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9, Issue 8

August 2016

Toxic Home: Beware of

Dangerous Household Items

s your house safe? Are you sure? Or are there

hazards in your home that youre unaware of?
The truth is that there are almost certainly dangers
lurking right underneath your nose, posing threats to
you and your loved ones.
In this months issue of Natural Way to Health, I
will tell you how common household items could
cause serious health issues including cancer, heart
disease, and immune system problems.
I will also explain which hazardous items you need
to avoid, and what you can do to detoxify from the
chemicals they contain once you have rid your home
of danger.

The Danger From Nonstick Pans

Nobody likes scrubbing a pan that has had food

cooked into it. In response to that, nonstick pans
were designed to make kitchen cleanup easier. Little
or no food sticks to them during cooking.
Unfortunately, easier cleanup is not worth the
serious health issues that come from using nonstick
Teflon is the name of a man-made material
widely used to produce frictionless surfaces.
The chemicals that give Teflon this property are
call perfluoroalkylated compounds or, more
commonly, PFCs.
Large volumes of PFCs are used in the
manufacture of household items.
Nonstick pans were developed in the 1960s, but
today, a wide variety of products share a similar
chemical structure.
Teflon is even put into clothing to reduce friction.

Comfort socks and many hosiery brands are made

with PFCs.
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is the active
chemical in the production of Teflon and other
nonstick surfaces for pots and pans. About 60 percent
of the cookware sold in the United States contains
nonstick coatings made from PFOAs.
But PFOA is also used in stain-resistant food
packaging and other products designed to repel
soil and grease. It is in the packaging of microwave
popcorn; packaging for fast foods such as french fries,
pizza, and bakery items; and paper plates.
In addition, PFOA is the active ingredient in
stain-resistant sprays for carpets, couches, and other
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is another
widely used chemical that is a derivative of PFC.
For simplicity, I will use the term PFC for all

In This Issue...
Who Does the EPA Work For?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Connection Between Cancer and PFCs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Host of PFC-Related Health Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Case Study: Gluten Causes Menstrual Problems. . . . 4
How to Avoid Toxic PFCs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
In the News: B Vitamins Stop Pancreatic Cancer. . . . 6
Tips for Detoxifying Your Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Ask Dr. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

PFOA- and PFOS-containing products.

When so many consumer products contain PFCs,
its no surprise that 95 percent of Americans have
traces of these chemicals in their bodies. Between the
1960s and the 1980s, there was a tenfold increase in
PFCs found in serum samples from Americans.1
Why would PFC levels be rising so much over
the years? Because they are a class of environmental
contaminants that are known to bioaccumulate.
That means they are very difficult to break down.
In fact, its estimated that PFCs can remain in the
environment for hundreds of years. Therefore, even if
we use fewer PFC-containing products, they will be
with us for many years.
PFCs have now been found in 94 public water
systems across the U.S.2
And its not just humans accumulating these
chemicals. Large amounts of PFCs have been
detected in polar bears, birds, and marine mammals.3
And I doubt they were using nonstick pots and pans.

PFCs Are Known Toxins

Why do all these PFCs around us matter?

In 2006, The United States Environmental
Protection Agencys (EPA) scientific advisory panel
determined that the primary chemical used to make
Teflon PFC is a likely human carcinogen, or
cancer-causing agent.
Chemical plant workers exposed to PFCs on the
job had suffered from a number multiple health
issues including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
at higher rates than the general public.
In addition, high PFC levels are associated with
low birth weight and size in newborn babies,
infertility problems in women, and decline in sperm
viability in men.4
One study compared women with high PFC levels
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to those with lower levels. Women in the highest

three quartiles were found to take much longer to
become pregnant and they had more irregular

Who Does the EPA Work For?

The EPA website ( states, Our mission is

to protect human health and the environment.
You would think that in order to protect human
health and the environment, the EPA would ban
toxic chemicals and hold industries accountable
for polluting and injuring both humans and the
environment. In this case, you would be mistaken.
The EPA has known for more than 30 years that
Teflon and other PFCs are associated with a host of
health issues. Yet the EPA has ignored its own rules
and regulations, and failed to hold companies like
DuPont the manufacturer of Teflon liable for
polluting the environment.
In the early 1980s, DuPont scientists discovered
evidence that an ingredient in Teflon had
contaminated local water supplies and that babies
born to plant workers had that Teflon ingredient in
their blood. Some also suffered from birth defects.
But the company didnt act on their scientists
findings. In fact, DuPont hid the data for two decades
until a lawsuit by the Environmental Working Group
(EWG) brought the information to light.
In 2003, the EWG petitioned the EPA to investigate
these findings. The EPA finished its investigation one
year later and filed three counts against DuPont. The
agency concluded that DuPont had broken the law
by failing to inform the EPA about ingredients in
Teflon that were causing birth defects.
Although the EPA fined DuPont $184 million,
it was too little, too late. During the 20 years the
company was manufacturing Teflon after it knew

Doctor David Brownstein, M.D.

