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How to Do Black Magic

Four Parts:Understanding Black MagicPerforming a RitualPlacing a HexSample
SpellsCommunity Q&A
Is someone standing in your way, preventing you from fulfilling your dreams or getting what you
want? When all other tactics fail, you can use black magic to bring about the outcome you desire.
Black magic is fueled by powerful forces and spirits, so it's important to know what you're

getting into before you start casting spells or performing hexes - otherwise you might be the one
who gets harmed. If you want to learn how to use black magic to change the course of your
future, keep reading.

Part 1
Understanding Black Magic

Consider the outcome you want to bring about. What trouble is plaguing you so much
that you want to use black magic to correct it? Black magic is considered a dark art
because you use it to get what you want by means of controlling someone else.[1] If your
aim is to help others or bring about some form of peace and justice, look into white magic

instead. If you want to practice magic for personal gain, black magic is what you should
use. Here are common reasons why people use black magic:
o To keep someone bound in place. If someone is harming you and you wish to stop
them, you can use a binding spell to stop the person's actions.
o To cause someone to be attracted to you. Love spells are among the most popular
when it comes to black magic.
o To achieve immortality or improve your health.
o To communicate with the dead.

Know the basics of a black magic ritual. The ritual you use to perform black magic will
depend on your desired outcome. There are different rituals for everything from casting a
spell to gain wealth to raising the dead from their graves. Most rituals involve the
following elements:
o A site is chosen for casting the curse or spell.
o A circle is drawn on the casting site, and a pentacle is drawn inside the circle. This
is called a circle of power.
o Candles, herbs, crystals, charms, and other materials are employed to help draw
out the spirits.[2]
o Words of power (relevant to the particular outcome you want) are repeated three


Understand curses and hexes. Aside from conducting a classic black magic ritual, there
are other ways to perform black magic. Placing a curse or hex is done as a way to bring
ill fortune to another person, or to make them do what you want them to do. Be very
careful about using curses and hexes. It's up to you to determine whether your reasons for
wanting to bring misfortune to another person are valid. You must use your power wisely.


Make sure you're willing to deal with the consequences. Awakening the forces of
darkness can be a serious move and should not be done lightly.[3] The threefold law
(Wiccan Rede) states that what you put forth comes back to you threefold. Do you feel so
strongly about using black magic that you're willing to suffer should the magic come
back to harm you? Be sure that the outcome you are hoping to obtain is completely worth

Part 2
Performing a Ritual


Draw a circle with a pentagram inside. This powerful symbol is present during most
black magic rituals. It is traditionally drawn in the ground using a wand hewn from a
hazel tree. You may use a stick or another implement to draw the symbol if Hazelwood
isn't available. Choose a strategic location that will give your spell the best chance to
o Spirits will have a harder time visiting a location that's populated by a lot of
people, so choose a place in the woods or another area not frequently visited.
o Graveyards are a classic place to choose if you're planning on conjuring the dead.


Step into the circle of power. Once inside, gather your concentration and energy. You
will need all the energy within you to complete the spell. Don't let yourself get distracted.


Recite the words of power associated with your desired spell. Each spell has different
words of power that are recited to achieve the outcome you want. If you are summoning a
demon or some other spirit, you must learn its true name before the spell will work.
o There is no one spell that will work to bring true love, give you immortality, and
so on. Do research to find a spell, or write your own if you'd like.


Write your spell in your grimoire. A grimoire is a sort of textbook for spells, with
instructions on how to use black magic.


Prepare for your results. If your spell works, the outcome you desire will take effect.
Prepare for this, and also prepare for the evil that may come.
o If you have summoned a demonic beast or spirit, treat it with respect. These
creatures do not necessarily have loyalty to their summoner.

Part 3
Placing a Hex


Make a poppet. Choose a piece of black cloth and cut two layers in the shape of a small
person. The shape should look vaguely similar to the person on whom you want to place
a hex.[4] Sew the edges together but leave the top of the head unsewn.
o Black cloth is best, but if you don't have it on hand, you can use another color.
o Your poppet should be created from all natural materials. Avoid using polyester
fabric or other man-made fabrics; black magic is not as easily conducted through
manmade materials.


Fill the poppet. Fill it up with earth, a few powerful crystals, and hair and nail clippings
from the person you want to hex. Sew up the head to close the poppet.


Prepare a sacred circle. Draw a circle using chalk or a stick, then draw a pentagram
inside it. Alternately, you may draw a sacred circle on a piece of paper large enough to
stand on. Light candles around the circle before you step inside.


Stand in the circle and speak the words of your spell over the poppet. Repeat the
words of power three times. Here are a few examples of words you can use to place your
o To cast a binding spell and prevent the person from taking actions, repeat "I bind
your feet from bringing you to harm me. I bind your hands from reaching out to
harm me. I bind your mouth from spreading tales to harm me. I bind your mind
from sending energy to harm me."[5] Say this while wrapping the poppet in black
o To cast a love spell over someone you desire, say the words, "Bright the flame.
Light the fire. Red is the color of desire."


