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Numerical solutions of partial differential equations by the finite element method Claes Johnson Claes Johnson Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method cA c GE UNIVERSITY PRESS New York New Rochelle Melbourne Sydney Dik ay aloe pnson min Contents reuse 7 6. Introduction 9 1 Rackpround 9 182 Mifrence methods — 0.3 Saupe uf the book 12 slomen metho 10 12 FEM forthe wane olen with pesewise liner fancions 1S £53 Am enrrestnnte fn FEM Gr lhe sel pean 2 FEM forthe Prion gation 26 {The Hilber spares 1 (0), BHO) at HO} TY {A geometric interpretation of FEM 38 ‘A Neumann problem. Nitra era Py 2: Aotrcttormulation of the fake lerent method for ii pros 21 introduction. Ine continsow:provem 30 23 Disretzation. An eetor estimate 52 2.3 The enorev norm. 39 2114 Some examples 8S 2 Same Gite ment spaces 67 31 Iataduaion Regul requitements 6! 33 Summary 79 44 Appreaimation thar fr FEM, Error estimates for pte problems 41 Intnaoeton RE {42 Inverpation with pccewise linear functions in two dimensions 8 4.3 tmerpolaion with poinomits of higher degree 90 444 tor esumates tr Hea fr elipoe promiems 71 {U6 Adaptive methods ot ‘ A Ap ero ctmate i te Ltt) om) 51 The estat problem 101 solving Bina symm feta 137 £62 Gonna evan Chess that 132 64 Operation com. Ral mien TE 1 inet agri tems 123 12 hegre method 28 18 pomatonne 0 116 Work ciate for det and trate mths. 19 29 The sono mbar ofthe sts mati 8. FEM for parabolic RY Iniuabation 16 82 A one-dimensional model robles 47 4 Distetation fn pce: al RAY Rackgrnat 19 44 Brrr estimates for ly tree approximations spl sutomace tine sd pece sep comok "158. lems 6 9, Myperateprabens 6 92 Introduction 167 92 Avomnestanrilavn pen 168 Temarks on numerical metho for hyperbole equations 171 87 The seamline dfn method 181 199 Taesueumlin ditson math or time aapenses problems 199 9.10.1 The continuous problem 205 rvceon dso ‘71 Seeoad order Byperbotie problems 210 10, Boundary clement methods 214 MA Induction 214 102 Some integral equations 216 M121" An integral canton foram extrine Dirichlet peor wing single layer potential 289 10192 Amesterne Pichler probes with onble Iyer potential 700 03.1 FEM Gorn Frei eeation of de ist Kil 724 10.3 FEM fo Frei eet of he sean kind 227 11, Seed fie slement methods 232 LS tneoderon 252 12 Curved elements and nameria integration 239 12 Numencal ntezraton[quacrature) tS 18 Some nontinear pres 208 {3.2 Convex minimirton pies 738 15.21 The comious problem 288 1322 Ducrenaatons 2St 13.23 Numerical methods for consex minimization proms. 255 155 A pon nese parabouc problem? 134 The incompressible Euler equations 285 11 The continsoue prontem 86 THLE the dcontinus Galerian metho m os ypformaation 250 101 the startin stsion method i a, p) emation 251 146 Compresibe ow: Borers equation 28s Reteences 20 Preface lemon! mets as generat method forthe mamerical solution of para “ferns equation in mechanic nd pss cvering a the thre man types of equator namely lips, parabol and nyperboe equations. be fin stoke Tox consered th bnsar problems, bat a enapter inating extension fo sone nomieat problems also incuded. Thre shuns shecomtints clement methods or ntesraequatonscomncted th ‘Migs pobloms. The books Based on materal hat | have weed 1m Skrgreatocourn t Chale Unicrtyoffechnolons.Gateborg. Phe Tint half of Re Book (Chapters -7). which eat lip proboms ina ater, tnd may. atl of fentbook in Sash that speated 1981 Bij. Fo hops ow pada "evelopment ased ony wok on dconinvous Galerkin sod streamline tieston ep Brite cement lal sng, in pty, Fae rent (he me detains an wl. Fo stoner hyperboic problems these ate {he Bet fe cw et il stony pees he sr ‘promise ofextenive ppc Fos pale poblens, ncrlsectiatn Sythe conor met yes ew fl The empbass ofthe tet f on mathematical and romercal aspects ofthe fimte clamett method many appotons to important problems 8 ‘mechanics abd po} ae also hen. nave wes wo Eeep the Mathematics {Simple as poible whi stl presenting significant ese and mamtaining, ‘natural matomaticl framework, Lately 1 nave oa the texto te Doo, ‘prt of thy matonal in a snes of undeeradvate courses on pata ‘lieu oso leading pt eat eve! wean nested orm bth mathematical questions on enstence and fegulanty togsther ith sms td Lave fui ti to Bea rata proach Were, on OME of solving eitoreaat equations numensally wane computer can ve casa Computer simulauon makes proper understanding of the mathemati Strctare and proprts ofthe matical nal yey nutans ‘pplication. In the prevent Book only a bare minimum of mathematical bck il aa he rae fet ‘omplete account. "Te ta felons Alevelogment ofthe len vsiomen tein evn eink Pi si or rng par the me Speva ess 0 ir Y arson wh sti fyped ist sersion of he ex wth gest patience heped me with seemingly endes aeration and corectons. Goteborg July 987 Cas ann 0. Introduction 0.1 Background ‘The mathomatial modes of since and eagincenng many take the toma of dferentia or integral equations, With the rapid developmcatot highspeed nutes nc the lst decades the pose of ecient ain these models have dramatically increased. Using compotermplemented math att iilate aad stale compleated systems i eginrsing vel scene. "Thin echoes the med or expe ad Hoc rea eo {erent aera Siantening (AS, CAP anges to engterring wien aad praise al 4 ee wee fehl siete computing" & emerging 2 » complement tremetial aml experimen scence Ho ase mathematic models ons computer one nee mimerical meth ‘only in se very simplest cases it poset ing exact analytical solutions ote equations ithe model ana in ner one has ely on numerical, fcguaton: if sconce and ensinecring, The method was introduced by ‘chuieors ite late ana ey or the numerical soluon ot paral Geren equations i srucra! ceauncenng elt equations. plate ‘auations, ee). Ath point the method was thought of asa senaralzation of cater methods in sructral eagacenn fr beams, tramcs and p Inher the tuctare was subddedtosmal pars so cleft elements. Sith known simple behaviour. When the mathomatatsady of fhe fete ‘emcnt mcthod started in the wid st soon Became clear tat fact te na a gence teluigue for nuwetcal soliton of pati {he beginning of the century. During the 0's and 70's the method was ° ovoloped, by enginears, mathematicians and numeral anal. nto @ snort meted for numeral solution of partial ite equations sod Tosay tne clement methods are red extensively (ten stepatedin CAD or CAL systems) or problemsinstactaral engineering. seg of wats ‘ud meshunis, nulerenginecring, leto-magactsn. wave propegation, ing, Ret concton,couvexionision wines, fetal Cais, petroleum engineering raction-ifusion process and many other 0.2 Difference methods — Finite element methods ‘the tose sea m any numerical method fora diferent equation i to dtserece the sven continuous proiem with infil many degiecs uf treedom to obtain adacree robles of cautions with only ely sony anknowas tht nay be solved ung asompules, Th aml wane method for partial ferential equations the difference mete! whete te isucte probs otained by tepleing detain nih cll wy ang) ee "The dscreuzatio processusing aac etal cere bi ‘equivalent vrata re A the given feel egeaton asa ; sihecane uf lipicrpeion var (8, tind we¥ such that Hu forall veV, (ojo for il ve V with R denoting the net of eal uber. he funtion ‘vin V often represen continuously varying quantity such 9 dplacemert nan lnc bouy, a emperaure eto) me foal oneY seated wath Wand) corresponds to an equate ensactnation ot the solution o the fateretial equation 38 the function in V that mununzes the foal eneey of the eonsdered sistem. In genera! the dmesion ot ¥ i antinte ( the function in V cannot be described by atte numberof parameters and this tn georal the probe (4) cannot be slned ena. To aain» problem ‘that can bo soied ona computer the ea i the finite slmsat sto so replaes V ty aact Vaconsstng ot snp oncions only spending tly My) Vind age Myst that Fag) fr all veV “Thispeoblemis covalent lng) Heat or nonin system eatin ‘The hoe i now that the soletion uy of th problem i suiemy wo -ppemnimation ofthe solution w of the orginal minimization probe (M), ‘er ihe origin! ptt ferential equation. Usually one chooses Vi 10 4 {higheatesponds tothe css Rtz Galery method that goes Bak othe rin he setny. The sca ester ot Hite clement msthod 3 2 tala Rit-Gaerkin method # He ac hat the tunctons in Vi are ‘Shen rl pivowir jolene Wl Seen Below, one may a0 =F. {rom mone geneva vation formulations thas the minimization problem ip ts ree 1 Galerkin methods "Pocalee = geo ie itera equation appronmatey using the hs nog sally te fotlowen tee (0) aviation formatation of he een problem a ion wing FEM: construction of ete dimensional pa (Gi) Slain of he dserste problem. (Go) nyomentaion ol the method! on a computet prog oben tere at ws ha yh ae Spending eb on the che of dependem vari. The coe of Gite icnsonslsubspce Vy ey ete the choi of he inion. acatcy equate gary proper oe um TTorvive the doce proto one nee opmaton sige on Ine forthe ume stein large inet oF mone» SPhtons Tn ths book we shall conser a tees (UN) Wt Go es San itodsctoy eel ‘The alninge clams tho compared wt ine dference topic scomety. general Doundart onions and sent poportcs can be nde cate 37 9 ince uonecewary aril competion with fie wT he har race and seat a ter applcnton africa re numero mote oo eral me lemon coset avai Ah, he ite cent method as 8 0 Sheree onda whic g ae cab andi many owes ake Spal t matey mere aml inate he coe Be apo fete ie semen station MU thew ome " 0.3 Seape of the hook “The purpoe ot tts book & to ave an sntoacton tothe finite element ‘method aa general tehnique forthe numeral oltion of patil ferential nd integral equations stones and cneinecrng. The fost iso alent ‘eal and mumencal properties of the msthod. but me an consider many smiportat application: to protien fom vas ates: A ot as ons ‘made to keep the mathemati simple while il preventing gia ete fal probe of pratt pee. pareboke and hyperbolic equations. Ts cannes ts ype guations with pre wecai wn ys we veel ta Cpe quations model for example static hic nici, prac equations till Tinea i met qocees, and byrbaie ‘uation arc used to dee cmtom or wave propagation proseiee. We [pha Tene met re eere uo Souda leet methods BEM}. ‘Wer ily conser ner posblen 3b oi cat on come ve maveii presented conceaine epic problem by now standard ‘ot fr parabolic ana nyperboie problems we preset eecem developments ‘at ave not eater appeared textbooks. Wath thee le contbations ‘tis poste ro gve a untied teatmeat ofthe trae main fps of pati erent equation a welt e Boundary stearat equations. In al stn ws emphasize the base ol pled the tay propeticva the fine element method and the relation to the coresponding properties of he pail The ook #anetende version of an caer book in Sch the aon that tas bee used for several earsin ndepialate cnn fo engin, "students t Chalmers Univer of Technology. Gateborp, Smee, al sh at oherSeansiavian dns, The necessary precguistes ar rltively makes. Rass rms in a anced calculus and inet alpen aid retealy wee nope withthe tmost welHknown linear, gata dees o memante at Dye, sich on he Potent cpetio,Hos heat motor ad ke ave swe may sy thet the matheratieal {Gols ov a the Ink vee sr flining Greees formula cauchy sary ens nego he prof section play am ir sl te aes eater unged sospen ime 4 me the pres ‘he general erence ving a more desi’ preenaion emai sn Chapters 1103, we reer t [Ci Se a0 [SF]}. For varaonal methods for pal eternal equation: mechan: and physics, see g/DLL [ET] and Nel 1. Introduction to FEM for elliptic problems In this chapter we introduce FEM for some clipe model problems and study the asc properticsof the mthod. Weft sons asinglc one problem and then some twordimcasnal peneraliratins 1 Variational formulation of 2 qne-dim model problem ‘Let ws consider the wo point Boundary value problem ee, rts ay * ssvne + 288 a 7 gem comin fntion By iegrtng he sation “uF tice, tenn ae that he pen is (De CConsiler amelie hae fed at th ends eaject ro 91 mens 2) (ee Fig 11) Le ofa) and u(s) be the tration and tangential icplacement atx, rspocvaly. under te load Linder the scamption of wires the modules of lati, Ife recht (o. 2 V f pany @ B An eet ont ‘Consider an laste sord wot tension 1, tod a Bot ends and sae transeral load of intensity Gee Fig 12) Assuming ann sll displace nnens, we have thatthe tanssersal dspacement wststes (D) et Problem 1a L ' | heat flow in. heat sont baer toa ditnbuted est source of ites. Assuming the temperature tobe (Fewer Ie, {consereton of nen), ‘iferentiat equation (2) ao the slunon ota mnimiaton probem tnd faationl robin (1. 19 formulate the promis (91 302 introduce the notation (vom=| stain the mea space Vaiss 9 8 @ continuous function on (0A. 9” i plosemise ‘continuous and Bounded on 1.1. and wilmvt)=0 sou he ine fonetonal FV ghsen by rete) dev Meee) th “he problems (1M) and) te the rtlowing (3 Hind eV such that HuycHIS) We (1 Find wey such tat VI-Uh v) WeW, Lets otc hat in the comes ofthe pens A el aun. teeny re ispcement Fie) represent the tte ponent rwergy amen ih ‘Les no fit show shat se sotionw of {Da volun ot (V). ‘Tose tls we multiply tha equation ~W'—F by an arias fenton veV, a socal tt jnionv, and ineprate Ove he terval (1) whch vee wit. We su iterate the ef toa (oe WEEN wR. ¥ sani we cee tat lhe sbows that we solaton of (1, ‘New, we show thar the problem (1) an (3) have te sa J eu wen) wee) Fo)-Flwr Foe) mew )-U6 99 ww) =F), ney (11, (0. w)={E, 9) =U an WY, whi show that a f(A) Om the eter nan, 096 4 Slaton of (A) tet We Bove Tater ntr), since u+eveV. Tha, the ditfreniabletunction fore} weave Evita LOO. fang we se tha a polation of. Letusalsoshow that sues lo{F) ny det Suppose then that wy and w are solutions of (V7), ie, uy, eV an WierGn Wey, Ke) HEV. Subtracting these eae al chasing Y=; UV, We et I fiw ‘ns hows that wip —aity-taimaer Ime Hee follows that (4:—1 Ns) ie constant a [01] which together wih the boundary cumin n(@i—ug(=O gem Wael, aed the "To su up we have hw hat she soon to (D), then i he er ems (Mf) an (V) when we went symbol thee wy 2Mmeun, ‘Let us nay ab indicate how to se tha if wi the sla also sates (). Thus. we assume tat we sates (te fwwax [iasm0 We. 1 we now asume mn ageton tat wens an continuous, thea we can ncegrate he fist ter by parts 0 get, sia the tet that MU) =), Hiiwttvarnv wev. Bar with he asumption tht (4+) aan this elation ean only bod i (et Problem 1) re Dfaie0 exch andi fllows that ee te solution of (0). a regulanty asumton (continuous), then a tne outon of row postbe fo show tat athe soltion Of (V7), then wi fac sass the desredreelanty assumption an thus we have (7) wok shows thatthe thice problems (D),(V) and (A) are equivalent (ef Section 13 bolo ous (0.1 aad Jawad Wey, fen wit for x. I. sven the formation (13) 1.2 FEM for the model problem with piecewise linear functions, We shall now construct a finite dimensional subpase Ve ofthe space V Aefned shove consing of piccomse near funchons. 