Contributing Editor Matthew Kalash
Art/Production Director Phil Aron
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Please note: All information presented in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health (including answers to reader
questions) is for informational purposes only, and is not specifically applicable to any individuals medical problem(s),
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David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health do not necessarily reflect those of Newsmax Media, Inc.

August 2016

of the adverse effects DuPont was getting more

than $1 billion in revenue per year from PFCs.
Under those circumstances, a one-time $184
million fine from the EPA was hardly significant.
In 2005, the EPA fined DuPont another $16.5
million for failing to disclose the link between
birth defects and PFCs. However, the EPA did not
ban PFCs. Instead, the agency allowed DuPont to
voluntarily phase out the compound over the course
of 10 years.
In 2015, a federal jury declared DuPont liable for
causing a womans kidney cancer by poisoning her
drinking water with a PFC used to make Teflon. The
jury found that DuPont had been dumping PFCs
into the Ohio River. Trial evidence made clear that
DuPont knew that PFCs were hazardous, including a
memo indicating that high rates of birth defects were
occurring in women who worked at DuPont.
This time, the jury made DuPont pay just $1.6
Although DuPont no longer makes Teflon, the
company still manufactures an alternative nonstick
chemical that has never been proven safe.
If the EPA was working for us, it would have
recognized Teflon as a carcinogen and eliminated
its use in consumer products. But the EPA has little
enforcement jurisdiction over chemical companies
testing products for human safety.
In effect, the EPA depends on manufacturers to
report their testing of chemical substances. In the
case of Teflon, that system failed miserably.

accurate term for the human cancer risk from PFOA

would be likely.
The truth is that PFC exposure has been linked to
increased risk of cancer in both humans and animals.
In mice, PFCs were associated with multiple types
of cancer, including breast, liver, pancreatic, and
testicular cancers.
We are experiencing an epidemic of cancer in the
U.S., and I have no doubt that it is being fueled, in
part, by our increasing exposure to PFCs.

The Cancer Connection

David Brownstein, M.D., is a boardcertified family physician and one of

the foremost practitioners of holistic
medicine. Dr. Brownstein has lectured
internationally to physicians and others
about his success with nutritional
therapies in his practice. His books
include Drugs That Dont Work and
Natural Therapies That Do!; Iodine:
Why You Need It, Why You Cant Live
Without It; Salt Your Way To Health; The Miracle of Natural
Hormones; Overcoming Arthritis; Overcoming Thyroid Disorders;
The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet; B12 For Health; The Guide to
a Dairy-Free Diet; and The Soy Deception. He is the medical
director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield,
Mich., where he lives with his wife, Allison, and their two
daughters, Hailey and Jessica. For more information about
Dr. Brownstein, please go to

Animal studies dating back to the 1970s show a

link between PFC exposure and cancer.
In 2002, the EPA declared that PFCs may put
humans at an increased risk for breast cancer.5
Subsequently, the agency backed down from this
claim, even though many scientists still agree with it.
Similarly, the EPA ignored data showing PFC
exposure increased the risk for pancreatic and
testicular cancers, even though research showed
a link.
And in 2005, the EPA issued a draft risk assessment
of PFOA that stated the evidence was suggestive of a
cancer risk in humans.
Ironically, the EPA ignored its own criteria for
determining which substances cause cancer. A more
August 2016

Host of Health Problems From PFCs

In addition to cancer, PFC exposure has been
shown to cause a variety of health problems in
humans and experimental animals.

