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University of Montana


Course Syllabi


STAT 544.01: Topics - Spatial Statistics

Jon M. Graham
University of Montana - Missoula,

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Graham, Jon M., "STAT 544.01: Topics - Spatial Statistics" (2014). Syllabi. Paper 1097.

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ST A T 5 44
In str u c to r :

S p a tia l S ta tis tic s

S p rin g, 2 0 1 4

Jo n G rah am

jgraham @ m

M ath 204


T im e /R o o m :

Mon, W ed, Fri, 2:10pm-3:00pm, in room M ath 211

T e x tb o o k :

None required, Readings will be given w hen appropriate.

R e fe r e n c es:

1. In teractiv e S patial D ata A nalysis / B ailey & G atrell (1995)

2. S tatistics for S patial D a ta / Cressie (1993)
3. S ta t. M ethods for S patial D ata A nalysis / Schabenberger & G otw ay (2005)
4. In tro d u c tio n to G eostatistics / K itanidis (1997)
5. A pplied G eostatistics / Isaaks & Srivastava (1989)
6. S tatistical M ethods in S patial Epidem iology / Lawson (2006)
7. S patial A utocorrelation / Cliff & O rd (1973)
8. S tatistical A nalysis of Spatial P oint P a tte rn s / Diggle (1983)

O ffice H ours:
C o u r se W eb p a g e:
G rad in g:
P r e r e q u isite s:

To be announced, B y ap p ointm ent

h t t p :/ / w w w .m a th .u m t.e d u /g ra h a m /s ta t544/


M idterm :


F in al P roject:


O ne year of sta tistic a l m ethods or consent of in stru cto r

H o m e w o r k will be assigned approxim ately biweekly, and will generally require m ore th a n a few days work.
T he in ten t is th a t you will work on hom ework assignm ents th ro u g h o u t th e period th e y are assigned. NO
L A TE H O M E W O R K W ILL B E A C C E P T E D F O R AN Y R EA SO N , and th e lowest hom ework grade will
be dropped. H om ew ork is n o t only a fairly su b stan tial p o rtio n of your grade, b u t is v ital to your success in
th is class. W orking w ith o th er stu d e n ts on hom ework is strongly encouraged, as long as you h an d in your
own work, and do n o t sim ply copy som eone elses work. Solutions to all problem s will be provided.
T he m id te r m e x a m will be cum ulative and closed book. M ore a b o u t th e exam , including th e exact d ate
will be given later. If you can n o t m ake it to th e m id term exam , you m ust let m e know B E F O R E th e exam
is given. No m ake-up exam s will be given w ithout a docum entable reason for m issing th e exam.
A fin a l p r o je c t is required for th is course. T he pro ject will entail b o th a w ritte n and oral p o rtio n to be
conducted a t th e end of th e sem ester. Please come see me by th e m id term exam to discuss a topic for your
p ro ject. You m ay choose your own topic, or come see m e for help selecting one. F inal p ro jects will be
p resented in a p o ster session to be held from 3:20-5:20pm, Tuesday, M ay 13, and final pap ers will be due by
5:00pm on Friday, M ay 16.
C o u r se M a te r ia l a n d O b je c tiv e s: T his course is intended as an in tro d u ctio n to th e topic of sp atial sta tis
tics for g ra d u a te stu d e n ts w ith a t least one year of in tro d u c to ry statistics. A fter an in tro d u ctio n to sp atial
e x p lo rato ry m eth o d s an d sp atial correlation, th e course will focus on th e th ree prim ary areas of sp atial analy
sis m ethods: geostatistics (variogram s, isotropy, kriging, cross-validation, sp atial correlation m odels), sp atial
point processes (q u a d ra t m ethods, com plete sp atial random ness, R ipleys K -function), and area or lattice
processes (M o ran s I, G e a ry s C, M arkov random fields, C A R m odels). T h roughout th e course, th e software
package R will be used for classroom d em onstrations as well as for hom ew ork assignm ents. R is available
on all com puters in M ath 206 (near m y office) and is free for dow nload as explained on th e I n tr o d u c tio n
t o R han d o u t.

M y goal in th is course is absolutely N O T to teach you how to use softw are for w orking w ith G eographic
Inform ation System s (GIS) such as A rclnfo or o th er specialized software. M y goal is to teach you to th in k
a b o u t problem s involving sp atial d a ta an d how to address sp atial correlations which m ay be present in your
d a ta . You will learn a num ber of techniques for exploring and analyzing sp atial d a ta th ro u g h o u t th is course,
b u t th e m ost im p o rta n t th in g you should get from th is course is an u n d erstan d in g of sp atial continuity and
its im plications on analysis.
A d d itio n a l C o u r se I n fo r m a tio n : T he last day to add th is course th ro u g h C y b erbear is Tuesday, F ebruary

T he last day to d rop th is course or change th e grading option th ro u g h C y berbear is Friday, F ebruary