10 this end let Doyecars. Stnchs rl bya patton ote interval (2.2 sto sabes ay 14) length yma yy fal. =» MVT and st h=mas hy ses tha wasn of lo fie the partion, We now et Vy seve [1] al o(@) =o 1)~0 Gt Fig 1.3). Figs example oa rncton ve ‘cise continuous plecewis liner funtion that takes the value | anode ‘ein andthe vue at otber nade pote ose Fag). t a A | i A function veV then has the representation (3), ech ve cam ite in gue ay a8 en Spore mension wien ary “The fnte element method forthe toundary value problem (D) can now be formalaed felons: (8h) Find weVs sue fc HUeHO) WEN tn te sare way a above forte protram (H) a (7, we se that (a) tr equialen tothe fre dimensions varintna bem (V3) Find aes {tay eM “Thay the finite ck msot msthod for {2 ea be tomalated a (V4) oF alan (Ma) The prem (Vs i way flared tas Galerkin ‘rod (Mg) x Bi’ mand, We bese that yey sattshes (2, then in pater 13) fw eI @ M, andi these equations i, hey taking linear combinations, we Se hat, oy saties (12). Since sxcor Eamon, Eem(e. see can ents (8) car Excere- 90 wich sw near sytem of equations with M eguatins ro Ea I mate fo ay as asthe ner sytem (4) can He wien Eee se Sa ad BEB a Prom] Lesa sanod Ls “The mary A i et ‘he sir mais ans the load vector, th ino of ETM in tact chanics, alle asia Avan cal be compute it njfel seein hit eve forall x10] i Ais ubsapona ie ‘We fist obuerve tht (es camer i) oF 48) equal wo 2 ft the element tne main cagona ise be ferent from zero. We ave for }=1 M, avw-S sn for Nowe hes that the mits As symm and positive define since oi)-tey 22) at wil of) 68! Engen, we have ida ne. Bee 00, sth equity oniy if 0, thay since iU}~W oY V0, ewe yual tha ymmetie MM mates S=(6) i be postive SE nsmw2o | Waen™ r, yet in RM We also reel tht 1 Fan only if the genau of Se lee the dot denotes the sexta Srey poste Te Pens daite mais mosingla it follows that he ear RIN GSES argo atten, ser te Ut poe +, 07 isles of aero ro (aT Jae opt spends swe ave ee, the fot that as 89500 ear rncca fom ato oly ew eve nl hs winter ses ba eto TRE ft ha the Ba BON Ny Thy an snportnt detrei fenes define leet = hy te one Tn the spec case of x ui (15) takes the tore igs | 12 a6 | ae: mig einerpreted se ean (P) here semen he ag ancofastandad erence ‘vere inert ea) (et Fre "Tosum up, we have Sen hat the nite element method Vj) tr (D) leads to: near stem of equations witha parse, smmetnc and poate stints tines mattis 12)” Comstiuctfinteatinensnalsunpace Vo V consisting tentons ‘ne late near sinter of a prion of (0, D. low ne cum the partes a deserve sh funtion? Fd the woraquting Posie nts ‘Then formulste nite element Tinea system of equation i ease of uniform patton. LA Formulate a diesen matt f (P) aa copate with (6.6 Ps an ae UIwUI-uIwaIR8, Hove epresent eg the defection of 3 clamps beam subject toa lenmeeva ee wth ine (ee Fig 13) St 7 (a) Io mechani this beam pleas won tory be formed 98 ths tat exes (usb) MPI, beech se) -whiew'un=u0 wit, ues nee the quaniy represent ane what he mestanist Inverpeeration of (1.858)? (6) Siow a 1 the ple (171 ean essen the following variational nd weW sich whore Wes: ¥ and vane continan om [0.1]. v5 piecewise ontinaoas and 4ON=¥ (6) or Ef, Bam inte, lei Ppl)=Ls. visa povmomiat of dgrees8 on I asthe form Noma tant sayneay Belwhere 4B) ow that VEPs) i unr determined y the values fa), ¥ eh (BF the corso hs nets (the bass unstion “oresponting fo the val vo) thc ai polynomial atch tat Saleh YIU, WOM BA.) (4) Stang fro (c) const finite mensional subspace Ws of W Coming ven ab unions. Sect suiable parameters tee (a fiat emen metnd tor (1) arn hese We f ene of a nvm peition, Detsrine @e soton im eg the cme wf Emr jut Compare wat the xa tion intern no 1.3 An error estimate for FEM for the model problem ‘We shall mm wey she ett ua whore te slution ofthe inte clement pen (Vy). 48, Use Vi ad Uy sais (1) The prout awe the lowing equation fr # aon of (D) ani ys 09) Ge avid Wee 1). WV 50 ‘ns fotos by eealing sha (©) 1) WIE Weve Subuating (12) fom (110) we obtain (19) ib=en. 9 ws ongestimate ea sich showstha ene dn the best ie pronation to the exact soon ‘heorem 1. Foray VeVy we hae lie-aarictie ih Proof Let vey be abitary and set w=14-¥. Then Wes nd using (1.9) wiv replaced by we pel oni Cours nega ae, {Mommy P—(Co- ant ug) 4C0—m)', 0°) Soy mane) oe) ay w ! ‘eV, ib 2 sata chosen fucion. We tall choos ge a lhe neta 8th erplaes niseny scr fang hasicsmancin numerical analy Pree) snag Wt a WW ma ey ae ‘Using (119) aa Thcorem 1.1 We now obtain the following erative of The ince (814)(0)=0 we ban from (1.18) by intogration the following imate forte ero Gt Paden 1.0 ‘ “yy for DEX 4a) hen We observe that this fer evimate ees shayp than dhe estimate (1.13) or vor nfator With more precise analysis tis poste tos tat fc ste Wor the ecor doy (aso Problem 1.19 below) etn wote that te guanny repre anmles A and 8 abo 5 ussly of He Fntret than the quay ws, presenting in these cases dope ment mi sina 11) 35 seen intrest om ‘stepon the ina etimat Of Un Teruo note thao prose (1-8) we dot vl cite onstruc 4g (etn wri requir kpowiedee of he exact soton u), me only have © FAN Ge a estimate oe nteeplation err, or tame the foam. hs by Theorem 11 we nave the qualiative ot jn) ‘mpmaibe” andy tinea the nterplstionesti (Uhiy'we uae the quantitative ero setae 116). whic i tala sso tthe vn les ro athe ERR feng of the snes Tr tender zero i "bounded on [01 Trove (019) wang (14) abd the esay soni int Use the relation together with Cely inequality 2 1.4 FEM for the Poisson equatior We wll ow consider he falling (Lise) ant where is «bounded open domain in the plane R!—(x=(4, x2) eR} with boundary Tf ven function ale sou ‘A sumer of problems in phsis and mechani ate mode by (1 ay eprsen for ates tmp (omaguetic ‘the diplacement ofan ease membrane fixed at the howrsay transversal oad oF stent # (se 127 and compa alo wi valimporance im wnat ollows Let start fom thedivegence ‘hone (into denon I div A dof Avo sh whete A~(As, As) is 8 Nestor vals futon dle 1) he wand ant ua pM wae fo Bh found tt ; wwe estfom the pation 818 st ca te the en aml ction to the boundary ‘We Shall now give vviinal form tut show ha i sans (116) them wo te soho Sanationst problem’ Fl eV such that as eth) Wee, fom of problem (116) We shall he lowing a, Gopfint vf: vs continous on 9, 2% and 2 ate pccewise on O ant san P) 1, we se that eV ies (1.19) In exaty the sve way asin Section 11, (9 it the felling minimization prow Fil we eh an Base that (19 aos 1.15) mil (6) with ira a rae over According to Gisea Meee fou niee [vd {Fa vedsaat, 9), ‘ice sie tnsaey integral vanishes Gace += TO the othe hand, ur Votsies (1.19) and sao regu, hen we se 89 Sect Mat waa (6 Pom Sohtlaare ta aon nhc wea at "non damit eter myopia ese Chapt - rangulanon of 2, subdviing raping trans K, UK (9), laes (ky -hameter of Klong vite af yh eamtinwusn sy sie for Kea, ym Pp eve wg denotes the resin of» 1K, ie the Futon dete on K. Sie dns th alee (8) of varies dese 8 fnction Ve 5 M. {see Fig 1.8) but exclie the nodes on the Jo on hs ne sorerporting Inne fuss Gen, ovary since Fete Me then defined by 186 Fat 19) gL the nae pnenon We see thatthe suppor of (se 0p irs wih te common noae (he Sas fanesim ve now asthe representation ota) Eneg(xd. ayevN), for x6 QUT te the following. finite element meth fr (16) bd nye, s tha 4.20) sn vim WEN exactly a5 Seti 1? we see tht (1.29) guint to the eat stem of equations nae, | | | | | | | | the sites mati, ie a) MM nals wilh he bette ‘ClealyAisgmmeiic aml avn Seton} esc thal A snd hus in particular nosing hat (1.21) mit ty ston Meets A sayin ie, we have Ht j= ew NN, ae woes othe sate Wage Th the same eng mn Sev 1.7 we vee (2) ive Vuiicliva vel We¥ Tn Chapter 4 we prove that i the tangles Ky ate nt allowed to bosom (1250 Be Varn ete and below we denote by C a postive conta, pow event a teat ogcurcazs, that dost not depend onthe mesh parameter Bla the ‘sae (1.24 the constant depo the i of theses pati eaves of wand the smallest angle ofthe tangles KeTy. One ca alo prone oe Section 47} that sith a smar dependence of C. In partials these estimates sao thal ifthe frat solution uefa guar. then the cre andthe ean fe (ror a fend 10260 nthe now -a eme t at ie tgif ade Fy he N Fel git side of equation is ica combination of the ited i Fig 1 Ih enefciene piven a Tie the linear apt tained Uy sppiving the set pi ponents of te right-hand side Weng weighed nena of Fat the odes fet Problem 1.7 be “Ie elements 3a, 9) 0 te sites trix A ae oly pase computa by summing the eonrtons rom the ier! rine a7 an hs, 2 snl ale Daf Fay- Vee ing Reale Sa (AN facto ats.) acon ante ¢) sales a) ‘he lemon siffess marr for KT soba sites matric A may tus be ‘romped fer eompuring the elements maine foreach Ke fn corresponding way we compute the nghe-nand nde b, Ti proce ot computing and b by summation i called the aonb of A and © To compute te slments inthe ties mars (12 we cee work wath ‘me resnctons ot he bass unetions ane gf the rae K. Denoting those restchons by YY) andy, we hve that each fa inca funtion fon K that takes he valve one a one vertex and raises at th ote two Sertcer of K. We call Wu. Wy and uy the Bal ftions onthe ane Kt ig 112 tw ea near function on K, thon w has the spsstaton EMME WEN IMCD MENAIAND, —xCK 4s ‘Pi 112 he bai faction ws aie wh K 17) Foie aierence method for. loyadbecse when maguire ‘ning te cifernce approximation Pa 0) a nah, x)=, sa), Compare with Example and a corresponding approximation for " 1.8 find the hiner posts tnction for the tangle K with vertices a 80), Ulan. A, Show that the soncapunaing clement sills ‘mats (121) even by fa a a 1 3 oo ‘Using thirst slow a the ie system (1.25) of Example thas {he sates fo 1.9 Find the etementstinss mais (27) fr grea vine K i term ofthe eoordinate (a) a). i. 2,3, of the vies of K 110 Siow dae eV sates (119) ad wo twice conimously r= eile, then w ster (1.16 LIT Find the element tiffs mate te Hwaf fortexV Ifa: VV, fa mjeR fn os eV adi inesem ae gegumest, fra a, +8) =Batu,»)-+84u,w), puso =P, =) +s,» a.) on VEY i a oe someone aisonimannay We, we, a symmettic nen fo a ved Weve i associate wth san pene af) defined by Jafs, 2, Wee hve Cauchy equa, foam Hh then We Wy ev welsh We further recall that st V #8 Enea space with 2 scar pw wi responding rm | l-then V ssid to Dea ibe spacelCVirimpte fer ienery Cauchy scaucnce wath fespoetto ||| seonverget, We rec that ‘Nequenee vss oelements i he space V wat norm [1st flea Cauchy segues fora e>U thee a patra number N sch that neritic jeN Torther y;eonvergesto vit In|» Oas i>. The pac eh remar ‘Were intone oar specs haa buf fuse or varanonal formations the nary var bles we Wil consider. Let us tart tt the one-mensiaone a,b) isan terva, we tne the space ‘eeu integraie fein” Taft) vis dined on Hand fx) tte opace Et 6 ist pace Wat he sep (mie fewes, som the Ls norm: Caney’ nepali — wee see that (vm) fe wellfined, fe the integral (vw) ens iv a8 weal) mark, To rely peso the dbton of Ls seaie tha thi tome econpie rte ok torres nti si a esa tom ek pun of view ne may thins of» yal” anton aera a pecenise retina fncaon, pely iswnded, ssh evi 12, Wee thal he function 8-88 ae We aboininahaethespacc'q)~{v:vands' belong tol}. and wean the salar produ this space wi omnes feowee = and the msesponding oem sev Ivara nny dined on wach ropes “The spe HY) thus eons the set Gil svaties ae quate sine the one af boundary vale rotiems ithe form ‘noua vin aha}, We sa owe te ase Ton Inq 8) isn Wwerty sith the came seta roel and norm a oe HD, wt on 1-0. 3) (yan) =0, «an now be sven the following variational formulation: (15) Find eH) suc tat (a ¥)=(69) WEN. the tomatation (V tm i formaleuon (Ve spoce HU) specail) taored for avanatonat formation of (1.2) andi fat the largest space for wich a vanatonat formulation of th form (1.3) is mcanigfl. From a mahcmatical pot of ew the "ight soe of futon space essential since this may make st Casirto prove the existence of soltion tothe continous robles, From {he ite leet ps if sew the latins C03} oust (PV ‘af itees! may heeane the hace ero estimate fo Ye Fie leet tented ty (5.30) (the #0) ation F0), HH), il) ete, we may sve (129) ey, ig Te oe ‘Nw let © be une domain RS =? 3, ete LAQ)-{s: vis dened on and Jon). ia tverday & eri, (oem=fo a Igo fo vue Go Tee We alo define Hla rey ‘The tena sep my ate am ao he give the flowing vara foun (V1 ind weHELAI sh that afu.v)mtt sequin (2) Find velfa) sub that MadeP) — Voetiay, shore oa haste so Jaf ur Tan abate Remark Te formation (¥) iw ex weak formulation of) and ie Scion of (79 sid to 26 weak oman of (yew ea wea sonon ‘t(D hemi not mmedaely lear thar us alo ata oton of). sincetisrequiresutobesutctemy regular shat Ave detinedin sclasical Sense. Te advantage mathemati of the weak formulation (V) i hat it 5 eat to prove the exrtence of ston to (¥), eros eltels ‘cu to prove the exstence of easel sluton fo (D). To prove the exstene of elasicasotston ot (DY one bull tart theke weak eoation futeent eur tobe ae w cusal Solu. For more completed €& bon hoear problems, it ay be eatccyeifficaltoxprataly nguste 1o prove the exslence of lassealsoltons whereas exten of weak stations say sll be within seach. 7 Praeas Vi Tet O-(seR? 21) Show that the ay faa 1.23 rove Cauety’s equ 1.29. 