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Judicial Proceedings
Quasi Judicial proceedings are done by a quasi judicial body and it follows natural
justice principle unlike courts of law. There is no such thing as quasi judiciary,
however it can be formed on a matter pending in court by order of the court if the
court deems it necessary, and thus forms a quasi judiciary body which acts like an
arbitrator or a tribunal body having powers and procedures resembling those of the
court of law. To understand and determine under what circumstances a court orders
a quasi judiciary body. The decisions of a quasi judiciary body requires finding of
facts to reach conclusions of law that justify the decision. They usually depend on
a pre determined set of guidelines or criteria to assess the nature and gravity of the
offence committed. The decisions of a quasi judicial body are often legally
enforceable under the laws of jurisdiction; they can be challenged in a court of law
which is the final decisive authority. A quasi judiciary function stands midway
between a judicial function and an administrative function. A quasi judicial
decision is nearer to administrative decision in terms of its discretionary element
and nearer to the judicial decision in terms of procedure and objectivity of its end
product. Quasi judicial , judicial and administrative functions are different and
dependent on each other. To find if quasi judicial body can have more authority
than administrative authority and if it can be made as a permanent body with the
help of case laws.
Keywords: Quasi Administration, Judicial Review, Natural justice, Seperation of
powers, pending cases, unbiased, independent.

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