Works Cited

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Works Cited

Atkinson, Richard L., and Susan A. Nitzke. "School based programmes on obesity:
increase knowledge about nutrition but do not change eating habits by much."
British Medical Journal 3 Nov. 2001: 1018+. Student Resources in Context.
Web. 1 Nov. 2016.
Beaver, David. "Nutrition, undernourished, overweight and obesity--concerns for all of
us!" Palaestra Fall 2006: 4+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 1 Nov. 2016.
KENNEDY, EILEEN T., et al. "Popular diets: Correlation to health, nutrition, and
obesity." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 101.4 (2001): 411.
Student Resources in Context. Web. 1 Nov. 2016.
Kushner, Robert F. "How to Counsel Patients About Diet: Sorting Fact From Fiction,
Part 1." Consultant 1 Feb. 2006: 171. Student Resources in Context. Web. 1
Nov. 2016.
Plaza, Carla I. "State's public health initiatives address nutrition, obesity, and physical
education: over the past three years, the media, food and beverage industry,
public health advocates, and federal and state policymakers have devoted
significant attention to the growing American obesity epidemic." Healthcare
Financial Management Sept. 2004: 16+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 1
Nov. 2016.

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