154 Coie se pe corespnng wo (2 wth an npomeogencous asda coon the problem Aut ia, as where f and wy ae given. Show that this problem can be given the (1) fina weve such ama acuny=(t9) Weta, (atime wevtus Suen taat HWIEEGH) Wee, Veuve: Yas on “The fone ie element met fo (131) and prove mero 1.6 A geometric interpretation of FEM teem n the tection space Ht), We rv tht two cements v and w in incr space with cla product <> ae sid 19 be ios {et ustor simply consider the following variant of oa revows problem a0: am geo mint (et Pudea 25 tek), The conten veal Ft elUZO} coh tat [oe Poaceae 9) wet, (sy ain wean. ning he io a. afive Vou oe dat 2 fe he sae poet in dhe pare CO) ‘seston 14, aed coma the following fine element swe for (199) Find ye sch that (13) g wth the Birchet boundary conttion muy om 1, thos we obtain the coreespondins system Ak~B by simply ‘olen the rows n A corresponding fo the nodes on I ad by entenna the ‘ales ofS swen bythe Diet Boundary condom 1.9 Remarks on finite element software ‘Wing ante element program or a gener la of probe wal seomsty and varale coefficients (et Example 27 below) i partic lotus mention the codes vaiy CLUS MODULE based st INRIA iss Anais Package) by M.S, Eng the adaptive mir cade for “These cos ave {oduct lear drumentn, give eres the one coe sd {lam tester seen deeelogment an eductons purpooes. [Ll Wnte a computer program implementing the Has of Sesion LR Assume fit simple gcometiy. oe a square. and = waoon Triangulation, Use a standard ron to lve AE=h vith Cmssinn mination an Aste a bd wat Example 1.1 Conses the Ponum eatin {1 écotcred atthe origin and withthe lod Senter a (05,005, ‘he adayive PETMGvale [Ra ns ple, se [FP [E] PLTMG wees rs nl th cocoon (1.20), and alee {chose on Went tha the elements ate smaller nthe tea where the im eck ein, Sect below "Fur mice informacion on adapave methods, se Seton 4.6. Note that an ‘he skmgoton om the cover Was generated by the moacaton of PLING. _appiie othe Laplace equation with Direhet boundary condone ma case toluvon igen im polar coordmates 0) By Fig 118 Sot graph a) il ere (0) a ation (fo fi sement td fo Dur ton, 2. Abstract formulation of the finite element method for elliptic probiems 2.1 Introduction. The continuous problem ‘We shall mw give wn absat formulation ofthe tte element metod oF clipe pre te that we ave tse in Chater 1. IRs = 20% ‘oat inset bw maken H yo to ve unied treatment ot many ‘robemein mechani ‘neo have to repeatinprinple samen irae. Fuster the abtact for tation very ear 9 arp stand th basi rata of ‘slment mothod ot ¥ bea Hier space wins pont, amdeutesponding ‘tthe ¥ aor). Suppose tat (7 Seto form on Vand La linear form on V such ha, Oe Dey 21 avail wey (Go) iseatinus, fe her is constant A> such that (22) Leyeaiily ve Lets now consider the towing aber minimization pion (M) Find 2.) Flay FO, Hsye$ ates) to + sational robo (1: Find ue 05) aus)=ty ev. Let ws now tt prove: heorem 2.1 Te problem (2.4) and (2.5) ar equivalent, 1, eV sass (2-tystand ont watts (23), Moneoer, there ena unig olson UeV ofthese problems andthe folowane stabi estimate olds Go ake ‘artant ot me Kiet reprerenation theorem im Hier pace tory (ok (Ne. [Ci]. ct alo Tacorem 1.1 below). Te eager unais wih hse concept may simply bypass ths emurk. To prove that (2.4) and (25) are quant we argue exactly as in Secon LE. We Tas dow tha i oe¥ Sates (24), then also (25) holds, and we lave the proo of the reverse Implication 19 the feades. Thus, eve al ve R fie atiary The (Gr evieV 30 that since ui minim Fysrure) —YeeR Using the maton gle) -Fluten), ae, we hen lve yee eet s1¥=0. Hence g(0)=0 the derivative ge) ee 1 = Lae, w)Leey seat 9p w+ av here we ued the symmety Fal.) fellows that hich proves (25). To prove te tata rest we soos =u in he (2.7) and (2.3 co obtain natu, Luly sees 6 upon division by Vall. nally the unguopes follows atin (26) snc aed a olan that ius Livh wevsiet.2 sen by svraton we se tha wy—ape satisfies atu wee eV, ‘Apptsing the stability estine 4 dhs sition (with En fe, A=) we ona tha ay— Satotod, one san prove tha there exis a unique we Vn sat Hasd=EO) We, the tabi etimate (2.6 ours Rost example 2 bow} Ts fase there is however no asoeated minimization problem. Now let Vs he» fnt-dimensonal subopace of V of dimension M. Let is fon Vs hat reVn ad any EN, asthe Ng “ {We cam nfm he loin and (V) Find eV sch a 28) Masri evn, or equally Find yjeVa mck hae o9 wer tele mtalogus of the problems (88 (2.9) 1 equivatent to on aye ite Mt ‘Using te representation ew Be. Sell & EmonieLee), rin mati form, ey # nLéy)-b ” hes the dot dts the sa ala ban Ee fst st) ay forma as aay Dgeag-o-g-Min |! n-an-o-nl ey Terasconerain, 1h , We a hn. sang 22), aeayeasineaiviion I 40, fe if 420 Sine a 3s se on result " ° Thavem 22 The silvers wate A is symmens and pone deta cm pone he owing ares were ne eqns fons ‘Theorem2.3 Ther exists a uniquezotaion Soko the equa (ith ant 19) fe. thexe ests a urge sluton me 10 me Proienn (2.8) and (2.9), Faroe th following stabi estimate Ros Proof Since A eit ancuniguenen Tes foes aeag (22) amd (3p ite, Aienonsngular. which proves existence sefullwsdy choosing ensn {2} which alulli,s andaeo modes ue aepacemen rie plate, clamped at fs boundary, ander a raves fad (er Prosiem $2) To ne rade he pace West el the fling vavtionalfomlation ofthe bharmonic pio (29) Baul ne sch hat alu, veL) wey, ” ste 184) aot le, ve]. Bs dy Loft da ee nee ay tat ‘eae proves using the pnts of Problem 2.2 baton Te Chapter} bem we sal construc ite clement spaces Vac HG) ‘Example 2.6 Consider the olowing problem in» dowain Ov 2 2) hee yl the fh ate constants with 0, Ihsan example of» Satonary unertinoifiton problog the Laplace ws ste asume that 1 and tha the Se esta fusion pum wth i bre, see Chaper) 1) mulupyng 2.25) by atexefuncion eV HO) inet, lover and useng rece’ formula fr the Lapae eter yw eae fd ‘othe following vanatnalforulton of (225). Fil we such that Hevdeliey Wey, shore AOL Va Rabe Reyerie, opal de 1s lear that af...) Vie sine it ¥eV, we have by Green’ formula hn nays Reb ade Sah ‘Exstence o unig weak oision of (2 2) Starting Hom (22) we may Tora the Foi i for 223) Find upc’ such tht 225) aati) Wve where Va va taie-mensionalsubspuce ot VA (sy) for Vj we Ie male Hat (225) is equate tothe near sytem AEB ‘where AC) sag) and b= (b= Te, Note at 8 ase he ‘BY the Vai i lows that soutons of (2.28) a unique and hus Ave non-singur sth iu sation se. thste ex & un af (228) fy tse pment si he Boot Tere Example 27 Yt he the temperature ina host sondueting bod occupying, {he domain QR? We lave in satonay exe the folowing rao 226) kis! Jn @, 121,25, (Pte te), 27m) ang in 2 (somervaton of ener) where the gers the heat flow in the xedestion, i) the heat onoctiviy att inte orf) the Beat producuon 3 x. I Es Ye te heat cemetvty i constant ad equal in suet in fh With the ky noncomtont (294) fam example of a pata aterenal equation wah varie nfo, Howevet, Use costs arent asumed to depend oa the soi vin we “antucttes depended on te temperature wen @.26) would be wt ‘humpl of on lnar paral dteretl equation, sre Chapter Tichow Telus now ene a vanational formulation of (226) which in she wsual way cat lise to formate tints element metho fr 25) This seme tha ‘he presen of te vale soetficet ko ax inode ilies. ‘We complement (2 a:b) th the ftlomans Boundary conn (om) oath tease ons where FaT,UFg ea pti seen the tna Unie normai The conivion {73 covnesprs sin weve heat ow gen oa Ts, ‘We intrce the space rtp (2.280) by eV and iterate over 2. By Gren’ formula we then [fre ete ogra a= fy Pos an) eves, shore the ht epi follows ens (226), (2.26) and the fac that font) This wear atmo (94) Fi 2.2) alwoimL we, Show miata Lisi ft de favo ‘We easly verify thatthe canton (i) re sted unde he following Ippon: Thats ate nde cunlanls and C such hat ety U. eH IH 8, fel {9), ge AF, an the men of Fy pine ‘Staring tom 27) we my rm noe «Fite element method for {@.25)by replacing V by nie eee spnce Vas Thin ee System AES wth safiness matrix A=) with ee fe) where (ies son ih 8 Mair Vy. Tf then we owe me nea ‘want use numerical quadraute, ot Chaprer 12. 21 Let @ be asquare wth ade 1. Show that GaP ooP vee) as Inertia by sing ne boundary conitions Green's formula, teresa in tnt net oF (Give a variational formulation of he problsn Bee foe denst i )=0° (0a Db, ‘onions are een und which re natural? What the mterpee {asin ofthe Sourdary conditions iu represents the detccon ofan sch tht (fv'daCllieay Woe 10, sng his rest show th the Hn fal F (0) lie Lief ev de ie get ary tei f Pike Give variational forma! prosicm of the inhomogeneous Newann 26 (2289) (22%) om) exe ans chee i ve emi () Ge) of Sei fn exampie of» pe nei i ken 2 ate ntl Give Give» variational formulation ofthe problem ~ a {iterpeeation ote noua contin (wich sien to a¢a Robin (or tir ype) boundary condition) nsblem (2.27) with varia ln this case (2.27) models tations hem eondecton in an isotope aly conned tte il eal alton tng ocupyi the regions @} and 2, Show formally) that we satin 79 i 1 (2 28) represents balance of Rea Howingstmeen 88 serve tha ths reiaton ss "astomatealy Dain the “ariatonal formulation (2.27), Show (formal) thal ais he sation fd vara prom (227 yy jaca J vo where (0, 1), and [2 iexen=0, es treo, if and only iw cates KOs)" (x1 ina 230) yeu, 24H dk wuimwl=b, wheie wu i, 2. Then formulate a Gite slment method for (0.3) wing pecewise neu function. Delrmine the eotresponding 2a sur i the Se of 2 unform partition an sve an mterore (ate this sem 984 erence meted tor (220, ‘Show that fw eth latin le Diet poe aay on hese (6140) ORE, the is the sion of he 232) Mp } fara, Th={gell: div gtf-0in 2), Wat 140)} Ine mnmzaton soresponds tthe Pune af ‘minimum complementary energy in mechanics. Starting fom (2.22), replace Sy afte mens subi one yout guioriam concn i ‘model. Methods this pe my i ena cases hake adbanages as fompared to the convention Give «lent etna, wd tisplcement methods, hate hie sed sw (o-opace frethod for (220) me compart rliion (72) sw {say Hint Fit show tat pel isa solu of 2 3) ia ony fread Wyeth, snore Ho= fae, dv q~Uia 2} Sole Pao? 3th the fing atenative boundary conditions: wo) HOHE WOIMO, wt Conse the Nevaann robin Usa) aut ey san! prove that the conditions ()~(r) ae satis 3. Some finite element snares 3.1 Introduction, Regularity requirements We sha ow present some common ued inte element cpus Va, These “tnangultions” Ty=(K} of u Bounded domain WERE. d 2 Seana “We mil need 40 say citer Vp=I14(2) or Vac IV (2), corresponding 0 serine nla or wasy vat pens, espetnly. Sin the space Vi consists of piscemise plyaomials, we have by Wyctluaesyycerdh, Gy Weta vc, (B)= (v2 8 continous funstion dened om Chip (vee ty Deve, Thun, VacI'CQ) if al ouly if dhe fantons veVy a comand YiclP{O) i an only ithe fantione vey and tele Fst devatnes ae Th yan (3.1) dept sm amy in wenn ee fi een 1. exist and ate pievewse comtinons se at v4) On the ether hand, © not sominaous acre scorn fnerckement Bouma, 4e ‘veC*V). sen the deren Doe, n/~1, 89 nor ex se fistone nL) 3d ths vg (2) (vis icomtinuous sczos am element sd S, hea D, |ai=1, woutaie 8 tunction supported Hy Swatch nor square alegre in See pigs To ting a mt element space Vy me Wl have 1 spec tions v in Ve on cach element K (ein (adeeb, (6) the praca to be wed 1 dese he functions in Vi 3.2 Some examples of finite elements Let wn wow conser some examples, We ist conser the rw when iow of & wvoning to Seton I-t ano tangles K: We sa ne he te r= 1 meal a reat on K) “Thus, P\(K) she yo near Futons deine on K, 1, fnetons of he stu at a. XE, ) where whore the ajeR. We se the (ta eles. ahlslens WRIA. 1 a bas for Pi(k), and hat ci Fy(K)=3, where dim W denotes he ddmension ot the near space W Further, Paps the space of quahar function Ke, fnction of he fom sek, Bh a han or PK) aa Burte N09, 2,5 em a 0007) sin gs LED Fromple 1 tet Gay MycleeCr vacate Yet « le, Vhs the space of cominuouspicemise lnc funtons that me have set i Seti 17 As ptt glad degre of Frm, esr he functions in Vp, we ene (te valves atte node points ot Tae ‘legate chsce ash thet fone =, igus determine hy the valves (34). Tir ofcourse intuanely que eovios bute wr any) Carey out te argument i deta Rare ge Hw Be 2 mode! 0 De wes ‘more eomplicsted stations below. We ten fint notice tht if KeTy 8 fons wen verbs 2 1, 2, 3 then the doers of treedor for K. eortesponding 10 (31). 1 th lament deres of freedom, ate 62) the yale at he westien =, 2,3 ‘Theorem 11 Let KeTy eo teiangle with vests aul) G21, 2.3. function veP\(K)isuniguely determined by the depres feedom (3.3). rc the valen a, i, 3 te a nn oP) such that Go wera, Pan Sine ofahmen-6t203 for wom conan GH (8) quale tthe fine system of equations an ‘nthe unknowas Thi system hae «unique solution for gven ci and only ‘tne determinant det ofthe cots! mtx itema, aa 'cternt tom zero. However by bai liner algebra G8) detBiDmaten otk, and thus des 40. Tener i nga, wh pees he die eel Since this argument wll be used feo, meas pie » samewhtafleren senso of ths en We te in Py) -», en the same munisera unknowns equations shiscasitllons _agsin by basic ner algebra, that de 20 aed ony sats of (3.7) Sigh, in oter wor Hf he ony anion of (3.7) th 0.9) eyeP\(K) and va)=0,i-1. 2,3. then v=0. In act easy to prove (4) doe witout wing), whe shows tat ‘As we shale bolo, th attr tod of peoot makes pose 10 e238 rote anslogucs ot theorem 5. for NERC order polos mW sae chet eomoutation of the deteminant of the corepondne eaten teat could be very compl ‘Wecan now determine th nodal) bass functions for P(K) asoited with 3.5). isthe futons heP (0). f-1.2, 3, sh at cm “Teta the isco, we vet oie the system of equations (67) fr thee special ehoies of Hah hand side namal, (1, 0,0) (01,0), rnd @. 0.1 Fea “The ass function, say, can aso he determined 2s fotows. Let arevtdar too. ‘be te exation for dhe sttgh line through the vertices and 8, Then 2y(a)—vleyrnsrth shove the conta chorea 40 tha ya) —I. Inthe sme way me may Viewermine i and HF he nate Rms Pre [1.1 Uy 1 a (1 then =x, 2g=xe and y= Ix, The notation yz and ye te node basi funtion fo Pi) wl be kept belo ‘Given the ehoie of soba dowres of reedom sn (3 i ism to eseie the opace Va gen by (45) atsnatsy G1) Meade eee PUK, VRE), ales conineous athe nodes. Values atthe nodes of Ty. Lat use coef and chock that (31) defines the ame «pace a (3.3 bose. We a ‘i comtndous worse al iterclement des Thus et Inagles in Ts Raving the coms Swi the el ‘Suppose now ve Vs acording to (9-1) and let y~vge PK). 11-2, hehe etctions of tothe Ky The he fet ws wanes tt the end points Ny and Nz and snc w i Fine § it ll st i ft ‘vais § He i eee Shachdon that welCO} Example 1 Let us now show how to construct a spe Vn usin piecewise ‘quadraefcton v, i, sigeP1K). Let us at pete clement depres ot teeesom. Let Ke le wate versces fol, 2,2vand deste the rioins of jist 2. 