m Wind force 12 | Cy (see figure 4) 13 | Cyy (see figure 5) 14 | Cyyw (see figure 6) ~ | 15 |Fyy = 0.1618 x @ x(@)?x © N 16 | Fyy = 0.1618 x ® x(@)?x © N 7M, = 01618x @x(@)?2*% Ox @ Nem From DDS 582~1 6 CALCULATION SHEET-1_ (continued) WIND AND CURRENT FORCES (metric units) ‘Ship: ————— [__current force Value 18 | Wetted surface, S = 2.588) x @ m 19 | Water depth/droft, WO/T = @/@® | 20 | Cyeq (see figure 1) 21 | Cye (see figure 2) 22 | Cycp =@x cos? Oe J 23 | Cxye (see figure 3) 24 | Fy = 135.95 (@? x@[@O «@/O+O x®] 6 25 | Fy = 135.95 x@xO?*Ox®@ N 26 Mg = 135.95 x@x@?x ©? «®D Nem Total forces be Total longitudinal force, Fy = @+@ N 28 | Total lateral force, Fy =@+@ N 29 | Totat yaw moment, Mp = ()+@~ 0.48 x@x@ Nem From ODS 582-1 68 sense I-zgs Sad wos S30Y04 ANN ONIYOON @-LASHS NOLLVINOWS sr] 6 8 t c ~ 9 s v - < z P ‘ Gaaleey | @ w]e Pe a Te To) Pdd | tp W4ztez j2@Aa PA) (x= Px) Naz | IQ | x | Hz | HA | PX | oy 'g = 129 ®!1O@/0/@;o;oO;™ ®@|® © “SSTDUIpIOOS pIOyOG | FyOUIPIOSD OUD dius OLQan qi—4youy =syUN l-2@¢ $aq wo1y (eu) sod sysod ados yo sequinu) x edoi(sa)=nBuess Bur}o01q au 10301 5! (SA) ¥ _ S30uO4 SNM ONINOON ob 6 8 Z 9 s - ¢ z b \ai/ai 0001)/(41 000!) (uy) qu) (soaubop) w/t Nx w wa 6 WOO |.,, sa) oO Man} % Ig 900 = 'g soo jour @® @ ®|] @ ® dius une qi-your SHUN (penujucs) Z—-133HS NOLLVINOTVO 70 uppos SSS op - 24 =1@ t-zes SQG wold oe Cx Faen)=a A (4-48 001) went 4 ne os x (yu) 2 kw 4 By. reer 3@ (al 0001) NA =414 @ =a =] =4 =|@ | , ot | 6 8 Z r 9 s ¥ © [a L — 4 | wa (ai 0001) NA] (ai C001) NA [(a-¥ OOI) YN} (I COOL) NI (3/91 0001) w/Nt \ Oca oe 4 cet) 42x Ky wy Ky |lysoa ta soo b= My za @ @ @ @ @® @ __| dius S30u04 ANN ONINOON — oun — aI—YoUt :SUUA (penuljuoo) Z—LISHS NOWVINOWS 71 CALCULATION SHEET—3 CAPSTAN DESIGN Units: Inch—Ib Metric Ship: PROCEDURE Value mc m (#t)| 2 | Draft, T m (ft) | 3. | Side projected wind area, Ag m? (ft2) 4 | Wind speed at 90 degrees to ship's keel, Vw knots 5 | Copstan worping line speed, Vep m/min (1t/min) & | Ship's lateral berthing speed, = @ {R/MIN _—_—knots 7] Number of capstans 3 | Leteral wind force, Fyy= 0.1618 x@2x@ N Lateral wind force, Fyw= 0.00338x (4)2x @) ) Drag Coefficient Nekt-?mr? (ib-kt-? - ft?) 9 Destroyers 708 14 Auxillaries 747 15.6 | 10 | Laterat current resistance, Fyc= @)x@?2xDx@ __N (ib) 41 | Copstan line pull, p= [O@+0] /Q N (ib) | 12 | capstan head efficiency, Ne Electromechanical capstan 1 = 73 | Overall bearing and gear efficiency, Nig ~ ® = 4 [Power = Heres (ssu08 <0 ey re) Electrohydraulic capston 15 | Efficiency of hydraulic pump & motor, Thy 16 Qx® @x® Power = sexe (ae eH) From DDS 582-1 R

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