One particular concern is the potential for prenatal
toxicity that leads to developmental problems.
Animal studies have shown a high mortality rate for
newborn rats and mice that were exposed to PFCs in
utero. Many died within 24 hours of delivery.6
At high-dose exposure to PFCs, there was an
increase in prevalence of birth defects such as cleft
palate, enlarged heart, and other heart defects.7
Animal studies on prenatal PFC exposure also
found a reduction in thyroid hormone production
Continued on page 5

Dr. Bs Case History of the Month

Gluten Sensitivity Leads to Menstrual Problems

In each issue, I will share with you the story of one of
my patients and how sometimes simple alternative
approaches can solve major health problems. Names
and some details have been changed for privacys
sake, but the problems and their resolutions are real.
Dr. David Brownstein
Jess first came to me when she was 20. She was
suffering from fatigue and was not able to have her
period without using birth control pills. She had
started getting her periods normally at age 13, but that
only lasted a year. Her gynecologist told her that its
not abnormal for young ladies to go through episodes
with no menstruation, and from ages 14 to 16, Jess did
not have a period.
Then, at age 16, she suddenly gained 30 pounds.
During this time, she became sluggish and fatigued.
Around that time, Jess was diagnosed with
hypothyroidism. She was given synthetic thyroid,
but it didnt help. I was hoping that taking thyroid
medication would cure my symptoms, but it didnt do
anything, she told me.

Thyroid Gland: A Unique Organ

Hypothyroidism is a common cause of menstrual

irregularities. It can cause amenorrhea (a lack
of bleeding) or menorrhagia (excess bleeding).
Hypothyroidism can also cause menstrual periods to
come infrequently or too frequently.
One of the first things I search for in a woman who
complains of menstrual issues is a thyroid problem. If
the hormone is not properly balanced, it is difficult for
a woman to maintain a normal cycle.
The thyroid gland is a unique organ. It produces
a hormone that is responsible for stimulating the
metabolic rate of every cell in the body. Thyroid
hormone is also required by all other glands in the
body, including the uterus and ovaries.
There are many causes of hypothyroidism,
including iron or iodine deficiency, while B vitamin
deficiencies and toxicities can also negatively impact
the gland.
Jess doctor had sent her to a reproductive
endocrinologist, a type of doctor who specializes in
hormonal problems related to a womans menstrual
cycle. This doctor placed her on the more active
thyroid hormone T3. It helped a little bit, she said.

But I still felt tired and I didnt lose weight.

Next, she was told to take birth control pills, which
are often prescribed to regulate a womans menstrual
cycle. But in Jess case, they didnt stimulate a period.
At that point, Jess parents were so frustrated that
they took her to the Mayo Clinic for an evaluation.
The doctors there verified hypothyroidism as the
diagnosis but also found that Jess was iron deficient.
It was strange that she would be iron deficient,
because she wasnt bleeding with her period. They
tried to find the source of her iron loss, but all the tests
came out negative.

Gluten Triggers Nutritional Deficiencies

When Jess came to see me, I listened to her story

and tried to piece together what was happening with
her. Its unusual for a young woman to have no period
when shes using birth control pills, unless her iron is
too low. And low iron can also cause hypothyroidism.
One cause of iron deficiency is celiac disease, or
gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is a condition in
which the small intestine becomes damaged from
the production of anti-gluten antibodies an
inappropriate immune system response.
The small intestine is where many nutrients,
including iron and vitamin B12, are absorbed. Iron
deficiency can cause problems with thyroid hormone
I checked Jess labs for nutrient and hormone
imbalances. It turned out she had Hashimotos disease,
an autoimmune problem of the thyroid gland.
Jess was also producing antibodies against the
protein gluten. I diagnosed her with a gluten
sensitivity and told her to strictly avoid all gluten,
which is found in wheat, rye, barley, and some oats.
Gluten antibodies can cross-react with thyroid
tissue and trigger an autoimmune response to thyroid
hormone. I have seen many cases of Hashimotos
resolve completely or significantly improve when
gluten is removed from the diet.
I also asked Jess to take vitamin B12 injections twice
a week and changed her thyroid hormone to a natural
version, and placed her on iodine.
Over the next few months, Jess gradually improved.
Her periods returned to normal. The iron deficiency
resolved and her energy level came back to normal.
The weight she had gained also came off easily.