330 Fig 32, ‘We sat prove ‘Theorem 3.2 A function vel AK) is ani Ay determined by the folowing wa, Me, eae on) ‘root ince dam Ys) equa to the numberof dress of tee dom (~b), 1s (ee the proot oF Theorem 3.1} sult prove tat Fe) and then V=U. To this en, consider the side aa. Along this side the function ‘has a quadsatic variation and ¥ vanishes atthe thee dint points aa! Beda Then, (cf Problem 1) vanishes identically on a wich mea (ef Pram 3.3) dat we vat at wut” Ue fants hy ad te Memb CK {ir Ekanpe 31 the sae: way we sce tt» vanes alte sie 12 ih en a we yn Ec sa he tn 9, ros we se that sph to mat y~0 and ence V=U andthe poo complete. se PK) an a epee eu) dwomeicis, $s vty Ten 324 ch hg he RH aml ants LH of (18) ake these vs the et Frm (14 cen at ‘the noxil bass functions for Px(K) corresponding to the degree of fees {pare tne eeoncorenpending tap der felon, from the tt that Vir tveCtGy vgePe), YET, swe ve cen that the sla degrees of fcedom ofthe functions veV ca Te lnm a aos r the values ot va the noses of Iie (4) the values of vat the mid points of al the sides ofthe triangles “The comenning ghd nk ft have de ling fn PRE ROLES, re, Fo fo A Example 3.3 We nn define a space Vs using piecense cubic functions. ie Foot v sch tt sigePAR. WReTa. Pet Ke asin 2,3 aml define Gee Bie 33), Lowtsahi G2 1.2.3. ia or pass Theorem 3.3 A fnetion voPAK) is unas decid by the flowing ogres of fcedom aay ve wa § wa, ‘root ince dim YK) 6 oual othe namber ot degree of Heed 0.16) vide vo)=va)=0, 5,721,204, FH) thea ¥=0, Observe thal fv has # exbicvaristion along the ie a/a then y= ‘naa fa dhe ame nay linn that v vin the ses al a! tnd eee Soars CD tne the wo points oS ee Fy 3.0, 35. Since vy"; vaes cables on Sit follows thatvs=¥2 We can now snteaduce te space pe foe): ge PAKD, YR (the eles of atthe nodes of Ts. Ghee fv ale pts a 0 te sf The {ih Tar vature nt vot the center of gmt fo all Ke Prumple 24 There is another way of choosing the deqrees of feedom for Dalene Ka tangle wath verte: a 11, 1 and cameo gy Therm 24 & function veP{K) i uniquely determined by the following se. ey Beh eka? een Proof Since win dem PK) Jn paula we the have wae Baro, wheres he crecuon trom e045 gether with he fc that va?) =") fs stom tat ¥ vanes along the side a/s" sce ¥ wren mx Polynomial ston this sid. In the same way sce that v vars haat 2eand y and vpapieengether spoce Vac) ven by Ware acIAK). YKeTp atl yal = vw he me, wit he fotowing dearees of redo te valves of at she center of gravity ofeach Keli, ‘soon Vy) We wl hea work wth uncon tht ee polynomials ‘ot egre fve on each tangle: with potraomias of mcs zur xia Theorem 35 Let K be a tangle with vente i= 1, 2,3 ad let be the Imidornt onthe seat. j=1. 2.3. fet ip 312) A freon vs Pek) Isuniauely determined y the flowing deers pe, ey iets 2 9 teh where 2 lente ierematio la the outward normal diestion to the ‘boundary of K. Proof Sinve dim Px equal the numberof dee fem sine vi ¢potinomil onthe id aso depos at most 8, otlons that mie la Fut, 2 pm fda st Seay Mey 2()iar—o, 2.3, ay fc Cy} oa) (ech hin the pat 2 erm eons) Psi SOxI-ValN Fp xe, mate? ‘wnereyeR. Hut vePs(K) snd only posi hens that y= shat ont Noble Yet Ka. 11,2 Whore Ky and Ky ate to tales wih com sade Sod sono at the min, al ame midpoint o 8, 42 9 where & denotes dterentntion nthe normal drcstion to §. Then we have the lations (3.2 and (3.211 or the eiferenee w=ys > and fllows that (ny 3-000. wee 2 denotes deren he seston angen © 5. By 22) and @.23) me sc the tneton veined by v=¥ vas cont Ssh iy ist dais, ‘We may now define te space Vc) a tolows Var: vigePa(K), WReTh, BA emia a the nodes for (acd and 2 cotnaous athe mid pins acs, with te deprees of resin of (19) Example $6 4 uy yom comnts a ceimensona tte clement, We thee frum thet Or inn nf alletion T= (KI Of non OveHASPN CerahedronsKsuch ne vrveres fone etulcdon es ona ade oF 0tRer trahedfon, Ae ove, oral, 3, and KeTy, we deine (k=: vise polynomial to doare on K, 16 vs the nin NOE Syme we or rata funtion ¥=PA) = Ver veCWD vlceP UK, VRETH nd 0 bal deers of teedom we my lake the values tthe pode eum 17 Yt wlio conse some restangulr nite elaments hi cr Te tl fv example # ER? ie sowae. Lt then K be a rectangle with tothe coordinate as im FE wot 8 inbrras4 wih ies Desne Oth) =v soainear on Kye, s48) =a rasa ek, whore the 3 is ey tase (pone thi! that funtion UK) uniquely determined byte vt (a) ay. Paster ky an ae two rectangle ath on Sue aes incr on 8. WE MAY NOW deine cCSUd xc), WKCTS} stung thot Ta (K} i» wlio of 9 nt woroverapping etaneles Such that no vertex of any rete Ke on a side of another restangle. The aes at he mer my Re me pl Teper ee vartvet tt qc). Weta i) he wane tthe nodes of Tr (08) mo ete tte mpm ofeach retangle Rey Sine the ay f etnupula semen seapiay very abt grey Oi ino interest kn snmsiesmowe_general nates semen The 3.3 Summary tse tans BPs, isthe value at he venie of K. 4 inte element. In Fig 3.7 Below we have colected some ofthe most common iit siemerts li). Ie varus dares a eed Se folow denoted values ofthe frst dervatves. (© sates ot ene sevond dervanes, ‘ale ofthe normal derivative, 7 vale of the mised vane 5 Finly, Fig 3.8indcates inthe cane of two eanesions the suppor of eran Iam cto we Va, fe, the ysis x sich that v(3}2U. The ferent eases ‘regen ne valu ata ode, the midpoint of a ide or apoitinthe interior ‘fame Chey ihabunpernallandifg and ate Ob ‘income wet Joc Wy nad Nz then the sports of the fancvons andy overt ni 8a Ns fhe hese coc amare [Rat crit | = [foetonsman | Serena i ry | ° Pa) o Pig The sap lls aso aa as ar ery ymtv: vat Sian nels wnere eR}, the ee 1 aml i vaiesat Thence and tbl (byes) weve eyo potynomrats of agree mont rt he Prove to if Pl then velit tor any ade Let K be a triangle wath verte a, 21, 2,5. Sup that veP AK) sl hat ysantics onthe 803 Bove tha Vhs he fr msrmaaten tk sehove we sey) and 2 tne in Example 3.1 Let K tea tetrahedron with vere =, 4 and et 9 denote the micpowt on the staiahr ne a ej Show hat faetion NePK) unguely determined by the degrees af fedons- Va) NGiue rete tie. Show na the ers ite een Detexine the ines trix ores othe Poisson equation (Qcley wha tt a aqare withside tm wee tear leet ot Pane 37 with LetK be irimle wil vevtben aml el a,j denote the midpoint winaye Pik) waniaueh determined (23) i}. Cade the conesponding (O)? Can we app he by te aegeee uf fe ite element epace Vs, Tit wv ht Vy theory oF chapter 2 ee nr? Show tat fnction vr PK)=(veF(K): 2s poy rosy the degree Le beth rans ot Problem 4. and eta denote the comer of following degrees of toesom Wa Mh ea RL? WE jah 2,8 ey, otal, ‘Ako show that the functions in the cose 4, Approximation theory for 4, Approximation theory for FEM. Error estimates for ciliptie problei 4.1 Introduction Fora ypc epi problem satying me sontons (i) Se Thsorem 2.4 Lestnatingn stqundiidaalloncack, 4.2 Interpolation with piecewise linear functions in two dimensions het) where Ty=(K) 2 wangulaton af Or pace of pice nea funtion Tih For KeTy we deine (88 Fig 4.1) er of K-the longest side ot K. hee esa K Patameie h. We sll kw ese that tee postive constant vine wiamgiaon Tye Tu te. dependent oth sacha yop kets yar ntallowed abe asoaily ly mal the constat sa mess of forany Tye(Ti. Let Nols M, Be te nodes of Ty, Ginsu €%(O} we deine the Iterpotant meV by anal SD=0) M. ‘usa te piesewie near function apie with # 8 eS of Ty ‘We wt by estimating the on each nse K We have te folowing res Thumm 1, be ateiange with vertices ai=1.2,3. Given veC() le the iterpotaar av<¥th) bested by Tren 43) pala M8 ma DVI ga, 6) may |De—wvlh ae OK me IDI a om eg vag mgxivan ana ath euch hen of he os 9 288 DOM) SeisScton pei drat re tee erates, ime uci ta eescting he ena he ag ihe devon v= om i ey the aun (21) lf acd nesta (1) 0 Bou e goomy raion roof of Dheonem 41 Let by bal, 2, be the bas tunes 08 GK) ‘Gecnbod in Example 31 A geseral faretion wePi(K) then has the tari pee 5) wie Soto, xk Tinta Soi and BPG aval, sang the folowing Tagho expansion at pov J 2005-90 suewie See sve have the flowing cainate of he reminder tem (iy Raaeane magma HL * a= Len 1 orn 2a 368 we wy Shyer a1 Epaanas-v, aay ee) mae aa 68) we have anfaavtays ERY ye) ‘ening enero widening ZRH sina Ue (ee Hh, ofthe remainder term R10 ae 3, we cam ae the previ ene 7) me ROE which proves (4.3), "To prove (4) we diferente (45) wi eect to xt get ” Se Jno) Hey hich together with (4.6) shows tha 419 Mervin er 2 aR PRONE a Hence, by (LI) and (12) eave Bahay Saye Seon Be ox ea Bigeye FRM, rok Be Bone Frere To the ame way we eaimate SY — 3 ant thus (44 follows. The prool ot tr os the theorem i ow complete ones the lemma etablsned Pron af Lemna 4.1 The poof is hused onthe following observation: Gino inverse), hich of cou follows from the fact here unique faneton vel) Imani ive elas a the vevien eK we ncaa AJ a8, t= BG0) 00K, Toproe l0jecchome ayers anu tier Pinar sdslatows. Rut that by (48) santas BE HMA MORO, 00K siitioh—aa Dove oy aie 2° 9.12 ah (1.12 os similar way by choosing v=din;-+dzt in (4.13). This ines the proof of i2tet arte prance scone Sine They 4.4 les estimate of the iespaation eo as}rnem itt eally ited give atimatey To Ian souving the Leinan For thin purine we nl ue inead se fling Saige of Themen 1 Here we ee the flowing notation foe #0, 1 the 2 jipyan. Note hat fia messes dhe (0). a the pial deities aw Wt Corder exteiy equal wor, wheteas derivatives of oriey lest are Included. We sa that fig 8 seminorm. Since we may have [ehfa/=0 fran v0 (epit el andre), ts no norm ‘reoram 4.2 Under the sumptions of Theorem 4.1 there an abotute sonetant C such thst aifecnce being the now lavolved. eitie the Le oF the Leon. For Snpthty wenn chen te presen wp Se tesa mpc (on nf Thssnem 42, see (DS). Let us now apply Thorem 4.2 o estimate the global interpolation errs oad aul We have By summing over Ke Tia mangay- Zama? E Clot) Zt CMM (617) (a8) 4.3 Interpolation with polynomials of degree “he exists 4.17) and (4.18) ae td examples of estinates fo the interpolation cerry, this cae fr intrpoaton with eons linear fancios. H we work wih ssn pn degen tn Tetons Ts tying (41), we haven the pial the ning (4.19) uomaliciay then a funtion Woes hoes nov hoiang vo HE) i ae. On tha other hand, one can ‘ie the corner angle ty =). For the bermoni problen (2.22) we have if he Boundary Fi smth EL has comers there re rests analogous to those js slater he Poisson ‘eaton (1261, ‘Example 19 Fora stuion of the form (4.28) hae formally that ‘SCH () 4 derwotves Diu of onder s Delong to LS8) 4 urea eft pesados tht fe ay #0 scm le rete Seco Fa fr the Pam eon fo 420 yl cn ‘whore y=" andthe maximal angle ofa comer fF Forexampleify=, ‘hich corespands ta a concave corer ot ane 2, then laewaloecn™ Wie se tha inthis case we do nor obain her ate o convergence which som, 2 4.6 Adaptive methods 1 the exact ation war eg comer sng then it alt ine the triangulation close tothe crac oincreme the securacy Reval that forthe method of Sesion 1.41410) as eat thal we het Be dhe sie yg wh a Tur andi paca nme yg wee ng ge te foe 428 hd 7, theron odie tiem Swen fe Prom ay (symone {Eh ted he ene fo te esa he meh Sire ray fron these, Wilh sefinerert we have, Sstepeng the (2 ita ote that he tt mer element wi refinement Fe frm (4.31) Fite uae Qh), he sme ht uno mesh of 28 Th Inher the refinement ies no neese the oa ume af kone Sigil but signicany increases the peecsion (om (3.9) 10 (8.32), Tn general the ntare ofthe erat sluton a nat nw Seorehand and Imetnoss for auiomate mesh rotinement, sealed ade mead, have been developed whic donot require Re wc to supp snormation onthe foptrnes tnoue 2 sequcnee of computed wlutons on sucess eid To very Bnetv desenbe some ofthe basic ideas andetying adaptive methods. suppose 8>U isa even flere and suppose We want obtain 8 fine clement spproxiation sn sich hat 439 an Sp tte Son mcs 293 extn To determine a mosh satsying (4.29) we fist mesh Ty (Rand compute cose ye nine ny ierense quotients mea of tne eaters pray of K nd elgbourng tangles (k) by subsiding the values of Vi "Nea, comioct 9 we mes Ty lugs cals KT for which aliabem?> BS, ‘ovation wy om the new mesh I und rept the process unt 635) 3 wml stSe. Note that by the constreton follows fis salu) that hein es Ta sain (4.35, al he esate sn wl peel ee [Note aso that ater refinement of set es ie ing ch ‘completed ita uiaiglaion a in Py 15 Teale owe tert econ bother rms than the HO} oem tan we yw le grin err ee This eave wow te agape metnog om ne eter ‘inate (82) sal wok fn mesh Ty=(K} such that yo B VT 18) Gi whereas abune [Daly computed approximation of [Deu Ain the Gn ea ssyng (436) constructed troagh a sequence scrwivey fine meshes whee angles K fe whieh te lft and i of (4% arger ham are refined. In Fig. 2 Wa ge the sequen of meshes (witha nao atthe origin forthe taal mesh) obtained by pplvne a adaptive etd of thi form wih BILL snd = to the po Aue in, wows on F where U(amH6OH9, nO): VerI, ete Sn) WH eRe rolaHOM ut us. tntig. swe the at {a tnction ofthe distance [tothe on along th ple taker rom (LI wh Adaptive methods ofthe indent type are even ce aso [E). For adaptive msthod or arabaip toSecion A. tor qth) A vw Lk Qa that i we apply the fre eloment method with the spe cei he Pison equi (1.16 ath ‘stony ges the oowing L{Qhestinate 7%) I-ouneminchl ‘On the other handy (4.18) sh io second order etna "Oivconves (CDRs: asmoothoounsay,thenconveaty is pot teqiea) Thcorem 4.3. 1421 convex polygonal os foluton o the Foison equation (116) wi then tte woman nde [Ivica Proof. Subtracting 119) and 4) wey 20) we a the eve eon lena analy (eras Csr 6) Lev be the sok ‘unlary dual pole (4.40) ale x fr a1, we se that (7.20) iene 721) newb iog. We concude that th rue memo of trations he gt oa umber (A) andthe umber of decimals inthe err sedan fac © a fypeet FEM application ino «sexo tice we have ‘ot w(\)=040"*) andi this ese we would ave n=O) te very ge umber of trations would ave lo be peste ‘By using an cigemector expansion. i pales we more eeary why fe radia meta tee if (A) lenge To ts nd, ts, MeueR® be the othr Unigene oregon Siztvalues i. cane A, M. Expuing the ctor oi the bas Wis = ae e+ Faw, wy she relation (717) takes the form ay geegetot jet, Component lh cor As te are ogre in rang ore th rms se om 12) tha for ach at A? Ge f8 "BE {5 concpondingcomponeat sg teats ya ea ac onl avis editlon kes lace, On hc th anal” ‘ec ism amar than the eo eduction fo (yh 058 he eis all Thc component cor lage 32 wt componente or smal ae only dow ede ia ey mila womens ofthe to meaty varying component ony pet ly ty cag 2a for sma be wiry“ ee "Tsun up, We may sata the gre tee ei cvciltory somponshts of the error while the smh snpenen nly become tall very sow}, ahd us a6 whole the gra mei is tnotcent (at Seton 7-5 oy on multegnid methods whee he grain method putt very ecient use) 028) 0.2%) “The smvergence properties of thismethod are similar to these ofthe gasent neta wien sey ost yo pata the eguied number ‘tert protional to (A) cf Problem 7.2." 7.3 The conjugate gradient method We wll now douse 4), na fie erative metno f(A) othe orm iy the romgue gran med. 19 this method th step nth me AMD, ids Sine A is postive define, we may dtine asta prodst < y SGm=EAN, ERM and (121) can then no wnt “he norm Ila soresponding <> the vregy mn "he conjugate gradient method can now be state falls Given $eRM and = 0nd anda =the as) ape (7 2%p oat rage. Eo compate wih (8) we se tat th) means that oy optimal: We ‘ote thatthe new scuch esto ili linear Combination of te Bet eel wc retin Further, new (7-25) tbe asd eqilent Bah d=, nconjugate wih respecttoteolerection We now take anes ve that "ial conga mith st thes poss search i ete (Lup. We Proof We us an induction srgument The stated equality early hots for Sane no hat th equa holds for m=k. We st observe that er mutigiation by A. 17.250) eves (0.25) reread ye hel Aol. Abel ao that. Ack ah Het ae ARE. ‘On the other hand, soning tthe induction hypsmens, we have Abs i nthe AUT A Ah wh OBER wan (0) SNOW ihe AMT, Thus we Bove fs AP» AM TSI, Beh y (777 as aA AP #1. Halls, Feat (798) clay ave tha Tos ana ne ‘We can now prose a 0) HO, ‘Proof Suppose the statement tev for, Sk. Sine [Pf Lemma swe have sn parsclae fi=Ofor j=, kT, sing ox Pale ead, 5-8, kob ual we ah hans sit*oata0, ja, Taye wit emma this shows tate ii, k whic prowes (728) fori, jie. Final. to stow (28) for 7844 we nme hat snce Adil, by (7.26), we nave by (7.29) tion eh flat Ie=!, gether wth (26) andthe ndeion fa natn already know tat onthe space Weld] sperm he fi ea est, a Hs C3) IS Bae IE SLE EHaIE- Salas YEW Recaling Lemma 7 andthe fae hat P= A= AE= = AGE) we see tat AMUING 21... AME OM Woot as ‘Using (7.31) we thus have the fotiowing rs Ie-Mlastnaye-P asm ibis. Ye, saomats pute?