How To Tell If Jade Is Real

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How to Tell if Jade Is Real

Three Parts:Recognizing JadePerforming Basic TestsPerforming a Density Test

Jade is a beautiful stone that can be green, orange, or white, and is graded high, medium and low
in terms of quality. If you are about to go shopping for jade or have an old piece of jade, it's good
to be able to determine if you've found the real thing, or a good fake. By learning to recognize
real and fake jades, as well as performing quick and simple tests, you'll be able to verify your
purchases. See Step 1 for more instructions.

Part 1 of 3: Recognizing Jade


Learn about real jade. Only jadeite jade and nephrite jade are considered authentic jade.
o The most expensive and desirable jadeite (Burmese Jadeite, Burma Jade, Imperial
Jade, or Chinese Jade) usually comes from Myanmar (formerly Burma), but small
quantities are mined in Guatemala, Mexico and Russia. Jade can come from many
places, but the most common color is green.
o 75% of the worlds jade come from the mines of British Columbia in the form of
nephrite, but that's also mined in Taiwan, the United States and (in small amounts)

Be aware of what constitutes imitation jade. Materials passed off as jade include:

o Serpentine ("New Jade" or "Olive Jade")

o Prehnite
o Aventurine quartz
o Grossular garnet ("Transvaal jade")
o Chrysoprase ("Australian jade" - most of it comes from Queensland, Australia)
o Malaysia Jade (permanently dyed translucent quartz that may be called by its
color Red Jade, Yellow Jade, Blue Jade)
o Opaque dolomite marble ("Mountain Jade" - from Asia, dyed in vibrant colors)
o In New Zealand Greenstone or Pounamu is highly regarded by Mori. Mori
people recognize four main types of pounamu, identifying their color and
translucence: kawakawa, kahurangi, nanga. These are all nephrite. They also
regard a fourth type of pounamu - tangiwai- from Milford Sound which, although
prized, is actually bowenite and authentic jade in the eyes of the rest of the world.


Hold the jade up to a bright light. If possible, examine the internal structure with a 10X
loupe. Can you see little fibrous or granular, felt-like, asbestos-like intertwinings? If so,
it's probably genuine nephrite or jadeite. Chrysoprase, on the other hand, is
microcrystalline, so it'll look homogeneous.[2]
o If you see anything resembling layers with the 10X loupe, you're probably
looking at jadeite that's been "doubled" or even "tripled" (thin layer of gemquality jadeite sometimes glued over a different base).


Learn to recognize deceptive practices. Even if you have real jade in your hands, it can
still be treated by dyeing, bleaching, use of stabilizing polymers, or creating jade doublets
and triplets. Jade is divided into three categories based on these possibilities:
o Type A - Natural, untreated, undergoes a traditional process (plum juice washing
and polishing with beeswax), no "artificial treatments" (e.g. high temperature or
high-pressure treatments). This has a "true" color.[3]
o Type B - Chemically bleached to remove impurities; injected with polymer with
the use of a centrifuge to enhance translucency; covered with hard and clear
plastic like coating. Subject to instability and discoloration over time because
polymer gets broken down by heat or household detergent; nevertheless, still
100% real jade with 100% natural color.

o Type C - Chemically bleached; dyed to enhance color; subject to discoloration

over time due to reaction with strong light, body heat or household detergent.

Part 2 of 3: Performing Basic Tests


Toss the stone in the air and catch it in your palm. Real jade has a very high density,
which means it will feel somewhat heavier than it looks. If it feels heavier than most
stone pieces of the same size and passes the eye test, it is more likely to be authentic jade.

o This is obviously and imprecise but effective test to perform, and once commonly
used by traders and purchasers of gems.


Tap the stones together. Another traditional way to judge the density of stones without
measuring is to observe the sound of plastic beads gently tapping each other. If you have
a piece of real jade, clink it against the stone in question. If it sounds like plastic beads,
then the stone in question is probably fake. If there's a deeper, more resonant sound to the
clicking, it might be authentic.


Hold the piece of jade in your hand. It should feel cold, smooth and somewhat soaplike in your hand.[5] It should take a while to get warm if it is real. This is most helpful
when you can compare it to real jade of a similar shape and size.


Perform a scratch test. Jadeite is very hard; it will scratch glass or even metal. Nephrite,
however, can be much softer, so performing a scratch test improperly may damage a
genuine piece. If it scratches glass or steel, it could still be many of the alternatives to
jade as well, including the various forms of green quartz and prehnite.
o Use the blunt end of a pair of scissors and gently press down and draw a line on
an area on the jade piece. Do this on the bottom side to avoid vandalizing the
o Avoid any weathering surfaces because these are much softer and can be easily
damaged. If the scratch makes a white line, gently wipe it off (it might be metal
residue from the scissors). Is there still a scratch? If so, it's probably not authentic

Part 3 of 3: Performing a Density Test


Divide the weight of the substance by the volume. Both jadeite and nephrite have a
very high density (jadeite - 3.3; nephrite - 2.95). Density is measured by dividing the
weight (in grams) by the volume (c.c.).


Use crocodile clamps to grasp the jade item. If the scale doesn't come with crocodile
clamps, wrap the tested jade with a piece of string, a rubber band or a ponytail holder.[7]


Lift the spring scale by its top handle to weight the stone in grams. Record the
weight. It's important to use a scale based on grams, therefore measuring force in dynes.


Gently place the jade item completely into the water bucket and write down its
weight in water. The clamp can touch the water; it shouldn't significantly affect the
o If you're concerned, however, use one of the alternatives described above. Since
the test is based on the difference in weight, as long as the string, band or ponytail
holder remains on the jade both in the air and in the water, the difference will be
the same.


Calculate the volume of jade item. Divide the weight in the air by 1000 (or 981 if you
have a calculator handy) and subtract the weight in water divided by 1000 (or 981 if you
have a calculator handy). This gives the mass in grams in air and the apparent mass in
water. Subtract the in-water value from the air value to determine the volume in cc.


Compare to the specifications of real jade. Once you've calculated the density of the
jade item, see if the number suggests authentic jade. Jadeite has a density of 3.20-3.33
g/cc, while nephrite has a density of 2.98 - 3.33 g/cc.

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If you really love jade and want high quality pieces, the piece you purchase should be
accompanied by a lab certificate verifying that the piece is "A" quality. Most established,
high end retail jewelers only sell A quality.

If there are air bubbles in the jade, it is not real.



With a scratch test, you can destroy a perfectly good piece of nephrite jade.

Ancient jade pieces are usually unique. If you see a dealer selling many designs that look
similar, this is a red flag. Ask plenty of questions, and request a certificate of authenticity.

Never do a scratch test on a piece you don't own. If you damage the piece, you will be
forced to pay damages. Be sure to clean it with alcohol before you start.

Things You'll Need

For the density test:

Spring scale (100 gram, 500 gram, or 2500 gram, depending on the weight of the piece(s)
you're testing)

Bucket, big enough for you to dip your piece(s) of jade in


ponytail holder

Rubber bands

Paper towel (to dry items)

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Sources and Citations

7. eBay Guide - Jade density test

Article Info
Featured Article
Categories: Featured Articles | Jewelry and Watches | Rock Gem Mineral and Fossil Collecting
In other languages:
Espaol: saber si una piedra es jade, Italiano: Determinare l'Autenticit di una
Giada, Portugus: Verificar se Seu Jade Real, Deutsch: Erkennen ob Jade echt ist, :
, Franais: savoir si du jade est authentique, :
, Nederlands: Echte jade leren herkennen, Bahasa Indonesia: Mengenali
Keaslian Batu Giok

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