August 2016

Continued from page 3

in newborns. The effect which resembles

hypothyroidism has been found in rats, mice, and
sea birds.
Epidemiological studies have also shown a possible
link between hypothyroidism and exposure to PFCs.8
However, other studies have not confirmed this link.
Thyroid problems are increasing at epidemic rates.
Theres no doubt that PFC exposure is underlying the
rapid rise of these thyroid disorders.
But its not only thyroid hormone that has been
adversely affected by PFCs. Sex hormones such as
testosterone and estrogen have also been reported to
be disrupted by exposure.
More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight
and one-third are obese. I have no doubt that the
obesity epidemic is being caused by a multitude of
factors, including exposure to toxic PFCs.
A recent study found children born to mothers
who were exposed during pregnancy to higher levels
of PFCs had more rapid body fat gain and higher
body fat by age 8 than less exposed children.9
DuPonts studies found that its own workers who
were exposed to Teflon had a 10 percent increase
in cholesterol levels.10 These data correspond
with monkey studies that showed an increase in
cholesterol levels. Other studies have also found
Teflon-exposed workers to have elevated cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a potent antioxidant and also helps
protect cells from toxins. One of the bodys obvious
defense mechanisms when exposed to PFCs and
other toxins is to increase cholesterol production.
Still, one of the worst things a person can do in

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August 2016

Canary in the Coal Mine

Its well-known that the fumes released from
nonstick pans, when heated, can result in household
bird deaths an event called Teflon toxicosis. The
noxious fumes emitted from the heating of Tefloncoated surfaces have actually killed these pets.
One nonstick pan manufacturer even includes
a warning statement with its product line: Fumes
from nonstick pan heated empty can be fatal to
pet birds or cause temporary flu-like symptoms in
humans, including sore throat, fever, chills, shortness
of breath, tightness of the chest, malaise, headache
and cough.
When you understand how toxic PFCs are to birds,
the idea of the, Canary in the coal mine, comes
to mind.

such cases is treat the elevated cholesterol with a drug

like a statin. That will only exacerbate the toxicity
problems caused by PFCs.
PFCs have also been shown to adversely affect
the bodys neurobehavioral system, which governs,
among other things, immunity.
Most of the neurobehavioral problems occurred
with prenatal exposure; adult animals were more
PFC exposure is also known to cause fever in
humans. DuPonts own studies showed that polymer
fume fever occurs when Teflon is exposed to heat at
662 degrees Fahrenheit a temperature that is easily
exceeded when a pan is preheated on a burner or
placed beneath a broiler.11

How to Avoid Toxic PFCs

Though the situation may seem bleak, there are

many positive things that can be done to minimize
exposure to PFCs, and even to detoxify from them.
The first step is minimizing exposure to PFCs,
especially sources that come in contact with high
heat such as nonstick pans.
Other sources of PFCs that should be avoided
Bread makers
Coffee makers

In the News: Reading Between the Medical Headlines

B Vitamins Inhibit
Pancreatic Cancer
Researchers recently looked at
the dietary intake of B vitamins
and their relationship to pancreatic
cancer. In the study, published in
the December 28, 2015 issue of
Cancer, Epidemiology Biomarkers &
Prevention, 63,257 subjects from the
Singapore Chinese Health Study
were examined for an average of 16
years of follow-up.
Among subjects whose intake
of vitamin B6 was in the top 20th
percentile, there was a nearly 50
percent lower risk of developing
pancreatic cancer, compared to the
lowest 20th percentile of B6 intake.
Similarly, higher choline intake
was associated with a 33 percent
decline in pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer kills nearly
40,000 Americans each year.
Conventional medicine has little
to offer in treatment once the
diagnosis is made. And it is a
horrific illness.
Choline is part of the B
vitamin family. It is needed for
cell membrane integrity and
methylation. It can be found in
wheat germ, fish, spinach, broccoli,
and eggs. Symptoms of choline
deficiency include fatty liver
disease, which currently affects a
large percentage of Americans.
Vitamin B6 is needed for
neurotransmitter and hemoglobin
synthesis, as well as glucose and
lipid metabolism. Vitamin B6 can
be found in milk, grains, pork,
turkey, potatoes, pistachios, and
bananas. Processing markedly
lowers vitamin B6 content in food.
It is important to eat a healthy
diet that supplies the body with the
proper nutrients. Over the years, I
have checked thousands of patients
for their vitamin and mineral levels.