~ 35 vanes Pe eet of pon vat Bo is jek fogs at mot to eat he redaction tte ta er IEF ater ep 9 Theorem 72st fo sonst a phoma p teas mt Sheth pO sd pyar sal pole onthe tera a coming te Cgevahs ot A otha the quay eBay Ae i: smal a posble, Ibe bes paloma 3 Chbyhe pono! well towninsprotimatio theory, andthe coresponing lv of (ee eR fas VEN yaa Rae {et sutcen 0 chore suc that te, by # simp compnton, sch ta cay abv 2 ‘We thus conclude thatthe required numberof iterations forthe conjugate adic metals popentinnal to Val) which sould be compared with WA) sme cat ote rasient mets. hu, tor (lane, te son]uEaS fraient metho cnt than the eraient method, Inatspicat fine element application we have #(\}=U(R-*). and ths ia this ese the require aumber of ierations would be of th order "fr the conjuate traient method end (ih forthe eadint metho ‘Remark The subspace Wi~1#, AP... ANTE|=[e, db! walled 1d (2.25) By the Arlov subspace relate to the consute aadont met ror &-8? and i poqection on WL Couple 72 Let uy otal he pe 1785) sm Sond Wilko. Applying the praten met wih primal or constant ep Tenth, we hve Hat the reine! mir of erations proportions #0 Jag naling the new enable ees the fre Viana, Viz) the prob ra ofthe eorsmpennling mae sepa 1, the ‘ec the sumer of tertions signin We ee tha he very elongted ‘igi ee eve of (38) ae eplace by the car lvl curves of (Si) “The posit of reducing the conation numper tor moce generat, Problems by a sultable change of varables corresponding to to-caled reconditioning willbe dicted im Seevon /.4 Belo. Problems TAL Show that Bx of (7.25) can alternatively be cpt fll “12 Prove forthe sradient method with optimal ep length (78) that esotygera— Ly eens al by ping, 7.4 Preconditioning, ‘We rez our guasrve munmiztonprotem (7.1) O38) Let ow E be &momsingulae MM mati and introduce the new vase SE so that w=E-'E, and define ATETAE bere, and E~!{E°1", whe DY denote the anu of the mals B.Thas we {an writethe prem (7.5) wing the new viable © ae (736) Min 2A 6 “The gratent method wih constant steps afr tis problem reads U3 Selma AGoy “The rate of convergence of thi: meth depends onthe conition number aA). If Aye cu(A}, then the gradient method fr (730) wil comerge much astr than the etme method app othe ongal problem (7.3) Before dscusing how to choose the matt E note hat setting L=E and Pastigeon ev ut im (aT ae ea Thos, sting CAPT ao that C-!=2-HR=7, we se that (7.37 corresponds te the flowing meth far (7.35) 3%) legen Yanga, ‘We sy that this 2 preconditioned version of th wus radlent method for (9.59) wih the atx Ceing the precondinoner. Lo compute! om {Use tor agen my me nave to Soe tne sistem Cl=(Ani=, (ute tha we wal teal (aay METAR ‘in 0() operations. ‘The reston why the muugrd method so tcc, rously speak, iid ep seduces tees ‘ror corresponding t large egenuse are sentiamty rer) Tis at |Scasy to understand rom the alse o he gradient meta Seton 72 hove: Parer in he course eid correction the low apa medium fee) ‘omponcnts of the error are ao safari reduced and ths i eat git fp all omponcets ofthe err are radaced gna 7.6 Work estimates for direct and iterative nethods ‘of work reel sive ou piel system of equations oa) Ae by direct an itesive ntl, weve A ia sass. symmctris an pose (fine Me M maria. We len spn that (7 4) inclted to asccondorder eee Rarer tet eae ‘conte gain : 1a ratios cna rater tan 73 ‘tout, the muted and preconaiones conjugie gt the mos favourable exponents ae Yr Marge enous wie serio w+ ‘bendCholesky und nested desetion. This hols partially tor Himwoser the muutiendé method regues a rather complex progrim with ‘eines fiiesmerec Ta fora ve us oteear neh moe wo "eye fas cost, abo couse hs costa depend onthe protien ‘on the plementation of ne pete metho ‘We sso note tat one sometimes wats fo sve the sistem AE=b many ties with he same A tut aterent ght Rand dss Fr cxamgle we ay ‘want ro compute the tres distribution ane body under ve {nce we may acto and imate A once ah for a bana Cnotesky Becomes comparatively more compte but sil as toe tenor tothe preconditioned amjugae gration al li To Sum up We may say tat. np speabing,-Ceky ye mh for coare to medium fine discretizations in two dinesnins mbes erative ethos wall oe jen emt tgp wont Pe ‘Avaniagcns fr lage thesia enn al or ey Bin cre ‘olds aston well tacl wir withwoelfirensrnat are ot vating i ene einen ery compete sone may Sita at erative mesh wth good convergence properties and in set ces Gain elimination may fe the ont rete aermatise st nw ‘Remar 75 Yostore ony the nonzero cements ane yometic MxM aii Atay) ae nay ane vere au ening te ements the lower triangular pact of A oudeted tm ly sine gee wit) ECO 3¢—(ac) wih ithe nel the ern A ming the element (athe eto ada) wi a) =r whee ama, Aan amp 1 aa 8 aw | eet ts ny A A Ns BB seri 2. 23.13.4128) Paleo 13 Peten inthe asymp work estimates corresponding to He tor ther ele protien. 7.7 The condition number of the stilfuess matrix IEA ithe eines matrix elated 1 an etic prosem of order 2m, then ‘te canton number 3) i under suitable conden estimated by Let os prove this et he standard ease m= oc ARCA) My wyafows Ya ae With ys the ul bask fOr Vi=(VEHY: vgeP(K). KET) following condition: There ate powtve constant yn independent tha fo al ReTy, Tye 7458) ih ay Bote ‘hat all cements Kot fy are of FOUR the same sz, Sueh anglais fare said 1 De guast norm ‘We seal that th bine tor postive constant suc that al late} cpu, re, 7-9) a, Nealon veto ‘Te caimate (7.4) with a1 will cas oll ffom the flowing seat: ena 73 These ate tata aa Cul Sepang de constants inn, sachthattoratlv= § mie 46) Covi ehh ew 0) ay.) IVF Ch Fe 8 Remark The estimate (7.471.450 calles mers sume; ere we ema ‘he Toonoun of the gaint of vm terms ofthe ky ores af vs. Ti i q sot posible fora generat fenction v, bu epost We ponpone the proof Lemma 7.3 asa ow to poe (4) ing ats by 8 an 7.4) ay WARM ey PW Othe bern we ey (48a (74 iia ll nen cay AN a, In SCul® Ver get, 78 and. 4 pro are constants cand such that XC. inte wich ives the deed recur ay-2= 2 Remark 74 Note ene my (ehh) ‘Wats seting A weave oer the Lapa pero wh carers ranging from Of) 4) (eel thatthe elevates ofthe {place upeatr en bone domi ie im be unbound ners (A, =) Pr of Lemna Wei thal ft carne KET ih ert wo PK), we bane (71) fiWAdes cns2slosae, vith and C indcpeadeat of K and, From these estimates the desired stmaes (7.46) and (7-47) desl Tollow by summation over Ke ‘We test how that (7.9) and.) told hen KR where the reference 173) Let be the sual Dae fntons ot FR) ane Stine f4y=forus, swnere (fy ff) and tek, ‘We want o prove tha there 2 constant C such that, 2) HSC, eR Hee: fs equa erty corresponds (7.91) me cave R=E soe = VT To prove (7.52) we fist aoe that te. the function fs homogeneous of degree zr, Is thus suet to prove that fr some constant © C5) aie fs, where B=: =I). Rat fs continuous om (ote in partic that {}20 fae He) ad Di nel Lode et a ad Uf as ase KK. In the same may we can prove (720) i his case go see hr poe 7 0) we €7 $0 fo atin Wing Ke or Shasta aK ple wil venient (0 (0) a ‘Utne the wmping Fo R= KI eid ey (oe SCHAIMIn B8, Se. 4a Fens ines ve PAK we nos define (298 eexrewnmHFE, le mH Bey ano VOC Since de HEI thi nes ioe Jv eda Ras Ny aang wa) J (HY. WeVas m=, (20 (eal, (8214) has buen obtained from (88) by replacing the derivative vases Oh) WN) Wwe, x) oie Sate. ‘A babe abut extmate for (£1), mth FU or samples obtained By {axune vaso (tt fo ee heated. lug? ete the fat that ohh Sloe Sng we conde that for n=I. Ne Shot stab lutea $ stuff rke ll? 679) alles) format, N, eh earty analogous to (18), ‘The other sical tine dsrtization meth for (883i he Crank Nia son method: Find ufeVy, A= >, N ch hat (2m) EME yy RL! yc ttretten y Hore, the dterence quotent (fuk replaces (ty) | Ut) the corespoadine disretiation cror is (kA. This time we abt the folowine stm of equations on cach tne eek as (ai Haen[a Halersanireverte aye 154 vebuf-D2 in (2.240) we cay obtam apui the etabty veal Tia Pe mL. 2 Anata wn peat De atidsetie fu the case e710, (8:28) fads to the faowing mre eration fo (625) Ans With wotaton of Chapter 7, we Base «Tham ‘ime the eigeates yo A ate postive, Lom (28) and 8.29), eave oy the Crane (ey eb tyay yet LagA 1 ol ibys) 1 Dhaest ‘which again apis (8.20. ‘No all me dortiztion method fr (8.12) (or (8.10) sats stay stimates oft ory 0) fr (18) apa ofthese fete se {Asan example, let us consider the roslled onward Euler method for ean: (6) EE aa ot wih (688) et oats Eni? ‘is means tat thorward Euler metiod (S52) we canny parame tbe stat newly NPOTINM ithe ne ha ace male more preozly emt ‘independent ot thc the fowl Fale will be unstable and wiles for computational pups sal hate rsa omy be ae unr the conto 91. Thiscomen is very ee egg very mt ue tps i hin ately ‘One way of pain the stably condition (24 for the Pe smetod for (832) 05a that ky has alas te chown so sal feces ne ie wits oF toto the time stepsy te, thexe methods arc unrmaionaly able Tas ina very desrable property of tae ved for a parabolic Inthe backwatd Fale aul Ca ret we need 9 ae 3 system of equations a each tine sep (x (877), (825). (828), (8.30). thescmedhodateiphei, wee ote forward Euler ened hecokion Tis deatly even hy sisng any sytem, (ae (E207 oo nnethod i ex, Cll method requires more work pe ime ‘Mcp a compare with vali method Thus, the one and ne ave “uwotonaly ae inp method and on he other hand soon sini api weveai Tye more eistett methods fr parte peaks teh re ts ass; ee ex cost mvoved teach Sep for an implick ls mone sam sormpencate for bythe ast that later tne se ne take (nse very fas transients, whore aesurav regis ery saline BAL} The discon eth nos Caerki ‘We sat now consider the continous Uatekan metho foe (68) i based on uring nt element ormalation io dseretize mth ne varabl Waa (Vie wer “Np where . rth) wot wey ek ove wt 6, Wa # the space a tnstons on Lith values in tat on sch time tater fy at as polynomial of dares at most . Noise that the functions forth we mtrodase the notation Y= im stg 48), YE tim nt) where [vite jump of vat “Phe ss ‘Geri tbl Gn 8.89 ns eGo as folows. Find UeWh such that (9) aluwrliH wewia asevte BF states vn = Edu yr o+ ot. v2, Loar fntsie of Since veWhy varies independently on cach subineeval I, we may alterna Foams (8.25) ae follows. Fox ates aN. ison UP! Bind ier Pa ns 26) fUU, eal videe(UE oh here For qr, tsi the notion totlomns problems For Iss Ne 7) MUM shal YJ eM Weg nat U3 1, 630) reduces wo the vwnere UE ame se 2 simple modiieaion oft (21) where the right Mand side ivoles an ave ‘ror g1 we have that (8.36 seguvalent to the following sistem wth eof Tove grater han sth UtI-Un t= Uy tel, Ue ke poate) Uist Eyal} Ut SANs, Vee (38) 1 oS beth) wtinsde Lippe bata) 2 ishvids, Wwe 1 = hfe 8.4.4 Error estimates for fully diserete approximations and aautomatie Gime and space step control ‘We now pve an cror estimate forthe continuous Galeria method (9) jn the wake gaff, the ackwatd Euler scheme (37) with. as above. Vn Piecewise linear ona quasinifom tanguatonsatsyng (4.1), The proak inen in Reaai 8t bow ne ating ly lhe ca ron} iinet Absorbine the “alot bound logan quan the coma ‘sing the teva tt hat 2) ge tat Ule ce omg ein me afc. Here ot course the tint term on te rg hand sido Bounds the ime Alston errand the second term the space dcretization ero, ‘Suppose now 020 i 4 pen flerance tnd tat we want te Une slsretiaton cn (RIT tobe Bounded by 0 fora ft Problem 8 By (842) we ace that this wl be the case i N (8431 balla Os m the sant in (849) Th gives rl or choosing the el tine tep Tp aswrling tr ten of jn OF canine, flys wot Anon ia ean ala AUP I {ar (8.37 involving only the computed solution U: (635) mau ‘One may say thierterion teach ine wep ey Wil an enor as olows With Ue, aise pes of ene me teh ine (ep Bybe 2) and corresponding Usis comptes. If U"-U"-}f wre Une 0 ye, then Use accepted ana otkerise is decrease incre mike [Ue Ur" ac. Varian oft procedure are possible. For examen tril ees for Keone may chooee 84, CU" IU 2H) oslo afew inital tp) and thas one an prove sa i he oman fy setfibleentenon (8-4) ststed, then the tine Gsereteton error in(8.37 willbe bounded by, ype Bebavourf ult) toer moderately lips ath Cr". where beet fer Section 2). tnsuen ease ‘he method based on (8.45) will thus automatealy choose the corres ime INE Gt Paani bk, Returning tthe space istetizaton ean i 42} ee tha the mesh size in Vf. the sontion VEE! may watally be Fos samp asus nov that fi (8.21 By our anu ha ‘convex, we then have B (824) and (4.27) that ines). To ao onto he space discctizaton co! tote toletane 8 we te tetfoe to choose he depcnding om nso tha! 7) lola, a thas a bo Wb (649) mae ty cemate | =e mas she eiyimg om (848), we are Sedo como te tne eiscreiation error (638) 3 follows: (630) kau t= ‘Aeui te unknown quantity | ul, maybe estimated sing the come Ystion U. The method (828) wily (6445). Although (38) more costly per sep than (37), iu penetal (38) Feimach we lfc tha (8 1) fe Pepe 3) hte isthe dicontioucus Galeri metta! for which slot optimal ero ‘ne line These nay a a Bi for He din atonal methods for automatic we wep cml. Wh ale methods and tenuate whirwed emir information om ens tope se, (en) bNn), ery veil (897), i the Uncontinuous Galerion method (8.39) wah rakngns tthe proof af Theorem $.1 and ie ast taeed On a duality ‘rgoment. Fa, we introduce she antepolant Cea deine 09 85) wet here as)eVy 6 en Wy (810). Now et ZeWhy sty 2) AW. Z)(0% 6, £8 backward Eur approximation of te liton af the» B= UN 0%, om, aking w=U—CleW tn (6.52) and using the fat that Ata. YI=LO) vee a) Pryce Eom 20 erp 408. 2, Now, conesponding 10 (18) and (819), me Bave the towing saty states fr (882) Problem 6 wo oy yey: ceo) wi) Ge) shih ponss (42 for aN Since N any be replaced bya for a= aia Frmark 2 The biityesinates (8.54) and (4.55) fo the dscete a rer (8 57) nent ove nonsense (6) forthe csi pe (7) Te oti, he ea ia the ero estimate (841) a resal af tee of Ue ong say ite tweaker sblny emirate (2.34). 