Let the candles burn down. Once they have burned completely, the hex has been cast.

Sample Spells

Sample Love Spell

Sample Revenge Spell

Sample Success Spell

Community Q&A

How can I do magic on someone from my eyes or hands?

wikiHow Contributor
By visualizing your purpose (the desirable outcome) in a form energy coming out of your
eyes or your hands and going into the person or the object you want to enchant. Feel the
outcome, see it becoming a reality and believe in your powers.
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I need to meet a professional, prestigious black magic man.

wikiHow Contributor
Put an ad in the personals column in the newspaper or join Tinder. The man of your
dream requirements is sure to be out there.
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I want to control people's minds.

wikiHow Contributor
Wouldn't we all? Then we could have other people feed us, clothe us and massage our
feet and we'd never have to get up with the alarm clock every morning and commute to a
cubicle job that drives us to want to use black magic. Unfortunately, wanting to control
people's minds is the first sign of having resigned your place on this plane and shows
signs of wanting to live in an imaginary world where you're divine. Since that isn't going
to happen any time soon, stick with being nice, polite and reciprocal with your fellow
human beings. That'll get you much further in this world.
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How does black magic work?

wikiHow Contributor

Black magic is about rituals that intend harm to another, spells cast without consent or
knowledge of the intended victims. Black magic is meant to work by causing an outcome
for someone that is not in their best interests and this could range from making them fall
in love against their consent to being injured or even killed in the most heinous use of
black magic.
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Is any of this real?

wikiHow Contributor
That depends on your perspective. There are some who believe it is. There are many who
believe it is not because they have a different set of faith-based approaches and consider
it to be blasphemous. And there are those who would like to see the scientific evidence
before trusting that any of this has any measurable or actual effect whatsoever. Do your
research and be a critical thinker.
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Can you help me to bring love back into my life?

wikiHow Contributor
Certainly! Learn to love yourself fully again, and love will be restored in its entirety. It is
not until you are properly able to love yourself that you can love others and be there for
them wholly.
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I want to know a money spell.

wikiHow Contributor
That is quite straightforward. It is called the interest spell. Put money in the bank in an
interest accruing account. Magically, more money will be returned to you than what you
put in, after the allotted time. Another approach is to loan someone money and have them
magically pay you back more money than what you loaned them. From here, you can try
many other fun money spells by investing money and watching what happens on the
stock market.

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What is the disadvantage of black magic?

wikiHow Contributor
For starters, it is black magic, the antithesis of white magic, so it's bad dude's magic. If
you want to be known as that person dabbling in black magic, then one disadvantage is
that people will distrust you or think you're a bit odd. Another disadvantage can be
thinking that playing around with black magic will resolve your personal issues, your day
job, your car loan repayments and your generally messed up life. All of those
aforementioned things need help black magic cannot provide, such as budgeting, therapy,
cutting back on cigarettes and eating healthily. Black magic isn't a panacea for your
whole life's ills.
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How can I hex my enemy?

wikiHow Contributor
Part 3 of this article explains the hexing process.
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What is the difference between black magic and white magic?

wikiHow Contributor
Not a whole lot really. That may surprise you but think about this. What is the difference
between casting a spell to make someone fall asleep or fall in love? Both a black magic
and a white magic practitioner could cast the same spell, one claiming it's for bad intent,
the other for good, yet both are trying to manipulate an outcome and control someone or
something. Where do you draw the line? Well, a white magic practitioner would argue
they do things to help people and often with the person's consent, whereas a black magic
practitioner would argue they do things to harm those who deserve to be harmed (based
on whose judgment we'll leave aside for now) and often without consent.
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Consult a professional black magic practitioner.

Be consistent with beliefs and traditions you have.

For fun, make your own spells. This makes it much more personal, though sometimes
they will be ineffective.


"Ever mind the rule of three, what ye sends forth comes back to thee."

Be prepared for evil to come knocking at your door.

Don't go around hexing/cursing everyone! Casting too many spells at once or too close to
each other can drain your energy and make the spells less powerful. Be careful.

You may not be able to stop what you have started it. Continue with caution. Have no
regret in your actions; regret will assure your destruction.

Things you'll need

Grimoire or Book of shadows


Wand (optional)

Candles (optional)

Gems (optional)

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Sources and Citations

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Article Info

Categories: Paranormal Magic

In other languages:
Espaol: hacer magia negra, Italiano: Praticare la Magia Nera, Portugus: Fazer Magia
Negra, Deutsch: Schwarze Magie betreiben, Franais: faire de la magie
noire, : , : , etina: Jak praktikovat ernou
magii, Nederlands: Zwarte magie beoefenen, Bahasa Indonesia: Melakukan Ilmu Hitam,
: , Ting Vit: S dng T thut, :





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