Unfortunately, I can report that

most of my patients have nutrient

Magnesium Deficiency
Increases Death Risk

In the January 2016 issue

of the Journal of the American
Heart Association, researchers
from the Netherlands reported
on a study of 9,829 subjects that
went on for nearly nine years to
look at the relationship between
magnesium levels and the risk
of death from heart disease. Low
magnesium levels were associated
with a 36 percent increased risk
of cardiovascular mortality and
increased risk of atherosclerosis.
Conventional medicine does
recognize the importance of
magnesium in treating heart
attacks. However, most doctors and
cardiologists do not use it.
I estimate that magnesium
deficiency occurs in more than onethird of those I have tested. Keep
in mind, many people are deficient
in magnesium even though their
blood tests are in the reference
range. Thats because over the years,
the powers that be have lowered the
reference range for magnesium as
well as other nutrients as we have
become more deficient.
Magnesium can be supplemented
both orally and intravenously. A
holistic healthcare practitioner
can appropriately assess your
magnesium status and recommend
appropriate supplementation.

Blocking Testosterone
Raises Alzheimers Chances

University of Pennsylvania
researchers looked at androgen
deprivation therapy in the
treatment of prostate cancer and
subsequent Alzheimers disease risk.

For the study, 16,888 people with

prostate cancer were examined.
Over a three-year time period,
2,397 were treated with androgen
deprivation therapy drugs that
block testosterone production.
They were compared to control
subjects who did not receive the
therapy. The results were reported
in the February 20, 2016 issue of the
Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Men who received the drugs
that blocked testosterone
production were 88 percent more
likely to develop Alzheimers
disease. Furthermore, longer use
of androgen deprivation therapy
(more than 12 months) was
associated with a doubling of risk
for Alzheimers disease.
Androgen deprivation therapy
has become a standard of care
for men suffering with prostate
cancer, especially those with
advanced prostate cancer. I can state
unequivocally that none of the men
who take androgen deprivation
therapy like it. Invariably, it causes
fatigue, aches, brain fog, depression,
and anxiety, as well as achy muscles
and joints.
Androgen deprivation therapy
does not significantly prolong the
life of a prostate cancer patient. In
fact, due to the adverse effects, it
may actually shorten a mans life.
I am amazed how quickly
androgen deprivation therapy drugs
are prescribed by urologists. For
many years, the prevailing wisdom
was that testosterone stimulated
and/or worsened prostate cancer.
That myth has been proven false.
Prostate cancer is a serious
illness that affects far too many
men. We need better therapies and
we need research to determine why
so many men become afflicted with
prostate cancer.
August 2016

Electric skillets
Hair dryers
Heat lamp covers
Hot air corn poppers
Ironing board covers
Nonstick irons
Slow cookers
Space heaters
Toaster ovens
Waffle makers
Not all nonstick items contain PFCs, but
manufacturers are not required to label their
products with warnings about the chemical.
Therefore, you may need to contact the manufacturer
to find out if the product contains Teflon or some
other PFC that could be released when heated.
If you are going to use a nonstick PFC pan, it is
important to ensure that there is adequate ventilation
in the kitchen. I suggest opening a window and using
a fan to blow the fumes outside.
Of course, its best to use pots and pans without
PFCs. Iron skillets are a better option, and glass
cookware can be a reasonable choice. Stainless steel
cooking surfaces are fine as well.

Tips for Detoxifying Your Body

Because most of us already have PFCs in our

bodies, its important to ensure that the body can get
rid of these chemicals.
The F in PFC stands for fluoride. Fluoride is an
electronegative element and is highly oxidative,
which makes it damaging to the body.
Fluoride also happens to be in the halide
family, which also contains iodine. One halide can
competitively inhibit another.
But the human body needs iodine. In fact, every
cell in the body requires an adequate amount of
iodine to function properly.
After testing more than 6,000 patients, my partners
and I have found that more than 96 are iodine
deficient most severely deficient.
Fluoride toxicity is accelerated when iodine
deficiency is present.
Therefore, the first step toward detoxifying from
PFCs is to ensure adequate iodine intake. The best
food source for iodine is seaweed. Unfortunately,
much of the seaweed available today is contaminated
with other toxins.
August 2016