2 omar. Note tat te constant Ci (64) in parca independent oft. tnemeanstnat we may compute over very tone terse ‘thou row ofthe soba eor. This rele he parable nature of out probs L Remark 4 8 we apply the Backward Euler Go, the Cenk Nicolson ‘method (m2) and the disontinuows Galerkin method with ¢=1 (510 De fear peoblean se where 22, we get the following tine stepping methods (651) en shee for ni hee ni 2.) rei be Th relations (4.57) shou be compat with he ftlowing lation niad=e * at. ete of course the fa) ae ational apoxinations ofthe exponential 8 na UI as oD, for 30, i423 1h0)0 ncaa frit and, wt 63) nt mire, iy (858) we ve that the ronal function r(x) aBoeateS wih the CCont-Nicolson method doesn hea ie the exponentials for saree “This meane thar the Crank-Niolon method fe not sulable for we i time imerle where the exact solution non smoot, tor examples tal ‘example 31 In ig 5 we ge results obtine By applying (8) ith varie spaces Vi 0 &e problem (85) with #20 and Gan) -1. a fn oh ce |“ O°8 a tho Sein 89 Th a lume ten control was monitored by computational forms (8.47 an (850) the sumer of space stops was este fb of the fonts 2, me Wesee that the ctor (jy) pt. frtoe 7, custo ns a ofthe order (125-0.00, Abs rote tha the is taken from [CJL fevaivepeie~ i Thivewampie Seorste, race, ton 8) ayn Problems Rt 8 se as Coase the mealies pata: pen (8) 2) Prove wing (8.1) that if wha)=a 8, Oe Hct mid (8) Disrctize in space using pccewise tncar functions ona uniform, prion with space step b and determine the erreponding udnar fect equation 8). Deteanive the sonst Cin the stably equrement (8.4) forthe forward Euler method with if sepa Hl Te eee Ie alr Ba ‘Rin thiscme are given by Deel vl) wit we MG et 9 be the solution of (8.11 wi ven hy (82 Suppose the ime steps ko for (8.37) ae chosen according 10 (8:43) sls nurses tion tly Croton ed Propose an efficient metho for solving the problem 8.22] related to the bastard ler method (8.2), o rally the lens (& 3) aml ‘pce sak Pre 8 wth varying degree mune 5) fon the [the tl alt, Sle (R48) fr se me step come or (837) ‘al (8 0) or the eh (S38) Compare wth esl obese sng ss rove for te method (57) wit I=U and under the asumpon ecChyet (0) Us Ate entend (a) 1918). ‘unt Yor) cno0%6 V~tg UU") (5S. Foe (we (B) and Caacn's neat Using the eroreepresenstion formula (8.17) peove he following ‘arn of te entimat (hf te om daerte probe (9) 8 fave a sll ror fr tamay from 20 i (or linear problems) a neceaay to reo anintl ansen completely, Simi revalts hold fo 3 ad CRD TUN Consider the folowing tases problem (2.25 0 on Px cose’, x60 Extend the methods (8.8), (B21). (824). (8.5) to this oa 9. Hynerholic problems 9.1 Introduction ets have see that the ft clement msthod applied to ca panes wutrial welds with ry rtp with manly hyperbolic vai itor vane ‘Synamie or wave propueiion as observed anon tht, in contr tn wht is the ene parabolic problems, standard application of the ie werent wet fyperbolie probleme leat to numerical serre which fre live Tesmonable reste, More precvely, twas observed that salu ite ment methods for hyperoke peobam: do not Work wel ses when lcontmury, ten then semen ston wl general ex far Spurious osclations che a om he om and thon tbe lose othe ctooluton anpaere. Ins isoparsar oncersince a many merening peri equaton. thc coc soit nok moh, Oy cent teen possible to overcome these difelies and conduct mood non snl! nie eement soc fr hypo poblms with stectory Citteicenr engin. thi chapter me wil eset thee new Ht itn the aveunliedson (Remark. sndacontinuos cna compare them withstand mods. Thee ne? fy tft eter hype problems sich ac conection fe mentum vl vd hyperbole problem, the wave cation forthe Lapice cpr wes ii element methods are sill ote dave 9.2. A convection-diffusion problem ‘As an example of 4 uncar hyperbolic pe equation Ie us ORS he following convection dituion caution Here w i 2 sitar enknowa representing concentration for 8 (tor est (O.11) can be sles, see ex (Nal). the Boundary condiuons may be of Disc. Neumann o Robin thir spe. Pr simpy we wll consider x0 ‘model robles wih constant coffisent and Dirichlet boundary conitons, ‘he slaty and ove liwerependent. We favs the suaiht forward ‘Mtencion tm varohle, coefficients and other bouiry conons to the AA. Standard Gateran Tine dicoutinuous sicamline fasion “The mtbods A.B fe ei hypeic hyperbolic problems ofthe Torm (88) and (9.10) wih #0. F Intend fo he ieee eon (28) “To conclude the chaet we sal ss the scat of the see etna cnet as cose we etek for Scud wner hyperbobie raion, wich the wave eon ‘We rw ate he tse bie tae ese tet Let hen i) Be conan vector with Stationary boundary value preem: tin easy eo see yn pie stam, ad pes Ty denotes the devine i the Pteersin The raresponsing ruc probe lied by sting e=0 ow briefing fey Goon whore I te now Doundary dined Oy F mfset aff 0) wmtere n(x) 6 the outward ua normal to 1 at the point xel’ The harastensts ofthe reduced problem (18) are stright tins paral 10 (ete 9-, We atc tat nthe rade problem the Boundary vals ate presenibed onl onthe now pat I - . ao Ge Cwm t ari ea em neat onemig he eatin fhe x problem (13) may be desontinuows with jump across a character f boundary data continuous, fr example the el problem (13) ‘itn «0, the solution continuour in 1 and ach a jump tal be spread ‘atom a reion of wath OVE} around the charactensne Suen 2 RAFF ‘eeion fore small whereu(rsome derwativeot rp changes, alld ‘Maer ihe alc tained bythe solution w of the reduced problem 08 ‘he nuflow frudary Pe=T\T- donot conde with te Boundary vale & seca in ell pba, tic the sotion of te ter problem wal hae hou ayer at Ty "The thicknes of thi layer wl be Oe) Fig 4 Eout=(, ileanpee ers (0-7) ate attva- and QTL Then 4 u-ee=t 0x) atst)mad wit the corresponding reduced problem aruct ing. C1 Html wl sa}mat) tel ica te problem 18} ae (enceptor meee) he same form (13). Ihe charactors o (.19)are stag nce im net} pane wnnreton (11) and the now boundary ven by the pois (8) with (ie 95). We ue the flowing aotation when dacssing the methods A-D for the stay pe (217) 13 (mie few de PHP THT es ex fow eds eee Bh, eee fener teh Is-g where F)=1\T_=(xeT'm(n) B20). We notice that by Green's formal (yp WI Se mE wp) I be tama of for amply, s-uilon ing ‘nation. Fora gsven postive itegert we node te ite lec eBoy WikeB A) We 1. Vn is the space of continu pecene pedymana fonctions of degree 1. From the approximation theoty of Chapter 4 we Ive that fOF any el“) the sev sl G10) Yu ayeil Moreover ithe darwatves of of ods £11 ar Bounded on 8. shen wach and with somewhat sags cgay sae ss Gee C3) (2166) nbc 13 fen ws the inequay for a,b cal aumbery wal 0, 9.5 Standard Galerkin "et Gist consider the standard Galen mod forthe stationary mods ohlem (212) with e~0 and let's thea for amphty assume thatthe 176 con be gten te folowing vanatona CC TUVVHUtustelin — Welhoy Let now the faite element space Sarivevy: vevon ry In ven The stand Galeri method tor (9.7) red: Fd we ah O18) VATE, =the) We, ‘Ths metiod will porto well cp, but ech then this meta may re an oseatine onion which is Bot ne een anion To get 4 Hes of wat may bapen Ie cor the wing sie oe ‘Example 21 Consier th bouilary vl ey i=l uo, th Ue. The soln of this poe given by wermatice “Fant A Tore small (ss oe 11 excep in a lager st 1 of wth Oe) where w secap font 1 8, se Fg 98 “e Ine apply he standard Galerkin method with pisowise lnc fantions ‘or ifr mes wth mash Seng ho (19). me abate follwing system equations forte values Us ofthe fn clement appenaimation the grips mah, 4=0, Jy A hese el aa [+ gpl UO. Fedy NO 20) ‘We notice tat 9.20) may lo be viewed a asieece scheme with central wii (30s sprommatly ‘uate or vevcmand equal 00 a, awe get Ssluton hatoselats the whol oon aid ha vw che te nae soko et RES ig 28 uc soon end pps son hy he sandard Carin madd (oh for 10 eB, el fo Probl 3.) “Tosumap, the snl Galen meth (9.18) may produe an osilating ovations €2 ha! he es wlan is nr, Hone, he e83t fltution happens to fe swe sew the standard Galerkin method all produce good revue even ieee ef Pen 32) et ue now tur erste pin two variants ofthe standard Galerkin me! Standard Galerkin wth sroaly Imposed toundary ennitons. Find eV sith gat te mode on F-ck hat 2 obs 2) YerVy with v0 00 F Standard Galerkin with wry impor aary coins Find ube, sueh that, 02) af . which ap Impraccal st 1 very smal, or simply by soln. insted of the original wh auton terme odie’ problem wih ilfnon inn ‘oF te claseal artic dion (or viconts) method. To be pes. this ‘cto fr svg {9.129 with rch sea Til wy ac ht ‘This method produces manilating wai ft fas the cab of eae wnt wf era ssn peril tis ‘Cevonin itnton) od x sar roo fm = sireamline wl be considerably smeared out. Moreover, duet the sive ~B.. sucha method rat mor St order secure, neo fear heat hy even for soot sontons, 9.7 ‘The streamline diffusion method 1. turn on tht 19 considerably reduce the acitaone sm the sandr Galerkin method (0-18) in he case te, islet to aterm — Bye where Shoe, 2 suson tem acting only am the diction of the a) CVE. VON AIGP. IR an WIRtE) eet corresponds an {48 pertain a the stale othe oka! probe oveer, is pombe omtodic the mage apes a coi enot sm a pertain et its Row a eon 9 9. ‘Leta start rom the tndara Galerkin method (8.22) with wesly imposed boundary condition. ty nthe terme ome replage inves by v+hvp, west he sreamlineditusion method: Find ube V, such that 1 The streamline diffusion method with r=0 2.28) (abeu, wag) -Cl4ty caw suvemvgl bm) We thatthe elon (2.25 vl if we eeptnce a by te ttion of (13), te, he method (2.28) is consstem with (18) snd dows not itrodce 30, ‘(a perarocon as do (2) and (27) the method 5) an then Be formate flows: Hind wey ash that Bist Blusi=Lio) welt), and by subtraction me thus have the follominy 10 eatin (9) Wei, 2%) Beowmu wea, eae sco the along sta sd this » ewe (ieny ame ME Bll sel evyy>-)+ IMP? “wich proves the dee vay @) ‘Theorom 2 ‘Unete sasonstant sue hasty sashes (28) and sates 0.13. thea om root Lat ul and eau, and ulag Lemma 9.2 with we wl (979) wih los. bv 4hie. nl ste, Bv4h(e nhl =Cl+m) ahigglten-tighl2= Megane Ula 6.16), we Has have Remark 82 Notice hn tthe eesence othe tem he in he guantty el hinted Wy Be, har mates ic posible to spt teeta term (ea, ny ioe tem Fone withthe tandard Galerkin mth where ths trm bs. dams oa he {Lznorms jv and | and where the quant appari he poo of the err estate (me poot of Tore 3.1)" Tee estimate (20) forthe reaming dtfesion method 81 sates zea, Hiuemubiie>¥. siping the equations ange ye el faton 1D, WBE veHO). sl nprating, we Bt =co(..99) eC YU Hoyt Ong Op wot the tem —s( 9) a en nee oy Felcon fy epising ty whe Uy ard raring te Gy we lane tne ‘aiabe meaning tothe erm (hv) sore this expen wt es my (Ave Bhatt see jt sa eines over he meri of ea rage wee Undapare wel-dened. We ow formate he ollowing inane ion rethod Yor (9.12) Had ube, such thar OP) {Th Te -ebK cul, wprelaprsberonp)—(Gr+ 049) wvhere S=Chh ite wth Co suttenty mal ce Rema 1), and 9 ‘eah. Cleary, his sa consistent formulation since (9.52) sais with ay replaed by w ae we noted above, Ue error ctimst (2.0) and the loetization result for (2.28 an be extended tothe mthod 32) with ch lsum up, the method (42) = an annwer tothe problem of conse ikemare 0), mark 1 Lat BN 8 rot of he Base abit ema fr (9.32) {BC eae whch proves Ih ptr Mat the rime te Tem op docs aot degrade he entra salty ite hy the es th contant Cin salle have fore eb( Av, apis de0vlee bec 25hyP, 40 ha Bl noting the linet form ane wih (9) By. > Mele Hlvl24C1— heath BlilP, oe ve ChFC AOL, ten sc, vel? din) fre cn pve me dnt aya, ema 19 0 uns unr oi able, hen in (2) we choose 8=Cha hc he th da Soi coh Homark 26. As noted above the teeming i jam discon of de ean ato yess agente sie ay evi ve ah (Gl Pig 9°). Reventy. iv [HEM] sa [HMO], 1 modes aso weal wile new shoskapeiting propernis (fe Sealine duced over and under shoots) was introduced the test Tots ne mid a oo: 408. TASB De where 5B SE vw, ‘eftihe projection of Boao Vu since depend on cohen on om st eta eg rears Tutt above 9~O(8) and ab9 6=O0 meena Png. an a. The probe theo Sorel [8] Remark 97 The arcane dtusion method tor 9.12) ane. 13) bas ! inn nih txt futons of the form v-hyp where eva, This canst he at anton Solon 02 spac whic aeren mh spac of ri fons Wa bee he te ton # va SGalerin method the gers boundary condiions). 7 ial and tet fnctons re the ame (modulo Example 2. Conse the comin tn swore e10 2, Bo(con HF, sn 17), Que”: UT the ant square, Tyrtser x “Ty whcie Fis he boonday of. Further, for Wieneet, aya oP agi? ot ago Tig 97a 8 eve te Spproximate solution ofthis pre obtained using the treumbinecifusion teed ote tlsed mesh wt Bo ad wie ee Ht Bass ben (2.19) ith e>U gs well e-U, Determine comes fitference stones in he cave of ese ear ra font it 9.6 Prove the error etimat 9.30) forthe mes (09) 87 Cheers the streamline aifasion method (982) to the variable ‘ecient prolem of Problem ¥.1. Hint» Use ee the fs funtion weedy. 9.8 ‘The discontinuous Galerkin method rie sc alan prea peneesinilse noha thestramined that, the spose of pieseie polyoma of degree 0 with no continuity reuiroments ato itersloment bonds “To define this mt ce some notation, For Ke tn we soltth boundary Kotte tangle Kintoaniatiow par JK anda oatow rt OK. defined by 3K: (4) Be) 2K: afs)-B0), ¥ "im ves. G5 im se for eS und we so deine dhe jomp fe] acto S by bre te dcontinaoue Gaskin method for (18) ean now be formulated = seeking fonction uPeWs according tothe folowing le: Foe Ke Ty 8862 ah on ak tnd olmalc (sum at 0) Chet f Senet Lote mea wert, shore tw fv de wo “Tosee tht thi problem admits a migne sli, soe that (8s nthing wild (8.22) with weakly ingame randy at Pg gue tea hy (9), Ne west wee nine so te tines K wil 3K Esme then tg given Thi wl {henletne ao he ingles Kew wa Fw we may cote ns res ‘oi hen rere inthe hnesdomsin (Fig? © where reenter Im which ub may be calulated sinaieaed), nase, nae shat 33) Ra(obya(iade Vee) ivr Ba “Thesiscmnnn neon mesial be cae: Takao sch OM) BUMSIIEs) Wel Bae F Mio) on T-. Cleaiy the exact alts wane the Wey ome ea tw consier ne soiowing ‘core anatyaing the metho. cxamples. Fxample3 Let ws sonsder the oe dimensional analoave of (9.13), 2, the pt atuct fordene | 03) wore et Oana)». SaNe be a subdivision of F=(0, 1) ato subintervals ii). The meta (93) tea thi ase (Cf (836): For NAT, ge (a) nd wae PL) such that J cobra arco. —ettay oie fide Wer 1 (Fy) and ua) In prt fore=Uin mince fospas sale Uc obtaines aba weighted avrase ofthe values on adorning elements with sds on 3K Ava example, seleve Hat. Again hs one tp ine ee fon te Sayan ago (fat hn ta apn lifernce scheme fo Ml ‘pani rele se vive Ue he af ears) Let us sow pve a stability inequality forthe dicontinuous Gi rtd (9.4) Using the norm =p dtined by a Ba Ivgelbie 22 f toa Bs 4p Simectey sie BK, ime wih ashe of fo amalgam Ky eceptil 3K ATs, al ily wil + aad ~ ese, we ae [vin pan af vin os + vee padb— J vino and consequently Bown ELL 0 2vavety? a ldsh+ + felnebak= J ens paca From Lemma 99 we tain he overheat tan en pole. One an pose taf oe forvone satase san tent eWy OM) MiywthyectlvigF vn Ra. where Ill mish El Using this improved sab, oan fea ac have p= flor venice Rete ey~Uon each K. TAs, for rad te sihiiy nf Loum 9.2 sould be cathcent to obtain WA!) envergence Trt sm pst that hin Tat the ase. andusades (213) the Innes ch Proof Let iteW be he interpol ou define hy eng) he the mean ofwoverKfor ish Ke fy, anaet4s writeas sta =n=a Applying emma 93 wth --e=u-w and noting at @-=UonT we et, us als the rs cation (38) wath 8 ” ow, eg-(u-otpmup om enh K dine ahi pocewie constant, and this by Cauch's eguat (0.40) eli Intl in Bas ft Iiseny weave tat if ueC'(D) 9 that 91,218 Bounded om then reals and therefore, snc the length of 4 A) andthe umber of eres RIG, we have ry neciscinch (ate xe0). Tis proves "Hronger moro ie exact futon u tan uted i the core isin fac as 1 sce thatthe Do Hemark 9.8 Suppose me stop the calculation of u when Wl Is Aetcenincl on ane To Tyo KiinFied tnd et be the un othe (0.39 the with 2 epase by stor etiates in the weighted Us [vin ‘extended one the sti Inary Fea sskomain Oe along the We now rm othe time dapendear model roblm 9.1) with EU. 16 the problem | wtoet 981) alent} fare, Mo.)