Conflict M. Assignment

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Conflict Management

Submitted to: Sir. Kalimullah


Kardan University

Conflict Management & Negotiation

Major Assignment

Prepared By:
Roll No.
Assignment #:
Subject Instructor:

Sir. Kalimullah Khan

Short Description of Organization:

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United Nations Mine Action Centre of Afghanistan

Afghanistan freed of all known landmine/ERW contamination by March 2023
and MACCA incorporated into government able to respond to residual risk so
that all Afghans live in a safe environment conducive to development and
where the rights of persons with disabilities, including landmine/ERW
survivors, are promoted.
United Nations Mine Action Centre of Afghanistan in partnership with the government
Directorate of Mine Action Coordination (DMAC) plans manages and oversees all mine action
activities in Afghanistan. It provides technical support to all partners and ensures the proper
integration of mine action into wider humanitarian assistance and developmental programmes.
UNMACA supports DMAC sustainable, effective and successful coordination of mine action at
the national level.


The concept of humanitarian mine action was developed in Afghanistan in

After fall of the Taliban and the international communitys

intervention in 2002, the Government of Afghanistan entrusted interim

responsibility for mine action to the United Nations, through a modality
named UN Mine Action Coordination Centre (UNMACA) managed by the
United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS).
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In 2008, aiming for transition and nationalizing the United Nations Mine
Action Centre for Afghanistan (UNMACA) was rebranded as the Mine Action
Coordination Centre of Afghanistan (MACCA), remaining an UNMAS project.
Oversight and coordination of Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan is
gradually shifting toward national ownership.

UNMACA is now working

together with the Department of Mine Clearance (DMC) under the Afghan
National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA) to develop strategy,
implement and monitor mine action activities and targets.


UNMACA and the DMC coordinate nationwide mine action activities through
seven UNMACA regional offices located in Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-iSharif, Kunduz, Gardez, and Jalalabad.
Afghanistan acceded to the Ottawa Anti-personnel Mine Ban Treaty in
September 2002, making a commitment to clear all emplaced Anti-personnel
(AP) mines within ten years.

The magnitude of the mine problem in

Afghanistan tied with the ongoing conflict, discovery on new hazardous

areas, and under funding, however, has meant that the initial deadline of
2013 was untenable.

In March 2012, the Government of Afghanistan

submitted a request for a ten-year extension of the deadline to remove all AP

mines by 2023. This extension request was developed by UNMACA in
collaboration with DMC and the MAPA implementing partners, which was
then accepted by all state parties
Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan encompasses all pillars of mine
action: advocacy, demining (survey, marking and clearance), stockpile
destruction, mine/explosive remnants of war risk education, and victim
assistance. The programme is funded both bilaterally and through the UN
Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF).
As the coordination body UNMACA also has the responsibility to administer
implementation of the Ottawa ten-year extension plan. To insure proper
coordination, effectiveness and efficiency within the Mine Action Programme

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of Afghanistan, UNMACA carries out activities focused on the following




Ensuring Quality

Information Management

Planning and Priority Setting

Resource Mobilization

Executive Summary:
Conflict is inevitable; say TEC conflict management experts Tom Harvey and
Jerry Jellison, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing. "Conflict
should occur in organizations," Harvey says."The presence of conflict is
actually a sign of an effective business. Whenever there's a free flow of
ideas, creativity and activity, people are going to butt heads. If no conflict
exists, something is wrong."
Some common myths about conflict:
1. Just ignore it, and it will go away. Not so, according to the TEC experts.
Says Jellison: "Occasionally, minor issues dissipate of their own accord.
But larger tensions demand attention and constructive action."
2. Winners and losers. Too often, people involved in conflict regard them
as "battles" in which one side must win and one side must lose.
Workplace conflict doesn't follow this axiom, Harvey says. "In most
cases, organizational conflict can lead to a variety of outcomes, where
each side takes something away. Compromise is essential. But it's only
possible with a solid foundation of good will and mutual respect."
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3. Every conflict is resolvable.

Maybe in an ideal universe, people can find a happy solution to every
problem. The hard truth is, there are times when individuals (or
factions or departments) are simply unable to arrive at an agreement.
The next step is determining a way to live with disagreement.

Description of conflict:
The conflict was between two staff members in the above mentioned organization, this conflict
has been started when Mr. Ahmad one of the subordinate of Mr. Naim came to him and requested
for annual leave of one week, the office procedure was when a person is taking leave more than
one day leave he/she must do a proper handover to the other colleague. The employees leave has
been granted and he has advised to do a proper handover and then you can go for leave. The
employee acted accordingly and after a week the other subordinate Mr. Mahmood has requested
Mr. Naim for one week annual leave and as per the organization procedure Mr. Naim advised
him for handover and then he can go for leave, when Mahmood went to hand over his
responsibility to his colleague Mr. Ahmad, he refused to replace him during his absence and the
conflict has been started between them. And the reason of not accepting the responsibility was as

Disliking of Mr. Mahmood

Not accepting more responsibility
Accepting of your work is not mentioned in my ToR
Last time you did not properly managed my work when I was on leave, and I got warning
on that from my building in charge therefore Ahmad was not ready accept.