Therefore, the best way to ensure adequate iodine

levels and to help the body get rid of toxic halides
like fluoride is to take at least 25 mg of iodine
per day.
Ingesting an adequate amount of salt also helps
detoxification. Salt contains the essential halide
chloride, which also aids the detoxification of other
toxic halides. I find that 1 to 2 teaspoons of unrefined
salt per day aid greatly in the detoxification process.
You also must ensure that you drink enough water.
I suggest taking your weight in pounds, dividing the
number by two and drinking that amount of water
(in ounces) every day.
Finally, exercising and sweating aid the
detoxification pathways. I suggest a sauna to help
body sweat, and exercising for at least 30 minutes
three times per week.
PFCs are another example of a common
household toxin that is negatively impacting your
health even if you dont know it.
We cant wait for the EPA, FDA, or other federal
agencies to protect us from harmful chemicals. Those
organizations are simply not equipped to do the job.
Instead, educate yourself and take the appropriate
steps to avoid toxins and enhance your bodys
detoxification pathways.
1. Environ Sci Technol. 2011 Sep 1;45(17):7510-6. doi: 10.1021/es2012275. Epub 2011
Aug 1
2. From Env. Working Group.
3. Env. Pollut. 135:323-9. 2005
4. From Environmental Working Group. Accessed:
5. U.S. EPA. 2002. Revised draft hazard assessment of perfluorooctanoic acid and its
salts. ANNEX 1, Robust summaries U.S. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. 4
November, 2002. AR226-1137. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
6. Arch. Toxicology. 2012. 86:1349-67
7. Toxic. Sci. 74:382-92. 2003.
8. J. Toxicol. Sci. 36:403-10. 2011
9. Obesity. First published online. 11 NOV 2015
DOI: 10.1002/oby.21258
10. Accessed 1.2.16 from:
11. Waritz, R.S. 1975. An industrial approach to evaluation of pyrolysis and combustion
hazards. Environ Health Perspect 11:197-202 and accessed from: http://www.ewg.



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Ask Dr. B
Dear Readers,
I will try to answer as many questions as I can.
However, because of the volume of questions, I
cannot answer each letter personally. Please include
your full name, city, and state when submitting.
If you have a question for me, please email it to:

Why Isnt There More Goiter?

You have written that about 95 percent of people are
iodine deficient. If so, why isnt there a goiter epidemic?
Parrish C., Huntingdon, Pa.
The U.S. Governments National Health and
Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) has
shown that iodine levels have fallen more than 50
percent over the last 40 years. During that time, we
have seen an increase in nearly all endocrine problems,
from thyroid disorders to cancers of the breasts,
ovaries, uterus, pancreas, and prostate.
Yes, iodine deficiency can cause goiter. One of the
reasons we are not seeing as much goiter as we saw in
the beginning of the 20th century is due to iodized
salt. Iodized salt does prevent large goiters, but it
doesnt supply enough iodine for the bodys needs.
Goiter is still a problem, and a doctor who is skilled
at palpating the thyroid which is rare these days
can keep very busy treating patients with enlarged
thyroid glands.

What Can I Do for BPH?

I have had a frequent urination problem since 1964.
A doctor told me I had benign prostatic hypertrophy
without urinary obstruction. Ive tried drugs but
nothing works. Is there anything else I can do?
Benigno V., Weslaco, Texas
Many herbs are effective for treating benign
prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), or an enlarged prostate

gland. Unfortunately, BPH is very common because

the prostate gland is very sensitive to a lack of iodine
and synthetic hormones that are far too common in
our modern world.
Saw palmetto, African pygeum, pumpkin seed
extract, pomegranate extract, stinging nettle root
powder, and lycopene all can lower inflammation in
the prostate and allow for better urine flow. Lastly,
iodine is very important for the prostate gland.
I have seen these treatments work for patients
suffering with BPH.

How Do I Get Rid of Toxic Metals?

I get tested annually for toxic metals. Are there any
natural therapies to help me get rid of these metals?
Laura S., Half Moon Bay, Calif.
Heavy metal toxicity is all too common. I test every
new patient, and I have found that approximately 80
percent have high mercury levels and more than 90
percent have high lead levels. Other metals can be
high as well.
Chelation treatment can help you remove heavy
metals from your body. First, it is important to identify
which metals are high because chelation treatment
varies depending on the metal that is elevated.
Remove the source of the toxicity. In the case of
mercury, the most common sources are mercury
fillings in the mouth. Fish are the next most
common source.
Lead is more difficult because it is all over the
environment and in our food supply. I suggest having
your home water system tested for lead. If it is present,
install a filter that removes toxic metals.

To your good health,

David Brownstein, M.D.

To renew or subscribe to Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health go to: or call 1-800-485-4350

August 2016


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