=20 foto ‘As aleady noted ti problem as the seme form asthe satonary model problem (7.18) wath et, Thus. ne ca apply the dicntinwos Cae method wang tangulston of 225-1 f, in isnataralto conser atrangelation Were the ees an npaire tin the folowing example aot tht teanglatons i aljining wn css ave 19 match: us then possible to compute the dtete stun ubsseanely on one tp tier staing fw eastrpon the et id moans tana y trang {othe ight (he order in wick 2 may Be computed mated in Fig9.1. Conmeninn hres (841) ate Based on ase spartedscretizaons Fir» cemideete problem (an ital value problem for nears rei! eutins} blero by seretzng the space varie ving Tinie lemente or Bite irene, and then & ference mete wl sntetin in ine, Towever forthe pe Ca ae ey ms ean inimaca§ To sum ap. te dscomsnuows Geek lath weil tabityand concen repr in fe ce aon me Spence trout that when applied to (ll) the seins Galvan method performs somebat Beer than the seamine sien sation fc, egy for Ft he coin Chern fo 8.) = Slatd no tnow oe are) fe Miran wet {hats beter (ef Problems 12, 918 and Exampie #5 ttn) Probes O Metesmine the fence shone eorespona 10 the discon Galerkin method with kel forthe one-dimensional problem of Feng Evaluate Un (37) he ene of rig eeme in » generat “onsgursion Doningushetweentaccseewhen 2k cones of 0N6| Leta bs the ston of tensions Galerkin tla with = ak? ts aon by cove that u(y 1), Tar in 6 149), (6.0 in a 49 toner system of equation and thus we have an empl scheme (et Probie 9.8). Farber, ones the apace Wi independent dina on cach stip wat 9 continu roguement om one “dnp to the other, the sotion uw general ave jumps acos the rete time lv ty. nde cae e>hand tab chose angulation at}, Trtke method) would conde wath the dicots Galerkin method for paraboi problne presnte i Sesion 8 Problems YAP Consider the srcamins difsion method (2.11) with «ml! an Ja(. #)on a opulr space-time tungulaton ofthe pe thatthe to io 2 nk OPP (oe DB Compare computational the escontinuoes Galerkin and he steam Vine -difion method Yor the problem (9.41) vith the uniform angulation of Problem 9.11, Conadcr the toloming cases fF romp: (0, vis smooth, (3) piecewise sooth wath a sump dssoataaty UG) sis dla fonetion, 2= me upwind (23) 8 Wanda (ox scheme) } ionastat Levies Bed Up tsup aus ay Ceaptions where UF apne js, 0) amd dt 20 fon eac computations and astep uncon ig 216 Socamine diison method wie suceapuring for comet proton 9.10 Friedrichs’ systems 9.1041 The continuous problem gps conelder te way uw oa) p= ina, where (mj ni the outward unit normal to. We asume that he Thats Avs spaniel nent) a (o-toay stents ont ce KK (9460) Ker (DMD EKEH (DENNER oT Inean that E-T is postive smectite ad Ker {he onto 26) ith 0) ad some soothes assamptions one can rote that i Fe[LX2). then (45) admits a unique solution. (e (FD. ik al pgm he writen ne (2.45), fa oly two Special cases. Ach Rat, Depin ant Example 9.8 The inal boundary we pre forthe we OAR) wo Dente DAD Dench, aes mito rgd fased lnhote ssa time arabe, can Se wrt ate tem (19) th Aya(-H, Deaton a) win on, Tt a fo Hal 9 [beled Lat as now sonore the 0, 9.11 Second order hyperbolic problems Previn we hae sister fist nde hyperbolic problems. We no tara Ivsecnal oer problems, A typi example the wave equation: vow) aaa inant, osm 540) “6 ou Pit vis wR WITWE), —tor xc ‘rin oer hype vem snd in principe we may then Ap the ‘eta the presage secon weve wit hs appeoich we nrosuee ‘wns which rest nam nese inthe nmber ot vateabiss nthe “hscrete proses. aus, thre ae good tesons ot 10 Keep he formulation {@ <1 involving second derivates andascalar unkown, However mth “formulation does potseemto beknosnhow toconstrast methodecombnins 00d stanly woth high acourey. Im partzaar, we cannot exon he ‘Apayct us her doses some mcthod tor() > tat ecard The wave equation 33) an beeen be tolowin varatonaloxmulion ‘wing the notation of Section 8.2; Lin wie =I, such that forte 559) (NF LO), IEEE.) WEY. (9.550) uO). XO ‘ne base energy estimate for (9.55) obtained by choosing v= in (9.55) whieh gies wn =U Yor sp rel om 24)/m(9/eromtintelin|+|Tnd2, reh ts equation expresses te fact thatthe total energy othe stom (9.9112 conserve if the appid fore f=. or the numerical solaton of (28S) suppose the te clement space jet even, and let us tnt formulate the fllowine som discrete sralogue: Hind the sack that forte 1) GMO. TAG DEED. WE, os a “t= 1}, omy BIE teh we, E0}=9, ove hy and, ate the coowdiates of ty ad uy ith respoct fo the asi (ie) of Vn, Clery (9.57 satis an energy conservation relation sgn (256, tow remains to dscretize the second order stem of ordinary ternal (5) wis see tthe i aie BaeAEE, tcl 0) 01-04 Now, lt Geyety, 4 aye be 2 subsiviion of T with time steps Kyrti-ty- We may nsier the following class of time dscrenzation ye Ho (299) (th FU for simpy) Find, ys} eRH RH Such that for a= 1.2, «+ Ns (ct oy Cp gata, wet 2 goa, ‘where Oy) are parameters This mth! is wncndisony she for i n my >and scons order accurate ta. yi-{ 4} toresample. Wie) (0, 1) ana & unorm subdivision tn ime, the soheme cofnelses with 2 ‘lt known expt second order senate eheme with no ara vcs ‘sparc scheme poor Very Well the exact oton# set Dt soto fr example, th nial dat wy asa jump dscontouty a wich cue severe spurs oso ceca. With. Im12n 1) We got it order Seeurate mpct method with beter abt properties but th bes Srotcal suconty. Fora atkeme similar to (6) when Bas Seon wed extensively in uppliations. se Problem 9.0. rove a saity estimate for W.8) inthe care} cat oye ‘ots Matty the eguaton: by (8129 and Bn, respee 919 A clos of ie tiation seta Gn (9.19) wer the gies Hiratne hie the wale Newrrk meted ih BerL_nekmy-A3 QA Lp) AB, ere land ye pruners sing Op, Ope. rove at ths eto uncon sane for .0y2!Netetat ou aaa he cette onsines by ting (a, 99 ‘9. Wit the wave equation (9.4) ava fire onder Fiche’ ster ef Example 9.8, 9.28 Conde the method (9.0) 298 (a, 2)=U an ky 9 'N, or equivalently the folowing centered schame for (9.37): Find iy in 05) .YHtaU YIU Wes eo hue. Uretyg, UU eH, ‘rove that this scheme is coiionaly sable under the coniton| KECh with Calf al Hn. Resi (9 8} ge aan Wee (UU vk and take ¥=(W"""= WV 0 lve (oF, wey) Vr 29H WH IV fw stato, w) Hate, 9), (0,0) ULL Infreduction Inhischater monies Gite element ethos on BEM, bound lsat sila, own nteprteseatien king comes whe nei som [Nh, she [WD Avs pe wc pe me following exer Dice problem: cana Aut ing (40.0) u=w on F, ux). =, il sh bo 1.0=ROistecompiementnf =F (er Fig 0 1) Further ery Hlerentaton in he section 9, where Problems ft ype occu ink meson. mi coe sing fo enero 2 gion tequeney. Instead of (0.12) one may abo conser homozencouy, constant coeffientelatsty oF Maxwell equations corre ponding to siete or eeeromagnei seterng, umber of tangles, ané thus we eannot apply th tints element method rectly to thi problem. fo set a ite number oF eemoet het ea simpy to replase "By the Bounded dominsa\~ixesd: x- such that (0.2) feceaonmroyate), xe -redhoiscquation ofthe second kind Given ts Kana ks IE tind EF -+Rsuch that (65) are fids, vaguest, ser. ere dis the clment of surtacearcaon and dv} indiates iteration with spect to the variable y, The kernls Kix) that wo wil met. wll 6 eakiy snewar. move preity we will have uth sisi BE. aay, 08) wane here (x) isa bounded futon fx any. Recall that a singular kere i) tenes He ey! anne he etl saying (I egal, fIntnioons, net Aw intros the sotto 40S} Kagem fleuyaMtOy et (40.2) and (10.3) can be formulated as (98) Kat (ereanoim tt ki), 07) eR {Feet so nt Ki, where isthe dont. tn the appeations too he kere! in (10.60 wil be symm, 1, Kay) "HIVTe 8 YEU WE te Kae a (IU) Wa be 10.2 Some integral equations ly soe pte oe be Laplace equation. Le ete arty rein tha the ramen stron forme Lapse operate ia {ieee dimen i gem By the neon Ba ae Dy this we mean that {emada-w0, {or all smooth factions in R° vanishing outside » honed set Tn other woes aba, in Satin a8 365 Prins 48.7). pea, we ewe har AE(Q)=0 fo e0. Neale wy reall the flowing epee fox Theorem 10.1 His sot in and ant use) Au-0 in Gand ne (8.8) ots)=OCN- P= a then ali 309) [as ier, ~ eres hit where for xeP (interior. e=extrin vu) ye foe] = oot taal a) Hn) 0) in), Bg) fy MEPANI=UCR), OH" fg) gy MSD)~UD sn tones teen sso nh ‘Proof Fist etx bea given ued point in © and define (et Fig 10.2) where is 50 aml hat So >) Lar) Pe m2 Appving Green's formule m0, 4h twain a sich sin 4 W 2, we ast vay (0030) 0 fw va Jv Aum fu tay ft ~ {oon foe, where onS:the nemalnis directed outward sce Fig 10.2), Sine wis smooth oan Ce as 0, fue » ° 5 fede >a) ace tare ant Hones, etn ©» 818 (UUAU} in, Wang Sma rg poo (9.23) ‘A comeaping onl at be obtain by applying icons foul on the “aterioe tance dain Of (yeQ" yish} and then ting ho» = ing (GO.8). Topetes wih (10.12) thi gnc desiedvepesenaton, Remark The kernel 1 sald tobe asigle layer porn ana = rat 3 dou fayer penta” 0 tet ws now denve the stegra equations thet we want 10 sus. Tet scone the follwing extenor Direhat problem: mo, a1 unr gs), [Page i 9,9 lee rm that ifm is svaly vel (ore pecs. i ns the T nf funetion well) then this problem bas umque Stone canestet wlan the ner of by ting usa Au 8 Gow ey oar ‘Wie know tht under the condition on st stated, this problem also admits ‘hy ihe vepeeseatation formal (10.9) we now have sine [al-0 08 F yA atl tg Sag aad jeoai® S] yao. eer aus 3 inept ven a Bad such shat ‘io Feadnol integral equation nf the fst hl wih weakly sing ernel, Coals the Kernel symmetric Oe ca ow thal fv a age cass sf ansions (10.1) aie ugh sition oe pec ica ‘how that if geHA) then thet exit sung ge HHT) saying (10.17), Hore and blow HL) denote ne Soholew space 9 nb efne on nest fray (7, wih denies forint) Wah] SE] steve oo (1.1) fan (20.18) by she format (10.1) 2 ato mar ou by tn (10.18) im Fac ie ight in soe of (10.18) continuous function o's, we ain sheer equation {QU.L7H Yor te unkown dey mark The fants defn Ny 118) for eR? may be interested or instance asthe electric potential given hy baton of strc cars on T with ensty thc tenperatne gen hy Ren snaeee an ih nts en 10.2.2 Am exterior Dirichlet problem with double layer potential ‘When comeing the xtevionDiichlet problem (10.13) let septa 114) with the following inerao Nrumann problem (0.49) " trea We sl at cession 0119) 4 Ine (1020) fede 1H ay=0, rs ssi (5.48) is anigue ony up te a constant EH elaton10.19) soleus torany constant) Snce{ 22] =D in this cme ‘he representation forma (10.9) gives viet 2 alla 5 avi), xe Fp d (gta) sor act octal aw. ‘etn “Thos ince fla} force? we ate flo uw + Jf 00) ap peyote Bet 1 We repesemtation (102) We ao ave for xe 02) ato ‘Noe thatthe righthand side of (10.22) not a ominous futon of x his fneton has a amp equ! to e=[e) across “Tosco that (1021) an itera cquston with 2 weakW singular Kernel ot ‘the form 21) we obscwe that toe, Yel J) owt moot en a) moon x doe 0 Peete tos, Merete a Pema ecg at a 4021) sais ‘cam show sat gin i he ero 4a ston we HR) fd 00.20) Boe, em (1025) amie soon vehi umigue wp 18 Problems +0, wl, re ‘What can be sid about the uniqueness of a solution of 08.20 CL 102 Prove using the tshnique of the proof of Theorem 10.1 that, ixi= | jsefundamentl solution forthe Laplace operatorin Let ws now conser the extror Neumann problem 02%) a omy 2 (1020) Wie 10.2) we eociste the ine Dice problems 1028) ne ‘ . ont ‘ioe then [uJ=0, we have by he representation formula (10:9) ans) war 2-Day), xeR, serea-{ 2]. now tan be town atta ene 10.25 nr 1 Lan sing (10795) we are he he itera eto wf anf) in ima 9 “Tics again a Frodo equation ofthe second kind with non ymmenic ‘weakly Singur Herel sting (0.4) One can sbow that for ans ReLT) there ent a unique sletton geL ll et (0.2 10.2.4 Alternative integral equation formulations Whe pi to aoe layer pea forthe exterior Newman roe Fare. in the rpresenttion forma (112) we rake in ten { hlanasyl tae 0" =a 02s) fags t fie eves pes {i 5) an (0-75) ean be ove ys sing or sr orn 0.2 a hing he epson 102) 10.3 Finite clement methods he intoaral equations (10-1) an (126) tt the cautions P guisiemdal, —xet. uu 1 anbieyl 1920) drab For simplicity me consider only the case of piecewise constant Site cement Kage allie Pn ement Aneto Tet T= War fvcL AP vs constant i= 1. “We wi ow ie ois yt, yah for Wa where each equa 6 one ‘om Kya anise on ky for J Fes hind 1 FEM for a Fre equation of "Matuping the equation (10.27) by a est function pts in som test space W. as yet umspected. and itoring ever we fe led 10 a variational formulation of 10.2) ofthe folowing form ff [NPD Tid yeW sua tha 931) Wa PIA) YEW, maser Ef MIE opty, Pieey wish ‘seas aaa he owing Galerhn metho fr (10.2) Fn, ‘sing he ass fi» th htion can he oe eens lear system o equations cos) neat where Ey os Bae snd u-( Ay tg ff Ot By Bowl fot, i jets aM “The fon bi. )sblinear and oven sy sive definite, (te, tp, IU th sauaiy fi a nnn by (0.35) Ipliw=bip. p"" “Taser tna poste dite we realm Sv 12) Tats 106) 409 arly). xeR (10.373) av-um and o Te) vin), 14a [Using Green's orm flows hat {iPePilun f Vor Voile f Peed = jeter pe er fee sine view‘ nT Thi, ying (10.9 by pan interatng ver we be ‘ence btp,p)20, and if xp. p)%@, shen uo that» cmt in RE i ow folowsummedely