14. B etw een Saturday, F eb ru ary 15 an d M onday, A pril 7, you can drop th e course w ith your advisors
an d in s tru c to rs sig n atu re using a D rop form only. I will n o t recom m end approval of late drops except in
E X T R E M E circum stances (see th e UM online catalog). You can add th e course or change th e grading option
w ith an A d d /C h a n g e form u p u n til Friday, M ay 9.
A ca d em ic M is c o n d u c t: All students m ust practice academic honesty. Academic m isconduct is subject to an aca
demic penalty by th e course in structor a n d /o r a disciplinary sanction by th e University. All stu d en ts need to be famil
iar w ith th e S tudent C onduct Code. T he Code is available for review at h ttp :/ /life.u m t.e d u /v p sa /s tu d e n t conduct.php
D isa b ility S ervices: T he U niversity of M ontana assures equal access to in stru ctio n th ro u g h collaboration betw een
students w ith disabilities, instructors, and D isability Services for Students (DSS). If you th in k you may have a
disability adversely affecting your academic perform ance, and you have not already registered w ith DSS, please
contact DSS in Lom m asson 154. I will work w ith you and DSS to provide an appropriate accom m odation.

Q uestions are stro n g ly encouraged durin g class & office hours. If you are at all lost, please let me know.

S u m m a ry o f T op ics
1. In tro d u c tio n to S patial S tatistics

SPATIALLY C O N T IN U O U S (G E O STA TISTIC A L) DATA (C h ap ters 5,6 - B ailey & G atrell)

(a) E x p lo rato ry A nalysis (Ch. 1 - B ailey & G atrell, Ch. 2,3,4 - Isaaks & Srivastava)
i. U nivariate: histogram s, su m m ary sta tistics
ii. B ivariate: scatterp lo ts, correlation, linear regression
iii. M oving window statistics, h -scatterp lo ts, greyscale m aps, contour plots
(b) Spatial continuity, statio n arity , isotropy (Ch. 1,5 - B ailey & G atrell)
(c) M ean, variance, covariance, correlogram , (sem i)variogram (Ch. 1 - B & G)
(d) D escribing geostatistical d a ta (5.4 - B ailey & G atrell, C hap. 4,7,10,11 - Isaaks & Srivastava)
i. S patial m oving averages
ii. Tesselation m eth o d s
iii. K ernel estim atio n
iv. Covariogram s, variogram s, sill, range, nugget
v. V ariogram estim ato rs
vi. A nisotropic sem ivariogram s, testin g for geom etric anisotropy, relative variogram s
(e) M odelling geostatistical d a ta (5.5 - Bailey & G atrell, C h a p .11-16 - Isaaks & Srivatava)
i. O rdinary, w eighted, generalized least squares
ii. V ariogram m odels, fittin g variogram m odels, confidence intervals for sem ivariogram s

iii. Simple kriging

iv. Effects of variogram on predictions, best linear unbiased predictors,


v. O rd in ary and universal kriging


K riging extensions (Section 6.2 - B ailey &G atrell, C hap. 4,13,17

- I & S)

i. Block kriging, in d icato r kriging

ii. Cokriging, cross-covariances, cross-variogram s

P O IN T P R O C E S S DATA (C h ap ters 3,4 - B ailey & G atrell, C h a p te r 3 - Schabenberger & Gotway)

(a) E x p lo rato ry A nalysis (Ch. 3 - B & G, C h . 1,2 - Diggle, 3.3 - S&G)
i. D ot m aps, in ten sity m easures
ii. Q u a d ra t m ethods, kernel estim ation, nearest neighbor m ethods
iii. R ipleys K -function, L -function
(b) P oint process m odels (3.5 - B & G, 4 - Diggle, 3.1,3.2 - S&G)
i. C om plete sp atial random ness (CSR), Poisson p o int m odels
ii. T esting for C SR via q u a d rat, N N , R ipleys m ethods
(c) R elationships betw een m ultiple point p a tte rn s ( y 2, i f 1 2 , L 1 2 ) (Ch. 4 - B & G)


A R E A O R L A T T IC E DATA (C h ap ters 7,8 - B ailey & G atrell, C h ap te r 6 - Cressie)

(a) E x p lo rato ry A nalysis (Ch. 7 - B & G, 6.2 - Cressie)
i. C hloropleth m aps, d en sity equalized m aps
ii. S patial proxim ity (neighborhood) m atrices
(b) M edian polish, kernel estim atio n (7.4.3,7.4.4 - B & G, 2.2 - Cressie)
(c) T esting for sp atial au to co rrelation (7.4,7.5 - B & G, U pton & F ingleton (1985), Cliff & O rd (1973))
i. R andom ization te st, M onte C arlo approach, norm al approxim ations
ii. Join count sta tistic s (M o rans I, G e ary s C)
(d) Regression w ith S patially C o rrelated E rrors (SAR, C A R m odels) (7.5.4 - B & G)
(e) R elationships betw een m ultiple lattices (M antel tests) (O th er sources)

T his is a lot of m aterial for a 3-credit sem ester course and could easily be ta u g h t over two or th ree courses.
As a result, we will explore som e topics in d e p th and others w ith th e goal to m erely expose you to them .

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