The conflict was going on between them; while one of the other staff members informed Mr.
Naim that there conflict is going on between your two subordinates. Mr. Naim in order to

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manage the conflict immediately called both of them to his office and asked them for further
explanation to find out the reason and source of conflict, he started questions from both side.
First started from Mhamood, but he just replied and said I have nothing sir. Just requested
Ahmad to take the responsibilities of my work during my absence, but he ignored my request
and instead given me so many reason Mr. Naim again asked Mahmmod tell me if there anything
else as you will not find chance of further specification, but he said that is all from my side.
Then Naim asked Ahmad to explain the situation and the reason of conflict, and Ahmad started
with some reasons, 1. I have already so many work and not able to handle all these 2. This is not
my responsibility to take over others work 3. When I was on leave Mahmood did not properly
done my work. 4. Mahmood does not like me from long ago, that is why he did not properly
managed my job, and for all those I got verbal warning from one of the senior staff. Mr. Naim
again asked him please tell me if there is anything else as its your last chance and afterward I
will decide about you two guys, but he said nothing else.
Finally as result from all the explanations and justifications Mr. Naim understood that this
conflict is latent conflict and reason is their interpersonal relationship in the past which is
affected the official work of them. In order to properly handle and manage the current situation
Naim decided to answer to all those reasons which is given by Ahmad for not accepting
Mahmmods responsibilities and told Ahmad to listen them once again to remove your
misunderstanding in the future. and Ahmad agreed to listen them properly.
See Ahmad I am your direct supervisor, your good work and bad works reports all coming to me
first, Ahmad said yes right. So now lets start from your first reason, you are talking about your
overload work, Ahmad said yes I am overload, Naim asked to explain, but he failed to be
overloaded in his work. For 2nd reason as you said this is not part of your ToR, Naim took the
file and picked up his ToR and explained to Ahmad where it was written clearly When your
colleague is on official mission or on annual leave you must replace him during his/her absence
and the other line Do any other task as assigned by your supervisor Ahmad when heard about
this he now was trying to say I forgot it, yes I will take the responsibility. Naim continued and
told Ahmad for your 3rd reason, I am head of your unit and supervisor, and so as head of unit this
is my job to evaluate who is performing good or bad not you. Ahmad again was calm and said
nothing only by moving his head he was showing his agreement. Now the reason No. 4, as you
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said Mahmood does not like me, Ahmad said yes he does not like me and he has personal issue
with me. Naim replied to Ahmad and Mashmood both, see I am telling both of you once again,
that you have signed contract with this office to work under my supervision and you all accept
this ToR, if you failed to do so, this contract will be terminated immediately, it means you are
going to be fired with immediate effect, if you dont agree to follow this term of reference.
Therefore as last verbal warning you must put aside all your personal like and dislike when you
are coming to work, this way both commetted to Naim once again that in the future we will not
have any issue between us we promise. As result the conflict is managed, But Naim decided to
pro-active supervisor he called all the subordinated who were working under his supervision to
talk with them about future conflict and once again refresh their ToR to each and every one of
them in order to prevent any type of conflict in the coming time from this corner.
Parties were involved:
Naim Aryoobi as direct supervisor and two staff members of the organization who were working
under the direct supervision of Mr. Naim Aryoobi
Latent of conflict:
The latent conflict in this situation was the interpersonal relationship between staff members,
which was hidden till this conflict; during the explanation of conflict it has been disclosed.
Manifest of conflict:
The manifest of conflict in this situation was all those reasons which are provided by Mr. Ahmad
which was not much relevant to the conflict and its presented by Ahmad for not accepting his
colleague responsibilities during his absence.
Management and resolution of conflict:
Yes, the conflict has been properly managed by Mr. Naim and also as pro-active person its
resolved in order to prevent such kind of conflict in the future.
Consequence of conflict:
The Consequence of conflict is the case has been permanently resolved and he also to prevent
such kind of conflicts in the future he has called a meeting with all staff and as refreshing he
explained their ToR including the office policy.
Level & Type of conflict:
Intra organizational conflict Intra Group conflict- interpersonal conflict both (Functional and
dysfunctional) because both parties personal emotions were involved in this conflict which is
affected the official work.
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Handling of situation:
The situation has been handled very professionally by Mr. Naim and being as pro-active he
decided very well, and as per the office role and regulation he has given verbal warning to both
parties and also warned them to be very careful in the future.

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