shat 1032) amie amigo soltion ey an by ur genral hoor for Gite element methods for elie problems ‘cat Be showa tha the aor 1 obaty weker tha he La} norm {Ge liplw—ylsscmh lh. “Tce nt tinal the veka, ice optimality Would reais secon omer meager, 7 «a somsant auch tat forall eH tere ones wef)? ech (ttm) dive, cutie Note tha ise sv) tui) ap tlio wget Now, for & given qc et VeV satiny (111) and dei Wey a ne folowing interpola of Ps method. ste the stability incl (18) am the spats Vs and are Welland. Nate thal he snot Ox 26 method ster tom presure itabisies similar to ahore of the Qy-Op rothog aucused ine previous example. mark 1-1 tnoausin bases 6. a8 tor Vane Hi respectively. the derete problem (i-3} canbe witton in mati form. Lay where fF), wit ay jC YF) and & and 0 ae the coordinates of wy and py, In ores tor tobe unigusty determine from {1 4), we see ned {a 6, )-0 VgeH) corresponding 10 (neh IsFymU) to Beech enoueh 10 contain a gdod inerpolant of The sytem met sn (1113) not postive dette aba us 1 noe so ‘car how fool (1.1 1sferatvoW aan ethcet way, acter et eae hat ‘Gaussian chimination without pwoting wil wrk. One Way out of his iticalty 0) bythe perturbed equation isto reple fussy ea! sith smal postive constant (ef Prolem 11.3). Afr climintion of tas ling andive definite spac: poblem inthe velocity “The coalion wotey of thi ble nceases with desrasing e and may rie eile psn ia Gaussian elemintion (for aeuracy Teasons We ‘Wonk ike che eg +02) ec of Paap 1.8) Mixed metho maybe wie or probiems etter than te Stokes eguatons, efor the casticty equations, Mawel equations andthe plate equations. These sans the oblem i formulated a a stom of equations and he Aiewnt unknowns ane ndependetly approximated. Hor mor information ned wvethis we tle to [Be [GR sssmptan (18) Hin Write (103) he fr Fi rfom, DIE OEVTe sch tt Bin WI ELy), Wied, BQO, y) (Dm, V)~ Ue div), dw), Lay tts 00% rh WIN ivi by choosing fora given 0=(w, 1 the function =F 82y wh eV hover 0 mtv 2 heii i nd 8>0 conveniently chosen (fen small), Determine the matrix equations corresponding to Example 11.2 i the resulting method 26a difference method. Venfy thatthe space gets fa 8 w)=0, Hv) comtane a presnbe that lmigue i ts case? Conse he flowing Gt (1 15) perarbed writ of (1 3) Fin (Pun. Ve-(em div W=(EN)—WeeVae BFL va Vp +t@ w)-0 srlese min Hy HY}. Pane with G18} er etna fh Prove that there sa.costant sue that sc Vas deined V1 1. uaranes that WD), numerical integration 12.1 Curved elements ‘ers ego 8 Tine “The cores es hs she see ensure of the sie the fe clemwnis Te ore higher ower of ppreximstion one miy apposite the amy with pew pl sino degen 22 an hie ae heer the the hme ranges (or enn curved side, see Fie 1. nd 30.1, Lor Simply le ws suppos that the Ogres of redo ar of Lagrange pe fe Sa set of fut vals al cain pine eK ile Lat Tbe aone-orane mapping of K onto the “curved tranle™ Kin he (. 1 m 11s then easy to realize that (K, Pk 3x) Indeed i a Ane element. The toncton et at sees tcugn he mene mopping Kandi Ee type athe tncton in P16, # eR, 2 thon ee lemon el ssid to te of soparamerc type. Ih general the Inverse mange ent polyaonial, unless hr a wal tanse mm wih ese both and Fag iar. and thas the funeion pc are fot polynomntsn ener ‘We wil now study a conrete example m more deta. Let be tne retarene wang wi vories at #11, 2.5 4,3, b denote the mid-point ofthe sdes or K. Further, it RIK) and et be tne values at tne node example Si) and let @ycPAR) 1. 6. B the corresponding Bai functions, 50 that ea dy Suppose ws... 8, arth pointe im te 8) plane tlvon by Fig 12.3 In particular an are tho mid points of the staiht ‘ges! and a's ana a i akabty deplacce rom the staat ne 2° Let ws now detine a trnsformation Fby Fal Balla) 86K, and lt us write KR(R}afoo2 van(y, tof ‘Then we clearly have that FAK K and Falla, j~1,. 6.4 the points inthe spans are mapped ont the points a the plans. We will ne (2) Under what comitons ste mapping FR—+K one-one? (©) How can we compute the element siinesy matrix correspon the urved clement IK Pe x} where Py ant Dy ate diel hy (17 3} ml aay (0) Wes the imerplaion eror using the fuastonsin 4? {How can we comune Gaie element ye Va ovine element (CD, Ba? Tete that Vio CMO)? Who the gal eer? () When is F one1o one? The tek ing Fi bay one-to-one i smal eighbourhod ofeach point 3) astute, eR 2 Jetsminant of. Ingenral se conaivon a i TKK festally one-one (24) does aoe goranter hat he opin . (Gf Problem 122}. In our cme, hors he sides of Kare mapped in a Stch tat Fa). Fo cook te 8) 20 for R, writ he Fin two trastomatons F and F, now remains te analyze tbe mapping F. We raul det Mi) 1 dats t Hana, KLg=tes which proves that dst J>0in Rit 2> 1 2 bed. ‘We mus conctuce tat Fis one-to-one if and ie inthe shade area ig 124, ana tas paral, the id pot ths sre in Ss lose enoueh to a. Hence te onaial mapping sone to one under the mnededge ued J Were 89 ua He all Be close cnoush to ihe suiatly sal tnd thus we conclude thatthe mapping F wll be one-to-one for suiienty fins triangulations 0) Compton of te elon iff mare The 5 base fet ae AF HON {nserlying dferentil equation isthe Poison equation (1169 (2 BaF y Ue Mp “Tots end we note that by he ci ale 282-2. cgur toe es HH sot ope 7 wie J" amyl eso fhe ping 1 9 ow anv the nga! in (12.4) toa inter ver K wing the rapping PRK, we gt. aafe Toda TG Meri Further, by simple caleulation reg whore ‘nus the mats elmer can be computed by ehataung an gral over the reforenos coment h- Wesce ta era a atonal nen 2 treat) =pLg wip an proms) anda ener ite et to crate he mera! (12.5) seal In paces ths cal os eovenaalyevalaed approumatl by some epropate gust or tala, a dca tow (o) the merpoiaon eror ‘Given 2 functor v on K, we define the strpos ce in the usual was Dy requiring that sata 6: IFK tour usual inet we ve (26) froretineo COE i, ONS The estimate ao hols for a cursed ape Ki0K ml “tascam” ne prety ie) a/=00hf) with a and & the pots of Fi 124 Tha, in typical application whee he eave eleentnapveinate eets e ‘ary curves then the estimate (12.6) wl ho. (a) The comesponding space V ‘ev T,=() be asanguiionot using te ite stement (Ke 2x were ‘he “ranles” K may ave one of more curved dees, Let fe the union ‘usd ounry (se as 1.1). We now dtine im Reus way the Ge lement space Weel): vaeT a eT isthem ey see haf ye for Ket ana i comtingoue tthe nade yuinso, then continuous cross alelement eee ad those Hy). ‘Thos. we may choose the values atthe node points a aba depres of (115) then we have te folowing ero estates aaa ey 12.2 Numerical integration (quadrature) ‘We have sea abn thatthe cemeuts nde ements mats for 8 ‘curved clement contain nepal hat ay hei reve vat. We ‘ect the sane ifiey i he cme of eine pies or dierent equations with vasa enelfien's For example i the beat equstlon of Thame 27 the cen the element tines nt ee ee ws 13 kate St BF gy, ht ag ate Wee hale) he hea somtviy the nasrcton atthe point 299 foxes Sin ‘whore the WE AF eras Wohl an the are certain pots inthe clement K, in sng he guaratare forma (129) Polyomialsp we have ‘ 11129) ws onat tor pee, then the quacrture eer can be xtmated at follows (if 01 ne 3 AP aan sae Bava Uas > whore xck. imp that in) ft8) a> ‘We consider minimization problems ofthe toms ‘von eV. se stnety comes 6 Problem I}, (154) ang eo, whore KEV is e lose convex se and FKP is convex and continous IK#V. thn 13.4} i8 acon miinization pole, mth siimize Fi) ander the ie coon ve IW we hae a unc tel rnin fe fons (83) ae tla oatonal inequalities, er [D1] (8T] Lets frat a etl rl cueing ex atl yo. Then there cuss a UcK Such that Flut>Min Fo TP is rly convex, then wi igly determined Feat the suhore af...) and L{) satis the eoations (3) (8 of Sesion 2, ef ‘estrety convex and cominoous andy (a2) and (23. Ivy ( IN J+ 20 Theorem Lt are sated and ss lsle-r Tha, the atsumptons © nica ha Theor 2.1 is esently a special ease of Uhsorem 18.1. ample 184 Let V=R%(O) wheve @ is a bounded domain in KE wath fpouaryT Tet y+ HHO} bea ven nian defied Duc hat YSIED foreland define er tvertane voy in Sstned avin Example 122 with and given by Pvample 78 The the Ssumpdonsot tnewrem Late satiated: Ine uniguesuitionaK wf(13) in thscane repreonts gto detection ofa memorane ied sway tinder the presence ofan obstacle given bythe function y. The ie contivion tek, fe, u>o inf. coresponds f0 tke fet tat ene membrane cennor frnci the obtuse of Fe 18.5. For more examples of similar nature, see fou [cL futrar 24 Fin @, a in with boandaey Pande ‘noni fw eaanpe,an s ‘whet © fa ewo-imensional evi dl Iba given portve function. Th sie foviane Manes equations move won problem: css) ow sv B=9, My oH sthote HU 1 se wag ed, BM, Ra, 0) mi ‘ssn epens om 1-W.0, tsapisenleetniccuseat deny Te poblems(133) 3013.9) Be connected though the mayo ecto fetal Av (0, 6, elated 2 B by B= VA, a0 tt in parte [FIP PP, and through the Flston (1, Now mppone that “Oy No re wn. ‘Then (13.5) cneesgund othe siinzaton problem (38) Mp 0 vie or any ve AIDIEHO=EuUlev) VeeR 0 that 2/(0)-0 whieh aves ee ee Bu. using (13.7) this a weak Gnmdatian of (188), Suppose no otha ie ownsdeeeaning al pntve coonans wy and vy we HONE ysvi2}suy Fa Then gic comvex andit easy tose that Fen by (23.95 ores Shae Foyoa a isiyoe ts eal 12.5 Coie te ni trace problem taa0 ste tt, Foor fussieitas, ‘ners tsa bounded domain inthe plane with tansy Fan gis smooth funtion, ere TT eeprescas the tea ofthe soar give by te raph of ! { oe faction 6." mel (13-40) cameos ta soap a panne fF (5-0) nara to start mth V~H(U) ane K~ [ved (UH): =a 08 1. We easy eck that #2» ts convex an continous Bu We cannot, however guarantee that Hs)» = if yy» =, Problem 15, 10 beable to prove existence ofa solution of 13.20 using a variant of Thcorm of 13.1. the space Vas tobe chosen larger than H'(Q), (Baza, V would be the spout of fastoas on © whose fast devitatives ae itceable or mote {pesily the fnctons om of hound variatinn FTN. Fue 146 & oben sitar to (1310) occurs as 4 model forthe s4splacement of a body made of an clas. perce plastic material under aes the fn (2.8) wi aoe worl? Be int F(o)=—, which cnveponns tr colle he leas bay ad nomenon nnn 17), 19] Example 13.7 Analative fn Jai fd caters ph ketone Mmigent gi tua famous) got) x0 Pct: latex. iP=fo a ‘one con ea show tht Kisclosedin H andthe exitsnce of soationlloms from Theorem 13-48 K is non-empty. The aller sion wif be atin AT again the lea is helow the elle lead 13.2.2 Discretlzations Suppose no we hve eves innzaion pole of he frm (134). pte mage of his ee xine hy replacing Kath Ka K Ny ewe Vj is Gitestimensional shape of V Tht lee 1 the nie: ‘ames onze problen Mints), Tn Fann 133 seme we oy og hone KyrtveVes ey in Oy shore Vic HY fsa standard fate element space of piece near futons Sin rangultion Ty, Inroducing at ual Dist (hss yl for Vo the Profem (1511) mae wnten a onvex minimization pobi the form, 332) Mint) were OER 4 vel amen set amd ERMR fe convex, If Q=RMOARY) ten (151) fam conned (cons) conver ra nication prom that the ypc proeas C74) of Chapter, 7 the tore (15.12) win QRS and f qrdra Letsvey Ine icatc nets for the numerical soliton of convex smiimivati pre he fy (F312) We al the ane te ato ‘of Sesion 7 th in pater he ric ane Hessian of which Nya) #EAE and oly .3 Numerical methods for convex minimization prob forall eK, ten the eoaton i unguely determines or the mumerel olution of (1312) sth Q=KM we shall conser, 2m (Chanter Te teratve method: 9 he form Jae), wher nian MxM mats. A ia Chapter 7 we see Cat a Tp deft (a) the gradent method wth opamal ip eng In hi metho one chasers, of cose P09. ema whore eel dt) =n Ca, [Asin the special cine of quseatie Fanetional one can pave that he sate of thin wed sively proposal to dhe soiton 1a hin method we hase ae oh 4h, [Note tht inthis case one has 10 solve a tnear system of equations wih eon tcohtp HG) oe ar hospi FNewion's metnod wl converge quadratically (tat i very icy) «3 cio ot i th sae shore 2 3>0 and a constant C sch hat IEA gle, then Bence. “emu pue with Newton's method is to ge a sutienty good nt yyeoninatinn Once thi achieved ne oe The solution with ¥ery ew Inge] taste wil fo thi ease the method i» dangped Newton method. (6) Quast.Newion meas “These methods are vaants ot Newion' method ofthe form WEE. =a “whote Hs an MEM mate which may be sewed 6 syn Fy itn te smpiet cae one may howe whore CETE isan approximation of oP 18) with E sparse in which ese Wrest preconditioned varans ofthe radia! method, et Sesion 24 a Simpi ny wsng that het the Beene (@2)F(@ )awerintomaton| “Slot (2) an he Dose beter approximations ot CI" 36 inccises. The yuasiNenton methods are Yryelccat om large dass ot (Gomera 1s method sea: pit ee gh aa mg Usuaty a retartwat = -e is mae inthis ‘metal at eran tervals € every MP step. Final, lt os jost mento hat 0 sls ts robo (1.12) in de case O4RM fe, the ease 0€ a constrained minsmizaton pablem, nor my we slllerem mers ros atic oes Sone pteh toni 13.3 A nondinear parabolic problem Leta consider ne losing on inca pau pb i ace) =H) wi, (sy veo ou Pet 1 0)-us, Where SRR is ven funtion snnting agaist fet for some postive constants a, and [RR i given This problem models heat Seon it at cnc nd be sic pt Ing onthe unknown Sawa tegatana te form (19 8 ae 4 shea ‘A weak fevvalation of (18 12) rade follows: Find weheV=1A). ed (ED, afOLD: AAD. DCD Vee 0)=U, 13.13) taco} fatey words, (6 amped cessing (1.13) by enending the backwar Er mei (829), we we Th Find U'e¥ BHT the following dre aeooue taatorntN, (34) (U8 UM, pm atU Uh HOM) Wel eins Fand ae bay Lapsehitz contin omg nmat€ Me)et()ieC and sami fora) heen es eas) may be peal bo (2238) (se [EID Ato te discon Canaan 4) my cet be extended 10 (13.18) (eProblem 13) 13.4. The continuous problem wm rel dhe Far equations fran nompresiti ins 'O-Cive and w find the velo (0, Us) an the ese p such ha antsy pew Tut EE mat, te1,2, “0 in Ox in 9 for sa) the uewacd ast nomma to Fat xeF al 100.7) Don I hen (1.13) ada a unique smooth voiion for fprober (L315) hon reampie of «noliearhrperbole problem. Nove th {boundary canton =O sas tha no ul parte entero eave she Te thi ction we wil brely cme ono possible ways of dseretiing Is) sing came difsion ite een mctods. The ist methoe f 28 se bsed onaratormalaton at (.18)aung Be vortity andsteae function rman (1.4) "We begin by sealing (et Section 9.2) tha siace Use spy compected and yuan 2 there ts. Ungue ram function yx) su a or fet acroty-(2%, -2¢) ina. Altematvely way be spied a the nig slaion of the Pinson Agi N=0h.8 intel (a.m) Wonee ony reh where fstined to (2.54), we obta he flionngreormuation ot 18-3} Find: 1» such tat sso) 1g, y=Tor wy and wjojron y, where satis (13.108) We fee that (1.080) formaty nas tne tors (9) with 2 coemcent fu

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